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Basic courses in most medical schools assess students'' performance by conferring scores. The objective of this work is to use a large score databank for the early identification of students with low performance and to identify course trends based on the mean of students'' grades.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We studied scores from 2,398 medical students registered in courses over a period of 10 years. Students in the first semester were grouped into those whose ratings remained in the lower quartile in two or more courses (low-performance) and students who had up to one course in the lower quartile (high-performance). ROC curves were built, aimed at the identification of a cut-off average score in the first semesters that would be able to predict low performances in future semesters. Moreover, to follow the long-term pattern of each course, the mean of all scores conferred in a semester was compared to the overall course mean obtained by averaging 10 years of data. Individuals in the low-performance group had a higher risk of being in the lower quartile of at least one course in the second semester (relative risk 3.907; 95% CI: 3.378–4.519) and in the eighth semester (relative risk 2.873; 95% CI: 2.495–3.308). The prediction analysis revealed that an average score of 7.188 in the first semester could identify students that presented scores below the lower quartiles in both the second and eighth semesters (p<0.0001 for both AUC). When scores conferred by single courses were compared over time, three time-trend patterns emerged: low variation, upward trend and erratic pattern.


An early identification of students with low performance may be useful in promoting pedagogical strategies for these individuals. Evaluation of the time trend of scores conferred by courses may help departments monitoring changes in personnel and methodology that may affect a student''s performance.  相似文献   

Vitamin Deficiencies in Humans: Can Plant Science Help?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The term vitamin describes a small group of organic compounds that are absolutely required in the human diet. Although for the most part, dependency criteria are met in developed countries through balanced diets, this is not the case for the five billion people in developing countries who depend predominantly on a single staple crop for survival. Thus, providing a more balanced vitamin intake from high-quality food remains one of the grandest challenges for global human nutrition in the coming decade(s). Here, we describe the known importance of vitamins in human health and current knowledge on their metabolism in plants. Deficits in developing countries are a combined consequence of a paucity of specific vitamins in major food staple crops, losses during crop processing, and/or overreliance on a single species as a primary food source. We discuss the role that plant science can play in addressing this problem and review successful engineering of vitamin pathways. We conclude that while considerable advances have been made in understanding vitamin metabolic pathways in plants, more cross-disciplinary approaches must be adopted to provide adequate levels of all vitamins in the major staple crops to eradicate vitamin deficiencies from the global population.  相似文献   

Previous investigations have assumed that embryos lack the capacity of physiological thermoregulation until they are large enough for their own metabolic heat production to influence nest temperatures. Contrary to intuition, reptile embryos may be capable of physiological thermoregulation. In our experiments, egg-sized objects (dead or infertile eggs, water-filled balloons, glass jars) cooled down more rapidly than they heated up, whereas live snake eggs heated more rapidly than they cooled. In a nest with diel thermal fluctuations, that hysteresis could increase the embryo’s effective incubation temperature. The mechanisms for controlling rates of thermal exchange are unclear, but may involve facultative adjustment of blood flow. Heart rates of snake embryos were higher during cooling than during heating, the opposite pattern to that seen in adult reptiles. Our data challenge the view of reptile eggs as thermally passive, and suggest that embryos of reptile species with large eggs can influence their own rates of heating and cooling.  相似文献   

Amphipods are widely used in both acute and chronic (sub-lethal) sediment tests. Acute sediment tests provide relatively rapid results, but may fail to detect moderately toxic contaminants that are bound to the sediment, whereas chronic life-cycle tests are rarely performed as they are time consuming and expensive. Observations during chronic testing of oil-contaminated sediment suggested that there may be a link between the behavior of the marine amphipod Corophium volutator and reduction in growth rate. Behavior tests were performed with six individual amphipods per treatment using sediment spiked with weathered Forties oil with burrowing time, re-emergence from sediment, and activity prior to burrowing as endpoints. Further behavior tests were used to predict the chronic toxicity of sediments spiked with three crude oils each with a dominant unresolved complex mixture of hydrocarbons (UCM). The effect of sediment type on behavior was also investigated. The results suggested that although the behavior test could not be used alone as a viable alternative to sediment toxicity tests, it could prove useful as an adjunct to acute tests, and help select sediments that deserve further investigation.  相似文献   

Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is endemic in Sardinia and constitutes a serious public health concern due to high prevalence in livestock and humans. Despite sustained efforts, control of the disease had been unsuccessful in the region. Problematic carcass disposal due to soaring incineration costs and free access of dogs to infected carrion are dominant factors, fueling endemicity among other. As sole obligate scavenger, griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus) are uniquely specialized to eliminate carcasses swiftly and efficiently, saving on unnecessary environmental and economic costs for carrion disposal. However, following drastic population declines across Europe, griffon vultures practically went extinct in Italy. A conservation expansion program in Sardinia successfully reinforced the last remaining Italian vulture population by mitigating the main threats to its survival; food shortage. Through the establishment of supplementary feeding stations, permanent supply of livestock cadavers was provided. In this research, the management and conservation implications on the controlled disposal of carcass disposal through vulture feeding stations on the control of CE in Sardinia were assessed. During the course of the project, vultures scavenged a total of 81,361 kg of biomass, saving €90,041 in incineration costs and € 1,054 in CO2 emission. Through extrapolation of these results, a total of 5,304 kg of suspected CE infected sheep carcasses (65.3%) was calculated to have been disposed by griffons, considerably reducing the CE risk and burden in Sardinia. A quantification of the amount of biomass that could be eliminated by griffon in a succeeding conservation project was also made. These calculations implied that 162,722 kg of biomass, including 10,608 kg of infected biomass from sheep, would be consumed over a period of 5 years, further lowering the CE burden in Sardinia. Our results, driven under one health approach, emphasize the crucial and direct role of griffons in breaking the lifecycle of CE as well as their indirect role in rendering multiple ecosystem and economic services through the elimination of carcasses. Please view a video Abstract here: https://youtu.be/Tm820nPq5KE.  相似文献   

This paper considers the promise that geographic information systems (GIS) hold for addressing complex historical questions. Using my experience as an environmental historian who has used GIS in a case study of the Kickapoo Valley in Wisconsin, I examine social and ecological processes of rural transformation during the twentieth century, and how these processes have shaped modern property rights debates. The multiscale range of GIS brings out the crucial issue of scale in the Kickapoo Valley's environmental history. Spatial analysis offers an important picture of landscape dynamics and land ownership in the Valley since the 1930s. Together with historical methods, GIS maps help explore the ways in which residents have constructed their own stories about property and the environment. These cultural narratives include the economic inevitability of land concentration and fragmentation, ethnic differences in land use, local places vs. the federal government, and local communities vs. newer outsiders. Results from the GIS illustrate my argument that change on the ground over many decades—rather than any inherent ideological resistance to federal policies—might better explain contemporary debates over private and public property. Finally, I use this research to outline the dilemmas faced by scholars in the humanities and social sciences who want to incorporate GIS into their own interdisciplinary studies.  相似文献   

The better his understanding of some of the ways in which an organic deficit might affect normal development of the handicapped child, the more able the family physician will be to offer guidance to the family aimed at preventing the development of secondary problems. He can thus be instrumental in helping a child achieve his maximal potential.First, it is important to take into account how the parents'' emotional and intellectual responses to having a defective child may interfere markedly in normal parent-child relationship. Second, ways in which each deficit will limit a child''s exposure to stimuli must not be over-looked. Third, one must consider how a deficit may indirectly distort the normal learning patterns when parents do not make age appropriate demands. Fourth, it is important to understand how specific interference in the area of language skills may cause further developmental retardation. Fifth, one must be aware of special problems that an organically handicapped child must face in the society outside of the family. Last of all, in an older child, one must consider the need for a full scale evaluation to sort out primary and secondary factors in the picture.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to clarify the meaning of a naturalistic position within philosophy of biology, against the background of an alternative view, founded on the basic insights of transcendental philosophy. It is argued that the apparently minimal and neutral constraints naturalism imposes on philosophy of science turn out to involve a quite heavily constraining metaphysics, due to the naturalism's fundamental neglect of its own perspective. Because of its intrinsic sensitivity to perspectivity and historicity, transcendental philosophy can avoid this type of hidden metaphysics.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis is becoming more problematic as the population ages. Recent reports suggest that the benefit of anti-inflammatory drugs is unimpressive and the incidence of side effects is worrying. Low-level laser (light) therapy (LLLT) is an alternative approach with no known side effects and with reports of substantial therapeutic efficacy in osteoarthritis. In this issue of Arthritis Research & Therapy, Alves and colleagues used a rat model of osteoarthritis produced by intra-articular injection of the cartilage-degrading enzyme papain to test 810-nm LLLT. A single application of LLLT produced significant reductions in inflammatory cell infiltration and inflammatory cytokines 24 hours later. A lower laser power was more effective than a higher laser power. However, more work is necessary before the title question can be answered in the affirmative.  相似文献   

The CRISPR-Cas revolution is taking place in virtually all fields of life sciences.Harnessing DNA cleavage with the CRISPR-Cas9 system of Streptococcus pyogenes has proven to be extraordinarily simple and efficient,relying only on the design of a synthetic single guide RNA(sgRNA) and its co-expression with Cas9.Here,we review the progress in the design of sgRNA from the original dual RNA guide for S.pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus Cas9(SpCas9 and SaCas9).New assays for genome-wide identification of offtargets have provided important insights into the issue of cleavage specificity in vivo.At the same time,the on-target activity of thousands of guides has been determined.These data have led to numerous online tools that facilitate the selection of guide RNAs in target sequences.It appears that for most basic research applications,cleavage activity can be maximized and off-targets minimized by carefully choosing guide RNAs based on computational predictions.Moreover,recent studies of Cas proteins have further improved the flexibility and precision of the CRISPR-Cas toolkit for genome editing.Inspired by the crystal structure of the complex of sgRNA-SpCas9 bound to target DNA,several variants of SpCas9 have recently been engineered,either with novel protospacer adjacent motifs(PAMs) or with drastically reduced off-targets.Novel Cas9 and Cas9-like proteins called Cpf 1 have also been characterized from other bacteria and will benefit from die insights obtained from SpCas9.Genome editing with CRISPR-Cas9 may also progress with better understanding and control of cellular DNA repair pathways activated after Cas9-induced DNA cleavage.  相似文献   

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