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In a written test investigating the level of understanding of the concept of natural selection, only 18 per cent of a group of first-year university students with an Advanced-level biology background were consistently able to apply this concept to common environmental problems. In their explanations, over half the students mistakenly formulated a ‘theory of adaptation by induced mutation’ instead of a ‘theory of evolution by natural selection’. On further analysis, many students had a poor understanding of adaptation, immunity, the origin of mutations, and the laws of inheritance. A major cause of these interrelated errors was students extrapolating from changes occurring within the lifetime of an individual, to account for evolutionary changes altering populations over many generations.  相似文献   

J. W. Macleod  D. G. Fish  Joyce Howes 《CMAJ》1965,92(14):689-693
Recognizing Canada''s urgent need of physicians Canadian medical faculties have continued to increase first-year enrolment for the sixth successive year. Returns from the 12 medical schools showed that 1133 students began medical studies in 1964 compared with 1086 the previous year. Firstyear female students showed a decrease for the first time since 1959: 124 compared with 146 in 1963. Every tenth graduate is a woman; six years ago this ratio was one in 20. Loss of students from withdrawals and dismissals in 1963-64 occurred chiefly in the first year (9.2% as compared with 8.7% in 1962-63). Almost half of the loss in all four years of the course was for non-academic reasons. A decrease in American and a slight increase in Commonwealth and foreign first-year students was noted. Total foreign student enrolment continued to decline from a high of 485 in 1959-60 (13.7%) to 400 in 1964-65 (10.3%).  相似文献   

Transitioning from high school to university can prove to be a for midable challenge for many first-year students, with many experiencing home sickness. Given that students who experience homesickness are more likely than their non-homesick cohorts to drop out of university, universities have a vested interest in supporting students during their first-year transition. Programs that provide opportunities for human–animal interactions on campus are gaining popularity as one way of increasing students’ wellbeing. The current study examined the effects of an 8-week animal-assisted therapy (AAT) program on first-year university students’ wellbeing. An initial feasibility study (n = 86) was conducted that provided opportunities for students to interact, in small groups, with trained therapy dogs and their volunteer handlers. Results indicated that this program reduced participants’ levels of homesickness and increased their satisfaction with life. An experimental study was then conducted utilizing a similar 8-week group AAT program. Participants (n = 44) were assigned to either a treatment condition (i.e., the AAT program) or to a no-treatment condition (akin to a wait-list control). At the end of the eight weeks, participants in the AAT program reported greater reductions in homesickness and greater increases in satisfaction with life than did those in the no-treatment condition. From beginning to end of the program, participants in the treatment group evidenced reductions in homesickness and increases in satisfaction with life and connectedness to campus, while participants in the no-treatment condition evidenced an increase in homesickness and no changes in satisfaction with life and connectedness to campus. Results of both the feasibility study and the experimental study support the use of AAT programs to increase the wellbeing of first-year university students experiencing homesickness.  相似文献   

Institutions of Higher Education have grappled with the predicament of first-year success and epistemological access for years. Recently, a study employed Legitimation Code Theory (LCT) to elucidate why students who performed relatively well in high school biology struggled with the subject in first-year. This study shed valuable light on this problem by revealing that the high school biology curriculum is at a completely different level to the university curriculum. In terms of LCT’s Semantics dimension, the high school curriculum displayed little movement from context dependent simpler meanings towards the relatively decontextualised complex meanings, frequently encountered in first-year biology. We argue that the Semantics dimension of LCT also offers a useful tool for restructuring first-year biology curricula to intentionally facilitate a more gradual transition for first-year students. Thus, by explicitly planning teaching activities to gradually increase the range between context dependent simpler meanings and relatively decontextualized complex meanings, the potential of cumulative learning can be optimised. This paper reflects on the process of revising a first-year biology curriculum to contribute to greater epistemological access and cumulative knowledge building.  相似文献   

J. W. Macleod 《CMAJ》1963,88(14):683-690
Statistical returns from the 12 Canadian medical schools revealed in 1962, for the fourth consecutive year, a larger first-year enrolment (946, 970, 1006 and 1057). This is attributed to an increase in qualified applicants and expansion in size of the first-year class in the face of a physician shortage. The proportion of women graduates increased from 5.2% in 1958 to 10.1% in 1962 (U.S.A., 5.6%). The academic calibre of entering students showed little change over five years, 1957-61. Recent impressions indicate an upward swing. Loss from withdrawals and dismissals was chiefly in first year (9.1%, 7.6% and 9.0%: 1959-60 to 1961-62), 40% being attributed to “nonacademic” causes. Foreign students now comprise 12.6% of the medical student body. A decrease in American and an increase in Commonwealth student numbers was noted. Recommendations include attention to drop-outs before and after registration and provision for stand-by applicants; the general adoption of some objective measure of qualification, e.g. the Medical College Admission Test; an on-going registry of applicants to Canadian medical schools for later retrospective studies and re-examination of admission policies for non-residents.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the sympathoadrenal function and the specific features of heart rhythm regulation were studied in female students and clothing factory female workers during their adaptation to academic and work conditions. Periods of the strongest functional tension in test systems were found in first-year students: the beginning of an academic year, the end of the first semester, and a period after winter examinations, all characterized by an increase in the central-circuit and sympathetic effects on sinus rhythm, acceleration of the heart rate, activation of sympathoadrenal mechanisms, and a decrease in sympathoadrenal reserves. The comparative analysis allowed us to disclose general trends typical of females of this age group such as the relative maturity of the sympathoadrenal system (SAS) and optimum correlation between autonomic and centralized heart rhythm regulation and to reveal the differences in the character and dynamics of functional shifts caused by a specific effect of academic load and work conditions. The degree of correlation between the indices characteristic of hormonal and mediator SAS mechanisms and the statistical characteristics of heart rhythm was proposed as the criteria for estimating the functional tension of the human body.  相似文献   

James B. Morison 《CMAJ》1973,108(9):1138-1139,1143
A third survey of the smoking habits of all the students in the Winnipeg School Division from grades 5 to 12 has been completed. The three surveys cover a period of eight years and show an increase in smoking at all grade levels in both sexes. The increase is most marked in the girls and in both sexes it is most marked at the elementary school level, indicating an earlier onset of the habit of smoking. These studies indicate that present efforts to reduce the smoking habit are ineffective at the school level.  相似文献   

The psychophysiological condition of first-year students (males) going or not going in for sport in the course of training was investigated. Baevskii’s method was used to determine the level of stress of regulatory mechanisms. The functional level of the nervous system, the stability of neural responses, and the level of functional abilities of the developed functional system were evaluated using the variation chronoreflexometric method. It was established that an improvement in the mental capacity parameters (increased mental capacity, reduction in the number of errors, an increase in the level of functional abilities, and shortening of the latent period of visuomotor response) was accompanied by an increase of stress of the body regulatory systems, which was more marked in individuals with a low level of physical activity. This fact indicates that physical activity reduces the cost of the adaptation of the body to permanently changing environmental conditions. The optimal human adaptive systemic reactions are ensured by the dynamic interaction of the functional systems forming complex correlations in the somatic, autonomic, motor, and psychoemotional spheres of the body’s activity.  相似文献   

A radically different approach to experimental work has been adopted in a first-year biology course at Macquarie University. Since 1967 students have done about one-third of their practical work at home. This paper indicates how the home experiment approach is now implemented with about 200 students of widely differing backgrounds. The essential features of this approach are identified and attention is drawn to the fact that home experiments, properly managed, can overcome many of the shortcomings of conventional first-year biology courses.  相似文献   

A course in medical genetics for first-year medical students was developed with the use of alternative methods of instruction, including audiovisual materials and computer-assisted instruction. The use of this methodology enabled students to consider many significant areas of medical genetics, without a dependency on the traditional lecture-based instructional format. Seventy-eight percent of the students identified the alternative instructional methods as an enhancement to their education. These students performed a mean of 6% better on class examinations.  相似文献   


First-year undergraduate curricula and their delivery should assist students in the transition from previous learning experiences to learning in higher education. However, the so-called articulation gap or discontinuity between secondary and higher education has been identified as a key structural curriculum problem for first-year success in South Africa and abroad. Valuable insights into this problem came from a recent study that drew on Legitimation Code Theory (LCT). Findings revealed an unexpectedly wide gap between the high school and the university biology curricula. The high school biology curriculum displays minimal movement between context-dependent, simpler meaning and relatively decontextualized, condensed meaning common in first-year biology. LCT Semantics was also found to be a valuable tool for restructuring curricula and pedagogy to intentionally enact semantic movement and thereby a more gradual transition for students from high school to university. This paper reports on an integrative first-year biology project aimed intentionally at taking students’ concept knowledge through a wide contextual range, and repeatedly between less and more complex meaning. I reflect on how the project design steers students towards creating semantic movement during their presentations, thereby contributing to cumulative knowledge building and a more gradual transition towards first-year epistemological access.  相似文献   

The low success rate of first-year college students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) programs has spurred many academic achievement studies in which explanatory factors are studied. In this study, we investigated from a person-oriented perspective whether different motivational and academic self-concept profiles could be discerned between male and female first-year college students in STEM and whether differences in early academic achievement were associated with these student groups. Data on autonomous motivation, academic self-concept, and early academic achievement of 1,400 first-year STEM college students were collected. Cluster analyses were used to distinguish motivational profiles based on the relative levels of autonomous motivation and academic self-concept for male and female students. Differences in early academic achievement of the various profiles were studied by means of ANCOVA. Four different motivational profiles were discerned based on the dimensions of autonomous motivation (A) and academic self-concept (S): students scoring high and respectively low on both dimensions (HA-HS or LA-LS), and students scoring high on one dimension and low on the other (HA-LS or LA-HS). Also gender differences were found in this study: male students with high levels of academic self-concept and autonomous motivation had higher academic achievement compared to male students with low levels on both motivational dimensions. For female students, motivational profiles were not associated with academic achievement. The findings partially confirm the internal and external validity of the motivational theories underpinning this study and extend the present insights on identifying subgroup(s) of at risk students in contemporary STEM programs at university level.  相似文献   

Issues regarding understanding of evolution and resistance to evolution education in the United States are of key importance to biology educators at all levels. While research has measured student views toward evolution at single points in time, few studies have been published investigating whether views of college seniors are any different than first-year students in the same degree program. Additionally, students choosing to major in biological sciences have largely been overlooked, as if their acceptance of evolution is assumed. This study investigated the understanding of evolution and attitude toward evolution held by students majoring in biological science during their first and fourth years in a public research university. Participants included students in a first-year introductory biology course intended for biological science majors and graduating seniors earning degrees in either biology or genetics. The portion of the survey reported here consisted of quantitative measures of students’ understanding of core concepts of evolution and their attitude toward evolution. The results indicate that students’ understanding of particular evolutionary concepts is significantly higher among seniors, but their attitude toward evolution is only slightly improved compared to their first-year student peers. When comparing first-year students and seniors, students’ theistic position was not significantly different.  相似文献   

Responding to the concern from our faculty that undergraduate students do not have robust laboratory skills, we designed and implemented a strategy to individually teach and assess the manipulative skills of students in first-year laboratories. Five core laboratory skills were selected for the course entitled Human Biology, a large, first-year class of students, most of whom were enrolled in Bachelor of Pharmacy and Human Movement Studies. Here, we report details for the 365 students enrolled primarily in Pharmacy and Human Movement Studies bachelor degree programs in semester 1 of 2006. We designed a specific strategy to assess five core laboratory skills: 1) accurate and precise use of a micropipette, 2) calculation of dilutions and preparation of diluted samples of saline, 3) accurate representation of data using a graph, 4) use of a light microscope, and 5) acquisition of digital data by measuring the latent period for the Achilles reflex. Graduate tutors were trained to teach and assess each student on each skill. The development of competency was tracked for all students across all five skills. Most students demonstrated proficiency on their first attempt. The development of proficiency across the core skills depended on both the skill and degree program. In semester 2 of 2006, 854 students mostly enrolled in the Bachelor of Science degree program and were similarly taught and assessed on the same five core skills. This approach was an effective teaching and assessment strategy that, when applied beyond first year, should increase the level of laboratory skills across undergraduate programs in physiology.  相似文献   

The smoking habits of Winnipeg school students were surveyed before and after a three-year program of health education on the hazards of smoking, directed to 8300 out of 48,000 students. The program consisted of informal approaches to students in elementary schools and a formal program of talks, lectures, films, and student participation for older students.There were fewer students at all ages who had never smoked a cigarette at the time of the second survey. There was a slight decrease in the number of regular smokers in high school, most marked in the school where the program was enthusiastically received and student participation was most active. A direct relationship between parental smoking and that of the student, and an inverse relationship between academic achievement and student smoking, were shown on both surveys. The majority of students believed that smoking caused lung cancer and other hazards to health, although this was less marked among smokers.The results indicated that an intensive program of health education directed to the teenagers in school was a potentially useful approach to the problem of cigarette smoking.  相似文献   

On the basis of comprehensive anthropometrical observation of 1st and 2nd year students from different faculties of Moscow State University (MSU) carried out in 2002-2003, functional characteristics of the cardiovascular system (systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate) were investigated in 205 young men and 327 young women along with traditional morphological parameters. In comparisons of contemporary young men and women with their peers, whose characteristics were obtained in the course of investigations carried out over the period 1920-1990, secular trends towards an increase of body length and a worsening of strength indices were detected. Evaluation and comparative analysis of adaptation capabilities of students were carried out based on screening and assessment of adaptation potential using the Bayevsky method (1987). It was shown that the parameters of physical development and the level of adaptation of an organism to environmental conditions can be used as additional markers for determination of the health status of contemporary students for early prevention of some diseases, improvement of their physical status and increase of adaptation potentials.  相似文献   

This brief review is intended to serve as a refresher on the ideas associated with teaching students the physiological basis of the resting membrane potential. The presentation is targeted toward first-year medical students, first-year graduate students, or senior undergraduates. The emphasis is on general concepts associated with generation of the electrical potential difference that exists across the plasma membrane of every animal cell. The intention is to provide students a general view of the quantitative relationship that exists between 1) transmembrane gradients for K(+) and Na(+) and 2) the relative channel-mediated permeability of the membrane to these ions.  相似文献   

The examination situation evokes psychoemotional and autonomic reactions with different degrees of intensity depending on the predicted grades in first-year students living under unfavorable conditions of the middle Ob’ River basin. All the examined students (residents of the middle Ob’ River basin) were found to have a high or super high level of trait and state anxiety. The unfavorable emotional state was accompanied by different degrees of the strengthening of parasympathetic effects on cardiac activity and the tension of regulatory systems that were at a maximum in students who expected a C grade. Irrespective of the predicted result, the highest levels of anxiety and increase in the stress of regulatory systems were observed in female students.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the self-reported sleep and napping behaviour of Australian university students and the relationship between napping and daytime functioning. A sample of 280 university first-year psychology students (median age  = 19.00 years) completed a 6-item napping behaviour questionnaire, a 12-item Daytime Feelings and Functioning Scale, the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Results indicated that 53.6% of students reported napping with 34% napping at least 1–2 times per week, and 17% napping three or more occasions per week. Long naps, those over 30 minutes, were taken by 77% of the napping students. Sixty-one percent of students reported they took long naps during the post-lunch dip period, from 2–4pm. Students who nap at least once per week reported significantly more problems organizing their thoughts, gaining motivation, concentrating, and finishing tasks than students who did not nap. Students who napped also felt significantly more sleepy and depressed when compared to students who did not nap. The results also indicated that nap frequency increased with daytime sleepiness. The majority of students (51%) reported sleeping 6–7 hours per night or less. Overall, the results from this study suggest that among this population of Australian first-year university students habitual napping is common and may be used in an attempt to compensate for the detrimental effects of excessive sleepiness.  相似文献   

The principal findings of this study of the career preferences of first-year Canadian medical students were:Over 70% of the first-year students expressed a preference for specialty practice, with only 20% oriented towards practice as a family practitioner.There were considerable differences between the medical schools in the proportion of medical students preferring general practice, ranging from less than 10% at McGill to nearly 33% at Queen''s.Nearly one-third of the students stated that they preferred primarily salaried practice. These students were largely those who preferred specialty practice or a career in an area such as public health or research.Nearly 70% of the students looked for a career with part-time teaching, while 8% preferred a full-time teaching career.Only 1% preferred a full-time research career although 90% expected to have at least some research involvement.Students from smaller communities were more likely to express a preference for general practice than those from large urban areas.Men and women had similar practice preferences in terms of general practice and clinical specialty, but significantly more women than men preferred a career in salaried practice. Significantly fewer women expressed a preference for major involvement in either teaching or research.  相似文献   

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