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With the rapid increase in the size of the genome sequence database, computational analysis of RNA will become increasingly important in revealing structure-function relationships and potential drug targets. RNA secondary structure prediction for a single sequence is 73 % accurate on average for a large database of known secondary structures. This level of accuracy provides a good starting point for determining a secondary structure either by comparative sequence analysis or by the interpretation of experimental studies. Dynalign is a new computer algorithm that improves the accuracy of structure prediction by combining free energy minimization and comparative sequence analysis to find a low free energy structure common to two sequences without requiring any sequence identity. It uses a dynamic programming construct suggested by Sankoff. Dynalign, however, restricts the maximum distance, M, allowed between aligned nucleotides in the two sequences. This makes the calculation tractable because the complexity is simplified to O(M(3)N(3)), where N is the length of the shorter sequence.The accuracy of Dynalign was tested with sets of 13 tRNAs, seven 5 S rRNAs, and two R2 3' UTR sequences. On average, Dynalign predicted 86.1 % of known base-pairs in the tRNAs, as compared to 59.7 % for free energy minimization alone. For the 5 S rRNAs, the average accuracy improves from 47.8 % to 86.4 %. The secondary structure of the R2 3' UTR from Drosophila takahashii is poorly predicted by standard free energy minimization. With Dynalign, however, the structure predicted in tandem with the sequence from Drosophila melanogaster nearly matches the structure determined by comparative sequence analysis.  相似文献   

Dynamic programming algorithms that predict RNA secondary structure by minimizing the free energy have had one important limitation. They were able to predict only one optimal structure. Given the uncertainties of the thermodynamic data and the effects of proteins and other environmental factors on structure, the optimal structure predicted by these methods may not have biological significance. We present a dynamic programming algorithm that can determine optimal and suboptimal secondary structures for an RNA. The power and utility of the method is demonstrated in the folding of the intervening sequence of the rRNA of Tetrahymena. By first identifying the major secondary structures corresponding to the lowest free energy minima, a secondary structure of possible biological significance is derived.  相似文献   

We developed a dynamic programming approach of computing common sequence structure patterns among two RNAs given their primary sequences and their secondary structures. Common patterns between two RNAs are defined to share the same local sequential and structural properties. The locality is based on the connections of nucleotides given by their phosphodiester and hydrogen bonds. The idea of interpreting secondary structures as chains of structure elements leads us to develop an efficient dynamic programming approach in time O(nm) and space O(nm), where n and m are the lengths of the RNAs. The biological motivation is given by detecting common, local regions of RNAs, although they do not necessarily share global sequential and structural properties. This might happen if RNAs fold into different structures but share a lot of local, stable regions. Here, we illustrate our algorithm on Hepatitis C virus internal ribosome entry sites. Our method is useful for detecting and describing local motifs as well. An implementation in C++ is available and can be obtained by contacting one of the authors.  相似文献   



Complexity and noise in expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) studies make it difficult to distinguish potential regulatory relationships among the many interactions. The predominant method of identifying eQTLs finds associations that are significant at a genome-wide level. The vast number of statistical tests carried out on these data make false negatives very likely. Corrections for multiple testing error render genome-wide eQTL techniques unable to detect modest regulatory effects.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: RNA structure motifs contained in mRNAs have been found to play important roles in regulating gene expression. However, identification of novel RNA regulatory motifs using computational methods has not been widely explored. Effective tools for predicting novel RNA regulatory motifs based on genomic sequences are needed. RESULTS: We present a new method for predicting common RNA secondary structure motifs in a set of functionally or evolutionarily related RNA sequences. This method is based on comparison of stems (palindromic helices) between sequences and is implemented by applying graph-theoretical approaches. It first finds all possible stable stems in each sequence and compares stems pairwise between sequences by some defined features to find stems conserved across any two sequences. Then by applying a maximum clique finding algorithm, it finds all significant stems conserved across at least k sequences. Finally, it assembles in topological order all possible compatible conserved stems shared by at least k sequences and reports a number of the best assembled stem sets as the best candidate common structure motifs. This method does not require prior structural alignment of the sequences and is able to detect pseudoknot structures. We have tested this approach on some RNA sequences with known secondary structures, in which it is capable of detecting the real structures completely or partially correctly and outperforms other existing programs for similar purposes. AVAILABILITY: The algorithm has been implemented in C++ in a program called comRNA, which is available at http://ural.wustl.edu/softwares.html  相似文献   



Covariance models (CMs) are probabilistic models of RNA secondary structure, analogous to profile hidden Markov models of linear sequence. The dynamic programming algorithm for aligning a CM to an RNA sequence of length N is O(N 3) in memory. This is only practical for small RNAs.  相似文献   

We focus on finding a consensus motif of a set of homologous or functionally related RNA molecules. Recent approaches to this problem have been limited to simple motifs, require sequence alignment, and make prior assumptions concerning the data set. We use genetic programming to predict RNA consensus motifs based solely on the data set. Our system -- dubbed GeRNAMo (Genetic programming of RNA Motifs) -- predicts the most common motifs without sequence alignment and is capable of dealing with any motif size. Our program only requires the maximum number of stems in the motif, and if prior knowledge is available the user can specify other attributes of the motif (e.g., the range of the motif's minimum and maximum sizes), thereby increasing both sensitivity and speed. We describe several experiments using either ferritin iron response element (IRE); signal recognition particle (SRP); or microRNA sequences, showing that the most common motif is found repeatedly, and that our system offers substantial advantages over previous methods.  相似文献   

The recent interest sparked due to the discovery of a variety of functions for non-coding RNA molecules has highlighted the need for suitable tools for the analysis and the comparison of RNA sequences. Many trans-acting non-coding RNA genes and cis-acting RNA regulatory elements present motifs, conserved both in structure and sequence, that can be hardly detected by primary sequence analysis alone. We present an algorithm that takes as input a set of unaligned RNA sequences expected to share a common motif, and outputs the regions that are most conserved throughout the sequences, according to a similarity measure that takes into account both the sequence of the regions and the secondary structure they can form according to base-pairing and thermodynamic rules. Only a single parameter is needed as input, which denotes the number of distinct hairpins the motif has to contain. No further constraints on the size, number and position of the single elements comprising the motif are required. The algorithm can be split into two parts: first, it extracts from each input sequence a set of candidate regions whose predicted optimal secondary structure contains the number of hairpins given as input. Then, the regions selected are compared with each other to find the groups of most similar ones, formed by a region taken from each sequence. To avoid exhaustive enumeration of the search space and to reduce the execution time, a greedy heuristic is introduced for this task. We present different experiments, which show that the algorithm is capable of characterizing and discovering known regulatory motifs in mRNA like the iron responsive element (IRE) and selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) stem–loop structures. We also show how it can be applied to corrupted datasets in which a motif does not appear in all the input sequences, as well as to the discovery of more complex motifs in the non-coding RNA.  相似文献   

In this study we apply a genetic algorithm to a set of RNA sequences to find common RNA secondary structures. Our method is a three-step procedure. At the first stage of the procedure for each sequence, a genetic algorithm is used to optimize the structures in a population to a certain degree of stability. In this step, the free energy of a structure is the fitness criterion for the algorithm. Next, for each structure, we define a measure of structural conservation with respect to those in other sequences. We use this measure in a genetic algorithm to improve the structural similarity among sequences for the structures in the population of a sequence. Finally, we select those structures satisfying certain conditions of structural stability and similarity as predicted common structures for a set of RNA sequences. We have obtained satisfactory results from a set of tRNA, 5S rRNA, rev response elements (RRE) of HIV-1 and RRE of HIV-2/SIV, respectively.  相似文献   

In functional, noncoding RNA, structure is often essential to function. While the full 3D structure is very difficult to determine, the 2D structure of an RNA molecule gives good clues to its 3D structure, and for molecules of moderate length, it can be predicted with good reliability. Structure comparison is, in analogy to sequence comparison, the essential technique to infer related function. We provide a method for computing multiple alignments of RNA secondary structures under the tree alignment model, which is suitable to cluster RNA molecules purely on the structural level, i.e., sequence similarity is not required. We give a systematic generalization of the profile alignment method from strings to trees and forests. We introduce a tree profile representation of RNA secondary structure alignments which allows reasonable scoring in structure comparison. Besides the technical aspects, an RNA profile is a useful data structure to represent multiple structures of RNA sequences. Moreover, we propose a visualization of RNA consensus structures that is enriched by the full sequence information.  相似文献   

Homologous non-coding RNAs frequently exhibit domain insertions, where a branch of secondary structure is inserted in a sequence with respect to its homologs. Dynamic programming algorithms for common secondary structure prediction of multiple RNA homologs, however, do not account for these domain insertions. This paper introduces a novel dynamic programming algorithm methodology that explicitly accounts for the possibility of inserted domains when predicting common RNA secondary structures. The algorithm is implemented as Dynalign II, an update to the Dynalign software package for predicting the common secondary structure of two RNA homologs. This update is accomplished with negligible increase in computational cost. Benchmarks on ncRNA families with domain insertions validate the method. Over base pairs occurring in inserted domains, Dynalign II improves accuracy over Dynalign, attaining 80.8% sensitivity (compared with 14.4% for Dynalign) and 91.4% positive predictive value (PPV) for tRNA; 66.5% sensitivity (compared with 38.9% for Dynalign) and 57.0% PPV for RNase P RNA; and 50.1% sensitivity (compared with 24.3% for Dynalign) and 58.5% PPV for SRP RNA. Compared with Dynalign, Dynalign II also exhibits statistically significant improvements in overall sensitivity and PPV. Dynalign II is available as a component of RNAstructure, which can be downloaded from http://rna.urmc.rochester.edu/RNAstructure.html.  相似文献   



The secondary structure of an RNA must be known before the relationship between its structure and function can be determined. One way to predict the secondary structure of an RNA is to identify covarying residues that maintain the pairings (Watson-Crick, Wobble and non-canonical pairings). This "comparative approach" consists of identifying mutations from homologous sequence alignments. The sequences must covary enough for compensatory mutations to be revealed, but comparison is difficult if they are too different. Thus the choice of homologous sequences is critical. While many possible combinations of homologous sequences may be used for prediction, only a few will give good structure predictions. This can be due to poor quality alignment in stems or to the variability of certain sequences. This problem of sequence selection is currently unsolved.  相似文献   

A kinetic approach to the prediction of RNA secondary structures   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A new approach to the prediction of secondary RNA structures based on the analysis of the kinetics of molecular self-organisation is proposed herein. The Markov process is used to describe structural reconstructions during secondary structure formation. This process is modelled by a Monte-Carlo method. Examples of the calculation by this method of the secondary structures kinetic ensemble are given. Distribution of time-dependent probabilities within the ensembles is obtained. An effective method for search for the equilibrium ensemble is also suggested. This method is based on the construction of a tree of all possible secondary structures of RNA. By ascribing a probability for each structure (according to its free energy) the Boltzmann equilibrium ensemble can be obtained.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Non-coding RNA genes and RNA structural regulatory motifs play important roles in gene regulation and other cellular functions. They are often characterized by specific secondary structures that are critical to their functions and are often conserved in phylogenetically or functionally related sequences. Predicting common RNA secondary structures in multiple unaligned sequences remains a challenge in bioinformatics research. Methods and RESULTS: We present a new sampling based algorithm to predict common RNA secondary structures in multiple unaligned sequences. Our algorithm finds the common structure between two sequences by probabilistically sampling aligned stems based on stem conservation calculated from intrasequence base pairing probabilities and intersequence base alignment probabilities. It iteratively updates these probabilities based on sampled structures and subsequently recalculates stem conservation using the updated probabilities. The iterative process terminates upon convergence of the sampled structures. We extend the algorithm to multiple sequences by a consistency-based method, which iteratively incorporates and reinforces consistent structure information from pairwise comparisons into consensus structures. The algorithm has no limitation on predicting pseudoknots. In extensive testing on real sequence data, our algorithm outperformed other leading RNA structure prediction methods in both sensitivity and specificity with a reasonably fast speed. It also generated better structural alignments than other programs in sequences of a wide range of identities, which more accurately represent the RNA secondary structure conservations. AVAILABILITY: The algorithm is implemented in a C program, RNA Sampler, which is available at http://ural.wustl.edu/software.html  相似文献   

A segment-based approach to protein secondary structure prediction.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Amino acid sequence patterns have been used to identify the location of turns in globular proteins [Cohen et al. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 266-275]. We have developed sequence patterns that facilitate the prediction of helices in all helical proteins. Regular expression patterns recognize the component parts of a helix: the amino terminus (N-cap), the core of the helix (core), and the carboxy terminus (C-cap). These patterns recognize the core features of helices with a 95% success rate and the N- and C-capping features with success rates of 56% and 48%, respectively. A metapattern language, ALPPS, coordinates the recognition of turns and helical components in a scheme that predicts the location and extent of alpha-helices. On the basis of raw residue scoring, a 71% success rate is observed. By focusing on the recognition of core helical features, we achieve a 78% success rate. Amended scoring procedures are presented and discussed, and comparisons are made to other predictive schemes.  相似文献   

顾倜  蔡磊鑫  王帅  吕强 《生物信息学》2017,15(3):142-148
假结是RNA中一种重要的结构,由于建模的困难导致它更难被预测。通过碱基之间的配对概率来预测含假结RNA二级结构的Prob Knot算法具有很高的精度,但该算法仅用了配对概率作为预测依据,导致阴性配对大量出现,因此精度中的特异性较低。实验结合Prob Knot算法中碱基配对概率模型,通过使用多目标遗传算法,从而提高预测含假结RNA二级结构的特异性,以此促进总体精度的提高。实验过程中,首先计算出每个碱基成为单链的概率,作为新增的预测依据,然后使用遗传算法对RNA二级结构进行交叉、变异和迭代,最后得到Pareto最优解,进一步得出最高的最大期望精度。实验结果表明,在使用的RNA案例中,采用该方法比现有方法精度平均提高约4%。  相似文献   

The development of algorithms for designing artificial RNA sequences that fold into specific secondary structures has many potential biomedical and synthetic biology applications. To date, this problem remains computationally difficult, and current strategies to address it resort to heuristics and stochastic search techniques. The most popular methods consist of two steps: First a random seed sequence is generated; next, this seed is progressively modified (i.e. mutated) to adopt the desired folding properties. Although computationally inexpensive, this approach raises several questions such as (i) the influence of the seed; and (ii) the efficiency of single-path directed searches that may be affected by energy barriers in the mutational landscape. In this article, we present RNA-ensign, a novel paradigm for RNA design. Instead of taking a progressive adaptive walk driven by local search criteria, we use an efficient global sampling algorithm to examine large regions of the mutational landscape under structural and thermodynamical constraints until a solution is found. When considering the influence of the seeds and the target secondary structures, our results show that, compared to single-path directed searches, our approach is more robust, succeeds more often and generates more thermodynamically stable sequences. An ensemble approach to RNA design is thus well worth pursuing as a complement to existing approaches. RNA-ensign is available at http://csb.cs.mcgill.ca/RNAensign.  相似文献   

RNA binding proteins recognize RNA targets in a sequence specific manner. Apart from the sequence, the secondary structure context of the binding site also affects the binding affinity. Binding sites are often located in single-stranded RNA regions and it was shown that the sequestration of a binding motif in a double-strand abolishes protein binding. Thus, it is desirable to include knowledge about RNA secondary structures when searching for the binding motif of a protein. We present the approach MEMERIS for searching sequence motifs in a set of RNA sequences and simultaneously integrating information about secondary structures. To abstract from specific structural elements, we precompute position-specific values measuring the single-strandedness of all substrings of an RNA sequence. These values are used as prior knowledge about the motif starts to guide the motif search. Extensive tests with artificial and biological data demonstrate that MEMERIS is able to identify motifs in single-stranded regions even if a stronger motif located in double-strand parts exists. The discovered motif occurrences in biological datasets mostly coincide with known protein-binding sites. This algorithm can be used for finding the binding motif of single-stranded RNA-binding proteins in SELEX or other biological sequence data.  相似文献   

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