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The nucleotide sequences of gamma-crystallin cDNAs cloned from the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) have been determined. The amino-acid sequences derived consist of two polypeptides with 177 and 172 amino-acid residues for gamma-m1 and gamma-m2, respectively. They exhibit unusually high methionine contents: 12.4% for gamma-m1 and 14% for gamma-m2. Comparison of both fish gamma-crystallins with bovine gamma-II crystallin reveals that they are similar in structure. The striking features of both fish gamma-crystallins are as follows. (1) Both of them retain the 'conserved' residues, i.e., Tyr-6, Glu-7, Gly-13, Ser-34 and their equivalents in other motifs. (2) they possess the second aromatic residue at position 11. Both of these structural features are considered to be the major factors in stabilizing the folded hairpin structure of the protein. (3) The variable residues in the core region of C-terminal domain are almost all sulfur-containing amino acids, i.e., methionine or cysteine. (4) 30% of the surface hydrophobic groups are composed of methionine. The last two unusual features have been found so far only in these two fish gamma-crystallins. The high methionine content may make an important contribution to the protein stability of fish gamma-crystallins.  相似文献   

The three major bovine gamma-crystallin fractions (gamma-II, gamma-III and gamma-IV) are known to have closely related (80-90%) amino acid sequences and three-dimensional folding of the polypeptide backbone. Their chiroptical and emission properties, as measured by circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence, are now shown to differ distinctly. The far-ultraviolet CD spectra indicate that all three gamma-crystallins have predominantly beta-sheet conformation (45-60%) with only subtle differences in secondary structure. The fluorescence emission maxima of gamma-II, gamma-III and gamma-IV, due to the four tryptophan residues, appear at 324, 329 and 334 nm, respectively, suggesting that tryptophan residues are buried in environments of decreasing hydrophobicity. Corresponding differences in quantum yield may be due to fluorescence quenching by neighboring sulfur-containing residues. Titratable tyrosines are maximal for gamma-III, as manifested from difference absorption spectra at alkaline pH. The near-ultraviolet CD spectra differ in position, magnitude and sign of tryptophan and tyrosine transitions. In addition, a characteristic CD maximum at 235 nm, presumably due to tyrosine-tyrosine exciton interactions, differs in magnitude for each gamma-crystallin. This study shows that the environment and interactions of the aromatic residues of the individual gamma-crystallin fractions are quite different. These variations in tertiary structure may be significant, in terms of stability of gamma-crystallins towards aggregation and denaturation, for understanding lens transparency and cataract formation in general.  相似文献   

S H Chiou  S W Chen  T Itoh  H Kaji  T Samejima 《FEBS letters》1990,275(1-2):111-113
gamma-Crystallin isolated from the shark of cartilaginous fishes was compared with the cognate gamma-crystallin from the carp of bony fishes. Distinct differences in amino acid compositions, primary, secondary and tertiary structures were found. The most salient features of shark gamma-crystallin lie in the fact that this crystallin possessed a significant alpha-helical structure in the peptide backbone as revealed by circular dichroism study, in contrast to those orthologous gamma-crystallins from other vertebrate species including bony fishes which all show a predominant beta-sheet secondary structure. The tertiary structure as reflected in the intrinsic microenvironments of various aromatic amino acids in the native crystallins also shows unambiguous differences between these two classes of gamma-crystallins. N-Terminal sequence analysis corroborates the structural differences between shark and carp gamma-crystallins. gamma-Crystallin from the more primitive shark seems to be more in line with the main evolutionary phylogeny leading to the modern mammalian gamma-crystallin.  相似文献   

The thermal behavior of gamma II, gamma IIIA, gamma IIIB, and gamma IVA crystallin, from calorimetric and spectral studies, has been analyzed in terms of selective unfolding of domains, interdomain interactions, conformational stability, and the existence of intermediates in the order-disorder transition equilibrium. The major endothermic transition (Tm) observed calorimetrically for all four fractions occurs between 67 and 78 degrees C, with enthalpy change (delta H) from 80 to 150 kcal/mol, values that agree reasonably well with those from spectroscopic measurements. gamma II and gamma IIIB show a second thermal event at T less than Tm whereas gamma IIIA and gamma IVA showed no additional transition. Urea-induced equilibrium unfolding of gamma II at acidic pH, unlike gamma IVA, is biphasic as monitored by CD and fluorescence, indicating the existence of an intermediate. The absence of a cooperative transition in gamma IVA in acidic urea and the appearance of a single endotherm in differential scanning calorimetry at low pH have been attributed to a structured intermediate that melts at low temperature. The difference in the folding/unfolding of gamma II and gamma IVA has been explained by subtle differences in the packing arrangement of their two domains and interactions between them. Thermal aggregation of gamma-crystallins could be prevented either by preincubation with ionic detergents or at low pH or in the presence of chemical denaturant, indicating that the protein surface charge and solvent polarity influence their stability. An increase in the 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate-bound fluorescence during heat denaturation also suggests that the thermal aggregation is governed by hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of oxidative damage to lipid-bound apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I) on its structure and stability that might be related to previously observed functional disorders of oxidized apo A-I in high density lipoproteins (HDL), we prepared homogeneous reconstituted HDL (rHDL) particles containing unoxidized apo A-I and its commonly occurring oxidized form (Met-112, 148 bis-sulfoxide). The size of the obtained discoidal rHDL particles ranged from 9.0 to 10.0 nm and did not depend upon the content of the oxidized protein. Using circular dichroism methods, no change in the secondary structure of lipid-bound oxidized apo A-I was found. Isothermal and thermal denaturation experiments showed a significant destabilization of the oxidized protein to denaturation by guanidine hydrochloride or heat. This effect was observed with and without co-reconstituted apolipoprotein A-II. Limited tryptic digestion indicated that the central region of oxidatively damaged apo A-I becomes exposed to proteolysis in the rHDL particles. Implications of these data for apolipoprotein function are discussed.  相似文献   

Calprotectin, a heterodimeric complex belonging to the S 100 protein family, has been found predominantly in the cytosolic fraction of neutrophils. In the present study, human calprotectin was purified from neutrophils using two-step ion exchange chromatography. The purified protein was used for circular dichroism study and fluorescence analysis in the presence of calcium and zinc at physiological concentrations, as well as for assessment of its inhibitory activity on the K562 leukemia cell line. The thermal stability of the protein at pH 7.0 (physiological pH) and 8.0 (similar to intestinal pH) was also compared. The results of cell proliferation analysis revealed that human calprotectin initiated growth inhibition of the tumor cells in a dose- dependent manner. The intrinsic fluorescence emission spectra of human calprotectin (50 ktg/ml) in the presence of calcium and zinc ions show a reduction in fluorescence intensity, reflecting a conformational change within the protein with exposure of aromatic residues to the protein surface that is important for the biological function of calprotectin. The far ultraviolet-circular dichroism spectra of human calprotectin in the presence of calcium and zinc ions at physiological concentrations show a decrease in the m-helical content of the protein and an increase in [3- and other structures. Our results also show that increasing the pH level from 7.0 to 8.0 leads to a marked elevation in the thermal stability of human calprotectin, indicating a significant role for pH in the stability of calprotectin in the gut.  相似文献   

We have predicted the secondary structures of four beta-lactamases (Bacillus cereus, Bacillus licheniformis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli R-TEM) by the statistical method of Chou & Fasman as well as by the information theory method of Garnier et al. The secondary structures of all four beta-lactamases are of the alpha/beta type (Levitt & Chothia's nomenclature), with helices at N- and C-termini. There are about eight short regions each of alpha-helical (30--50%) and beta-strand (10--20%) structure separated by about 20 reverse turns. The conformation of the Gram-positive and Gram-negative beta-lactamases are generally similar although a few differences are predicted between the S.aureus and E.coli structures. Surprisingly, the two bacilli structures differ significantly in three short regions. In all four enzymes the region near the catalytically-implicated tyrosine has similar secondary structure. The secondary structure of hen egg white lysozyme, a penicillin-binding enzyme, as well as T4 phage lysozyme, has similarities to the N-terminal half of the penicillin-destroying beta-lactamases.  相似文献   

Vu DM  Myers JK  Oas TG  Dyer RB 《Biochemistry》2004,43(12):3582-3589
Fast relaxation kinetics studies of the B-domain of staphylococcal protein A were performed to characterize the folding and unfolding of this small three-helix bundle protein. The relaxation kinetics were initiated using a laser-induced temperature jump and probed using time-resolved infrared spectroscopy. The kinetics monitored within the amide I' absorbance of the polypeptide backbone exhibit two distinct kinetics phases with nanosecond and microsecond relaxation times. The fast kinetics relaxation time is close to the diffusion limits placed on protein folding reactions. The fast kinetics phase is dominated by the relaxation of the solvated helix (nu = 1632 cm(-1)), which reports on the fast relaxation of the individual helices. The slow kinetics phase follows the cooperative relaxation of the native helical bundle core that is monitored by both solvated (nu = 1632 cm(-1)) and buried helical IR bands (nu = 1652 cm(-1)). The folding rates of the slow kinetics phase calculated over an extended temperature range indicate that the core formation of this protein follows a pathway that is energetically downhill. The unfolding rates are much more strongly temperature-dependent indicating an activated process with a large energy barrier. These results provide significant insight into the primary process of protein folding and suggest that fast formation of helices can drive the folding of helical proteins.  相似文献   

The cytochrome system in eggs and embryos of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, was investigated. Difference spectra of the mitochondrial fraction demonstrated the presence of a complete cytochrome system in unfertilized eggs. Cytochrome levels and the activities of respiratory enzymes were measured in crude extracts of eggs both before and after fertilization. Unfertilized eggs contained cytochromes aa3, b, and c + c1 in a ratio of 1.0:1.8:0.7. Gastrulae contained almost the same amount of cytochromes aa3and b as unfertilized eggs. However, the amount of cytochrome c + c1 in gastrulae was 1.5 times greater than that in unfertilized eggs. The activity of cytochrome oxidase remained unchanged during development. No cytochrome oxidase inhibitor was found in unfertilized eggs. Both antimycin A-sensitive and insensitive NADH-cytochrome c reductase activities increased during development. The activity of succinate-cytochrome c reductase increased during early development, reached a temporary plateau, and then declined at the pluteus stage. These results are discussed in relation to the increase of respiration during early development.  相似文献   

Thermal denaturation of the human telomerase RNA (hTR) DeltaU177 pseudoknot and hTR p2b hairpin was investigated by dual UV-wavelength absorbance spectroscopy in aqueous glycine betaine and urea solutions. The hTR DeltaU177 pseudoknot contains two helix-loop interactions that comprise the tertiary structure, as well as a GC-rich 6 bp stem (stem 1) and an AU-rich 9 bp stem (stem 2). The p2b hairpin also contains GC-rich stem 1 and a unique uridine-rich helix with a pentaloop. Glycine betaine stabilizes the pseudoknot tertiary structure in 135 mm NaCl and facilitates only a minor destabilization of tertiary structure in 40 mm NaCl. As with double-helical DNA, glycine betaine interacts more strongly with the surface area exposed upon unfolding of GC-rich stem 1 than either AU-rich stem 2 or the hairpin uridine-rich helix. Urea was shown to destabilize all RNA pseudoknot and hairpin secondary and tertiary structures but exhibits a stronger preferential interaction with AU-rich stem 2. Correlating these interactions with water-accessible surface area calculations indicates that the extent of interaction of glycine betaine with the surface area exposed upon RNA unfolding decreases as the nonpolar character of the unfolded RNA surface increases. As expected, the extent of interaction of urea with the surface area exposed for unfolding RNA increases as the fraction of amide functional groups increases. However, interaction of urea with amide functional groups alone cannot explain the stronger preferential interaction of urea with AU-rich stem 2. Interaction of urea with adenine relative to guanine and cytosine bases or sequence-dependent hydration is proposed for the stronger preferential interaction of urea with AU-rich duplexes.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: P-cats is a web server that predicts the catalytic residues in proteins from the atomic coordinates. P-cats receives a coordinate file of the tertiary structure and sends out analytical results via e-mail. The reply contains a summary and two URLs to allow the user to examine the conserved residues: one for interactive images of the prediction results and the other for a graphical view of the multiple sequence alignment. AVAILABILITY: P-cats is freely available at http://p-cats.hgc.jp/p-cats CONTACT: kino@ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp  相似文献   

The confonnational properties of a simulated polymer chain with secondary and tertiary structures are calculated. The calculation is carried out by a Monte-Carlo procedure for a chain on the cubic lattice consisting of 64 links with Zimm-Bragg parameters s = 0.8–1.3, σ = 164 and an energy of attraction between links ? = 0–1.0.Different confonnational transitions are investigated: helix-coil, coil-globule, coil-crystal, globule-crystal. It is shown that in all cases formation (or destruction) of a crystal-like structure occurs as a Jump-like transition.The results obtained for a model chain are discussed in relation with confonnational transitions in globular pioteins.  相似文献   

Mångs H  Sui GC  Wiman B 《FEBS letters》2000,475(3):192-196
The role of the 13 histidine residues in plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) for the stability of the molecule was studied by replacing these residues by threonine, using site-directed mutagenesis. The generated mutants were expressed in Escherichia coli, purified and characterized. All variants had a normal activity and formed stable complexes with tissue-type plasminogen activator. Most of these PAI-1 variants displayed a similar pH-dependency in stability as wild-type PAI-1, with increased half-lives at lower pH. However, the variant His364Thr had a half-life of about 50 min at 37 degrees C and had almost completely lost its pH-dependency. Therefore, our data suggest that His(364), in the COOH-terminal end of the molecule might be responsible for the pH-dependent stability of PAI-1.  相似文献   

The integral membrane sialoglycoprotein PrPSc is the only identifiable component of the scrapie prion. Scrapie in animals and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans are transmissible, degenerative neurological diseases caused by prions. Standard predictive strategies have been used to analyze the secondary structure of the prion protein in conjunction with Fourier analysis of the primary sequence hydrophobicities to detect potential amphipathic regions. Several hydrophobic segments, a proline- and glycine-rich repeat region and putative glycosylation sites are incorporated into a model for the integral membrane topology of PrP. The complete amino acid sequences of the hamster, human and mouse prion proteins are compared and the effects of residue substitutions upon the predicted conformation of the polypeptide chain are discussed. While PrP has a unique primary structure, its predicted secondary structure shares some interesting features with the serum amyloid A proteins. These proteins undergo a post-translational modification to yield amyloid A, molecules that share with PrP the ability to polymerize into birefringent filaments. Our analyses may explain some experimental observations on PrP, and suggest further studies on the properties of the scrapie and cellular PrP isoforms.  相似文献   

Reaction of H(2)O(2) with the recombinant SHa(29-231) prion protein resulted in rapid oxidation of multiple methionine residues. Susceptibility to oxidation of individual residues, assessed by mass spectrometry after digestion with CNBr and lysC, was in general a function of solvent exposure. Met 109 and Met 112, situated in the highly flexible amino terminus, and key residues of the toxic peptide PrP (106-126), showed the greatest susceptibility. Met 129, a residue located in a polymorphic position in human PrP and modulating risk of prion disease, was also easily oxidized, as was Met 134. The structural effect of H(2)O(2)-induced methionine oxidation on PrP was studied by CD spectroscopy. As opposed to copper catalyzed oxidation, which results in extensive aggregation of PrP, this reaction led only to a modest increase in beta-sheet structure. The high number of solvent exposed methionine residues in PrP suggests their possible role as protective endogenous antioxidants.  相似文献   

M Walsh  F C Stevens 《Biochemistry》1978,17(19):3924-3928
Methionine residues have been implicated in the activation of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase by the Ca2+-dependent protein modulator [Walsh, M., & Stevens, F.C. (1977) Biochemistry 16,2742-2749]. Treatment of the modulator with N-chlorosuccinimide in the presence of Ca2+ resulted in selective oxidation of methionine residues at positions 71,72, 76, and, possibly, 109 in the modulator sequence. These residues lie on the surface of the molecule exposed to solvent. This modification has several effects on the modulator protein: (1) the Ca2+-binding properties of the oxidized modulator are changed with apparent loss of high-affinity binding sites, (2) the oxidized protein no longer interacts with phosphodiesterase, and (3) troponin C like activities, viz., Ca2+-dependent change in mobility on urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and formation of a urea-stable complex with troponin I, are lost upon oxidation of the modulator. The phosphodiesterase binding domain of the modulator protein appears to be located between the second and third Ca2+-binding loops, a region of the molecule known from previous partial proteolysis studies [Walsh, M., Stevens, F.C., Kuznicki, J., & Drabikowski, W.(1977), J. Biol. Chem. 252, 7440-7443] to be exposed in the presence of Ca2+.  相似文献   

Forms of the biologically active N-terminal fragment of bovine parathyroid hormone oxidized at methionine 8, methionine 18, and both positions were prepared, separated from one another, and characterized as described earlier for the native hormone (A. L. Frelinger and J. E. Zull, (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 5507). The biological properties of the oxidized forms were compared to those of the native hormone, using the renal membrane adenylyl cyclase assay. Oxidation at position 18 produced full agonists of the hormone with slightly reduced potency. Oxidation at position 8 produced partial agonists of greatly reduced potency. Oxidation at both positions produced partial agonists of even lower potency. Thus, methionine 8 is implicated both in binding and in activation of adenylyl cyclase, but methionine 18 is implicated only in binding. Further study showed that oxidation of both residues is dependent on the pH, ionic strength, and polarity of the solvent. However, methionine 8 is less easily oxidized than methionine 18. This difference is eliminated in 3 M guanidine-HCl with 1-34 and in 6 M guanidine-HCl with 1-84. On the other hand the difference in reactivity is greatly increased in high ionic strength, with methionine 8 becoming much less reactive. These results suggest that the methionine residues are important in the biologically active conformation of parathyroid hormone and that methionine 8 is less accessible than methionine 18 under certain conditions. These conclusions are discussed in the context of a specific model for the folding of parathyroid hormone.  相似文献   

Oxidation of methionine residues is involved in several biochemical processes and in degradation of therapeutic proteins. The relationship between conformational stability and methionine oxidation in recombinant human interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (rhIL-1ra) was investigated to document how thermodynamics of unfolding affect methionine oxidation in proteins. Conformational stability of rhIL-1ra was monitored by equilibrium urea denaturation, and thermodynamic parameters of unfolding (DeltaGH2O, m, and Cm) were estimated at different temperatures. Methionine oxidation induced by hydrogen peroxide at varying temperatures was monitored during "coincubation" of rhIL-1ra with peptides mimicking specific regions of the reactive methionine residues in the protein. The coincubation study allowed estimation of oxidation rates in protein and peptide at each temperature from which normalized oxidation rate constants and activation energies were calculated. The rate constants for buried Met-11 in the protein were lower than for methionine in the peptide with an associated increase in activation energy. The rate constants and activation energy of solvent exposed methionines in protein and peptide were similar. The results showed that conformational stability, monitored using the Cm value, has an effect on oxidation rates of buried methionines. The rate constant of buried Met-11 correlated well with the Cm value but not DeltaGH2O. No correlation was observed for the oxidation rates of solvent-exposed methionines with any thermodynamic parameters of unfolding. The findings presented have implications in protein engineering, in design of accelerated stability studies for protein formulation development, and in understanding disease conditions involving protein oxidation.  相似文献   

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