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Jacques Castel 《Hydrobiologia》1995,311(1-3):85-101
Long-term changes in the population of Eurytemora affinis were investigated during 15 years (1978–1992) at a fixed station in the Gironde estuary (South West France). Total numbers, sex-ratio, % ovigerous females, proportion of copepodites and clutch-size were taken into account and their long-term distribution was related to temperature, river flow, salinity, suspended matter and chlorophyll a concentrations after the seasonal effect was removed for all variables.There was a great decrease of the river flow during the period of investigation, due to a general deficit in pluviosity. On the contrary, the general trend for salinity was an increase from 1978 to 1992. The same pattern was observed for chlorophyll, indicating an intrusion of marine phytoplankton. Water temperature increased significantly during the study period, following the general increase in air temperature observed in the area. For the suspended particulate matter (SPM), an increase was observed between 1978 and 1981–1982, then a very sharp decrease occurred from 1984 onwards.Numbers of E. affinis were inversely correlated with temperature and salinity, and positively correlated with the river flow. E. affinis was negatively correlated with chlorophyll concentration because of the covariation with salinity. No clear long-term trend was observed for the sex-ratio. A significant correlation was found between females carrying egg-sacs and SPM concentration, probably due to a decrease of the predation pressure in very turbid waters. The percentages of copepodites tended to decrease with time and were inversely correlated with temperature. Clutch-size significantly decreased during the 15-year period. This trend was mainly explained by temperature and salinity.It is concluded that, in the absence of strong human alteration in the Gironde estuary the long-term distribution of zooplankton can be explained by the natural environmental variability. The dominant factors are the river flow which governs the movement of the populations along the estuary and the temperature which influences the reproductive processes. Any change in climate will have consequences on the pelagic community.  相似文献   

We describe selected aspects of the ecology of the copepod Eurytemora affinis in tide pools of an inland salt marsh near L'Isle-Verte, Québec along the southern shore of the St. Lawrence estuary. E. affinis performed daily horizontal migrations moving from the centers of pools to the banks and into dense algae. Male E. affinis were mainly found in the center of the pools during twilight (21 : 00 hrs) and in dense algae in daylight (12: 00 hrs) whereas most females and copepodites were found near the banks at all three sampling periods. Although these daily movements among sites may have minimized predation by diurnally foraging sticklebacks (Pisces: Gasterosteidae), other explanations for the movements can not be excluded. We also quantified the effects of fish predation upon the population structure of E. affinis. Densities of all stages (nauplius, copepodite, adult) were significantly lower in pools with fish than in pools without fish. Female E. affinis were significantly smaller (mean length) in pools with fish than in pools without fish, indicating that the sticklebacks selectively ate larger females. Male-biased sex ratios were found in both types of pools, which excluded the possibility that biased ratios in this species are caused by selective predation upon the females.  相似文献   

The mandibleplates of several specimen of the copepodEurytemora affinis collected from the Westerschelde and the Gironde estuary were studied. Using the Edge index (ITOH, 1970) this species could be classified as an omnivore. Pictures obtained by light and scanning electron microscopy reveal that the mandible teeth ofE. affinis have a molar-like structure, which likely changes in functional morphology with developmental stage, sex and age of the adults. Based on these observations, the desirability to consider the three dimensional structure of copepod mandibles for feeding mode classification is discussed.Communication no. 540 of the Delta Institute for Hydrobiological Research, Vierstraat 28, 4401 EA Yerseke, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

A. josephinae collected along the Salento Peninsula (Ionian and Adriatic Seas) laid two types of eggs, under laboratory conditions, and they are described for the first time. Under a light microscope subitaneous eggs looked smooth on the surface, but scanning electron microscopy revealed that the surface was not perfectly smooth but tubercular with many small protuberances. Resting eggs had long and thick spines whose apical part was multi-branched. The use of egg morphology as a taxonomic character, in the systematic of copepods, is proposed.  相似文献   

Sanoamuang  La-orsri 《Hydrobiologia》2001,448(1-3):41-52
Mongolodiaptomus dumonti n. sp. from several localities in northeast Thailand is described and figured. The new species shares some features with Mongolodiaptomus gladiolus (Shen & Lee), M. calcarus (Shen & Tai) and M. rarus (Reddy, Sanoamuang & Dumont), thus the gladiolus-group is created. However, it stands out in the female, by the extraordinary large postero-laterally spine at left proximal margin of genital somite. In the male, the right caudal ramus has a large tooth and a bilobed knob on ventral side; basis of the right P5 has a distinct, spur-like process on mid-distal surface; the second exopodite-segment of the right P5 has characteristically irregular outer margin, enlarged at proximal 1/3, but narrowed at distal 2/3 and bearing three lateral spines of unequal sizes; the inner margin of basis of the left P5 is fringed with a narrow hyaline lamella and dilated distally in lateral angle.  相似文献   

The copepod Eurytemora affinis (Poppe, 1880) and the polychaete Manayunkia speciosa Leidy, 1858 have been found in similar habitats within the Ottawa River. As both species show strong marine affinities and co-occurrence is not restricted to the Ottawa River, but rather is the pattern for North America, present evidence supports the theory that these animals may be relict forms resulting from the most recent marine incursion.
Resumé Le copepode Eutytemora affinis (Poppe, 1880) et le polychete Manayunkia speciosa Leidy, 1858 ont étés trouvé en pareils habitats dans la Rivière Ottawa. Comme les deux espèces demontrent de grades affinités marines et ne sont pas restreintes à apparaître ensemble dans la Rivière Ottawa, mais plutôt suivent le patron de l'Amérique du Nord, la preuve présentée appuit la théorie que ces animaux purrainent être des formes reliques resultant de l'incusrion marine la plus récente.

Nosema slovaca (Microsporidiae) was isolated from a maleDermacentor reticulatus tick collected in the Mélykút locality, Bács-Kiskun province, Hungary. This parasitic protozoan caused an acute infection in partly engorgedD. reticulatus females when inoculated intracoelomically resulting in death of the ticks within 5–15 days post-infection. This strain ofNosema can be maintained in the laboratory by passaging between partly engorgedD. reticulatus females and is currently being studied for its potential as a biological control agent of ixodid ticks.  相似文献   

Two new aero-aquatic species of the genusHelicodendron are described and illustrated:H. coniferarum andH. longitubulosum spp. nov. Both belong to the ecological group of the aero-aquatic fungi which inhabit submerged litter in stagnant pools and ditches. The new species are compared with similar species (H. coniferarum withH. fuscum, H. cumbriense, H. multiseptatum andH. pinicola;H. longitubulosum withH. tubulosum andH. longisporum). In addition, ecology and substrates are recorded: WhereasH. coniferarum was isolated from pine litter submerged in oligotrophic peat bog ditches,H. longitubulosum grew on an oak leaf submerged in a eutrophic woodland pond. The presence of microconidia inH. longitubulosum is discussed.  相似文献   

Morphological and RAPD features ofCeramium kondoi populations were investigated and compared in different locations in Korea. The plant length and branching pattern were more variable in Jindo population than others. RAPD data showed thatC. kondoi plants were divided into two clades; the southern group including Jindo and Bangpo population, and the northern group including Yonpyongdo and Oeyondo population. Morphological features inC. kondoi populations corresponded with RAPD data, which differed from those ofC. boydenii from the same location. These results suggest that RAPD might be useful for elucidating genetic variation among the wild populations ofC. kondoi.  相似文献   

The influence of the biochemical composition of particles originating from surface waters of the Gironde estuary on egg production rates of Eurytemora affinis zooplanktonic population was studied. In the high turbidity zone, suspended particulate matter had a low nutritional quality because the easily available organic fraction represented less than 15% of the overall particulate organic matter. In waters located seaward of the high turbidity zone, a slight increase in nutritional quality was observed. As a result, the sum of easily extractable organic macromolecules represented 15 to 33% of the overall particulate organic matter. The present study suggests that the low egg-production rate of Eurytemora affinis, occurring in the high turbidity zone, results from combined effects of temperature and bad feeding conditions in the area. Low copepod production can be explained by little phytoplankton growth due to light limitation and, therefore, restricted food availability, as well as difficulties in food selection, non-living particle may being dominant.  相似文献   

Allozyme polymorphism was studied in two populations of Isophya kraussi and Isophya stysi. Both species are flightless and have low dispersal ability. As a consequence, we expected high level of genetic differentiation among their local populations. Samples were collected in three regions of Hungary. Enzyme polymorphism was investigated at 10 loci (Aldox, Est, Got, Gpdh, Hk, Idh, Mdh, Me, Pgi and Pgm) in both species. High levels of polymorphism were detected in all samples. Gpdh proved to be diagnostic as there were no common alleles in the two species. At four further loci (Got, Hk, Mdh and Me), the two species had one common allele together with one or more differentiating alleles. We detected high F IT values implying a high level of genetic variation. The positive F IS values suggested a tendency of heterozygote deficiency in both species. The highly significant overall F ST values indicated clear genetic differentiation among the local populations. Thus our results confirmed the taxonomic status of these two species. The dendrogram constructed on the basis of Nei's genetic distances and the results of the PCA analyses fully confirmed those obtained by F-statistics.  相似文献   

橘绵粉虱是一种危险性的入侵生物,已于2018年11月在我国海南文昌的番石榴上发现。本文记述了橘绵粉虱各虫态的形态特征、野外鉴别特征,并列出了其分布及重要寄主植物,附有彩色生态照片。由于橘绵粉虱是柑橘类的重要害虫,具有向中国大陆扩散的可能性,我国南方柑橘产区应密切关注此虫动态。  相似文献   

Phyllodiaptomus sasikumari, a new species of calanoid copepod is described from the material collected in several ephemeral ponds and pools in the Palghat District of Kerala State, South India.  相似文献   

Vertical distribution of the rotifer Keratella cochlearis in stratified water columns of mesotrophic and eutrophic lakes during summer stagnation has been studied. Coexisting morphs K. cochlearis hispida (Lauterborn, 1898), K. c. tecta (Gosse, 1851) and K. c. cochlearis (Gosse, 1851) inhabit different layers in the water column and are vertically subdivided. The distribution of morph abundance and reproductive potential indicate that substitution of morphs within the vertical water column may be due to trophic conditions. The maximum population productivity is observed at the epi-metalimnion border. The maximum density zone lies below the zone of the highest productivity. The principle of sliced functioning is used to explain the adaptive significance of the morphological structure of populations under heterogeneous environmental conditions.  相似文献   

运用单因素方差分析、主成分分析、判别分析和聚类分析,对高原鼢鼠(Eospalax baileyi)4个地区(临潭、天祝、玛曲和碌曲)8个地理群体的头骨形态特征进行综合分析,比较13个特征变量的地理分异,挖掘形态特征的主要变量,并探讨其形态变异与环境的关系。结果发现,群体间13个特征变量均存在显著差异,主成分分析表明13个头骨特征变量可用3个主成分来表述,其累计贡献率达96.981%。颅全长、上齿列长及齿隙长是高原鼢鼠头骨发生分化的主要变量。天祝种群与碌曲种群,及玛曲种群与临潭种群都有重叠,其中碌曲的两个种群相似性最高,玛曲种群和临潭种群与其他种群几乎无重叠,显示完全分化,聚类分析结果与判别分析结果一致。头骨形态与地理因子的相关性分析发现头骨形态大小与海拔成显著的正相关关系。综合分析认为地理隔离、栖息地海拔因子影响下的生态条件等是高原鼢鼠头骨分化的主要因素。  相似文献   

Allelic frequencies at the polymorphic enzyme loci IDH-1, IDH-2, LAP-1, and 6-PGDH-1 were determined in population samples ofAbies alba from 5 different areas in Austria. The results reveal clear genetic differentiation between the eastern and the western provenances. Gradual frequency clines are observed with all four loci. The amount of variation, measured as average heterozygosity and genotypic diversity, is significantly higher in the west. The multilocus genotypes proved to be useful markers for the identification of clones. Functional differences with respect to substrate specifity were found for the two allozymes coded by the coexisting alleles of the IDH-2 locus.  相似文献   

The morphological and leaf anatomical differentiation ofVellozia hirsuta is analysed and classified into several types (A1, A2, A4, B3, B5, C3). The species has a relatively wide distribution in the campos rupestres of Minas Gerais in Brazil. The variation of the isolated populations on different mountain ranges is complex, does not follow a clear geographical pattern, and defies taxonomic classification.  相似文献   

Summary Extinction and recolonization in metapopulations may either increase or decrease genetic differentiation among populations, but recent genetic models predict increased differentiation under most circumstances of recolonization. I examine this prediction empirically using tidepool populations of the marine tidepool copepodTigriopus californicus. The probability of extinction of tidepool populations was sufficiently high to invoke the model's predictions, but varied among populations. Nearly 75% of colonizing groups consisted of 10 or fewer individuals. The genetic effective size of colonizing groups might be as high as 18, depending on assumptions, but colonists probably originated from a subset of local populations. In contrast to my predictions, genetic differentiation was smaller among younger tidepool populations than among older populations on each of three rock outcrops, suggesting that genetic differentiation was reduced by metapopulation dynamics. The discrepancy between the prediction and the results may be explained by the unmet assumptions of classical metapopulation structure underlying the genetic models.  相似文献   

Genetic variability in 10 natural Tunisian populations of Medicago laciniata were analysed using 19 quantitative traits and 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci. A large degree of genetic variability within-populations and among-populations was detected for both quantitative characters and molecular markers. High genetic differentiation among populations for quantitative traits was seen, with Q ST = 0.47, and F ST = 0.47 for microsatellite markers. Several quantitative traits displayed no statistical difference in the levels of Q ST and F ST . Further, significant correlations between quantitative traits and eco-geographical factors suggest that divergence in the traits among populations may track environmental differences. There was no significant correlation between genetic variability at quantitative traits and microsatellite markers within populations. The site-of-origin of eco-geographical factors explain between 18.13% and 23.40% of genetic variance among populations at quantitative traits and microsatellite markers, respectively. The environmental factors that most influence variation in measured traits among populations are assimilated phosphorus (P205) and mean annual rainfall, followed by climate and soil texture, altitude and organic matter. Significant associations between eco-geographical factors and gene diversity, H e , were established in five-microsatellite loci suggesting that these simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are not necessarily biologically neutral.  相似文献   

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