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Serotonin immunoreactivity of neurons in the gastropod Aplysia californica   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Serotonergic neurons and axons were mapped in the central ganglia of Aplysia californica using antiserotonin antibody on intact ganglia and on serial sections. Immunoreactive axons and processes were present in all ganglia and nerves, and distinct somata were detected in all ganglia except the buccal and pleural ganglia. The cells stained included known serotonergic neurons: the giant cerebral neurons and the RB cells of the abdominal ganglion. The area of the abdominal ganglion where interneurons are located which produce facilitation during the gill withdrawal reflex was carefully examined for antiserotonin immunoreactive neurons. None were found, but two bilaterally symmetric pairs of immunoreactive axons were identified which descend from the contralateral cerebral or pedal ganglion to abdominal ganglion. Because of the continuous proximity of this pair of axons, they could be recognized and traced into the abdominal ganglion neuropil in each preparation. If serotonin is a facilitating transmitter in the abdominal ganglion, these and other antiserotonin immunoreactive axons in the pleuroabdominal connectives may be implicated in this facilitation.  相似文献   

This study revises the mechanisms of ciliary locomotion and demonstrates muscular contribution to locomotion rate in Lymnaea stagnalis. L. stagnalis sticks to the substratum by the foot sole and moves smoothly with no visible contractions of the foot. A ciliated epithelium covering the sole is underlain by smooth muscle cells containing giant mitochondria. It is shown here that slow (basal) locomotor activity (measured as the flow rate of physiological saline over isolated sole) appears spontaneously or is induced by 10−8–10−7 M 5-HT. 5-HT (10−7–10−4 M) facilitates locomotor activity dose-dependently, and KCN (an inhibitor of mitochondrial respiration) decreases these effects to the basal level. 5-HT and KCN have no effect on the frequency of ciliary beat (stroboscopic measurements), and blockers of anaerobic glycolysis inhibit ciliary motility. Under anaerobic conditions locomotion of a snail is slow and insensitive to 5-HT in contrast to that in aerobic environments. It is concluded that glycolysis supplies energy to ciliated cells and respiration to sole muscle cells; 5-HT stimulates ciliary beating in an all-or-none fashion and muscular waves in a dose-dependent manner; cilia provide slow (basal) gliding, and locomotory rate up to 80% above the basal level is determined by muscular waves.  相似文献   

1. Predation incurs high fitness costs in aquatic organisms either through direct consumption or through avoidance responses that reduce time for activities such as feeding and reproduction. Hence, avoidance responses of aquatic organisms should vary to match closely the predation threat in their environment.
2. The freshwater gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis occurs in a variety of environments which vary in the presence or absence of predatory fish. We used naïve snails reared from six populations of this species experiencing different predator regimes (three co-occurring with molluscivorous fish and three without) to assess whether populations differed in the type and degree of their avoidance behaviours. Innate behavioural responses to four treatments (control, conspecific alarm cues, fish kairomones and fish kairomones paired with alarm cue) were compared in laboratory trials.
3. The primary anti-predator behaviour of L. stagnalis in response to fish kairomones was to crawl out of the water rather than seek refuge under water. This response was strongest when fish kairomones were paired with alarm cues, and varied depending on population origin; snails reared from populations co-occurring with predatory fish showed a stronger response than those raised from populations not experiencing such predators. In addition, populations co-occurring with predatory fish responded to the fish kairomones presented alone.
4. Our findings suggest that the degree of innate anti-predator behaviour shown by L. stagnalis , in terms of both the level of risk to which it responds and the degree of response, varies depending on the predator regime experienced by field populations. Together with previous work on cue association, this demonstrates that this gastropod is able to match its avoidance behaviour very closely to short and long term predation threats within its habitat.  相似文献   

In the present study the occurrence and localization of urotensin I (UI, a corticotropin releasing factor-like peptide) in the CNS of Aplysia californica were investigated by immunocytochemistry and radioimmunoassay. The RIA cross-reactivity pattern indicated that the UI antiserum used recognized an epitope in the C-terminal region of the UI, but it did not cross-react with mammalian corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and partially recognized sauvagine (SVG, a frog CRF-like peptide). The use of CRF-specific and sauvagine-specific antisera failed to give positive immunostaining. The application of UI antiserum (which does not cross-react with CRF in RIA) gave a positive staining, which was blocked by synthetic sucker (Catostomus commersoni) UI, but not by rat/human CRF (10 microM). On the basis of immunostaining and RIA parallel to fish UI displacement curves of cerebral ganglia extracts, the unknown UI/CRF-like substance in the Aplysia ganglia is likely to have greater homology with sucker UI than with the known CRF peptides. Urotensin I-immunoreactive (UI-ir) neurons were seen mainly in the F neuron clusters, located in the midline and rostrodorsal portion of the cerebral ganglia. Few UI-ir neurons were also found in the C and D neuron clusters of the cerebral ganglia, as well as in the left pleural and abdominal ganglia. In addition, numerous fine and coarse, and beaded UI-ir fibers were found in the cerebral commissure. UI-ir fibers were also seen in the neuropile of the buccal, pedal and pleural ganglia, and abdominal ganglion. A cuff-like arrangement of UI-ir fibers was seen in the supralabial nerves.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ultrastructural characteristics of muscle fibers and neuromuscular contacts were investigated during two stages of embryogenesis of the pulmonate snail Lymnaea stagnalis. The first muscle cells appear as early as during metamorphosis (50-55% of embryonic development), whereas previously, in the trochophore/veliger stages (25-45%), muscular elements cannot be detected at all. The first muscle fibers contain large amounts of free numbers, a well-developed rER system and only a few irregularly arranged contractile elements. The nucleus is densely packed with heterochromatine material. At 75% adult-like postmetamorphic stage, the frequency of muscle fibers increases significantly, but, bundles of muscle fibers cannot yet be observed. Furthermore the muscle cells are characterized by large numbers of free ribosomes and numerous rER elements. Fine axon bundles and single axon processes, both accompanied by glial elements, can already be found at this time. Axon varicosities with different vesicle and/or granule contents form membrane contacts with muscle fibers, but without revealing membrane specialization on the pre- or postsynaptic side. The late development of the muscle system and neuromuscular contacts during Lymnaea embryogenesis correlates well with the maturation of different forms of behavior of adult, free-living life, and also with the peripheral appearance of chemically identified components of the embryonic nervous system of central origin.  相似文献   

The ovulation hormone-producing caudo-dorsal cells (CDC) of Lymnaea stagnalis have three states of excitability (active, inhibited, and resting), which are related to the egg-laying cycle. Active state CDC produce a firing pattern of prolonged spiking activity (1 spike/2 s), which in the animal occurs shortly before egg laying. In preparations it is evoked as an afterdischarge upon repetitive stimulation of CDC. The afterdischarge is not synaptically driven, but rests on a pacemaking mechanism. CDC are silent in the inhibited and resting states, which follow egg laying. In these states the membrane potential is mainly dependent on [K+]0. In the active state the ratio of the K+, Na+, and Ca2+ permeabilities has changed considerably, probably resulting from an increased permeability to Na+ and Ca2+. The firing rate in the afterdischarge is dependent on the membrane potential, which is confirmed experimentally by varying [K+]0.[Na+]0 and [Ca2+]0 directly influence the firing rate. Firing stops in Na+-free saline, but is enhanced by Ca2+-free or high-Mg2+ saline. TTX does not affect firing. Relatively high concentrations of Co2+ and La3+ (2 × 10?3M) strongly inhibit CDC. Regular firing can be changed into bursting by various means, such as high K+ or addition of 1 mM Ba2+. Bursting normally occurs at the beginning of the afterdischarge. Postburst hyperpolarizations are reduced in Ca2+-free saline and by low Co2+ (10?4-5 10?4M). Active CDC are driven by a pacemaking mechanism constituted by a voltage-dependent Na+/Ca2+ channel and a Ca2+-dependent K+ channel, thus resembling that of bursting pacemakers. The pacemaking mechanism is inactive in the resting and inhibited state.  相似文献   

According to our previous results the gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis exposed to MC-producing cyanobacteria accumulates microcystins (MCs) both as free and covalently bound forms in its tissues, therefore representing a potential risk of MC transfer through the food web. This study demonstrates in a laboratory experiment the transfer of free and bound MCs from L. stagnalis intoxicated by MC-producing Planktothrix agardhii ingestion to the fish Gasterosteus aculeatus. Fish were fed during five days with digestive glands of L. stagnalis containing various concentrations of free and bound MCs, then with toxin-free digestive glands during a 5-day depuration period. MC accumulation was measured in gastropod digestive gland and in various fish organs (liver, muscle, kidney, and gills). The impact on fish was evaluated through detoxification enzyme (glutathion-S-transferase, glutathion peroxydase and superoxyde dismutase) activities, hepatic histopathology, and modifications in gill ventilation, feeding and locomotion. G. aculeatus ingestion rate was similar with intoxicated and toxin-free diet. Fish accumulated MCs (up to 3.96 ± 0.14 μg g−1 DW) in all organs and in decreasing order in liver, muscle, kidney and gills. Hepatic histopathology was moderate. Glutathion peroxydase was activated in gills during intoxication suggesting a slight reactive oxygen species production, but without any impact on gill ventilation. Intoxication via ingestion of MC-intoxicated snails impacted fish locomotion. Intoxicated fish remained significantly less mobile than controls during the intoxication period possibly due to a lower health condition, whereas they showed a greater mobility during the depuration period that might be related to an acute foraging for food. During depuration, MC elimination was total in gills and kidney, but partial in liver and muscle. Our results assess the MC transfer from gastropods to fish and the potential risk induced by bound MCs in the food web.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic studies of the leg ciliary epithelium was carried out in two mollusks. In the epithelium of the leg of adult animals, the centrioles were mostly formed de novo with participation of deuterosomes during the formation of basal bodies. Transformation of the centriolar cylinder in a mature basal body is accompanied by the cylinder elongation and appearance of pericentriolar structures, such as rootlet system, basal legs, and basal plate. Centriolegenesis proceeds in both ciliate and nonciliate (with microvilli) cells of the epithelium. It has been proposed that the cell with microvilli represent a transitional stage in differentiation of the ciliary cells.  相似文献   

Neurocalcin-like immunoreactivity in the rat esophageal nervous system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neurocalcin is a newly identified neuronal calcium-binding protein. We tried here to investigate the immunohistochemical distribution of neurocalcin in the rat esophagus. Nerve cell bodies having neurocalcin immunoreactivity were found throughout the myenteric plexus. In the myenteric ganglia, two types of nerve terminals showed neurocalcin immunoreactivity. One was varicose terminals containing numerous small clear vesicles and forming a synapse with nerve cells. The other terminals were characterized by laminar or pleomorphic structure and many mitochondria. These laminar terminals were supposed to be sensory receptors of the esophageal wall. In the motor endplates of the striated muscles, nerve terminals containing many small clear vesicles and mitochondria also had neurocalcin immunoreactivity. After left vagus nerve cutting under the nodose ganglia, the number of immunopositive thick nerve fibers, laminar endings and nerve terminals on the striated muscles decreased markedly. Retrograde tracing experiments using Fast Blue showed extrinsic innervation of esophagus from ambiguus nucleus, dorsal motor nucleus of vagus, superior cervical ganglia, celiac ganglia, nodose ganglia and dorsal root ganglia. In the celiac ganglia, nodose ganglia and dorsal root ganglia, retrogradely labeled nerve cells were neurocalcin-immunoreactive. Neurons in the celiac ganglia may project varicose terminals, while nodose and dorsal root neurons project laminar terminals. Although cell bodies of motoneurons in the ambiguus nucleus lacked neurocalcin immunoreactivity, these neurons may contain neurocalcin only in the nerve terminals in the motor endplates. Neurocalcin immunoreactivity is distributed in many extrinsic and intrinsic neurons in the esophagus and this protein may play important roles in regulating calcium signaling in the neurons.  相似文献   

Pesticide use leads to complex exposure and response patterns in non-target aquatic species, so that the analysis of data from standard toxicity tests may result in unrealistic risk forecasts. Developing models that are able to capture such complexity from toxicity test data is thus a crucial issue for pesticide risk assessment. In this study, freshwater snails from two genetically differentiated populations of Lymnaea stagnalis were exposed to repeated acute applications of environmentally realistic concentrations of the herbicide diquat, from the embryo to the adult stage. Hatching rate, embryonic development duration, juvenile mortality, feeding rate and age at first spawning were investigated during both exposure and recovery periods. Effects of diquat on mortality were analysed using a threshold hazard model accounting for time-varying herbicide concentrations. All endpoints were significantly impaired at diquat environmental concentrations in both populations. Snail evolutionary history had no significant impact on their sensitivity and responsiveness to diquat, whereas food acted as a modulating factor of toxicant-induced mortality. The time course of effects was adequately described by the model, which thus appears suitable to analyse long-term effects of complex exposure patterns based upon full life cycle experiment data. Obtained model outputs (e.g. no-effect concentrations) could be directly used for chemical risk assessment.  相似文献   

Nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide-phosphate-diaphorase (NADPH-d) histochemistry has been applied in the present study to determine the distribution of putative nitric oxide (nitric oxide synthase)-producing cells during embryonic and early postembryonic development in the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis L., with special reference to the nervous system. The first NADPH-d-positive structures appear as early as 18% of development (E18, trochophore stage) and correspond to the pair of protonephridia. These structures later show disintegration, although after metamorphosis (E26=75%) staining of their individually spreading cells can be observed until hatching. Peripheral sensory neurons in the foot, mantle edge and lips, and their afferents projecting to the central nervous system reveal NADPH-d activity in the postmetamorphosis period (E25–E27=E60%–E80%) of embryogenesis. After hatching (P1–P3), a number of stained sensory cells appear in the pharynx and esophagus. Some NADPH-d positive neuronal perikarya occur in the pedal and pleural ganglia, and a few weakly stained cells in the cerebral and buccal ganglia of juvenile snails. At the same time, a continuous bundle of reactive fibers is formed in the neuropil both through and through around the circumesophageal ganglion ring. The localization of NADPH-d activity in the developing nervous system of Lymnaea suggests that nitric oxide participates mainly in sensory processes. However, its role in specific intraganglionic integrative events cannot be excluded following embryonic metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Summary This study describes the neural basis of respiratory behavior in a pulmonate mollusc, Lymnaea stagnalis. We describe and identify muscles of the respiratory orifice (pneumostome) and mantle cavity as well as relevant motor neurons innervating these muscles. All of these identified motor neurons are active during spontaneously occurring respiratory behavior and a sporadically occurring synaptic input, termed Input 3, controls the activities of these motor neurons. This spontaneous input can also be recorded from isolated brain preparations, suggesting that the respiratory motor program is generated centrally. However, evidence is also presented that in semi-intact preparations the role of peripheral feedback is important for the initiation and termination of respiratory behavior in Lymnaea.  相似文献   

Summary Histochemical fluorescence (Falck-Hillarp) and microspectro-fluorometric (MSF) methods were used to characterize different types of catecholamine-containing cellular elements located in the reproductive system of fresh-water snails (Bulinus truncatus, Planorbarius corneus) and land snails [Archachatina marginata, Helix (Cryptomphalus) aspersa]. Transverse sections through the genital tract display a common structural pattern of tubular differentiations: (1) an internal epithelium bordering the lumen and containing variable numbers of monoaminergic cells; (2) an enveloping sheath of connective and muscular tissue containing fine nerve fibers in the form of a network that exhibits a variable degree of density.MSF determinations showed that the formaldehyde-induced fluorophores of the intraepithelial aminergic cells belong to the following classes: (1) the DOPA/dopamine group in the duct of the albumen gland of B. truncatus and the carrefour of A. marginata; and (2) the norepinephrine/epinephrine group in the duct of the albumen gland and in the oviduct sac of P. corneus. In the reproductive systems of B. truncatus and P. corneus (duct of the albumen gland, oviduct sac, vagina), A. marginata and H. aspersa (duct of the fertilization pocket, origin of the receptaculum seminis, carrefour), the MSF analysis revealed norepinephrine/epinephrine-containing intramural nerve fibers. On the other hand, the small neurons in the vagina of B. truncatus belong to the DOPA/dopamine group.The authors wish to express their gratitude to Prof. A. Oksche who facilitated this collaborationThe investigations of H.G.H. were supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (-HA 726/5-) and the Stiftung Volkswagenwerk (I/35582). The investigations of P.B. and J.P.C. were supported by the University of Poitiers and CNRS (L.A. CNRS n 290)  相似文献   

Aplysia californica is a marine opisthobranch mollusc used as a model organism in neurobiology for cellular analyses of learning and behavior because it possesses a comparatively small number of neurons of large size. The mollusca comprise the second largest animal phylum, yet detailed genetic and genomic information is only recently beginning to accrue. Thus developmental and comparative evolutionary biology as well as biomedical research would benefit from additional information on DNA sequences of Aplysia. Therefore, we have constructed a series of unidirectional cDNA libraries from different life stages of Aplysia. These include whole organisms from the egg, veliger, metamorphic, and juvenile stages as well as adult neural tissue for reference. Individual clones were randomly picked, and high-throughput, single pass sequence analysis was performed to generate 7971 sequences. Of these, there were 5507 quality-filtered ESTs that clustered into 1988 unigenes, which are annotated and deposited into GenBank. A significant number (497) of ESTs did not match existing Aplysia ESTs and are thus potentially novel sequences for Aplysia. GO and KEGG analyses of these novel sequences indicated that a large number were involved in protein binding and translation, consistent with the predominant biosynthetic role in development and the presence of stage-specific protein isoforms.  相似文献   

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