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A physical map of the 32.4-kb chromosome of the Haemophilus influenzae bacteriophage Hp1c1 has been constructed, using the cleavage sites of eight restriction endonucleases. Two temperature-sensitive mutations have also been localized on the phage chromosome. The phage DNA exhibited an affinity for the specific DNA receptor of Haemophilus transformation approx. 1.5-fold higher than that obtained with bulk chromosomal DNA of H. influenzae.  相似文献   

The DNA between Rz and cosR in bacteriophage lambda is nonessential   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Near the right end of phage lambda DNA, between gene Rz and the cos site, are 2050 bp of apparently non-coding DNA. We have cloned a lambda DNA fragment containing this DNA into a plasmid and constructed a deletion, omega l, extending from a site within the Rz gene to a site about 560 bp from cos. This deletion could be recombined into viable lambda phage at a frequency equal to that observed for the undeleted sequence. Recombinant phage lambda carrying the omega l deletion were demonstrated to have the same burst size and kinetics of phage production as undeleted lambda. The omega l deletion can be used to extend the capacity of lambda cloning vectors and to provide a region for the insertion of heterologous DNA which should exhibit controllable high level expression from the lambda late promoter, p'R.  相似文献   

T Miwa  K Matsubara 《Gene》1982,20(2):267-279
Several species of DNA molecules are packaged into lambda phage heads if they carry the region around the cohesive end site of lambda phage (cos lambda). The minimal functional sequence around cos lambda needed for packaging was examined by cloning in pBR322. The results showed that the minimal region contained 85 bp around cos lambda; 45 bp of the left arm of lambda phage and 40 bp of the right arm. A 75-bp region located to the right of the minimal region seems to enhance packaging. A 223-bp fragment containing these regions can be used as a portable element for plasmid DNA packaging into lambda phage heads. Plasmid ppBest 322, a derivative of pBR322 carrying this portable packager and both amp and tet genes, was constructed. This plasmid is useful for cloning of large DNA fragments.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage λ genes exo and bet, whose products (λ exonuclease and β protein, respectively; Red phenotype) mediate homologous recombination of λ phages, have been cloned under lacPOlacIq control on multi-copy plasmids. Induction of recA3 cells harboring these plasmids with isopropylthiogalactoside (IPTG) resulted in λ exonuclease levels (assayed in vitro) that were proportional to the time of induction (for at least 4 h); recombination of λ Red? phages in vivo was similarly inducible. Only one out of 25 betΔ plasmids (constructed by a variety of in vitro techniques) expressed λ exonuclease, a result consistent with the polarity of several known phage bet mutations. A general method for transferring phage exo and bet mutations to plasmids was devised and plasmids bearing polar (bet3) and nonpolar (bet113) mutations were constructed. Mutant derivatives of the plasmid showed the same complementation pattern as analogous phage red mutants. When λbet3 phages (Exo?Bet?) infected IPTG-induced recA3 bacteria containing exo+bet+ plasmids, recombination frequencies were no more than twice those typical for infection of plasmid-free recA3 cells with exo+bet+ phages, even in the case of IPTG induction sufficient to elevate the production of λ exonuclease about 100-fold. Even when plasmid induction was delayed till as late as 50 min after infection, recombination was significant. Preliminary experiments suggest that these plasmids encode a polypeptide with Gam activity that corresponds to the 98-amino acid “shorter” open reading frame assigned to gam by Sanger et al.  相似文献   

D de Mendoza  A L Rosa 《Gene》1985,39(1):55-59
A technique has been developed that permits the packaging of mini-Mu-carrying cosmids into phage lambda heads. This procedure has several advantages over packaging into Mu helper capsids: the amounts of DNA to be packaged can be increased, the packaging efficiency is improved, and the stability of transducing lysates is high.  相似文献   

S Chang  D Ho  J R McLaughlin  S Y Chang 《Gene》1984,29(3):255-261
Circular heteroduplex DNA molecules introduced into Escherichia coli-competent cells are converted to new recombinant plasmids as a result of enzymatic actions in vivo. A pair of plasmids with partial sequence homology were each linearized at a different position with restriction enzymes, and the termini were made flush with the single-strand-specific S1 nuclease. Duplex molecules were then formed by melting and annealing these plasmid DNAs together. In contrast to linear homoduplex molecules, heteroduplexes circularize and therefore transform E. coli efficiently. Unique DNA sequences on each of the parental strands in the transforming heteroduplexes can be selectively incorporated or deleted as a result of in vivo enzymatic activities in transformed cells. This method permits the generation of new recombinant sequences in vivo without relying solely on the presence of convenient restriction sites for manipulation of DNA fragments in vitro.  相似文献   

S Hattman  J Ives  W Margolin  M M Howe 《Gene》1985,39(1):71-76
Expression of the bacteriophage Mu mom gene is under tight regulatory control. One of the factors required for mom gene expression is the trans-acting function (designated Dad) provided by another Mu gene. To facilitate studies on the signals mediating mom regulation, we have constructed a mom-lacZ fusion plasmid which synthesizes beta-galactosidase only when the Mu Dad transactivating function is provided. lambda pMu phages carrying different segments of the Mu genome have been assayed for their ability to transactivate beta-galactosidase expression by the fusion plasmid. The results of these analyses indicated that the Dad transactivation function is encoded between the leftmost EcoRI site and the lys gene of Mu; this region includes the C gene, which is required for expression of all Mu late genes. Cloning of an approx. 800-bp fragment containing the C gene produced a plasmid which could complement MuC- phages for growth and could transactivate the mom-lacZ fusion plasmid to produce beta-galactosidase. These results suggest that the C gene product mediates the Dad transactivation function.  相似文献   

A recombinant plasmid, pI26, has been constructed by cloning into pBR322 a transforming gene of murine sarcoma virus (a Moloney strain, clone 124, MSV) synthesized by detergent-treated virions. From this plasmid a XbaI-HindIII fragment has been isolated which contains only mos-specific sequences. This mos-specific probe has been used for screening a human gene library cloned in bacteriophage λ Charon 4A. Of these, 19 clones have been isolated containing mos-related sequences. By physical mapping and molecular hybridization it has been shown that these sequences are neighboured by DNA regions related to Moloney murine leukemia virus. Recombinant phages have also been found containing human inserts related to MLV, not to the mos gene. The possible existence of murine-like endogenous retroviruses in the normal human genome, including that of a sarcoma type, is discussed. By Northern blotting, expression of the cellular c-mos gene has been detected in mouse liver treated with a hepatocarcinogen. The general significance of the suggested model for evaluating the relationship between chemical carcinogenesis and oncogene expression is discussed.  相似文献   

K Geider  C Hohmeyer  R Haas  T F Meyer 《Gene》1985,33(3):341-349
DNA cloning vectors were developed which utilize the replication origin (ori) of bacteriophage fd for their propagation. These vectors depend on the expression of viral gene 2 that was inserted into phage lambda, which in turn was integrated into the host genome. The constitutive expression of gene 2 in the host cells is sufficient for the propagation of at least 100 pfd plasmids per cell. In addition to the fd ori, the pfd vectors carry various antibiotic-resistance genes and unique restriction sites. Some of these vectors have no homologies to commonly used pBR plasmids or to lambda DNA. The nucleotide sequence of the vectors can be deduced from published sequences. Large DNA inserts can be stably propagated in pfd vectors; these are more stable than similar DNA fragments cloned in intact genomes of filamentous bacteriophage. Inclusion of phage sequences required for efficient phage packaging and infection with a helper phage resulted in formation of phage particles containing single-stranded plasmid genomes. Growth at 42 degrees C without selective pressure results in loss of pfd plasmids.  相似文献   

The structure of the bovine parathyroid hormone (PTH) gene has been analyzed by Southern blot hybridization of genomic DNA and by nucleotide sequence analysis of a cloned PTH gene. In the Southern analysis, several restriction enzymes produced single fragments that hybridized to PTH cDNA suggesting that there is a single bovine PTH gene. The restriction map of the cloned gene is the same as that determined by Southern blot analysis of bovine DNA. The sequence of 3154 bp of the cloned gene has been determined including 510 bp and 139 bp in the 5' and 3' flanking regions, respectively. The gene contains two introns which separate three exons that code primarily for: (i) the 5' untranslated region, (ii) the pre-sequence of preProPTH, and (iii) PTH and the 3' untranslated region. The gene contains 68% A + T and unusually long stretches of 100- to 150-bp sequences containing alternating A and T nucleotides in the 5' flanking region and intron A. The 5' flanking region contains two TATA sequences, both of which appear to be functional as determined by S1 nuclease mapping. Compared to the rat and human genes, the locations of the introns are identical but the sizes differ. Comparable human and bovine sequences in the flanking regions and introns are about 80% homologous.  相似文献   

D W Grogan  J E Cronan 《Gene》1983,22(1):75-83
A nonselectable gene carried on a poorly selectable recombinant plasmid has been physically mapped by deletion analysis. Our method involved cloning the plasmid into a coliphage lambda vector and treating the recombinant phage with a chelator. Virtually all particles surviving this treatment carried large deletions within the plasmid insert. Further deletion analysis was done by inserting a selectable lambda sequence into one such deletion derivative and repeating the chelator selection. Chelator selection was also used to isolate deletions constructed in vitro. The deleted phage are readily characterized by restriction mapping, and the gene in question scored after infection of a mutant host strain. These techniques have enabled us to physically assign the cyclopropane fatty acid synthase gene of Escherichia coli to 0.8 kb of a 16-kb segment after characterizing only a small number of isolates. This approach should be generally useful in the mapping of plasmids for which no convenient method exists for selecting or scoring the gene in question.  相似文献   

J W Gordon  F H Ruddle 《Gene》1985,33(2):121-136
In recent years, new gene transfer systems have been developed which allow molecularly cloned genetic material to be introduced into whole organisms. These systems include the microinjection of DNA into mammalian embryos, transfection of DNA into mouse bone marrow cells, and the infection of early embryos with retroviruses. Exogenous DNA appears to integrate randomly into the host genome. The production of transgenic mice by injection of DNA into mouse embryos has rapidly gained importance as an experimental tool for the study of gene regulation during development. Through this technique, recombinant molecules of any type can be introduced into one-celled embryos, and thus can be used to study development from its earliest stages. DNA sequences have been shown to integrate and transmit through the germ line to subsequent generations as mendelian traits. Transgenic mice carrying various gene constructs have been successfully exploited for the elucidation of factors which determine tissue specificity of gene expression as well as the level of gene control. Phenotypic changes related to expression of foreign genes have also been observed. This experimental approach thus promises to rapidly solve many of the heretofore most challenging problems in developmental genetics. Insertion of foreign genes has also made possible the creation of insertional mutants which manifest themselves most frequently as recessives. Such mutations can be readily studied at the molecular level by using the transferred material as a probe for recovery of the affected host sequence from genomic libraries. Many of these same problems have been addressed by introducing retroviral DNA into mouse embryos. Here, the sequences used for transfer have been limited to retroviral genes, but nonetheless these experiments have been profitably exploited for studies both of gene regulation and mutagenesis. Gene transfer systems are being developed allowing the experimenter to transfer DNA into bone marrow cells of mice, after which the recipient cells can be reintroduced into lethally irradiated histocompatible animals. This system has the advantage that selection can be applied during the gene transfer process such that the expression of the foreign material is assured. In addition, these experiments have created a model system for production of animals carrying a subpopulation of cells which is highly resistant to a toxic agent. This system has the potential for therapeutic application to man.  相似文献   

R L Neve  G A Bruns  T P Dryja  D M Kurnit 《Gene》1983,23(3):343-354
Human Alu repeat ("BLUR") sequences have been cloned into the mini-plasmid vector piVX. The resulting piBLUR clones have been used to rescue selectively, by recombination, bacteriophage carrying human DNA sequences from genomic libraries constructed using DNA from rodent-human somatic cell hybrids. piBLUR clones are able to retrieve human clones from such libraries because at least one Alu family repeat is present on most 15 to 20 kb fragments of human DNA and because of the relative species-specificity of the sequences comprising the Alu family. The rapid, selective plaque purification achieved results in the construction of a collection of recombinant phage carrying diverse human DNA inserts from a specific subset of the human karyotype. Subfragments of two recombinants rescued from a mouse-human somatic cell hybrid containing human chromosomes X, 10, 13, and 22 were mapped to human chromosomes X and 13, respectively, demonstrating the utility of this protocol for the isolation of human chromosome-specific DNA sequences from appropriate somatic cell hybrids.  相似文献   

W D Davies  J Pittard  B E Davidson 《Gene》1985,33(3):323-331
Defective transducing phages carrying aroG, the structural gene for phenylalanine (phe)-inhibitable phospho-2-keto-heptonate aldolase (EC; previously known as 3-deoxy-D-arabinoheptulosonate-7-phosphate synthetase[phe]), have been isolated, and DNA from two of these phages has been used to construct a restriction map of the region from att lambda to aroG. A 7.6-kb PstI-HindIII fragment from one of these phages was cloned into pBR322 and shown to contain aroG. The location of aroG within the 7.6 kb was established by subcloning and Tn3 transpositional mutagenesis. A fragment carrying the aroG promoter and operator has been cloned into a high copy number promoter-cloning vector (pMC489), and the resulting aroGpo-LacZ' (alpha) fusion subcloned in a low copy number vector. Strains with this fusion on the low copy number vector exhibit negative regulation of beta-galactosidase expression by both phenylalanine and tryptophan and positive regulation by tyrosine in a tyrR+ background.  相似文献   

F.J. de Bruijn  J.R. Lupski 《Gene》1984,27(2):131-149
The properties of transposon Tn5 that render it useful for in vivo mutagenesis of cloned DNA sequences are reviewed. Transposition frequency, insertional specificity, polarity and stability of Tn5 insertion mutations are among the topics discussed. Examples are cited from the published literature which illustrate the applications of Tn5 mutagenesis to the analysis of cloned prokaryotic and eukaryotic genes. A methods section is included which outlines precisely how to carry out transposon Tn5 mutagenesis analysis of cloned DNA segments.  相似文献   

Cloned genomic segments of Zea mays homologous to zein mRNAs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A maize genome library was constructed using maize W22 DNA from leaf tissue nuclei and bacteriophage λCh4 as the vector. cDNA clones of zein mRNA were used to identify homologous genomic sequences in the Ch4 maize library. Each of the genomic clones identified has homology to a family of mRNAs in the zein mRNA population. This paper reports on the construction of the library, the isolation of the genomic clones and their partial characterization.  相似文献   

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