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The formation of neointimal thickenings in the rat carotid artery after balloon injury was studied by a combination of electron-microscopic and stereological methods. All smooth muscle cells in the normal media had a contractile phenotype, the cytoplasm being dominated by myofilaments. Seven days after endothelial denudation, the smooth muscle cells in the innermost part of the media had assumed a synthetic phenotype by loss of myofilaments and formation of a large endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex. These cells moved through fine openings in the internal elastic lamina and gave rise to a growing neointima by proliferation and secretion of extracellular matrix components. Fourteen days after the operation, the neointima had almost reached its final size, and mitoses were no longer noted. Nevertheless, the cells maintained a synthetic phenotype with prominent secretory organelles, although myofilaments had started to become more abundant again. They were surrounded by an extracellular matrix made up of collagen fibrils and coalescing patches of elastin. Thirty-five days after the operation, an endothelial cell layer had reformed and covered most of the luminal vessel surface. In parallel, the smooth muscle cells in the neointima had returned to a contractile phenotype with a cytoplasm dominated by myofilaments. These findings provide a morphological basis for further analysis of the cellular and molecular interactions involved in the formation of neointimal thickenings after endothelial injury, and for the search for agents interfering with this process.  相似文献   

目的:探讨高脂血症患者血管内皮微颗粒(EMPs)水平的表达及临床意义。方法:选取2016年5月到2017年8月期间我院收治的高脂血症患者64例,将其作为研究组。另选取同期在我院体检的健康志愿者50例作为对照组。检测两组研究对象的甘油三酯(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)、EMPs、压力-应变弹性系数(Ep)、顺应性(AC)、硬度指数(β)、脉搏波传导速度(PWV)水平,并采用Pearson相关性分析研究组患者EMPs水平与TC、TG、LDL-C、Ep、AC、β、PWV的相关性。结果:研究组血清中TC、TG、LDL-C、EMPs水平均显著高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);研究组的Ep、β、PWV均显著高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),但两组AC比较无统计学差异(P0.05)。研究组患者的EMPs水平与TC、TG、LDL-C、Ep、β、PWV均呈正相关(r=0.567,0.645,0.763,0.426,0.398,0.364,P均0.05)。结论:高脂血症患者的EMPs水平明显高于健康人群,且其水平与TC、TG、LDL-C、Ep、β、PWV均呈正相关。  相似文献   

Chronic elevations of plasma apolipoprotein B (apoB) are strongly associated with cardiovascular disease. We have previously demonstrated that inhibition of hepatic apoB mRNA using antisense oligonucleotides (ASO) results in reductions of apoB, VLDL, and LDL in several preclinical animal models and humans. In this study, we evaluated the anti-atherogenic effects of a murine-specific apoB ASO (ISIS 147764) in hypercholesterolemic LDLr deficient (LDLr(-/-)) mice. ISIS 147764 was administered weekly at 25-100 mg/kg for 10-12 weeks and produced dose-dependent reductions of hepatic apoB mRNA and plasma LDL by 60-90%. No effects on these parameters were seen in mice receiving control ASOs. ApoB ASO treatment also produced dose-dependent reductions of aortic en face and sinus atherosclerosis from 50-90%, with high-dose treatment displaying less disease than the saline-treated, chow-fed LDLr(-/-) mice. No changes in intestinal cholesterol absorption were seen with apoB ASO treatment, suggesting that the cholesterol-lowering pharmacology of 147764 was primarily due to inhibition of hepatic apoB synthesis and secretion. In summary, ASO-mediated suppression of apoB mRNA expression profoundly reduced plasma lipids and atherogenesis in LDLr(-/-) mice, leading to the hypothesis that apoB inhibition in humans with impaired LDLr activity may produce similar effects.  相似文献   

Low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-deficient (LDLR-/-) mice consuming a high fat diet were used to assess the effect of endogenous and exogenous estradiol (E2) on atherosclerosis. Sexually mature female mice were ovariectomized (OVX) and implanted with subcutaneous, slow-release pellets designed to release 6 microg/day of exogenous 17beta-estradiol (17beta-E2 ), 17alpha-estradiol (17alpha-E2 ), or placebo (E2- deficient). Sham-operated control female (endogenous E2 ) and male mice were studied as controls. Aortic atherosclerotic lesion area was reduced by physiologic amounts of both endogenous and exogenous E2 compared to E2-deficient female mice. Although plasma cholesterol levels were reduced by exogenous E2 despite the absence of the LDL receptor, endogenous E2 was not associated with any cholesterol changes. In contrast, only 17alpha-E2 was associated with decreased fasting triglyceride. In subgroup analyses matched for time-averaged plasma total cholesterol, aortic lesion area was reduced by the presence of estradiol (E2 ). E2 protected LDLR-/- female mice from atherosclerosis and this protection was independent of changes in plasma cholesterol levels.  相似文献   

Statins do not always decrease coronary heart disease mortality, which was speculated based on increased serum plant sterols observed during statin treatment. To evaluate plant sterol atherogenicity, we fed low density lipoprotein-receptor deficient (LDLr(+/-)) mice for 35 weeks with Western diets (control) alone or enriched with atorvastatin or atorvastatin plus plant sterols or stanols. Atorvastatin decreased serum cholesterol by 22% and lesion area by 57%. Adding plant sterols or stanols to atorvastatin decreased serum cholesterol by 39% and 41%. Cholesterol-standardized serum plant sterol concentrations increased by 4- to 11-fold during sterol plus atorvastatin treatment versus stanol plus atorvastatin treatment. However, lesion size decreased similarly in the sterol plus atorvastatin (-99% vs. control) and the stanol plus atorvastatin (-98%) groups, with comparable serum cholesterol levels, suggesting that increased plant sterol concentrations are not atherogenic. Our second study confirms this conclusion. Compared with lesions after a 33 week atherogenic period, lesion size further increased in controls (+97%) during 12 more weeks on the diet, whereas 12 weeks with the addition of plant sterols or stanols decreased lesion size (66% and 64%). These findings indicate that in LDLr(+/-) mice 1) increased cholesterol-standardized serum plant sterol concentrations are not atherogenic, 2) adding plant sterols/stanols to atorvastatin further inhibits lesion formation, and 3) plant sterols/stanols inhibit the progression or even induce the regression of existing lesions.  相似文献   

Constitutive expression of a cholesterol-7alpha-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) transgene in LDL receptor-deficient mice blocked the ability of a cholesterol-enriched diet to increase plasma levels of apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins. LDL receptor-deficient mice expressing the CYP7A1 transgene exhibited complete resistance to diet-induced hypercholesterolemia and to the accumulation of cholesterol in the liver. Hepatic mRNA expression of liver X receptor-inducible ABCG5 and ABCG8 was decreased in CYP7A1 transgenic, LDL receptor-deficient mice fed a cholesterol-enriched diet. Thus, increased biliary cholesterol excretion could not account for the maintenance of cholesterol homeostasis. CYP7A1 transgenic, LDL receptor-deficient mice fed the cholesterol-enriched diet exhibited decreased jejunal Niemann-Pick C1-Like 1 protein (NPC1L1) mRNA expression, an important mediator of intestinal cholesterol absorption. A taurocholate-enriched diet also decreased NPC1L1 mRNA expression in a farnesoid X receptor-independent manner. Reduced expression of NPC1L1 mRNA was associated with decreased cholesterol absorption ( approximately 20%; P < 0.05) exhibited by CYP7A1 transgenic LDL receptor-deficient mice fed the cholesterol-enriched diet. The combined data show that enhanced expression of CYP7A1 is an effective means to prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the liver and of atherogenic apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins in plasma.  相似文献   

Small noncoding RNAs (sncRNAs) play diverse roles in numerous biological processes. While the widely used RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) method has advanced sncRNA discovery, RNA modifications can interfere with the complementary DNA library construction process, preventing the discovery of highly modified sncRNAs including transfer RNA-derived small RNAs (tsRNAs) and ribosomal RNA-derived small RNAs (rsRNAs) that may have important functions in disease development. To address this technical obstacle, we recently developed a novel PANDORA-Seq (Panoramic RNA Display by Overcoming RNA Modification Aborted Sequencing) method to overcome RNA modification-elicited sequence interferences. To identify novel sncRNAs associated with atherosclerosis development, LDL receptor-deficient (LDLR−/−) mice were fed a low-cholesterol diet or high-cholesterol diet (HCD) for 9 weeks. Total RNAs isolated from the intima were subjected to PANDORA-Seq and traditional RNA-Seq. By overcoming RNA modification-elicited limitations, PANDORA-Seq unveiled an rsRNA/tsRNA-enriched sncRNA landscape in the atherosclerotic intima of LDLR−/− mice, which was strikingly different from that detected by traditional RNA-Seq. While microRNAs were the dominant sncRNAs detected by traditional RNA-Seq, PANDORA-Seq substantially increased the reads of rsRNAs and tsRNAs. PANDORA-Seq also detected 1,383 differentially expressed sncRNAs induced by HCD feeding, including 1,160 rsRNAs and 195 tsRNAs. One of HCD-induced intimal tsRNAs, tsRNA-Arg-CCG, may contribute to atherosclerosis development by regulating the proatherogenic gene expression in endothelial cells. Overall, PANDORA-Seq revealed a hidden rsRNA and tsRNA population associated with atherosclerosis development. These understudied tsRNAs and rsRNAs, which are much more abundant than microRNAs in the atherosclerotic intima of LDLR−/− mice, warrant further investigations.  相似文献   

To elucidate the separate contributions of the lipolytic versus ligand-binding functions of hepatic lipase (HL) to lipoprotein metabolism and atherosclerosis, and to investigate the role of the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLr) in these processes, we compared mice expressing catalytically active HL (HL-WT) with mice expressing inactive HL (HL-S145G) in a background lacking endogenous HL and the LDLr (LDLr-KOxHL-KO). HL-WT and HL-S145G reduced (P < 0.05 for all) cholesterol (55% vs. 20%), non-HDL-cholesterol (63% vs. 22%), and apolipoprotein B (apoB; 34% vs. 16%) by enhancing the catabolism of autologous (125)I-apoB-intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL)/LDL (fractional catabolic rate in day(-1): 6.07 +/- 0.25, LDLr-KOxHL-WT; 4.76 +/- 0.30, LDLr-KOxHL-S145G; 3.70 +/- 0.13, LDLr-KOxHL-KO); HL-WT had a greater impact on the concentration, composition, particle size, and catabolism of apoB-containing lipoproteins (apoB-Lps) and HDL. Importantly, consistent with the changes in apoB-Lps, atherosclerosis in LDLr-KOxHL-KO mice fed a regular chow diet (RCD) was reduced by both HL-WT and HL-S145G (by 71% and 51% in cross-sectional analysis, and by 85% and 67% in en face analysis; P < 0.05 for all). These data identify physiologically relevant but distinct roles for the lipolytic versus ligand-binding functions of HL in apoB-Lp metabolism and atherosclerosis and demonstrate that their differential effects on these processes are mediated by changes in catabolism via non-LDLr pathways. These changes, evident even in the presence of apoE, establish an antiatherogenic role of the ligand-binding function of HL in LDLr-deficient mice.  相似文献   

The vascular endothelium plays an important role in regulating immune and inflammatory responses to resist pathogens infection. Although it has been known that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a critical inducer of sepsis or endotoxemia, the systematic responses of LPS-stimulation in endothelial cells (ECs) are still unclear. The present study aims to analyze the late-phase responses of LPS-induced rat aortic ECs by using systematic biology approaches, including rat cDNA microarray, 2-DE and MALDI-TOF MS/MS, and cytokine protein array. Furthermore, to improve the efficiency of analysis of the bulk systematic data of rat, we designed a set of bioinformatic tools to convert and integrate these rat data into the corresponding human genes or proteins IDs based on BioCarta, KEGG, and Gene Ontology databases. Using the systematic analysis, it was shown that LPS could promote some signaling or metabolic pathways as well as pathophysiologic phenomena of proliferation, atherogenesis, inflammation, and apoptosis through activated nuclear factor-kappaB pathway in ECs. Interestingly, ECs also activated the mediators of anti-inflammation, antiapoptosis, and antioxidation to protect themselves. Moreover, the expressions of altered genes, proteins, and their involvement in the hypothetical signaling pathway can provide further understanding of inflammation associated responses in ECs.  相似文献   

Phenology is a major determinant of tree species range   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Global warming is expected to have a major impact on plant distributions, an issue of key importance in biological conservation. However, very few models are able to predict species distribution accurately, although we know species respond individually to climate change. Here we show, using a process-based model ( PHENOFIT ), that tree species distributions can be predicted precisely if the biological processes of survival and reproductive success only are incorporated as a function of phenology. These predictions showed great predictive power when tested against present distributions of two North American species – quaking aspen and sugar maple – indicating that on a broad scale, the fundamental niche of trees coincides with their realized niche. Phenology is shown here to be a major determinant of plant species range and should therefore be used to assess the consequences of global warming on plant distributions, and the spread of alien plant species.  相似文献   

Liver X receptors (LXR alpha and LXR beta) are nuclear receptors, which are important regulators of cholesterol and lipid metabolism. LXRs control genes involved in cholesterol efflux in macrophages, bile acid synthesis in liver and intestinal cholesterol absorption. LXRs also regulate genes participating in lipogenesis. To determine whether the activation of LXR promotes or inhibits development of atherosclerosis, T-0901317, a synthetic LXR ligand, was administered to low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR)(-/-) mice. T-0901317 significantly reduced the atherosclerotic lesions in LDLR(-/-) mice without affecting plasma total cholesterol levels. This anti-atherogenic effect correlated with the plasma concentration of T-0901317, but not with high density lipoprotein cholesterol, which was increased by T-0901317. In addition, we observed that T-0901317 increased expression of ATP binding cassette A1 in the lesions in LDLR(-/-) mice as well as in mouse peritoneal macrophages. T-0901317 also significantly induced cholesterol efflux activity in peritoneal macrophages. These results suggest that LXR ligands may be useful therapeutic agents for the treatment of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

内皮祖细胞对于维持血管内皮完整性和血管稳态具有重要作用.增强EPC的数量和功能可使心血管疾病患者获益.炎症、氧化应激对内皮祖细胞动员及其功能发挥具有重要影响,本文着重综述炎症和氧化应激对内皮祖细胞动员的调控,并探讨增进内皮祖细胞数量和功能的相关治疗策略.  相似文献   

Sphingosine kinase-1 (SK1) promotes the formation of sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), which has potent pro-inflammatory and pro-angiogenic effects. We investigated the effects of raised SK1 levels on endothelial cell function and the possibility that this signaling pathway is activated in rheumatoid arthritis. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells with 3- to 5-fold SK1 (ECSK) overexpression were generated by adenoviral and retroviralmediated gene delivery. The activation state of these cells and their ability to undergo angiogenesis was determined. S1P was measured in synovial fluid from patients with RA and OA. ECSK showed an enhanced migratory capacity and a stimulated rate of capillary tube formation. The cells showed constitutive activation as evidenced by the induction of basal VCAM-1 expression, and further showed a more augmented VCAM-1 and E selectin response to TNF compared with empty vector control cells (ECEV). These changes had functional consequences in terms of enhanced neutrophil binding in the basal and TNFstimulated states in ECSK. By contrast, over-expression of a dominant-negative SK inhibited the TNF-induced VCAM-1 and E selectin and inhibited PMN adhesion, confirming that the observed effects were specifically mediated by SK. The synovial fluid levels of S1P were significantly higher in patients with RA than in those with OA. Small chronic increases in SK1 activity in the endothelial cells enhance the ability of the cells to support inflammation and undergo angiogenesis, and sensitize the cells to inflammatory cytokines. The SK1 signaling pathway is activated in RA, suggesting that manipulation of SK1 activity in diseases of aberrant inflammation and angiogenesis may be beneficial.  相似文献   

Policosanol is a mixture of long-chain primary aliphatic saturated alcohols. Previous studies in humans and animals have shown that these compounds improved lipoprotein profiles. However, more-recent placebo-controlled studies could not confirm these promising effects. Octacosanol (C28), the main component of sugarcane-derived policosanol, is assumed to be the bioactive component. This has, however, never been tested in an in vivo study that compared individual policosanol components side by side. Here we present that neither the individual policosanol components (C24, C26, C28, or C30) nor the natural policosanol mixture (all 30 mg/100 g diet) lowered serum cholesterol concentrations in LDL receptor knock-out (LDLr(+/-)) mice. Moreover, there was no effect on gene expression profiles of LDLr, ABCA1, HMG-CoA synthase 1, and apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) in hepatic and small intestinal tissue of female LDLr(+/-) mice after the 7 week intervention period. Finally, none of the individual policosanols or their respective long-chain fatty acids or aldehydes affected de novo apoA-I protein production in vitro in HepG2 and CaCo-2 cells. Therefore, we conclude that the evaluated individual policosanols, as well as the natural policosanol mixture, have no potential for reducing coronary heart disease risk through effects on serum lipoprotein concentrations.  相似文献   

Hepatic proteolysis is inhibited by insulin, amino acids and hypoosmotic cell swelling and is stimulated by glucagon. These effectors simultaneously modulate cell volume in the intact liver, as shown by measurements of the intracellular water space. A close relationship exists between the effect on proteolysis and the accompanying cell volume change, regardless of whether hepatic proteolysis was modified by insulin, glucagon, cyclic AMP, glutamine, glycine, barium of hypoosmotic exposure. It is suggested that cell volume changes exerted by hormones and amino acids play a crucial role in the regulation of hepatic proteolysis.  相似文献   

Evidence for dysfunction of endothelial repair in aged mice was sought by studying the pattern of induced differentiation, quantity, and function of bone marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) in aged mice. The CD117-positive stem cell population was separated from bone marrow by magnetic activated cell-sorting system (MACS), and EPCs were defined by demonstrating the expression of CD117+CD34+Flk-1+ by flow cytometry. After 7 days of culture, the number of clones formed was counted, and proliferation and migration of EPCs were analyzed by MTT[3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide] assay and modified Boyden chamber assay. The results demonstrated that compared to the control group, the quantity of bone marrow-derived CD117+ stem cells and EPCs, as well as the proliferation, migration, the number of clones formed, and phagocytotic function of EPCs were significantly reduced in aged mice. There were no significant differences in the morphology and induced differentiation pattern of EPCs between the aged mouse group and the control group. Authors suggest that the dysfunction of EPCs may serve as a surrogate parameter of vascular function in old mice.  相似文献   

Biliary atresia (BA) is a devastating disease of childhood for which increasing evidence supports a viral component in pathogenesis. The murine model of BA is induced by perinatal infection with rhesus rotavirus (RRV) but not with other strains of rotavirus, such as TUCH. To determine which RRV gene segment(s) is responsible for pathogenesis, we used the RRV and TUCH strains to generate a complete set of single-gene reassortants. Eleven single-gene "loss-of-function" reassortants in which a TUCH gene replaced its RRV equivalent and 11 single-gene "gain-of-function" reassortants in which an RRV gene replaced its TUCH equivalent were generated. Newborn BALB/c mice were inoculated with the reassortants and were monitored for biliary obstruction and mortality. In vitro, the ability to bind to and replicate within cholangiocytes was analyzed. Infection of mice with the "loss-of-function" reassortant R(T(VP4)), where gene 4 from TUCH was placed on an RRV background, eliminated the ability of RRV to cause murine BA. In a reciprocal fashion, the "gain-of-function" reassortant T(R(VP4)) resulted in murine BA with 88% mortality. Compared with those for RRV, R(T(VP4)) binding and titers in cholangiocytes were significantly attenuated, while T(R(VP4)) binding and titers were significantly increased over those for TUCH. Reassortants R(T(VP3)) and T(R(VP3)) induced an intermediate phenotype. RRV gene segment 4 plays a significant role in governing tropism for the cholangiocyte and the ability to induce murine BA. Gene segment 3 did not affect RRV infectivity in vitro but altered its in vivo effect.  相似文献   

Short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are powerful sequence-specific reagents that suppress gene expression in mammalian cells. We report for the first time that gene silencing of endothelial E-selectin by siRNAs leads to successful inhibition of leukocyte-endothelial interaction under flow. siRNAs designed to target human E-selectin were tranfected into human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). Western blotting analysis revealed that transfection of these siRNAs, but not the scrambled control siRNA (100nM each), attenuated E-selectin expression in HUVEC activated with TNF-alpha (10ng/ml, 4h) without affecting expression of ICAM-1. Moreover, a leukocyte adhesion assay under flow (shear stress=1.0dyne/cm(2)) demonstrated that HUVEC transfected with a siRNA against E-selectin (siE-01) supported significantly less HL60 adhesion as compared to those transfected with the control siRNA (scE-01) after activation (p<0.03). This technique provides a powerful strategy to dissect a specific function of a given molecule in leukocyte-endothelial interaction.  相似文献   

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