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J. Weiner 《Oecologia》1987,72(2):297-302
Summary Physiological limits to energy budgets were estimated in Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) using food balance and respirometric methods. The summer acclimatized, reproductively inactive hamsters could balance their energy budget at-2° C, assimilating 91.1 kJ·animal-1· day-1 after gradual cold acclimation, whereas non-acclimated hamsters showed negative energy balance assimilating only 54.4 kJ·animal-1·day-1. At the same ambient temperature, multiparous females (although neither pregnant nor lactating at the time) maintained positive energy balance assimilating 81.6 kJ·animal-1·day-1. Hamsters are capable of rapid adjustments of their maximum assimilation rates to meet their current energy demands, but only up to the value of about 3.5xBMR. It is concluded, that the actual energy budgets of small mammals keep, all the time, fairly near the upper physiological limit, with body reserves ready to buffer short-term oscillations.  相似文献   

Daylengths during the spring are repeated in reverse order in the autumn. For some photoperiodic species, a given photoperiod may be stimulatory for reproduction in the spring and inhibitory in the autumn. The mechanisms regulating this type of seasonal response have, until recently, remained a mystery. Horton (1984a) showed in Microtus montanus that the photoperiod experienced by the mother influences the gonadal development of her young after weaning. To determine if this phenomenon is characteristic of other photoperiodic rodents, adult Djungarian hamsters were paired on 16L:8D, 14L:10D, or 12L:12D. Young males born from these pairings were killed at 15, 28, and 34 days of age to assess gonadal development (testes weight). At 15 days testicular development was identical in all groups; by 28 days, however, males raised in 16L:8D or 14L:10D exhibited a greater degree of testicular development than those raised in 12L:12D. Next, females maintained on each of the three photoperiods throughout gestation were transferred, with their offspring, to the other two photoperiods at birth. Postnatal exposure to 14L:10D or 12L:12D inhibited testicular development in young that had been gestated on 16L:8D. Both 16L:8D and 14L:10D stimulated testicular growth in animals that had been gestated on 12L:12D or 14L:10D. Therefore, a) 16L:8D stimulates testicular growth in all animals, b) 12L:12D inhibits testicular growth in all animals, and c) the testicular response to 14L:10D depends on the photoperiod experienced by the mother during pregnancy.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Spontaneous atypical fibromas that arose in the thoracoabdominal skin of one aged female and 31 aged male Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) were examined histologically, immunohistochemically, and ultrastructurally. The normal skin from both sexes obtained at various intervals until the age of 12 months was examined, as were the tumors. These tumors were composed of ganglion cell-like (GL) cells that had one or two ovoid nuclei, basophilic foamy cytoplasm, and various amount of collagen fibers between the cells. The tumor cells had positive reaction to vimentin and androgen receptor (AR); the stromal collagen fibers reacted positively with the antibody against collagen type I or III. Ultrastructurally, the tumor cells had abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum in the cytoplasm. On the other hand, small nests of the cells mimicking tumor GL cells were present in the dermal layer to the panniculus of the normal thoracoabdominal skin of adult males, but were seldom found in adult females. The morphologic and immunohistochemical features of these tumor GL cells were basically similar to those of normal skin GL cells, although the former had a certain degree of atypia. These results suggest that atypical skin fibroma in the Djungarian hamster is an androgen-dependent tumor and originates from skin GL cells.  相似文献   

Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) were exposed to artificial short days either with access to a running wheel (RW) or without. Within 6 weeks RW hamsters considerably increased their body mass, whereas controls showed the typical body mass reduction. Estimation of paired testis weights indicated a decelerated testis regression in RW hamsters. Subsequent locking of RWs for 9 weeks led to a decline in body mass of RW animals in parallel to controls. Daily torpor was almost completely missing in hamsters with initially unlocked wheels. During the final phase when RWs were again unlocked (3 weeks), body mass of exercising hamsters increased again, while controls reached the nadir in body mass. In comparison to equiponderate long-day (LD) controls the relative liver weight of RW hamsters was significantly increased unlike the relative heart weight. However, the latter tended to be higher than in sedentary LD hamsters. A growth-stimulating effect of wheel running was proven by elongated femora in exercising short-day (SD) hamsters compared to SD controls and suggested by exercise-induced elevation of body mass in a further experiment under continuous LD conditions, indicating a growth-promoting effect of wheel running independent from the photoperiod.  相似文献   

The combination of ketamine-xylazine was assessed as a surgical anaesthetic in Djungarian hamsters acclimatized to both long (16 h light: 8 h dark) and short (8 h light: 16 h dark) photoperiods. It was concluded that 50 mg/kg of ketamine with 10 mg/kg of xylazine or 100 mg/kg of ketamine with 5-10 mg/kg of xylazine when given together by intraperitoneal injection was a satisfactory general anaesthetic. Two hundred mg/kg of ketamine with 10 mg/kg xylazine caused death in 13 of 24 animals. There were no clinically significant effects on depth of anaesthesia due to photoperiod.  相似文献   

This study evaluated follicular development and oocyte growth in ovaries of immature Djungarian hamsters from 8 to 28 days of age and examined the influence of exogenous gonadotropins on follicular growth. An age-specific pattern of progressive follicular development was found, beginning with a compact, virtually undifferentiated ovary containing mostly small follicles on Day 8 postpartum and progressing to an ovary with mature preovulatory follicles at the end of the fourth week. Antral follicles not present on Day 12 were first detected on Day 16 postpartum. Follicles were sensitive to gonadotropins (GTH) by Day 12 postpartum, as indicated by the stimulation of follicular maturation by treatment with GTH. Ovulation, however, could be induced only when treatment with GTH was begun with females from Day 14 postpartum onwards. It was concluded that the injected GTH initiated and enhanced follicular growth in immature Djungarian hamsters.  相似文献   

Patterns of early and late replication in the individual chromosomes of the Djungarian hamster (Phodopus sungorus) have been studied using the techniques of Giemsa staining suppression when bromodeoxyuridine is incorporated into the DNA. — Late replicating autosome regions correspond to G-band regions, early replication regions are less clearly demarcated but correspond to R-band regions plus some G-band zones. In part this reduction in sharpness of early replication bands may be due to the fact that nearly all metaphase G-bands contain R-band material since they are compounded from blocks of sub-G bands. — The long arm of the X chromosomes in the female differ in the start time of synthesis but are rarely separable at the close of S. There are no differences between the short arms. In the male, Y starts very late but finishes about the same time as the X which behaves like the early replicating X of the female.Visiting worker from Department of Biological Sciences, Sambulpur University, Burla 768017, India  相似文献   

Male and female Djungarian hamsters maintained from birth in a short photoperiod (8 h light per day; 8L:16D) showed substantial testicular and uterine growth in response to a single long photoperiod or a 15-min light pulse that interrupted the 16-h dark period at 18 days of age. These light regimens resulted in heavier testes and uteri at 30 and 35 days of age when compared with those of control animals. Similar results were obtained in hamsters maintained from birth to Day 18 in a long photoperiod (16L:8D), given a single longer day (20L:4D) or constant light on Day 18 and then transferred to a short photoperiod (8L:16D) on Day 19. At 35 days of age animals that received extended light treatment on Day 18 had significantly more developed reproductive structures than did control hamsters. The marked effects of brief light treatment in producing long-term changes in the reproductive axis provide a convenient mammalian model system in which to study neuroendocrine events that underlie photoperiodism.  相似文献   

Djungarian hamsters bred at the authors' institute reveal two distinct circadian phenotypes, the wild-type (WT) and DAO type. The latter is characterized by a delayed activity-onset, probably due to a deficient mechanism for photic entrainment. Experiments with zeitgeber shifts have been performed to gain further insight into the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon. Advancing and delaying phase shifts were produced by a single lengthening or shortening of the dark (D) or light (L) time by 6?h. Motor activity was recorded by passive infrared motion detectors. All WT hamsters re-entrained following various zeitgeber shifts and nearly always in the same direction as the zeitgeber shift. On the other hand, a considerable proportion of the DAO animals failed to re-entrain and showed, instead, diurnal, arrhythmic, or free-running activity patterns. All but one of those hamsters that re-entrained did so by delaying their activity rhythm independently of the direction of the LD shift. Resynchronization occurred faster following a delayed than an advanced shift and also after changes of D rather than L. WT animals tended to re-entrain faster, particularly following a zeitgeber advance (where DAO hamsters re-entrained by an 18-h phase delay instead of a 6-h phase advance). However, the difference between phenotypes was statistically significant only with a shortening of L. To better understand re-entrainment behavior, Type VI phase-response curves (PRCs) were constructed. To do this, both WT and DAO animals were kept under LD conditions, and light pulses (15 min, 100 lux) were applied at different times of the dark span. In WT animals, activity-offset always showed phase advances, whereas activity-onset was phase delayed by light pulses applied during the first half of the dark time and not affected by light pulses applied during the second half. When the light pulse was given at the beginning of D, activity-onset responded more strongly, but light pulses given later in D produced significant changes only in activity-offset. In accord with the delayed activity-onset in DAO hamsters, no or only very weak phase-responses were observed when light pulses were given during the first hours of D. However, the second part of the PRCs was similar to that of WT hamsters, even though it was compressed to an interval of only a few hours and the shifts were smaller. Due to these differences, the first light-on or light-off following an LD shift fell into different phases of the PRC and thus caused different re-entrainment behavior. The results show that it is not only steady-state entrainment that is compromised in DAO hamsters but also their re-entrainment behavior following zeitgeber shifts.  相似文献   

Heterothermic rodents increase self-selection of diets rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) when exposed to cold, short days, or short-day melatonin profiles, and Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) do so in long days in response to cold exposure alone. To determine whether Djungarian hamsters are also capable of selecting a thermal environment in response to dietary lipid composition, continuously normothermic hamsters were fed either a PUFA-rich diet or a diet rich in saturated fatty acids (SFAs) for 6-10 wk and given a choice of thermal environments. As predicted, SFA-fed hamsters were more likely than PUFA-fed hamsters to occupy the single heated corner of their cage ([Formula: see text]) and were most likely to show this diet-related difference in behavior when T(a) fell within the thermal neutral zone. Respirometry revealed no effect of diet on whole-animal or mass-specific resting metabolic rate or on lower critical temperature. The results are more consistent with the homeoviscous adaptation hypothesis, which predicts that organisms should make physiological and/or behavioral adjustments that preserve membrane fluidity within a relatively small range, than with the membrane pacemaker hypothesis, which predicts that high PUFA content in membrane phospholipids should increase basal metabolic rate.  相似文献   

High affinity binding sites for luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) were characterized in Djungarian hamsters. Scatchard analysis was used to demonstrate specific LHRH-binding in hamster and, serving as controls, rat pituitaries (dissociation constant, KD = 0.6 nM, binding capacity, BM = 2.5 +/- 0.7 fmol/mg tissue; KD = 0.6 nM, BM = 6.9 +/- 1.9 fmol/mg tissue, respectively). In contrast to results obtained with rat ovaries (KD = 0.9 nM, BM = 3.0 +/- 0.9 fmol/mg tissue), no specific LHRH-binding was detected in hamster ovaries. Thus, it seems that direct gonadal action of LHRH in the Djungarian hamster is not involved in ovarian regulation.  相似文献   

In an attempt to study the mechanisms leading to nondisjunction during meiosis I, Djungarian hamster females were treated with colchicine (3 mg/kg), which binds specifically to tubulin. The number of ovulated oocytes per female was significantly reduced following colchicine treatment (8.2 +/- 5.3, compared to 10.6 +/- 5.9 in controls receiving saline solution only). Application of colchicine rather late during oocyte maturation (ie, 5.5 h after injection of human chorionic gonadotrophin) caused a significant increase in the number of ovulated diploid (34.5%) and hyperhaploid (11.7%) oocytes, compared to the frequencies observed in the saline-treated controls (0.8% and 3.5%, respectively). Specific bivalents (viz, the large meta- and submetacentric chromosomes of groups A, B, and C) were preferentially involved in colchicine-induced nondisjunction. The same pattern of chromosomal malsegregation was previously observed in oocytes from this hamster species following hypergonadotrophic stimulation. Preferential involvement of bivalents in the process of nondisjunction, whether induced by colchicine or hypergonadotrophic stimulation, is explained by an interference with microtubular function affecting those bivalents that are the last to segregate.  相似文献   

The binding of sex steroids to plasma proteins was examined in post-natal Djungarian and golden hamsters. With dihydrotestosterone or testosterone as ligands, steady-state polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed 2 androgen binding components in the plasma of young Djungarian hamsters of both sexes. The fast-moving component exhibited a low affinity and high capacity for androgens and corresponded to albumin in stained gels. In contrast, the slow moving component was a beta-globulin with high affinity (Ka = 10(9) M-1) and low capacity for androgens, and was identified as a specific sex steroid-binding protein (SBP; also SHBG). This SBP did not bind oestrogens or corticosteroids and was electrophoretically distinct from corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG). In addition, this protein did not appear to be of testicular origin because it was present in immature females and in immature males that had been castrated for 8 days. Plasma concentrations of SBP in males as measured by a diethyl-aminoethyl-cellulose binding assay were low at birth, became significantly elevated shortly thereafter when plasma androgen values were also elevated, and subsequently fell to low levels during puberty. These changes follow the same general pattern that has been described for other mammals, including humans, during this period of reproductive development. Although the significance of elevated SBP concentrations during prepuberty has yet to be determined, it appears that the increased concentrations of high-affinity androgen binding in the plasma of Djungarian hamsters plays a role in the asynchronous pubertal development of the testes and accessory organs which occurs in this species. The post-natal SBP pattern in females was similar to that observed in males. Plasma SBP levels were low or undetectable in adults of both sexes. As previously described for adult golden hamsters, the plasma of post-natal male and female golden hamsters lacked a specific SBP: androgen binding in this species is apparently limited to albumin and CBG.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormones (TH) play a key role in regulation of seasonal as well as acute changes in metabolism. Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) adapt to winter by multiple changes in behaviour and physiology including spontaneous daily torpor, a state of hypometabolism and hypothermia. We investigated effects of systemic TH administration and ablation on the torpor behaviour in Djungarian hamsters adapted to short photoperiod. Hyperthyroidism was induced by giving T4 or T3 and hypothyroidism by giving methimazole (MMI) and sodium perchlorate via drinking water. T3 treatment increased water, food intake and body mass, whereas MMI had the opposite effect. Continuous recording of body temperature revealed that low T3 serum concentrations increased torpor incidence, lowered Tb and duration, whereas high T3 serum concentrations inhibited torpor expression. Gene expression of deiodinases (dio) and uncoupling proteins (ucp) were analysed by qPCR in hypothalamus, brown adipose tissue (BAT) and skeletal muscle. Expression of dio2, the enzyme generating T3 by deiodination of T4, and ucps, involved in thermoregulation, indicated a tissue specific response to treatment. Torpor per se decreased dio2 expression irrespective of treatment or tissue, suggesting low intracellular T3 concentrations during torpor. Down regulation of ucp1 and ucp3 during torpor might be a factor for the inhibition of BAT thermogenesis. Hypothalamic gene expression of neuropeptide Y, propopiomelanocortin and somatostatin, involved in feeding behaviour and energy balance, were not affected by treatment. Taken together our data indicate a strong effect of thyroid hormones on torpor, suggesting that lowered intracellular T3 concentrations in peripheral tissues promote torpor.  相似文献   

Two races of Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus sungorus and P. s. campbelli) differ in their responses to low ambient temperatures. The lowest temperature tolerated is 6-10 degrees C higher in P. s. campbelli than in P. s. sungorus, both in summer and in winter, but the highest (Vo2-max) and lowest (BMR) metabolic rates are similar in both subspecies. Body temperature and overall conductance in the cold appear to be more variable in P. s. campbelli than in nominative sp.  相似文献   

Twelve hyperglycemic, glycosuric, and ketonuric Djungarian hamsters with average blood glucose concentrations of 295+-32 mg/dl were compared to twelve non-glycosuric, but ketonuric Djungarian hamsters with average blood glucose concentrations of 88+-11 mg/dl with regards to their cyclic nucleotide metabolism. The glycosuric Djungarian hamsters had decreased guanylate cyclase (E.C. activity in vitro and cyclic GMP levels in vivo in liver, lung, kidney, colon, heart, spleen, and pancreas that was approximately 50% of the guanylate cyclase activity in these same tissues of non-glycosuric Djungarian hamsters. The decreased tissue guanylate cyclase activity and cyclic GMP levels in the glycosuric animals could be restored to the level of non-glycosuric Djungarian hamsters with 100 U regular insulin, but not with 50 or 10 U of regular insulin. Fifty and 100 U of regular insulin also increased the level of guanylate cyclase activity in the non-glycosuric (control) animals. There was no change in adenylate cyclase (E.C. activity but there were increased cyclic AMP levels in the glycosuric when compared to the non-glycosuric Djungarian hamsters that were correctable with 100 U of insulin. We conclude that guanylate cyclase activity is decreased in the peripheral tissues of glycosuric Djungarian hamsters as compared to non-glycosuric Djungarian hamsters and that insulin modulates this enzyme.  相似文献   

Djungarian or Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) acclimated to short photoperiod display episodes of spontaneous daily torpor with metabolic rate depressed by approximately 70% and body temperature (T(b)) reduced by approximately 20 degrees C. To study the cardiovascular adjustment to daily torpor in Phodopus, electrocardiogram (ECG) and T(b) were continuously recorded by telemetry during entrance into torpor, in deep torpor, and during arousal from torpor. Minimum T(b) during torpor bouts was approximately 21 degrees C, and heart rate, approximately 349 beats/min at euthermy, displayed marked sinus bradyarrhythmia at approximately 70 beats/min. Arousal was typically completed within approximately 40 min, followed by a sustained post-torpor inactivity tachycardia ( approximately 540 beats/min). The absence of episodes of conduction block, tachyarrhythmia, or other forms of ectopy throughout the torpor cycle demonstrates a remarkable resistance to arrhythmogenesis. The ECG morphology lacks a distinct isoelectric interval following the QRS complex, and the ST segment resembles the ECG pattern in mice, with a prominent fast transient outward K(+) current (I(to,f)) determining the early phase of ventricular repolarization. During low-temperature torpor, the amplitudes of the QRS complex substantially increased, suggesting that in the euthermic state the terminal portion of ventricular depolarization is fused with the beginning of repolarization, low T(b) acting to decorrelate the superposition between depolarization and repolarization by delaying the repolarization onset. Atrioventricular and ventricular conduction times were prolonged as function of T(b). In contrast, the QT vs. T(b) relationship showed marked hysteresis indicating the operation of nonlinear control mechanisms whereby the rapid QT shortening during arousal results from additional mechanisms (probably sympathetic stimulation) other than temperature alone.  相似文献   

Summary Light- and electron-microscopic observations on the pineal gland of Phodopus sungorus revealed intracytoplasmic inclusions resembling nucleolus-like bodies similar to those found in other regions of the central nervous system. Bernhard's EDTA method was used to confirm that these inclusions were nucleolus-like bodies. These structures were rarely found in pinealocytes of sexually active longday animals, whereas large numbers of them were observed in pinealocytes of sexually quiescent short-day animals. Nucleolus-like bodies may therefore be involved in pineal secretion.  相似文献   

Rectal and oral ozone-O2 gas insufflations prevented a fatal clindamycin-induced enterocolitis in Djungarian dwarf hamsters. In spite of no gross lesions in the colon of these species, the term 'colitis' is justified because of intracellular degenerative changes of colon epithelial cells. Dwarf hamsters are omnivores and are, therefore, more relevant to man than other animal species as an animal model for studying colitis.  相似文献   

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