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The capsule (cps) locus of Streptococcus pneumoniae is flanked by the pbp2x and pbp1a genes, coding for penicillin-binding proteins, enzymes involved in cell wall synthesis that are targets for beta-lactams. This linkage suggested to us that selection for beta-lactam resistance might coselect for capsular transformants. The recombination event would then involve PBP genes, as well as the cps operon, and would change both the serotype and the resistance profile of the strain. We transformed beta-lactam-susceptible strain TIGR4 by using whole genomic DNA extracted from multidrug-resistant strain GA71, a serotype 19F variant of pneumococcal clone Spain(23F)-1, and selected beta-lactam-resistant transformants. Smooth colonies appearing on selective plates were subcultured, serotyped by the Quellung reaction, and genotyped to confirm the presence of the GA71 pbp2x-cps19-pbp1a locus in the TIGR4 genetic background by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the whole locus and its flanking regions. The results showed that a new serotype, combined with resistance to beta-lactams, could emerge in a susceptible strain via a single transformation event. Quantitative analysis showed that transfer of the cps locus had occurred at an elevated rate in beta-lactam-selected transformants. This suggests that in natural settings selection by host immunity and selection by antibiotics may be interrelated because of "hitchhiking" effects due to linkage of resistance determinants and the capsule locus.  相似文献   

Beta‐lactam resistant clinical isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae contain altered penicillin‐binding protein (PBP) genes and occasionally an altered murM, presumably products of interspecies gene transfer. MurM and MurN are responsible for the synthesis of branched lipid II, substrate for the PBP catalyzed transpeptidation reaction. Here we used the high‐level beta‐lactam resistant S. oralis Uo5 as donor in transformation experiments with the sensitive laboratory strain S. pneumoniae R6 as recipient. Surprisingly, piperacillin‐resistant transformants contained no alterations in PBP genes but carried murEUo5 encoding the UDP‐N‐acetylmuramyl tripeptide synthetase. Codons 83–183 of murEUo5 were sufficient to confer the resistance phenotype. Moreover, the promoter of murEUo5, which drives a twofold higher expression compared to that of S. pneumoniae R6, could also confer increased resistance. Multiple independent transformations produced S. pneumoniae R6 derivatives containing murEUo5, pbp2xUo5, pbp1aUo5 and pbp2bUo5, but not murMUo5 sequences; however, the resistance level of the donor strain could not be reached. S. oralis Uo5 harbors an unusual murM, and murN is absent. Accordingly, the peptidoglycan of S. oralis Uo5 contained interpeptide bridges with one L‐Ala residue only. The data suggest that resistance in S. oralis Uo5 is based on a complex interplay of distinct PBPs and other enzymes involved in peptidoglycan biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Interspecies gene transfer has been implicated as the major driving force for the evolution of penicillin resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae. Genomic alterations of S. pneumoniae R6 introduced during four successive transformations with DNA of the high‐level penicillin‐resistant Streptococcus mitis B6 with beta‐lactam selection have now been determined and the contribution of genes to high resistance levels was analysed genetically. Essential for high level resistance to penicillins of the transformant CCCB was the combination of murMB6 and the 3′ region of pbp2bB6. Sequences of both genes were detected in clinical isolates of S. pneumoniae, confirming the participation of S. mitis in the global gene pool of beta‐lactam resistance determinants. The S. mitis PBP1b gene which contains an authentic stop codon within the transpeptidase domain is now shown to contribute only marginal to resistance, but it is possible that the presence of its transglycosylase domain is important in the context of cognate PBPs. The genome sequence of CCCB revealed 36 recombination events, including deletion and acquisition of genes and repeat elements. A total of 78 genes were affected representing 67 kb or 3.3% of the genome, documenting extensive alterations scattered throughout the genome.  相似文献   

The complex and heterogeneous cell wall of the pathogenic bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae is composed of peptidoglycan and a covalently attached wall teichoic acid. The net-like peptidoglycan is formed by glycan chains that are crosslinked by short peptides. We have developed a method to purify the glycan chains, and we show that they are longer than approximately 25 disaccharide units. From purified peptidoglycan, we released 50 muropeptides that differ in the length of their peptides (tri-, tetra-, or pentapeptides with or without mono- or dipeptide branch), the degree of peptide crosslinking (monomer, dimer, or trimer), and the presence of modifications in the glycan chains (N-deacetylation, O-acetylation, or lack of GlcNAc or GlcNAc-MurNAc) or peptides (glutamic acid instead of glutamine). We also established a method to isolate wall teichoic acid chains and show that the most abundant chains have 6 or 7 repeating units. Finally, we obtained solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of whole insoluble cell walls. These novel tools will help to characterize mutant strains, cell wall-modifying enzymes, and protein-cell wall interactions.  相似文献   

The spontaneous development of competence by cultures of Streptococcus pneumoniae in casein hydrolysate medium was strongly dependent on the initial pH of the culture medium. Cells growing in cultures beginning with a wide range of initial pH values (6.8 to 8.0) all developed competence, as measured by [3H]DNA uptake, [3H]DNA degradation and genetic transformation; but the initial pH of the medium affected both the timing of the occurrence of competence and the number of times the culture became competent. In cultures grown in media of lower initial pH, competence occurred only once, at high population densities, while in more alkaline media a succession of competence cycles occurred, beginning at lower cell densities. The critical population density required for the initiation of competence varied tenfold over the pH range studied. Successive competence cycles in an alkaline medium were not equivalent: while the percentage of competent cells in the first competence cycle was high (approximately 80%), that in the second competence cycle was lower (approximately 12%). Correspondingly, competence-specific proteins were less prominent in the labelled-protein pattern of the second competence cycle than in that of the first. These features of the physiology of competence control make it possible to adjust the expression of competence to suit various experimental requirements.  相似文献   

Abstract Mosaic penicillin-binding proteins (PBP) 1A, 2X and 2B genes were cloned from four clinical isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae with levels of susceptibility to penicillin ranging from 1.5 to 16 μg benzylpenicillin ml−1. In each instance it was possible to transform either the penicillin-sensitive laboratory strain R6 or a sensitive clinical isolate 110K/70 to the full level of penicillin resistance with these three penicillin-binding proteins alone. Until now it has not been possible to clearly determine whether alterations to PBP1A, 2X and 2B alone were sufficient to attain high level penicillin resistance.  相似文献   

T Fujii  D Naka  N Toyoda    H Seto 《Journal of bacteriology》1987,169(11):4901-4906
When cells competent for genetic transformation of Streptococcus pneumoniae which could bind and enable entry of extracellular DNA molecules were treated with LiCl, they released a nickase that introduced nicks into a double-stranded DNA in the presence of EDTA. The nickase was specific for competent cells and coupled with DNA-binding activity. Furthermore, when noncompetent cells were treated with LiCl, they released the putative receptors for the competence activator.  相似文献   

The level of penicillin resistance in clinical isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae depends not only on the reduced affinity of penicillin binding proteins (PBPs) but also on the functioning of enzymes that modify the stem peptide structure of cell wall precursors. We used mariner mutagenesis in search of additional genetic determinants that may further attenuate the level of penicillin resistance in the bacteria. A mariner mutant of the highly penicillin-resistant S. pneumoniae strain Pen6 showed reduction of the penicillin minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) from 6 to 0.75 microg ml(-1). Decrease in penicillin MIC was also observed upon introduction of the mutation (named provisionally adr, for attenuator of drug resistance) into representatives of major epidemic clones of penicillin-resistant pneumococci. Attenuation of resistance levels was specific for beta-lactams. The adr mutant has retained unchanged (low affinity) PBPs, unaltered murM gene and unchanged cell wall stem peptide composition, but the mutant became hypersensitive to exogenous lysozyme and complementation experiments showed that both phenotypes--reduced resistance and lysozyme sensitivity--were linked to the defective adr gene. DNA sequence comparison and chemical analysis of the cell wall identified adr as the structural gene of the pneumococcal peptidoglycan O-acetylase.  相似文献   

Interspecies genetic exchange is an important evolutionary mechanism in bacteria. It allows rapid acquisition of novel functions by transmission of adaptive genes between related species. However, the frequency of homologous recombination between bacterial species decreases sharply with the extent of DNA sequence divergence between the donor and the recipient. In Bacillus and Escherichia, this sexual isolation has been shown to be an exponential function of sequence divergence. Here we demonstrate that sexual isolation in transformation between Streptococcus pneumoniae recipient strains and donor DNA from related strains and species follows the described exponential relationship. We show that the Hex mismatch repair system poses a significant barrier to recombination over the entire range of sequence divergence (0.6 to 27%) investigated. Although mismatch repair becomes partially saturated, it is responsible for 34% of the observed sexual isolation. This is greater than the role of mismatch repair in Bacillus but less than that in Escherichia. The remaining non-Hex-mediated barrier to recombination can be provided by a variety of mechanisms. We discuss the possible additional mechanisms of sexual isolation, in view of earlier findings from Bacillus, Escherichia, and Streptococcus.  相似文献   

Abstract Rhodococcus erythropolis strain S1 uses the gentisate pathway to metabolize salicylate and m -hydroxybenzoate and the protocatechuate pathway to degrade p -hydroxybenzoate. m -Hydroxybenzoate 6-hydroxylase was induced by growth on m -hydroxybenzoate or gentisate, and salicylate 5-hydroxylase only by growth on salicylate. p -Hydroxybenzoate 3-hydroxylase could be induced only by growth on p -hydroxybenzoate. m -Hydroxybenzoate or p -hydroxybenzoate could repress the induction of salicylate 5-hydroxylase. Maleylpyruvate isomerase in the gentisate pathway did not require reduced glutathione.  相似文献   

Uptake of DNA and genetic recombination proceeded normally in competent Streptococcus pneumoniae despite inhibition of DNA replication by 6-(p-hydroxyphenylazo)-uracil. Immediately after a brief uptake period, 68% of donor DNA label was in eclipse complex form, and 22% was in low-molecular-weight products; by the completion of integration at 10 min, 23% was integrated into the chromosome, and the rest was lost from the cell. Throughout the process, less than 1% was found as free single strands. The DNA in eclipse complex is therefore an intermediate in the integration process.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pneumoniae R6X was lysogenized with bacteriophage 304 isolated after mitomycin induction of an ungrouped alpha-hemolytic streptococcus. Lysogenized pneumococci lost their capacity to undergo genetic transformation: transformability was restored after cells were spontaneously cured of their prophage. Both lysogens and nonlysogens produced activator substance (competence factor), and both bound deoxyribonucleic acid in a deoxyribonuclease-resistant form. However, nonlysogens retained deoxyribonucleic acid after washing, whereas lysogens did not. The latter did not liberate phage nor (unlike nonlysogens) degrade transforming deoxyribonucleic acid and contained normal levels of endonuclease.  相似文献   

The ability of pneumococci to take up naked DNA from the environment and permanently incorporate the DNA into their genome by recombination has been exploited as a valuable research tool for 80 years. From being viewed as a marginal phenomenon, it has become increasingly clear that horizontal gene transfer by natural transformation is a powerful mechanism for generating genetic diversity, and that it has the potential to cause severe problems for future treatment of pneumococcal disease. This process constitutes a highly efficient mechanism for spreading β-lactam resistance determinants between streptococcal strains and species, and also threatens to undermine the effect of pneumococcal vaccines. Fortunately, great progress has been made during recent decades to elucidate the mechanism behind natural transformation at a molecular level. Increased insight into these matters will be important for future development of therapeutic strategies and countermeasures aimed at reducing the spread of hazardous traits. In this review, we focus on recent developments in our understanding of competence regulation, DNA acquisition and the role of natural transformation in the dissemination of virulence and β-lactam resistance determinants.  相似文献   

Growing cultures of an autolysis-defective pneumococcal mutant were exposed to [3H]benzylpenicillin at various multiples of the minimal inhibitory concentration and incubated until the growth of the cultures was halted. During the process of growth inhibition, we determined the rates and degree of acylation of the five penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) and the rates of peptidoglycan incorporation, protein synthesis, and turbidity increase. The time required for the onset of the inhibitory effects of benzylpenicillin was inversely related to the concentration of the antibiotic, and inhibition of peptidoglycan incorporation always preceded inhibition of protein synthesis and growth. When cultures first started to show the onset of growth inhibition, the same characteristic fraction of each PBP was in the acylated form in all cases, irrespective of the antibiotic concentration. Apparently, saturation of one or more PBPs with the antibiotic beyond these threshold levels is needed to bring about interference with normal peptidoglycan production and cellular growth. Although it was not possible to correlate the inhibition of cell wall synthesis or cell growth with the degree of acylation (percentage saturation) of any single PBP, there was a correlation between the amount of peptidoglycan synthesized and the actual amount of PBP 2b that was not acylated. In cultures exposed to benzylpenicillin concentrations greater than eight times the minimal inhibitory concentration, the rates of peptidoglycan incorporation underwent a rapid decline when bacterial growth stopped. However, in cultures exposed to lower concentrations of benzylpenicillin (one to six times the minimal inhibitory concentration) peptidoglycan synthesis continued at constant rate for prolonged periods, after the turbidity had ceased to increase. We conclude that inhibition of bacterial growth does not require a complete inhibition or even a major decline in the rate of peptidoglycan incorporation. Rather, inhibition of growth must be caused by an as yet undefined process that stops cell division when the rate of incorporation of peptidoglycan (or synthesis of protein) falls below a critical value.  相似文献   

Penicillin-resistant strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae possess forms of penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) that have a low affinity for penicillin compared to those from penicillin-sensitive strains. PBP genes from penicillin-resistant isolates are very variable and have a mosaic structure composed of blocks of nucleotides that are similar to those found in PBP genes from penicillin-sensitive isolates and blocks that differ by up to 21%. These chromosomally encoded mosaic genes have presumably arisen following transformation and homologous recombination with PBP genes from a number of closely related species. This study shows that PBP2B genes from many penicillin-resistant isolates of S. pneumoniae contain blocks of nucleotides originating from Streptococcus mitis. In several instances it would appear that this material alone is sufficient to produce a low affinity PBP2B. In other examples PBP2B genes possess blocks of nucleotides from S. mitis and at least one additional unidentified species. Mosaic structure was aiso found in the PBP2B genes of penicillin-sensitive isolates of S. mitis or S. pneumoniae. These mosaics did not confer penicillin resistance but nevertheless reveal something of the extent to which localized recombination occurs in these naturally transformable streptococci.  相似文献   

Inhibition of murein biosynthesis in Streptococcus pneumoniae by either penicillin or bacitracin leads to an increase in the amount of protein secreted into the medium. This process was studied in wild-type cells grown under lysis-permissive conditions as well as in an autolysin-deficient mutant. The time course of secretion did not follow cellular lysis but commenced immediately after the addition of the cell wall inhibitor in a manner similar to that described recently for cell wall and membrane components in various tolerant streptococci. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that this increase was not due to the stimulation of release of three protein components which are secreted under normal growth conditions; rather, a complex set of cellular proteins escaped from the antibiotic-treated pneumococci. The proteins released during bacitracin treatment was slightly different from those observed when penicillin was used. Analysis on sucrose gradients indicated that the secreted proteins were membrane bound rather than soluble. Membrane vesicles could indeed be detected by electron microscopy of negative-stained secreted material.  相似文献   

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from the covalently closed circular DNA molecules of Pseudomonas phage PM2 was found to enter normally transformable cells of Streptococcus pneumoniae as readily as linear bacterial DNA. In a mutant of S. pneumoniae that lacks a membrane nuclease and is defective in DNA entry, as many molecules of PM2 DNA as of linear DNA were bound on the outside of cells at equivalent DNA concentrations. Bound DNA suffered single-strand breaks, but circular DNA with preexisting breaks was bound no better than closed circles. In the presence of divalent cations, DNA bound to cells of a leaky nuclease mutant showed double-strand breaks. At least the majority of PM2 DNA that entered normal cells was single stranded. These results are consistent with a mechanism for DNA entry in which DNA is first nicked on binding, then a double-strand break is formed by cleavage of the complementary strand, and continued processive action of the membrane nuclease facilitates entry of the originally nicked strand. Although the bulk of circular donor DNA appeared to enter in this way, the results do not exclude entry of a small amount of donor DNA in an intact form.  相似文献   

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