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Of what value are forest fragments to the conservation of the tropical rain forest diversity for a landscape? We compared the changes in composition, diversity, and plant structure of 15 small (1–76 ha) relatively unprotected forest fragments with those of a large (700 ha) well protected fragment (LWPF) in Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. The trees, shrubs, lianas, palms, and herbs with dbh?≥?2.5 cm were sampled in 1000 m2 at each site. For each ecological group (based on light requirements for germination: primary, secondary, and non-secondary light demanding, NSLD, species) and life form, estimates of species diversity, density, and basal area were analyzed using a stepwise multiple regression to determine whether there were any relationships between these variables and fragment characteristics (size, shape index, and isolation). The composition and plant structure of LWPF were different from those of the small fragments and large trees are absent from the canopy of the latter. Fragment size best explained the differences in composition and plant structure. Species composition in the largest fragments was similar to that of LWPF, but there was no significant difference in total richness between LWPF and the fragments, even though both the richness and abundance of secondary and NSLD species did differ. LWPF had more large primary trees in the canopy, and a greater abundance and basal area of palms and herbs. For tropical rain forest conservation, it is important to maintain the greatest possible number of large fragments and establish policies that prevent forest remnants from being further reduced in size and increasingly isolated from each other.  相似文献   

Native wildflower plantings can be used to provide nutritional resources to support pollinating insects, yet the effects of planting size and bloom richness on the density, diversity, and function of these insects are not well understood. We established stands of twelve native flowering perennial plant species in replicated plots ranging in size from 1 to 100 m2. These plots were sampled for insect pollinators, bloom richness, and seed production by three wildflower species. Honeybees, wild bees, and hoverflies all responded positively to increasing flower richness, whereas particular insect pollinator groups responded differently to the size of the flowering plant area. The density of honeybees and hoverflies was not affected by increasing flowering patch size, whereas in general, wild bees were observed at higher density and diversity in the 30 and 100 m2 patches. Increasing wildflower patch size, and thus wild bee density, resulted in greater seed set in the sampled wildflowers. These results indicate that wild bees are sensitive to the area and richness of floral resources in patches, even at relatively small scales. Therefore, larger wildflower plantings with more diverse flower species mixes are more suitable for the conservation of wild pollinators and reproduction of sown species.  相似文献   

Questions: What is the relative influence of size, connectivity and disturbance history on plant species richness and assemblages of fragmented grasslands? What is the contribution of small fragments to the conservation of native species pool of the region? Location: Tandilia's Range, Southern Pampa, Argentina. Methods: Cover of plants was registered within 24 fragments of tall‐tussock grassland remnants within an agricultural landscape using modified Whittaker nested sampling. We analysed the influence of site variables related to disturbance history (canopy height, litter thickness) and fragment variables (size, connectivity) on species richness (asymptotic species richness, slope of the species–area curve) as well as on species assemblages by multiple regressions analysis and canonical correspondence analyses, respectively. Cumulative area was used for analysing whether small fragments or large fragments are more important to species diversity in the landscape. Results: Asymptotic species richness was significantly influenced by site variables, in particular by Paspalum quadrifarium's canopy height, but not by fragment variables. Species assemblages were also affected by site variables (12.2% of total variation), but no additional portion of the species assemblage variability was significantly explained by fragment size and connectivity. Sampling of several small fragments rendered more exotic and native species than sampling of few large fragments of the same total area. Conclusions: Our results agree with previous studies reporting low sensitivity of species diversity to size and isolation of grassland fragments in fragmented landscapes and high sensitivity of species diversity to local variables. The higher capture of regional native species pool by small grassland fragments than by few larger ones of equivalent accumulated area highlights the value of small fragments for conservation.  相似文献   

Bees are important pollinators of agricultural crops, and bee diversity has been shown to be closely associated with pollination, a valuable ecosystem service. Higher functional diversity and species richness of bees have been shown to lead to higher crop yield. Bees simultaneously represent a mega‐diverse taxon that is extremely challenging to sample thoroughly and an important group to understand because of pollination services. We sampled bees visiting apple blossoms in 28 orchards over 6 years. We used species rarefaction analyses to test for the completeness of sampling and the relationship between species richness and sampling effort, orchard size, and percent agriculture in the surrounding landscape. We performed more than 190 h of sampling, collecting 11,219 specimens representing 104 species. Despite the sampling intensity, we captured <75% of expected species richness at more than half of the sites. For most of these, the variation in bee community composition between years was greater than among sites. Species richness was influenced by percent agriculture, orchard size, and sampling effort, but we found no factors explaining the difference between observed and expected species richness. Competition between honeybees and wild bees did not appear to be a factor, as we found no correlation between honeybee and wild bee abundance. Our study shows that the pollinator fauna of agroecosystems can be diverse and challenging to thoroughly sample. We demonstrate that there is high temporal variation in community composition and that sites vary widely in the sampling effort required to fully describe their diversity. In order to maximize pollination services provided by wild bee species, we must first accurately estimate species richness. For researchers interested in providing this estimate, we recommend multiyear studies and rarefaction analyses to quantify the gap between observed and expected species richness.  相似文献   

Tropical forest loss and fragmentation can change bee community dynamics and potentially interrupt plant–pollinator relationships. While bee community responses to forest fragmentation have been investigated in a number of tropical regions, no studies have focused on this topic in Australia. In this study, we examine taxonomic and functional diversity of bees visiting flowers of three tree species across small and large rainforest fragments in Australian tropical landscapes. We found lower taxonomic diversity of bees visiting flowers of trees in small rainforest fragments compared with large forest fragments and show that bee species in small fragments were subsets of species in larger fragments. Bees visiting trees in small fragments also had higher mean body sizes than those in larger fragments, suggesting that small‐sized bees may be less likely to persist in small fragments. Lastly, we found reductions in the abundance of eusocial stingless bees visiting flowers in small fragments compared to large fragments. These results suggest that pollinator visits to native trees living in small tropical forest remnants may be reduced, which may in turn impact on a range of processes, potentially including forest regeneration and diversity maintenance in small forest remnants in Australian tropical countryside landscapes.  相似文献   

Recent reports of pollinator declines have stirred interest in investigating the impacts of habitat exploitation on the conservation of pollinator and plant communities. An important prerequisite to tailor conservation action is to understand the drivers and patterns of species-rich communities, and how they change in space and time during a whole season. To account for this, we surveyed wild bees and flowering plants using standardized transects in 11 natural habitat fragments of an IUCN important plant area along the coast of Israel. We used phylogeny- and taxon-based methods of community structure analyses to study the assembly processes of bee communities, and investigated the effects of several landscape parameters on bee diversity using generalized linear models (GLMs). Our results illustrate that natural habitat sites comprised significantly higher species richness compared to disturbed habitat sites, and show that even the smallest habitat fragments harbored unique bee assemblages, with significant species replacement (turnover) found in both space and time. Our GLMs indicated that flower diversity, and semi-natural habitat within 500 m of habitat fragments were important drivers of bee diversity, but we found no evidence for a species—area relationship among sites. Finally, we document a case of phylogenetic overdispersion despite low species richness, which highlights the importance of accounting for phylogenetic diversity rather than only species richness to reach a more fine-grained understanding of pollinator diversity. This, in turn, is pivotal to developing conservation actions to protect these essential pollinators and their interaction with rare and endemic plant species in this highly threatened ecosystem.  相似文献   

Abstract The response of insects to monoculture plantations has mainly proceeded at the expense of natural forest areas, and is an outstanding and important issue in ecology and conservation biology, with pollination services declined around the world. In this study, species richness and distribution of hoverfly and wild bee communities were investigated in a changing tropical landscape in southern Yunnan, south‐west China by Malaise traps periodically from 2008 to 2009. Species were recorded from the traditional land use types (natural forest, grassland, shrubland and rice field fallows), and from recently established rubber plantations of different ages. Hoverflies (total 53 species) were most common in young successional stages of vegetation, including rice field fallow and shrubland. Species richness was highest in rice field fallows and lowest in forests and showed a highly significant relationship with the number of forb species and ground vegetation cover. In contrast, the highest richness of wild bees (total 44 species) was recorded from the natural forest sites, which showed a discrete bee community composition compared to the remaining habitat types. There was no significant relationship between the bee species richness and the environmental variables, including the numbers of different plant life forms, coverage of canopy and ground vegetation, successional age of vegetation and land use type. At the landscape scale, open land use systems, including young rubber plantations, are assumed to increase the species richness of hoverflies; however, this might decrease wild bee diversity. The present land use change by rubber cultivation can be expected to have negative impacts on the native wild bee communities.  相似文献   

This paper summarises the effects of kerangas forest fragmentation on the non-volant small mammal community resident in the fragments based on a long term study conducted in Brunei Darussalam. These effects are shown as eight responses—a significant reduction in the species richness and diversity in relation to size of fragments, the disappearance of species with large home ranges and specific habitat requirements, invasion of generalists/opportunists into the fragments from degraded habitats, absence of predators, a possible reduction in the activity space of generalists in fragments, erosion in the trophic structure of the small mammal community, changes in the small mammal abundance in relation to fragment size and dominance of one species over other co-occurring species in an isolated fragment. These responses are briefly explained and their significance discussed.  相似文献   

伊朗稀疏橡木林片段对草本植物物种多样性和土壤特性的边缘影响 温带和热带森林中的森林边缘现象已经得到了很好的研究,但在稀疏的橡木林片段中的相关研究却较为缺乏。本文研究了稀疏橡木林片段对植物物种多样性和土壤特性的边缘影响。本研究沿着伊朗克尔曼沙赫省3个小型(<10 ha)和3个大型(>10 ha)橡木林片段的3个横断面收集了从边缘到内部的相 关数据,测量了0(森林边缘)、25、50、100和150 m处的草本植物(高度<0.5 m)和土壤特性。使用香农指数量化了物种多样性,使用稀疏标准化方法比较了两个大小不同片段中的物种丰富度,并应用了非度量多维测度排序研究了物种组成的变化。通过随机化测试估算了边缘影响的距离,并利用Tukey HSD事后检验法的广义线性混合模型评估了距边缘距离和片段大小对多样性和土壤特性的影响。研究结果表明,大小片段边缘具有较高的物种丰富度、多样性和均匀度,而大片段边缘的土壤氮和有机碳含量则较内部更低(边缘50 m范围内的变化最大)。大小片段的物种组成、土壤有机碳和氮总量都存在显 著差异。本研究关于这些稀疏森林对草本植物和土壤特性产生显著边缘影响的发现,对于边缘研究,尤其是边缘和草本植物的相关研究具有重大贡献。  相似文献   

Inter‐specific interactions are important drivers and maintainers of biodiversity. Compared to trophic and competitive interactions, the role of non‐trophic facilitation among species has received less attention. Cavity‐nesting bees nest in old beetle borings in dead wood, with restricted diameters corresponding to the body size of the bee species. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the functional diversity of cavity‐producing wood boring beetles ‐ in terms of cavity diameters ‐ drives the size diversity of cavity‐nesting bees. The invertebrate communities were sampled in 30 sites, located in forested landscapes along an elevational gradient. We regressed the species richness and abundance of cavity nesting bees against the species richness and abundance of wood boring beetles, non‐wood boring beetles and elevation. The proportion of cavity nesting bees in bee species assemblage was regressed against the species richness and abundance of wood boring beetles. We also tested the relationships between the size diversity of cavity nesting bees and wood boring beetles. The species richness and abundance of cavity nesting bees increased with the species richness and abundance of wood boring beetles. No such relationship was found for non‐wood boring beetles. The abundance of wood boring beetles was also related to an increased proportion of cavity nesting bee individuals. Moreover, the size diversity of cavity‐nesting bees increased with the functional diversity of wood boring beetles. Specifically, the mean and dispersion of bee body sizes increased with the functional dispersion of large wood boring beetles. The positive relationships between cavity producing bees and cavity nesting bees suggest that non‐trophic facilitative interactions between species assemblages play important roles in organizing bee species assemblages. Considering a community‐wide approach may therefore be required if we are to successfully understand and conserve wild bee species assemblages in forested landscapes.  相似文献   



Wild bees are important pollinators that have declined in diversity and abundance during the last decades. Habitat destruction and fragmentation associated with urbanization are reported as part of the main causes of this decline. Urbanization involves dramatic changes of the landscape, increasing the proportion of impervious surface while decreasing that of green areas. Few studies have investigated the effects of urbanization on bee communities. We assessed changes in the abundance, species richness, and composition of wild bee community along an urbanization gradient.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Over two years and on a monthly basis, bees were sampled with colored pan traps and insect nets at 24 sites located along an urbanization gradient. Landscape structure within three different radii was measured at each study site. We captured 291 wild bee species. The abundance of wild bees was negatively correlated with the proportion of impervious surface, while species richness reached a maximum at an intermediate (50%) proportion of impervious surface. The structure of the community changed along the urbanization gradient with more parasitic species in sites with an intermediate proportion of impervious surface. There were also greater numbers of cavity-nesting species and long-tongued species in sites with intermediate or higher proportion of impervious surface. However, urbanization had no effect on the occurrence of species depending on their social behavior or body size.


We found nearly a third of the wild bee fauna known from France in our study sites. Indeed, urban areas supported a diverse bee community, but sites with an intermediate level of urbanization were the most speciose ones, including greater proportion of parasitic species. The presence of a diverse array of bee species even in the most urbanized area makes these pollinators worthy of being a flagship group to raise the awareness of urban citizens about biodiversity.  相似文献   

Habitat loss is a major driver of bee declines worldwide, and is of key relevance in the tropics given high deforestation rates, but we continue to have a poor understanding of the impact of land-cover change on tropical bee communities. Orchid bees (Apidae: Euglossini) are critical long-distance pollinators and may be highly susceptible to forest fragmentation given their reliance on forest habitat. Previous studies on the impact of forest fragmentation on euglossines have been geographically limited, have largely ignored β-diversity, and have not compared fragments with continuous forest. To contribute to addressing these gaps, we sampled male euglossine bees in 18 forest fragments (area range: 2.5–33 ha) and at eight locations within a large (3500 ha) continuous forest in the Chocó biodiversity hotspot of Ecuador during the dry season in 2014. We assessed how euglossine abundance, richness, and evenness related to fragment area, isolation, and edge:area ratio. We also compared fragments to continuous forest, in terms of α- and β-diversity. In fragments, a single species (Euglossa tridentata) comprised 78% of captures, and we found no significant effect of fragment area, isolation, or edge on abundance, richness, or evenness among fragments. Forest fragments and continuous forest differed in both community composition and evenness, but not in abundance or species richness. Spatial turnover (β-diversity) showed a non-significant trend toward changing more rapidly in continuous forest relative to fragments. These results underscore the conservation value of continuous forest for orchid bee diversity.  相似文献   

Longleaf pine savannas are highly threatened, fire‐maintained ecosystems unique to the southeastern United States. Fire suppression and conversion to agriculture have strongly affected this ecosystem, altering overstory canopies, understory plant communities, and animal populations. Tree thinning to reinstate open canopies can benefit understory plant diversity, but effects on animal communities are less well understood. Moreover, agricultural land‐use legacies can have long‐lasting impacts on plant communities, but their effects on animal communities either alone or through interactions with restoration are unclear. Resolving these impacts is important due to the conservation potential of fire‐suppressed and post‐agricultural longleaf savannas. We evaluated how historical agricultural land use and canopy thinning affect the diversity and abundance of wild bees in longleaf pine savannas. We employed a replicated, large‐scale factorial block experiment in South Carolina, where canopy thinning was applied to longleaf pine savannas that were either post‐agricultural or remnant (no agricultural history). Bees were sampled using elevated bee bowls. In the second growing season after restoration, thinned plots supported a greater bee abundance and bee community richness. Additionally, restored plots had altered wild bee community composition when compared to unthinned plots, indicating that reduction of canopy cover by the thinning treatment best predicted wild bee diversity and composition. Conversely, we found little evidence for differences between sites with or without historical agricultural land use. Some abundant Lasioglossum species were the most sensitive to habitat changes. Our results highlight how restoration practices that reduce canopy cover in fire‐suppressed savannas can have rapid benefits for wild bee communities.  相似文献   

The role of fragment size, isolation and habitat diversity in the conservation of spider assemblages living in fragmented landscape were studied in dry sandy grasslands (East Hungary, Nyírség). Spiders were collected using pitfall traps at eight dry grassland fragments from 2001 to 2009 from March to October fortnightly. We tested the rules of island biogeography, which suggest that the species richness increases with the size and decreases with the isolation of fragments. The habitat diversity is an important factor for species richness, since large areas usually have more habitats; therefore, the number of species may be higher in these areas. During the 9-year study period, altogether 10,544 individuals belonging to 106 species were collected. Contradicting the classical theory, we found a significant negative relationship between the total number of spider species and the grassland size, while the ratio of sandy grassland specialist spider species increased with fragment size. The relationship between the ratio of generalist species and the fragment size was not significant. The overall species richness and the isolation of studied grasslands did not show a significant relationship. The ratio of sandy grassland specialist species decreased, while the ratio of generalist species increased with the increasing of isolation. The habitat diversity did not show any effect on spider species richness. We concluded that to conserve the habitat specialist species it is recommended to preserve the large and least isolated grassland fragments, furthermore to increase the size of small fragments with the restoration of the adjacent croplands.  相似文献   

Due to increasing human modification of tropical landscapes, the relative importance of natural habitats and agricultural systems has become a major conservation topic to counteract global species loss. We investigated the contribution of tropical primary forest, cacao agroforestry systems of varying management practices and openland to the temporal and spatial variation of diversity of native bee communities in the herb layer (Apidae, Hymenoptera) in Sulawesi (Indonesia). Local bee density and diversity were highest in openland, followed by agroforestry systems and were lowest in primary forests, revealing the importance of herbaceous food resources in the understorey. In contrast, highest regional bee richness was found in agroforestry systems, because of high community dissimilarity. Multidimensional scaling supported these findings with openland habitats showing more compactly clustered bee species communities than agroforestry habitats. In conclusion, the herb associated bee community profited from the opening of the landscape as a result of agricultural activities, while agroforestry systems increased bee species richness especially on a regional scale due to high management diversity.  相似文献   

Dung beetle community structures changes due to the effects of destruction, fragmentation, isolation and decrease in tropical forest area, and therefore are considered ecological indicators. In order to assess the influence of type of maize cultivated and associated maize management on dung beetle communities in Atlantic Forest fragments surrounded by conventional and transgenic maize were evaluated 40 Atlantic Forest fragments of different sizes, 20 surrounded by GM maize and 20 surrounded by conventional maize, in February 2013 and 2014 in Southern Brazil. After applying a sampling protocol in each fragment (10 pitfall traps baited with human feces or carrion exposed for 48 h), a total of 3454 individuals from 44 species were captured: 1142 individuals from 38 species in GM maize surrounded fragments, and 2312 from 42 species in conventional maize surrounded fragments. Differences in dung beetle communities were found between GM and conventional maize communities. As expected for fragmented areas, the covariance analysis showed a greater species richness in larger fragments under both conditions; however species richness was greater in fragments surrounded by conventional maize. Dung beetle structure in the forest fragments was explained by environmental variables, fragment area, spatial distance and also type of maize (transgenic or conventional) associated with maize management techniques. In Southern Brazil’s scenario, the use of GM maize combined with associated agricultural management may be accelerating the loss of diversity in Atlantic Forest areas, and consequently, important ecosystem services provided by dung beetles may be lost.  相似文献   

Large areas of Western Europe are covered with intensively managed agricultural land. In these landscapes, wild pollinators depend on fragments of semi-natural habitat for foraging or reproduction. Small forest patches are often the most abundant type of semi-natural habitat in these agricultural landscapes. We investigated the role these patches play in conserving the pollinator community in intensively managed agricultural landscapes.Our survey of the pollinator community in 16 forest fragments showed that the pollinator community in the edges of small forest fragments is strongly influenced by forest and forest edge characteristics. Old forest fragments with a well-developed herb layer had more diverse bee communities than recent forests or old forests without a herb layer, but overall lower activity-abundances, while sun exposure of the forest edges had a strong positive effect on pollinater activity-abundance in general. The hoverfly community had higher activity-abundances in forest edges with a higher flower-index, while saproxylic hoverflies were caught in higher numbers in sites with a higher forest cover in the surrounding landscape.We also detected a strong seasonal effect. The effects of herb layer cover on bee species richness and activity-abundance were much stronger in spring than in summer, while bee species richness was also strongly positively correlated with forest age in spring. A strong positive correlation between pollinator species richness and sun exposure was found in summer, after canopy closure.While the sampled forest edges harbour a rich and diverse pollinator community, cavity-nesting bees were very scarce. This is probably caused by the low amount of dead wood in the studied forest fragments.We conclude that small forest fragments can play an important role in conserving the pollinator community, especially bees and saproxylic hoverflies. The importance of these forest fragments is strongest in spring, when the herb layer provides foraging resources.  相似文献   

Beck  H. J.  Feary  D. A.  Nakamura  Y.  Booth  D. J. 《Coral reefs (Online)》2017,36(2):639-651

Warming waters and changing ocean currents are increasing the supply of tropical fish larvae to temperature regions where they are exposed to novel habitats, namely temperate macroalgae and barren reefs. Here, we use underwater surveys on the temperate reefs of south-eastern (SE) Australia and western Japan (~33.5°N and S, respectively) to investigate how temperate macroalgal and non-macroalgal habitats influence recruitment success of a range of tropical fishes. We show that temperate macroalgae strongly affected recruitment of many tropical fish species in both regions and across three recruitment seasons in SE Australia. Densities and richness of recruiting tropical fishes, primarily planktivores and herbivores, were over seven times greater in non-macroalgal than macroalgal reef habitat. Species and trophic diversity (K-dominance) were also greater in non-macroalgal habitat. Temperate macroalgal cover was a stronger predictor of tropical fish assemblages than temperate fish assemblages, reef rugosities or wave exposure. Tropical fish richness, diversity and density were greater on barren reef than on reef dominated by turfing algae. One common species, the neon damselfish (Pomacentrus coelestis), chose non-macroalgal habitat over temperate macroalgae for settlement in an aquarium experiment. This study highlights that temperate macroalgae may partly account for spatial variation in recruitment success of many tropical fishes into higher latitudes. Hence, habitat composition of temperate reefs may need to be considered to accurately predict the geographic responses of many tropical fishes to climate change.


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