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Dictyostelium discoideum uses G protein-mediated signal transduction for many vegetative and developmental functions, suggesting the existence of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) other than the four known cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) receptors (cAR1-4). Sequences of the cAMP receptors were used to identify Dictyostelium genes encoding cAMP receptor-like proteins, CrlA-C. Limited sequence identity between these putative GPCRs and the cAMP receptors suggests the Crl receptors are unlikely to be receptors for cAMP. The crl genes are expressed at various times during growth and the developmental life cycle. Disruption of individual crl genes did not impair chemotactic responses to folic acid or cAMP or alter cAMP-dependent aggregation. However, crlA mutants grew to a higher cell density than did wild-type cells and high-copy-number crlA expression vectors were detrimental to cell viability, suggesting that CrlA is a negative regulator of cell growth. In addition, crlA mutants produce large aggregates with delayed anterior tip formation indicating a role for the CrlA receptor in the development of the anterior prestalk cell region. The scarcity of GFP-expressing crlA mutants in the anterior prestalk cell region of chimeric organisms supports a cell-autonomous role for the CrlA receptor in prestalk cell differentiation.  相似文献   

LARGE is a putative glycosyltransferase found to be mutated in mice with myodystrophy or patients with congenital muscular dystrophy. By homology searches, we identified in the Dictyostelium discoideum genome four open reading frames, i.e. gnt12-15, encoding proteins with sequence similarity to LARGE. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed distinct temporal expression patterns of the four gnt genes throughout Dictyostelium development. To explore the gene function, we performed targeted disruptions of gnt14 and gnt15. The gnt14(-) strains showed no obvious phenotypes. However, gnt15(-) cells grew slowly, changed in morphology, and displayed a developmental phenotype arresting at early stages. Compared with the wild type, gnt15(-) cells were more adhesive and exhibited altered levels of some surface adhesion molecules. Moreover, lectin-binding analysis demonstrated that gnt15 disruption affected profiles of membrane glycoproteins. Taken together, our data suggest that Gnt15 is essential for Dictyostelium development and may have a role in modulating cell adhesion and glycosylation.  相似文献   

The Dictyostelium mutant HSB1 is temperature-sensitive for development, undergoing aggregation and fruiting body formation at temperatures below 18 degrees C but not above. In vivo G protein-linked adenylyl cyclase activation is defective in HSB1, and the enzyme is not stimulated in vitro by GTPgammaS; stimulation is restored upon addition of wild-type cytosol. Transfection with the gene encoding the cytosolic regulator PIA rescued the mutant. We excluded the possibility that HSB1 cells fail to express PIA and show that the HSB1 piaA gene harbors a point mutation, resulting in the amino acid exchange G(917)D. Both wild-type and HSB1 cells were also transfected with the HSB1 piaA gene. The piaA(HSB1) gene product displayed a partial inhibitory effect on wild-type cell development. We hypothesize that PIA couples the heterotrimeric G protein to adenylyl cyclase via two binding sites, one of which is altered in a temperature-sensitive way by the HSB1 mutation. When overexpressed in the wild-type background, PIA(HSB1) competes with wild-type PIA via the nonmutated binding site, resulting in dominant-negative inhibition of development. Expression of GFP-fused PIA shows that PIA is homogeneously distributed in the cytoplasm of chemotactically moving cells.  相似文献   

Spalten (Spn), a member of the PP2C family of Ser/Thr protein phosphatases, is required for Dictyostelium cell-type differentiation and morphogenesis. We have identified a new protein kinase, ARCK-1, through a second site suppressor screen for mutants that allow spn null cells to proceed further through development. ARCK-1 has a C-terminal kinase domain most closely related to Ser/Thr protein kinases and an N-terminal putative regulatory domain with ankyrin repeats, a 14-3-3 binding domain, and a C1 domain, which is required for binding to RasBGTP in a two-hybrid assay. Disruption of the gene encoding ARCK-1 results in weak, late developmental defects. However, overexpression of ARCK-1 phenocopies the spn null phenotype, consistent with Spn and ARCK-1 being on the same developmental pathway. Our previous analyses of Spn and the present analysis of ARCK-1 suggest a model in which Spn and ARCK-1 differentially control the phosphorylation state of a protein that regulates cell-type differentiation. Dephosphorylation of the substrate by Spn is required for cell-type differentiation. Control of ARCK-1 and Spn activities by upstream signals is proposed to be part of the developmental regulatory program mediating cell-fate decisions in Dictyostelium.  相似文献   

We have previously identified a stalk-specific wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)-binding protein, wst34, in the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum [Biochem. Cell Biol. 68 (1990) 699]. Here, we found another stalk-specific WGA-binding protein, wst25, which was detected with two antisera that recognize wst34. Using the two marker proteins, we then analyzed and compared the pathways of prestalk-to-stalk maturation and prespore-to-stalk conversion in vitro and in vivo. Prestalk cells isolated from normally formed slugs can be converted to stalk cells (designated StI) in vitro with 8-bromo-cAMP (Br-cAMP), whereas prespore cells isolated from slugs can be converted to fully vacuolated stalk cells (designated StII) in vitro with Br-cAMP and DIF-1. During the process of prespore-to-stalk conversion, prespore-specific mRNAs, D19 and 2H3, disappeared rapidly, while prestalk-specific mRNAs, ecmA and ecmB, appeared at 2h of incubation and increased thereafter. Most importantly, however, the StII cells thus formed were biochemically different from the StI cells originated from prestalk cells; that is, StI cells expressed wst34 but not wst25, while StII cells expressed wst25 but not wst34. When prespore cells isolated from slugs were allowed to develop on a substratum, they differentiated into spores and stalk cells and formed fruiting bodies, and the stalk cells formed from prespore cells in vivo expressed wst25 but not wst34. The present results indicate that there are two types of stalk cells, StI (prestalk-origin) and StII (prespore-origin), and that wst34 and wst25 are the specific markers for StI and StII, respectively.  相似文献   

A key event in Dictyostelium development is the formation of the Mexican hat. This corresponds to a commitment step in morphogenesis that irreversibly signals progression from the slug stage to the fruiting body. We describe the characterization of the dhkK gene that controls this morphogenetic step. Null mutants of dhkK repeatedly attempt, and fail, to undergo morphogenesis from the slug to the Mexican hat, causing them to exhibit a "slugger" phenotype, which cannot be corrected by co-development with wild-type cells. The dhkK gene encodes a putative receptor histidine kinase whose expression is enriched in prestalk cells in the slug. Uniquely for a histidine kinase, DhkK is located in the nuclear envelope. Entry into culmination requires the DhkK response regulator domain, which appears to directly regulate cyclic AMP signaling.  相似文献   

Cells display chemotaxis and electrotaxis by migrating directionally in gradients of specific chemicals or electrical potential. Chemotaxis in Dictyostelium discoideum is mediated by G protein–coupled receptors. The unique Gβ is essential for all chemotactic responses, although different chemoattractants use different receptors and Gα subunits. Dictyostelium amoebae show striking electrotaxis in an applied direct current electric field. Perhaps electrotaxis and chemotaxis share similar signaling mechanisms? Null mutation of Gβ and cAMP receptor 1 and Gα2 did not abolish electrotaxis, although Gβ-null mutations showed suppressed electrotaxis. By contrast, G protein signaling plays an essential role in chemotaxis. G protein–coupled receptor signaling was monitored with PHcrac–green fluorescent protein, which translocates to inositol phospholipids at the leading edge of cells during chemotaxis. There was no intracellular gradient of this protein during electrotaxis. However, F-actin was polymerized at the leading edge of cells during electrotaxis. We conclude that reception and transduction of the electrotaxis signal are largely independent of G protein–coupled receptor signaling and that the pathways driving chemotaxis and electrotaxis intersect downstream of heterotrimeric G proteins to invoke cytoskeletal elements.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium is the only non-metazoan with functionally analyzed SH2 domains and studying them can give insights into their evolution and wider potential. LrrB has a novel domain configuration with leucine-rich repeat, 14-3-3 and SH2 protein–protein interaction modules. It is required for the correct expression of several specific genes in early development and here we characterize its role in later, multicellular development. During development in the light, slug formation in LrrB null (lrrB-) mutants is delayed relative to the parental strain, and the slugs are highly defective in phototaxis and thermotaxis. In the dark the mutant arrests development as an elongated mound, in a hitherto unreported process we term dark stalling. The developmental and phototaxis defects are cell autonomous and marker analysis shows that the pstO prestalk sub-region of the slug is aberrant in the lrrB- mutant. Expression profiling, by parallel micro-array and deep RNA sequence analyses, reveals many other alterations in prestalk-specific gene expression in lrrB- slugs, including reduced expression of the ecmB gene and elevated expression of ampA. During culmination ampA is ectopically expressed in the stalk, there is no expression of ampA and ecmB in the lower cup and the mutant fruiting bodies lack a basal disc. The basal disc cup derives from the pstB cells and this population is greatly reduced in the lrrB- mutant. This anatomical feature is a hallmark of mutants aberrant in signaling by DIF-1, the polyketide that induces prestalk and stalk cell differentiation. In a DIF-1 induction assay the lrrB- mutant is profoundly defective in ecmB activation but only marginally defective in ecmA induction. Thus the mutation partially uncouples these two inductive events. In early development LrrB interacts physically and functionally with CldA, another SH2 domain containing protein. However, the CldA null mutant does not phenocopy the lrrB- in its aberrant multicellular development or phototaxis defect, implying that the early and late functions of LrrB are affected in different ways. These observations, coupled with its domain structure, suggest that LrrB is an SH2 adaptor protein active in diverse developmental signaling pathways.  相似文献   

G protein Gα subunits contribute to the specificity of different signal transduction pathways in Dictyostelium discoideum but Gα subunit-effector interactions have not been previously identified. The requirement of the Dictyostelium Gα4 subunit for MAP kinase (MAPK) activation and the identification of a putative MAPK docking site (D-motif) in this subunit suggested a possible interaction between the Gα4 subunit and MAPKs. In vivo association of the Gα4 subunit and ERK2 was demonstrated by pull-down and co-immunoprecipitation assays. Alteration of the D-motif reduced Gα4 subunit-ERK2 interactions but only slightly altered MAPK activation in response to folate. Expression of the Gα4 subunit with the altered D-motif in gα4cells allowed for slug formation but not the morphogenesis associated with culmination. Expression of this mutant Gα4 subunit was sufficient to rescue chemotactic movement to folate. Alteration of the D-motif also reduced the aggregation defect associated with constitutively active Gα4 subunits. These results suggest Gα4 subunit-MAPK interactions are necessary for developmental morphogenesis but not for chemotaxis to folate.  相似文献   

The disruption of the gene encoding the Dictyostelium Ras subfamily protein, RasC, results in a strain that does not aggregate and has defects in both cAMP signal relay and cAMP chemotaxis. Disruption of a second gene in the rasC(-) strain by Restriction Enzyme Mediated Integration produced cells that were capable of forming multicellular structures in plaques on bacterial lawns. The disrupted gene (dmpA) encoded a novel membrane protein that was designated Dmp1. Although the rasC(-)/dmpA(-) cells progressed through early development, they did not form aggregation streams on a plastic surface under submerged starvation conditions. Phosphorylation of PKB in response to cAMP, which is significantly reduced in rasC(-) cells, remained low in the rasC(-)/dmpA(-) cells. However, in spite of this low PKB phosphorylation, the rasC(-)/dmpA(-) cells underwent efficient chemotaxis to cAMP in a spatial gradient. Cyclic AMP accumulation, which was greatly reduced in the rasC(-) cells, was restored in the rasC(-)/dmpA(-) strain, but cAMP relay in these cells was not apparent. These data indicate that although the rasC(-)/dmpA(-) cells were capable of associating to form multicellular structures, normal aggregative cell signaling was clearly not restored. Disruption of the dmpA gene in a wild-type background resulted in cells that exhibited a slight defect in aggregation and a more substantial defect in late development. These results indicate that, in addition to the role played by Dmp1 in aggregation, it is also involved in late development.  相似文献   

The mau-8(qm57) mutation inhibits the function of GPB-2, a heterotrimeric G protein beta subunit, and profoundly affects behavior through the Galphaq/Galphao signaling network in C. elegans. mau-8 encodes a nematode Phosducin-like Protein (PhLP), and the qm57 mutation leads to the loss of a predicted phosphorylation site in the C-terminal domain of PhLP that binds the Gbetagamma surface implicated in membrane interactions. In developing embryos, MAU-8/PhLP localizes to the cortical region, concentrates at the centrosomes of mitotic cells and remains associated with the germline blastomere. In adult animals, MAU-8/PhLP is ubiquitously expressed in somatic tissues and germline cells. MAU-8/PhLP interacts with the PAR-5/14.3.3 protein and with the Gbeta subunit GPB-1. In mau-8 mutants, the disruption of MAU-8/PhLP stabilizes the association of GPB-1 with the microtubules of centrosomes. Our results indicate that MAU-8/PhLP modulates G protein signaling, stability and subcellular location to regulate various physiological functions, and they suggest that MAU-8 might not be limited to the Galphaq/Galphao network.  相似文献   

FMRP is an RNA binding protein linked to the most common form of inherited mental retardation, Fragile X syndrome (FraX). In addition to severe cognitive deficits, FraX etiology includes postpubescent macroorchidism, which is thought to result from overproliferation. Using a Drosophila FraX model, we show that FMRP controls germline proliferation during oogenesis. dFmr1 null ovaries contain egg chambers with both fewer and supranumerary germ cells. The mutant germaria contain a significantly increased number of cyclin E and PhosphoHistone H3 positive cells, suggesting that loss of FMRP leads to defects in cell cycle progression. BrdU incorporation and flow cytometry data suggest that, in addition to proliferation, germline endoreplication and ploidy are also affected by the loss of FMRP during ovary development. Here we report that FMRP controls the levels of cbl mRNA in the ovary and that reducing cbl gene dosage by half rescues the dFmr1 oogenesis phenotypes. These data support a model whereby FMRP controls germline proliferation by regulating the expression of cbl in the developing ovary.  相似文献   

Phospholipase D (PLD) plays various roles in important biological processes and physiological functions, including cell signaling. Streptomyces PLDs show significant sequence similarity and belong to the PLD superfamily containing two catalytic HKD motifs. These PLDs have conserved catalytic regions and are among the smallest PLD enzymes. Therefore, Streptomyces PLDs are thought to be suitable models for studying the reaction mechanism among PLDs from other sources. Furthermore, Streptomyces PLDs present advantages related to their broad substrate specificity and ease of enzyme preparation. Moreover, the tertiary structure of PLD has been elucidated only for PLD from Streptomyces sp. PMF. This article presents a review of recently reported studies of the mechanism of the catalytic reaction, substrate recognition, substrate specificity and stability of Streptomyces PLD using various protein engineering methods and surface plasmon resonance analysis.  相似文献   

In this study we show that mitochondria of Dictyostelium discoideum contain both alternative oxidase (AOX) and uncoupling protein (UCP). AOX was stimulated by purine mononucleoside and was monomeric. UCP was stimulated by free fatty acids and was poorly sensitive to GTP. Both proteins collaborated in energy dissipation when activated together. AOX expression in free-living ameboid cells decreased strongly from exponential to stationary phase of growth but much less during starvation-induced aggregation. In contrast, UCP expression was constant in all conditions indicating permanent need. Our results suggest that AOX could play a role in cell differentiation, mainly by protecting prespore cells from programmed cell death.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster neuroblasts (NBs) undergo asymmetric divisions during which cell-fate determinants localize asymmetrically, mitotic spindles orient along the apical-basal axis, and unequal-sized daughter cells appear. We identified here the first Drosophila mutant in the Ggamma1 subunit of heterotrimeric G protein, which produces Ggamma1 lacking its membrane anchor site and exhibits phenotypes identical to those of Gbeta13F, including abnormal spindle asymmetry and spindle orientation in NB divisions. This mutant fails to bind Gbeta13F to the membrane, indicating an essential role of cortical Ggamma1-Gbeta13F signaling in asymmetric divisions. In Ggamma1 and Gbeta13F mutant NBs, Pins-Galphai, which normally localize in the apical cortex, no longer distribute asymmetrically. However, the other apical components, Bazooka-atypical PKC-Par6-Inscuteable, still remain polarized and responsible for asymmetric Miranda localization, suggesting their dominant role in localizing cell-fate determinants. Further analysis of Gbetagamma and other mutants indicates a predominant role of Partner of Inscuteable-Galphai in spindle orientation. We thus suggest that the two apical signaling pathways have overlapping but different roles in asymmetric NB division.  相似文献   

Cell death in the stalk of Dictyostelium discoideum, a prototypic vacuolar cell death, can be studied in vitro using cells differentiating as a monolayer. To identify early events, we examined potentially dying cells at a time when the classical signs of Dictyostelium cell death, such as heavy vacuolization and membrane lesions, were not yet apparent. We observed that most cells proceeded through a stereotyped series of differentiation stages, including the emergence of "paddle" cells showing high motility and strikingly marked subcellular compartmentalization with actin segregation. Paddle cell emergence and subsequent demise with paddle-to-round cell transition may be critical to the cell death process, as they were contemporary with irreversibility assessed through time-lapse videos and clonogenicity tests. Paddle cell demise was not related to formation of the cellulose shell because cells where the cellulose-synthase gene had been inactivated underwent death indistinguishable from that of parental cells. A major subcellular alteration at the paddle-to-round cell transition was the disappearance of F-actin. The Dictyostelium vacuolar cell death pathway thus does not require cellulose synthesis and includes early actin rearrangements (F-actin segregation, then depolymerization), contemporary with irreversibility, corresponding to the emergence and demise of highly polarized paddle cells.  相似文献   

We observed the change in the physiological state of Escherichia coli cells at the initial stage for establishing a new symbiotic relationship with Dictyostelium discoideum cells. For the physiological state, we monitored green fluorescence intensity due to a green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene integrated into the chromosome by flow cytometry (FCM). On co-cultivation of the two species, a new population of E. coli cells with increased GFP concentration appeared, and when the formation of mucoidal colonies housing the coexisting two species began, most E. coli cells were from the new population. Further experiments suggest that the physiological change is induced by interaction with D. discoideum cells and is reversible, although the processes of the changes in both directions seem to proceed gradually. The observed phenotypic plasticity, together with natural selection under a co-cultivation environment, may be important for leading to the evolution of a new symbiotic system.  相似文献   

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