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We investigated one kastencore and multicores taken from the rapidly accumulating diatomaceous muds on the Namibian shelf to trace decadal-scale fluctuations of coastal upwelling by sedimentological, isotopic, geochemical, and paleo ecological methods. One specific objective was to reconstruct the fluctuations of fish populations (indicative of oceanographic and ecological conditions) using the occurrence of fish scales in varved sediment layers and to correlate these fluctuations with paleo environmental conditions. The partly laminated core was dated by 14C AMS and subsampled at high resolution (1 cm intervals), yielding a resolution of about 3-10 years per sample. The interval for which data are available covers the last 3200 years. The core contains scales of all fish species which are associated with a typical upwelling community: sardines, anchovies, mackerel, jack mackerel, hake and myctophids. Accumulation rates of organic matter and fish scales fluctuated considerably. The variability in abundance and type of fish scales at different depths indicates drastic fluctuations of fish abundance in the Benguela Current during the last 3200 years, as well as changes in community structures. The paleo environmental conditions associated with the different phases of fish population abundance are reflected in the frequency of laminations (indicative of anoxic conditions on the shelf), and by variations of stable isotopes of organic matter. The δ15N-signature of fish scales from surface sediments shows a 15N-enrichment of 6‰ related to the average sedimentary δ15N composition. This indicates that pelagic fish diet was a mixture of 20% algae to 80% zooplankton. We postulate fish scale δ15N preserves information of the relative nitrate consumption of algae in the upwelling system without any diagenetic imprints. This investigation might become a contribution to the discussion of diagenesis in the δ15N-signature of bulk sediments.  相似文献   

The closing years of the second millennium have been uplifting for carbohydrate biology. Optimism that oligosaccharide sequences are bearers of crucial biological information has been borne out by the constellation of efforts of carbohydrate chemists, biochemists, immunochemists, and cell- and molecular biologists. The direct involvement of specific oligosaccharide sequences in protein targeting and folding, and in mechanisms of infection, inflammation and immunity is now unquestioned. With the emergence of families of proteins with carbohydrate-binding activities, assignments of information content for defined oligosaccharide sequences will become more common, but the pinpointing and elucidation of the bioactive domains on oligosaccharides will continue to pose challenges even to the most experienced carbohydrate biologists. The neoglycolipid technology incorporates some of the key requirements for this challenge: namely the resolution of complex glycan mixtures, and ligand binding coupled with sequence determination by mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

  1. A collection of polychaetous annelids made by the Japanese research vessel ‘Umitaka-Maru’ in December 1968 from the Arabian Gulf was examined.
  2. Seventeen species, belonging to twelve families, are identified.
  3. Two pelagic families (Alciopidae, Tomopteridae) and five species (Plotohelmis capitata, Tomopteris sp.,Autolytus cf.A. longistaffi, Lysidice ninetta, Pista cristata) are recorded new to the fauna of the Arabian Gulf.

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany - Woody plant resources are important to human societies today and were also in the past. Here we assess the woody plant resources available to peoples in...  相似文献   



Low early life socio-economic position is more strongly associated with adiposity among women than men. We examined whether the sex difference of social patterning in general and central adiposity exists before adulthood.


In Hong Kong’s “Children of 1997” birth cohort, we used multivariable regression to examine the association of parental education, a marker of early life socio-economic position, with body mass index (BMI) (n = 7252, 88% follow-up) and waist-height ratio (n = 5636, 68% follow-up), at 14 years.


Parental education of Grade 9 or below, compared to Grade 12 or above, was associated with higher waist-height ratio z-score particularly in girls (0.30, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.19, 0.41) compared to boys (0.12, 95% CI 0.02, 0.22) (p for sex interaction = 0.02). Lower parental education was associated with greater BMI z-score in adolescents of locally born mothers, but not adolescents of migrant mothers, with no difference by sex.


Different social patterning in different markers of adiposity may imply different sociological and biological mediating pathways. A stronger association between low early life socio-economic position and waist-height ratio in adolescent girls may indicate sex-specific influences of SEP related early life exposures on central adiposity.  相似文献   

Summary The microorganisms responsible for the fermentation of iru, obtained from local producers, were isolated and identified. Only bacteria were involved in the fermentation; the species areMicrococcus luteus, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Citrobacter freundii, Lactobacillus salivarius andStreptococcus pyogenes. Microbial population, temperature, pH and moisture content increased with increase in period of fermentation. A progressive in titratable acidity accompanied the fermentation.
Resumen Se aislaron e identificaron los microorganismos responsables de la fermentación de iru obtenido de productores locales. En el proceso de fermentación unicamente estaban implicadas bacterias que se identificaron como:Micrococcus luteus, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Citrobacter freundii, Lactobacillus salivarius yStreptococcus pyogenes. La población microbiana, la temperatura, el pH y el contenido en humedad se incrementaron al aumentar el periodo de fermentación. Se observó un decremento progresivo del título de acidez a lo largo de la fermentación.

Résumé Les microorganismes responsables de la fermentation des iru obtenus de producteurs locaux ont été isolés et identifiés. Seules des bactéries sont impliquées dans la fermentation. Les espèces sontMicrococcus luteus, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Citrobacter freundii, Lactobacillus salivarius etStreptococcus pyogenes. La population microbienne, la température, le pH et la teneur en eau agumentent avec l'augmentation du temps de fermentation. Une baisse progressive de l'acidité titrable accompagne la fermentation.


The fractionation of heavy metals in riverbed sediments along the Tietê River basin, a highly polluted river in southeast region of Brazil, was investigated using a four-step sequential extraction procedure, in order to determine the concentration and distribution of Cu, Co, Cr, Cd, Zn, Ni and Pb, in the river bottom sediments, related to the potential mobility of geochemical phases. Around the metropolitan area of the City of São Paulo, which has 25 million people, the pollution is associated with municipal wastes and industrial effluents. Potentials of high mobility were observed for Cu and Zn along the entire river basin, associated mainly to the organic fraction, while at the Pirapora and Anhembi stations (upper and middle parts of the basin, respectively) the reactive forms of Ni and Pb were more associated to the Fe and Mn oxides. Near the mouth of the Tietê River, no significant contaminations caused by Cr and Ni in riverbed sediments was verified confirming the presence of these metals in the residual or lithogenous phase.  相似文献   

This study reports the persistence of axis-like structures in the centromeric region of both homologues during the metaphase-I and anaphase-I stages of meiotic division of mouse spermatocytes. A novel type of silver argentaffin technique (NH4–Ag) is employed. This technique includes the treatment of glutaraldehyde-fixed tissues with dilute ammonium hydroxide followed by a reduction of aldehyde groups with sodium borohydride. Staining is accomplished with ammoniacal silver nitrate in darkness followed by sulfite washing. The lateral elements of synaptonemal complexes and the single chromosomal axes of diplotene spermatocytes show a prominent reactivity with this technique. The pattern of very small grains over condensed chromatin is uniform and gives only a light opacity to the electron beam. The presence of an axis-like structure is seen in every centromeric end of meiotic chromosomes at metaphase I and anaphase I. The chromatin (heterochromatin) that surrounds the centromeric filament and some material distributed in irregular linear arrays along some of the homologues also showed a higher electron opacity than the bulk of deoxyribonucleoprotein. While the former is related to C+ heterochromatin, the latter could represent dispersed material of diplotene axes. It is suggested that the disposal of axial material is differentially delayed at the centromeric regions. The present evidence supports the hypothesis that axial fragments or lateral-element segments persisting at these regions contribute to the cohesiveness of centromeres of sister chromatids during normal disjunction.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of anaxyelid wasp is described and figured from the mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber as Curvitexis kopylovi gen. et sp. nov. The placement of this new genus within the Anaxyelidae is corroborated by its wing venation and the configuration of its mesosoma. This new genus differs from all other Syntexinae from the mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber biota, inter alia, owing to its forewing with the vein 1Rs curved and longer than 1M, the crossvein 1r-rs absent, the vein 2Rs + M present; the hind wing with the abscissa 2M + Cu present, the vein m-cu absent, and the cell r closed. The recently described Paraxiphydria resinata Gao et al., 2022 is transferred to Anaxyelidae: Syntexinae, and the subfamily Paraxiphydriinae Gao et al., 2022 is synonymized under Syntexinae.  相似文献   

An earlier article described the mid-twentieth century origins of the method of “paradigms” in paleobiology, as a way of making testable hypotheses about the functional morphology of extinct organisms. The present article describes the use of “paradigms” through the 1970s and, briefly, to the end of the century. After I had proposed the paradigm method to help interpret the ecological history of brachiopods, my students developed it in relation to that and other invertebrate phyla, notably in Euan Clarkson’s analysis of vision in trilobites. David Raup’s computer-aided “theoretical morphology” was then combined with my functional or adaptive emphasis, in Adolf Seilacher’s tripartite “constructional morphology.” Stephen Jay Gould, who had strongly endorsed the method, later switched to criticizing the “adaptationist program” he claimed it embodied. Although the explicit use of paradigms in paleobiology had declined by the end of the century, the method was tacitly subsumed into functional morphology as “biomechanics.”  相似文献   

T. Noda  Y. Hirose 《Oecologia》1989,81(2):145-148
Summary Patterns of the sex ratio allocation of Gryon japonicum (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), a solitary egg parasitoid of Riptortus clavatus (Thunberg) (Heteroptera: Alydidae), were investigated in the laboratory, and the result was checked against the field data on the sex composition of the parasitoid. When five host eggs were presented simultaneously to each of the females of G. japonicum in a laboratory experiment, they had a strong tendency to lay a male egg in second host egg and female eggs in the others. However, when four host eggs were presented to each female more than 3 h after the completion of oviposition on a host egg, most of the females laid male eggs in the third oviposition, i.e. the second host eggs after the experimental interruption of oviposition. These results indicated that there was a mechanism for G. japonicum to produce a male egg in the second host egg in consecutive ovipositions, and that the mechanism was reset by more than 3 h intervals of oviposition. By this mechanism, G. japonicum is thought to produce the precise sex ratio in response to the size of a host egg batch. Field data on the size of a host egg batch and the sex composition of the parasitoid in a host egg batch supported this view.  相似文献   

Aluminum (Al) toxicity to plant roots is a major problem of acidic soils. The main chemical reaction involved is Al hydrolysis. Application of lime or nitrate fertilizers to raise soil pH reduces Al toxicity but not as economically as a plant genotypes with natural tolerance against this stress. Ammonium fertilization of crops and assimilation of ammonium (even that derived from dinitrogen) are particularly acidifying of the root zone. The aims of the present study were to find genotypes of soybean tolerant to aluminum stress and identify QTL underlying that trait. Used were recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from the cross of ‘Essex’ by ‘Forrest’. RILs were grown in a greenhouse for 3 weeks and then transferred to hydroponics in a growth chamber. Root lengths (RL) were measured before and 72 h after Al treatment. RL before and after Al treatment were measured and used to calculate root tolerance index (RTI) and relative mean growth (RMG). RILs 1, 85, 40 and 83 had significant (P < 0.005) tolerance to Al stress judged by RL after Al, RTI and RMG. Eleven minor but significant marker–trait associations (P < 0.05) were detected using one-way ANOVA but only two major loci were significant in composite interval maps (LOD >3.0). The QTL on linkage group F (chromosome 13) was in the interval Satt160–Satt252 with a peak at 24 cM (peak LOD was 3.3). The QTL underlay 31% of trait variation and the Essex allele provided an additional 1.61 cm of root growth over 72 h in the presence of Al. The QTL on linkage group C2 (probably chromosome 4) was in the interval from Satt202 to Satt371 with a peak at 3.2 cM (peak LOD was 14.7). The QTL underlay 34% of trait variation or 1.81 cm of growth over 72 h in the presence of Al. Both loci encompassed genes implicated in citrate metabolism, a method of aluminum detoxification known to vary among soybean cultivars. Two major loci and at least nine minor loci were inferred to underlie tolerance to Al. RILs and markers may be used to select alleles that increase tolerance to soybean against Al stress.  相似文献   

A procedure to produce fruits from cultured shoot tips of Cucumis sativus L. cultivar Marketmore-76 in vitro is described. Four-week-old shoot tips, derived from sterile germinated seedlings on a MS medium, were cultured in a 3.8-1 Mason jar using an automated plant culture system. Tips readily generated roots, leaves and flowers after another 4 to 8 weeks in culture. Administration of compressed air at a 300 ml/min flow rate for 30 min 10 or 15 times a day induced the development of parthenocarpic fruits from flowers. Fruits, up to 170 mm long by 35 mm diameter, were obtained within 30 to 45 d after flower opening.Abbreviations APCS automated plant culture system - BA N-(phenylmethyl)-1H-purin-6-amine - BM basal medium - cv cultivar - MS Murashige and Skoog - NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

Several filamentous and unicellular cyanobacteria were grown photoautotrophically with nitrate or dinitrogen as N-sources, and some respiratory properties of the cells or isolated plasma (CM) and thylakoid (ICM) membranes were compared. Specific cytochrome c oxidase activities in membranes from dinitrogen-fixing cells were between 10- and 50-times higher than those in membranes from nitrate-grown cells, ICM of heterocysts but CM of unicells being mainly responsible for the stimulation. Whole cell respiration (oxygen uptake) of diazotrophic unicells paralleled increased cytochrome oxidase activities of the isolated membranes. Mass spectrometric measurements of the uptake of isotopically labeled oxygen revealed that (low) light inhibited respiration of diazotrophic unicells to a much lesser degree than that of nitrate-grown cells which indicates the prevailing (respiratory) role of CM in the former. Normalized growth yields of diazotrophic unicells grown in continuous light were significantly higher than those of cells grown in a 12/12 hrs light/dark cycle. Mass spectrometry showed that overall nitrogen uptake by the former was higher than by the latter; in particular, and in marked contrast to the time course of nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) there was no appreciable nitrogen uptake or protein synthesis during dark periods; likewise, there was no 14-CO2 fixation, nor chloropholl synthesis, nor cell division in the dark. By contrast, growth in continuous light gave sustained rates of nitrogen and carbon dioxide incorporation over the whole time range. Our results will be discussed in terms of respiratory protection as an essential strategy of keeping apart nitrogenase and oxygen, either atmospheric or photosynthetically produced within the same cell.  相似文献   



Guatemala is a multiethnic and multilingual country located in Central America. The main population groups separate ‘Ladinos’ (mixed Native American-African-Spanish), and Native indigenous people of Maya descent. Among the present-day Guatemalan Maya, there are more than 20 different ethnic groups separated by different languages and cultures. Genetic variation of these communities still remains largely unexplored. The principal aim of this study is to explore the genetic variability of the Maya and ‘Ladinos’ from Guatemala by means of uniparental and ancestry informative markers (AIMs).


Analyses of uniparental genetic markers indicate that Maya have a dominant Native American ancestry (mitochondrial DNA [mtDNA]: 100%; Y-chromosome: 94%). ‘Ladino’, however, show a clear gender-bias as indicated by the large European ancestry observed in the Y-chromosome (75%) compared to the mtDNA (0%). Autosomal polymorphisms (AIMs) also mirror this marked gender-bias: (i) Native American ancestry: 92% for the Maya vs. 55% for the ‘Ladino’, and (ii) European ancestry: 8% for the Maya vs. 41% for the ‘Ladino’. In addition, the impact of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade on the present-day Guatemalan population is very low (and only occurs in the ‘Ladino’; mtDNA: 9%; AIMs: 4%), in part mirroring the fact that Guatemala has a predominant orientation to the Pacific Ocean instead of a Caribbean one. Sequencing of entire Guatemalan mitogenomes has led to improved Native American phylogeny via the addition of new haplogroups that are mainly observed in Mesoamerica and/or the North of South America.


The data reveal the existence of a fluid gene flow in the Mesoamerican area and a predominant unidirectional flow towards South America, most likely occurring during the Pre-Classic (1800 BC-200 AD) and the Classic (200–1000 AD) Eras of the Mesoamerican chronology, coinciding with development of the most distinctive and advanced Mesoamerican civilization, the Maya. Phylogenetic features of mtDNA data also suggest a demographic scenario that is compatible with moderate local endogamy and isolation in the Maya combined with episodes of gene exchange between ethnic groups, suggesting an ethno-genesis in the Guatemalan Maya that is recent and supported on a cultural rather than a biological basis.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1339-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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