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A panel of geochemical techniques is used here to investigate the taphonomy of fossil feathers preserved in association with the skeleton of the Jurassic theropod Anchiornis huxleyi. Extant feathers were analysed in parallel to test whether the soft tissues morphologically preserved in the fossil also exhibit a high degree of chemical preservation. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) indicate that clays and iron oxide pseudomorphs occur in the surrounding sediment and also reveal the preservation of melanosome-like microbodies in the fossil. Carbon gradient along a depth profile and co-occurrence of carbon and sulphur are shown in the fossil by elastic backscattering (EBS) and particle-induced x-ray emission (PIXE), which are promising techniques for the elemental analysis of fossil soft tissues. The molecular composition of modern and fossil soft tissues was assessed from micro-attenuated total reflectance fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (micro-ATR FTIR), solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (CP-MAS 13C NMR) and pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry in the presence of TMAH (TMAH-Py-GC-MS). Results indicate that the proteinaceous material that comprises the modern feathers is not present in the fossil feathers. The fossil feathers and the embedding sediment exhibit a highly aliphatic character. However, substantial differences exist between these samples, revealing that the organic matter of the fossil feathers is, at least partially, derived from original constituents of the feathers. Our results suggest that, despite the morphological preservation of Anchiornis feathers, original proteins, that is keratin, were probably not preserved in the 160-myr-old feathers.  相似文献   

The Yixian Formation of Liaoning Province, People's Republic of China has yielded a diverse fauna of non-avian dinosaurs, but is dominated by small-bodied taxa. Here, we describe a series of isolated teeth from the Lujiatun Beds of the formation that are referable to a basal titanosauriform sauropod. Some of the teeth possess a distinctive circular boss on the lingual surface, which suggests that they are referable to cf. Euhelopus sp. This identification provides some additional support for biostratigraphical correlations between the Jehol Group and the Mengyin Formation of Shandong Province that suggest an Early Cretaceous age for the latter unit. Moreover, the titanosauriform affinities of the teeth provide further evidence for the dominance of this sauropod clade in eastern Asia during the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Three new species of mayfly nymphs, Clavineta excavata sp. nov., Clavineta brevinodia sp. nov., and Siberiogenites branchicillus sp. nov., from the Yixian Formation (Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous) in western Liaoning Province, China, are described. These mature nymphs are small-sized, with the body less than 16.0 mm long. The systematic position of the genera Clavineta and Siberiogenites, which are recorded for the first time in the Yixian Formation, is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

记述产自中国辽西的逍遥蛛科化石1新属:白垩逍遥蛛属Cretadromus gen.nov.,1新种:辽宁白垩逍遥蛛Cretadromus liaoningensis sp.nov.:这是逍遥蛛科化石在中国的首次发现,也是逍遥蛛科在晚侏罗世-早白垩世的首次报道。标本采白辽宁省凌源市大王杖子晚侏罗世-早白垩世义县组地层,现存于大连自然博物馆:  相似文献   

Little is known about the palaeoenvironments of the Early Cretaceous lakes of western Liaoning. Uncertainties exist especially about the water depth, water temperatures and annual temperature fluctuations. Here, we analyse the preservation of the most abundant fish of the lakes, the teleost Lycoptera, articulated skeletons of which occur in large concentrations suggestive of mass mortality. Taphonomic features such as degree of disarticulation, orientation patterns and displacement of skeletal elements reveal distinct preservational patterns. They suggest that the water temperature was low during winter and exhibited pronounced seasonal fluctuations. The depth of the lakes was not deep. Possible causes of the fish mortality are discussed, of which anoxia is favoured. This leads to a more refined palaeoenvironmental model for these palaeolakes, which harbour one of the most important Mesozoic Lagerstätten.  相似文献   

报道了具嵴冠的兽脚类恐龙一新属种,安龙堡双柏龙(Shuangbaisaurus anlongbaoensis gen.et sp.nov.).双柏龙发现于云南省楚雄彝族自治州双柏县下侏罗统冯家河组中,保存了部分头骨带下颌.双柏龙沿两侧眼眶背缘向上有嵴冠发育,这在其他兽脚类中未曾报道过.与其他早侏罗世体型较大且具一对矢状嵴冠的兽脚类(双嵴龙属和中国龙属)相比,双柏龙还独具一些特征组合,如相对较高的前颌骨体、抬高的前颌骨腹缘、后腹向延伸的轭骨后突及较小的上颞孔.比较研究表明,尽管中国“双嵴龙”(“Dilophosaurus”sinensis)可能应归入中国龙属(Sinosaurus),但未必属于模式种.双柏龙的发现将有助于研究基干兽脚类的演化,尤其是各类头骨骨饰在其中的作用.  相似文献   

Gnetalean compression-impression fossils are described from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation, Liaoning Province, north-eastern China, and assigned to six species of Liaoxia Cao et S.Q. Wu. The fossils have opposite-decussate phyllotaxis and cones comprising 2–12 pairs of bracts. Ovulate cones have seeds typically in a distal position. The species differ from each other and from previously described fossils in the absence or presence of leaves, shape of cones and seeds, and shape and position of cone bracts. The species of Liaoxia are probably close relatives of extant species of Ephedra L., but diagnostic reproductive details that could confirm this hypothesis are not preserved. The restricted information in the fossils and the poorly understood morphological diversity of extant Ephedra, prevent assignment of the fossils to any particular subgroup of Ephedra, as well as an explicit exclusion of them from the extant genus.  相似文献   

Angiosperms and gymnosperms are two well-separated groups in seed plants according to the current understanding. The huge gap between these two groups constitutes a serious threat against the Darwinism, which expects a continuous transitional series between them. The Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liaoning, China is famous for its megafossil angiosperms, including some early angiosperms and putative gnetalean plants. Here we document another Ephedra-like fossil plant, Pseudoephedra n. gen. n. sp., from the Yixian Formation on the basis of light microscopic (LM) and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) observations. Although its general morphology demonstrates a great resemblance to Ephedra, the expected micropylar tube characteristic of Ephedra is missing in Pseudoephedra. Instead a solid projection is seen on the top of the female parts. Such a puzzling character combination makes Pseudoephedra perplexing in seed plant phylogeny. If put in Ephedraceae (Gnetales), Pseudoephedra would destroy the only synapomorphy (micropylar tube) of the BEG clade. If put in angiosperms, Pseudoephedra would bridge the formerly huge gap between gymnosperms and angiosperms. Apparently, further investigation is needed to clarify the uncertain position of Pseudoephedra.  相似文献   

A new genus and a new species of the tenebrionine tribe Alphitobiini, Alphitopsis initialis gen. et sp. nov. is described from Yixian (Liaoning Province, China). The new genus is the oldest member of the subfamily Tenebrioninae and it is most similar to Metaclisa Jacquelin du Val, 1861, but differs from all the genera of the tribe Alphitobiini in the structure of elytral epipleura and antennae.  相似文献   

辽西地区下白垩统沙海组是我国北方地区重要的白垩纪木化石产出层位,其产出的木化石数量丰富、类型多样.尽管前人开展了部分研究,但目前对沙海组木化石植物群组成特征的认识仍相对薄弱.本文报道了辽西义县上石洞沟地区沙海组产出的木化石新材料,共鉴定出2属3种,分别为:Phyllocladoxylon cf.eboracense(H...  相似文献   

A new genus and species of comb-clawed beetles, Calcarocistela kirejtshuki gen. et sp. nov., from the Lower Cretaceous of Yixian (China) is described. The new genus is assigned to the tribe Gonoderini of the subfamily Alleculinae (family Tenebrionidae) based on the following characters: five visible abdominal ventrites, nonwidened tarsomeres without a membranous ventral lobes, and serrate antennae. The new genus differs from other members of the tribe Gonoderini in the long spurs of metatibia reaching a half of the first metatarsomere and the lamellate prosternal process. Calcarocistela kirejtshuki is the first member of Alleculinae from the Lower Cretaceous.  相似文献   

A new small theropod dinosaur, documented by an incomplete skeleton and three frontals, is described from the Judith River Formation (Upper Cretaceous: Campanian) of south-central Alberta.
It is distinguished from both Stenonychosaurus and Dromaeosaurus by the structure of the frontal and by the marginal dentition.
It resembles Stenonychosaurus in the structure of the frontal and the Dromaeosauridae in the shape of the endocranial cavity and other skeletal features.
The material is referred to a new genus and species of the Dromaeosauridae.  相似文献   

Yan Zheng  Jun Chen 《Palaeoworld》2018,27(3):374-381
Chifengilyda robusta, a new extinct sawfly genus and new species assigned to Xyelidae, is described and figured here based on one fossil specimen from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Ningcheng in Inner Mongolia, China. Chifengilyda robusta n. gen. n. sp. differs from other xyelydids in having a forewing with pterostigma completely sclerotized, Sc closer to C, Sc1 about 3 times as long as Sc2, Sc1 intersecting C far beyond Rs base, 2r-m postfurcal and cell 1mcu relatively large. This new taxon further enriches the diversity of Xyelydidae in the Early Cretaceous, and even enhances our understanding of the evolution and inter-genera and interspecies relationships of this family.  相似文献   

One new genus and five new species of dragonflies (Odonata) are described and figured from the Yixian Formation of northeastern China, viz. two gomphaeschnids Sinojoria magna nov. sp. and S. cancellosa nov. sp., plus three progobiaeshnids Mongoliaeshna hadrens nov. sp., M. exiguusens nov. sp., and Decoraeshna preciosus nov. gen., nov. sp. These new discoveries confirm the apparently sudden great diversification in China of the clade Aeshnoptera during the Middle-Upper Jurassic, together with the Upper Mesozoic to modern lineages of dragonflies. At the same time, some ‘ancient’ groups of Odonata became extinct.  相似文献   

The skeleton undergoes substantial histological modification during ontogeny in association with longitudinal growth, shape changes, reproductive activity, and fatigue repair. This variation can hinder attempts to reconstruct life history attributes for individuals, particularly when only fossil materials are availble for study. Histological examinations of multiple elements throughout development provide a means to control for such variability and facilitate accurate life history assessments. In the present study, the microstructure of various major long bones of the ceratopsian Psittacosaurus monogoliensis Osborn were examined from a growth series spanning juvenile through adult developmental stages. The first reconstruction of a growth curve (mass vs. age) for a dinosaur was made for this taxon using a new method called Developmental Mass Extrapolation. The results suggest P. mongoliensis : (I) had an S-shaped growth curve characteristics of most extant vertebrates, and (2) had maximal growth rates that exceeded extant reptiles and marsupials, but were slower than most avian and eutherian taxa.  相似文献   

Abstract: Patterns of bone deposition are reported and deduced from mid‐shaft sections of 21 limb bones of the dicynodont Placerias hesternus from the Placerias Quarry (Upper Triassic), Arizona, USA. All sampled elements of P. hesternus have a large medullary cavity completely filled with bony trabeculae surrounded by dense cortical bone. Dense Haversian bone extends from the perimedullary region to at least the mid‐cortex in all sampled bones. Primary bone in the outer cortex of limb elements of P. hesternus is generally zonal fibrolamellar with a peripheral layer of parallel‐fibred bone. These data suggest periodic rapid osteogenesis followed by slower growth. Among dicynodonts, this strategy is most similar to growth previously reported in other Triassic (Lystrosaurus, Wadiasaurus) and some Permian taxa (Oudenodon, Tropidostoma). An external fundamental system (EFS), suggesting complete or near complete cessation of appositional growth, is present in the largest tibia. This is the first report of EFS in dicynodonts and may represent the attainment of maximum size in P. hesternus. Slow‐growing peripheral bone was observed in elements of varying size in our sample and may support a differential growth pattern between P. hesternus individuals from this locality. A complete growth series of P. hesternus, analysis of Placerias specimens from other localities, and further sampling of other Upper Triassic dicynodonts are needed to better understand a more complete picture of the growth and remodelling patterns that we have initially investigated.  相似文献   

Witzmann, F. and Soler-Gijón, R. 2010. The bone histology of osteoderms in temnospondyl amphibians and in the chroniosuchian Bystrowiella . — Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 91 : 96–114
Bone histology of osteoderms in the armoured temnospondyl Peltobatrachus , plagiosaurids ( Gerrothorax , Plagiosuchus ) and dissorophids ( Aspidosaurus , Cacops , Platyhystrix ), as well as in the chroniosuchian Bystrowiella , is studied. The massive osteoderms of Peltobatrachus and Gerrothorax consist of homogeneous parallel-fibred bone, whereas in dissorophids, a lightly built, trabecular middle region is mantled by a thin cortex that is composed of a plywood-type structure. In Bystrowiella and Plagiosuchus , the osteoderms consist to a large degree of interwoven primary fibres and have cell lacunae that bear stumpy canaliculi. The differences in the histological structure of dissorophids and plagiosaurids suggest an iterative evolution of osteoderms. Furthermore, histology in Plagiosuchus indicates a metaplastic development of the osteoderms, whereas the osteoderms of Gerrothorax represent periosteal ossifications as in dissorophids. This suggests a convergent origin of osteoderms also within plagiosaurids. The extensive armour in Gerrothorax probably constituted a calcium reservoir, indicated by cyclical resorption events preserved in the external cortex and interpreted as a physiological response to periodic changes in salinity of the aquatic environment. In contrast, the unique osteoderm structure of dissorophids provides maximum stability and minimum bone mass, and is coherent with the interpretation that the osteoderms served to strengthen the vertebral column during terrestrial locomotion.  相似文献   

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