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The active site loop of triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) exhibits a hinged-lid motion, alternating between the two well defined "open" and "closed" conformations. Until now the closed conformation had only been observed in protein complexes with substrate analogues. Here, we present the first rabbit muscle apo TIM structure, refined to 1.5A resolution, in which the active site loop is either in the open or in the closed conformation in different subunits of the enzyme. In the closed conformation described here, the lid loop residues participate in stabilizing hydrogen bonds characteristic of holo TIM structures, whereas chemical interactions observed in the open loop conformation are similar to those found in the apo structures of TIM. In the closed conformation, a number of water molecules are observed at the projected ligand atom positions that are hydrogen bonded to the active site residues. Additives used during crystallization (DMSO and Tris molecules and magnesium atoms) were modeled in the electron density maps. However, no specific binding of these molecules is observed at, or close to, the active site and the lid loop. To further investigate this unusual closed conformation of the apo enzyme, two more rabbit muscle TIM structures, one in the same and another in a different crystal form, were determined. These structures present the open lid conformation only, indicating that the closed conformation cannot be explained by crystal contact effects. To rationalize why the active site loop is closed in the absence of ligand in one of the subunits, extensive comparison with previously solved TIM structures was carried out, supported by the bulk of available experimental information about enzyme kinetics and reaction mechanism of TIM. The observation of both open and closed lid conformations in TIM crystals might be related to a persistent conformational heterogeneity of this protein in solution.  相似文献   

The beta2 adrenoreceptor (beta2AR) is a prototypical G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) activated by catecholamines. Agonist activation of GPCRs leads to sequential interactions with heterotrimeric G proteins, which activate cellular signaling cascades, and with GPCR kinases and arrestins, which attenuate GPCR-mediated signaling. We used fluorescence spectroscopy to monitor catecholamine-induced conformational changes in purified beta2AR. Here we show that upon catecholamine binding, beta2ARs undergo transitions to two kinetically distinguishable conformational states. Using a panel of chemically related catechol derivatives, we identified the specific chemical groups on the agonist responsible for the rapid and slow conformational changes in the receptor. The conformational changes observed in our biophysical assay were correlated with biologic responses in cellular assays. Dopamine, which induces only a rapid conformational change, is efficient at activating Gs but not receptor internalization. In contrast, norepinephrine and epinephrine, which induce both rapid and slow conformational changes, are efficient at activating Gs and receptor internalization. These results support a mechanistic model for GPCR activation where contacts between the receptor and structural determinants of the agonist stabilize a succession of conformational states with distinct cellular functions.  相似文献   

The p21-activated kinases (PAKs) participate in cytoskeletal control networks, downstream of Rho-family GTPases. A structure of PAK1 in an autoregulated, "off" state showed that a regulatory region, N-terminal to the kinase domain, forces the latter into an inactive conformation, prevents phosphorylation of Thr423 in the activation loop, and promotes dimerization. We have now determined structures at 1.8 A resolution for the free PAK1 kinase domain, with a mutation in the active site that blocks enzymatic activity, and for the same domain with a "phosphomimetic" mutation in the activation loop. The two very similar structures show that even in the absence of a phosphorylated Thr423, the kinase has an essentially active conformation. When Cdc42 binds the regulatory region and dissociates the dimer, PAK1 will be in an "intermediate-active" state, with a capacity to phosphorylate itself or other substrates even prior to modification of its activation loop.  相似文献   

Ababou A  Shenvi RA  Desjarlais JR 《Biochemistry》2001,40(42):12719-12726
Proteins within the EF-hand protein family exhibit different conformational responses to Ca(2+) binding. Calmodulin and other members of the EF-hand protein family undergo major changes in conformation upon binding Ca(2+). However, some EF-hand proteins, such as calbindin D9k (Clb), bind Ca(2+) without a significant change in conformation. Here, we investigate the effects of replacement of a leucine at position 39 of the N-terminal domain of calmodulin (N-Cam) with a phenylalanine derived from Clb. This variant is studied alone and in the context of other mutations that affect the conformational properties of N-Cam. Strikingly, the introduction of Phe39, which is distant from the calcium binding sites, leads to a significant enhancement of Ca(2+) binding affinity, even in the context of other mutations which trap the protein in the closed form. The results yield novel insights into the evolution of EF-hand proteins as calcium sensors versus calcium buffers.  相似文献   

The transfer of 17O and/or 18O from (COOH-17O or -18O) enriched substrates to inorganic phosphate (Pi) has been demonstrated for two enzyme-catalyzed reactions involved in folate biosynthesis and glutamylation. COOH-18O-labeled folate, methotrexate, and dihydropteroate, in addition to [17O]-glutamate, were synthesized and used as substrates for folylpolyglutamate synthetase (FPGS) isolated from Escherichia coli, hog liver, and rat liver and for dihydrofolate synthetase (DHFS) isolated from E. coli. Pi was purified from the reaction mixtures and converted to trimethyl phosphate (TMP), which was then analyzed for 17O and 18O enrichment by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and/or mass spectroscopy. In the reactions catalyzed by the E. coli enzymes, both NMR and quantitative mass spectral analyses established that transfer of the oxygen isotope from the substrate 18O-enriched carboxyl group to Pi occurred, thereby providing strong evidence for an acyl phosphate intermediate in both the FPGS- and DHFS-catalyzed reactions. Similar oxygen-transfer experiments were carried out by use of two mammalian enzymes. The small amounts of Pi obtained from reactions catalyzed by these less abundant FPGS proteins precluded the use of NMR techniques. However, mass spectral analysis of the TMP derived from the mammalian FPGS-catalyzed reactions showed clearly that 18O transfer had occurred.  相似文献   

The rate of quenching of the fluorescence of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate in the active site of the beta 2 subunit of tryptophan synthase from Escherichia coli was measured to estimate the accessibility of the coenzyme to the small molecules iodide and acrylamide. The alpha subunit and the substrate L-serine substantially reduced the quenching rate. For iodide, the order of decreasing quenching was: Schiff's base of N alpha-acetyl-lysine with pyridoxal 5'-phosphate greater than holo beta 2 subunit greater than holo alpha 2 beta 2 complex approximately equal to holo beta 2 subunit + L-serine greater than holo alpha 2 beta 2 complex + L-serine. The coenzyme in the beta 2 subunit is apparently freely accessible to both iodide and acrylamide (kappa approximately equal to 2 X 10(9) M-1 s-1), but the alpha subunit and L-serine decrease the rate by factors of 2-5. Quenching of the fluorescence of the single tryptophan residue of the beta 2 subunit revealed that the apo and holo forms exist in different states, whereas the alpha subunit stabilizes a third conformation. As the alpha subunit binds to the beta 2 subunit, the tryptophan residue, which is within 2.2 nm of the active site of the beta 2 subunit, probably rotates with respect to the plane of the ring of the coenzyme, such that fluorescence energy transfer from tryptophan to pyridoxal phosphate is greatly reduced. The alpha subunit strongly protects the active-site ligand indole propanol phosphate from quenching with acrylamide, consistent with the active site being deep in a cleft in the protein. Iodide induces dissociation of the holo alpha 2 beta 2 complex [E. W. Miles & M. Moriguchi (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 252, 6594-6599]. The effect of iodide on the fluorescence properties of holo alpha 2 beta 2 complex allows us to estimate an upper limit for the dissociation constant for the alpha 2 beta 2 complex of 10(-8) M, in the absence of iodide.  相似文献   

Agonist-induced redistribution of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and beta-arrestins determines the subsequent cellular responsiveness to agonists and is important for signal transduction. We examined substance P (SP)-induced trafficking of beta-arrestin1 and the neurokinin-1 receptor (NK1R) in KNRK cells in real time using green fluorescent protein. Green fluorescent protein did not alter function or localization of the NK1R or beta-arrestin1. SP induced (a) striking and rapid (<1 min) translocation of beta-arrestin1 from the cytosol to the plasma membrane, which preceded NK1R endocytosis; (b) redistribution of the NK1R and beta-arrestin1 into the same endosomes containing SP and the transferrin receptor (2-10 min); (c) prolonged colocalization of the NK1R and beta-arrestin1 in endosomes (>60 min); (d) gradual resumption of the steady state distribution of the NK1R at the plasma membrane and beta-arrestin1 in the cytosol (4-6 h). SP stimulated a similar redistribution of immunoreactive beta-arrestin1 and beta-arrestin2. In contrast, SP did not affect Galphaq/11 distribution, which remained at the plasma membrane. Expression of the dominant negative beta-arrestin319-418 inhibited SP-induced endocytosis of the NK1R. Thus, SP induces rapid translocation of beta-arrestins to the plasma membrane, where they participate in NK1R endocytosis. beta-Arrestins colocalize with the NK1R in endosomes until the NK1R recycles and beta-arrestins return to the cytosol.  相似文献   


Context: Beta-arrestins are known to couple to some G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) to regulate receptor internalization, G-protein coupling and signal transduction, but have not been investigated for most receptors, and for very few receptors in vivo. Previous studies have shown that beta-arrestin2 deletion enhances the efficacy of specific cannabinoid agonists. Objective: The present study hypothesized that brain cannabinoid CB1 receptors are regulated by beta-arrestin2. Methods: Beta-arrestin2+/+ and ?/? mice were used. Western blotting was used to determine the relative levels of each beta-arrestin subtype in mouse brain. Receptor binding was measured to determine whether deletion of beta-arrestin2 influences agonist binding to brain CB1 receptors, or the subcellular localization of CB1 in brain membranes subjected to differential centrifugation. A variety of cannabinoid agonists from different chemical classes were investigated for their ability to activate G-proteins in the presence and absence of beta-arrestin2 in cerebellum, hippocampus and cortex. Results: No differences were found in the density of beta-arrestin1 or cannabinoid CB1 receptors in several brains of beta-arrestin2+/+ versus ?/? mice. Differences between genotypes were found in the proportion of high- and low-affinity agonist binding sites in brain areas that naturally express higher levels of beta-arrestin2. Cortex from beta-arrestin2?/? mice contained less CB1 in the P1 fraction and more CB1 in the P2 fraction compared to beta-arrestin2+/+. Of the agonists assayed for activity, only Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) exhibited a difference between genotypes, in that it was less efficacious in beta-arrestin2?/? than +/+ mouse membranes. Conclusion: Beta-arrestin2 regulates cannabinoid CB1 receptors in brain.  相似文献   

The reaction of bovine (Bos taurus) and porcine (Sus scrufa) cardiac alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (alpha-KGD) with 4-chloronitrosobenzene (I) was shown to produce a hydroxamic acid (IV) and a product due to a Bamberger rearrangement as previously shown for Escherichia coli alpha-KGD. The conversion of I into an active site-bound electrophile was general among the three alpha-KGD enzymes tested, but quantitative differences in products and kinetics were shown. The reaction of I was specific for the resolved alpha-ketoglutarate decarboxylase subunit.  相似文献   

DNA footprinting and nuclease protection studies of PcrA helicase complexed with a 3'-tailed DNA duplex reveal a contact region that covers a significant region of the substrate both in the presence and absence of a non-hydrolysable analogue of ATP, ADPNP. However, details of the interactions of the enzyme with the duplex region are altered upon binding of nucleotide. By combining this information with that obtained from crystal structures of PcrA complexed with a similar DNA substrate, we have designed mutant proteins that are defective in helicase activity but that leave the ATPase and single-stranded DNA translocation activities intact. These mutants are all located in domains 1B and 2B, which interact with the duplex portion of the DNA substrate. Taken together with the crystal structures, these data support an 'active' mechanism for PcrA that involves two distinct ATP-dependent processes: destabilization of the duplex DNA ahead of the enzyme that is coupled to DNA translocation along the single strand product.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the use of specific proteinases, surface-specific radioiodination, and antigenic reactivity in conjunction with isoelectric focusing for probing the conformations of different polioviral empty capsid species. Naturally occurring empty capsids (called procapsids) with an isoelectric point of 6.8 were resistant to proteolytic digestion by trypsin or chymotrypsin, as were empty capsids assembled in vitro in the presence of a cytoplasmic extract prepared from poliovirus-infected HeLa cells. In contrast, self-assembled empty capsids (isoelectric point, 5.0) were sensitive to both proteinases. Capsid proteins VP0 and VP1 were attacked predominantly, whereas VP3 was resistant to cleavage. Unpolymerized 14S particles possessed a trypsin sensitivity which was qualitatively similar to that of self-assembled empty shells. Surface-specific iodination of virions and procapsids labeled VP1 exclusively. In contrast, radioiodination of self-assembled empty capsids labeled predominantly VP0. After radioiodination the sedimentation coefficient corrected to water at 20 degrees C, the isoelectric point, and the trypsin resistance of the procapsids remained unchanged. Procapsids and extract-assembled empty capsids were N antigenic, whereas self-assembled empty capsids were H antigenic. Self-assembled empty capsids were not converted to pH 6.8 trypsin-resistant structures by incubation with a virus-infected cytoplasmic extract. However, 14S particles assembled in the presence of a mock-infected extract formed empty capsids, 20% of which resembled extract-assembled empty shells as determined by the above-described criteria. These and related findings are discussed in terms of empty capsid structure and morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The N-formyl peptide receptor-like 1 (FPRL1) is a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) that transmits intracellular signals in response to a variety of agonists, many of them being clearly implicated in human pathology. beta-arrestins are adaptor proteins that uncouple GPCRs from G protein and regulate receptor internalization. They can also function as signal transducers through the scaffolding of signaling molecules, such as components of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) cascade. We investigated the role of beta-arrestins in ligand-induced FPRL1 internalization and signaling. In HEK293 cells expressing FPRL1, fluorescence microscopy revealed that agonist-stimulated FPRL1 remained co-localized with beta-arrestins during endocytosis. Internalization of FPRL1, expressed in a mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cell line lacking endogenous beta-arrestins, was highly compromised. This distinguishes FPRL1 from the prototypical formyl peptide receptor FPR that is efficiently internalized in the absence of beta-arrestins. In both HEK293 and MEF cells, FPRL1-mediated ERK1/2 activation was a rapid and transient event. The kinetics and extent of ERK1/2 activation were not significantly modified by beta-arrestin overexpression. The pattern of FPRL1-mediated ERK1/2 activation was similar whether cells express or not beta-arrestins. Furthermore, treatment of the FPRL1 expressing cells with pertussis toxin inhibited ERK1/2 activation in MEF and in HEK293 cells. These results led us to conclude that activation of ERK1/2 mediated by FPRL1 occurs primarily through G protein signaling. Since beta-arrestin-mediated signaling has been observed essentially for receptors coupled to G proteins other than G(i), this may be a characteristic of G(i) protein-coupled chemoattractant receptors.  相似文献   

The beta(1)-adrenergic receptor (beta(1)AR) shows the resistance to agonist-induced internalization. As beta-arrestin is important for internalization, we examine the interaction of beta-arrestin with beta(1)AR with three different methods: intracellular trafficking of beta-arrestin, binding of in vitro translated beta-arrestin to intracellular domains of beta(1)- and beta(2)ARs, and inhibition of betaAR-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activities by beta-arrestin. The green fluorescent protein-tagged beta-arrestin 2 translocates to and stays at the plasma membrane by beta(2)AR stimulation. Although green fluorescent protein-tagged beta-arrestin 2 also translocates to the plasma membrane, it returns to the cytoplasm 10-30 min after beta(1)AR stimulation. The binding of in vitro translated beta-arrestin 1 and beta-arrestin 2 to the third intracellular loop and the carboxyl tail of beta(1)AR is lower than that of beta(2)AR. The fusion protein of beta-arrestin 1 with glutathione S-transferase inhibits the beta(1)- and beta(2)AR-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activities, although inhibition of the beta(1)AR-stimulated activity requires a higher concentration of the fusion protein than that of the beta(2)AR-stimulated activity. These results suggest that weak interaction of beta(1)AR with beta-arrestins explains the resistance to agonist-induced internalization. This is further supported by the finding that beta-arrestin can induce internalization of beta(1)AR when beta-arrestin 1 does not dissociate from beta(1)AR by fusing to the carboxyl tail of beta(1)AR.  相似文献   

Chang SY  Chen YK  Wang AH  Liang PH 《Biochemistry》2003,42(49):14452-14459
Increasing evidence has shown that intrinsic disorder of proteins plays a key role in their biological functions. In the case of undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase (UPPs), which catalyzes the chain elongation of farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP) to undecaprenyl pyrophosphate via eight consecutive condensation reactions with isopentenyl pyrophosphate, a highly flexible loop 72-83 was previously linked to protein conformational change required for catalysis [Chen, Y. H., Chen, A. P.-C., Chen, C. T., Wang, A. H.-J., and Liang, P. H., (2002) J. Biol. Chem. 277, 7369-7376]. The crystal structure and fluorescence studies suggested that the alpha3 helix connected to the loop moves toward the active site when the substrate is bound. To identify the active conformation and study the role of the loop for conformational change, the UPPs mutants with amino acids inserted into or deleted from the loop were examined. The inserted mutant with extra Ala residues fails to display the intrinsic fluorescence quenching upon FPP binding, and its crystal structure reveals only the open form. These phenomena appear to be different from the wild-type enzyme in which open and closed conformers were observed and suggest that the extended loop fails to pull the alpha3 helix and/or the extra amino acids in the loop cause steric hindrance on the alpha3 helix movement. The loop-shortening mutants with deletion of V82 and S83 or S72 also adopt an open conformation with the loop stretched, although they show decreased intrinsic fluorescence with FPP bound, similar to that seen in the wild-type enzyme. We conclude that the closed conformation is apparently the active conformation. Change of the length of the loop 72-83 impairs the ability of conformational change and causes remarkably lower activity of UPPs.  相似文献   

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