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Eisosomes define sites of plasma membrane organization. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, eisosomes delimit furrow-like plasma membrane invaginations that concentrate sterols, transporters, and signaling molecules. Eisosomes are static macromolecular assemblies composed of cytoplasmic proteins, most of which have no known function. In this study, we used a bioinformatics approach to analyze a set of 20 eisosome proteins. We found that the core components of eisosomes, paralogue proteins Pil1 and Lsp1, are distant homologues of membrane-sculpting Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs (BAR) proteins. Consistent with this finding, purified recombinant Pil1 and Lsp1 tubulated liposomes and formed tubules when the proteins were overexpressed in mammalian cells. Structural homology modeling and site-directed mutagenesis indicate that Pil1 positively charged surface patches are needed for membrane binding and liposome tubulation. Pil1 BAR domain mutants were defective in both eisosome assembly and plasma membrane domain organization. In addition, we found that eisosome-associated proteins Slm1 and Slm2 have F-BAR domains and that these domains are needed for targeting to furrow-like plasma membrane invaginations. Our results support a model in which BAR domain protein-mediated membrane bending leads to clustering of lipids and proteins within the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The interaction and fusion of black lipid membranes have been studied. Two planar bilayers were simultaneously inflated towards each other; when they made contact, spontaneous formation of a ‘trilaminar structure’ (one bilayer bounded by two bilayers along the perimeter) was observed. Application of a discrete voltage pulse gave rise to the formation of a cylindrical membrane, that is, to the fusion of two bilayers. It is shown that fusion results from electrical breakdown in the contact region of the ‘trilaminar structure’.  相似文献   

Phosphorylated derivatives of phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) regulate many intracellular events, including vesicular trafficking and actin remodeling, by recruiting proteins to their sites of function. PtdIns(4,5)-bisphosphate [PI(4,5)P2] and related phosphoinositides are mainly synthesized by type I PtdIns-4-phosphate 5-kinases (PIP5Ks). We found that PIP5K induces endosomal tubules in COS-7 cells. ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) 6 has been shown to act upstream of PIP5K and regulate endocytic transport and tubulation. ARF GAP with coiled-coil, ankyrin repeat, and pleckstrin homology domains 1 (ACAP1) has guanosine triphosphatase-activating protein (GAP) activity for ARF6. While there were few tubules induced by the expression of ACAP1 alone, numerous endosomal tubules were induced by coexpression of PIP5K and ACAP1. ACAP1 has a pleckstrin homology (PH) domain known to bind phosphoinositide and a Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs (BAR) domain that has been reported to detect membrane curvature. Truncated and point mutations in the ACAP1 BAR and PH domains revealed that both BAR and PH domains are required for tubulation. These results suggest that two ARF6 downstream molecules, PIP5K and ACAP1, function together in endosomal tubulation and that phosphoinositide levels may regulate endosomal dynamics.  相似文献   

New treatments are needed to protect the myocardium against the detrimental effects of acute ischaemia/reperfusion (IR) injury following an acute myocardial infarction (AMI), in order to limit myocardial infarct (MI) size, preserve cardiac function and prevent the onset of heart failure (HF). Given the critical role of mitochondria in energy production for cardiac contractile function, prevention of mitochondrial dysfunction during acute myocardial IRI may provide novel cardioprotective strategies. In this regard, the mitochondrial fusion and fissions proteins, which regulate changes in mitochondrial morphology, are known to impact on mitochondrial quality control by modulating mitochondrial biogenesis, mitophagy and the mitochondrial unfolded protein response. In this article, we review how targeting these inter‐related processes may provide novel treatment targets and new therapeutic strategies for reducing MI size, preventing the onset of HF following AMI.  相似文献   

Peters C  Baars TL  Bühler S  Mayer A 《Cell》2004,119(5):667-678
Membrane fusion and fission are antagonistic reactions controlled by different proteins. Dynamins promote membrane fission by GTP-driven changes of conformation and polymerization state, while SNAREs fuse membranes by forming complexes between t- and v-SNAREs from apposed vesicles. Here, we describe a role of the dynamin-like GTPase Vps1p in fusion of yeast vacuoles. Vps1p forms polymers that couple several t-SNAREs together. At the onset of fusion, the SNARE-activating ATPase Sec18p/NSF and the t-SNARE depolymerize Vps1p and release it from the membrane. This activity is independent of the SNARE coactivator Sec17p/alpha-SNAP and of the v-SNARE. Vps1p release liberates the t-SNAREs for initiating fusion and at the same time disrupts fission activity. We propose that reciprocal control between fusion and fission components exists, which may prevent futile cycles of fission and fusion.  相似文献   

During evolution genes can produce more complex proteins by gene fusion or less complex proteins by gene fission. Considering proteins from 131 completely sequenced genomes from all three kingdoms of life, we identified 2869 groups of multi-domain proteins as a single protein in certain organisms and as two or more smaller proteins with equivalent domain architectures in other organisms. We found that fusion events are approximately four times more common than fission events, and we established that, in most cases, any particular fusion or fission event only occurred once during the course of evolution.  相似文献   

Frizzleds (FZDs) are transmembrane receptors in the Wnt signaling pathway and they play pivotal roles in developments. The Frizzled-like extracellular Cysteine-rich domain (Fz-CRD) has been identified in FZDs and other proteins. The origin and evolution of these proteins with Fz-CRD is the main interest of this study. We found that the Fz-CRD exists in FZD, SFRP, RTK, MFRP, CPZ, CORIN, COL18A1 and other proteins. Our systematic analysis revealed that the Fz-CRD domain might have originated in protists and then fused with the Frizzled-like seven-transmembrane domain (7TM) to form the FZD receptors, which duplicated and diversified into about 11 members in Vertebrates. The SFRPs and RTKs with the Fz-CRD were found in sponge and expanded in Vertebrates. Other proteins with Fz-CRD may have emerged during Vertebrate evolution through domain fusion. Moreover, we found a glycosylation site and several conserved motifs in FZDs, which may be related to Wnt interaction. Based on these results, we proposed a model showing that the domain fusion and expansion of Fz-CRD genes occurred in Metazoa and Vertebrates. Our study may help to pave the way for further research on the conservation and diversification of Wnt signaling functions during evolution.  相似文献   

Membrane fusion and fission underlie two limiting steps of enveloped virus replication cycle: access to the interior of the host-cell (entry) and dissemination of viral progeny after replication (budding), respectively. These dynamic processes proceed mediated by specialized proteins that disrupt and bend the lipid bilayer organization transiently and locally. We introduced Wimley-White membrane-water partitioning free energies of the amino acids as an algorithm for predicting functional domains that may transmit protein conformational energy into membranes. It was found that many viral products possess unusually extended, aromatic-rich pre-transmembrane stretches predicted to stably reside at the membrane interface. Here, we review structure-function studies, as well as data reported on the interaction of representative peptides with model membranes, all of which sustain a functional role for these domains in viral fusion and fission. Since pre-transmembrane sequences also constitute antigenic determinants in a membrane-bound state, we also describe some recent results on their recognition and blocking at membrane interface by neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   

Neph proteins are evolutionarily conserved membrane proteins of the immunoglobulin superfamily that control the formation of specific intercellular contacts. Cell recognition through these proteins is essential in diverse cellular contexts such as patterning of the compound eye in Drosophila melanogaster, neuronal connectivity in Caenorhabditis elegans, and the formation of the kidney filtration barrier in mammals. Here we identify the PDZ and BAR domain protein PICK1 (protein interacting with C-kinase 1) as a Neph-interacting protein. Binding required dimerization of PICK1, was dependent on PDZ domain protein interactions, and mediated stabilization of Neph1 at the plasma membrane. Moreover, protein kinase C (PKCα) activity facilitated the interaction through releasing Neph proteins from their binding to the multidomain scaffolding protein zonula occludens 1 (ZO-1), another PDZ domain protein. In Drosophila, the Neph homologue Roughest is essential for sorting of interommatidial precursor cells and patterning of the compound eye. RNA interference-mediated knockdown of PICK1 in the Drosophila eye imaginal disc caused a Roughest destabilization at the plasma membrane and a phenotype that resembled rst mutation. These data indicate that Neph proteins and PICK1 synergistically regulate cell recognition and contact formation.  相似文献   

We describe a method for the isolation of recombinant single-chain antibodies in a biologically active form. The single-chain antibodies are fused to a cellulose binding domain as a single-chain protein that accumulates as insoluble inclusion bodies upon expression in Escherichia coli. The inclusion bodies are then solubilized and denatured by an appropriate chaotropic solvent, then reversibly immobilized onto a cellulose matrix via specific interaction of the matrix with the cellulose binding domain (CBD) moiety. The efficient immobilization that minimizes the contact between folding protein molecules, thus preventing their aggregation, is facilitated by the robustness of the Clostridium thermocellum CBD we use. This CBD is unique in retaining its specific cellulose binding capability when solubilized in up to 6 M urea, while the proteins fused to it are fully denatured. Refolding of the fusion proteins is induced by reducing with time the concentration of the denaturing solvent while in contact with the cellulose matrix. The refolded single-chain antibodies in their native state are then recovered by releasing them from the cellulose matrix in high yield of 60% or better, which is threefold or higher than the yield obtained by using published refolding protocols to recover the same scFvs. The described method should have general applicability for the production of many protein-CBD fusions in which the fusion partner is insoluble upon expression.  相似文献   

The protein coat in membrane fusion: lessons from fission   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Multiple cell biological processes involve two opposite rearrangements of membrane configuration, referred to as fusion and fission. While membrane intermediates in protein-mediated fusion have been studied in some detail, the global force which drives sequential stages of the fusion reaction from early local intermediates to an expanding fusion pore remains unknown. Fusion proceeds via stages, which are analogous but in the opposite direction to that of membrane budding-off and fission driven by protein coats. On the basis of this analogy, we propose that an interconnected coat formed by membrane-bound activated fusion proteins surrounding the membrane contact zone generates the driving force for fusion. This fusion protein coat has a strongly curved intrinsic shape opposite to that of the protein coat driving fission. To relieve internal stresses, the fusion protein coat spontaneously bends out of the initial shape of the membrane surface. This bending produces elastic stresses in the underlying lipid bilayer and drives its fusion with the apposing membrane. The hypothesis that 'bystander' proteins (i.e. fusion proteins outside the contact zone) generate the driving force for fusion offers a new interpretation for a number of known features of the fusion reaction mediated by the prototype fusion protein, influenza hemagglutinin, and might bring new insights into mechanisms of other fusion reactions.  相似文献   

Cellulose microporous membranes have been modified in order to obtain a stationary phase specific for the recovery of a class of fusion proteins containing the maltose binding protein domain, through affinity chromatography separations. The feasibility of a single step separation process for the recovery of large amounts of the desired product has been considered. To that purpose, a preparative scale module has been realized, suitable for flat sheet membranes. The affinity matrix used proved to be highly selective toward the fusion proteins examined. The binding capacity determined is comparable with the nominal binding capacity of commercially available supports. The influence of the relevant working parameters, such as flow rate, on the performances of the recovery process has been studied.  相似文献   

Comment on: Scheckhuber CQ, et al. Cell Cycle 2011; 10:3105-10.  相似文献   

Fission yeast cells lacking the dynamin-related protein (DRP) Vps1 had smaller vacuoles with reduced capacity for both fusion and fission in response to hypotonic and hypertonic conditions respectively. vps1Δ cells showed normal vacuolar protein sorting, actin organisation and endocytosis. Over-expression of vps1 transformed vacuoles from spherical to tubular. Tubule formation was enhanced in fission conditions and required the Rab protein Ypt7. Vacuole tubulation by Vps1 was more extensive in the absence of a second DRP, Dnm1. Both dnm1Δ and the double mutant vps1Δ dnm1Δ showed vacuole fission defects similar to that of vps1Δ. Over-expression of vps1 in dnm1Δ, or of dnm1 in vps1Δ failed to rescue this phenotype. Over-expression of dnm1 in wild-type cells, on the other hand, induced vacuole fission. Our results are consistent with a model of vacuole fission in which Vps1 creates a tubule of an appropriate diameter for subsequent scission by Dnm1.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis partitions the cytoplasm of a dividing cell. Unlike yeast and animal cells, which form cleavage furrows from the plasma membrane, cells in higher plants make a new membrane independently of the plasma membrane by homotypic fusion of vesicles. In somatic cells, a plant-specific cytoskeletal array, called a phragmoplast, is thought to deliver vesicles to the plane of division. Vesicle fusion generates a membranous network, the cell plate, which, by fusion of later-arriving vesicles with its margin, expands towards the cell periphery and eventually fuses with the plasma membrane. In this review (part of the Cytokinesis series), I describe recent studies addressing the mechanisms that underlie cell-plate formation and the coordinated dynamics of membrane fusion and cytoskeletal reorganization during progression through cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial fission and fusion are linked to synaptic activity in healthy neurons and are implicated in the regulation of apoptotic cell death in many cell types. We developed fluorescence microscopy and computational strategies to directly measure mitochondrial fission and fusion frequencies and their effects on mitochondrial morphology in cultured neurons. We found that the rate of fission exceeds the rate of fusion in healthy neuronal processes, and, therefore, the fission/fusion ratio alone is insufficient to explain mitochondrial morphology at steady state. This imbalance between fission and fusion is compensated by growth of mitochondrial organelles. Bcl-xL increases the rates of both fusion and fission, but more important for explaining the longer organelle morphology induced by Bcl-xL is its ability to increase mitochondrial biomass. Deficits in these Bcl-xL–dependent mechanisms may be critical in neuronal dysfunction during the earliest phases of neurodegeneration, long before commitment to cell death.  相似文献   

Huang P  Galloway CA  Yoon Y 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e20655
Mitochondria in mammals are organized into tubular networks that undergo frequent shape change. Mitochondrial fission and fusion are the main components mediating the mitochondrial shape change. Perturbation of the fission/fusion balance is associated with many disease conditions. However, underlying mechanisms of the fission/fusion balance are not well understood. Mitochondrial fission in mammals requires the dynamin-like protein DLP1/Drp1 that is recruited to the mitochondrial surface, possibly through the membrane-anchored protein Fis1 or Mff. Additional dynamin-related GTPases, mitofusin (Mfn) and OPA1, are associated with the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes, respectively, and mediate fusion of the respective membranes. In this study, we found that two heptad-repeat regions (HR1 and HR2) of Mfn2 interact with each other, and that Mfn2 also interacts with the fission protein DLP1. The association of the two heptad-repeats of Mfn2 is fusion inhibitory whereas a positive role of the Mfn2/DLP1 interaction in mitochondrial fusion is suggested. Our results imply that the differential binding of Mfn2-HR1 to HR2 and DLP1 regulates mitochondrial fusion and that DLP1 may act as a regulatory factor for efficient execution of both fusion and fission of mitochondria.  相似文献   

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