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Olisthodiscus luteus is a unicellular biflagellate alga which contains many small discoidal chloroplasts. This naturally wall-less organism can be axenically maintained on a defined nonprecipitating artificial seawater medium. Sufficient light, the presence of bicarbonate, minimum mechanical turbulence, and the addition of vitamin B12 to the culture medium are important factors in the maintenance of a good growth response. Cells can be induced to divide synchronously when subject to a 12-hour light/12-hour dark cycle. The chronology of cell division, DNA synthesis, and plastid replication has been studied during this synchronous growth cycle. Cell division begins at hour 4 in the dark and terminates at hour 3 in the light, whereas DNA synthesis initiates 3 hours prior to cell division and terminates at hour 10 in the dark. Synchronous replication of the cell's numerous chloroplasts begins at hour 10 in the light and terminates almost 8 hours before cell division is completed. The average number of chloroplasts found in an exponentially growing synchronous culture is rather stringently maintained at 20 to 21 plastids per cell, although a large variability in plastid complement (4-50) is observed within individual cells of the population. A change in the physiological condition of an Olisthodiscus cell may cause an alteration of this chloroplast complement. For example, during the linear growth period, chloroplast number is reduced to 14 plastids per cell. In addition, when Olisthodiscus cells are grown in medium lacking vitamin B12, plastid replication continues in the absence of cell division thereby increasing the cell's plastid complement significantly.  相似文献   

This study represents the first report on chloroplast protein synthesis during the synchronous cell growth of a chromophytic (chlorophyll a,c) plant. When the unicellular alga Olisthodiscus luteus is maintained on a 12-hour light:12-hour dark cycle, cell and chloroplast number double every 24 hours. A temporal separation between these two events occurs. Measurements of chloroplast and total cellular protein values suggest that polypeptide synthesis occurs mainly in the light portion of the cell cycle, and pulse chase studies demonstrate that chloroplast proteins made in the light are not degraded in the dark. Data support the following conclusions: (a) a similar complement of chloroplast DNA coded proteins is made at all phases of the light portion of the cell cycle, and (b) chloroplast protein synthesis is a light rather than a cell cycle mediated response.  相似文献   

The kinetic complexity of chloroplast DNA isolated from the chromophytic alga Olisthodiscus luteus has been determined. Using optical reassociation techniques, it was shown that the plastid DNA of this alga reacted as a single component with a second order rate constant of 4.1 molar−1 and second−1 (Cot½ 0.24 molar second) under conditions equivalent to 180 millimolar Na+ and 60°C. Given the 92 × 105 dalton complexity calculated for this chloroplast genome, an Olisthodiscus cell contains 650 plastome copies. Although this complement remains constant throughout the growth cycle of the organism, the ploidy level of an individual chloroplast shows significant plasticity and is dependent upon the number of chloroplasts present per cell. Experiments with the DNA fluorochrome Hoechst dye 33258 (bisbenzimide) demonstrate that plastids isolated from all phases of cell growth each possess a ring-shaped nucleoid containing detectable DNA. Olisthodiscus chloroplast DNA showed no sequence mismatch when thermal denaturation profiles of reassociated chloroplast DNA were examined, thus all plastome copies are essentially identical. Finally, reassociation studies demonstrated that no foldback (short inverted repeat) sequences were present in the plastid genome although significant hairpin loop structures were observed in control nuclear DNA samples.  相似文献   

An endonuclease purified from Micrococcus luteus makes single-strand breaks in ultraviolet (UV)-irradiated, native deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The purified endonuclease is able to reactivate UV-inactivated transforming DNA of Haemophilus influenzae, especially when the DNA is assayed on a UV-sensitive mutant of H. influenzae. After extensive endonuclease action, there is a loss of transforming DNA when assayed on both UV-sensitive and -resistant cells. The endonuclease does not affect unirradiated DNA. The results indicate that the endonuclease function is involved in the repair of biological damage resulting from UV irradiation and that the UV-sensitive mutant is deficient in this step. We interpret the data as indicating that the various steps in the repair of DNA must be well coordinated if repair is to be effective.  相似文献   

Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase) was purified from the marine chromophyte Olisthodiscus luteus. This study represents the first extensive analysis of RuBPCase from a chromophytic plant species as well as from an organism where both subunits of the enzyme are encoded on the chloroplast genome. The size of the purified holoenzyme (17.9 Svedberg units, 588 kilodaltons) was determined by sedimentation analysis and the size of the subunits (55 kilodaltons, 15 kilodaltons) ascertained by analytical sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. This data predicts either an 8:9 or 8:8 ratio of the large to small subunits in the holoenzyme. Amino acid analyses demonstrate that the O. luteus RuBPCase large subunit is highly conserved and the small subunit much less so when compared with the chlorophytic plant peptides. The catalytic optima of pH and Mg2+ have been determined as well as the response of enzyme catalysis to temperature. The requirements of NaHCO3 and Mg2+ for enzyme activation have also been analyzed. The Michaelis constants for the substrates of the carboxylation reaction (CO2 and ribulose bisphosphate) were shown to be 45 and 48 micromolar, respectively. Competitive inhibition by oxygen of RuBPCase-catalyzed CO2 fixation was also demonstrated. These data demonstrate that a high degree of RuBPCase conservation occurs among widely divergent photoautotrophs regardless of small subunit coding site.  相似文献   

H Jang  IM Ehrenreich 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e41307
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a model system for studying cilia, photosynthesis, and other core features of eukaryotes, and is also an emerging source of biofuels. Despite its importance to basic and applied biological research, the level and pattern of genetic variation in this haploid green alga has yet to be characterized on a genome-wide scale. To improve understanding of C. reinhardtii's genetic variability, we generated low coverage whole genome resequencing data for nearly all of the available isolates of this species, which were sampled from a number of sites in North America over the past ~70 years. Based on the analysis of more than 62,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms, we identified two groups of isolates that represent geographical subpopulations of the species. We also found that measurements of genetic diversity were highly variable throughout the genome, in part due to technical factors. We studied the level and pattern of linkage disequilibrium (LD), and observed one chromosome that exhibits elevated LD. Furthermore, we detected widespread evidence of recombination across the genome, which implies that outcrossing occurs in natural populations of this species. In summary, our study provides multiple insights into the sequence diversity of C. reinhardtii that will be useful to future studies of natural genetic variation in this organism.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) from the marine chromophytic alga, Olisthodiscus luteus, has been isolated using a whole cell lysis method followed by CsCl-Hoechst 33258 dye gradient centrifugation. This DNA, which has a buoyant density of 1.691 grams per cubic centimeter was identified as plastidic in origin by enrichment experiments. Inclusion of the nuclease inhibitor aurintricarboxylic acid in all lysis buffers was mandatory for isolation of high molecular weight DNA. Long linear molecules (40 to 48 micrometers) with considerable internal organization comprised the majority of the ctDNA isolated, whereas supertwisted ctDNA and open circular molecules averaging 46 micrometers were occasionally present. Also observed in this study were folded ctDNA molecules with electron dense centers (“rosettes”) and plastid DNA molecules which have a tightly wound “key-ring” center. The ctDNA of Olisthodiscus has a contour length that is median to the size range reported for chlorophytic plants.  相似文献   

Host and viral deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) metabolism in LPP-1-infected Plectonema boryanum was studied by equilibrium centrifugation in CsCl gradients. Approximately 50% of the host DNA is degraded to acid-soluble material between 3 and 7 hr after infection. Most of the acid-soluble product is reincorporated into viral DNA. Incorporation of exogenous (3)H-adenine into viral DNA can be detected very early after infection (within the first 2 hr), but the bulk of viral DNA synthesis occurs between 6 and 8 hr. Both the breakdown of host DNA and the synthesis of viral DNA require protein synthesis during the first few hours of infection.  相似文献   

An endonuclease purified approximately 3,200-fold from Micrococcus luteus is active on native ultraviolet-irradiated deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), but is inactive on unirradiated native or denatured DNA and has no activity toward irradiated denatured DNA. The major type of lesion for the nucleolytic activity is the cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer. The enzyme makes a number of single-strand breaks approximately equal to the number of dimers, but dimers are not excised. This endonuclease-a small molecular weight protein-therefore has all the attributes hypothesized for the first enzyme in the sequential steps in repair of DNA in vivo. Another paper shows that the endonuclease is able to reactivate ultraviolet-irradiated transforming DNA.  相似文献   

The chrysophyte Olisthodiscus luteus is not ingested by Synchaetacecilia. It inhibits the feeding on other, acceptable food atO. luteus densities as low as 50 cells ml–1 and reducessurvival and reproduction at O. luteus densities > 103 cellsml–1. The possible mechanisms and implications of thisphenomenon for the distribution and abundance of S. ceciliaare discussed.  相似文献   

Isolated nuclei of the unicellular alga Olisthodiscus luteus, the uninucleate dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii and the binucleate dinoflagellate Peridinium balticum were lysed and deposited on grids by the microcentrifugation technique. The ultrastructure of the released chromatin fibers was compared to that of mouse liver nuclei. Chromatin from nuclei of Olisthodiscus luteus and the eukaryotic1 nuclei of Peridinium balticum, appeared as linear arrays of regularly repeating subunits which were identical in size and morphology to mouse nucleosomes. In contrast, the chromatin fibers from Crypthecodinium cohnii nuclei appeared as smoothe threads with a diameter of about 6.5 nm. Nuclear preparations containing mixtures of dinokaryotic and eukaryotic nuclei of Peridinium balticum also contained smooth fibers which most likely originated from the dinokaryotic nuclei. These and other results demonstrating the presence of nucleosomes in lower eukaryotes suggest that the subunit structure of chromatin arose very early in the evolution of the eukaryotic cell.  相似文献   

The isolation of chloroplast and nuclear DNA from dark- and light-grown, control- and 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole-treated wheat seedlings, Triticum vulgare, is described. Contrary to a previous report, we found that chloroplast and nuclear DNA had similar buoyant densities (1.702 grams per cubic centimeter) and that they could not be resolved by buoyant density centrifugation in CsCl. Difference in renaturation behavior of the chloroplast and nuclear DNA was used as the criterion for distinguishing one from the other. Only chloroplast DNA readily renatured whereas nuclear DNA renatured only slightly. Light-grown, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole-treated plants were found to lack detectable quantities of chloroplast DNA whereas treated, dark-grown plants contained plastid DNA. We suggest that 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole affects the accumulation of chloroplast DNA by inhibiting the formation of chloroplast membranes, enzymes, and pigments.  相似文献   

The effect of nalidixic acid on the growth of various deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) bacteriophages has been investigated by one-step growth experiments. The Escherichia coli bacteriophages T5, lambda, T7 and phiR are strongly inhibited by nalidixic acid, whereas T4 and T2 are only partially inhibited. The Bacillus subtilis bacteriophages SP82, SP50, and phi29 are relatively unaffected by nalidixic acid. There is no correlation between those bacteriophages which can grow in the presence of nalidixic acid and the presence of an unusual base in the phage DNA.  相似文献   

Analysis of nuclei of adenovirus 12-infected cells revealed that viral DNA replicated in association with the nuclear membrane and that complete viral DNA was liberated from the nuclear membrane. Analysis of isolated nuclei in vitro showed that DNA polymerase activity increased in the nuclear membrane of adenovirus 12-infected cells without addition of primer DNA.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a cluster of ribosomal protein genes in the plastid genome of a unicellular red alga, Cyanidioschyzon merolae, which has been supposed to be the most primitive alga, was determined. The phylogenetic tree inferred from the amino acid sequence of ribosomal proteins of two rhodophytes, a chromophyte, a glaucophyte, two chlorophytes (land plants), a cyanobacterium, and three eubacteria suggested a close relationship between the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC6803 and the plastids of various species in the kingdom Plantae, which is consistent with the hypothesis of the endosymbiotic origin of plastids. In this tree, the two species of rhodophytes were grouped with the chromophyte, and the glaucophyte was grouped with the chlorophytes. Analysis of the organization of the genes encoding the ribosomal proteins suggested that the translocation of the str cluster occurred early in the lineage of rhodophytes and chromophytes after these groups had been separated from chlorophytes and glaucophytes. Received: 2 June 1997 / Accepted: 15 July 1997  相似文献   

Endonuclease I, exonuclease I, and exonuclease II-deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) polymerase I activities are not vital functions in Escherichia coli, although the latter two enzymes have been indirectly shown to be involved in DNA repair processes. Acridines such as acridine orange and proflavine interfere with repair in vivo, and we find that such compounds inhibit the in vitro activity of exonuclease I and DNA polymerase I but stimulate endonuclease I activity and hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl thymidine-5′-phosphate by exonuclease II. Another acridine, 10-methylacridinium chloride, binds strongly to DNA but is relatively inert both in vivo and in vitro. These experiments suggest that acridines affect enzyme activity by interacting with the enzyme directly as well as with DNA. Resulting conformational changes in the DNA-dependent enzymes might explain why similar acridines which form similar DNA complexes have such a wide range of physiological effects. Differential sensitivity of exonuclease I and DNA polymerase I to acridine inhibition relative to other DNA-dependent enzymes may contribute to the acridine sensitivity of DNA repair.  相似文献   

Deoxyribonucleic acid aggregates in the presence of a component of Neopeptone at low ionic strength and thereby loses its ability to bind to competent bacteria. The reversible and concentration-dependent nature of this aggregation is the basis of the helping effect in transformation.  相似文献   

The N(6)-methyladenine (MeAde) and 5-methylcytosine (MeC) contents in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of bacteriophage lambda has been analyzed as a function of host specificity. The following facts have emerged: (i) lambda grown on strains harboring the P1 prophage contain ca. 70 more MeAde residues/DNA molecule than lambda grown either in the P1-sensitive parent, or in a P1 immune-defective lysogen which does not confer P1 modification; (ii) lambda grown on strains harboring the N-3 drug-resistance factor contain ca. 60 more MeC residues/DNA molecule than lambda grown on the parental strain lacking the factor; (iii) lambda grown in Escherichia coli B strains is devoid of MeC, whereas lambda grown in a B (N-3) host contains a high level of MeC; (iv) the MeAde content in lambda DNA is not affected by the N-3 factor. These results suggest that P1 controls an adenine-specific DNA methylase, and that the N-3 plasmid controls a cytosine-specific DNA methylase. The N-3 factor has been observed previously to direct cytosine-specific methylation of phage P22 DNA and E. coli B DNA in vivo; in vitro studies presented here demonstrate this activity.  相似文献   

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