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The racer goby Neogobius gymnotrachelus , along with several other neogobiin fishes, has been spreading north and west from its native Ponto-Caspian range for the past two decades via shipping and canals. It has been predicted as a likely future invader of the North American Great Lakes, where it would join its neogobiin relatives – the round and freshwater tubenose gobies. The present study is the first to analyse the population genetic and biogeographic relationships of the racer goby, establishing a baseline to aid interpretation of its future spread patterns and likely donor-recipient population relationships. The mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene was sequenced from representative areas of the racer goby's range, including rivers of the northern Black Sea and areas of spread upstream in the Danube River and outside the Ponto-Caspian region to the Vistula River in Poland. Results discerned nine haplotypes, with few shared among drainages of native rivers and most sites housing unique alleles. Racer goby populations significantly diverged among watersheds, supporting historic low migration and little non-anthropogenic gene flow. The Dnieper River was identified as a likely donor source for the Vistula River colonization, where appreciable variability suggests a relatively large number of founding genotypes.  相似文献   

A new marine goby Callogobius sheni collected from coral reefs off southern Taiwan is described. The new species can be distinguished from congeneric species by the following combination of features: dorsal fin rays VI-I, 9; anal fin rays I, 7; pectoral fin rays 18; longitudinal scale rows 27–28; predorsal scale rows 9–10; no posterior oculoscapular and preopercular canals; body pale white with five blackish brown cross bands; caudal and pectoral fins each with a large blackish brown blotch.  相似文献   

A new freshwater goby, Rhinogobius immaculatus sp.nov., is described here from the Qiantang River in China. It is distinguished from all congeners by the following combination of characters: second dorsal-fin rays I, 7–9; anal-fin rays I, 6–8; pectoral-fin rays14–15; longitudinal scales 29–31; transverse scales7–9; predorsal scales 2–5; vertebrae 27(rarely 28);preopercular canal absent or with two pores; a red oblique stripe below eye in males; branchiostegal membrane mostly reddish-orange, with 3–6 irregular discrete or connected red blotches on posterior branchiostegal membrane and lower operculum in males; caudal-fin base with a median black spot; and no black blotch on anterior part of first dorsal fin in males.  相似文献   

The early development of the endangered freshwater goby, Rhinogobius sp. BI (ogasawara-yoshinobori in Japanese), was described in the course of a serial rearing experiment over generations as ex situ preservation. The eggs, measuring 2.0 mm in long diameter and 0.7 mm in short diameter, were elliptical with a colorless transparent chorion, a slightly yellowish yolk, and some oil globules. Hatching occurred naturally at 6 to 7 days after spawning at 24.0°C. Newly hatched larvae, measuring 3.2–3.4 mm in total length (TL), had opened mouth and a globular yolk sac. The yolk was completely absorbed at 3.5 mm TL (5 days after hatching). Notochord flexion initiated at 5.7 mm TL (18 days) and finished at <9.1 mm TL (30 days). First dorsal fin began to form in postflexion larvae at 10.0 mm TL (40 days), and a full complement was attained at 11.6 mm TL (45 days). Second dorsal fin emerged at 5.7 mm TL (18 days); full count was attained and segmentation initiated at 9.1 mm TL (30 days). Anal fin anlage appeared at 5.7 mm TL (18 days); its ray count was completed and segmentation initiated at 9.1 mm TL (30 days), and branching at 15.6 mm TL (60 days). Caudal fin support appeared at 4.5 mm TL (15 days); segmentation initiated at 6.0 mm TL (24 days) and branching at 10.0 mm TL (40 days). Fanlike pectoral fin present in newly hatched larvae. Pectoral fin rays appeared at 10.0 mm TL (40 days), and its ray count completed at 15.6 mm TL (60 days). Pelvic fin projected at 9.1 mm TL (30 days), and a sucking disc partially formed at 11.6 mm TL (45 days). Aggregate numbers of all fin rays were completed at 15.6 mm TL in 60 days after hatching. Pelagic period continued for about 40 days, and settlement was completed in postflexion larvae at 45 days.  相似文献   

The Rhinogobius species complex (Pisces: Gobiidae) includes great variation in colour, morphology and ecological form. In particular, R. sp. OR (Orange type) exhibits some of the greatest colour variation among the species complex, although the genetic relationships among the variations in this fish remain unclear. Thirteen microsatellite loci were identified from R. sp. OR, and all loci were polymorphic with two to 17 alleles per locus. Observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.1 to 0.9, while the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.19 to 0.96. Multiplex polymerase chain reaction reaction (PCR) were optimized. All loci except Rhi‐5 conform to Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (P > 0.05).  相似文献   

李帆  钟俊生 《动物学研究》2007,28(5):539-544
描述分布于浙江省武义县武义江的吻虾虎鱼1新种,定名为武义吻虾虎鱼(Rhinogobius wuyiensis)。该虾虎鱼在头部斑纹上与雀斑吻虾虎鱼(R.lentiginis)相近,但有如下特征可区别于相近种:具眼肩胛骨管及前鳃盖管(vs.无任何感觉管孔);椎骨数10 16=26(vs.27);臀鳍分支鳍条7-9(vs.6-7);头部斑点大小不等且不规则,常呈线状交织(vs.具规则的小圆斑);鳃盖条部内侧无斑点(vs.密布小点)。  相似文献   

The river goby Glossogobius callidus is native to freshwater and estuarine habitats in South Africa. Individuals [21.1–144.4 mm total length (LT)] were sampled from impoundments in the Sundays River Valley, Eastern Cape, from February 2014 to March 2015. The largest female was 137.2 mm LT, and the largest male was 144.4 mm LT. Length-at-50% maturity was 75.2 ± 2.1 mm LT for males and 76.2 ± 2.0 mm LT for females. Absolute fecundity was 1028.2 ± 131.7 oocytes per fish, and relative fecundity was 50.1 ± 18.1 oocytes per gram. The spawning season extended from October to December. Fish were aged using sectioned sagittal otoliths. The growth zone periodicity was validated using edge analysis. Longevity was more than 7 years for females and more than 6 years for males. Length-at-age was similar for the two sexes and was best described using the von Bertalanffy growth model as Lt = 74.7(1 − e–1.0(t + 0.1)) mm LT for the entire population. Using the population age structure, the mortality rate was estimated at 1.3 per year.  相似文献   

Synopsis Croilia mossambica, a burrowing goby endemic to the coastal lakes of south east Africa occurs from L. Poelela (salinity 8%.) to L. Sibaya (freshwater). Since these lakes are isolated from one another its distribution is discontinuous. It is not found in estuaries or the sea. In L. Sibaya C. mossambica is present on sheltered sides from a depth of 1 m to about 16 m. On exposed shores it is not found at less than 3.5 m depth. It is restricted to sandy, quiet water areas and is unable to form burrows where the substrate is disturbed by water movement, is muddy or consists of sand with a particle diameter greater than 0.5 mm. The maximum depth at which it lives is probably determined by light penetration since it is dependent on sight for prey capture. The food consists of slow moving benthic invertebrates such as chironomid larvae, gastropods, bivalves and amphipods. The relative importance of each depends upon its abundance. C. mossambica is a summer breeder with a protracted spawning season. The sticky eggs measure 0.7–0.8 mm when laid. Tolerance experiments show that it is euryhaline and can survive in seawater of 35%. and that its upper temperature limit is between 32 and 35°C. Temperatures in shallow waters of lakes and estuaries of the region frequently exceed 35°C. Thus its local distribution may be limited by temperature. Its lack of tolerance to high temperatures, to marked water movements and its ability to live in seawater indicates that C. mossambica is suited to life in the sea rather than in estuaries. It is suggested that it was present in quiet areas of the sea, such as lagoons, and that it invaded the coastal lakes which were formed as the estuaries and river valleys were inundated during the Pleistocene marine transgression. C. mossambica cannot tolerate estuarine conditions and with the present absence of quiet water in the sea off the south east African coast the species is now confined to deep coastal lakes.Note  相似文献   

A new genus and species of gobiid fish, Egglestonichthys Patriciae , is described from the South China Sea. Certain features of the modified head lateral-line system resemble those seen in eleotrine genera with 'transverse' suborbital sensory papillae, but the skeleton of the new goby is essentially gobiine. Aspects of the lateral-line system indicate closest relationship with genera from both the IndoPacific area ( Callogobius complex, Psilogobius, Stonogobiops ) and the New World ( Microgobius ). Wider affinities with other gobiine and gobionelline genera are discussed. Discrepancies between arrangements based predominantly on lateral-line characters and on osteology are noted and their implications considered for future classification of the gobioid fishes.  相似文献   

Systematics of freshwater gobies from Greece (Teleostei: Gobiidae)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Five species of gobiid fish are recognized in the fresh waters of Greece. Most distinctive is the south-western Hellenic (West Balkanian component) endemic genus Economidichthys Bianco, Bullock, Miller & Roubal, 1987, with the type-species E. pygmaeus (Holly, 1929) from Lefkas, Epirus and Lake Trichonis, and E. trichonis sp. nov., from Lake Trichonis, the latter probably the smallest freshwater European teleost at maturity (female, 18·0 mm) and maximum size (male, 30·0 mm). In tributaries of the northern Aegean basin (north-eastern Hellenic freshwater fauna), two species of the Ponto-Caspian genus Knipowitschia can be identified, the widespread Kn. caucasica (Kawrajsky in Berg, 1916) (coastal plain of Macedonia and Thrace) and the endemic Kn. ihessala (Vinciguerra, 1921) (Pinios river system, Thessaly). The larger Ponto-Caspian tubenose goby, Prolerorhinus marmoratus (Pallas, 1811), occurs in the Evros (= Maritsa) (Thrace) and Strymon (Macedonia) systems. Only the genera Economidichthys and Knipowitschia are considered in this paper, being redefined in terms of osteology and head lateral-line system, and the species described in detail, with special reference to meristic variation and squamation, and, in Economidichthys , the unique perianal organ of this genus. The relationships of Economidichthys and Kn. thessala are discussed and possible scenarios for their evolution are suggested in the light of Miocene to Recent events.  相似文献   

A new species of West Balkanian freshwater sand-goby Pomatoschistus montenegrensis sp. nov. (Teleostei: Gobiidae) is described from the Morača River, southern Montenegro, and shown to be related to the euryhaline Adriatic Pomatoschistus canestrinii . The generic status of these two species is discussed with reference to the limits of Pomatoschistus (type Gobius minutus ) and the status of a subgenus [ Ninnigobius (type-species Gobius canestrini )]. The habitat and the local distribution of the new species are described.  相似文献   

The primary structures of the mtDNA control region, the flanking tRNAPro and tRNAPhe genes and the partial 12S rRNA gene of the freshwater Etruscan goby Padogobius nigricans (Teleostei, Gobiidae) were determined. A tandem array of variable 17-bp repeats, named R1–7, was found to be responsible for most of the observed length and sequence variation between individuals.  相似文献   

A new species of gobiid fish Glossogobius minutus collected from the south-west coast of India is described. The morphological, morphometric and meristic characters were studied with special emphasis on osteology. The various characters are compared with those of G. giuris (Harn.) and G. biocellatus (Val.), the only other species of the genus reported from this region. Glossogobius minutus is a benthic omnivore and shows distinct sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

A new freshwater goby, Rhinogobius wangi, was collected from a small tributary of the Hanjiang Basin, Guangdong Province, southeastern China. The species can be distinguished from all congeneric species by the following unique combination of features: second dorsal fin rays I, 8; anal fin rays I, 7; pectoral fin rays 16; rather large scales as longitudinal scale series 26–27; predorsal scales 8–9; vertebral count 10 + 17 = 27; seven parallel, deep brown oblique stripes crossing on cheek in male; branchiostegal membrane with brownish-red spots in male; seven longitudinal deep brown lines on lateral side of body; pectoral fin base with a blackish-brown bar. A key to all nominal species with high vertebral counts from China (Hanjiang to Chiangtangjiang basins), Taiwan, and Japan is also provided.  相似文献   

The crested loaches of the genus Paracobitis from the Sistan basin (Iran) are reviewed based on morphological and mitochondrial cytb and COI sequences characters to check the status of taxa in phylogenetic trees. Paracobitis rhadinaea (Regan, 1906) and P. vignai Nalbant & Bianco, 1998 were known only based on minor morphological differences (presence or absence of scales, caudal fin shape, colour pattern and fish size). We failed to find any diagnostic molecular and morphological characters between them. Therefore, we regard P. vignai as a junior synonym of P. rhadinaea.  相似文献   

The reproductive system of gobiid fishes (family Gobiidae), especially among hermaphroditic goby species, is morphologically diverse. Two hermaphroditic species in the genus Gobiodon, G. okinawae and G. oculolineatus, have several modifications of the gonoduct and gonad that are associated with secretion production and storage. In this study, an examination of six additional Gobiodon species, G. citrinus, G. fulvus, G. histrio, G. micropus, G. quinquestrigatus and G. rivulatus, revealed similar reproductive modifications. Among these six Gobiodon species, a number of features were found to be shared amongst each other and with G. okinawae and G. oculolineatus. All individuals had either an ovariform gonad or an ovotestis; no individuals had a purely testicular gonad. The gonadal lobes extended caudally past, rather than terminating at, their union with the gonoduct. Accessory secretory structures associated with the reproductive complex, termed accessory gonoduct structures, or AGdS, always originated from the gonoduct. The ovariform gonad was comprised entirely of ovarian tissue, while the ovotestis was divided into three morphologically distinct regions. Only one of the ovotestis regions was strictly gametogenic, consisting of both early stage oocytes and sperm-filled seminiferous lobules. The second region of the ovotestis was made up of stromal tissue surrounding some compressed lumina and a small number of early-stage oocytes. The third region was highly lobulated and acted as a storage region for eosinophilic secretions. Anteriorly, the stromal region of each of the two ovotestis lobes disappeared and the gametogenic and secretory storage regions of the ovotestis separated into two discrete lobes. In all of the examined Gobiodon species, all individuals having an ovotestis also had AGdS. However, AGdS presence among individuals having an ovariform gonad varied in a species-specific manner, with the AGdS being fully differentiated and well-developed in a number of species, and either in a very early stage of development, or absent, in others. The distribution of these AGdS states among Gobiodon species corresponds with that of several other morphological features that have been proposed by Harold et al. (Bull Mar Sci 82:119–136, 2008) as phylogenetically informative for intra-generic clade identification. Reproductive characters may prove informative in the development of hypotheses of relationships among gobiid fishes.  相似文献   

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