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Male Madagascar hissing cockroaches, Gromphadorhina portentosa Schaum (Dictyoptera: Blaberidae) have a well‐defined dominance hierarchy that has been assumed to explain the outcome of most competitive interactions. We studied whether males of this species would alter their level of aggression towards unfamiliar rivals as a function of changing resource availability and value – two factors that are key to aggression levels in non‐hierarchical species. We quantified male aggression as three variables (aggressive state – behaviours measured by their duration; aggressive act – behaviours measured by their frequency of occurrence; aggressive latency – the latency to first aggressive behaviour, either state or act) and tested for any context‐specific variation within each by manipulating both territorial status (males were either residents or intruders) and access to mates (female present or absent). Both the presence of a female and territorial status affected male aggression towards rivals as measured by duration of aggressive state. Highest levels of aggression were displayed by residents when a female was present. These results show that inter‐male aggression in G. portentosa is tuned to the immediate expected payoff from fighting, and not exclusively aimed at establishing dominance relationships (which can affect future payoffs).  相似文献   

Research in the past decade has established the existence of consistent individual differences or ‘personality’ in animals and their important role in many aspects of animal behaviour. At the same time, research on honest signalling of aggression has revealed that while some of the putative aggression signals are reliable, they are only imperfectly so. This study asks whether a significant portion of the variance in the aggression-signal regression may be explained by individual differences in signalling strategies. Using the well-studied aggressive signalling system of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia), we carried out repeated assays to measure both aggressive behaviours and aggressive signalling of territorial males. Through these assays, we found that aggressive behaviours and aggressive signalling were both highly repeatable, and moreover that aggressive behaviours in 2009–2010 predicted whether the birds would attack a taxidermic mount over a year later. Most significantly, we found that residual variation in signalling behaviours, after controlling for aggressive behaviour, was individually consistent, suggesting there may be a second personality trait determining the level of aggressive signalling. We term this potential personality trait ‘communicativeness’ and discuss these results in the context of honest signalling theories and recent findings reporting prevalence of ‘under-signalling’.  相似文献   

When animals compete over resources such as breeding territories, they often use signals to communicate their aggressive intentions. By studying which signals are associated with aggressive interactions, we gain a deeper appreciation of animal behaviour. We studied aggressive signalling in male Savannah Sparrows, Passerculus sandwichensis, focusing on signals that precede physical attack against territorial intruders. We simulated intruders using song playback and taxidermic models, and we determined which behaviours were associated with physical attack. Previous studies that have used this approach suggest that many species produce songs of dramatically lower amplitude, or “soft songs,” as signals of aggressive intention. Savannah Sparrows, however, are not known to produce soft songs, and therefore, they provided an interesting system for testing signals that predict attack. Of 93 playback subjects, 23 males attacked the simulated intruder and 70 did not. To our surprise, Savannah Sparrows produced soft songs, and the number of soft songs was a significant predictor of attack on the simulated intruder. Birds also showed a nonsignificant tendency to produce more “chip” calls prior to attack on the simulated intruder, whereas three other measured behaviours (aggressive calls, wing waving and passes over the model) did not predict attack. Our study contributes to the growing body of research on aggressive territorial signals and reveals that soft song is an even more widespread signal of aggression in songbirds than previously recognized.  相似文献   

Human disturbance may have several negative impacts on bird biology. Although some species may habituate to human presence, other species do not show any signs of habituation, and may even be sensitized or affected by human disturbance. Furthermore, anthropogenic effects on bird behaviour rarely have been explored to address the alteration of frequencies of aggressive and fear‐associated behaviours. Such behavioural approaches may provide substantial data for bird conservation and management. Therefore, we assessed whether human disturbance disrupts the normal behaviour of Burrowing Owls Athene cunicularia. Specifically, we assessed whether guarding parents exhibited aggressive and fearful behaviours differentially in areas where human contact was more common. Burrowing Owls showed increased frequencies of threat displays in sites with more people walking by the nests, but not fear behaviours. These results suggest that different domains of behaviour (aggression vs. fear) may respond differently to human disturbance. We highlight the importance of quantifying a wide range of behavioural acts as indicators of bird stress in studies of anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   

Recently, associations between facial structure and aggressive behaviour have been reported. Specifically, the facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) is thought to link to aggression, although it is unclear whether this association is related to a specific dimension of aggression, or to a more generalized concept of dominance behaviour. Similarly, an association has been proposed between facial masculinity and dominant and aggressive behaviour, but, to date, this has not been formally tested. Because masculinity and fWHR are negatively correlated, it is unlikely that both signal similar behaviours. Here, we thus tested these associations and show that: (i) fWHR is related to both self-reported dominance and aggression; (ii) physical aggression, verbal aggression and anger, but not hostility are associated with fWHR; (iii) there is no evidence for a sex difference in associations between fWHR and aggression; and (iv) the facial masculinity index does not predict dominance or aggression. Taken together, these results indicate that fWHR, but not a measure of facial masculinity, cues dominance and specific types of aggression in both sexes.  相似文献   

Androgens are known to mediate aggressive and defensive behaviour in many vertebrate species. However, high concentrations of androgens might also conflict with the expression of nurturing behaviours and therefore a trade‐off can exist between aggressive and nurturing behaviours during parental care. We explored the role of testosterone in paternal care in bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus), where males provide both sole defence of the young from predators and sole nurturing behaviour such as fanning of the eggs. At the onset of parental care, we manipulated testosterone levels in males using testosterone propionate implants. We then observed the frequency of nurturing and aggressive behaviours displayed by the males over 6 d of parental care. Testosterone‐implanted fish were more aggressive when presented with a brood predator, performing more bites, opercular flares and lateral displays than control males. Testosterone‐implanted males, however, were not less nurturing than control fish, performing similar levels of fanning and nest‐cleaning behaviours. Thus, our results support a positive relationship between testosterone and paternal aggression but no testosterone‐mediated trade‐off between paternal nurturing and aggression.  相似文献   

According to ethological theory, ritualized threat behaviour functions to prevent overt aggression. This prediction was tested in twenty-three pairs of male Cichalasoma nigrofasciatum. Pairs prevented from giving frontal displays by surgically restrained gill covers showed significantly less mouth fighting than sham operates. Pairs prevented from giving frontals and impaired in delivering tail beats because of separated caudal-fin rays showed intermediate aggressive behaviour. Experimental animals in both groups fought and frequently became dominant when paired with sham operates. It was concluded that threat behaviour in C. nigrofasciatum increases subsequent aggressive behaviours both quantitatively and qualitatively. It is suggested that ethological theory has identified the effects of ritualized aggression as a complex behavioural sequence ending in submissive behaviour with that of its first phase alone.  相似文献   

In haplochromine cichlids, female mate choice based on male nuptial coloration has played an important role in speciation. Recent studies suggest that male coloration strongly influences the distribution of these fishes based on male-male aggression; males direct more aggression towards similarly coloured opponents while tolerating differently coloured individuals. We explored the role of male nuptial colour in aggression among the mbuna of Lake Malawi, examining aggression by male Metriaclima mbenjii, the red top cobalt zebra, towards conspecific opponents, similarly coloured heterospecific opponents and differently coloured heterospecifics. In trials in which focal males were offered a single opponent, while the total number of aggressive behaviours did not vary among opponent species, the types of behaviours did; focal males directed more lateral displays towards conspecifics than towards the other opponent species. When focal males were offered two opponents simultaneously, M. mbenjii directed more aggressive behaviours and more lateral displays towards similarly coloured opponents, regardless of species. Furthermore, when offered a conspecific and a similarly coloured opponent simultaneously, there were no differences in behaviour towards either opponent. Thus, nuptial coloration is used by males to identify competitors, and it suggests that male-male aggression may have also been an important diversifying force in speciation in rock-dwelling Lake Malawi cichlids.  相似文献   

The importance of behaviours as instigators or inhibitors of evolutionary change remains largely unresolved and this is in part because there are very few empirical examples of how behaviours affect evolutionary processes. By determining the environment of breeding, aggressive interactions over territories have the potential to strongly impact selection pressures experienced by individuals. Western bluebirds (Sialia mexicana) provide a unique opportunity to investigate the evolutionary importance of aggression, since their highly variable breeding habitat favours distinct foraging techniques and they also compete aggressively for nest boxes, a resource that is easy to manipulate. Here, I show experimentally that more aggressive males compete more effectively for territories with a high density of nest boxes and, as a consequence, aggressive and non-aggressive males are sorted into distinct breeding habitats that differ in the strength of selection on morphological traits. Specifically, males with longer tails and tarsi were favoured in open habitats where high agility is required to forage efficiently, whereas in forested habitats, where agility is less important, selection was weak. These results show that aggression can affect selection on a local scale by determining individual settlement patterns. More generally, because territorial interactions are important across a wide variety of taxa, these results suggest that aggressive behaviour has the potential to impact the evolutionary trajectory of many animal populations.  相似文献   

Based on the hypothesis that, in Akodon azarae, polygyny operates through female defence, we studied inter-male aggression in order to test the following predictions: during the breeding period (1) resident males are more aggressive than intruder males in the presence of females (FP), and (2) aggressive behaviour is independent of male condition (resident or intruder) in the absence of females (FA). To test our predictions, we used the resident male behavioural response towards an intruder male in relation to FP or FA. We conducted 30 encounters in FP and 27 in FA in 0.79-m2 round enclosures placed in the Espinal Reservation. Our results support the prediction that, in FP, the intensity of aggressive behaviour exhibited by males varied in relation to resident or intruder condition. Resident males showed high levels of aggression towards intruders, and intruders exhibited the greatest values of submissive behaviours with residents. In FA, the intensity of aggressive behaviour did not vary in relation to resident or intruder condition. Both resident and intruder males exhibited low aggressive behaviour and inter-male encounters resulted mainly in non interactive behaviours. Our results support the hypothesis that, in A. azarae, the polygynous mating system operates through female defence.  相似文献   

Alcohol-related violence is a serious and common social problem. Moreover, violent behaviour is much more common in alcohol-dependent individuals. Animal experiments and human studies have provided insights into the acute effect of alcohol on aggressive behaviour and into common factors underlying acute and chronic alcohol intake and aggression. These studies have shown that environmental factors, such as early-life stress, interact with genetic variations in serotonin-related genes that affect serotonergic and GABAergic neurotransmission. This leads to increased amygdala activity and impaired prefrontal function that, together, predispose to both increased alcohol intake and impulsive aggression. In addition, acute and chronic alcohol intake can further impair executive control and thereby facilitate aggressive behaviour.  相似文献   

Current research on behavioural consistency showed that various types of animal behaviour are highly repeatable in the context of mate choice, exploration and parental care, including nest protection. However, the repeatability of aggressive nest defence has not yet been studied in hosts of brood parasites, although host aggression against adult parasites represents a crucial line of antiparasitic defences. Here, we investigated the between‐season repeatability of the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) aggression towards a stuffed dummy of the brood parasitic common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). We found that under the relatively stable risk of brood parasitism across breeding seasons, female responses to the cuckoo were highly repeatable, whereas male responses were variable. We suggest that the potential explanation for the observed patterns of female and male behaviours may lie in female's prominent roles in offspring care and nest protection, and in her lower renesting potential in comparison with that of males. However, further studies on the relationship between host aggression and other types of behaviours (host personality) and their fitness consequences under the fluctuating parasitism pressures are required to clarify the adaptive significance of aggressive behaviour observed in hosts of brood parasites.  相似文献   

The homologous neuropeptides vasotocin (VT) and vasopressin (VP) influence agonistic behaviours across many taxa, but peptide–behaviour relationships are complex and purportedly species-specific. Putative species-specific effects in songbirds are confounded with context, however, such that territorial species have been tested only in resident–intruder paradigms and gregarious species have been tested only in a mate competition paradigm. Using the territorial violet-eared waxbill (Estrildidae: Uraeginthus granatina), we now show that a V1a receptor antagonist reduces male aggression during mate competition (as in gregarious finches), but does not affect resident–intruder aggression in dominant males. However, the V1a antagonist disinhibits aggression in less aggressive (typically subordinate) males. These results are consistent with recent data on the activation of different VT cell groups during positive and negative social interactions. Thus, VT influences aggression similarly across territorial and gregarious species, but in context- and phenotype-specific ways that probably reflect the differential activation of discrete VT cell groups.  相似文献   

Neurochemical mechanisms of agonistic behaviour in different models of aggression are discussed. The effects of aggression and submission experience in 10 mice intermale confrontations under conditions of sensory contact on the levels of brain neurotransmitters and their metabolites were investigated in 7 brain areas. The values obtained in aggressive and control, or submissive and control, animals were compared. In this comparison neurochemical alterations specific for aggressive or submissive behaviours, or nonspecific became apparent. The long experience of victories leads to activation of dopaminergic system through DA catabolism which leads to DOPAC formation. The long experience of defeats increases the 5HT metabolism and decreases NA level in some brain areas. The dopaminergic system of Nucleus accumbens and midbrain are nonspecifically activated in both aggressive and submissive animals. The investigation of values obtained in animals with conversion of behavioural type (after defeat of previously aggressive animals and/or display of aggressive reaction by previously submissive mice) allowed to find many significant differences between aggressive, submissive and "converted" males; in particular the amygdala is the site of opposite changes in 5HT system during inversion of aggressive or submissive behaviours. The above data evidence for the specific role of transmitter systems and brain structures in maintaining or inversion of different types of agonistic behaviour.  相似文献   

This paper reviews existing psychophysiological studies of aggression and violent behaviour including research employing autonomic, electrocortical and neuroimaging measures. Robust physiological correlates of persistent aggressive behaviour evident in this literature include low baseline heart rate, enhanced autonomic reactivity to stressful or aversive stimuli, enhanced EEG slow wave activity, reduced P300 brain potential response and indications from structural and functional neuroimaging studies of dysfunction in frontocortical and limbic brain regions that mediate emotional processing and regulation. The findings are interpreted within a conceptual framework that draws on two integrative models in the literature. The first is a recently developed hierarchical model of impulse control (externalizing) problems, in which various disinhibitory syndromes including aggressive and addictive behaviours of different kinds are seen as arising from common as well as distinctive aetiologic factors. This model represents an approach to organizing these various interrelated phenotypes and investigating their common and distinctive aetiologic substrates. The other is a neurobiological model that posits impairments in affective regulatory circuits in the brain as a key mechanism for impulsive aggressive behaviour. This model provides a perspective for integrating findings from studies employing different measures that have implicated varying brain structures and physiological systems in violent and aggressive behaviour.  相似文献   

Understanding the underpinnings of behavioural disturbances following brain injury is of considerable importance, but little at present is known about the relationships between different types of behavioural disturbances. Here, we take a novel approach to this issue by using confirmatory factor analysis to elucidate the architecture of verbal aggression, physical aggression and inappropriate sexual behaviour using systematic records made across an eight-week observation period for a large sample (n = 301) of individuals with a range of brain injuries. This approach offers a powerful test of the architecture of these behavioural disturbances by testing the fit between observed behaviours and different theoretical models. We chose models that reflected alternative theoretical perspectives based on generalized disinhibition (Model 1), a difference between aggression and inappropriate sexual behaviour (Model 2), or on the idea that verbal aggression, physical aggression and inappropriate sexual behaviour reflect broadly distinct but correlated clinical phenomena (Model 3). Model 3 provided the best fit to the data indicating that these behaviours can be viewed as distinct, but with substantial overlap. These data are important both for developing models concerning the architecture of behaviour as well as for clinical management in individuals with brain injury.  相似文献   

Virtual stimuli represent an increasingly popular tool in the study of animal behaviour. Modern techniques have the potential to simplify and improve traditional experiments using live stimuli. However, the increasing availability of diverse techniques is associated with problems and limitations. Although many new methods have been developed, their validation remains largely untested. In the present study, we therefore performed two experiments to test whether 2‐D animations of predators and conspecifics elicit biologically appropriate behavioural responses in male rainbow kribs, Pelvicachromis pulcher. Individual responses towards a sympatric natural fish predator, Parachanna obscura, were tested using live predators and still colour photographs, animated using PowerPoint©. Compared to control trials (empty aquarium and white computer screen, respectively), individuals decreased their activity in response to both live and animated predators. We found no difference in activity between live and animation trials. Further, we tested individual aggression (frequency of aggressive behaviours) exhibited towards live and animated conspecifics. Individual aggressive behaviours shown towards live and animated conspecifics were positively correlated. Moreover, an individual's mean distance towards the opponent was a suitable proxy for individual aggression permitting the facilitation and standardisation of an individual's aggression through the use of a tracking software compared with the more laborious, traditional manual assessment. Our results show that simple, inexpensive animation techniques have the potential to provide an easy‐to‐apply and useful technological advance in animal behaviour research.  相似文献   

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