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本文对江苏省丹阳县儿童1936、1956及1985年的生长发育资料进行了对比分析。观察到,半个世纪来,该县7—14岁男女儿童身高分别增长了9.3、11.4厘米,体重平均增长了3.9、4.0公斤,坐高平均增长了4.2、5.0厘米,表现出明显的生长长期加速趋势。1956—1985年阶段的身高每10年增长值显著大于1936—1956年阶段(P<0.01),而体重每10年增长值在两个阶段间无明显差异(P>0.05)。以1985年实测体重均数与估计体重均数比较,女童明显地表现出体重增长相对不足,体型向细长型发展。本文还将丹阳县儿童生长长期趋势与南京市、上海市及日本国同时期、同年龄儿童的生长长期趋势进行了比较。  相似文献   

山东省儿童青少年生长发育20年变化趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了解近20年来山东省儿童青少年生长发育的变化趋势, 本文利用山东省1985年、1995年和2005年学生体质调研资料, 分析了7—18岁儿童青少年生长的长期变化。20年间, 7—18岁身高平均增长6.27cm(城男)、5.02cm(城女)、7.62cm(乡男)、5.69cm(乡女); 体重平均增长9.97kg(城男)、6.02kg(城女)、7.96kg(乡男)、4.87kg(乡女)。BMI明显增长, 7—18岁平均增长2.57kg/m2(城男)、1.46kg/m2(城女)、1.71kg/m2(乡男)、0.93kg/m2(乡女)。发育水平上的城乡差别依然存在, 但身高的城乡差别逐步缩小, 体重的城乡差别明显扩大。下肢长指数(身高—坐高)的增长幅度大于坐高的增长幅度。总之,1985—2005年的20年间,山东省7—18岁儿童青少年在身高、体重、BMI和身材比例等方面都发生了较大变化。  相似文献   

蒙古族学生体质发育指数分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
朱钦 《人类学学报》1990,9(3):196-203
本文以1985年测得的7—18岁蒙族男女学生4747名6项指标(身高、坐高、体重、胸围、肩宽和骨盆宽)的资料,计算出12项指数(坐高指数、体重指数、胸围指数、肩宽指数、骨盆宽指数、Vervaeck指数、骨盆宽/肩宽指数、Erismann指数、Broca指数、Pelidisi指数、Rohrer指数和Livi指数),分析了12项指数的年龄变化和性别差异,并对城乡、蒙族与全国汉族、1985年和1962年的数据进行了比较。  相似文献   

目的比较江西和上海儿童青少年生长发育差异及其影响因素。方法利用2000年全国学生体质调研数据,对江西和上海城乡6—22岁青少儿的身高、体重、BMI指数、肺活量体重指数等均值进行比较并作统计检验。结果上海学生体格发育水平明显好于江西学生,城、乡男生身高最大差距分别达7.6cm和10.7cm,城、乡女生身高最大差距分别为5.7cm和8.0cm;BMI指数显示上海学生身体充实度更好,但江西女生成年时体型相对粗壮;肺活量体重发育水平则上海学生显著低于江西学生。结论上海学生的青春期生长突增的开始时间早于江西学生,突增幅度大,增长时间也比后者长;而上海学生应加强户外活动以促进其肺功能。  相似文献   

目的:用经典的双生子设计探讨遗传因素对青少年身高、体重、体质指数(BMI)等体型指征的影响程度。方法:从青岛市双生子库中选择自愿参加本研究的362对11-19岁双生子,测量身高、体重。同性别的双生子通过16个多态标记进行卵型鉴定,在此基础上,应用Mx软件构建结构方程模型分析计算遗传度。结果:对362对有效双生子数据进行分析,其中同卵双生子194对,异卵双生子168对,身高的最佳拟合模型ACE模型,体重和BMI的最佳拟合模型为AE模型。调整年龄性别后,身高的遗传度为66%,体重的遗传度为84%,体质指数的遗传度为75%。结论:在青少年体型指征的相关指标中,身高、体重、BMI受遗传因素影响都较大。  相似文献   

了解裕固族4~13岁儿童身高、体重发育现状,分析该儿童4~7岁组及7~13岁组生长发育随年龄的变化关系, 为儿童保健工作提供参考依据和合理化建议。采用随机整群抽样的方法抽取484名儿童, 测量身高和体重。以全国身高体重值为参比值, 计算年龄别身高(HAZ)和年龄别体重(WAZ)值评价4~7岁儿童体格生长迟缓和低体重状况; 身体质量指数(BMI)评价7~13岁儿童超重和消瘦情况。结果显示, 调查对象身高均高于对比值, 4~7岁儿童超重检出率为3.45%, 偏瘦检出率2.30%; 7~13岁裕固族儿童营养不良人数占裕固族儿童总人数的36.90%, 严重消瘦的人数占13.10%, 其中女生的消瘦程度较男生差。所以, 儿童身高、体重生长发育符合一般生长规律。7~13岁裕固族男女生身体偏瘦人数较多的问题值得关注, 建议改善该人群营养膳食, 加强各项体育锻炼。  相似文献   

哈萨克族学生体质发育状况的10年比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道新疆阿勒泰地区1995年2589名城镇7—18岁哈萨克族(哈族)中小学生身高、体重、胸围、坐高、肩宽、骨盆宽6项体质发育指标的调查结果。男女生体质发育指标随年龄增加而增长,各项指标的年均增长值皆为男生大于女生。与1985年比较,哈族学生的身高、体重、胸围皆有不同程度增长。哈族男女生的身高突增年龄仍分别为14岁和10岁,但是其身高增长却不伴有相应比例的坐高增长,女生部分年龄组的肩宽和男女生各年龄组的骨盆宽呈现负增长,提示哈族学生的体型与10年前相比已经开始有所改变。  相似文献   

本文以1979年和1985年两次全国体质调研的结果为基础材料,对我国汉族儿童在身高加速现象方面的城乡差别以及躯干比例在身高加速生长中的变动进行了分析,初步得出如下结论:(1) 6年间城乡汉族儿童的身高加速生长、发育提前;(2) 乡村儿童身高增加和身高及坐高发育高峰年龄提前的幅度大于同性别城市儿童;(3) 青春期儿童的身高和躯干比例变化较大;(4) 儿童身高和躯干比例的变化主要是成熟节律提前造成的。  相似文献   

根据445例哈萨克族(哈族)及662例汉族新生儿的体格发育调查资料,计算出哈,汉族新生儿的7项身体形态指数并比较身体形态指数的性别、民族差异,表示营养状况的指数值哈族新生儿皆大于汉族新生儿,男孩多大于女孩,而表示体型的身高胸围指数,身高坐高指数值为男孩小于女孩。  相似文献   

目前,研究青少年体质发育的方法较多,作者试图用逐步回归分析法对此作些研究。 按照我国正常儿童青少年体格发育调查研究实施方案(儿童体格发育调查研究工作学习班,1976)和活体测量方法(黄新美,1983)的有关规定,对鄂西7—17岁的1533名青少年(男863人,女670人)进行了直接测量:1.身高;2.体重;3.上肢长;4.下肢长(由地面至大转子尖的距离)(靳仕信,1981);5.上半身长(身高—下肢长);6.上半身长与下肢长的比值。以上各项均值和标准差见表1.另外,还计算了下肢长指数(下肢长/身高×100)和上半身长指数(上半身长/身高×100)。将以上数据按性别、年龄逐个输入AppleII电子计算机(Basic语言),对数据进行分析处理,用回归分析法(上海第二医学院数学教研室,1979;杨树勤,1985)分析青少年体重的变化与年龄、身高等七个因素的相关关系(见表2),并对已进入方程式中的各项指标进行反复检查,最后,建立了推算青少年体重变化与年龄、身高的多元回归方程。  相似文献   

本文报道了河南省新乡地区4-13岁汉族儿童的18项体质指标的测试结果,并计算了8项体质发育指数;分析了本地区儿童生长发育的特点,并与文献资料进行了比较;据有关指数,确定该地区汉族儿童躯干部的体质类型为:长躯干型、窄胸型、窄肩型、窄骨盆型。  相似文献   

The growth and somatotype patterns of Manus children, Territory of Papua and New Guinea, reflected in anthropometric measurements and somatotype photographs, is reported for 438 children, ranging from 15 months of age to maturity. Somatotype distributions and individual somatotype photographs indicate little difference between boys and girls from age 1 to 4 years; between age 5 and 9 years boys shift toward higher second component ratings; between age 10 and 18 years boys shift toward higher second and third component ratings, while girls shift toward higher first and third component ratings. Four sample somatotype photographs are representative of the population at age 10 and 14 years, and show age and sex characters easily noted visually. Comparison of height, weight and subscapula skinfold values show that the Manus children resemble the Kaiapit and Bundi children of the New Guinea highlands populations reported by Malcolm in the form of their growth curves but not in growth rates. Manus children grow more slowly than the British, but faster than the Kaiapit and Bundi children. While low skinfold values and height/weight ratios derived from means for height and weight suggest somatotypic similarity of the Manus, Kaiapit and Bundi populations, somatotype photographs are needed for confirmation. Lacking historical information and genetic evidence, we can speculare that diet, nutrition, climate and perhaps physical activity are factors which influence the growth patterns of these populations. The protein intake derived from fish and other seafood may be an important factor in the relatively fast growth and earlier maturation of the Manus. Malcolm thinks that low protein intake plays an important role with the Kaiapit and Bundi, but does not rule out survival value of slow growth and short stature.  相似文献   

Stature, sitting height, estimated leg (subischial) length and the sitting height/stature ratio are compared in Mexican American, American White and American Black boys 9 through 14 years of age and girls 12 through 17 years of age. Mexican American youth are shorter in stature and have absolutely shorter lower extremities. The sitting height of Mexican American youth is similar to that of Black youth and shorter than that of White youth. The sitting height/stature ratio is virtually identical in Mexican American and White youth, indicating similar proportions of lower extremities to stature. In contrast, Black youth have absolutely and relatively longer lower extremities than Mexican American and White youth. These results would thus seem to suggest that reference data for the body mass index (BMI) based on American White youth can be used with Mexican American youth, while race-specific values may be necessary for American Black youth. However, ethnic variation in physique, perhaps frame size, may be a factor which should be more systematically considered in evaluating the utility of the body mass index.  相似文献   

Skeletal disproportion in children with chronic renal disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVES: To assess stature and skeletal disproportion in children with chronic renal disease. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of height (HT), sitting height (SH), subischial leg length (SILL), sitting height/height ratio (SH:HT) and disproportion score (SH SDS minus SILL SDS) in 56 children (M:35) with median age 11.4 years (range 4.5,18.7) with chronic renal disease. RESULTS: There were 19 children with chronic renal insufficiency, 6 receiving peritoneal dialysis and 31 after renal transplant. The median HTSDS for the whole group was -1.21 (-2.8, 0.35). The median SH:HT ratio in non-transplanted children and renal transplant were 0.51 (0.49, 0.53) and 0.50 (0.48, 0.53), respectively (p = 0.02). The median disproportion score of the whole group was -3.2 (-4.8, -1.8). There was a significant correlation between disproportion score and SH:HT (r = 0.5, p = 0.005). SH:HT ratio was negatively related to duration of illness (r = 0.4, p = 0.005). CONCLUSION: Children with chronic renal disease have significant body disproportion and this may be due to a disproportionately greater effect of disease and treatment on spinal growth.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to develop current reference growth centiles for Turkish children and adolescents. A cross-sectional growth survey was conducted on 1.427 (709 boys and 718 girls) healthy schoolchildren aged 6-17 years in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. As an indicator of socio-economic status, the occupation of the parents was recorded. Growth references of height, weight, body mass index (BMI), sitting height, iliospinal height, relative iliospinal height and relative sitting height were constructed by the LMS method. Sex differences, association of parental occupation with height and BMI standard deviation scores were assessed by analyses of variance. Results showed significant sexual dimorphism for height, weight, sitting height and iliospinal height (p<0.001). Significant effect of socio-economic background was found on height and BMI. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was found using the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) reference criteria 22.4% and 5.6% in boys and 21.2% and 3% in girls. Present results demonstrated an increment during the last three decades in height, leg length and weight curves which is more prominent in boys, but not in the sitting height. This positive secular change appears to be a logical outcome of the gradual changes in nutrition, health care and education, and environmental and economic conditions.  相似文献   

刘燕  李玉玲 《人类学学报》2022,41(5):875-882
目前有关儿童青少年坐高、下肢长及其比值的报道多为非双生子人群的研究。为了解遗传和环境因素对儿童青少年坐高、下肢长及坐高与下肢长比值影响的相对大小,我们对796对6~18岁双生子的身高和坐高进行了测量,计算下肢长及坐高与下肢长比值,采用结构方程模型分析其遗传和环境相对效应。结果发现,校正年龄后,男女15~18岁年龄组坐高和下肢长的遗传度(0.63~0.78)均分别高于同性别低年龄段儿童青少年(0.31~0.68);坐高与下肢长比值的遗传度除9~11岁女生(0.84)外,其他年龄组均较低(男0.16~0.46,女0.21~0.57);共同环境因素和特殊环境因素对6~14岁儿童青少年各指标的作用较大。本研究提示,在快速发育时期,坐高、下肢长和坐高与下肢长比值对环境因素更为敏感,遗传度较低;机体越成熟,其遗传效应更强。  相似文献   

达斡尔族学生的体质发育与体型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
朱钦  富杰 《人类学学报》1993,12(1):71-79

Human body size and body proportions are interpreted as markers of ethnicity, 'race,' adaptation to temperature, nutritional history and socioeconomic status. Some studies emphasize only one of these indicators and other studies consider combinations of indicators. To better understand the biocultural nature of human size and proportions a new study of the growth of Maya-American youngsters was undertaken in 1999 and 2000. One purpose of this research is to assess changes in body proportion between Maya growing up in the US and Maya growing up in Guatemala. Height and sitting height of 6-12-year-old boys and girls (n=360) were measured and the sitting height ratio [sitting height/height]x100, a measure of proportion, was calculated. These data are compared with a sample of Maya of the same ages living in Guatemala and measured in 1998 (n=1297). Maya-American children are currently 10.24 cm taller, on average, and have a significantly lower sitting height ratio, (i.e. relatively longer legs, averaging 7.02 cm longer) than the Guatemala Maya. Maya-American children have body proportions more like those of white children in the US than like Maya children in Guatemala. Improvements in the environment for growth, in terms of nutrition and health, seem to explain both the trends in greater stature and relatively longer legs for the Maya-Americans. These findings are applied to the problem of modern human origins as assessed from fossil skeletons. It has been proposed that heat adapted, relatively long-legged Homo sapiens from Africa replaced the cold adapted, relatively short-legged Homo neandertalensis of the Levant and Europe [J Hum Evol 32 (1997a) 423]. Skeletal samples of Maya adults from rural Guatemala have body proportions similar to adult Neandertals and to skeletal samples from Europe with evidence of nutritional and disease stress. Just as nutrition and health status explains the differences in the body proportions of living Maya children, these factors, along with adaptation to climate, may also explain much of the differences between the Neandertal and African hominid samples.  相似文献   

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