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Developing chromoplasts in the fruit of Capsicum annuum were examined by electron microscopy. Special attention was given to changes in the thylakoid system. All grana and some intergranal thylakoids in the mature chromoplasts of the seven cultivars studied underwent lysis. The particulate nature of the granal membranes disappeared during lysis before the relationship between the partitions and locules was obscured. The changes during lysis support the globular concept of membrane structure. The selective lysis of the synaptic membranes of the granal partitions may be attributed to their distinctive composition and structure. Lipid globules (osmio-philic) did not accumulate in the immediate region of granal lysis, indicating that they are not directly derived from membranes undergoing degradation. During and following granal lysis a profuse development of intergranal thylakoid membranes occurred in several cultivars. In some instances a thylakoid plexus (prolamellar body) was formed. This specialized structure of the thylakoid system occurs in the chromoplasts of other species as well as in other types of plastids. Extensive, concentrically arranged thylakoid sheets with specific interspaced membrane relationships were frequently associated with the plexus. Several types of membrane associations and interrelationships in the plastid are described. An analysis of one type of membrane configuration, the thylakoid sheets, indicated that one method of growth may be through intussusception into the original membrane. The development of thylakoid plexes and of extensive thylakoid sheets during or after granal lysis indicates that dynamic synthetic activities occur in the chromoplasts of some cultivars of pepper during fruit ripening.  相似文献   

Transmission across the septal junctions of the segmented giant axons of crayfish is accounted for quantitatively by a simple equivalent circuit. The septal membranes are passive, resistive components and transmission is ephaptic, by the electrotonic spread of the action current of the pre-septal spike. The electrotonic spread appears as a septal potential, considerably smaller than the pre-septal spike, but usually still large enough to initiate a new spike in the post-septal segments. The septal membranes do not exhibit rectification, at least over a range of ± 25 mv polarization and this accounts for their capacity for bidirectional transmission. The commissural branches, which are put forth by each lateral axon, make functional connections between the two axons. Transmission across these junctions can also be bidirectional and is probably also ephaptic. Under various conditions, the ladder-like network of cross-connections formed by the commissural junctions can give rise to circus propagation of impulses from one axon to the other. This can give rise to reverberatory activity of both axons at frequencies as high as 400/sec.  相似文献   

A procedure for dissolving and handling replicas of cutinized leaves and other plant tissues is described. This technique yields comparatively large replicas which can include vascular tissue, epidermal cells and the cuticle. Dissolution of the tissue involves the sequential use of alcoholic KOH, sulfuric acid and chromic acid. The use of clean, uncoated grids for transfer of the tissue and replicas results in rapid, easy handling with a minimum of breakage or loss. The procedure is more efficient than previous methods and produces large replicas. This allows tissue orientation and more positive identification of cell types for better correlation of freeze fracture results with thin sections of similar material.  相似文献   

The neuromuscular junctions and nonjunctional sarcolemmas of mammalian skeletal muscle fibers were studied by conventional thin-section electron microscopy and freeze-fracture techniques. A modified acetylcholinesterase staining procedure that is compatible with light microscopy, conventional thin-section electron microscopy, and freeze-fracture techniques is described. Freeze-fracture replicas were utilized to visualize the internal macromolecular architecture of the nerve terminal membrane, the chemically excitable neuromuscular junction postsynaptic folds, and the electrically excitable nonjunctional sarcolemma. The nerve terminal membrane is characterized by two parallel rows of 100–110-Å particles which may be associated with synpatic vesicle fusion and release. On the postsynpatic folds, irregular rows of densely packed 110–140-Å particles were observed and evidence is assembled which indicates that these large transmembrane macromolecules may represent the morphological correlate for functional acetylcholine receptor activity in mammalian motor endplates. Differences in the size and distribution of particles in mammalian as compared with amphibian and fish postsynaptic junctional membranes are correlated with current biochemical and electron micrograph autoradiographic data. Orthogonal arrays of 60-Å particles were observed in the split postsynaptic sarcolemmas of many diaphragm myofibers. On the basis of differences in the number and distribution of these "square" arrays within the sarcolemmas, two classes of fibers were identified in the diaphragm. Subsequent confirmation of the fiber types as fast- and slow-twitch fibers (Ellisman et al. 1974. J. Cell Biol. 63[2, Pt. 2]:93 a. [Abstr.]) may indicate a possible role for the square arrays in the electrogenic mechanism. Experiments in progress involving specific labeling techniques are expected to permit positive identification of many of these intriguing transmembrane macromolecules.  相似文献   

Vegetative cells of Peridinium cinctum f. ovoplanum have a dense cytoplasm containing those organelles characteristic of eukaryotic cells. Thecal plates have a fibrillar substructure with numerous 200-nm pores. Chloroplasts are radially arranged and contain a simple internal pyrenoid. An eyespot is associated with the chloroplast. The large, centrally located nucleus contains over 100 chromosomes dispersed in a granular nucleoplasm. Chromosomal bands with a periodicity of 86 nm are present perpendicular to the long axis of the chromosome. Numerous chromosomes are attached to the nuclear envelope. Peridinium cinctum vegetative cell morphology is compared to other dinoflagellates examined.  相似文献   

The spores of four species of the Paleozoic filicalean fern Botryopteris are examined at the ultrastructural level. Spores of B. cratis, B. forensis, B. globosa, and an unnamed species from the Lower Pennsylvanian, are compared on the basis of sporoderm stratification and the presence or absence of a sculptine layer. The species examined differ widely as to the type of reproductive unit in which they are borne and include forms that range throughout the Pennsylvanian. In all species the exine is homogeneous, lacking cavities and lamellae. A thin nexine is present in the Middle and Upper Pennsylvanian taxa, but is absent in the Lower Pennsylvanian spores. Only one spore type (B. cratis) possesses a clearly defined sculptine layer. Features of the sporoderm are compared with those of extant, homosporous pteridophyte spores.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic structure of developing pollen grains of Beta vulgaris L. was studied with the electron microscope. The following stages were investigated: tetrads, ely microspores, vacuolate microspores, and binucleate pollen grains. Two unique cytoplasmic features were encountered— the reticulum complex and cytoplasmic microtubules—both of which were present from the last meiotic stage to the binucleate pollen-grain stage. The reticulum complex is connected to the nuclear membrane and juxtaposed to the plasma membrane and may function in synthesis or movement of materials through the pollen cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Freeze fracturing of Myxosporidian spores reveals the occurrence of a continuous layer of transmembrane particles all over the surface area of the valve cells which form the spore envelope. These particles are densely packed all over the P face membrane. Due to their polygonal outline, their diameter (6-7 nm) and their central core, they resemble the particles forming the connections of gap junctions which metabolically couple the neighboring cells in animal tissues. In the present report, the role of the transmembrane particles is still hypothetical. However, they might represent a membrane structural specialization of the spores which are submitted to osmotic variations of the fluid external medium. Furthermore similar transmembrane particles are observed at the level of the septate junction which seals the valve cells. In this occurrence, they are arranged in a series of 40 double rows parallel to the suture of the spore envelope. These findings support the view that Myxosporidia are Metazoa and raise the problem of their origin.  相似文献   

The fine structure of 10 lichens was examined. A comparison was made of the storage products of the algal symbiont (Trebouxia) in situ in the desiccated and hydrated states of the lichens. All the Trebouxia phycobionts, with the exception of that in Usnea strigosa, had lipid-containing globules in the pyrenoid. The globules were present in both the hydrated and desiccated conditions. Trebouxia in the hydrated condition contained starch granules in the chloroplast as well as the lipid-containing globules in the pyrenoid. The cell wall of Trebouxia consists of an outer electron-dense layer and an inner electron-light layer. Fungal haustoria (in Lecanora rubina) rupture the outer layer of the algal cell wall and invaginate the inner layer. A thick polysaccharide fibrillar material surrounds the fungal cells. Many bacteria were observed within this material. Septa and lomasomes are described. Ellipsoidal bodies, which appear to be an integral and unique part of the lichen fungal ultrastructure, were observed associated with membrane profiles.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of cat papillary muscle was studied with respect to the organization of the contractile material, the structure of the organelles, and the cell junctions. The morphological changes during prolonged work in vitro and some effects of fixation were assessed. The myofilaments are associated in a single coherent bundle extending throughout the fiber cross-section. The absence of discrete "myofibrils" in well preserved cardiac muscle is emphasized. The abundant mitochondria confined in clefts among the myofilaments often have slender prolongations, possibly related to changes in their number or their distribution as energy sources within the contractile mass. The large T tubules that penetrate ventricular cardiac muscle fibers at successive I bands are arranged in rows and are lined with a layer of protein-polysaccharide. Longitudinal connections between T tubules are common. The simple plexiform sarcoplasmic reticulum is continuous across the Z lines, and no circumferential "Z tubules" were identified. Specialized contacts between the reticulum and the sarcolemma are established on the T tubules and the cell periphery via subsarcolemmal saccules or cisterns. At cell junctions, a 20 A gap can be demonstrated between the apposed membranes in those areas commonly interpreted as sites of membrane fusion. In papillary muscles worked in vitro without added substrate, there is a marked depletion of both glycogen and lipid. No morphological evidence for preferential use of glycogen was found.  相似文献   

Cladophora glomerata is a coenocytic, fresh-water green alga in which mitosis and cytokinesis occur independently. The mitotic spindle is centric, closed, and develops from two half-spindles which form from amorphous but well-defined MTOCs at each pole. The nucleolus is only partially dispersed during mitosis and structured kinetochores are evident on the chromosomes. Anaphase separation of chromosomes is asynchronous and results from spindle elongation plus shortening of the chromosome-to-pole distance. Neither a phycoplast nor a phragmoplast is present during cytokinesis. Microtubules are associated with the septum but whether they participate actively in its ingrowth is not clear. Two types of vesicles are associated with the growing septum. The membrane at its leading edge is thicker and more densely stained than elsewhere. The ultrastructure of nuclear and cell division in C. glomerata is sufficiently different from the data on other green algae that conclusions about phylogeny must await further study, especially of other coenocytic green algae.  相似文献   

Neurospora crassa conidia were frozen and thawed in water suspensions at various rates and with different minimum temperatures. Colony counts of the experimental conidia were compared with those of controls, which were taken as 100% survival. The data revealed that (1) survivals were near 100% after fast thaw (400 °/min) regardless of the freeze rate, (2) percentage of survival was inversely related to freeze rate when combined with slow thaw, (3) slow thaw (0.5 °/min) was damaging, and (3) the rates of freeze-thaw affected the system only in the −5 to −20 ° interval. The damaging freeze conditions were those which favor ice crystal growth. It is suggested that rupture of the membrane by ice crystals seems to be the plausible mechanism of damage in freezing and thawing N. crassa conidia.  相似文献   

This first of two papers on ultrastructural observations of meiosis in the red alga Dasya baillouviana (Gmelin) Montague describes stages of prophase I of meiosis. Although the five stages of prophase were originally derived from light microscopic studies, the same stages were utilized for this study based on the developmental sequence of the synaptonemal complex, which has the same morphology and mode of development as those reported for other red algae. The cytoplasm in early prophase sporocytes was typically less electron dense than either vegetative cells or sporocytes in later stages of meiosis. The reduction in density suggests clearing of ribosomes and other cytoplasmic components prior to conversion from sporophyte to gametophyte control. Leptotene cells often had an amorphous, chromatin-free area, function unknown, which was not obviously associated with any specific nuclear region. Diplotene cells were characterized by nuclei containing prominent ring-shaped nucleoli composed of a dark staining ring of material surrounding an electron-translucent “vacuole.” Packets of electron-dense, fibrillar material were often noted in the cytoplasm of late prophase cells. These packets are thought to he “nuage,” a term applied to large cytoplasmic aggregations of RNA in germ cells of several other phyla. It is suggested that nuage may represent a new infusion of ribosomal and messenger RNA for post-meiotic development. The division pales are established by late prophase and a single polar ring is found within each large “exclusion zone” in close association with a pore-free area of nuclear envelope. Both annulate lamellae and small, numerous vesicles are located in the exclusion zones. The significance of the various aspects of prophase I is discussed with the overall observation that this phase of meiosis in red algae is very similar to the process in higher plant and animal cells.  相似文献   

1. It is shown that a neutral salt depresses the potential difference which exists at the point of equilibrium between a gelatin chloride solution contained in a collodion bag and an outside aqueous solution (without gelatin). The depressing effect of a neutral salt on the P.D. is similar to the depression of the osmotic pressure of the gelatin chloride solution by the same salt. 2. It is shown that this depression of the P.D. by the salt can be calculated with a fair degree of accuracy on the basis of Nernst''s logarithmic formula on the assumption that the P.D. which exists at the point of equilibrium is due to the difference of the hydrogen ion concentration on the opposite sides of the membrane. 3. Since this difference of hydrogen ion concentration on both sides of the membrane is due to Donnan''s membrane equilibrium this latter equilibrium must be the cause of the P.D. 4. A definite P.D. exists also between a solid block of gelatin chloride and the surrounding aqueous solution at the point of equilibrium and this P.D. is depressed in a similar way as the swelling of the gelatin chloride by the addition of neutral salts. It is shown that the P.D. can be calculated from the difference in the hydrogen ion concentration inside and outside the block of gelatin at equilibrium. 5. The influence of the hydrogen ion concentration on the P.D. of a gelatin chloride solution is similar to that of the hydrogen ion concentration on the osmotic pressure, swelling, and viscosity of gelatin solutions, and the same is true for the influence of the valency of the anion with which the gelatin is in combination. It is shown that in all these cases the P.D. which exists at equilibrium can be calculated with a fair degree of accuracy from the difference of the pH inside and outside the gelatin solution on the basis of Nernst''s logarithmic formula by assuming that the difference in the concentration of hydrogen ions on both sides of the membrane determines the P.D. 6. The P.D. which exists at the boundary of a gelatin chloride solution and water at the point of equilibrium can also be calculated with a fair degree of accuracy by Nernst''s logarithmic formula from the value pCl outside minus pCl inside. This proves that the equation x2 = y ( y + z) is the correct expression for the Donnan membrane equilibrium when solutions of protein-acid salts with monovalent anion are separated by a collodion membrane from water. In this equation x is the concentration of the H ion (and the monovalent anion) in the water, y the concentration of the H ion and the monovalent anion of the free acid in the gelatin solution, and z the concentration of the anion in combination with the protein. 7. The similarity between the variation of P.D. and the variation of the osmotic pressure, swelling, and viscosity of gelatin, and the fact that the Donnan equilibrium determines the variation in P.D. raise the question whether or not the variations of the osmotic pressure, swelling, and viscosity are also determined by the Donnan equilibrium.  相似文献   

The inner membranes of isolated bovine heart mitochondria undergo pronounced contraction upon being exposed to exogenous adenosine diphosphate (ADP), adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and certain other high-energy phosphate compounds. Contraction results in decrease of inner membrane expanse which in turn results in decrease of intracristal space and increase of mitochondrial optical density (OD). The magnitude of the OD change appears to be proportional to the degree of contraction Half-maximal contraction can be achieved with ADP or ATP at concentrations as low as about 0 3 µM. Atractyloside at concentrations as low as about 1.2 nmol/mg mitochondrial protein completely inhibits the contraction. It is concluded from these and other observations that inner membrane contraction occurs as a result of adenine nucleotide binding to the carrier involved in the exchange of adenine nucleotides across the inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

Parasympathetic preganglionic neurons in the cat sacral spinal cord innervate intraspinal neurons and pelvic target organs. Retrograde tracing studies have revealed little of the morphology of their axons including their origin, initial segments, or their myelin, due to methodological limitations. Intracellular labeling of single neurons with neurobiotin or HRP has overcome these problems. Axons were studied in 24 preganglionic neurons. In 21 neurons the axon originated as a branch of a dendrite, without a detectable axon hillock, at distances from the soma ranging from 10 to 110 μm (average 34.1 μm ). In 3 neurons the axon was derived from the soma. Initial segments, present in all cells, ranged from 15 to 40 μm (average 26.8 μm). Nearly all axons followed the initial segment with unmyelinated segments that varied between 59 to 630 μm, followed by myelin and nodes of Ranvier. Internodal distances were variable and relatively short (average 93 μm). Axonal diameters measured over the intraspinal course in 18 axons averaged 1.3 μm (range 0.6–2.4 μm) and were relatively constant compared with other neurons. Spine-like protrusions were observed on the initial segments of 12 cells. Axon collaterals originated from unmyelinated sections and nodes of Ranvier. Antidromic action potentials showing initial segment, soma-dendritic inflections, did not differentiate between soma-derived and dendrite-derived axons. The data suggest that axons originating from a dendrite are the normal structure of preganglionic neurons in the lateral sacral parasympathetic nucleus. It is proposed that the particular structure of these axons may be part of a timing mechanism that coordinates preganglionic neurons with other spinal neurons involved in target organ reflexes.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the alveolar basement membrane of mouse lung was discussed on the basis of three electron micrographs. The basement membrane, i.e., the intercellular layer between endothelium and alveolar epithelium, was found to be of variable width. In its thin parts it appeared rather homogeneous, and did not reveal well defined layers of fibrils. In its thicker portions, some of which may be due to oblique sectioning, cell fragments could be seen lying inside the basement membrane layer. Their exact nature was not determined. In other thickened portions of the membrane bundles of slender (about 23 to 25 mµ) fibrils were found and were tentatively interpreted as collagen fibrils, in spite of the fact that a periodicity could not be observed.  相似文献   

Gymnodimium breve Davis, an unarmored marine dinoflagellate has a cell covering (theca) composed of four membranes. The inner two membranes represent a vesicular layer and in tangential section, the theca appears composed of polygonal areas. Unusual threat ridges are located in the cingular region between the epi- and hypocone. This osmotically sensitive species is extremely vesiculate with dispersed areas of cytoplasm containing typical eukaryotic organelles as well as other organelles found only in dinoflagellates. The non-vesiculated cytoplasm is continuous in serial sections. The chloroplasts can contain either quasi-radial or parallel lamellae typically consisting of three thylakoids each. The pyrenoid is multiple-stalked and lacks a starch cap. The dinophycean pusule is simple and similar to those found in several unarmored marine species. The nucleus is typically dinophycean but the chromosomes appear to lack nonfibrillar material.  相似文献   

Electron microscope observations on Phycopeltis epiphyton, a subaerial green alga found growing on the leaves of vascular plants and bryophytes, revealed the presence of a densely staining material within the inner and outer zones of the cell walls. This material resists acetolysis, is degraded by chromic acid, is unaffected by ethanolamine and exhibits secondary fluorescence when stained with the fluorochrome Primuline. These characteristics, together with infrared absorption spectra indicate that, on the basis of currently accepted criteria, the densely staining material is a sporopollenin and that it is a major component of the cell wall. Tests for cellulose, chitin, and lignin were negative, and little if any silica is present. It is suggested that negative results in tests for cellulose may be due to a masking effect by the sporopollenin. Comparison of the fine structure of the cell walls of P. epiphyton, pollen grains, and algal cells (known to contain sporopollenin) supports the suggestion that sporopollenin deposition on “unit membranes” is universal. Morphological similarity among sporopollenin lamellae in P. epiphyton, pollen grains, spores of land plants, and the trilaminar sporopollenin sheath in Chlorella, Scenedesmus, and Pediastrum indicates that the structures may be analogous. As in pollen grains, sporopollenin may provide protection against desiccation and parasitism. It may also be involved in the adhesion of Phycopeltis to host plants and in the adhesion between adjacent filaments of the thallus.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine whether glycerol-extracted rabbit psoas muscle fibers can develop tension and shorten after being stretched to such a length that the primary and secondary filaments no longer overlap. A method was devised to measure the initial sarcomere length and the ATP-induced isotonic shortening in prestretched isolated fibers subjected to a small preload (0.02 to 0.15 P0). At all degrees of stretch, the fiber was able to shorten (60 to 75 per cent): to a sarcomere length of 0.7 µ when the initial length was 3.7 µ or less, and to an increasing length of 0.9 to 1.8 µ with increasing initial sarcomere length (3.8 to 4.4 µ). At sarcomere lengths of 3.8 to 4.5 µ, overlap of filaments was lost, as verified by electron microscopy. The variation in sarcomere length within individual fibers has been assessed by both light and electron microscopic measurements. In fibers up to 10 mm in length the stretch was evenly distributed along the fiber, and with sarcomere spacings greater than 4 µ there was only a slight chance of finding sarcomeres with filament overlap. These observations are in apparent contradiction to the assumption that an overlap of A and I filaments is necessary for tension generation and shortening.  相似文献   

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