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Bulging medial edge epithelial cells and palatal fusion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The surface of the medial edge epithelium of embryonic day 12, 13 and 14 mouse palatal shelves was observed utilising Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM). This technique offers the advantage of visualisation of biological samples after short fixation times in their natural hydrated state. Bulging epithelial cells were observed consistently on the medial edge epithelium prior to palatal shelf fusion. Additionally, we have used ESEM to compare the morphology and surface features of palatal shelves from embryonic day 13 to 16 mouse embryos that are homozygous null (TGF-beta3 -/-), heterozygous (TGF-beta3 +/-) or homozygous normal (TGF-beta3 +/+) for transforming growth factor beta-3 (TGF-beta3). At embryonic day 15 and 16 most TGF-beta3 +/- and +/+ embryos showed total palatal fusion, whilst all TGF-beta3 null mutants had cleft palate: the middle third of the palatal shelves had adhered, leaving an anterior and posterior cleft. From embryonic day 14 to 16 abundant cells were observed bulging on the medial edge epithelial surface of palates from the TGF-beta3 +/- and +/+ embryos. However, they were never seen in the TGF-beta3 null embryos, suggesting that these surface bulges might be important in palatal fusion and that their normal differentiation is induced by TGF-beta3. The expression pattern of E-Cadherin, beta-catenin, chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan, beta-Actin and vinculin as assayed by immunocytochemistry in these cells shows specific variations that suggest their importance in palatal shelf adhesion.  相似文献   

The fate of the medial edge epithelial (MEE) cells during palatal fusion has been proposed to be either programmed cell death or epithelial-mesenchymal transformation. Vital cell labeling techniques were used to mark the MEE and observe their fate during palatal fusion in vitro. Fetal mouse palatal shelves were labeled with Dil and allowed to proceed through fusion while maintained in an organ culture system. The tissues were examined at several stages of palatal fusion for the distribution of Dil, presence of specific antigens and ultrastructural appearance of the cells. The MEE labeled with Dil occupied a midline position at all stages of palatal fusion. Initially the cells had keratin intermediate filaments and were separated from the underlying mesenchyme by an intact basement membrane. During the process of fusion the basement membrane was degraded and the Dil-labeled MEE were in contact with the mesenchymal-derived extracellular matrix. In the late stages of fusion the Dil-labeled MEE altered their cellular morphology, had vimentin intermediate filaments, and were not associated with an identifiable basement membrane. Dil-labeled cells, without an epithelial phenotype, remained present in the midline of the completely fused palate. The data indicate that the MEE did not die but underwent a phenotypic transformation to viable mesenchymal cell types, which were retained in the palatal mesenchyme.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of glucocorticoids on the development of the embryonic palate in vivo and of glucocorticoids and diphenylhydantoin (DPH) in culture in the cleft palate-sensitive B10.A strain and its resistant congenic partner strain, B10, as well as the effect of glucocorticoids in vivo in the sensitive A/J strain. The B10.A (H-2a) strain differs from its congenic partner strain, B10 (H-2b), only in the H-2 region of chromosome 17, and thus, differences between the two strains in the responses to the drugs can be ascribed to H-2-linked genes. The degree of corticoid-induced inhibition of shelf horizontalization in vivo is only slightly (if at all) greater in B10.A than in B10, but the degree of corticoid-induced inhibition of fusion following contact in vivo and the inhibition by cortisol and DPH of programmed cell death and breakdown of the medial edge epithelium (MEE) in vitro are much greater in B10.A than in B10. The corticoid-induced delay of shelf horizontalization produced in vivo in the A/J (H-2a) strain is considerably greater than that produced in either B10.A or B10. Thus, H-2-linked genes appear to influence slightly, if at all, the degree of corticoid-induced delay of shelf elevation, but they have a major effect on the corticoid-induced inhibition of fusion via the inhibition of breakdown of the medial edge epithelia. The delay of corticoid-induced shelf horizontalization appears to be a trait influenced primarily by non H-2-linked genes.  相似文献   

Fusion of bilateral shelves, to form the definitive mammalian secondary palate, is critically dependent on removal of the medial edge cells that constitute the midline epithelial seam. Conflicting views suggest that programmed apoptotic death or epithelial-mesenchymal transformation of these cells is predominantly involved. Due in part to the potentially ambiguous interpretation of static images and the notable absence of fate mapping studies, the process by which this is achieved has, however, remained mechanistically equivocal. Using an in vitro mouse model, we have selectively labelled palatal epithelia with DiI and examined the fate of medial edge epithelial (MEE) cells during palatal fusion by localisation using a combination of conventional histology and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). In dynamic studies using CLSM, we have made repetitive observations of the same palatal cultures in time-course investigations. Our results concurred with the established morphological criteria of seam degeneration; however, they provided no evidence of MEE cell death or transformation. Instead we report that MEE cells migrate nasally and orally out of the seam and are recruited into, and constitute, epithelial triangles on both the oral and nasal aspects of the palate. Subsequently these cells become incorporated into the oral and nasal epithelia on the surface of the palate. We hypothesize an alternative method of seam degeneration in vivo which largely conserves the MEE population by recruiting it into the nasal and oral epithelia.  相似文献   

The highly toxic, polychlorinated aromatic compound 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) occurs as a contaminant throughout the environment. Epidemiology studies of populations accidentally exposed to TCDD have failed to identify TCDD as a human teratogen, but these studies are limited by the small numbers of exposed pregnancies and imprecise estimates of exposure. TCDD is highly teratogenic in mice, inducing cleft palate and hydronephrosis. TCDD exposure in vivo of embryonic mice alters the differentiation and expression of growth factors in the medial epithelial palatal cells. These alterations also occur in rat and mouse palates exposed to TCDD in organ culture. In the present study, human embryonic palatal shelves were cultured in the rodent organ culture system. In order to achieve in vitro the developmental stage at which fusion would normally occur, GD 52 shelves were cultured for 4 days, GD 53 shelves were cultured for 3 days, and GD 54 shelves were cultured for 3 days. Three of four palatal shelves exposed to 5 x 10(-11) M TCDD were identical to their homologous controls (right shelf cultured with control medium; left shelf cultured with TCDD-containing medium). TCDD at 1 x 10(-7) M produced cytotoxicity detected by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Exposure to 1 x 10(-8) M TCDD resulted in continued incorporation of thymidine ([3H]-TdR detected autoradiographically) by palatal medial cells, failure of the medial peridermal cells to degenerate as observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and differentiation into a stratified, squamous epithelium. These alterations are identical to those induced by TCDD in vitro in rat and mouse palatal cells. The main difference between these species is the level of TCDD required to elicit the responses. Cultured mouse palates respond to 5 x 10(-11) M TCDD with altered medial cell differentiation, and 1 x 10(-10) M TCDD is cytotoxic. The rat shelves respond with altered differentiation at 1 x 10(-8) M and cytotoxicity at 1 x 10(-7) M. All the human shelves respond at 1 x 10(-8) M TCDD with altered differentiation, 1 out of 4 responded at 5 x 10(-11) M, and cytotoxicity occurred at 1 x 10(-7) M. The present data suggest human embryonic palates are less sensitive than those of the C57BL/6N mouse, and that exposure to high levels of TCDD would be required to elicit altered differentiation in the palatal shelf.  相似文献   

During normal murine palatogenesis, regional specific differentiation of the epithelium results in three cell phenotypes: nasal (ciliated pseudostratified columnar cells), oral (stratified squamous cells) and medial edge (migratory, epithelio-mesenchymally transformed cells). We have developed a defined, serum-free, culture system which supports the growth and differentiation of isolated murine embryonic palatal epithelia in vitro. Using immunofluorescence microscopy, an established panel of antibodies was used to characterise the cytokeratin intermediate filament profile of palatal epithelial sheets at a precise developmental stage, following culture in serum-free medium with and without either transforming growth factor alpha (TGF alpha) or 10% donor calf serum (DCS). The morphologically discernable oral, medial edge and nasal phenotypes exhibited distinctive cytokeratin profiles, which remained consistent for all culture conditions, and which correlated with the known differentiation states of the epithelial types. The oral epithelia stained positively for cytokeratin 19 and cytokeratins characteristic of multilayered epithelia (1, 5, 14). Nasal epithelia stained similarly but in addition expressed the simple-epithelial cytokeratin pair, 8 and 18. Medial edge epithelia also expressed cytokeratins 1, 5 and 14 but with the exception of a few isolated cells there was no staining for cytokeratins 8 and 18. Cytokeratin 19 was absent specifically from the medial edge epithelial cells: this result may be related to the loss of cytokeratin expression observed during epithelial-mesenchymal transformations. By exhibiting a complexity of expression linked to differentiation state and independent of culture conditions, cytokeratins constitute useful markers of palatal epithelial differentiation in vitro as well as in vivo.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta3 (TGF-beta3) plays a critical role during palate development, since mutations of the TGF-beta3 gene give rise to cleft palate in both humans and mice. Striking alterations have been reported in the behaviour and differentiation of medial edge epithelial (MEE) cells in TGF-beta3 knockout mouse palates. In the present paper, we provide evidence of alterations in MEE intercellular adhesion in TGF-beta3 -/- mouse palates using immunohistochemistry with monoclonal antibodies to a panel of cell adhesion and cytoskeletal molecules including E-cadherin, alpha and beta catenin, beta actin, vinculin and beta2 integrin. In vitro labeling of opposing MEE with two different lipophilic markers and subsequent analysis by confocal microscopy revealed that wild type MEE cells intercalate as soon as the midline epithelial seam forms. This finding indicates that the palate may elongate in a dorso-ventral direction by means of convergent extension, as occurs in other embryonic developmental processes. In contrast, this intercalation does not occur in the TGF-beta3 -/- MEE but it can be rescued by the exogenous addition of TGF-beta3. Thus, the substantial alteration of MEE intercellular adhesion observed in TGF-beta3 -/- palates may account for the defect in palatal shelf adhesion and the formation of cleft palate.  相似文献   

During mammalian development, a pair of shelves fuses to form the secondary palate, a process that requires the adhesion of the medial edge epithelial tissue (MEE) of each shelf and the degeneration of the resulting medial epithelial seam (MES). It has been reported that epithelial-mesenchymal transformation (EMT) occurs during shelf fusion and is considered a fundamental process for MES degeneration. We recently found that cell death is a necessary process for shelf fusion. These findings uncovered the relevance of cell death in MES degeneration; however, they do not discard the participation of other processes. In the present work, we focus on the evaluation of the processes that could contribute to palate shelf fusion. We tested EMT by traditional labeling of MEE cells with a dye, by infection of MEE with an adenovirus carrying the lacZ gene, and by fusing wild-type shelves with the ones from EGFP-expressing mouse embryos. Fate of MEE labeled cells was followed by culturing whole palates, or by a novel slice culture system that allows individual cells to be followed during the fusion process. Very few labeled cells were found in the mesenchyme compartment, and almost all were undergoing cell death. Inhibition of metalloproteinases prevented basal lamina degradation without affecting MES degeneration and MEE cell death. Remarkably, independently of shelf fusion, activation of cell death promoted the degradation of the basal lamina underlying the MEE ('cataptosis'). Finally, by specific labeling of periderm cells (i.e. the superficial cells that cover the basal epithelium), we observed that epithelial triangles at oral and nasal ends of the epithelial seam do not appear to result from MEE cell migration but rather from periderm cell migration. Inhibition of migration or removal of these periderm cells suggests that they have a transient function controlling MEE cell adhesion and survival, and ultimately die within the epithelial triangles. We conclude that MES degeneration occurs almost uniquely by cell death, and for the first time we show that this process can activate basal lamina degradation during a developmental process.  相似文献   

A serum-free, hormonally defined medium was developed which supports growth and differentiation in primary culture of epithelial cells from prefusion embryonic mouse palatal shelves. Using this culture system, medial epithelial programmed cell death was investigated. In the absence of EGF, medial epithelial cells undergo cell death and detach from the substratum by 24 hr of culture. The addition of EGF alone or in combination with various agents which increase intracellular cyclic AMP levels prevented medial epithelial cell death in both cell and organ culture. EGF appeared to exert its most dramatic effect in cell culture on growth and differentiation of the squamous oral epithelial cells. In addition, EGF and agents such as 8-bromo-cyclic AMP, dibutyryl cyclic AMP, or cholera toxin synergistically stimulated the appearance of a long-lived, rapidly proliferating cell type by Day 4 of culture. Our results suggest that both EGF and cyclic AMP together may be important in regulating proliferation of embryonic palatal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Breakdown of the medial epithelial seam (MES) is essential to allow bridging of the mesenchyme during palatal fusion. Evidence exists for three mechanisms for this breakdown that are incompatible at the level of individual cells in the seam. To determine if breakdown of the seam was regionally restricted, 3-dimensional reconstructions were generated using volume rendering software from 1 micron serial sections in the sagittal plane of rat palates fixed during the process of fusion. The earliest break detected in electron micrographs was cell separation and in reconstructions was a discrete defect, with a rounded outline, nearer to the nasal than to the oral margin of the seam. Further breakdown produced a pattern of rounded defects along the nasal margin of the seam resulting in interconnected columns of cells preferentially attached to the oral epithelium. Computer generated slicing of reconstructed seams showed that groups of cells evident in cross-sections as islands at this stage of breakdown of the MES could be artifacts. Unequivocal islands of epithelial cells formed later in fusion had a rounded outline, an incomplete basal lamina and a halo of cells containing phagocytosed apoptotic debris. The pattern of breakdown indicated that the MES breaks down under tension. Laser confocal microscopy of sections and whole-mounts of palates demonstrated alpha-smooth muscle actin preferentially localized in the epithelial cells of the palatal shelves immediately before and during formation of the seam. Expression in epithelial cells of the isoform of actin normally restricted to smooth muscle cells engaged in tonic contraction supported an interpretation that the epithelial cells of the seam may be capable of generating tension during the palatal fusion event.  相似文献   

Summary The developmental fate of Syrian hamster yolk-sac (primitive) erythroid cells was examined in vitro. Highly purified yolk-sac erythroid cells at the polychromatophilic stage, obtained from the peripheral blood of embryos at day 10 of gestation, showed morphological and biochemical changes in our modified semi-solid culture system. Several morphological changes observed in the primitive erythroid cell cultures, such as nuclear condensation, approach of nuclei to the periphery of cells, development by cells of an extended pear-like shape, enucleation, and an increase in haemoglobin content, were quite similar to those of the terminal differentiation of fetal liver or adult bone marrow (definitive) erythroid cells. In addition, the transition of molecular species of haemoglobin from the embryonic to the fetal/adult pattern was also observed in our culture system. Thus we provide evidence, by the in vitro culture of yolk-sac erythroid cells, that primitive erythroid cells undergo terminal differentiation in a manner similar to that of definitive erythroid cells.  相似文献   

Airway epithelial cells prevent damaging effects of extracellular iron by taking up the metal and sequestering it within intracellular ferritin. Epithelial iron transport is associated with transcellular movement of other cations including changes in the expression or activity of Na, K-ATPase and epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC). Given this relationship between iron and Na(+), we hypothesized that iron uptake by airway epithelial cells requires concurrent Na(+) transport. In preliminary studies, we found that Na(+)-free buffer blocked iron uptake by human airway epithelial cell. Na(+) channels inhibitors, including furosemide, bumetanide, and ethylisopropyl amiloride (EIPA) significantly decreased epithelial cell concentrations of non-heme iron suggesting that Na(+)-dependent iron accumulation involves generalized Na(+) flux into the cells rather than participation of one or more specific Na(+) channels. In addition, efflux of K(+) was detected during iron uptake, as was the influx of phosphate to balance the inward movement of cations. Together, these data demonstrate that intracellular iron accumulation by airway epithelium requires concurrent Na(+)/K(+)exchange.  相似文献   

Reports of adverse human pregnancy outcomes including cleft palate have increased as the clinical use of isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid) and other retinoic acid (RA) derivatives have increased, but the mechanisms by which their effects are exerted are not understood. Research in craniofacial development is generally performed in rodents, and mouse palatal shelves exposed in organ cultures to retinoids and epidermal growth factor (EGF) display altered medial epithelial cell morphology blocking normal union of apposing shelves. In the present study, precontacting human palatal shelves were maintained in organ culture for 2, 3, or 6 days and exposed to labeled thymidine (3H-TdR) during the last 16 hr. Retinoids and EGF were included in the media so that each shelf was exposed to one of the following: control, EGF, trans-RA at 10(-5)M, cis-RA at 10(-7) or 10(-9) M, or RA + EGF. After exposure of cultured human embryonic palatal shelves to 13-cis-RA and trans-RA with or without EGF, medial epithelial cells do not degenerate, cell surface morphology shifts toward a nasal type, glycogen deposits decrease, smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) increases, and basal lamina appear altered. In shelves exposed to EGF and trans-RA early in their development, DNA synthesis appears to terminate prematurely as compared to shelves cultured in control media, and this effect is accompanied by excessive mesenchymal extracellular space expansion. Exposure of shelves to EGF alone is sufficient to block degeneration and induce hyperplasia of the medial epithelial cells but does not induce other ultrastructural changes seen with both EGF and RA. The observed alterations in medial cell morphology could interfere with adhesion of the palatal shelves and may play a role in retinoid-induced cleft palate in the human embryo.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the role of underlying fibroblasts on morphogenesis of in vitro epithelium reconstituted with normal and neoplastic human oral keratinocytes at various stages of malignant transformation. Primary normal human oral keratinocytes (NOKs), early neoplastic/dysplastic human oral keratinocytes (DOK cell line), and neoplastic human oral keratinocytes (PE/CA-PJ 15 cell line) were organotypically grown on top of a collagen type I matrix with or without primary normal human oral fibroblasts. Morphogenesis of the reconstituted epithelia was assessed by histomorphometry, immunohistochemistry (Ki-67, cyclin D1, cytokeratin 13 (CK13), collagen IV, E-cadherin, p53, CD40), and the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP in situ nick end-labelling method. Reproducible in vitro models of multistage oral carcinogenesis were established. Presence of fibroblasts in the collagen matrix significantly increased cell proliferation in all three models (p<0.05), and induced an invasive pattern of growth in the neoplastic cell lines (p<0.05). In normal, but not in neoplastic oral keratinocytes fibroblasts induced the expression of CD40, and polarized the expression of E-cadherin and p53 to the basal cell layer. In both normal and early neoplastic keratinocytes (DOK cell line), fibroblasts induced the expression of CK13 and collagen IV. In the neoplastic oral keratinocytes (PE/CA-PJ 15 cell line), the presence of underlying fibroblasts did not change the expression of any of the protein markers assessed. This study showed that (1) major steps of oral carcinogenesis can be reproduced in vitro, and (2) the tight control exerted by fibroblasts on epithelial morphogenesis of in vitro reconstituted normal human oral mucosa is gradually lost during neoplastic progression.  相似文献   

Wnt-10b promotes differentiation of skin epithelial cells in vitro   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
To evaluate the role of Wnt-10b in epithelial differentiation, we investigated the effects of Wnt-10b on adult mouse-derived primary skin epithelial cells (MPSEC). Recombinant Wnt-10b protein (rWnt-10b) was prepared using a gene engineering technique and MPSEC were cultured in its presence, which resulted in morphological changes from cuboidal to spindle-shaped and inhibited their proliferation. Further, involvement of the canonical Wnt signal pathway was also observed. MPSEC treated with rWnt-10b showed characteristics of the hair shaft and inner root sheath of the hair follicle, in results of Ayoub Shklar staining and immunocytochemistry. Further, the cells expressed mRNA for differentiated epithelial cells, including keratin 1, keratin 2, loricrin, mHa5, and mHb5, in association with a decreased expression of the basal cell marker keratin 5. These results suggest that Wnt-10b promotes the differentiation of MPSEC.  相似文献   

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