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The neurotransmitter dopamine has been shown to play an important role in modulating behavioral, morphological, and life history responses to food abundance. However, costs of expressing high dopamine levels remain poorly studied and are essential for understanding the evolution of the dopamine system. Negative maternal effects on offspring size from enhanced maternal dopamine levels have previously been documented in Daphnia. Here, we tested whether this translates into fitness costs in terms of lower starvation resistance in offspring. We exposed Daphnia magna mothers to aqueous dopamine (2.3 or 0 mg/L for the control) at two food levels (ad libitum vs. 30% ad libitum) and recorded a range of maternal life history traits. The longevity of their offspring was then quantified in the absence of food. In both control and dopamine treatments, mothers that experienced restricted food ration had lower somatic growth rates and higher age at maturation. Maternal food restriction also resulted in production of larger offspring that had a superior starvation resistance compared to ad libitum groups. However, although dopamine exposed mothers produced smaller offspring than controls at restricted food ration, these smaller offspring survived longer under starvation. Hence, maternal dopamine exposure provided an improved offspring starvation resistance. We discuss the relative importance of proximate and ultimate causes for why Dmagna may not evolve toward higher endogenous dopamine levels despite the fitness benefits this appears to have.  相似文献   

The water flea Daphnia has the capacity to respond rapidly to environmental stressors, to disperse over large geographical scales, and to preserve its genetic material by forming egg banks in the sediment. Spatial and temporal distributions of D. magna have been extensively studied over the last decades using behavioral or genetic tools, although the correlation between the two has rarely been the focus. In the present study, we therefore investigated the population genetic structure and behavioral response to a lethal threat, ultraviolet radiation (UVR), among individuals from two different water bodies. Our results show two genetic populations with moderate gene flow, highly correlated with geographical location and with inheritable traits through generations. However, despite the strong genetic differences between populations, we show homogeneous refuge demand between populations when exposed to the lethal threat solar UVR.  相似文献   

von Elert  Eric 《Hydrobiologia》2004,526(1):187-196
The effect of the long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:53) on food quality for Daphnia galeata, Daphnia hyalina and a D. galeata×hyalina hybrid was examined. Somatic growth rates of all three species were determined when growing on EPA-free Scenedesmus obliquus and on S. obliquus which had been supplemented with free EPA prior to the growth experiments. Growth rates on S. obliquus were substantially higher in D. galeata(0.45day–1) than in D. hyalina(0.27day–1) and D. galeata×hyalina(0.31day–1). Supplementary EPA increased growth of D. galeata and D. hyalina, but not of the hybrid. Hence within the D. galeata/hyalina complex species differ in their ability to cope with an EPA-free diet. Analysis of fatty acids revealed that tissue concentrations of 18:33, 18:43, 20:33 and 20:43 were higher in D. galeata than in D. hyalina which indicated higher rates of assimilation and biosynthesis of PUFAs in D. galeata. This was contrasted by lower tissue concentrations of 20:53 D. galeata than in D. hyalina which suggests that 20:53 is metabolised with growth. In the D. galeata×hyalina hybrid high PUFA assimilation and biosynthesis were associated with low growth rates which explains the finding that tissue concentrations of 20:53 were highest and that growth was not constrained by the availability of 20:53.  相似文献   

Resource allocation trade-offs arise when developing organs are in competition for a limited pool of resources to sustain growth and differentiation. Such competition may constrain the maximal size to which structures can grow and may force a situation in which the evolutionary elaboration of one structure may only be possible at the expense of another. However, recent studies have called into question both the consistency and evolutionary importance of resource allocation trade-offs. This study focuses on a well-described trade-off between the horns and eyes of Onthophagus beetles and assesses the degree to which it is influenced by genetic, developmental and ecological conditions. Contrary to expectations, we observed that trade-off signatures (i) were mostly absent within natural populations, (ii) mostly failed to match naturally evolved divergences in horn investment among populations, (iii) were subject to differential changes in F1 populations derived from divergent field populations and (iv) remained largely unaffected by developmental genetic manipulations of horn investment. Collectively, our results demonstrate that populations subject to different ecological conditions exhibit different patterns of, and differential plasticity in, resource allocation. Further, variation in ecological conditions, rather than canalized developmental mechanisms, may determine whether and to what degree morphological structures engage in resource allocation trade-offs.  相似文献   

Life history and reproductive traits of a submerged aquatic weed, Ottelia alismoides (L.) Pers., were studied in irrigation ponds in southwestern Japan. In addition, growth and seed production were investigated in relation to nutrient condition and water depth. The size of plants was very variable but reproductive allocation was nearly constant irrespective of the plant size at reproductive stage, amounting to more than 30% at maximum. Bagging experiments confirmed autogamy of the species. Ottelia alismoides grew best in nutrient-rich water with mud substratum. The optimal water depth for the growth of the species was approximately 50 cm compared with 20 and 90 cm. However, the reproductive allocation and seed set rate did not change much in different nutrient and water depth conditions. The seeds were produced by cleistogamous flowers in a depth of 90 cm. Morphological and ecological plasticity revealed in the present study was considered to be adapted to unstable environments such as rice fields and irrigation ponds liable to water-level fluctuation. The conditions required for the restoration of the populations of O. alismoides are discussed based on the present results.  相似文献   

Jens Joschinski  Dries Bonte 《Oikos》2021,130(8):1240-1250
Many organisms escape from lethal climatological conditions by entering a resistant resting stage called diapause, which needs to be optimally timed with seasonal change. As climate change exerts selection pressure on phenology, the evolution of mean diapause timing, but also of phenotypic plasticity and bet-hedging strategies is expected. The potential of the latter strategy as a means of coping with environmental unpredictability has received little attention in the climate change literature. Populations should be adapted to spatial variation in local conditions; contemporary patterns of phenological strategies across a geographic range may hence provide information about their evolvability. We thus extracted 458 diapause reaction norms from 60 studies. First, we correlated mean diapause timing with mean winter onset. Then we partitioned the reaction norm variance into a temporal component (phenotypic plasticity) and among-offspring variance (diversified bet-hedging) and correlated this variance composition with variability of winter onset. Mean diapause timing correlated reasonably well with mean winter onset, except for populations at high latitudes, which apparently failed to track early onsets. Variance among offspring was, however, limited and correlated only weakly with environmental variability, indicating little scope for bet-hedging. The apparent lack of phenological bet-hedging strategies may pose a risk in a less predictable climate, but we also highlight the need for more data on alternative strategies.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies reveal that in several rodent species the females prefer dominant males as mating partners. Here we investigate the correlation between bank vole males’ social rank and their sperm quality and quantity. We used agonistic encounters to determine males’ social status. Sperm quality was assessed by its motility, viability, maturity, morphology and sperm tail membrane integrity. Relatively more dominant males were heavier than males of lower social status. The males’ social position affected the testes, seminal vesicles and coagulation gland development. The weights of these reproductive organs were significantly higher in more dominant males than in more subordinate males. Sperm counts and the values of the other parameters describing sperm quality were higher in high-ranking males than in subordinates. Our results suggest that bank vole females benefit from choosing and mating with high-ranking males by obtaining more and better-quality sperm.  相似文献   

Allocating resources to growth or to reproduction is a fundamental tradeoff in evolutionary life history theory. In environments with unpredictable food resources, natural selection is expected to favor increased allocation to reproduction. Although effects of selection are realized only across generations, short-term changes in food predictability might influence intra-generational tradeoffs in resource allocation. We assessed the ability of fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas, to adjust allocation to growth and reproduction in response to predictable, unpredictable, and switched feeding schedules. Fish in the switched treatments were changed from unpredictable to predictable feeding schedules just after reaching sexual maturity. Egg production did not differ significantly among treatments despite the fact that females on the unpredictable and switched feeding schedules grew more slowly than those on the predictable schedule. Switched males were heavier and had proportionally larger testes than males in predictable and unpredictable treatments. Increased allocation to reproduction or growth by fish on unpredictable and switched feeding schedules was associated with changes in gut length relative to body mass. Both sexes showed a remarkable degree of phenotypic plasticity in response to resource availability and sex differences in allocation patterns were consistent with adaptive responses in the context of the fathead mating system.  相似文献   

昆明市明通河流域降雨径流水量水质SWMM模型模拟   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
选取昆明市明通河流域为研究区域,在暴雨管理模型(SWMM模型)参数敏感性分析、模型率定的基础上,对明通河流域进行了降雨径流水量水质模拟。结果表明:SWMM模型水文水力模块中最灵敏参数为不透水率,水质模块中污染物最大累积量、污染物累积速率均为灵敏参数,而冲刷系数和冲刷指数的灵敏度受降雨强度影响波动较大。水量水质模拟结果与实测结果较为吻合,模型率定取得了满意的结果。模拟结果显示,研究区降雨径流总氮、总磷、化学需氧量单位面积负荷率分别为75.6、8.5、697.8 kg hm-2a-1,城市降雨径流污染在滇池流域面源污染中占有较大份额。  相似文献   

Populations with different densities often show genetically based differences in life histories. The divergent life histories could be driven by several agents of selection, one of which is variation in per‐capita food levels. Its relationship with population density is complex, as it depends on overall food availability, individual metabolic demand, and food‐independent factors potentially affecting density, such as predation intensity. Here, we present a case study of two populations of a small live‐bearing freshwater fish, one characterized by high density, low predation risk, low overall food availability, and presumably low per‐capita food levels, and the other by low density, high predation risk, high overall food availability, and presumably high per‐capita food levels. Using a laboratory experiment, we examined whether fish from these populations respond differently to food limitation, and whether size at birth, a key trait with respect to density variation in this species, is associated with any such differential responses. While at the lower food level growth was slower, body size smaller, maturation delayed, and survival reduced in both populations, these fitness costs were smaller in fish from the high‐density population. At low food, only 15% of high‐density fish died, compared to 75% of low‐density fish. This difference was much smaller at high food (0% vs. 15% mortality). The increased survival of high‐density fish may, at least partly, be due to their larger size at birth. Moreover, being larger at birth enabled fish to mature relatively early even at the lower food level. We demonstrate that sensitivities to food limitation differ between study populations, consistent with selection for a greater ability to tolerate low per‐capita food availability in the high‐density population. While we cannot preclude other agents of selection from operating in these populations simultaneously, our results suggest that variation in per‐capita food levels is one of those agents.  相似文献   

The sexes often differ in the reproductive trait limiting their fitness, an observation known as Bateman's principle. In many species, females are limited by their ability to produce eggs while males are limited by their ability to compete for and successfully fertilize those eggs. As well as promoting the evolution of sex-specific reproductive strategies, this difference may promote sex differences in other life-history traits due to their correlated effects. Sex differences in disease susceptibility and immune function are common. Two hypotheses based on Bateman's principle have been proposed to explain this pattern: that selection to prolong the period of egg production favors improved immune function in females, or that the expression of secondary sexual characteristics reduces immune function in males. Both hypotheses predict a relatively fixed pattern of reduced male immune function, at least in sexually mature individuals. An alternative hypothesis is that Bateman's principle does not dictate fixed patterns of reproductive investment, but favors phenotypically plastic reproductive strategies with males and females adaptively responding to variation in fitness-limiting resource availability. Under this hypothesis, neither sex is expected to possess intrinsically superior immune function, and immunological sex differences may vary in different environments. We demonstrate that sex-specific responses to experimental manipulation of fitness-limiting resources affects both the magnitude and direction of sex differences in immune function in Drosophila melanogaster. In the absence of sexual interactions and given abundant food, the immune function of adults was maximized in both sexes and there was no sex difference. Manipulation of food availability and sexual activity resulted in female-biased immune suppression when food was limited, and male-biased immune suppression when sexual activity was high and food was abundant. The immunological cost to males of increased sexual activity was found to be due in part to reduced time spent feeding. We suggest that for species similarly limited in their reproduction, phenotypic plasticity will be an important determinant of sex differences in immune function and other life-history traits.  相似文献   

In response to parasite exposure, organisms from a variety of taxa undergo a shift in reproductive investment that may trade off with other life‐history traits including survival and immunity. By suppressing reproduction in favour of somatic and immunological maintenance, hosts can enhance the probability of survival and recovery from infection. By plastically enhancing reproduction through terminal investment, on the other hand, hosts under the threat of disease‐induced mortality could enhance their lifetime reproductive fitness through reproduction rather than survival. However, we know little about the evolution of these strategies, particularly when hosts can recover and even bequeath protection to their offspring. In this study, we develop a stochastic agent‐based model that competes somatic maintenance and terminal investment strategies as they trade off differentially with lifespan, parasite resistance, recovery and transgenerational immune priming. Our results suggest that a trade‐off between reproduction and recovery can drive directional selection for either terminal investment or somatic maintenance, depending on the cost of reproduction to lifespan. However, some conditions, such as low virulence with a high cost of reproduction to lifespan, can favour diversifying selection for the coexistence of both strategies. The introduction of transgenerational priming into the model favours terminal investment when all strategies are equally likely to produce primed offspring, but favours somatic maintenance if it confers even a slight priming advantage over terminal investment. Our results suggest that both immune priming and recovery may modulate the evolution of reproductive shift diversity and magnitude upon exposure to parasites.  相似文献   

在松嫩平原碱化草甸,采用大样本随机取样的方法,研究了不同时间到达抽穗初期、抽穗期、开花期和乳熟期的星星草种群生殖分蘖株数量性状的可塑性及其调节规律.结果表明:除在开花期存在一定的波动外,在每5 d的时间里,随着生殖生长时间的延长, 星星草种群在抽穗初期、抽穗期和乳熟期的生殖分蘖株高、分蘖株生物量、花序长和花序生物量均依次显著增加.各生育期的星星草种群生殖分蘖株高与花序生物量呈显著正相关,而与生殖分配呈显著负相关.随着生殖生长时间的延长,抽穗初期、开花期和乳熟期的星星草花序生物量随着分蘖株高增加,其幂函数的增长速率均呈增大趋势.生殖生长时间延长10 d,其抽穗初期和抽穗期的生殖分配直线下降速率分别降低了43.2%和44.31%;延长5 d,乳熟期的下降速率降低了130%.表明星星草种群分蘖株生殖生长的表型可塑性调节遵循着一定的规律.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Adaptive plasticity in flight morphology can be of great importance for organisms, in order to deal with changing environments. When different demands are imposed to this morphology, different responses to environmental changes can be expected. 2. The aim of this study is to examine whether males and females of Pararge aegeria, which show different flight behaviours, respond differently to larval food stress. 3. In a food‐stress experiment, larvae of 35 families were reared on host plants subjected to a drought‐stress treatment with three groups: a control group, a low‐stress group and a high‐stress group. 4. Individuals from stress treatments significantly differed in wing morphology; they had lower wing loadings, and stressed females tended to have more pointed wings than females of the control group. 5. The difference in phenotypic response to food stress between both sexes may indicate that males and females benefit from different changes in morphology. In females, an increase in dispersal capacity may entail fitness benefits, whereas male morphology is mainly shaped by mate‐location strategy.  相似文献   

Light-induced plasticity in plant morphology is considered adaptive in terrestrial habitats that vary in light, but remains unexplored for marine habitats. This is despite similar modes of growth, development and photosynthetic equipment in terrestrial and marine photoautotrophs and similarly dynamic light environments. We tested whether manipulations of light quantity and quality induce morphological plasticity in the marine macroalga, Asparagopsis armata. Using multivariate analyses (principal components analyses and multivariate analyses of covariance), we show that correlated morphological traits underlie a fundamental growth strategy characterized by the production of phalanx and guerrilla phenotypes in environments that mimic light and shade respectively. This foraging response is not under simple genetic or environmental control, but influenced by interactions between genotype and environment. Evidence of plasticity and genetic variation in plasticity in a marine modular organism generates additional, testable hypotheses on the ecological consequences of variation in growth form that may further explain the evolution of plasticity.  相似文献   

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