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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Expansins are plant cell wall loosening proteins important in a variety of physiological processes. They comprise a large superfamily of genes consisting of four families (EXPA, EXPB, EXLA and EXLB) whose evolutionary relationships have been well characterized in angiosperms, but not in basal land plants. This work attempts to connect the expansin superfamily in bryophytes with the evolutionary history of this superfamily in angiosperms. METHODS: The expansin superfamily in Physcomitrella patens has been assembled from the Physcomitrella sequencing project data generated by the Joint Genome Institute and compared with angiosperm expansin superfamilies. Phylogenetic, motif, intron and distance analyses have been used for this purpose. KEY RESULTS: A gene superfamily is revealed that contains similar numbers of genes as found in arabidopsis, but lacking EXLA or EXLB genes. This similarity in gene numbers exists even though expansin evolution in Physcomitrella diverged from the angiosperm line approx. 400 million years ago. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that there were a minimum of two EXPA genes and one EXPB gene in the last common ancestor of angiosperms and Physcomitrella. Motif analysis seems to suggest that EXPA protein function is similar in bryophytes and angiosperms, but that EXPB function may be altered. CONCLUSIONS: The EXPA genes of Physcomitrella are likely to have maintained the same biochemical function as angiosperm expansins despite their independent evolutionary history. Changes seen at normally conserved residues in the Physcomitrella EXPB family suggest a possible change in function as one mode of evolution in this family.  相似文献   

Expansins comprise a superfamily of plant cell wall-loosening proteins that has been divided into four distinct families, EXPA, EXPB, EXLA and EXLB. In a recent analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa expansins, we proposed a further subdivision of the families into 17 clades, representing independent lineages in the last common ancestor of monocots and eudicots. This division was based on both traditional sequence-based phylogenetic trees and on position-based trees, in which genomic locations and dated segmental duplications were used to reconstruct gene phylogeny. In this article we review recent work concerning the patterns of expansin evolution in angiosperms and include additional insights gained from the genome of a second eudicot species, Populus trichocarpa, which includes at least 36 expansin genes. All of the previously proposed monocot-eudicot orthologous groups, but no additional ones, are represented in this species. The results also confirm that all of these clades are truly independent lineages. Furthermore, we have used position-based phylogeny to clarify the history of clades EXPA-II and EXPA-IV. Most of the growth of the expansin superfamily in the poplar lineage is likely due to a recent polyploidy event. Finally, some monocot-eudicot clades are shown to have diverged before the separation of the angiosperm and gymnosperm lineages. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Amoebapores, synthesized by human protozoan parasites, form ion channels in target cells and artificial lipid membranes. The major pathogenic effect of these proteins is due to their cytolytic capability which results in target cell death. They comprise a coherent family and are homologous to other proteins and protein domains found in eight families. These families include in addition to the amoebapores (1) the saposins, (2) the NK-lysins and granulysins, (3) the pulmonary surfactant proteins B, (4) the acid sphingomyelinases, (5) acyloxyacyl hydrolases and (6) the aspartic proteases. These amoebapore homologues have many properties in common including membrane binding and stability. We note for the first time that a new protein, countin, from the cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum, comprises the eighth family within this superfamily. All currently sequenced members of these eight families are identified, and the structural, functional and phylogenetic properties of these proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

The PARP superfamily   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation is an immediate DNA-damage-dependent post-translational modification of histones and other nuclear proteins that contributes to the survival of injured proliferating cells. Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARPs) now constitute a large family of 18 proteins, encoded by different genes and displaying a conserved catalytic domain in which PARP-1 (113 kDa), the founding member, and PARP-2 (62 kDa) are so far the sole enzymes whose catalytic activity has been shown to be immediately stimulated by DNA strand breaks. A large repertoire of sequences encoding novel PARPs now extends considerably the field of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation reactions to various aspects of the cell biology including cell proliferation and cell death. Some of these new members interact with each other, share common partners and common subcellular localizations suggesting possible fine tuning in the regulation of this post-translational modification of proteins. This review summarizes our present knowledge of this emerging superfamily, which might ultimately improve pharmacological strategies to enhance both antitumor efficacy and the treatment of a number of inflammatory and neurodegenerative disorders. A provisional nomenclature is proposed.  相似文献   

The TNF superfamily   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The dynamin superfamily   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The cadherin superfamily is a large protein family with diverse structures and functions. Because of this diversity and the growing biological interest in cell adhesion and signaling processes, in which many members of the cadherin superfamily play a crucial role, it is becoming increasingly important to develop tools to manage, distribute and analyze sequences in this protein family. Current profile and motif databases classify protein sequences into a broad spectrum of protein superfamilies, however to provide a more specific functional annotation, the next step should include classification of subfamilies of these protein superfamilies. Here, we present a tool that classified greater than 90% of the proteins belonging to the cadherin superfamily found in the SWISS PROT database. Therefore, for most members of the cadherin superfamily, this tool can assist in adding more specific functional annotations than can be achieved with current profile and motif databases. Finally, the classification tool and the results of our analysis were integrated into a web-accessible database (http://calcium.uhnres. utoronto.ca/cadherin).  相似文献   

The ras superfamily proteins   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
P Chardin 《Biochimie》1988,70(7):865-868
Several recent discoveries indicate that the ras genes, frequently activated to a transforming potential in some human tumours, belong to a large family that can be divided into three main branches: the first branch represented by the ras, ral and rap genes; the second branch, by the rho genes; and the third branch, by the rab genes. The C-terminal end of the encoded proteins always includes a cystein, which may become fatty-acylated, suggesting a sub-membrane localization. The ras superfamily proteins share four regions of high homology corresponding to the GTP binding site; however, even in these regions, significant differences are found, suggesting that the various proteins may possess slightly different biochemical properties. Recent reports show that some of these proteins play an essential role in the control of physical processes such as cell motility, membrane ruffling, endocytosis and exocytosis. Nevertheless, the characterization of the proteins directly interacting with the ras or ras-related gene-products will be required to precisely understand their function.  相似文献   

P-type ATPases function to provide homeostasis in higher eukaryotes, but they are essentially ubiquitous, being found in all domains of life. Thever and Saier [J Memb Biol 2009;229:115-130] recently reported analyses of eukaryotic P-type ATPases, dividing them into nine functionally characterized and 13 functionally uncharacterized (FUPA) families. In this report, we analyze P-type ATPases in all major prokaryotic phyla for which complete genome sequence data are available, and we compare the results with those for eukaryotic P-type ATPases. Topological type I (heavy metal) P-type ATPases predominate in prokaryotes (approx. tenfold) while type II ATPases (specific for Na(+),K(+), H(+) Ca(2+), Mg(2+) and phospholipids) predominate in eukaryotes (approx. twofold). Many P-type ATPase families are found exclusively in prokaryotes (e.g. Kdp-type K(+) uptake ATPases (type III) and all ten prokaryotic FUPA familes), while others are restricted to eukaryotes (e.g. phospholipid flippases and all 13 eukaryotic FUPA families). Horizontal gene transfer has occurred frequently among bacteria and archaea, which have similar distributions of these enzymes, but rarely between most eukaryotic kingdoms, and even more rarely between eukaryotes and prokaryotes. In some bacterial phyla (e.g. Bacteroidetes, Flavobacteria and Fusobacteria), ATPase gene gain and loss as well as horizontal transfer occurred seldom in contrast to most other bacterial phyla. Some families (i.e. Kdp-type ATPases) underwent far less horizontal gene transfer than other prokaryotic families, possibly due to their multisubunit characteristics. Functional motifs are better conserved across family lines than across organismal lines, and these motifs can be family specific, facilitating functional predictions. In some cases, gene fusion events created P-type ATPases covalently linked to regulatory catalytic enzymes. In one family (FUPA Family 24), a type I ATPase gene (N-terminal) is fused to a type II ATPase gene (C-terminal) with retention of function only for the latter. Several pseudogene-encoded nonfunctional ATPases were identified. Genome minimalization led to preferential loss of P-type ATPase genes. We suggest that in prokaryotes and some unicellular eukaryotes, the primary function of P-type ATPases is protection from extreme environmental stress conditions. The classification of P-type ATPases of unknown function into phylogenetic families provides guides for future molecular biological studies.  相似文献   

The amino acid-polyamine-organocation (APC) superfamily has been shown to include five recognized families, four of which are specific for amino acids and their derivatives. Recent high-resolution X-ray crystallographic data have shown that four additional transporter families (BCCT, TC No. 2.A.15; SSS, 2.A.21; NSS, 2.A.22; and NCS1, 2.A.39), transporting a wide range of solutes, exhibit sufficiently similar folds to suggest a common evolutionary origin. We have used established statistical methods, based on sequence similarity, to show that these families are, in fact, members of the APC superfamily. We also identify two additional families (NCS2, 2.A.40; SulP, 2.A.53) as being members of this superfamily. Repeat sequences, each having five transmembrane α-helical segments and arising via ancient intragenic duplications, are demonstrated for all of these families, further strengthening the conclusion of homology. The APC superfamily appears to be the second largest superfamily of secondary carriers, the largest being the major facilitator superfamily (MFS). Although the topology of the members of the APC superfamily differs from that of the MFS, both families appear to have arisen from a common ancestral 2 TMS hairpin structure that underwent intragenic triplication followed by loss of a TMS in the APC family, to give the repeat units that are characteristic of these two superfamilies.  相似文献   

We define a novel superfamily of secondary carriers specific for cationic and anionic compounds, which we have termed the ion transporter (IT) superfamily. Twelve recognized and functionally defined families constitute this superfamily. We provide statistical sequence analyses demonstrating that these families were in fact derived from a common ancestor. Further, we characterize the 12 families in terms of (1) the known substrates transported, (2) the modes of transport and energy coupling mechanisms used, (3) the family sizes (in numbers of sequenced protein members in the current NCBI database), (4) the organismal distributions of the members of each family, (5) the size ranges of the constituent proteins, (6) the predicted topologies of these proteins, and (7) the occurrence of non-homologous auxiliary proteins that may either facilitate or be required for transport. No member of the superfamily is known to function in a capacity other than transport. Proteins in several of the constituent families are shown to have arisen by tandem intragenic duplication events, but topological variation has resulted from a variety of dissimilar genetic fusion, splicing and insertional events. The evolutionary relationships between the members of each family are defined, leading to predictions of functionally relevant orthologous relationships. Some but not all of the families include functionally dissimilar paralogues that arose by early extragenic duplication events.  相似文献   

The cellulose synthase superfamily   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  

Expansin(细胞壁松弛蛋白)的发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Expansin是一种体外诱导分离的植物细胞壁伸展的蛋白,在修饰细胞壁基础上使细胞膨胀。Expansin的功能众多,除了促进细胞生长,还包括影响营养生长、形态发生、授粉受精、果实软化等,并表现出高度的组织、器官和细胞特异性。目前已经在多种植物及其他一些生物范围内对expansin及类expansin序列和蛋白质进行了研究,并对它们的作用机制进行了探索。  相似文献   

Despite a growing appreciation of functional analogies between visual and hormonal signalling systems in the early 1980s, the discovery of the close structural relationship between rhodopsin and the beta2-adrenergic receptor, and of the existence of a larger 'superfamily' of such receptors, came as a total surprise. Here I provide a personal perspective on events leading up to and flowing from this exciting discovery that opened up a vast field of research.  相似文献   

The plant B3 superfamily   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The plant-specific B3 superfamily encompasses well-characterized families, such as the auxin response factor (ARF) family and the LAV family, as well as less well understood families, such as RAV and REM. In Arabidopsis, there are 118 B3 genes, and in rice there are 91 B3 genes. The B3 domain is present in genes from gymnosperms, mosses and green algae, indicating that the B3 domain evolved on the plant lineage before multicellularity. The aim of this review is to phylogenetically characterize the members of the B3 family in Arabidopsis and rice and to review the function of the B3 genes that have been studied to date.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial transport protein superfamily   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The ADP/ATP, phosphate, and oxoglutarate/malate carrier proteins found in the inner membranes of mitochondria, and the uncoupling protein from mitochondria in mammalian brown adipose tissue, belong to the same protein superfamily. Established members of this superfamily have polypeptide chains approximately 300 amino acids long that consist of three tandem related sequences of about 100 amino acids. The tandem repeats from the different proteins are interrelated, and probably have similar secondary structures. The common features of this superfamily are also present in nine proteins of unknown functions characterized by DNA sequencing in various species, most notably inCaenorhabditis elegans andSaccharomyces cerevisiae. The high level expression inEscherichia coli of the bovine oxoglutarate/malate carrier, and the reconstitution of active carrier from the expressed protein, offers encouragement that the identity of superfamily members of known sequence but unknown function may be uncovered by a similar route.  相似文献   

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