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Proton NMR has revealed two modes of structural heterogeneity in the monomeric hemoglobin I of Chironomus thummi thummi, CTT I; rotational disorder caused by a 180 degree rotation of the heme about the alpha, gamma-meso axis (primary heterogeneity), which varies for each preparation or reconstitution of this hemoglobin, and a 'silent' amino acid replacement [Thr/Ala exchange in position 98(FG4)] in the vicinity of the heme group, which is invariant under all experimental conditions. The heme rotational disorder (primary heterogeneity) can be removed by reconstitution of CTT I with the symmetrical protoheme III. The secondary splitting is not affected; the ratio of intensities of the two types of resonance remains constant. The 8-methyl and 3-methyl and one of the alpha-vinyl proton resonances for the major heme rotational component and the 5-methyl and 1-methyl and one of the alpha-vinyl proton resonances for the minor heme rotational component have been identified and assigned by reconstitution with deuterium-labeled heme. Decoupling experiments have been employed to assign vinyl beta protons in cis and trans position to the respective vinyl alpha protons. Hyperfine shifts for the heme protons exhibited no pH influence above pH 6, in accord with the lack of the alkaline Bohr effect. Below pH 6, pH effects are most strongly reflected by the 8-methyl and 5-methyl proton resonances possibly reflecting titration of the propionate groups.  相似文献   

The monomeric insect (Chironomus thummi thummi) haemoglobins CTT III and CTT IV show an alkaline Bohr effect. The amplitude of the Bohr effect curve of CTT IV is about twice as large as that of CTT III. In particular, at low pH a time-dependent 'slow' decrease in p50 upon cyclic oxygenation/deoxygenation is observed which is larger if dithionite, instead of ascorbate, is the reducing agent. The decrease of p50 (increase in affinity) correlates with the ratio of haem-rotational components exhibiting an increase of the 'myoglobin-like' haem-rotational component with high O2 affinity and high stability of the globin-haem complex. The replacement of protohaem IX by mesohaem IX and deuterohaem IX, respectively, causes an increase in O2 affinity following the order: proto less than meso less than deutero CTT Hbs. The Bohr effect, however, seems not to be affected by these porphyrin side-group substitutions. The O2 affinity is modulated by steric effects due to the substituents in position 2 and 4 via variation of the protein-haem interactions which influence the O2 release. The replacement of iron by cobalt in proto and meso CTT IV leads to an increase of the p50 by two to three orders of magnitude. Neither central metal nor vinyl replacement affect the Bohr effect. The natural CTT Hbs III and IV analyzed for mono-componential kinetic systems exhibit pH-dependent O2 off-rate constants: 300 s-1 (at pH 5.6) and 125 s-1 (at pH 9.7) for CTT III, and 550 s-1 (at pH 5.4) and 100 s-1 (at pH 9.0) for CTT IV. Inflection points and amplitudes of the log koff/pH plots correspond to those obtained from the Bohr effect curves indicating again a larger Bohr effect for CTT IV than for CTT III. In contrast, the O2 on-rate constants are pH-independent (kon = 1.15-1.26 X 10(8) M-1 s-1). Thus, the Bohr effect is completely controlled by the off-rate constants. Analysis for bi-componential kinetic systems employing the eigenfunction expansion method clearly identifies two kinetic components for proto-IX and deutero-IX CTT Hbs which can be attributed to the two haem-rotational components x and y (x and y differ due to an 180 degree rotation of the haem group about the alpha,gamma-meso axis; y is the myoglobin-like haem-rotational component).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Nitration of tyrosine with tetranitromethane shifts the tyrosine absorption spectrum and abolishes its 200 nm-excited resonance Raman spectrum. There is no detectable resonance Raman contribution from either reactants or products. Likewise, modification of tryptophan with 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide (HNBB) shifts its absorption spectrum and abolishes its 218 nm-excited resonance Raman spectrum. In this case resonance Raman bands due to HNBB are seen, but are readily distinguishable from the tryptophan spectrum, can be computer-subtracted. When stellacyanin was treated with tetranitromethane the UV resonance Raman spectrum was greatly attenuated; quantitation of the 850 cm-1 tyrosine band intensity gave a value of 4.3 tyrosines modified out of the seven present in stellacyanin, in good agreement with an estimate of 4.7 from the absorption spectrum. For cytochrome c, the resonance Raman spectrum indicates that two out of the four tyrosines are modified by tetranitromethane treatment, consistent with the crystal structure, which shows two buried tyrosines and two at the protein surface. Treatment of stellacyanin with HNBB gave a reduction in the tryptophan spectrum, excited at 218 nm, consistent with one of the three tryptophans being modified. These modification procedures should be useful in distinguishing spectra of buried tyrosine and tryptophan residues from those at the surface.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman studies of the thermal denaturation of bacteriorhodopsin from Halobacterium cutirubrum show that the N-retinylidenelysine moiety present in the chromophore is N-protonated. This corroborates an earlier suggestion of Lewis et al. ((1974) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S., 71, 4462-4466). The widely differing excitation profiles of two -C=C- stretching modes are explained in terms of the light-initiated reaction cycle in the molecule. Glutaraldehyde fixation of bacteriorhodopsin has no effect on the intensity ratio of the two modes, suggesting that no large motion of the protein is necessary for the photoreaction cycle to occur.  相似文献   

The resonance Raman spectra of the two affinity states of the CO-ligated monomeric insect hemoglobins, Chironomus thummi thummi (CTT) III ad IV, have been investigated. We have identified (via 54Fe/57Fe and 13C18O/12C16O isotope exchange) the Fe-N epsilon(His) stretching mode at approximately 317 cm-1. This stretching mode changes from 329 (pH 5.5) to 317 cm-1 (pH 9.5) reflecting the pH-induced t in equilibrium with r conformational transition. The Fe-CO stretching mode is also pH-sensitive changing from 483 (pH 5.2) to 485 cm-1 (pH 9.2) in 57Fe CTT III . 13C18O complex. However the C-O stretching mode is pH-insensitive. The nonallosteric monomeric insect hemoglobin CTT I does not exhibit a pH-dependence of these vibrational modes. pH-Induced effects were also observed for a vinyl bending mode at 379 cm-1 (pH 9.5) in CTT III deuterated at the beta-carbons of the vinyls in position 2 and 4. It shifts to 390 cm-1 at pH 5.5. The other vinyl vibration at 573 cm-1 exhibits intensity enhancement via through-space coupling with the Fe-C-O bending mode. Our resonance Raman data provide the first direct evidence that the trans-effect is operative as a trigger mechanism for ligand-binding in monomeric allosteric insect hemoglobins. In going from the low-affinity to the high-affinity state, the Fe-N epsilon(His) bond becomes weaker, whereas the Fe-CO bond becomes stronger.  相似文献   

One-dimensional Fourier-transform proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) spectroscopy can be used to study biotransformations in situ, in vivo and in aqua (1H2O). Although an insensitive method, it rapidly provides solution-structural information of mixtures of diverse compounds that are used and formed during enzymic reactions and culture fermentations; the samples do not require any physical or chemical processing for analysis. The absolute stereochemistry of some reactions can also be determined, and assessments of metabolic fluxes made. This technique, with appropriate modifications, is of obvious value for on-line assessments of industrial fermentation processes.  相似文献   

The substitution of iron for cobalt in the monomeric insect hemoglobin CTT (Chironomus thummi thummi) III does not alter the Bohr effect for O2-binding. The cobalt substitution in this hemoglobin allows us to identify not only the O-O and Co-O2 stretching mode but also the Co-O-O bending mode by resonance Raman spectroscopy. The assignments were made via 16O2/18O2 isotope exchange. The modes associated with the Co-O-O moiety are pH-dependent. These pH-induced changes of the resonance Raman spectra are correlated with the t = r conformation transition. At high pH (high-affinity state) two unperturbed O-O stretching modes are observed at 1,068 cm-1 (major component) and 1,093 cm-1 (minor component) for the 18O2 complex. These frequencies correspond to split modes at 1,107 cm-1 and 1,136 cm-1 and an unperturbed mode at approximately 1,153 cm-1 for the 16O2 complex. At low pH (low-affinity state) the minor component becomes the major component and vice versa. The Co-O2 stretching frequency varies for approximately 520 cm-1 (pH 5.5) to 537 cm-1 (pH 9.5) indicating a stronger (hence shorter) Co-O2 bond in the high-affinity state. On the other hand, the O-O bond is weakened upon the conversion of the low- to the high-affinity state. The Co-O-O bending mode changes from 390 cm-1 (pH 9.5) to 374 cm-1 (pH 5.5). In the deoxy form the resonance Raman spectra are essentially pH-insensitive except for a vinyl mode at 414 cm-1 (pH 5.5), which is shifted to 416 cm-1 (pH 5.5).  相似文献   

Individual species of the photochemical cycle of bacteriorhodopsin, a retinal-protein complex of Halobacteria, were studied in aqueous suspensions of the "purple membrane" at room temperature by resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopy with flow systems. Two pronounced deuterium shifts were found in the RR spectra of the all-trans complex BR-570 in H2O-D2O suspensions. The first is ascribed to C=NH+ (C=ND+) stretching vibrations of the protonated Schiff base which links retinal to opsin. The second is assigned tentatively to an "X-H" ("X-D") bending mode, where "X" is an atom which carries an exchangeable proton. A RR spectrum of the 13-cis-retinal complex "BR-548" could be deduced from spectra of the dark-adapted purple membrane. The RR spectrum of the M-412 intermediate was monitored in a double-beam pump-probe experiment. The main vibrational features of the intermediate M' in the reaction M-412 in equilibrium hv M' leads to delta BR-570 could be deduced from a photostationary mixture of M-412 and M'. Difference procedures were applied to obtain RR spectra of the L-550 intermediate and of two new long-lived species, R1'-590 and R2-550. From kinetic data it is suggested that T1'-590 links the proton-translocating cycle to the "13-cis" cycle of BR-548. The protonation and isomeric states of the different species are discussed in light of the new spectroscopic and kinetic data. It is found that conformational changes during the photochemical cycle play an important role.  相似文献   

The interaction of ferricytochrome c with negatively charged heteropolytungstates was studied by resonance Raman spectroscopy. In analogy to previous findings on ferricytochrome c bound to other types of charged interface (Hildebrandt, P. and Stockburger, M. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 6710-6721, 6722-6728), it was shown that in these complexes the conformational states I and II are stabilized. While in state I, the structure is the same as is in the uncomplexed heme protein, in state II three different coordination configurations coexist, i.e., a six-coordinated low-spin, a five-coordinated high-spin and a six-coordinated high-spin form. These configurations constitute thermal coordination equilibria whose thermodynamic properties were determined. The detailed analysis of the low-frequency resonance Raman spectra reveals that in state II the heme pocket assumes an open structure leading to a significantly higher flexibility of the heme group compared to the native ferricytochrome c. It is concluded that these structural changes are the result of Coulombic attractions between the polyanions and the lysine residues around the exposed heme edge which destabilize the heme crevice. Modifications of these interactions upon variation of the ionic strength, the pH or the type of the polytungstate are sensitively reflected by changes of the coordination equilibria in state II as well as of the conformational equilibrium of state I and state II. The conformational changes in state II significantly differ from those associated with the alkaline transition of ferricytochrome c. However, there are some structural similarities between the acid form of the heme protein stable below pH 2.5 in aqueous solution and the six-coordinated high-spin configuration of the bound ferricytochrome c at neutral pH (state II). This suggests that electrostatic interactions with the heteropolytungstates perturb the ionic equilibria of those amino acid side chains which are involved in the acid-induced transition leading to a significant upshift of the apparent pKa.  相似文献   

1. This review illustrates the vast range of molecular functions expressed in non-mammalian vertebrate haemoglobins; with particular reference to the degree of aggregation of haemoglobin subunits and their interactions with allosteric effectors. 2. In at least the broadest sense, these properties suggest that haemoglobin function in non-mammalian vertebrates can be viewed against the evolutionary hierarchy of organisms rather than from a purely adaptive perspective.  相似文献   

Glucokinase catalyzes the ATP-dependent phosphorylation of glucose, a chemical transformation that represents the rate-limiting step of glycolytic metabolism in the liver and pancreas. Glucokinase is a central regulator of glucose homeostasis as evidenced by its association with two disease states, maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY) and persistent hyperinsulinemia of infancy (PHHI). Mammalian glucokinase is subject to homotropic allosteric regulation by glucose-the steady-state velocity of glucose-6-phosphate production is not hyperbolic, but instead displays a sigmoidal response to increasing glucose concentrations. The positive cooperativity displayed by glucokinase is intriguing since the enzyme functions as a monomer under physiological conditions and contains only a single binding site for glucose. Despite the existence of several models of kinetic cooperativity in monomeric enzymes, a consensus has yet to be reached regarding the mechanism of allosteric regulation in glucokinase. Experimental evidence collected over the last 45 years by a number of investigators supports a link between cooperativity and slow conformational reorganizations of the glucokinase scaffold. In this review, we summarize advances in our understanding of glucokinase allosteric regulation resulting from recent X-ray crystallographic, pre-equilibrium kinetic and high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance investigations. We conclude with a brief discussion of unanswered questions regarding the mechanistic basis of kinetic cooperativity in mammalian glucokinase.  相似文献   

Marc Lutz 《BBA》1977,460(3):408-430
Raman spectra of antenna chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b were selectively obtained from chloroplasts of green plants and from monocellular algae, using resonance enhancement in the respective Soret bands of these molecules, at 35 K. It is shown that:

Antenna chlorophyll a molecules occur in at least five discrete categories, distinguished by different extramolecular bonding of their 9-keto carbonyl groups.

These vibrational categories are probably identical in nature and number among the different organisms studied, but differ in their relative populations.

Chlorophyll b molecules occur in at least two different categories differing by the strength of the interactions of their 3-formyl C = 0 groups. These vibrational categories also appear as universal.

Most chlorophyll a and b molecules have their magnesium atoms bound to a single foreign ligand, whose nature may depend on the population considered.

Resonance Raman spectra of antenna structures, including those of organisms devoid of chlorophyll b, were compared to resonance Raman spectra of chlorophyll a and b in monomeric, oligomeric and hydrated polymeric states, at room temperature and at 35 K. No sizable amount of antenna chlorophyll a or b occurs as dry or hydrated oligomers, or polymers. The antenna molecules are thus necessarily bound to foreign molecules, probably proteins, through H-bonding on their formyl and/or keto carbonyl groups and through bonding of their magnesium atoms.  相似文献   

A comprehensive metabolomic profiling of Silybum marianum (L.) Gaernt cell cultures elicited with yeast extract or methyl jasmonate for the production of silymarin was carried out using one- and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. With these techniques we were able to detect both temporal quantitative variations in the metabolite pool in yeast extract-elicited cultures and qualitative differences in cultures treated with the two types of elicitors. Yeast extract and methyl jasmonate caused a metabolic reprogramming that affected amino acid and carbohydrate metabolism; upon elicitation sucrose decreased and glucose levels increased, these changes being dependent on "de novo" protein synthesis. Also dependent on protein synthesis were the increase seen in alanine and glutamine in elicited cultures. Yeast extract differentially acted on threonine and valine metabolism and promoted accumulation of choline and alpha-linolenic acid in cells thus suggesting its action on membranes and the involvement of the octadecanoid pathway in the induction of silymarin in S. marianum cultures. Phenylpropanoid metabolism was altered by elicitation but, depending on elicitor, different phenylpropanoid profile was produced. The results obtained in this study will permit in the future to identify candidate components of the signalling pathway involved in the stimulation of the constitutive pathway of silymarin.  相似文献   

Channelrhodopsin-2 mediates phototaxis in green algae by acting as a light-gated cation channel. As a result of this property, it is used as a novel optogenetic tool in neurophysiological applications. Structural information is still scant and we present here the first resonance Raman spectra of channelrhodopsin-2. Spectra of detergent solubilized and lipid-reconstituted protein were recorded under pre-resonant conditions to exclusively probe retinal in its electronic ground state. All-trans retinal was identified to be the favoured configuration of the chromophore but significant contributions of 13-cis were detected. Pre-illumination hardly changed the isomeric composition but small amounts of presumably 9-cis retinal were found in the light-adapted state. Spectral analysis suggested that the Schiff base proton is strongly hydrogen-bonded to a nearby water molecule.  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas bacteriophage Pf3 is a long and narrow filament consisting of a covalently closed DNA single strand of 5833 bases sheathed by approximately 2500 copies of a 44-residue subunit. Ultraviolet resonance Raman spectra excited at 257, 244, 238, and 229 nm and off-resonance Raman spectra excited at 514.5 nm are reported for Pf3 in both H2O and D2O solutions. The key Raman bands are assigned to specific protein and DNA groups of the native virion assembly. The results are compared with proposed assembly models and Raman spectra recently reported for the isomorphous (class II) Pseudomonas phage Pf1 and the morphologically distinct (class I) coliphage fd [Wen, Z. Q., Overman, S. A., and Thomas, G. J. , Jr. (1997) Biochemistry 36, 7810-7820; Wen, Z. Q., Armstrong, A., and Thomas, G. J., Jr. (1999) Biochemistry 38, 3148-3156]. Surprisingly, deoxynucleosides of the packaged DNA genome of Pf3 adopt the same conformation (C3'-endo/anti) found for DNA packaged in the class I fd virion rather than that (C2'-endo/anti) associated with DNA in the isomorphous Pf1 virion. However, DNA base stacking in Pf3, as judged by Raman hypochromic effects, differs significantly from that occurring in either Pf1 or fd. Thus, the single-stranded DNA genomes of Pf3, Pf1, and fd are all organized differently within their respective capsids, implying that local subunit-DNA interactions may be important in determining the structure specific to each native assembly. The present study confirms a completely alpha-helical secondary structure for the Pf3 subunit and an unusual indolyl ring environment for the subunit tryptophan residue (Trp-38).  相似文献   

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