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The dicentric and multicentric chromosomes in L cells and a brain tumor cell line of mouse display only one site of kinetochore formation associated with the active centromere. The accessory or inactive centromeres show premature separation. These cell lines were treated with 10–6 M 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) followed by anti-BrdUrd antibody to study the pattern of replication of pericentric heterochromatin flanking the active vs inactive centromeres. Regardless of its quantity, heterochromatin around the inactive centromere replicates earlier than that associated with the active centromere. There appears to be a relationship between the timing of separation of a centromere and the timing of replication of pericentric heterochromatin. The premature replication of heterochromatin associated with an inactive centromere may be responsible for its premature separation and, hence, inactivity.  相似文献   

The centromeres of a genome separate in a sequential, nonrandom manner that is apparently dependent upon the quantity and quality of pericentric heterochromatin. It is becoming increasingly clear that the biological properties of a centromere depend upon its physicochemical makeup, such as its tertiary structure, and not necessarily on its particular nucleotide sequence. To test this idea we altered the physical state of the AT-rich pericentric heterochromatin of mouse with Hoechst 33258 (bis-benzimidazole) and studied a biological parameter, viz., sequence of separation. We report that an alteration in the physical state of heterochromatin, i.e., decondensation, is accompanied by aberrations in the pattern of centromere separation. The most dramatic effect seems to be on chromosomes with large blocks of heterochromatin. Many chromosomes with large blocks of heterochromatin that, in untreated cells, separate late tend to separate early. Decondensation with Hoechst 33258 does not seem to alter the sequence of separation of inactive centromeres relative to that of active centromeres. These data indicate that alteration in the physical parameters of the pericentric heterochromatin might dispose the centromeres to errors. It is likely that this aberration results from early replication of the pericentric heterochromatin associated with active centromeres. Received: 24 August 1998; in revised form: 24 August 1998 / Accepted: 28 August 1998  相似文献   

The role of heterochromatin in centromere function   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Chromatin at centromeres is distinct from the chromatin in which the remainder of the genome is assembled. Two features consistently distinguish centromeres: the presence of the histone H3 variant CENP-A and, in most organisms, the presence of heterochromatin. In fission yeast, domains of silent "heterochromatin" flank the CENP-A chromatin domain that forms a platform upon which the kinetochore is assembled. Thus, fission yeast centromeres resemble their metazoan counterparts where the kinetochore is embedded in centromeric heterochromatin. The centromeric outer repeat chromatin is underacetylated on histones H3 and H4, and methylated on lysine 9 of histone H3, which provides a binding site for the chromodomain protein Swi6 (orthologue of Heterochromatin Protein 1, HP1). The remarkable demonstration that the assembly of repressive heterochromatin is dependent on the RNA interference machinery provokes many questions about the mechanisms of this process that may be tractable in fission yeast. Heterochromatin ensures that a high density of cohesin is recruited to centromeric regions, but it could have additional roles in centromere architecture and the prevention of merotely, and it might also act as a trigger for kinetochore assembly. In addition, we discuss an epigenetic model for ensuring that CENP-A is targeted and replenished at the kinetochore domain.  相似文献   

The effect of steroid treatment on the thymic output of T cells was examined in an avian model. Recent thymic emigrants in chickens transiently express the chicken T cell Ag 1 thymocyte marker, and thymic function can be monitored indirectly by measuring the levels of TCR gene rearrangement excision circles in peripheral T cells. Both parameters were used to show that intensive steroid treatment induces thymic involution and a profound reduction in the supply of naive T cells to the periphery. Conversely, resident T cells in the peripheral lymphocyte pool were relatively spared. Thymopoiesis immediately recovered following cessation of steroid treatment, concurrent with restoration of the thymic output of newly formed T cells. Repopulation of the peripheral T cell pool recapitulated the ontogenetic pattern of gamma delta T cell replenishment before alpha beta T cell reseeding, thereby indicating the complete recovery of thymic function after a course of steroid treatment.  相似文献   

We developed a model system whereby HP1 can be targeted to pericentric heterochromatin in ES cells lacking Suv(3)9h1/2 histone methyltransferase (HMTase) activities. HP1 so targeted can reconstitute tri-methylated lysine 9 of histone H3 (Me(3)K9H3) and tri-methylated lysine 20 of histone H4 (Me(3)K20H4) at pericentric heterochromatin, indicating that HP1 can regulate the distribution of these histone modifications in vivo. Both homo- and hetero-typic interactions between the HP1 isotypes were demonstrated in vivo as were HP1 interactions with the ESET/SETDB1 HMTase and the ATRX chromatin remodelling enzyme. We conclude that HP1 not only "deciphers" the histone code but can also "encode it".  相似文献   

The present study is to determine the effects of centromeric heterochromatin on centromere separation. Amniotic cell cultures in which the centromeric heterochromatin of one chromosome was at least twice as large (qh+) as the heterochromatin (qh) in the homologous chromosome were selected. Fifteen amniotic cell samples with 1qh+, 9qh+ or 16qh+ were studied. The size of the centromeric heterochromatin was directly correlated with the delay in centromere separation. The chromosome with the smaller centromeric heterochromatin tended to show earlier centromere separation than the homologue with the larger heterochromatin. Our results suggest that the quantity of centromeric heterochromatin may influence the genetic control of centromere separation.  相似文献   

Heterochromatin is thought to play a critical role for centromeric function. However, the respective contributions of the distinct repetitive sequences found in these regions, such as minor and major satellites in the mouse, have remained largely unsolved. We show that these centric and pericentric repeats on the chromosomes have distinct heterochromatic characteristics in the nucleus. Major satellites from different chromosomes form clusters associated with heterochromatin protein 1alpha, whereas minor satellites are individual entities associated with centromeric proteins. Both regions contain methylated histone H3 (Me-K9 H3) but show different micrococcal nuclease sensitivities. A dinucleosome repeating unit is found specifically associated with major satellites. These domains replicate asynchronously, and chromatid cohesion is sustained for a longer time in major satellites compared with minor satellites. Such prolonged cohesion in major satellites is lost in the absence of Suv39h histone methyltransferases. Thus, we define functionally independent centromeric subdomains, which spatio-temporal isolation is proposed to be important for centromeric cohesion and dissociation during chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

During chromosome duplication, it is essential to replicate not only the DNA sequence, but also the complex nucleoprotein structures of chromatin. Pericentric heterochromatin is critical for silencing repetitive elements and plays an essential structural role during mitosis. However, relatively little is understood about its assembly and maintenance during replication. The Mi2/NuRD chromatin remodeling complex tightly associates with actively replicating pericentric heterochromatin, suggesting a role in its assembly. Here we demonstrate that depletion of the catalytic ATPase subunit CHD4/Mi-2β in cells with a dampened DNA damage response results in a slow-growth phenotype characterized by delayed progression through S phase. Furthermore, we observe defects in pericentric heterochromatin maintenance and assembly. Our data suggest that chromatin assembly defects are sensed by an ATM-dependent intra-S phase chromatin quality checkpoint, resulting in a temporal block to the transition from early to late S phase. These findings implicate Mi-2β in the maintenance of chromatin structure and proper cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

Mouse chromocenters are clusters of late-replicating pericentric heterochromatin containing HP1 bound to trimethylated lysine 9 of histone H3 (Me3K9H3). Using a cell-free system to initiate replication within G1-phase nuclei, we demonstrate that chromocenters acquire the property of late replication coincident with their reorganization after mitosis and the establishment of a global replication timing program. HP1 dissociated during mitosis but rebound before the establishment of late replication, and removing HP1 from chromocenters by competition with Me3K9H3 peptides did not result in early replication, demonstrating that this interaction is neither necessary nor sufficient for late replication. However, in cells lacking the Suv39h1,2 methyltransferases responsible for K9H3 trimethylation and HP1 binding at chromocenters, replication of chromocenter DNA was advanced by 10-15% of the length of S phase. Reintroduction of Suv39h1 activity restored the later replication time. We conclude that Suv39 activity is required for the fine-tuning of pericentric heterochromatin replication relative to other late-replicating domains, whereas separate factors establish a global replication timing program during early G1 phase.  相似文献   

In the Suppressor of Underreplication( SuUR) mutant strain of Drosophila melanogaster, the heterochromatin of polytene chromosomes is not underreplicated and, as a consequence, a number of beta-heterochromatic regions acquire a banded structure. The chromocenter does not form in these polytene chromosomes, and heterochromatic regions, normally part of the chromocenter, become accessible to cytological analysis. We generated four genomic DNA libraries from specific heterochromatic regions by microdissection of polytene chromosomes. In situ hybridization of individual libraries onto SuUR polytene chromosomes shows that repetitive DNA sequences spread into the neighboring euchromatic regions. This observation allows the localization of eu-heterochromatin transition zones on polytene chromosomes. We find that genomic scaffolds from the eu-heterochromatin transition zones are enriched in repetitive DNA sequences homologous to those flanking the suppressor of forked gene [ su(f) repeat]. We isolated and sequenced about 300 clones from the heterochromatic DNA libraries obtained. Most of the clones contain repetitive DNA sequences; however, some of the clones have unique DNA sequences shared with parts of unmapped genomic scaffolds. Hybridization of these clones onto SuUR polytene chromosomes allowed us to assign the cytological localizations of the corresponding genomic scaffolds within heterochromatin. Our results demonstrate that the SuUR mutant renders possible the mapping of heterochromatic scaffolds on polytene chromosomes.  相似文献   

Cse4p is a structural component of the core centromere of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and is a member of the conserved CENP-A family of specialized histone H3 variants. The histone H4 allele hhf1-20 confers defects in core centromere chromatin structure and mitotic chromosome transmission. We have proposed that Cse4p and histone H4 interact through their respective histone fold domains to assemble a nucleosome-like structure at centromeric DNA. To test this model, we targeted random mutations to the Cse4p histone fold domain and isolated three temperature-sensitive cse4 alleles in an unbiased genetic screen. Two of the cse4 alleles contain mutations at the Cse4p-H4 interface. One of these requires two widely separated mutations demonstrating long-range cooperative interactions in the structure. The third cse4 allele is mutated at its helix 2-helix 3 interface, a region required for homotypic H3 fold dimerization. Overexpression of wild-type Cse4p and histone H4 confer reciprocal allele-specific suppression of cse4 and hhf1 mutations, providing strong evidence for Cse4p-H4 protein interaction. Overexpression of histone H3 is dosage lethal in cse4 mutants, suggesting that histone H3 competes with Cse4p for histone H4 binding. However, the relative resistance of the Cse4p-H4 pathway to H3 interference argues that centromere chromatin assembly must be highly regulated.  相似文献   



Establishment of chromosomal cytosine methylation and histone methylation patterns are critical epigenetic modifications required for heterochromatin formation in the mammalian genome. However, the nature of the primary signal(s) targeting DNA methylation at specific genomic regions is not clear. Notably, whether histone methylation and/or chromatin remodeling proteins play a role in the establishment of DNA methylation during gametogenesis is not known. The chromosomes of mouse neonatal spermatogonia display a unique pattern of 5-methyl cytosine staining whereby centromeric heterochromatin is hypo-methylated whereas chromatids are strongly methylated. Thus, in order to gain some insight into the relationship between global DNA and histone methylation in the germ line we have used neonatal spermatogonia as a model to determine whether these unique chromosomal DNA methylation patterns are also reflected by concomitant changes in histone methylation.  相似文献   

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