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Summary Rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) were grown for 125 days in nutrient solutions maintained at constant potassium concentrations over the rate 51 to 1534 M. Data are recorded at different growth stages for relative growth rate, potassium content, absorption rate of this element per gram dry weight of roots per day and its utilization in dry-matter production. Optimum concentration for maximum growth was found to be about 256 M or 10 ppm potassium. Growth was more or less constant beyond this concentration. The maximum growth was characterized by a certain relative absorption rate (IM) for maximum growth ranging from 106 to 757 g-atom of potassium per g dry weight of roots per day, during the period of cultivation. In general the content of this element in tops as a percentage of the total content does not change appreciably either under different concentrations or at different ages. When the concentration of the solution increased, the utilization of potassium (dry-matter production per unit element content) decreased. The ratio between the relative growth rate (RGR) and relative absorption rate (IM) for maximum growth of rice ranged 1.4 during the first phase of growth to 1.3 at maturity of the crop. Higher ratios indicate an insufficient nutrient supply, lower ratios, however, either an abundant supply or a depressing effect of the solution on growth.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the relationship of ventilation (VE) with pH, arterial concentrations of potassium [( K+]a), bicarbonate [( HCO3-]a), lactate [( la]a), and acid-base parameters which would affect hyperpnoea during exercise and recovery. To assess this relationship, ten healthy male subjects exercised with intensity increasing as a ramp function of 20 W.min-1 until voluntary exhaustion and they were then allowed a 5-min recovery period. Breath-by-breath gas exchange data, [HCO3-]a, pH, [la]a, [K+]a and blood gases were determined during both exercise and recovery. Using a linear regression method, the VE/[K+]a relationship was analysed during both exercise and recovery. Several interesting results were obtained: a significant relationship between [K+]a and VE was observed during recovery as well as during exercise; the VE at any given values of [K+]a was significantly higher during recovery than during exercise and out of those factors affecting exercise hyperpnoea, only [K+]a had a similar time-course to VE during recovery. Changes in [K+]a during recovery were shown to occur significantly faster than VE with an [K+]a time constant of 70.0 s, SD 16.2 as opposed to 105.5 s, SD 10.0 for VE (P less than 0.01). These results provided further evidence that [K+]a might play an important role as a substance which can stimulate exercise hyperpnoea as has been suggested by other workers. The present study also showed that during recovery [K+]a contributed significantly to the control of VE.  相似文献   

The importance of the simultaneous consideration of tissue and substrate concentration in the estimation of ion uptake is discussed. An elaboration of the model of ion uptake, originally proposed by E. Epstein, is developed. The modified model takes both tissue and substrate ion concentration into account and uses true constants in the estimation of uptake. A test case—K+ uptake by a barley cultivar—has been presented to show the working of the model. The relevance of the modified model is also pointed out.  相似文献   

In a previous report it was concluded that steady-state operation of completely mixed reactors for growth of heterogeneous microbial populations, i.e., activated sludge processes, was extremely difficult to attain if maintenance of a constant sludge recycle ratio, c, was required, and equations were devised in which the concentration of cells in the recycle, xR, rather than the recycle ratio, was constant. In this report the equations are developed and computational analysis shows the effect on substrate and cell concentrations in the reactor of operational variables such as inflowing feed concentration, hydraulic recycle ratio, recycle sludge concentration, dilution rate, and the biological “constants” μm, ks, and Y. The stabilizing effect of operating with constant xR on the dilute-out pattern is shown.  相似文献   

Myocardial stunning (temporary post-ischaemic contractile dysfunction) may be caused by oxidative stress and/or impaired myocyte calcium homeostasis. Regional myocardial stunning was induced in open-chest pigs (segment shortening reduced to 68.3 ± 4.7% of baseline) by repetitive brief circumflex coronary occlusion (I/R). Reduced glutathione was depleted in stunned myocardium (1.34 ± 0.06 vs. 1.77 ± 0.11 nmol/mg, p = 0.02 vs. remote myocardium) indicating regional oxidant stress, but no regional differences were observed in protein-bound 3-nitrotyrosine or S-nitrosothiol content. Repetitive I/R did not affect myocardial quantities of the sarcolemmal sodium-calcium exchanger, L-type channel, SR calcium ATPase and phospholamban, or the kinetics of ligand binding to L-type channels and SR calcium release channels. However, initial rates of oxalate-supported 45Ca uptake by SR were impaired in stunned myocardium (41.3 ± 13.5 vs. 73.0 ± 15.6 nmol/min/mg protein, p = 0.03). The ability of SR calcium ATPase to sequester cytosolic calcium is impaired in stunned myocardium. This is a potential mechanism underlying contractile dysfunction.  相似文献   

Swelling and potassium uptake in cultured astrocytes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The intracellular water content of astrocytes in primary cultures shows a biphasic swelling pattern on exposure to various increased external K+ concentrations over the range of 1.5-100 mM. The two phases (physiological, 1.5-12 mM K+; pathological, 25-100 mM K+) are based on two different mechanisms. Both can be blocked by low Cl- solutions and involve intensive net uptake of K+. However, the physiological phase consists of the activation of a KCl + NaCl carrier, while the Na+ in turn is pumped out by Na+-K+ ATPase, with a resultant net accumulation of KCl. At pathological K+ concentrations the KCl + NaCl carrier is less active because the Na+ driving force, its energy source, is reduced (owing to depolarization by K+). However, the Donnan equilibrium across the cell membrane is heavily disturbed, which leads to passive KCl accumulation. The results suggest that volume changes in cultured glial cells during exposure to high K+ should be taken into consideration since they disguise K+ accumulation when only ion activity is measured.  相似文献   

Varietal differences in potassium uptake by barley   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
Glass AD 《Plant physiology》1980,65(1):160-164
Potassium influx isotherms were obtained for 10 cultivars of barley using plants which had been grown with or without potassium (high K+ and low K+ plants, respectively), and the cultivars ranked with respect to Km or Vmax values for influx with a view to using these rankings as a predictive measure of long term performance under conditions of potassium-limited growth. Analyses of these rankings revealed significant differences between cultivars. Net uptake rates for low K+ plants, determined over a 24-hour period, confirmed the differences between upper (Herta) and lower (Conquest) ranked cultivars, and established similar differences in the rates of translocation to the shoot. Efflux analyses showed no differences in potassium efflux from the cytoplasm or from the vacuole for these cultivars. Growth rate studies under different conditions of potassium limitation indicated, with some exceptions, strong positive correlations between ranks accorded cultivars on the basis of influx kinetics and those based upon growth rates.  相似文献   

Energization of potassium uptake in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plant roots accumulate K+ from micromolar external concentrations. However, the absence of a firm determination of the trans-plasma-membrane electrochemical gradient for K+ in these conditions has precluded an assessment of whether K+-accumulation requires energization in addition to the driving force provided by the inside-negative membrane electrical potential (Em). To address this question unequivocally, we measured Em, and the cytosolic and external K+-activities in root cells of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. cv. Columbia in conditions in which net K+-accumulation occurs at low external K+ (10 M). In these conditions, net K+-uptake was about 0.1 mol · (g FW)-1 · h-1, Em varied between-153 and -129 mV and the cytosolic K+-activity, determined with K+-selective electrodes, was 83 ± 4 mM. These values yield an outwardly-directed driving force on K+ of at least 6.5 kJ · mol-1. Only if external potassium is raised to the region of 1 mM does Em become sufficient to drive net K+-accumulation. It is therefore concluded that at micromolar external K+-activities which prevail in most soils, K+-uptake cannot be solely energized by Em — as exemplified by a channel-mediated mechanism. The nature of the energization mechanism is discussed in relation to processes operating in fungal and algal cells.Abbreviations and Symbols AAS atomic absorption spectrometry - Em membrane potential - electrochemical potassium gradient - F Faraday constant (96500 C · mol-1) We thank Peter Barraclough, Roger Leigh, David Walker and Tony Miller (Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, UK) for helpful discussions. Financial support was provided by the Agricultural and Food Research Council (Grant PG87/529).  相似文献   

The phenomenon of myogenic constriction of arterial resistance vessels in response to increased intraluminal pressure has been known for over 100 years, yet our understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved remains incomplete. The focus of this paper concerns the potassium (K+) channels that provide a negative feedback control of the myogenic depolarization of vascular smooth muscle cells that is provoked by elevations in intraluminal pressure, and specifically, the contribution of delayed rectifier (KDR) channels. Our knowledge of the important role played by KDR channels, as well as their molecular identity and acute modulation via changes in gating, has increased dramatically in recent years. Several lines of evidence point to a crucial contribution by heteromultimeric KV1 subunit-containing KDR channels in the control of arterial diameter and myogenic reactivity, but other members of the KV superfamily are also expressed by vascular myocytes, and less is known concerning their specific functions. The effect of pharmacological modulation of KDR channels is discussed, with particular reference to the actions of anorexinogens on KV1- and KV2-containing KDR channels. Finally, the need for a greater understanding of the mechanisms that control KDR channel gene expression is stressed in light of evidence indicating that there is a reduced expression of KDR channels in diseases associated with abnormal myogenic reactivity and vascular remodelling.  相似文献   

In the range 10?6M - 5 × 10?2M uptake of K+ in excised roots of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Herta) with low and high K content could in both cases be represented by an isotherm with four phases. Uptake, especially in the range of the lower phases, was reduced in high K roots through decreases in Vmax and increases in Km. Similar data for other plants are also shown to be consistent with multiphasic kinetics. The concentrations at which transitions occurred were not affected by the K status, indicating the existence of separate uptake and transition sites. Uptake was markedly reduced in the presence of 10?5M 2,4-dinitrophenol, especially at low K+ concentrations, but the isotherms remained multiphasic. This contraindicates major contributions from a non-carrier-mediated, passive flux. A tentative hypothesis for multiphasic ion uptake envisions a structure which changes conformation as a result of all-or-none changes in a separate transition site. The structure is “tight” at low external ion concentrations (low Vmax. low Km. active uptake, allosteric regulation) and “loose” at high concentrations (high Vmax- high Km- facilitated diffusion, no regulation).  相似文献   

Low-affinity potassium uptake system in Bacillus acidocaldarius.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Cells of Bacillus acidocaldarius that were grown with 2.7 mM K+ expressed a low-affinity K+ uptake system. The following observations indicate that its properties closely resemble those of the Escherichia coli Trk and Streptococcus faecalis KtrI systems: (i) the B. acidocaldarius system took up K+ with a Km of 1 mM; (ii) it accepted Rb+ (Km of 6 mM; same Vmax as for K+); (iii) it was still active in the presence of low concentrations of sodium; (iv) the observed accumulation ratio of K+ maintained by metabolizing cells was consistent with K+ being taken up via a K+-H+ symporter; and (v) K+ uptake did not occur in cells in which the ATP level was low. Under the latter conditions, the cells still took up methylammonium ions via a system that was derepressed by growth with low levels of ammonium ions, indicating that in the acidophile ammonium (methylammonium) uptake requires a high transmembrane proton motive force rather than ATP.  相似文献   

Light-dependent potassium uptake by Pisum sativum leaf fragments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A net K+ influx into chopped pea leaves bathed in 5 mM KCl,0.26 M sucrose and illuminated with 4000 lux amounted to about7.5 µmoles/g fresh weight-hr, while essentially no netflux occurred in the dark. This light-dependent K+ uptake waslinear with time for nearly 2 hr and continuously increasedas the light intensity was raised to 9000 lux. Over half ofthe K+ uptake was balanced by H+ release into the bathing solution,possibly by a mechanism in which bicarbonate was the anion accompanyingK+. The replacement of Cl by HCO3 increased thelight-dependent K+ uptake to 56 µmoles/g fresh weight-hr.About 23% of the light-dependent K+ uptake in 5 mM KCl was accompaniedby a Cl uptake. This net Cl influx was less sensitiveto the uncoupler tri-Fl-CCP and more sensitive to DCMU in thebathing solution than was the K+ uptake. The remaining net K+influx into pea leaf fragments was balanced by effluxes of sodium(accounting for 5%), magnesium (8%) and calcium (1%). (Received March 31, 1969; )  相似文献   

Potassium depletion (KD) is a very common clinical entity often associated with adverse cardiac effects. KD is generally considered to reduce muscular Na-K-ATPase density and secondarily reduce K uptake capacity. In KD rats we evaluated myocardial Na-K-ATPase density, ion content, and myocardial K reuptake. KD for 2 wk reduced plasma K to 1.8 ± 0.1 vs. 3.5 ± 0.2 mM in controls (P < 0.01, n = 7), myocardial K to 80 ± 1 vs. 86 ± 1 µmol/g wet wt (P < 0.05, n = 7), increased Mg, and induced a tendency to increased Na. Myocardial Na-K-ATPase 2-subunit abundance was reduced by 30%, whereas increases in 1- and K-dependent pNPPase activity of 24% (n = 6) and 13% (n = 6), respectively, were seen. This indicates an overall upregulation of the myocardial Na-K pump pool. KD rats tolerated a higher intravenous KCl dose. KCl infusion until animals died increased myocardial K by 34% in KD rats and 18% in controls (P < 0.05, n = 6 for both) but did not induce different net K uptake rates between groups. However, clamping plasma K at 5.5 mM by KCl infusion caused a higher net K uptake rate in KD rats (0.22 ± 0.04 vs. 0.10 ± 0.03 µmol·g wet wt–1·min–1; P < 0.05, n = 8). In conclusion, a minor KD-induced decrease in myocardial K increased Na-K pump density and in vivo increased K tolerance and net myocardial K uptake rate during K repletion. Thus the heart is protected from major K losses and accumulates considerable amounts of K during exposure to high plasma K. This is of clinical interest, because a therapeutically induced rise in myocardial K may affect contractility and impulse generation-propagation and may attenuate increased myocardial Na, the hallmark of heart failure. Na-K-ATPase; ion homeostasis; heart failure; iatrogenic potassium depletion  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of a mechanistic model in the study of radionuclide soil–plant transfer and the obtainment of predictive estimates of radionuclide plant contamination. Soil–plant K and 134Cs transfer rates were measured and compared with those predicted by the Barber–Cushman model. The experiment was performed on pea plants grown in pots and in two different types of soil (Calcic Luvisol and Fluvisol). For K, model predictions proved valid for all development stages sampled; for 134Cs, the quality of the prediction depended on the plant stage. In both, parameter estimates varied depending on plant age and soil type. The model was also run for 134Cs using the Michaelis–Menten parameters obtained for K. In this case, the predicted values were significantly correlated with those measured, but about three times higher. Thus, a positive plant discrimination of K versus 134Cs in plant absorption is observed for the types of soil studied. As regression proved to be significant, K absorption rates may be used to estimate 134Cs absorption in determining radiocaesium plant uptake. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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