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A mutant considered to be defective in the conversion of n-6 to n-3 fatty acids (3-desaturation) was derived from a 5-desaturation-defective mutant (Mut44) of Mortierella alpina 1S-4, after treating its spores with N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. This mutant cannot produce 8(Z),11(Z),14(Z),17(Z)-eicosatetraenoic acid or any other n-3 fatty acids, of which about 10% was found in its parental strain upon cultivation at 12°C. The mutant's growth rate was comparable to that of the parental strain when grown at 28°C, but it became much slower when the mutant grew at 12°C, at which the lag phase for Mut44 was about 2 d but 5 d for the mutant.Abbreviations 18:33 9(Z),12(Z),15(Z)-octadecatrienoic acid - 18:43 6(Z),9(Z),12(Z),15(Z)-octadecatetraenoic acid - 20:43 8(Z),11(Z),14(Z),17(Z)-eicosatetraenoic acid - AA arachidonic acid - DHGA dihomo--linolenic acid - EPA 5(Z),8(Z),11(Z),14(Z),17(Z)-eicosapentaenoic acid - GLC gas-liquid chromatography - MNNG N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine - PC phosphatidylcholine  相似文献   

A group of 10 patients, 16.2±0.5 weeks pregnant, received intraamniotically 10mg followed at 3 hours intervals by 5mg PG F2α. The total dose of 31.5±3.2mg PG F2α successfully induced abortion in 15.1±1.8 hours. Seven patients aborted completely and 3 incompletely. The rapid rise in RP was followed by a gradual increase in IUP and a continuing decrease in estradiol-17β and progesterone after a delay of about 6 hours. The systemic side effects were minimal and the vital signs and laboratory tests revealed no significant changes. The case reports of 4 additional patients are presented, and the mechanism of the abortifacient action of PG F2α is discussed. When further improved, intraamniotic PG F2α therapy may favorably compete with methods currently used for midtrimester legal abortions.  相似文献   

An arachidonic-producing fungus, Mortierella alpina 1S-4, was found to accumulate -unsaturated fatty acids of C-20 chain length together with 1-hexadecenoic acid, 1-octadecenoic acid and so on, when grown on 1-alkenes, i.e., 1-hexadecene and 1-octadecene. The results of mass spectroscopy and proton NMR showed that a C20 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) is a novel cis-5,8,11,14,19-eicosapentaenoic acid (20:51). This PUFA was obtained at a yield of 0.13 mg/ml culture broth (2.8% of the fungal total fatty acid content) on cultivation of the fungus in a medium containing 4% (v/v) 1-hexadecene and 1% yeast extract at 28°C for 1 week. Investigation of the distribution of fatty acids showed that about 90% (by mol.) of the PUFA was present in the triglycerides and 10% was in the phospholipid fraction. About 70% of that found in the phospholipids was phosphatidylcholine (PC) and the value accounted for ca. 10% of the total fatty acid content. The formation of these -unsaturated fatty acids was presumed to occur through the arachidonic acid biosynthetic pathway (n-6 route).Abbreviations PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acid - EPA cis-5,8,11,14,17-eicosapentaenoic acid - TG triglycerides - PS phosphatidylserine - PC phosphatidylcholine Present address: Laboratory of Microbial Science, Institute for Fundamental Research, Suntory Ltd., Mishima-gun, Osaka 618, Japan  相似文献   

Prostaglandin (PG)E2 9-ketoreductase, which catalyzes the conversion of PGE2 to PGF2, was purified from human brain to apparent homogeneity. The molecular weight, isoelectric point, optimum pH, Km value for PGE2, and turnover number were 34,000, 8.2, 6.5–7.5, 1.0 mM, and 7.6 min–1, respectively. Among PGs tested, the enzyme also catalyzed the reduction of other PGs such as PGA2, PGE1, and 13,14-dihydro-15-keto PGF2, but not that of PGD2, 11-PGE2, PGH2, PGJ2, or 12-PGJ2. The reaction product formed from PGE2 was identified as PGF2, by TLC combined with HPLC. This enzyme, as is the case for carbonyl reductase, was NADPH-dependent, preferred carbonyl compounds such as 9,10-phenanthrenequinone and menadione as substrates, and was sensitive to indomethacin, ethacrynic acid, and Cibacron blue 3G-A. The reduction of PGE2 was competitively inhibited by 9,10-phenanthrenequinone, which is a good substrate of this enzyme, indicating that the enzyme catalyzed the reduction of both substrates at the same active site. These results suggest that PGE2 9-ketoreductase, which belongs to the family of carbonyl reductases, contributes to the enzymatic formation of PGF2 in human brain.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Sidney Udenfriend.  相似文献   

Distinct functional coupling between cyclooxygenases (COXs) and specific terminal prostanoid synthases leads to phase-specific production of particular prostaglandins (PGs). In this study, we examined the coupling between COX isozymes and PGF synthase (PGFS). Co-transfection of COXs with PGFS-I belonging to the aldo-keto reductase family into HEK293 cells resulted in increased production of PGF only when a high concentration of exogenous arachidonic acid (AA) was supplied. However, this enzyme failed to produce PGF from endogenous AA, even though significant increase in PGF production occurred in cells transfected with COX-2 alone. This poor COX/PGFS-I coupling was likely to arise from their distinct subcellular localization. Measurement of PGF-synthetic enzyme activity in homogenates of several cells revealed another type of PGFS activity that was membrane-bound, glutathione (GSH)-activated, and stimulus-inducible. In vivo, membrane-bound PGFS activity was elevated in the lung of lipopolysaccharide-treated mice. Taken together, our results suggest the presence of a novel, membrane-associated form of PGFS that is stimulus-inducible and is likely to be preferentially coupled with COX-2.  相似文献   

Treatment with PGF resulted in the termination of pregnancy in 16- and 19-day pregnant rats, but not in 10- or 13-day pregnant rats. Rats that aborted displayed a rapid onset of maternal behavior when tested with foster pups. Aborted rats also displayed sexual receptivity and ovulation: these phenomena resemble the sequence of events following hysterectomy on the same days of pregnancy. Both can be related to the events surrounding normal parturition in the rat. The results are interpreted as due to a pregnancy-induced deactivation of the factor in the uterus that prevents estrogen from stimulating maternal behavior in nonpregnant females. In the absence of this factor, the PGF-induced rise in estrogen secretion facilitates maternal behavior and sexual behavior and induces ovulation.  相似文献   

Twelve mixed breed does were injected with different doses of prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) or saline on day 144 of gestation. Four each received single intramuscular injections of 5.0 or 2.5 mg PGF, or 1.0 ml saline (controls). Systemic progesterone (P4) concentrations were determined daily from day 144 until the day of kidding. Does receiving 5.0 mg PGF2α, 2.5 mg PGF2α, or saline kidded within mean (± SD) hours and range (hours) of 35 ± 8.6 and 28–48, 43 ± 11.8 and 29–57, and 111 ± 79.1 and 41–200, respectively. Mean (± SD) concentrations of P4 (ng/ml) on the day of injection and on day 1 postinjection were 5.2 ± 2.6 and 0.7 ± 0.9, 5.3 ± 2.2 and 1.1 ± 1.0, and 6.4 ± 3.9 and 4.1 ± 2.6 for does receiving 5.0 mg PGF2α, 2.5 mg PGF2α, or saline, respectively. It was concluded that 5.0 mg and 2.5 mg PGF2α effectively shortened the interval from injection to parturition, but that this interval was not as predictable as that previously reported with 20 mg PGF2α.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2007,42(3):352-362
The effects of medium components and environmental factors on the production of mycelial biomass and polysaccharide–peptide complexes (exobiopolymers) by Cordyceps sphecocephala J-201 were investigated in submerged cultures. The optimal temperature and initial pH for the production of both mycelial biomass and exobiopolymers in flask cultures were found to be 25 °C and pH 4–5, respectively. The optimal combination of the media constituents was as follows (g l−1): sucrose 40, yeast extract 6, polypepton 2, KH2PO4 0.46, K2HPO4 1, and MgSO4·7H2O 0.5. The results of bioreactor culture revealed that the maximum concentration of mycelial biomass (28.2 g l−1) was obtained at an agitation speed of 300 rpm and at an aeration rate of 2 vvm, whereas maximum exobiopolymer production (2.5 g l−1) was achieved at a milder agitation speed (150 rpm). There was a significant variance in mycelial morphology between different aeration conditions. Looser mycelial pellets were developed, and their size and hairiness increased as the aeration rate increased from 0.5 to 2.0 vvm, resulting in enhanced exobiopolymer production. The apparent viscosities of fermentation broth increased rapidly towards the end of fermentations at the conditions of high aeration rate and agitation speed, which were mainly due to high amount of mycelial biomass rather than exobiopolymers at the later stages of fermentation. The three different exobiopolymers (FR-I, -II, and -III) were fractionated by a gel filtration chromatography on Sepharose CL-6B. The carbohydrate and protein contents in each fraction were significantly different and the molecular weights of FR-I, FR-II, and FR-III were determined to be 1831, 27, and 2.2 kDa, respectively. The compositional analysis revealed that the three fractions of crude exobiopolymers consisted of acidic and nonpolar amino acids, such as aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, and valine in protein moiety, and of mainly mannose and galactose in sugar moiety.  相似文献   

Five healthy adult men received iv PGF at dosages of 0.05, 0.20 and 2.0 μg/kg/min for 30 min. There were no significant changes in serum FSH, LH or TSH levels. Serum GH and cortisol levels were slightly increased at the highest dosage. These responses were associated with, and presumably a result of, stressful side effects. Thus, PGF cannot be used as a provocative test of pituitary hormone reserve.Prostaglandins (PG's) have recently been implicated in the release of a number of hormones from the anterior pituitary gland. The stimulation of GH release by PG's of the E series from incubated rat pituitary slices has been demonstrated. In vivo stimulation by PGE1 of ACTH in rats and of GH release in man has also been shown.The present study was undertaken in order to examine the efficacy of iv administration of PGF as a provocative test of anterior pituitary hormone reserve in man. The responses in circulating levels of gonadotropins, TSH, GH, and cortisol (as an index of ACTH) were measured.  相似文献   

Desensitization of prostaglandin (PG) F2 receptor-mediated phosphoinositide (PI) hydrolysis was investigated in cultured rat astrocytes. Prolonged exposure of astrocytes differentiated by dibutyryl cyclic AMP-treatment to PGF2 caused the desensitization of subsequent PGF2-induced PI hydrolysis. The desensitization was time- and PGF2 dose-dependent; maximal decrease in the PI hydrolysis was observed after exposure to 10 M PGF2 for 4 h and the degree of the desensitization was 31.7±2.7% of control. Pretreatment with either PGD2 or PGE2 also induced the desensitization of subsequent PGF2-stimulated PI hydrolysis and conversely pretreatment of PGF2 decreased the PI responses to PGD2 and PGE2. The desensitization prevented by phloretin and was reversible upon removal of the agonist. Protein synthesis inhibitors blocked the recovery of the desensitization. Treatment of the cells with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate had no effect on the desensitization. These results suggest that prolonged exposure of the astrocytes to PGF2 caused the desensitization of the receptors.  相似文献   

The G protein-coupled prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) receptor [F prostanoid (FP) receptor] has been implicated in many physiological events including cardiovascular, respiratory, immune, reproductive, and endocrine responses. Binding of PGF2α to FP receptor elicits inositol production and protein kinase C-dependent MAPK activation through Gα(q) coupling. Here we report that AL-8810, previously characterized as an orthosteric antagonist of PGF2α-dependent, Gα(q)-mediated signaling, potently activates ERK1/2 in a protein kinase C-independent manner. Rather, AL-8810 promoted ERK1/2 activation via an epidermal growth factor receptor transactivation mechanism in both human embryonic kidney 293 cells and in the MG-63 osteoblast-like cells, which express endogenous FP receptors. Neither AL-8810- nor PGF2α-mediated stimulation of FP receptor promoted association with β-arrestins, suggesting that MAPK activation induced by these ligands is independent of β-arrestin's signaling scaffold functions. Interestingly, the spatiotemporal activation of ERK1/2 promoted by AL-8810 and PGF2α showed almost completely opposite responses in the nucleus and the cytosol. Finally, using [(3)H]thymidine incorporation, we noted differential regulation of PGF2α- and AL-8810-induced cell proliferation in MG-63 cells. This study reveals, for the first time, the signaling biased nature of FP receptor orthosteric ligands toward MAPK signaling. Our findings on the specific patterns of ERK1/2 activation promoted by FP receptor ligands may help dissect the distinct roles of MAPK in FP receptor-dependent physiological responses.  相似文献   

An enzyme immunoassay for prostaglandin F was developed in which the hapten molecule was labeled with alkaline phosphatase protein. After competition between the enzyme-labeled prostaglandin F and the free prostaglandin F in their immunoreaction with prostaglandin F-specific antiserum, the antigen-antibody conjugate was precipitated by the double antibody method, and the activity of precipitated alkaline phosphatase was determined. Calibration curves of enzyme activity versus the amount of added prostaglandin F, were constructed. Under optimal conditions of pH, buffer concentration, incubation time and amount of antibody and enzyme-labeled antigen, prostaglandin F could be measured quantitatively in the range of 0.5 pmol to 1 nmol. This method was applied for the determinations of prostaglandin F added to urine.  相似文献   

Flunixin meglumine (FM; 2.5 mg/kg) was given to heifers at three 8-h intervals, 16 d after ovulation (first treatment = Hour 0) to inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandin F (PGF), based on plasma concentrations of a PGF metabolite (PGFM). Blood samples were collected at 8-h intervals from 15 to 18 d in a vehicle (control) and FM group (n = 16/group). Hourly samples were collected from Hours −2 to 28 in 10 heifers in each group. Heifers that were in preluteolysis or luteolysis at Hour 0 based on plasma progesterone (P4) concentrations at 8-h intervals were partitioned into subgroups. Concentration of PGFM was reduced (P < 0.05) by FM treatment in each subgroup. For the preluteolytic subgroup, the first decrease (P < 0.05) in P4 concentration after Hour 0 occurred at Hours 24 and 40 in the vehicle and FM groups, respectively. Plasma P4 concentrations 32 and 40 h after the beginning of luteolysis in the luteolytic subgroup were greater (P < 0.05) in the FM group. Concentration at the peak of a PGFM pulse in the FM group was greater (P < 0.05) in the luteolytic than in the preluteolytic subgroup. The peak of a PGFM pulse occurred more frequently (P < 0.001) at the same hour as the peak of an LH fluctuation than at the ending nadir of an LH fluctuation. In conclusion, a reduction in prominence of PGFM pulses during luteolysis delayed completion of luteolysis, and treatment with FM inhibited PGFM production more during preluteolysis than during luteolysis.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the in vitro effects of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) ligands on PGF secretion and mRNA expression of prostaglandin F synthase (PGFS) in porcine endometrial explants collected on days 10–12 and 14–16 of the estrous cycle or pregnancy. The explants were incubated for 6 h with: PPARα ligands – WY-14643 (agonist) and MK 886 (antagonist); PPARβ ligands – l-165,041 (agonist) and GW 9662 (antagonist); PPARγ ligands – 15d-prostaglandin J2 (PGJ2, agonist), rosiglitazone (agonist) and T0070907 (antagonist). The expression of PGFS mRNA in the endometrium and the concentration of PGF in culture media were determined by real time RT-PCR and radioimmunoassay, respectively. During the estrous cycle (days 10–12 and 14–16), the agonists – WY-14643 (PPARα), l-165,041 (PPARβ), PGJ2 and rosiglitazone (PPARγ) – increased PGF secretion but did not affect PGFS mRNA abundance. During pregnancy (days 10–12 and 14–16), PPARα and PPARγ ligands did not change PGF release, whereas PPARβ agonist augmented PGF release on days 14–16 of pregnancy. In addition, WY-14643 and l-165,041 increased PGFS mRNA level in both examined periods of pregnancy. PPARγ agonist (PGJ2) and antagonist (T0070907) enhanced PGFS mRNA abundance in the endometrium on days 10–12 and 14–16 of pregnancy, respectively. The results indicate that PPARs are involved in the production of PGF by porcine endometrium, and that the sensitivity of the endometrium to PPAR ligands depends on reproductive status of animals.  相似文献   

Summary Sprague-Dawley rats were oöphorectomized and after a 2–3 week recovery period were given daily injections of progesterone (2.0 mg/0.1 ml) for six consecutive days. On the fourth day of progesterone treatment 0.2 mg of estradiol 17 was given in addition and the right uterine cornua were subjected to one of five experimental maneuvers. On the sixth day of progesterone treatment the uterine cornua were weighed and processed for light and electron microscopy. The weights of all left cornua (84.6 +- 3.7 mg) and the right cornua of PBS-injected (93.3 +- 11.5 mg) and sham operated uteri (83.6 +- 19.8 mg) were comparable. A significant increase (p<0.001) in weight was found in cornua that received PGF2 (144 +- 6.7 mg), PGF2 with mild local trauma (scratch) (146 +- 28.0 mg), and scratch alone (162 +- 12.7 mg). The majority of cornua treated by scratch alone, or by PGF2 with or without scratch, showed a decidual cell reaction by light microscopy and had a significantly higher mitotic index than those treated with saline, or by sham operation. When specimens were evaluated for the presence of the OCR, the highest rank was found in tissues treated by scratch alone or by PGF2 with or without scratch. Morphometric evaluation by light microscopy indicated that the extent of decidualization in PGF2-treated tissue was comparable to that of scratchtreated tissue. Ultrastructural observation of PGF2-treated tissue revealed that decidual cells closely resembled those treated with scratch. However, electron microscopic morphometry revealed that cells that responded to PGF2 had higher volume and surface densities of organelles associated with metabolic activity than did cells responding to scratch alone. These results demonstrate that locally administered PGF2 can initiate, in the hormonally prepared mature oöphorectomized rat, a DCR comparable to that induced by local trauma.  相似文献   

Chen  Hanqin  Chen  Haiqin  Lu  Hengqian  Tang  Xin  Zhang  Hao  Chen  Yong Q.  Chen  Wei 《Biotechnology letters》2021,43(7):1289-1301
Biotechnology Letters - To establish reliable methods for the extraction and quantification of the total carbohydrate and intracellular saccharides from Mortierella alpina and study the changes...  相似文献   

Retinoic acid at concentrations of 10−8–10−6M increases the initiation of DNA synthesis stimulated by prostaglandin F (PGF), alone or with insulin, in confluent resting Swiss mouse 3T3 cells. Analogues of retinoic acid had a similar effect. Adding retinoic acid, alone or with insulin, did not stimulate DNA synthesis. The synergistic effect of PGE1 or PGE2 with PGF and insulin was not further enhanced by retinoic acid. Neither the synergistic effect of retinoic acid nor that of PGE1 or PGE2 with PGF was affected by indomethacin, an inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis. The results suggest that the synergy of retinoic acid with PGF is not mediated through an increase of prostaglandin synthesis and that retinoic acid stimulates event(s) in common with those of PGE1 and PGE2 leading to an increase in the initiation of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary Effect of culture conditions on cell growth, lipid accumulation and -linolenic acid production is reported for four Mortierella species. The highest concentration as well as the highest productivity of -linolenic acid in lipid was determined in strains of M. ramanniana. M. ramanniana CBS 112.08 was used in the studies of the influence of medium composition, concentration of carbon- and nitrogen sources and growth temperature. Several carbon sources provided good growth and a high lipid content in biomass. The highest dry weights (11–12g/l) and lipid contents (24%, w/w), were observed if glucose or fructose was used as carbon source, whereas the highest amount of -linolenic acid (26%) was determined in starch-grown cells. The fatty acid composition in the lipid was influenced by the cultivation time, growth temperature and, to a minor extent, by the carbon source used. In fermentor cultures, both strains of Mortierella ramanniana showed relatively poor growth and incomplete consumption of glucose. M. vinacea, on the other hand, grew well in tower reactors. M. vinacea, which has a different morphology than M. ramanniana strains, also showed higher yields of biomass and lipid and higher yield coefficients than the latter.  相似文献   

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