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The fossilierous bonebeds of Scontrone (Abruzzo region, central Italy) are preserved in tidal‐flat aeolian calcarenites at the base of the Lithothamnion Limestone, a Miocene carbonate ramp widespread in the central‐southern Apennines. The site bears evidence of a catastrophic event at 9 Ma. Reported are the results of the palaeobiological and taphonomic analysis conducted on the rich vertebrate assemblage, particularly on the remains of Hoplitomeryx (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Ruminantia), recovered from the so‐called Scontrone calcarenites between 1992 and 2012. This is the first taphonomic study of a Late Miocene continental bone assemblage preserved in coastal deposits. The bones are not in primary context. They were likely exhumed during the initial phase of a marine transgression after a period of primary ‘storage’ within a possibly flood‐generated deposit in an estuarine environment. The mortality patterns indicate that the carcasses accumulated in a short time (within a year). The bones of the disarticulated skeletons were then removed, broken in a dry and brittle state, scattered over wide carbonate ramps along an arid to semi‐arid, wind‐exposed coastline and eventually buried again in aeolian calcarenites that drape transgressive tidal‐flat creek deposits. The analysis also reveals that hoplitomerycids were possibly seasonal reproducers and that the land they inhabited, the so‐called Apulia Platform, was probably swept by sudden, disastrous, storm‐supplied flash floods.  相似文献   

In the Bahía Blanca Estuary (Argentina), Holocene deposits are fossiliferous sand ridges originated by the last transgressive-regressive marine event. By means of ternary taphograms applied on valves of Brachidontes rodriguezi a taphonomic analysis was carried out in two ridges, both in the external and internal estuary area. Six taphonomic attributes were considered. The disarticulation and the fragmentation are higher in the external ridge, whereas the bioerosion and incrustation, both barely manifested, are similar in the two environmental settings. In the outer deposit, as much the abrasions as the dissolution of the shells are more intense. Genetically, it is considered that these shell concentrations were originated by multiepisodic storm events. Based on the taphonomic analysis, it arises that in the generation of the internal ridge waves of moderate energy with different sorting degrees prevailed, whereas in the formation of the external deposits waves of greater energy with smaller sorting capacity prevailed.  相似文献   

The lack of fossil tetrapod bearing deposits in the earliest Carboniferous (‘Romer’s Gap’) has provoked some recent discussions regarding the proximal cause, with three explanations being offered: environmental, taphonomic, and collection failure. One of the few, and earliest, windows into this time is the locality of Blue Beach exposed in the Tournaisian deposits at Horton Bluff lying along the Avon River near Hantsport, Nova Scotia, Canada. This locality has long been known but, because the fossils were deposited in high energy settings they are almost always disarticulated, so the fauna has not been described in detail. Recent intensive collection has revealed a diverse assemblage of material, including for the first time associated elements, which permits an evaluation of the faunal constituents at the locality. Although not diagnosable to a fine taxonomic level, sufficient apomorphies are present to identify representatives from numerous clades known from more complete specimens elsewhere. The evidence suggests a diverse fauna was present, including whatcheeriids and embolomeres. A single humerus previously had been attributed to a colosteid, but there is some uncertainty with this identification. Additional elements suggest the presence of taxa otherwise only known from the late Devonian. Depositional biases at the locality favor tetrapod fossils from larger individuals, but indirect evidence from trackways and tantalizing isolated bones evidences the presence of small taxa that remain to be discovered. The fossils from Blue Beach demonstrate that when windows into the fauna of ‘Romer’s Gap’ are found a rich diversity of tetrapods will be shown to be present, contra arguments that suggested this hiatus in the fossil record was due to extrinsic factors such as atmospheric oxygen levels. They also show that the early tetrapod fauna is not easily divisible into Devonian and Carboniferous faunas, suggesting that some tetrapods passed through the end Devonian extinction event unaffected.  相似文献   

Three mass accumulations of sea urchins from the Miocene of Sardinia show a number of taphonomic features which set them apart from previously described echinoid assemblages from the Cenozoic in which they represent: (1) monotypic assemblages; (2) include very well‐preserved remains of either regular or spatangoid echinoids; and (3) originate in deeper water environments. These accumulations are compared using a detailed sedimentological and taphonomic analysis including preservational fabrics, taphonomic signatures, size frequency distributions, density of occurrences and preferred orientations. The possible role of gregarious behaviour contributing to mass occurrences and the specific sedimentary events leading to the excellent preservation are discussed. The interpreted depositional environment of all three deposits is that of a storm‐dominated, siliciclastic shelf environment. A phymosomatid assemblage represents rapid burial through obrution of a highly dense, freshly dead community. A Brissopsis‐dominated spatangoid assemblage represents a mixed accumulation of parautochthonous and transported skeletons. The third assemblage consisting of regular echinoid spines and rare tests represents a composite tempestite. Differences in the depositional environments are related to their position along onshore–offshore gradient with the first two beds originated in a deeper setting than that of the spine accumulation. This study shows that the preservation of assemblages containing complete regular echinoids and spatangoids is higher in deeper water settings than in shallow water environments.  相似文献   

The ca. 1.0 myr old fauna from Swartkrans Member 3 (South Africa) preserves abundant indication of carnivore activity in the form of tooth marks (including pits) on many bone surfaces. This direct paleontological evidence is used to test a recent suggestion that leopards, regardless of prey body size, may have been almost solely responsible for the accumulation of the majority of bones in multiple deposits (including Swartkrans Member 3) from various Sterkfontein Valley cave sites. Our results falsify that hypothesis and corroborate an earlier hypothesis that, while the carcasses of smaller animals may have been deposited in Swartkrans by leopards, other kinds of carnivores (and hominids) were mostly responsible for the deposition of large animal remains. These results demonstrate the importance of choosing appropriate classes of actualistic data for constructing taphonomic inferences of assemblage formation. In addition, they stress that an all-encompassing model of assemblage formation for the hominid-bearing deposits of the Sterkfontein Valley is inadequate and that each must be evaluated individually using not just analogical reasoning but also incorporating empirical data generated in the preserved fossil samples.  相似文献   

The reconstructed taphonomic and paleoenvironmental contexts of a ca. 4 million-year-old partial hominid skeleton (Stw 573) from Sterkfontein Member 2 are described through presentation of the results of our analyses of the mammalian faunal assemblage associated stratigraphically with the hominid. The assemblage is dominated by cercopithecoids (Parapapio and Papio) and felids (Panthera pardus, P. leo, Felis caracal, and Felidae indet.), based on number of identified specimens, minimum number of elements and, minimum number of individuals. In addition, the assemblage is characterized by a number of partial skeletons and/or antimeric sets of bones across all taxonomic groups. There is scant indication of carnivore chewing in the assemblage. These observations, in addition to other taphonomic data, suggest that the remains of many animals recovered in Member 2 are from individuals that entered the cave on their own-whether accidentally by falling through avens connecting the cave to the ground surface above or by intentional entry-and were then unable to escape, rather than primarily through systematic collection by a biotic, bone-accumulating agent. The taphonomic conclusion that animals with climbing proclivities (i.e., primates and carnivores) are preferentially preserved over other taxa, ultimately because of those proclivities, urges caution in assessing the fidelity of the assemblage for reconstruction of the Member 2 paleoenvironment. With that caveat, we infer that the Member 2 paleoenvironment was typified by rolling, rock-littered and brush- and scrub-covered hills, indicated by the abundant F. caracal and cercopithecoid fossils recovered and the identified presence of the extinct Caprinae Makapania broomi. In addition, the valley bottom may have retained standing water year-round, perhaps supporting some tree cover--a setting suitable for the well-represented ambush predator P. pardus and suggested by the presence of Alcelaphini. Finally, the reconstructed taphonomic and paleoenvironmental settings of Sterkfontein Member 2 are compared to penecontemporaneous sites in South and East Africa.  相似文献   

Bonebeds can provide a wealth of anatomical, taphonomic, and ontogenetic information about the specimens preserved within them, and can provide evidence for inferred behavior. The material described here represents the first known bonebed of ornithomimids in North America, and the fourth record of an ornithomimosaur bonebed in the world. Partial skeletons representing three individuals are preserved in this assemblage, each comprising primarily portions of the posterior postcrania (pelvis, hind limbs and tail). All three individuals are morphologically similar, although one is larger in overall size. Given the stratigraphic position of the site, and the morphology of the postcrania, the preserved material represents a taxon from the clade containing Ornithomimus and Struthiomimus. Pedal ungual morphology is examined and found to be too variable to be useful in distinguishing these species taxonomically. This site provides additional evidence of gregarious behavior in ornithomimids and the first probable record of that behavior in North American forms.  相似文献   

Excavations conducted by H.J. Deacon in the 1970s at Boomplaas Cave (BPA) uncovered a stratified sequence of Middle Stone Age (MSA) and Later Stone Age (LSA) deposits spanning the last >65,000 years. This study provides the first comprehensive and integrated taphonomic and paleoecological analysis of the BPA large mammals, with a focus on its implications for understanding human adaptations and environmental changes in southern Africa's Cape Floristic Region (CFR), an area that features prominently in understanding modern human origins. Taphonomic data indicate a complex history of human, carnivore, and raptor accumulation of the large mammal assemblage. The anthropogenic signal is largely absent from the bottom of the sequence (>65,000 years ago), intermediate in MSA and LSA assemblages from ∼50,000 to 20,000 years ago, and strong in LSA deposits post-dating the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). When viewed in the broader CFR context, the inferred occupation history of BPA is consistent with the hypothesis that both MSA and LSA human populations were concentrated on the submerged coastline from ∼60,000 to ∼20,000 years ago. Intensive occupation following the LGM parallels an apparent increase in regional population densities, which may have been driven in part by rising sea levels. The BPA ungulate assemblage is characterized by the rise and decline of a taxonomically diverse grazing community, which peaks during the LGM. These changes are not correlated with taphonomic shifts, meaning that they are likely driven by environmental factors, namely the expansion and contraction of grassland habitats. Changes in ungulate diversity indicate that effective precipitation was highest during the LGM, corresponding with an intensified winter rainfall system. This is consistent with recent arguments that the LGM in this region may not have been extremely harsh and arid.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Coprolites from the Arcadia Formation, Queensland, Australia, were studied in conjunction with the vertebrate fossil assemblages from two localities to maximize our understanding of the palaeoecology of these Early Triassic deposits. Criteria used by other researchers to identify the producers of coprolites were found to be of little value in the Arcadia Formation specimens. Using a combination of shape, biostratigraphic distribution, size and included remains some of the coprolites are attributed to basal archosauromorphs and fish whereas others could not be identified. Perhaps the most important attribute of the Arcadia coprolites is that they preserved rare organisms such as cyanobacteria, insects and other arthropods, and a diversity of fish. Estimates of the number of actinopterygians and dipnoans preserved in coprolites significantly increased relative abundance estimates based on skeletal elements alone. Although coprolites are an important source of palaeobiological information, this information is limited by our poor understanding of the taphonomic processes involved in the fossilization of faecal matter and by the near impossibility of assigning coprolites to specific producers.  相似文献   

Through the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, the southern shore of the Tethys Ocean migrated north and south over short distances. These vicissitudes are documented in the ‘continental intercalaire’, a long series of mainly non-marine sediments deposited across North Africa. A combined taxonomic, physical and chemical taphonomic study provides independent lines of evidence for reconstruction of palaeoenvironments within this marginal marine setting.The Douiret, Chenini and Oum ed Diab formations from the Tataouine basin of southern Tunisia span the later part of the Early Cretaceous. Microvertebrates from four sites in these formations show different modes of physical abrasion, time averaging, and mixing, based on a taphonomic analysis using a combination of physical and chemical methods. The taxonomic composition of each assemblage, and trends in rare earth element (REE) compositions of bones, from each locality were used as independent lines of evidence to indicate differences in early depositional environments. The Jebel Boulouha assemblage (Douiret Formation) is interpreted as a terrestrial carbonate-rich environment with relatively little mixing. The Touil el Mra assemblage (Oum ed Diab Formation) suggests a marginal marine environment with some mixing of previously interred bones. The Oued el Khil assemblage (Chenini Formation) and the Oum ed Diab assemblage (Oum Ed Diab Formation) are more equivocal, suggesting mixed freshwater and marine influences. Interpreting salinity in marginal marine settings is difficult, and best attempted from multiple, independent lines of evidence. We suggest that REE geochemistry can contribute to palaeoenvironmental reconstruction when used in combination with other, independent physical, palaeontological and /or geochemical methods.  相似文献   

The Permian Serra Alta Formation was generated under transgressive conditions within a large, calm epeiric sea. A monotonous succession of ‘barren’, massive mudstones deposited under oxygen‐deficient conditions (mainly below storm wave base) is the main lithofacies of this unit. Fossils are generally rare and diluted in the matrix, but certain intervals contain shell‐rich concentrations with well‐preserved, closed articulated bivalves, mixed with shells and comminuted debris with variable quality of preservation, all encased in carbonate concretions. Two main scenarios may account for the origin of these bivalve‐rich concretions (i.e. unique events in sea‐water chemistry or unique burial‐starvation couplets). Sedimentological and taphonomic information indicates that the final deposition of the original shell‐rich mudstone intervals was probably tied to episodic influx of fine‐grained sediments in distal settings. Moderate bioturbation is also recorded suggesting low rates of sedimentation prior to early diagenesis. Hence, the fossil concentrations in concretions were formed due to the interplay of event and background sedimentation. These are internally simple concentrations with complex depositional histories. The concretion‐bearing beds are not randomly distributed in the Serra Alta Formation. Rather, they are found in the sparsely fossiliferous offshore deposits of the basal to intermediate portions of the unit. Thus, the concretionary mudstone beds and associated deposits are preserved in particular intervals and can be tracked for kilometres. This indicates that the conditions essential for concretion development existed only at particular stratigraphical intervals. Finally, our study strongly corroborates the idea that concretions are critical sources of sedimentological, taphonomic and stratigraphical information.  相似文献   

Martínez, S., del Río, C.J. & Pérez, D.E. 2010: A brittle star bed from the Miocene of Patagonia, Argentina. Lethaia , Vol. 43, pp. 1–9.
As a consequence of the extremely poor fossil record of brittle stars, every new discovery is important. The Miocene example studied herein involves the recently described species Ophiocrossota kollenbergorum Caviglia, Martínez & del Río recovered from the Chenque Formation of southeastern Argentina. The information used here is derived from unpublished data and a new record from two discrete, thin, monospecific patches. The main taphonomic features of the patches, namely the presence of specimens concordant with bedding planes, (with either aboral or oral side upwards), and the good preservation of the delicate discs (ca. 6 mm wide on average), and the preservation of un-oriented arms complete with fragile tips (not wider than 0.2 mm), point to a suddenly buried census assemblage. Although broken or isolated arms were found, this is attributed to the erosive environmental conditions of the abrasion platform where the studied exposure is located today. Size frequency distributions suggest that both patches were buried at different seasons. Observed densities are 77 and 143 individuals/m2, and distances between individuals are random. The arm length/disc diameter ratio indicates that Ophiocrossota kollenbergorum may have been an epifaunal surface dweller. No signs of predation (such as regenerated arms), were identified.  相似文献   

A quantitative taphonomic analysis of the fossil assemblages, together with a sedimentary study of the Pliocene deposits of the Vejer Basin (Cádiz, Spain), has been carried out. This multidisciplinary analysis has allowed us to establish with great precision the palaeoenvironmental conditions under which these materials were formed. The Pliocene deposits can be divided into three units, named from bottom to top: Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3. Unit 1 is formed of medium-to-coarse-grained sands at the base, corresponding to subtidal bar deposits. At the top, the sands become coarser, and beach and littoral dunes were formed. Within these sedimentological contexts, the fossil remains exhibit a strong degree of taphonomic destruction due to high hydrodynamic energy. Unit 2, consisting of clays, corresponds to deposits formed in a protected coastal bay. A low-energy environment allowed the fossils to maintain a good state of conservation and even thin-shelled bivalves with a delicate ornamentation are preserved. Unit 3 comprises highly bioclastic sands and calcarenites-calcirudites. This unit displays a shallowing upwards trend, passing from deposits generated under shallow subtidal conditions in the lower part to materials deposited on beaches and coastal dunes in the upper part. Under these conditions, the fossil remains show a high degree of taphonomic destruction. In Units 1 and 3, the fossils are mainly accumulated in horizontal beds, with extensive lateral continuity and with erosive bottoms and graded tops. These accumulations of fossils are interpreted as tempestites. As compared with the fossils preserved in surrounding sediments, the taphonomic attributes of these bioclasts suggest a superposition of the background and event processes. During normal conditions, the high energy of the littoral environments produced a strong degree of taphonomic destruction. During storm events, a mixture of taphonomic attributes was produced: high fragmentation and disarticulation and little abrasion and edge rounding of the fragments. This mixture was a consequence of sudden burial after storms, which prevented long periods of exposure of the bioclasts in the taphonomically active zone. Three taphofacies models are proposed, based on taphonomic attributes of fossils contained in the different units: inner-shelf taphofacies, protected shallow-lagoon taphofacies and storm bed taphofacies.  相似文献   

The latest Neoproterozoic extinction of the Ediacara biota has been variously attributed to catastrophic removal by perturbations to global geochemical cycles, ‘biotic replacement’ by Cambrian-type ecosystem engineers, and a taphonomic artefact. We perform the first critical test of the ‘biotic replacement’ hypothesis using combined palaeoecological and geochemical data collected from the youngest Ediacaran strata in southern Namibia. We find that, even after accounting for a variety of potential sampling and taphonomic biases, the Ediacaran assemblage preserved at Farm Swartpunt has significantly lower genus richness than older assemblages. Geochemical and sedimentological analyses confirm an oxygenated and non-restricted palaeoenvironment for fossil-bearing sediments, thus suggesting that oxygen stress and/or hypersalinity are unlikely to be responsible for the low diversity of communities preserved at Swartpunt. These combined analyses suggest depauperate communities characterized the latest Ediacaran and provide the first quantitative support for the biotic replacement model for the end of the Ediacara biota. Although more sites (especially those recording different palaeoenvironments) are undoubtedly needed, this study provides the first quantitative palaeoecological evidence to suggest that evolutionary innovation, ecosystem engineering and biological interactions may have ultimately caused the first mass extinction of complex life.  相似文献   

The geochronology and taphonomy of internationally important fossil bearing cave deposits were studied, both in the semi-arid Northern Bahia area and the subtropical southeastern Lagoa Santa area of Brazil. Taphonomic analysis suggests that the processes responsible for bone accumulation in the Brazilian caves vary between sites, and taphonomic bias can therefore be significant in causing differences in faunal composition. In the Toca da Boa Vista caves the presence of single articulated skeletons, and the entrance-related distribution indicate that random penetration of animals is the main mechanism of fossil accumulation, a process that biases the assemblage to smaller species, and takes place over extended time periods. In nearby Toca dos Ossos cave transport by runoff in the cave river is predominant, and biases the fauna remains to larger more robust bones and species. Deposition probably also occurred only at times of enhanced runoff giving a more contemporaneous assemblage. Similar processes were responsible for emplacement of the copious fossil remains in the more humid Lagoa Santa area, where terrigenous fossil deposits are found intercalated by massive speleothem calcite layers. In this area runoff under a drier climate probably accounts for the sediment emplacement inside caves. In both areas the mode of emplacement implies bias in the fossil record, resulting in fossil assemblages that do not mirror surface faunas, limiting palaeoenvironmental reconstruction.

Mass spectrometric U-series analysis of speleothem calcite overlaying fossil remains gives minimum ages for fossil deposition. These ages confirm the previous view that many of the deposits derive from the late glacial, but also show that much older material (some > 350,000 yr) is also present. The habitat requirements of critical fossil species such as bats and monkeys strongly suggest that they derive from much wetter periods when forest cover was present in the currently semi-arid Northern Bahia area. Taphonomy exerts a major control on the diversity and mode of emplacement of cave fossil deposits in eastern Brazil and thus detailed sedimentological and hydrological studies coupled with a sound geochronological approach are essential in quantifying the relative importance of each taphonomic processes before faunal and palaeoecological interpretations can be attempted.  相似文献   

贵州剑河寒武系凯里组软舌螺化石丰富、埋藏形式多样,其中以脊状单臂螺Haplophrentis carinatus化石数量最多、保存最为完整。过去有关学者对凯里组单臂螺化石的研究主要集中在化石分类学方面,对脊状单臂螺埋藏特征及与其他生物共生关系缺乏深入探讨。本文对324块脊状单臂螺化石标本进行系统研究对比后发现,凯里组脊状单臂螺口盖化石埋藏形式有四类:口盖单独保存、口盖以内模或外模化石形式保存、口盖与锥壳完全绞合保存、口盖与锥壳不完全绞合保存;附肢保存较少;锥壳多以内模化石形式保存;脊状单臂螺内模化石与印痕化石上普遍出现类似软体保存形成的三分叉结构,这类三分叉结构属于后期埋藏因素造成的次生结构。文中还对脊状单臂螺与始海百合共生关系进行探讨,并将二者共生关系归为偏害共生。  相似文献   

Here we present the results of a taphonomic study of the faunal assemblage associated with the hominin fossils (Australopithecus sediba) from the Malapa site. Results include estimation of body part representation, mortality profiles, type of fragmentation, identification of breakage patterns, and microscopic analysis of bone surfaces. The diversity of the faunal spectrum, presence of animals with climbing proclivities, abundance of complete and/or articulated specimens, occurrence of antimeric sets of elements, and lack of carnivore-modified bones, indicate that animals accumulated via a natural death trap leading to an area of the cave system with no access to mammalian scavengers. The co-occurrence of well preserved fossils, carnivore coprolites, deciduous teeth of brown hyaena, and some highly fragmented and poorly preserved remains supports the hypothesis of a mixing of sediments coming from distinct chambers, which collected at the bottom of the cave system through the action of periodic water flow. This combination of taphonomic features explains the remarkable state of preservation of the hominin fossils as well as some of the associated faunal material.  相似文献   

External estuarine facies in Late Sinemurian beds from the base of the Puesto Araya Formation in the Atuel river region, Mendoza Province, Argentina, contain concentrations of a new species of Cardinioides (a shallow burrowing suspension-feeding Pachycardiidae bivalve) and a low diversity benthic fauna. These bivalves appear in tidal inlet facies of a wave-dominated estuary (environment similar to lagoon-barrier island systems), forming bioclastic lags at the channel bases. The taphonomic attributes (such as shell articulation, degree of fragmentation and abrasion, bioclast size, orientation) change from North to South, from monospecific concentrations of nearly complete large Cardinioides shells with low degree of fragmentation and abrasion, through beds with smaller Cardinioides shells associated with a few bivalves from marine environments, to only isolated fragmented specimens associated with a fully marine biota including not only other bivalves but also brachiopods and ammonoids. This, together with different palaeoecologic, sedimentologic and stratigraphic attributes at the studied localities are evidence of southwards changing environmental conditions from marginal marine (brackish) to fully marine on the eastern margin of the Neuquén basin at that time. From detailed analysis of taphonomic features, size distribution of shells, and the associated fauna at the different localities, the new species is regarded as a brackish water endemic, possibly a low salinity euryhaline species, which inhabited well oxygenated waters. Salinity, turbulence levels and food supply were the main limiting factors in the distribution of the species.  相似文献   

Three gravity cores were collected in north-western Ross Sea (Coulman Island and Cape Adare areas) during 1998 and 1999 “Progetto Nazionale Ricerche in Antartide”. Several carbonate-rich levels, from Late Pleistocene to Holocene in age, interbedded with glacial marine sequences were recovered. Examination of the compositional characters (X-ray structure, texture, water, TOC and CaCO3 contents) and taphonomic data (fabric of the fossil concentration, degree of preservation of foraminifers and bryozoans, together with paleoecological inferences) has allowed the preliminary documentation of oscillations of the ice-shelf front in this area. Benthic foraminifer tests in glacial marine sediments older than the Last Glacial Maximum are often badly preserved (abraded and broken), testifying to the persistent transport of these sediments. In the younger sediments, an increased concentration of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma occurs, indicating more open water conditions. The occurrence of a mainly autochthonous fauna in muddy sediments in between two volcanic events in the Coulman Island area could indicate stable environmental conditions. The occurrence of limited % of fragmented foraminifers indicates the decreasing influence of glacial reworking. In the Cape Adare area, mass flow events were common during the Holocene retreat of the ice shelf. Several bioclastic-rich deposits (stylasterids and bryozoans assemblage) in the studied core with interbedded muddy sediments could indicate mass transport events from neighboring shallow environments. During undisturbed open-marine conditions, represented by muddy sedimentation, foraminifers and other calcareous taxa colonized the previous coarse-textured skeletal substratum.  相似文献   

There have been surprisingly few empirical investigations of the fundamental principle that the architecture of depositional sequences exerts considerable control on observed patterns of faunal distribution and replacement. In this paper, we examine trilobite associations in two sequences of the Upper Ordovician (Sandbian) Bromide Formation of southern Oklahoma. Cluster analysis and ordination of genus abundance data identified five lithofacies‐related biofacies that are also differentiated by diversity patterns. Biofacies of the transgressive system tract (TST) of successive sequences are more similar to each other than they are to biofacies in the highstand systems tract (HST) of the same sequence. This similarity likely records dominance of large, robust convex sclerites in taphonomically degraded samples from condensed, strongly winnowed grainstone and rudstone. Horizons with articulated exoskeletons of isoteline trilobites preserved by obrution deposits occur most commonly in the early HST and record behavioural aggregations. Grainstone and rudstone of the later HST are less winnowed than those of the TST and show less fragmentation and sorting of sclerites. These changes in taphonomic conditions preserve ecological patterns more clearly. In most biofacies, rarefied alpha diversity (samples) and gamma diversity (biofacies) of middle‐ and outer‐ramp HST deposits are greater than in the TSTs, and biofacies replace each other down ramp. Diversity patterns do not agree with model predictions and other data sets that indicate low beta and high alpha diversity in the TST, likely because of taphonomic degradation. Vertical replacement of biofacies is expressed by the appearance of peritidal facies in which trilobites are rare. Biofacies shifts also characterize sequence boundaries and are most profound in the inner‐ramp successions characterized by sharp facies offsets. Comparison with bathymetrically similar deposits in the Taconic foreland basin showed similar diversity trends along environmental gradients, with some differences in shallow‐water settings attributed to taphonomic differences.  相似文献   

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