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Monogynous males in various species actively limit themselves to mating with a single female in their lifetime. Whereas previous models have considered monogyny as an obligate mating strategy, here we explore the potential of monogyny to evolve as a context‐specific (conditional) behavior. Using a state‐dependent dynamic game model based on the biology of the cannibalistic spider Argiope bruennichi, we confirm that conditional monogyny can evolve under broad conditions, including an even sex ratio. We predict that males should make a terminal investment when mating with large, virgin females, especially if population density is low and the encounter occurs late in the season. We encourage empirical tests for the existence of conditional monogyny in all species where monogyny occurs in the absence of strict morphological constraints that would make it obligatory.  相似文献   

The patterned way in which individuals allocate finite resources to various components of reproduction (e.g. mating effort, reproductive timing and parental investment) is described as a reproductive strategy. As energy is limited, trade-offs between and within aspects of reproductive strategies are expected. The first aim of this study was to derive aspects of reproductive strategies using complete reproductive histories from 718 parous Western Australian women. Factor analysis using a subset of these participants resulted in six factors that represented ‘short-term mating strategy’, ‘early onset of sexual activity’, ‘reproductive output’, ‘timing of childbearing’, ‘breastfeeding’, and ‘child spacing’. This factor structure was internally validated by replication using a second independent subset of the data. The second aim of this study examined trade-offs between aspects of reproductive strategies derived from aim one. Factor scores calculated for each woman were incorporated in generalised linear models and interaction terms were employed to examine the effect of mating behaviour on the relationships between reproductive timing, parental investment and overall reproductive success. Early sexual activity correlates with early reproductive onset for women displaying more long-term mating strategies. Women with more short-term mating strategies exhibit a trade-off between child quantity and child quality not observed in women with a long-term mating strategy. However, women with a short-term mating strategy who delay reproductive timing exhibit levels of parental investment (measured as breastfeeding duration per child) similar to that of women with long-term mating strategies. Reproductive delay has fitness costs (fewer births) for women displaying more short-term mating strategies. We provide empirical evidence that reproductive histories of contemporary women reflect aspects of reproductive strategies, and associations between these strategic elements, as predicted from life history theory.  相似文献   

When choosing a mate, humans favour genetic traits (attractiveness, high sex drive) for short-term relationships and parental traits (warmth, high status) for long-term relationships. These preferences serve to maximise fitness of future offspring. But this model neglects the role of social norms in shaping evolved mating strategies. For example, in conservative cultures, individuals are likely to face costs such as punishment for short-term mating. Here we show that conservatives over-perceive some mates' suitability as long-term partners. Study 1 found that conservatives were less likely to use a short-term strategy that was distinctive from their long-term strategy. Study 2 showed that conservatives over-perceived hypothetical mates as long-term investing partners, despite their lack of commitment-compatible traits. Conservatism was measured at the regional- (India, USA, UK) and individual-level. Our results demonstrate how social norms may bias behaviour. We anticipate our findings to be a starting point for more sophisticated models, drawing on developments from evolutionary and social psychology.  相似文献   

One of the great challenges for evolutionary psychology has been to explain within-sex individual variation in mating behaviour. Several lines of evidence suggest that some of this variation stems from an adaptation for facultatively increasing or decreasing long- and short-term mating inclinations in response to circumstances. It remains unclear, however, how rapidly such changes can occur, and what stimuli might initiate them. This paper presents three experiments that investigate mating strategy change following exposure to the evolutionarily-relevant stimuli of parental care, resource-abundance, and danger. In each experiment, participants indicated their preferred relationship type (long-term, short-term, or none) for each of fifty other-sex individuals, both before and after priming. Relative to a control group, relationship preferences changed in all three experiments, in directions generally consistent with evolutionary psychological predictions. Moreover, short- and long-term relationship preferences were found to shift independently, such that a change in long-term preference was not accompanied by an opposite change in short-term, or vice versa. Together, these experiments represent the first direct test of the claim that brief interventions can shift the relative strength of people's preferences for long-term and short-term relationships.  相似文献   

Intrasexual polymorphisms have evolved in a wide range of organisms.Most of them have been interpreted as the product of conditionalstrategies in which the tactic an individual adopts is determinedby some aspect of state (e.g., age, size, condition). However,there are a few examples that appear to represent an evolutionarilystable mixture of heritable pure strategies that are maintainedby frequency-dependent selection. In the present study, we producea model of a mating system with two morphs: a territorial morphand a sneak morph. By varying the costs and limits associatedwith conditional strategies, mating skew, and the proportionof matings obtained by sneaking males, we examine the conditionsthat favor the evolution of conditional versus pure strategies.Contrary to current thinking, our results show that as longas either costs or limits are greater than zero, conditionalstrategists are never able to entirely replace pure strategists,and equilibrium populations may frequently consist of a mixtureof conditional and pure strategists. Our results suggest thatconditional strategists will be most frequent at intermediatelevels of mating skew. Polymorphisms in which conditional strategistsare rare or absent are most likely to evolve when mating skewis extremely high, the costs and limits of plasticity are veryhigh, or the benefits of being conditional are very low. Thelimited data available suggest that high mating skew is probablythe most important factor.  相似文献   

Models concerning the evolution of alternative mating tactics commonly assume that individuals determine their own strategies. Here we develop a computer-based ESS model that allows mothers, ovipositing in discrete patches, to choose both the sex and the male mating tactics (natal-patch mating or dispersing) of their offspring based only on how many other mothers have used the specific patch before them. Data for three species of nonpollinating fig wasps from the Otitesella genus agree quantitatively with the model's assumptions and predictions. This suggests that females respond to population densities at the level of individual figs. The alternative male tactics in the species we studied are probably a result of a conditional strategy exercised by the mother that laid them. In addition, as females were only allowed to lay one egg per patch, our results suggest a new mechanism that can skew population sex ratios towards a female bias.  相似文献   

Research on human mate preferences that distinguishes between short- and long-term partners has been conducted mainly in industrialized societies, where multiple mating and concurrent partnerships are stigmatized. However, cross-culturally, there is significant variation in the frequency and the level of acceptance of such relationships. Furthermore, the dichotomy between short- and long-term partnerships does not fully describe the diversity in actual extra-pair behavior, which ranges from single sexual encounters to multi-year love affairs. Here we present another comparison, between formal (marital) and informal (non-marital) partners, which we feel better captures this diversity. We assess the traits that men and women prefer in each type of partner among Himba pastoralists, where concurrent partnerships are common and accepted for both sexes. We situate our findings in relation to three main explanations for concurrent partnerships: dual-mating, trading-up and multiple investors. We find some similarities with the existing literature in the traits that are listed as important, including physical attractiveness, wealth and intelligence. Our evidence suggest that Himba men follow a dual strategy, preferring hard-working wives and attractive girlfriends. Women's preferences align most strongly with a multiple investors explanation, most clearly articulated through their preferences for wealthy husbands and generous boyfriends. Limited support is also found for a dual-mating strategy in women. These findings suggest that local cultural norms and ecologies modulate mate preferences in important ways.  相似文献   

We propose that one function of competitive information sharing is success in intrasexual competition. We posit that the decision to share potentially damaging information about a competitor is sensitive to the probability of that information diminishing a competitor's mate value. According to Sexual Strategies Theory (Buss & Schmitt, 1993), men and women have evolved different psychological mechanisms underlying short-term and long-term mating strategies, and display somewhat different (although partially overlapping) preferences for long-term and short-term mate choice. In two experiments, we utilized a 2?×?2 factorial within-subjects design to manipulate a potential mate's mating strategy (long-term vs. short-term) and characteristics of a rival indicative of the rival's mating strategy (long-term vs. short-term). We predicted that participants would be more likely to share information about a competitor when that information mismatched the potential mate's preferences, thereby decreasing the perceived mate value of the competitor. Using Linear Mixed Effects Modeling, Study 1 found that men and women reported that they would be more likely to share that a competitor was promiscuous when the potential mate was interested in a long-term mate than when the potential mate was interested in a short-term mate. Study 2 demonstrated similar findings for ratings of effectiveness of sharing the information. Taken together, the two studies support the central hypothesis about the role of negative information sharing in intrasexual competition and the context-specificity of its deployment depending on mating strategy pursued.  相似文献   

An expanding body of research suggests that circulating androgens regulate the allocation of energy between mating and survival effort in human males, with higher androgen levels promoting greater investment in mating effort. Because variations in the number of CAG codon repeats in the human androgen receptor (AR) gene appear to modulate the phenotypic effects of androgens - with shorter repeat lengths associated with greater androgenic effects per unit androgen - polymorphisms in this gene may predict trait-like individual differences in the degree to which men are calibrated toward greater mating effort. Consistent with this, men in the present study with shorter CAG repeat lengths exhibited greater upper body strength and scored higher on self-report measures of dominance and prestige, all of which are argued to be indices of mating effort. Repeat length failed to predict sociosexual orientation (i.e. pursuit of short-term mating relationships), however, suggesting that the traits correlated with this polymorphism may be primarily associated with intrasexual competitiveness in the service of long-term mating effort. None of these measures of mating effort was related to baseline testosterone concentrations (either as main effects or as interactions with CAG repeat length), implying that long-term androgen exposure associated with AR gene polymorphisms may account for more variance in some androgen-dependent traits than does current testosterone concentration. These findings provide further evidence for the importance of the CAG repeat polymorphism in the AR gene in explaining a broad range of individual differences in human males.  相似文献   

Conditional strategies are the most common form of discrete phenotypic plasticity. In a conditional strategy, the phenotype expressed by an organism is determined by the difference between an environmental cue and a threshold, both of which may vary among individuals. The environmental threshold model (ETM) has been proposed as a mean to understand the evolution of conditional strategies, but has been surprisingly seldom applied to empirical studies. A hindrance for the application of the ETM is that often, the proximate cue triggering the phenotypic expression and the individual threshold are not measurable, and can only be assessed using a related observable cue. We describe a new statistical model that can be applied in this common situation. The Latent ETM (LETM) allows for a measurement error in the phenotypic expression of the individual environmental cue and a purely genetically determined threshold. We show that coupling our model with quantitative genetic methods allows an evolutionary approach including an estimation of the heritability of conditional strategies. We evaluate the performance of the LETM with a simulation study and illustrate its utility by applying it to empirical data on the size-dependent smolting process for stream-dwelling Atlantic salmon juveniles.  相似文献   

A captive group of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) was observed during the breeding season to determine if consortship behavior, rather than promiscuous matings, resulted in higher reproductive success for either partner. The 38 adult females in this group were observed “in consort” with the 5 adult or 4 subadult males on 179 occasions. Most of these consortships were short-term, lasting less than one day. Six females engaged in consortships with one male that spanned more than three days, but the majority of these long-term associations did not result in a pregnancy with that male. The term “consortship” has been traditionally accepted as a specific nonhuman primate mating pattern, but the exact nature of this behavioral pattern and its evolutionary importance have been less clearly understood. Consort behavior could be considered a precursor to a monogamous mating system if long-term exclusive sexual associations resulted in higher reproductive success for the participants. But this study demonstrates that for rhesus macaques, who exhibit both consort behavior and more promiscuous matings, there is no clear reproductive advantage to long-term consortships. In light of the inconsistent use of the term consortship, the possible adaptive significance of an exclusive male-female sexual association for the evolution of human mating patterns needs to be reevaluated.  相似文献   

The fast-slow paradigm of life history theory has been a popular approach to individual differences in the evolutionary behavioral sciences. Currently, however, the fast-slow paradigm faces several theoretical and empirical challenges. Motivated by questions regarding the validity of certain assumptions of the paradigm, the current study provides an empirical investigation of human female “fast” versus “slow” strategies. In a sample of 1867 women recruited using MTurk, we use structural equation modeling (SEM) to test whether childhood exposure to different environmental variables had unique effects on proposed life history traits, whether mediated by—or independent of—pubertal timing. Models also test whether the proposed life history traits covary with one another as expected by the paradigm. Data reveal that exposure to violence and poor health in particular, but not environmental harshness or unpredictability in general, had significant effects on pubertal timing. Pubertal timing appeared to mediate effects of childhood environments on age at sexual debut, but not any other adult outcome (e.g., sociosexual orientations, reproductive outcomes). Some associations with mating strategies were incompatible with assumptions of the prevailing fast-slow paradigm; for instance, greater short-term mating orientation was positively associated with childhood socioeconomic status and negatively associated with offspring number. These results highlight the need for a new or revised theoretical approach to understanding developmental, mating, and reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

Allometry describes the relationship of components of an organism with change in overall body size and has become the focus of numerous studies on the evolution of genitalia. Typically, negative allometry is observed in insects and is explained by stabilizing selection whereas the very few studies on mammals have shown a positive allometric relationship of genitalia in the body size, thought to have arisen as a result of sexual selection. However, all mammal species studied to date are thought to use mainly post-copulatory mating strategies. Across mammals, however, both pre-and post-copulatory strategies occur (although the two are not mutually exclusive). We propose that where pre-copulatory strategies are mainly used, no reproductive benefits would result from evolving positively allometric genitalia. As such, mammal genitalia are not typically positively allometric but rather allometry will, to a certain degree, be determined by mating strategy. We tested this prediction using four species of African mole rats (Bathyergidae) exhibiting variation in their life histories and mating strategies. Although generally supported, in that positive allometry did not occur in species that we assumed use mainly pre-mating strategies, positive allometry did not occur in either of the promiscuous species thought to use post-copulatory strategies. We suggest, therefore, that while mating strategies may tentatively determine genital allometry, whether positively allometric genitalia occur also depends on a number of complex interacting factors. In addition, this study provides further evidence and empirical support for the co-evolution of male and female genitalia in mammals.  相似文献   

Wildlife diseases are emerging at a higher rate than ever before meaning that understanding their potential impacts is essential, especially for those species and populations that may already be of conservation concern. The link between population genetic structure and the resistance of populations to disease is well understood: high genetic diversity allows populations to better cope with environmental changes, including the outbreak of novel diseases. Perhaps following this common wisdom, numerous empirical and theoretical studies have investigated the link between disease and disassortative mating patterns, which can increase genetic diversity. Few however have looked at the possible link between disease and the establishment of assortative mating patterns. Given that assortative mating can reduce genetic variation within a population thus reducing the adaptive potential and long-term viability of populations, we suggest that this link deserves greater attention, particularly in those species already threatened by a lack of genetic diversity. Here, we summarise the potential broad scale genetic implications of assortative mating patterns and outline how infection by pathogens or parasites might bring them about. We include a review of the empirical literature pertaining to disease-induced assortative mating. We also suggest future directions and methodological improvements that could advance our understanding of how the link between disease and mating patterns influences genetic variation and long-term population viability.  相似文献   

In all comparative analyses, humans always fall on the borderline between obligate monogamy and polygamy. Here, we use behavioural indices (sociosexuality) and anatomical indices (prenatal testosterone exposure indexed by 2D : 4D digit ratio) from three human populations to show that this may be because there are two distinct phenotypes in both sexes. While males are more promiscuous and display higher prenatal testosterone exposure than females overall, our analyses also suggest that the within-sex variation of these variables is best described by two underlying mixture models, suggesting the presence of two phenotypes with a monogamous/promiscuous ratio that slightly favours monogamy in females and promiscuity in males. The presence of two phenotypes implies that mating strategy might be under complex frequency-dependent selection.  相似文献   

Polyandry (female multiple mating) has profound evolutionary and ecological implications. Despite considerable work devoted to understanding why females mate multiply, we currently lack convincing empirical evidence to explain the adaptive value of polyandry. Here, we provide a direct test of the controversial idea that bet-hedging functions as a risk-spreading strategy that yields multi-generational fitness benefits to polyandrous females. Unfortunately, testing this hypothesis is far from trivial, and the empirical comparison of the across-generations fitness payoffs of a polyandrous (bet hedger) versus a monandrous (non-bet hedger) strategy has never been accomplished because of numerous experimental constraints presented by most ‘model’ species. In this study, we take advantage of the extraordinary tractability and versatility of a marine broadcast spawning invertebrate to overcome these challenges. We are able to simulate multi-generational (geometric mean) fitness among individual females assigned simultaneously to a polyandrous and monandrous mating strategy. Our approaches, which separate and account for the effects of sexual selection and pure bet-hedging scenarios, reveal that bet-hedging, in addition to sexual selection, can enhance evolutionary fitness in multiply mated females. In addition to offering a tractable experimental approach for addressing bet-hedging theory, our study provides key insights into the evolutionary ecology of sexual interactions.  相似文献   

Isolation of human sequences that replicate autonomously in human cells.   总被引:41,自引:17,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
We have isolated a heterogeneous collection of human genomic sequences which replicate autonomously when introduced into human cells. The novel strategy for the isolation of these sequences involved cloning random human DNA fragments into a defective Epstein-Barr virus vector. This vector alone was unable to replicate in human cells, but appeared to provide for the nuclear retention of linked DNA. The human sequences persist in a long-term replication assay (greater than 2 months) in the presence of the viral nuclear retention sequences. Using a short-term (4-day) assay, we showed that the human sequences are able to replicate in the absence of all viral sequences. The plasmids bearing human sequences were shown to replicate based on the persistence of MboI-sensitive plasmid DNA in the long-term assay and the appearance of DpnI-resistant DNA in the short-term assay. The human sequences were shown to be responsible for the replication activity and may represent authentic human origins of replication.  相似文献   

Assortative mating is a deviation from random mating based on phenotypic similarity. As it is much better studied in animals than in plants, we investigate for trees whether kinship of realized mating pairs deviates from what is expected from the set of potential mates and use this information to infer mating biases that may result from kin recognition and/or assortative mating. Our analysis covers 20 species of trees for which microsatellite data is available for adult populations (potential mates) as well as seed arrays. We test whether mean relatedness of observed mating pairs deviates from null expectations that only take pollen dispersal distances into account (estimated from the same data set). This allows the identification of elevated as well as reduced kinship among realized mating pairs, indicative of positive and negative assortative mating, respectively. The test is also able to distinguish elevated biparental inbreeding that occurs solely as a result of related pairs growing closer to each other from further assortativeness. Assortative mating in trees appears potentially common but not ubiquitous: nine data sets show mating bias with elevated inbreeding, nine do not deviate significantly from the null expectation, and two show mating bias with reduced inbreeding. While our data sets lack direct information on phenology, our investigation of the phenological literature for each species identifies flowering phenology as a potential driver of positive assortative mating (leading to elevated inbreeding) in trees. Since active kin recognition provides an alternative hypothesis for these patterns, we encourage further investigations on the processes and traits that influence mating patterns in trees.  相似文献   

Li Y  Wileyto EP  Heitjan DF 《Biometrics》2011,67(4):1321-1329
In smoking cessation clinical trials, subjects commonly receive treatment and report daily cigarette consumption over a period of several weeks. Although the outcome at the end of this period is an important indicator of treatment success, substantial uncertainty remains on how an individual's smoking behavior will evolve over time. Therefore it is of interest to predict long-term smoking cessation success based on short-term clinical observations. We develop a Bayesian method for prediction, based on a cure-mixture frailty model we proposed earlier, that describes the process of transition between abstinence and smoking. Specifically we propose a two-stage prediction algorithm that first uses importance sampling to generate subject-specific frailties from their posterior distributions conditional on the observed data, then samples predicted future smoking behavior trajectories from the estimated model parameters and sampled frailties. We apply the method to data from two randomized smoking cessation trials comparing bupropion to placebo. Comparisons of actual smoking status at one year with predictions from our model and from a variety of empirical methods suggest that our method gives excellent predictions.  相似文献   

During evolution, humans faced the trade-off between preferences for feminine and masculine traits which are presumably connected to parental care, and genetic quality or provisioning abilities, respectively. Recent research has shown that environmental factors influence preferences for femininity/masculinity in potential mates. However, studies mainly focus on women's preferences for isolated cues in men. We examined the influence of pathogen and resource threat on women's and men's preference for femininity/masculinity in opposite sex unmanipulated faces, voices, and dances. Three hundred seventy (206 women) students, aged 18–35 years, from universities across the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, were primed with newspaper-like articles on either pathogen threat (Aedes aegypti, and its mosquito-borne diseases) or resource threat (=economic crisis), and compared to a control-priming condition (lions poisoned in a Kenyan Reserve). Participants were randomly assigned to rate attractiveness of the stimuli in one of the mating strategies (i.e., short-term or long-term relationship context). After each priming article, participants rated attractiveness of pre-rated masculine and feminine stimuli of the opposite sex in a standalone-rating design. The environmental threats and the control-priming conditions were shown in a random sequence. We found that the environmental threat and the mating strategies had no systematic effect on preferences for faces, voices and behavior, suggesting that different modalities can cue to different individual qualities and can be used differently according to the environmental context and relationship strategy. The environmental threat only had a weak effect on preferences for facial femininity-masculinity: women found feminine male faces more attractive under pathogen threat, while men found feminine female faces more attractive under resource threat. This is in contrast to some previous studies, and shows that effect of ecological factors on human psychology should be submitted to a more rigorous scrutiny. The mating strategies only interacted with voice attractiveness: women rated male voices as more attractive after being primed with any type of environmental threat when considering long-term relationship context, while in men this was true when considering short-term relationship. Finally, feminine dance videos were perceived as attractive under environmental threat, irrespective of sex, type of environmental threat or mating strategy.  相似文献   

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