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Many yeast species can utilize glycerol, both as a sole carbon source and as an osmolyte. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, physiological studies have previously shown the presence of an active uptake system driven by electrogenic proton symport. We have used transposon mutagenesis to isolate mutants affected in the transport of glycerol into the cell. Here we present the identification of YGL084c, encoding a multimembrane-spanning protein, as being essential for proton symport of glycerol into S. cerevisiae. The gene is named GUP1 (glycerol uptake) and, for growth on glycerol, is important as a carbon and energy source. In addition, in strains deficient in glycerol production it also provides osmotic protection by the addition of glycerol. Another open reading frame (ORF), YPL189w, presenting a high degree of homology to YGL084c, similarly appears to be involved in active glycerol uptake in salt-containing glucose-based media in strains deficient in glycerol production. Analogously, this gene is named GUP2. To our knowledge, this is the first report on a gene product involved in active transport of glycerol in yeasts. Mutations with the same phenotypes occurred in two other ORFs of previously unknown function, YDL074c and YPL180w.  相似文献   

Copper tolerance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A commercial strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was serially cultured in media containing copper up to a final concentration of 10 mmol l-1. This copper-tolerant subculture was assessed for its capacity to accumulate further quantities of copper. It was found that after Cu2+ accumulation the total copper content of this yeast was lower than the parent culture when exposed to similar conditions, indicating that the subculture was copper-resistant owing to reduced copper bioaccumulation properties. Although a low mass copper binding compound was isolated from the copper-tolerant subculture, no metallothionein was found. Scanning electron microscopy of S. cerevisiae showed the cell surface to be smooth except for bud scars. After exposure to copper ion-containing solutions the surface of copper-tolerant yeast became convoluted, the cell was generally more spherical and somewhat smaller.  相似文献   

The action of gamma-aminobutyrate (GABA) as an intercellular signaling molecule has been intensively studied, but the role of this amino acid metabolite in intracellular metabolism is poorly understood. In this work, we identify a Saccharomyces cerevisiae homologue of the GABA-producing enzyme glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) that is required for normal oxidative stress tolerance. A high copy number plasmid bearing the glutamate decarboxylase gene (GAD1) increases resistance to two different oxidants, H(2)O(2) and diamide, in cells that contain an intact glutamate catabolic pathway. Structural similarity of the S. cerevisiae GAD to previously studied plant enzymes was demonstrated by the cross-reaction of the yeast enzyme to a antiserum directed against the plant GAD. The yeast GAD also bound to calmodulin as did the plant enzyme, suggesting a conservation of calcium regulation of this protein. Loss of either gene encoding the downstream steps in the conversion of glutamate to succinate reduced oxidative stress tolerance in normal cells and was epistatic to high copy number GAD1. The gene encoding succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (UGA5) was identified and found to be induced by H(2)O(2) exposure. Together, these data strongly suggest that increases in activity of the glutamate catabolic pathway can act to buffer redox changes in the cell.  相似文献   

The calnexin homologue (Cne1p) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was expressed in Escherichia coli to evaluate its chaperone function. The chaperone function was examined as to the effects on the suppression of thermal denaturation and the enhancement of refolding, using citrate synthase (CS) as a nonspecific chaperone substrate. Cne1p effectively suppressed the thermal denaturation of CS and enhanced the refolding of thermally or chemically denatured CS in a concentration-dependent manner. In addition, the chaperone function of Cne1p was greatly affected in the presence of monoglucosylated oligosaccharides (G1M9) that specifically bind to the lectin site. These results indicated that Cne1p functions as a molecular chaperone in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae SIS1 gene was identified as a high copy number suppressor of the slow growth phenotype of strains containing mutations in the SIT4 gene, which encodes a predicted serine/threonine protein phosphatase. The SIS1 protein is similar to bacterial dnaJ proteins in the amino-terminal third and carboxyl-terminal third of the proteins. In contrast, the middle third of SIS1 is not similar to dnaJ proteins. This region of SIS1 contains a glycine/methionine-rich region which, along with more amino-terminal sequences, is required for SIS1 to associate with a protein of apparent molecular mass of 40 kD. The SIS1 gene is essential. Strains limited for the SIS1 protein accumulate cells that appear blocked for migration of the nucleus from the mother cell into the daughter cell. In addition, many of the cells become very large and contain a large vacuole. The SIS1 protein is localized throughout the cell but is more concentrated at the nucleus. About one-fourth of the SIS1 protein is released from a nuclear fraction upon treatment with RNase. We also show that overexpression of YDJ1, another yeast protein with similarity to bacterial dnaJ proteins, can not substitute for SIS1.  相似文献   

The SET domain proteins, SUV39 and G9a have recently been shown to be histone methyltransferases specific for lysines 9 and 27 (G9a only) of histone 3 (H3). The SET domains of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Set1 and Drosophila trithorax proteins are closely related to each other but distinct from SUV39 and G9a. We characterized the complex associated with Set1 and Set1C and found that it is comprised of eight members, one of which, Bre2, is homologous to the trithorax-group (trxG) protein, Ash2. Set1C requires Set1 for complex integrity and mutation of Set1 and Set1C components shortens telomeres. One Set1C member, Swd2/Cpf10 is also present in cleavage polyadenylation factor (CPF). Set1C methylates lysine 4 of H3, thus adding a new specificity and a new subclass of SET domain proteins known to methyltransferases. Since methylation of H3 lysine 4 is widespread in eukaryotes, we screened the databases and found other Set1 homologues. We propose that eukaryotic Set1Cs are H3 lysine 4 methyltransferases and are related to trxG action through association with Ash2 homologues.  相似文献   

To maintain genomic integrity cells have to respond properly to a variety of exogenous and endogenous factors that produce genome injuries and interfere with DNA replication. DNA integrity checkpoints coordinate this response by slowing cell cycle progression to provide time for the cell to repair the damage, stabilizing replication forks and stimulating DNA repair to restore the original DNA sequence and structure. In addition, there are also mechanisms of damage tolerance, such as translesion synthesis (TLS), which are important for survival after DNA damage. TLS allows replication to continue without removing the damage, but results in a higher frequency of mutagenesis. Here, we investigate the functional contribution of the Dot1 histone methyltransferase and the Rad53 checkpoint kinase to TLS regulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We demonstrate that the Dot1-dependent status of H3K79 methylation modulates the resistance to the alkylating agent MMS, which depends on PCNA ubiquitylation at lysine 164. Strikingkly, either the absence of DOT1, which prevents full activation of Rad53, or the expression of an HA-tagged version of RAD53, which produces low amounts of the kinase, confer increased MMS resistance. However, the dot1Δ rad53-HA double mutant is hypersensitive to MMS and shows barely detectable amounts of activated kinase. Furthermore, moderate overexpression of RAD53 partially suppresses the MMS resistance of dot1Δ. In addition, we show that MMS-treated dot1Δ and rad53-HA cells display increased number of chromosome-associated Rev1 foci. We propose that threshold levels of Rad53 activity exquisitely modulate the tolerance to alkylating damage at least by controlling the abundance of the key TLS factor Rev1 bound to chromatin.  相似文献   

The tolerance of sol-gel immobilised and free Saccharomyces cerevisiae to ethanol was studied. The effects of ethanol preincubation time showed that the specific death velocity decreased from 2×105 c.f.u. min–1 for free cells to 2×104 c.f.u. min–1 for immobilised cells thus indicating that immobilised yeast was far less sensitive to the ethanol damage. The specific glucose consumption of immobilised and free cells on a per cell basis was 3×10–12 g cell–1 h–1 and 9×10–12 g cell–1 h–1, respectively.  相似文献   

N-Acetyltransferase Mpr1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae can reduce intracellular oxidation levels and protect yeast cells under oxidative stress. We found that yeast cells exhibited increased levels of reactive oxygen species during freezing and thawing. Gene disruption and expression experiments indicated that Mpr1 protects yeast cells from freezing stress by reducing the intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species. The combination of Mpr1 and l-proline could further enhance the resistance to freezing stress. Hence, Mpr1 as well as l-proline has promising potential for the breeding of novel freeze-tolerant yeast strains.  相似文献   

Mutations in the Chediak-Higashi syndrome gene (CHS1) and its murine homologue Beige result in the formation of enlarged lysosomes. BPH1 (Beige Protein Homologue 1) encodes the Saccharomyces cerevisiae homologue of CHS1/Beige. BPH1 is not essential and the encoded protein was found to be both cytosolic and peripherally bound to a membrane. Neither disruption nor overexpression of BPH1 affected vacuole morphology as assessed by fluorescence microscopy. The deltabph1 strain showed an impaired growth on defined synthetic media containing potassium acetate buffered below pH 4.25, increased sensitivity to calcofluor white, and increased agglutination in response to low pH. A library screen identified VPS9, FLO1, FLO9, BTS1 and OKP1 as high copy suppressors of the growth defect of deltabph1 on both low pH potassium acetate and calcofluor white. The deltabph1 strain demonstrated a mild defect in sorting vacuolar components, including increased secretion of carboxypeptidase Y and missorting of alkaline phosphatase. Overexpression of VPS9, BTS1 and OKP1 suppressed the carboxypeptidase Y secretion defect of deltabph1. Overexpression of BPH1 was found to suppress the calcofluor white sensitivity of a class E VPS deletion strain, deltavta1. Together, these data suggest that Bph1p associates with a membrane and is involved in protein sorting and cell wall formation.  相似文献   

AZI1 (AZELAIC ACID INDUCED 1) of Arabidopsis thaliana could be induced by azelaic acid and was involved in priming of systemic plant immunity. In the present work, expression of AZI1 in response to low temperature was investigated via RNA gel blot analysis. AZI1 could be induced slowly by cold stress and more than 6 h treatment at 4 °C was required to detect an increase in mRNA abundance. However, the high expression state could not be maintained stably and would decline to basal level when the plants were transferred to room temperature. In order to clarify the function of AZI1 in resistance to abiotic stresses, overexpressing, RNA interference and T-DNA knockout lines of this gene were used in electrolyte leakage assays. Overexpression of AZI1 resulted in reduced electrolyte leakage during freezing damage. In contrast, AZI1 knockdown and knockout lines showed increased tendencies in cellular damage after freezing treatment. To further validate the potential resistance of AZI1 to low-temperature stress, Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells were transformed with pESC-AZI1 in which AZI1 was under the control of GAL1 promoter. Compared to yeast cells containing empty pESC-URA, the survival rate of yeast cells harboring AZI1 increased obviously after freezing treatment. All these results suggested that AZI1 might be multifunctional and associated with cold tolerance of Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Exposure to low temperatures reduces protein folding rates and induces the cold denaturation of proteins. Considering the roles played by chaperones in facilitating protein folding and preventing protein aggregation, chaperones must exist that confer tolerance to cold stress. Here, yeast strains lacking individual chaperones were screened for reduced freezing tolerance. In total, 19 of 82 chaperone-deleted strains tested were more sensitive to freeze-thaw treatment than wild-type cells. The reintroduction of the respective chaperone genes into the deletion mutants recovered the freeze tolerance. The freeze sensitivity of the chaperone-knockout strains was also retained in the presence of 20% glycerol.  相似文献   

酿酒酵母的细胞衰老研究作为生命科学领域的前沿课题,对解析高等真核生物衰老的分子机制具有重要意义。迄今为止,在酵母中已经确立的衰老模式有两种,即复制型衰老和时序型衰老。细胞衰老的影响因子较多,涉及到很多过程,所以研究起来非常复杂。综述了两种细胞衰老机制的研究进展。  相似文献   

酿酒酵母衰老机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张爱利 《生命科学》2009,(2):303-306
酿酒酵母衰老机制的研究对解析高等真核生物衰老的分子机制具有重要意义。酿酒酵母有两种衰老形式:时序衰老(chronologicalaging)和复制衰老(replicative aging)。酿酒酵母衰老研究中通常使用的寿命定义有两种:世代寿命和时序寿命。前者是指单个酿酒酵母细胞在死亡之前的分裂次数;后者是指一定数量的酵母细胞在后二次生长和稳定期的存活时间。本文分别综述了这两种衰老形式的分子机制及两者的相同点和不同点。  相似文献   

酵母海藻糖酶缺失突变株的构建及其耐性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吕烨  肖冬光  和东芹  郭学武 《微生物学报》2008,48(10):1301-1307
[目的]构建酵母海藻糖酶缺失突变株,并进行耐性分析,进一步研究海藻糖与酵母耐性之间的关系,为商业生产打下一定的基础.[方法]利用同源重组的方法,敲除了编码酸性海藻糖酶的ATH1基因和中性海藻糖酶的NTH1基因,构建了酸性海藻糖酶缺失突变株(△ath1)、中性海藻糖酶缺失突变株(△nth1)和双缺失突变株(△ath1△nth1),并进行了耐性分析.[结果]结合PCR和Southernblot的结果,验证了突变株构建的正确.所有突变株的海藻糖积累量和细胞密度均高于亲本,冷冻、高温、高糖和酒精耐性提高了.[结论]说明海藻糖含量与酵母耐性有一定的相关性.突变株耐性的改善,表明它们在酿造和烘焙产业中具有潜在的商业价值.  相似文献   

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