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After removal of the nasal or the temporal two-thirds of the embryonic (stage 32) eye, the remaining one-third sized fragment undergoes wound healing and then, in most cases, regenerates to form a new eye. Using gross anatomy and histology techniques, we categorized eye fragments into three healing mode categories over the first 24 hr after surgery (stage 37-38). Representative animals were reared through metamorphosis and their visuotectal projections were assayed using standard electrophysiology techniques. In the "rounded-up" healing mode, the cut edges of the fragment pinch to close the wound; retinal cell type layers (pigmented retinal epithelium (pre), photoreceptors, interneurons, ganglion cells) and a lens are present by 24 hr postsurgery. No extraneous or disorganized cells are present either internal or external to the fragments. These fragments regenerated to form normal projections 83% of the time and pattern duplicated projections only 17% of the time. In the "intermediate" healing mode, wound closure is not complete by 24 hr post surgery and groups of disorganized cells are present in the fragment and amassed between the healing cut edges. These fragments formed pattern duplicated projections 72% of the time. In the tongue healing mode, an ectopic mass of cells, contiguous with the main body of the fragment, forms a supernumerary retina in the region of the ablation. At 24 hr post surgery, the cells of the main body fragment form retinal layers; the cells of the tongue, excluding the presence of differentiated pre cells, remain undifferentiated, resembling ciliary margin. The cut edges of the main body fragment eventually fuse with the tongue to form a single eyeball. Tongue fragments formed pattern duplicated projections 100% of the time. In addition, pattern duplicated points derived from nasal fragments appeared most often in the posterior region of the tectum, the normal site of innervation of the nasal retina. This differed significantly from temporal fragment derived duplicated points which appeared more often in the front of the tectum, the normal site of innervation by temporal retina. Thus, the specificity of pattern duplicated innervation is related to the positional values remaining in the fragment after partial retinal ablation. The data indicate that cell movements during healing, whether overt as in the tongue healing mode, or remaining internal to the fragment as in the intermediate healing mode, are intimately correlated with pattern forming mechanisms which underlie pathological visuotectal duplication.  相似文献   

A M Snape  J C Smith 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(17):4556-4565
We describe a novel protein kinase, Pk9.7, and its role in cell division in the Xenopus embryo. Pk9.7 is transcribed only during blastula and gastrula stages. Expression of Pk9.7 in Xenopus oocytes induces meiotic maturation, while overexpression in embryos blocks blastomere cleavage in a MAP kinase-independent fashion. In both Pk9.7-injected oocytes and mitotic cells of cleavage-blocked embryos, chromosomes appear detached from abnormal spindles, and in oocytes additional microtubule structures are formed, suggesting that one function of Pk9.7 is to regulate formation of, and chromosome attachment to, the spindle. Consistent with this, Pk9.7 co-immunoprecipitates tubulin and phosphorylates it in vitro. Pk9.7 expression coincides with the switch from maternal to zygotic control of the cell cycle, and with the switch from microtubule independence to microtubule dependence. Our results suggest that Pk9.7 plays a role in these processes.  相似文献   

The combination of genetic and molecular biology techniques has uncovered the intricacies of several gene networks controlling developmental processes. In the face of such complex regulatory networks, developmental geneticists cannot rely on reasoning alone; a thorough understanding of the spatio-temporal properties of these networks clearly requires the use of proper computational tools and methods.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of auxin polar transport disrupt normal embryogenesis and thus specific spatial auxin distribution due to auxin movement may be important in establishing embryonic pattern formation in plants. In the present study, the distribution of the photoaffinity labeling agent tritiated 5-azidoindole-3-acetic acid ([3H],5-N3IAA), an analog of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), was visualized in zygotic wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) embryos grown in vitro and in planta, and used to deduce auxin transport pathways in these embryos. This study provides the first direct evidence that the distribution of auxin, here [3H],5-N3IAA, is heterogeneous and changes during embryo development. In particular, the shift from radial to bilateral symmetry was correlated with a redistribution of [3H],5-N3IAA in the embryo. Furthermore, in bilaterally symmetrical embryos, that is, embryos in the late transition stage or older, the localization of [3H],5-N3IAA was altered by N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid, a specific inhibitor of auxin polar transport. No significant effect was observed in radially symmetrical embryos, that is, globular embryos, or very early transition embryos. Thus, the shift from radial to bilateral symmetry is associated with the onset of active, directed auxin transport involved in auxin redistribution. A change in the distribution of [3H],5-N3IAA was also observed in morphologically abnormal embryos induced on media supplemented with auxin or auxin polar transport inhibitors. By means of a microscale technique, free IAA concentration was measured in in vitro- and in planta-grown embryos and was found to increase during development. Therefore, IAA may be synthesized or released from conjugates in bilaterally symmetrical embryos, although import from surrounding tissues cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Blastema formation, the initial stage of epimorphic limb regeneration in amphibians, is an essential process to produce regenerates. In our study on nerve dependency of blastema formation, we used forelimb of Xenopus laevis froglets as a system and applied some histological and molecular approaches in order to determine early events during blastema formation. We also investigated the lateral wound healing in comparison to blastema formation in limb regeneration. Our study confirmed at the molecular level that there are nerve-dependent and -independent events during blastema formation after limb amputation, Tbx5 and Prx1, reliable markers of initiation of limb regeneration, that start to be expressed independently of nerve supply, although their expressions cannot be maintained without nerve supply. We also found that cell proliferation activity, cell survival and expression of Fgf8, Fgf10 and Msx1 in the blastema were affected by denervation, suggesting that these events specific for blastema outgrowth are controlled by the nerve supply. Wound healing, which is thought to be categorized into tissue regeneration, shares some nerve-independent events with epimorphic limb regeneration, although the healing process results in simple restoration of wounded tissue. Overall, our results demonstrate that dedifferentiated blastemal cells formed at the initial phase of limb regeneration must enter the nerve-dependent epimorphic phase for further processes, including blastema outgrowth, and that failure of entry results in a simple redifferentiation as tissue regeneration.  相似文献   

We describe the spatial and temporal patterns of cell division in the early Xenopus embryo, concentrating on the period between the midblastula transition and the early tailbud stage. Mitotic cells were identified using an antibody recognising phosphorylated histone H3. At least four observations are of interest. First, axial mesodermal cells, including prospective notochord, stop dividing after involution and may not divide thereafter. Second, cell division is more pronounced in the neural plate than in nonneural ectoderm, and the pattern of cell division becomes further refined as neurogenesis proceeds. Third, cells in the cement gland cease proliferation completely as they begin to accumulate pigment. Finally, the precursors of peripheral sensory organs such as the ear and olfactory placode undergo active cell proliferation when they arise from the sensorial layer of the ectoderm. These observations and others should provide a platform to study the relationship between the regulation of developmental processes and the cell cycle during Xenopus embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Neurogenesis in the retina requires the concerted action of three different cellular processes: proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. Class IA phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) is a heterodimer composed of a p85 regulatory and a p110 catalytic subunit. p110alpha has been shown to regulate cell division and survival. Little is known of its function in development, however, as p110alpha knockout mice exhibit CNS defects, but death at early embryonic stages impairs further study. Here, we examine the role of PI3K in mouse retina development by expressing an activating form of PI3K regulatory subunit, p65(PI3K), as a transgene in the retina. Mice expressing p65(PI3K) showed severely disrupted retina morphogenesis, with ectopic cell masses in the neuroepithelium that evolved into infoldings of adult retinal cell layers. These changes correlated with an altered cell proliferation/cell death balance at early developmental stages. Nonetheless, the most affected cell layer in adult retina was that of photoreceptors, which correlated with selectively increased survival of these cells at developmental stages at which cell division has ceased. These results demonstrate the relevance of accurate PI3K regulation for normal retinal development, supporting class IA PI3K involvement in induction of cell division at early stages of neurogenesis. These data also show that, even after cell division decline, PI3K activation mediates survival of differentiated neurons in vivo.  相似文献   

Ion channels are transmembrane proteins whose canonical function is the transport of ions across the plasma membrane to regulate cell membrane potential and play an essential role in neural communication, nerve conduction, and muscle contraction. However, over the last few years, non-canonical functions have been identified for many channels, having active roles in phagocytosis, invasiveness, proliferation, among others. The participation of some channels in cell proliferation has raised the question of whether they may play an active role in mitosis. There are several reports showing the participation of channels during interphase, however, the direct participation of ion channels in mitosis has received less attention. In this article, we summarize the current evidence on the participation of ion channels in mitosis. We also summarize some tools that would allow the study of ion channels and cell cycle regulatory molecules in individual cells during mitosis.  相似文献   

In Xenopus embryos, previous results failed to detect changes in the activity of free calcium ions (Ca2+i) during cell division using Ca2(+)-selective microelectrodes, while experiments with aequorin yielded uncertain results complicated by the variation during cell division of the aequorin concentration to cell volume ratio. We now report, using Ca2(+)-selective microelectrodes, that cell division in Xenopus embryos is accompanied by periodic oscillations of the Ca2+i level, which occur with a periodicity of 30 min, equal to that of the cell cycle. These Ca2+i oscillations were detected in 24 out of 35 experiments, and had a mean amplitude of 70 nM, around a basal Ca2+i level of 0.40 microM. Ca2+i oscillations did not take place in the absence of cell division, either in artificially activated eggs or in cleavage-blocked embryos. Therefore, Ca2+i oscillations do not represent, unlike intracellular pH oscillations (Grandin, N., and M. Charbonneau. J. Cell Biol. 111:523-532. 1990), a component of the basic cell cycle ("cytoplasmic clock" or "master oscillator"), but appear to be more likely related to some events of mitosis.  相似文献   

A new culture system for the embryonic pancreas enables the formation of a branched organ in vitro. In such cultures, each terminal branch originates as a small bud and the number of buds and of terminal branches increases progressively with the expansion of the culture. However buds can also be resorbed during growth. The normal labelling index of cells in incipient buds ("tips") is greater than between buds ("dips") suggesting that budding may be driven by a local increase of cell division. Consistent with this, treatments that reduce cell division repress the formation of buds and branches. It is not possible to initiate budding in isolated endodermal epithelium by treatment with fibroblast growth factor, although this does increase the degree of differentiation of exocrine cells. Cultures in which cell division is completely inhibited by aphidicolin treatment will produce more endocrine cells than usual and inhibit the differentiation of exocrine cells. Consistent with this it is found that in untreated cultures the division of endocrine precursors cannot be detected by BrdU labelling whereas the division of exocrine precursors is frequent. It is concluded that cell division is necessary for bud formation in the embryonic pancreas and that the growth factors required for this normally come from the mesenchyme. Cell division is also necessary for exocrine differentiation. Endocrine cells, however, can arise from undifferentiated progenitors without cell division.  相似文献   

The looped organization of the eukaryotic genome mediated by a skeletal framework of non-histone proteins is conserved throughout the cell cycle. The radial loop/scaffold model envisages that the higher order architecture of metaphase chromosomes relies on an axial structure around which looped DNA domains are radially arranged through stable attachment sites. In this light we investigated the relationship between the looped organization and overall morphology of chromosomes. In developing Xenopus laevis embryos at gastrulation, the bulk of the loops associated with histone-depleted nuclei exhibit a significant size increase, as visualized by fluorescence microscopy of the fully extended DNA halo surrounding high salt treated, ethidium bromide stained nuclei. This implies a reduction in the number of looped domains anchored to the supporting nucleoskeletal structure. The cytological analysis of metaphase plates from acetic acid fixed whole embryos, carried out in the absence of drugs inducing chromosome condensation, reveals a progressive thickening and shortening of metaphase chromosomes during development. We interpret these findings as a strong indication that the size and number of DNA loops influence the thickness and length of the chromosomes, respectively. The quantitative analysis of chromosome length distributions at different developmental stages suggests that the shortening is timed differently in different embryonic cells.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial gene expression and inductive interactions control the establishment of the body plan during embryogenesis in invertebrates and vertebrates. The best-studied vertebrate model system is the amphibian embryo. Seventy-five years after the famous organizer experiment of Hans Spemann and Hilde Mangold in 1924 our knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of the multi-step formation of embryonic axis has substantially improved. Although in the 30s and 40s the interest of many laboratories was focussed on neural induction (determination of the central nervous system), only crude factors from so-called heterogeneous inducers (liver, bone marrow, etc.,) could be isolated by the traditional biochemical techniques available at this time. An important breakthrough was the characterization and purification of a mesoderm inducing factor, the so-called vegetalizing factor (homologous to Activin) in highly purified from chicken embryos. Much later after the introduction of molecular techniques Vgl and Activin (both belonging to the TGF-β family) and FGFs could be identified as important factors for mesoderm formation. It was in the 90s that secreted neuralizing factors (chordin, noggin, follistatin and cerberus) could be detected, which are expressed at the dorsal side of the early embryo including the Spemann organizer. In contrast to the classical view, these proteins act as antagonists to factors like BMP-4 localized on the ventral side. Of special interest was the fact that inDrosophila sog, homologous to chordin, determines the ventral side, whiledpp, homologous toBMP-4, participates in the formation of the dorsal side. These data of evolutionary conserved genes in both invertebrates and vertebrates support the view that they are descendents of common ancestors, the urbilateralia, living around 300 million years ago. The expression of those genes coding for secreted proteins is closely related to inductive interactions between cells and germ layers. Recently it was shown that planar signals are not sufficient to generate a specific anterior/posterior pattern during the primary steps of neural induction, i.e., formation of the central nervous system in amphibians.  相似文献   

Summary Patterning processes during embryonic development of Hydractinia echinata were analysed for alterations in morphology and physiology as well as for changes at the cellular level by means of treatment with proportioning altering factor (PAF). PAF is an endogenous factor known to change body proportions and to stimulate nerve cell differentiation in hydroids (Plickert 1987, 1989). Applied during early embryogenesis, this factor interferes with the proper establishment of polarity in the embryo. Instead of normal shaped planulae with one single anterior and one single posterior end, larvae with multiple termini develop. Preferentially, supernumerary posterior ends, which give rise to polyp head structures during metamorphosis, form while anterior ends are reduced. The formation of such polycaudal larvae coincide with an increase in the number of interstitial cells and their derivatives at the expense of epithelial cells. Treatment of further advanced embryonic stages causes an increase in length, presumably due to the general stimulation of cell proliferation observed in such embryos. Also, the spatial arrangement of cells (i.e. cells in proliferation and RFamide (Arg-Phe-amide immunopositive nerve cells) is altered by PAF. Larvae that develop from treated embryos display altered physiological properties and are remarkably different from normal planulae with respect to their morphogenetic potential: (1) Larvae lose their capacity to regenerate missing anterior parts; isolated posterior larva fragments form regenerates of a bicaudal phenotype. (2) In accordance with the frequently observed reduction of anterior structures, the capacity to respond to metamorphosis-inducing stimuli decreases. (3) The morphogenetic potential to form basal polyp parts is found to be reduced. In contrast, the potential to form head structures during metamorphosis increases, since primary polyps with supernumerary hypostomes and tentacles metamorphose from treated animals.  相似文献   

Cell division and cell enlargement during potato tuber formation   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Cell division and cell enlargement were studied to reveal the developmental mechanism of potato tuberization using both in vivo in vitro culture systems. Distribution of cells in S-phase was visualized by immunolabelling of incorporated bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). Mitosis was detected in DAPI (4,6-di-amidino-2-phenylindole) or toluidine blue-stained sections. Timing and frequency of cell division were determined by daily cell counting, and cell enlargement was deduced from measurements of cell diameters.Under in vivo conditions, lateral underground buds developed into stolons due to transverse cell divisions and cell elongation in the apical region of the buds. At the onset of tuber formation, the elongation of stolons stopped and cells in pith and cortex enlarged and divided longitudinally, resulting in the swelling of the stolon tip. When tubers had a diameter of 0.8 cm, longitudinal divisions had stopped but randomly oriented division and cell enlargement occurred in the perimedullary region and continued until tubers reached their final diameter.In vitro tubers were formed by axillary buds on single node cuttings cultured under tuber-including conditions. They stopped growing at a diameter of 0.8 cm. Pith and cortex were involved in tuberization such as that found during the early stage of in vivo tuberization (<0.8 cm in diameter). The larger size of in vivo tubers is, however, due to further development of the perimedullary region, which is lacking in vitro conditions.Keywords: Cell division, cell enlargement, DNA synthesis, in vitro culture, potato, tuber formation.   相似文献   

The locus specificities which enable retinal ganglion cells to assemble a topographic retinotectal map are patterned about a pair of (anteroposterior and dorsoventral) retinal axes set down in the early eye bud. We have transplanted a Xenopus laevis eye bud, at stage 2324 when the retinal field is still responsive to the axial signals from the surrounding tissues, into the enucleated eye socket of a comparable stage Ambystoma maculatum embryo. Three days later, when the Xenopus eye had reached early larval stages and was no longer responsive to extraocular signals, the eye was retransplanted into the socket of the Xenopus final carrier embryo. The pattern of retinotectal connections between the eye and the carrier's optic tectum was examined by electrophysiological analysis of the visuotectal projections. The results indicated that many of the retinae had patterned locus specificities about axes derived from the salamander intermediate host. We infer that axial signaling involves fundamental cellular processes which have been highly conserved during evolution.  相似文献   

The results of recent studies have supported the idea that the ability to organize the formation of axes such as the anteroposterior and proximodistal axes corresponds to limb regeneration ability in Xenopus. In this study, we investigated the mechanism by which the dorsoventral (D-V) axis of regenerating Xenopus limbs is established and the relationships between D-V patterning and regenerative ability. Transplantation experiments were performed to study which epidermis or mesenchyme is responsible for the D-V patterning in regenerating limbs. Naked mesenchyme of a donor limb was rotated and implanted on a host opposite-side limb stump to make a reversed recombination about the D-V axis. The resultant regenerates had a normal-looking D-V pattern, including Lmx-1 expression, muscle pattern, and joints, in stage 52 recombinants and a reversed D-V pattern in stage 55 recombinants. Further experiments in recombination at stage 52 and stage 55 showed that the epidermal signal is responsible for producing the D-V pattern in the regenerating blastema. These results, together with the finding that Lmx-1 expression is absent in the froglet forelimb blastema, suggest that D-V axis formation is a key step in understanding the loss of regenerative ability.  相似文献   

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