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A study was designed to examine the effect of infection with Trypanosoma vivax KETRI 2501 on the maintenance of pregnancy and postpartum return to reproductive function in susceptible Galana (n = 6) and trypano-tolerant Orma Boran (n = 6) heifers during the third trimester of pregnancy. Of the 12 study animals, 3 Galana and 3 Orma Boran heifers served as controls. One of 3 Galana heifers calved prematurely with subsequent perinatal loss. Of the 2 heifers that produced live calves, 1 calf died shortly after birth, while the other survived. Two of 3 Orma heifers calved prematurely and all 3 calves died shortly after birth. The 6 control heifers produced live calves at term, all of which survived. Infection with T. vivax during the third trimester of pregnancy delayed the resumption of ovarian activity after calving, with the Ormas taking a significantly (P < 0.05) shorter time from calving to ovulation. There was no clear evidence that premature birth was associated with pathological changes in reproductive organs. Results from this study demonstrated that infection with pathogenic T. vivax during late pregnancy influenced the outcome of pregnancy in both susceptible Galana and trypano-tolerant Orma Boran heifers, resulting in premature births, perinatal loss, retained placentae, low birth weights and a prolonged period to the onset of postpartum ovarian activity.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven Boran and 37 Boran x Friesian crossbred bulls were weaned at 6 months of age and randomly assigned to either a dry season supplementary feed containing 16% crude protein or control groups. Data were collected on body weight, wither height and scrotal circumference (SC) at monthly intervals. Bulls were also challenged with 100 mug of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) at 2-month intervals and plasma testosterone responses were determined. Semen was collected at monthly intervals by electroejaculation. Post weaning average daily weight gain was significantly (P<0.001) higher in supplemented than in control groups (302 vs 208 g/day). Scrotal circumference growth rates were also significantly (P<0.001) higher in supplemented than in control bulls (0.38 vs 0.31 mm/day). Bulls fed supplemented diets were younger (430 vs 473 days; P<0.001) and heavier (217 vs 203 kg; P<0.05) and had better semen quality at puberty than the control bulls. There was a trend for larger SC at puberty in supplemented than in control bulls (P=0.06). There were no significant differences in wither height or in testosterone response to GnRH at puberty between supplemented and control bulls. Body and SC growth rates to puberty for Boran and Boran x Friesian bulls were 189 and 321 g/day (P<0.001) and 0.27 and 0.42 mm/day (P<0.01), respectively. Boran bulls were older (513 vs 406 days; P<0.01) and lighter (201 vs 215 kg; P<0.05), and had smaller SC (23.9 vs 26 cm; P<0.01) at puberty than Boran x Friesian bulls. Testosterone responses to GnRH increased (P<0.001) with age and were significantly higher (P<0.05) in supplemented and in Boran x Friesian bulls than in control and Boran bulls. Wither height, testosterone response to GnRH and semen quality at puberty did not differ between breeds. Dry season supplementation improved growth rate and enhanced sexual development and maturity in both Boran and Boran x Friesian bulls, and would be a useful management strategy for enhancing fertility in bulls in the tropics.  相似文献   

Since little information is available on the epizootiological status of Trypanosoma evansi in South America and particularly Brazil, we evaluated equine serum samples collected in 1993, 1994, 1995 and 1997 for the presence of antibodies against this trypanosome species. Our study shows corroborative evidence about the correlation among high T. evansi seroprevalence and the rainy season in the Pantanal, Brazil. The higher seroprevalence was 79.2% in horses from a ranch located in the Nhecolandia sub-region in 1994 and the lower 5.8% in animals from the same ranch in 1997. No seroprevalence was found in 1993. The possible re-introduction of T. evansi in the region as well as the relationship among our results with the outbreaks reported in 1994, are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We describe a polymorphism in the bovine gene PTHG which can be readily typed by PCR assay. The polymorphism is codominantly inherited and the allele frequencies appear characteristic of Bos indicus and B. taurus cattle.  相似文献   

A deltamethrin 'pour-on' insecticide was applied monthly to over 2000 cattle exposed to a high challenge of drug-resistant trypanosomes and high tsetse re-invasion pressure in the Ghibe valley, south-west Ethiopia. Blood samples were taken monthly from an average of 760 cattle for determination of PCV and presence of trypanosomes. The area of the valley is approximately 350 km2 and the cattle grazed in roughly four locations covering about a quarter to half of the area. Two years before the trial commenced, Glossina morsitans submorsitans Newstead (Diptera: Glossinidae) began to invade the valley. Despite the use of the pour-on the mean apparent density of G. m. submorsitans continued to rise, and, during the 4 years of tsetse control, was more than three-fold higher than that recorded during the previous 18 months. Over the same period there was little change in the apparent density of Glossina pallidipes Austen (Diptera: Glossinidae). By contrast, the mean monthly prevalence of trypanosome infections in cattle over 36 months of age decreased from 38.3 to 29.0%, the incidence of new infections decreased from 26.6 to 16.0% (a reduction of 40%), and packed cell volume in cattle increased from 21.7 to 24.1%. Evidence of a change in apparent parasite transmission rate was demonstrated by regression of infection incidence in cattle on the logarithm of apparent density of G. m. submorsitans. Before the trial started the regression coefficient was 45.8 +/- 6.3 and this reduced to 9.2 +/- 2.5% incidence per log(e) (flies/trap/day) during the period of tsetse control. It was concluded that this indicated reductions in tsetse numbers in the immediate vicinities of cattle in a way that was not reflected in overall tsetse catches. Nevertheless, the comparatively high levels of trypanosome prevalence that persisted in the cattle demonstrates that, where invasion prevalence is high, treatment of small pockets of cattle will not eradicate tsetse. To achieve more significant reduction in trypanosome prevalence in cattle, integrated methods of control utilizing target barriers in the major routes of invasion will be needed.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine the influence of management factors on pregnancy attrition in dairy cattle. Data from 3162 diagnosed pregnancies in parous cows and 1050 in heifers at 9 commercial dairy herds in northeastern Spain were used. Pregnancy diagnosis by palpation per rectum was performed from 30 to 70 d post insemination. Pregnancy attrition was registered when pregnancy diagnosis resulted negative in a second palpation carried out between 120 and 150 d following insemination. Overall proportion of pregnancy losses was 7.9% (9.6% in parous cows and 2.8% in heifers). Data analysis was performed by multiple logistic regression methods. For all animals, effect of time of pregnancy diagnosis was shown (Odds ratio = 0.97 for 1 d increase; P = 0.0042). Conceptus loss in heifers was lower than in parous cows (Odds ratio = 0.28; P = 0.0001), and a higher proportion of pregnancy attritions was detected in animals inseminated in spring, summer and winter, compared to those inseminated in autumn (P < 0.04). Herd effect on pregnancy attrition was also significant. Similar results were observed in the subanalysis for parous cows and, furthermore, no effect of lactation number and of interval from previous calving to pregnancy was shown in this group. In heifers, no effect of time of pregnancy diagnosis and of insemination season on pregnancy attrition was shown, and only a herd effect was observed. Our data suggest that the influence of parity status (heifer vs cow) could affect the proportion of pregnancy attrition rather than early diagnosis, and, in pregnant cows, adaptation to seasonal changes associated with temperature decreases seem more efficient.  相似文献   

Two separate experiments were carried out to find the effect of infection with low and high doses of Theileria parva sporozoites on the cyclical status of Boran/Friesian cross heifers. In each experiment, ten heifers were infected and another four heifers acted as controls. Routine monitoring of estrous behavior, determination of serum progesterone concentrations and palpation of the ovaries per rectum were used to assess the cyclical status of each animal. Two and eight animals died in the T . parva low (TpL) and high (TpH) dose experiments, respectively. Five of eight recovered animals in the TpL group cycled regularly postinfection, while three others had extended periods of ovarian dysfunction postinfection. Both infected and recovered animals in the TpH-group similarly had extended periods of ovarian dysfunction postinfection. All controls in both experiments cycled regularly throughout the study period. Differences in cyclical status were not related to the febrile response, parasitological or hematological differences. The animals that continued to cycle throughout lost the least amount of weight. Animals that stopped cycling lost between 16 and 29% of their initial body weights postinfection. In conclusion, this study confirmed previous anecdotal evidence that theileriosis has an adverse effect on reproduction. Results of this study suggested that this was as an indirect result of weight loss associated with infection and not directly attributed to pathology of target organs.  相似文献   

This study compared the developmental potential of bovine nuclear transfer embryos with varying amounts of cytoplasm. Embryos formed from single cytoplasts fused to blastomeres by a single electrical pulse or from double cytoplasts using a double electrical pulse resulted in reconstituted embryos containing 75% and 150% of the original oocyte volume. No differences in fusion, cleavage, or development rates to blastocysts were observed between the groups. Mean cell numbers 2 days after fusion were significantly lower in single-cytoplast clones. Cell numbers of resulting blastocysts were likewise significantly lower in single-cytoplast clones. Embryos formed by fusion of blastomeres with single cytoplasts using a single electrical pulse or from double cytoplasts using either a single or a double pulse resulted in reconstituted embryos containing 50%, 100% and 100% of the original oocyte volume. Again, no differences in fusion or cleavage rates were observed between groups, but the development to blastocysts at day 7 was significantly higher in double cytoplasts constructed with one fusion pulse than in single cytoplasts (P< 0.05). Mean cell numbers 2 days after fusion were significantly lower in single-cytoplast clones (P< 0.05), but at the blastocyst stage, no statistically significant differences in cell numbers were observed. The results of this study show that cytoplasmic volume plays a role in the development of nuclear transfer embryos. When using crude enucleation methods such as oocyte bisection, normal cytoplasmic volumes can be achieved by fusing double cytoplasts with embryonic blastomeres. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 50:185–191, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Pregnancy-associated glycoproteins and pregnancy wastage in cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Aging is characterized by reduced tissue regenerative capacity attributed to a diminished responsiveness of tissue‐specific stem cells. With increasing age, resident precursor cells in muscle tissues show a markedly impaired propensity to proliferate in response to damage. However, exposure to factors present in the serum of young mice restores the regenerative capacity of aged precursor cells. As pregnancy represents a unique biological model of a partially shared blood system between young and old organisms, we hypothesized that pregnancy in aged mice would have a rejuvenating effect on the mother. To test this hypothesis, we assessed muscle regeneration in response to injury in young and aged pregnant and nonpregnant mice. Muscle regeneration in the aged pregnant mice was improved relative to that in age‐matched nonpregnant mice. The beneficial effect of pregnancy was transient, lasting up to 2 months after delivery, and appeared to be attributable to activation of satellite cells via the Notch signaling pathway, thus supporting the possibility that pregnancy induces activation of aged dormant muscle progenitor cells.  相似文献   

An experiment is described in which the effects of age, previous infection, pregnancy and lactation on some reactions of cattle to infection with Ostertagia ostertagi were studied. It was found that an acquired resistance to the establishment of worms developed more rapidly in 20-month-old heifers than in calves, that it was unaffected by pregnancy of the host but that it was largely lost by heifers in early lactation. The rate at which populations were turned over, i.e. the mean life-span of worms through the late 4th and 5th stages was unaffected by the factors studied. Although, in the conditions of the experiment, development of the worms was not arrested in susceptible calves, both age of the host and its previous experience of infection were significant causes of arrest, and in previously infected 20-month-old cattle 86% of the worms of a challenge infection were arrested. Pregnancy did not affect the proportion of worms that was arrested but in lactating heifers only marginally more worms were arrested than in calves. Worms that were not arrested grew more rapidly in calves and in lactating heifers than in empty heifers or those in mid-pregnancy.  相似文献   

Breed additive and non-additive effects, and genetic parameters of lactation milk yield (LYD), 305-day milk yield (305YD), lactation length (LL), milk yield per day of lactation (DM) and lifetime milk yield (LTYD) were estimated in Ethiopian Boran cattle and their crosses with Holstein in central Ethiopia. The data analyzed included 2360 lactation records spread over 15 years. Ethiopian Boran cattle were consistently inferior (P < 0.01) to the Ethiopian Boran-Holstein crosses for the dairy traits studied. When the crosses were compared, LYD, 305YD and DM were higher (P < 0.01) for 75% and 87.5% crosses compared to 50% and 62.5% ones. However, the 50% crosses had higher (P < 0.01) LTYD than the other genetic groups. The individual additive genetic breed differences for milk production traits were all significant (P < 0.01). The estimates, in favor of Holstein, were 2055 ± 192 kg for LYD, 1776 ± 142 kg for 305YD, 108 ± 24 days for LL, 5.9 ± 0.5 kg for DM and 3353 ± 1294 kg for LTYD. Crossbreeding of the Holstein with the Ethiopian Boran resulted in desirable and significant (P < 0.01) individual heterosis for all milk production traits. The heterosis estimates were, 529 ± 98, 427 ± 72 kg, 44 ± 12 days 1.47 ± 0.23 kg and 3337 ± 681 kg, for LYD, 305YD, LL, DM and LTYD, respectively. The maternal heterotic effects were non-significant (P > 0.05) for all traits. Heritabilities of LYD, 305YD, LL, DM and LTYD for Ethiopian Boran were 0.20 ± 0.03, 0.18 ± 0.03, 0.26 ± 0.03, 0.13 ± 0.03 and 0.02 ± 0.04, respectively. The corresponding estimates for crosses were 0.10 ± 0.002, 0.11 ± 0.003, 0.63 ± 0.02, 0.45 ± 1.05 and 0.24 ± 0.11, respectively. Selection within each of the genetic groups and crossbreeding should substantially improve the milk production potential of the Ethiopian Boran breed under such production system.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of the tick Amblyomma variegatum Fabricius on liveweight gain (LWG) on yearling cattle over 16 weeks was evaluated under quasi-natural conditions. Early in the exposure period when animals may have been in a state of suppressed metabolism, the effect of tick feeding on LWG was negligible. Overall, however, the difference in LWG between tick-free and tick-infested groups of cattle was 4.95 kg after 16 weeks. This difference between the groups was used to estimate a lower LWG of 48–63 g due to each engorging female tick.  相似文献   

Quantitative histological techniques were used to characterize the pattern of testicular and epididymal development in 42 Boran and 49 Boran x Friesian bulls aged between 6 and 23 mo. Bulls were divided into five age groups having four-month intervals. Between 6 and 23 mo of age, body weight increased from 124 to 293 kg and 179 to 267 kg (P<0.01) in Boran and Boran x Friesian bulls, respectively. Scrotal circumference measurements increased from 6 to 23 mo by 10.2 and 8.9 cm in Boran and Boran x Friesian bulls. Paired testes weight increased significantly (P<0.001) over the same period from 29 to 304 g and 59 to 291 g in Boran and Boran x Friesian bulls, respectively. Both caput and cauda epididymal segment weights also increased significantly (P<0.001) with age. There were significant (P<0.05) genotype differences in seminiferous tubule diameter, which increased by 137 and 90 mum with increasing age in Boran and Boran x Friesian bulls, respectively. Patent seminiferous tubules were first observed at 206 and 188 d of age in Boran and Boran x Friesian bulls, respectively. The appearance of elongated spermatids and spermatozoa in the seminiferous tubules and epididymal tubules occurred at later ages in Boran than in Boran x Friesian bulls.  相似文献   

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