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The B-cell response against West Nile virus (WNV), an encephalitic Flavivirus of global concern, is critical to controlling central nervous system dissemination and neurological sequelae, including death. Here, using a well-characterized mouse model of WNV infection, we examine the factors that govern early B-cell activation. Subcutaneous inoculation with a low dose of replicating WNV results in extensive B-cell activation in the draining lymph node (LN) within days of infection as judged by upregulation of the surface markers CD69, class II major histocompatibility complex, and CD86 on CD19(+) cells. B-cell activation in the LN but not the spleen was dependent on signals through the type I alpha/beta interferon (IFN-alpha/beta) receptor. Despite significant activation in the draining LN at day 3 after infection, WNV-specific B cells were not detected by immunoglobulin M enzyme-linked immunospot analysis until day 7. Liposome depletion experiments demonstrate that B-cell activation after WNV infection was not affected by the loss of F4/80(+) or CD169(+) subcapsular macrophages. Nonetheless, LN myeloid cells were essential for control of viral replication and survival from infection. Overall, our data suggest that the massive, early polyclonal B-cell activation occurring in the draining LN after WNV infection is immunoglobulin receptor and macrophage independent but requires sustained signals through the type I IFN-alpha/beta receptor.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(18):3334-3344
Recent work has established that axons have a periodic skeleton structure comprising of azimuthal actin rings connected via longitudinal spectrin tetramer filaments. This structure endows the axon with structural integrity and mechanical stability. Additionally, voltage-gated sodium channels follow the periodicity of the active-spectrin arrangement, spaced ~190 nm segments apart. The impact of this periodic arrangement of sodium channels on the generation and propagation of action potentials is unknown. To address this question, we simulated an action potential using the Hodgkin-Huxley formalism in a cylindrical compartment, but instead of using a homogeneous distribution of voltage-gated sodium channels in the membrane, we applied the experimentally determined periodic arrangement. We found that the periodic distribution of voltage-gated sodium channels does not significantly affect the generation or propagation of action potentials but instead leads to large, localized sodium action currents caused by high-density sodium nanodomains. Additionally, our simulations show that the distance between periodic sodium channel strips could control axonal excitability, suggesting a previously underappreciated mechanism to regulate neuronal firing properties. Together, this work provides a critical new insight into the role of the periodic arrangement of sodium channels in axons, providing a foundation for future experimental studies.  相似文献   

The effect of cyclosporin A (CsA) on the production of gamma interferon (IFN gamma) versus IFN alpha/beta was studied using mouse and human lymphocytes and fibroblasts. Spleen cells from C57Bl/6 mice produced low but significant levels (40-60 U/ml) of IFN gamma after 2 to 3 days of culture with irradiated DBA spleen cells. The addition of CsA at concentrations as low as 0.1 microgram/ml completely inhibited (less than 10 U/ml) IFN gamma production in these cultures. High levels of IFN gamma (170-1200 U/ml) were produced when either C57Bl/6 spleen cells or Ficoll-Hypaque-purified human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) were cultured with the T-cell mitogen staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA). The addition of CsA (0.1 microgram/ml) to these cultures also completely inhibited (less than 10 U/ml) IFN gamma production. This inhibition was shown not to be due to a change in the kinetics of IFN gamma production or to a change in the amount of SEA required for stimulation. IFN gamma production in SEA-stimulated mouse spleen cells was inhibited at 3 days of culture even when CsA was added at 24 or 48 hr postculture initiation. Thus, CsA inhibits IFN gamma production even when early events associated with lymphocyte activation have been allowed to take place. In contrast to IFN gamma production, IFN alpha/beta production by Newcastle disease virus (NDV)-infected mouse and human lymphocytes or fibroblasts was not inhibited by the addition of CsA (1 microgram/ml). CsA also did not block the action of IFN gamma or IFN alpha/beta since addition of CsA (1 microgram/ml) to reference IFN standards had no effect on their antiviral activity. Thus, CsA inhibits the production of IFN gamma by T cells but appears to have no effect on the production of IFN alpha/beta by virus-infected cells or on the antiviral action of already produced IFN gamma and IFN alpha/beta.  相似文献   

Aneuploidy underlies failed development and possibly apoptosis of some preimplantation embryos. We employed a haploid model in the mouse to study the effects of aneuploidy on apoptosis in preimplantation embryos. Mouse metaphase II oocytes that were activated with strontium formed haploid parthenogenetic embryos with 1 pronucleus, whereas activation of oocytes with strontium plus cytochalasin D produced diploid parthenogenetic embryo controls with 2 pronuclei. Strontium induced calcium transients that mimic sperm-induced calcium oscillations, and ploidy was confirmed by chromosomal analysis. Rates of development and apoptosis were compared between haploid and diploid parthenogenetic embryos (parthenotes) and control embryos derived from in vitro fertilization (IVF). Haploid mouse parthenotes cleaved at a slower rate, and most arrested before the blastocyst stage, in contrast to diploid parthenotes or IVF embryos. Developmentally retarded haploid parthenotes exhibited apoptosis at a significantly higher frequency than did diploid parthenotes or IVF embryos. However, diploid parthenotes exhibited rates of preimplantation development and apoptosis similar to those of IVF embryos, indicating that parthenogenetic activation itself does not initiate apoptosis during preimplantation development. These results suggest that haploidy can lead to an increased incidence of apoptosis. Moreover, the initiation of apoptosis during preimplantation development does not require the paternal genome.  相似文献   

Tyk2 is a Jak family member involved in cytokine signaling through heterodimeric-type receptors. Here, we analyzed the impact of the Val(678)-to-Phe substitution on Tyk2 functioning. This mutation is homologous to the Jak2 Val(617)-to-Phe mutation, implicated in myeloproliferative disorders. We studied ligand-independent and ligand-dependent Jak/Stat signaling in cells expressing Tyk2 V678F. Moreover, the effect of Tyk2 V678F was monitored in the context of the native heterodimeric interferon alpha receptor and in the context of a homodimeric receptor chimera, EpoR/R1, containing the ectodomain of the erythropoietin receptor. We show that Tyk2 V678F has increased catalytic potential in vivo and in vitro and more so when it is anchored to the homodimeric receptor. Tyk2 V678F leads to constitutive Stat3 phosphorylation but has no notable effect on the canonical interferon alpha-induced signaling. However, if anchored to the homodimeric EpoR/R1, the mutant confers to the cell increased sensitivity to erythropoietin. Thus, despite the catalytic gain of function of Tyk2 V678F, the effect on ligand-induced signaling is manifest only when two mutant enzymes are juxtaposed via the homodimeric receptor.  相似文献   

The mouse B-cell clone, CH12.LX (Iak, Ly-1+, +, +), can be induced to differentiate and secrete antibody in an antigen-specific, H-2-restricted manner. Induction requires two signals. One must be provided by the binding of specific antigen to the membrane IgM; the other is delivered by the binding of Ek-specific T-cell hybridomas to the Ek molecules of CH12.LX (Bishop and Haughton 1986). Previous studies demonstrated that Ek-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) could substitute for T cells in delivering the second differentiative signal (Bishop and Haughton 1986). Although CH12.LX cells present Ak to Ak-restricted or alloreactive T-helper cells, neither T cells nor mAbs specific for Ak induce differentiation (Bishop and Haughton 1986). However, since the Akspecifc mAbs tested previously were -chain-specific and the Ia epitope specificity of the T cells used was unknown, it is possible that the differentiative signal delivered to the CH12.LX class 11 molecule is chain-specific. Here we report the effects of ten additional Iak-specific mAbs upon the differentiation of CH12.LX. In addition, a cl)NA library was prepared from CHI 2.LX cells, clones corresponding to the and chains of the Ak molecule were isolated, and their nucleotide sequences were determined. Finally, the Ak and Ek molecules of CH12.LX and H-2k spleen cells were compared by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to examine possible post-translational differences in the Iak molecules of CH12.LX.  相似文献   

Rip1 is required for IkappaB kinase activation in response to tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and has been implicated in the Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) response to double-stranded RNA. Cytokine production is impaired when rip1-/- cells are treated with TNF-alpha, poly(I-C), or lipopolysaccharide, implicating Rip1 in the Trif-dependent TLR3 and TLR4 pathways. To examine the role of Rip1 in the Trif-dependent TLR4 pathway, we generated rip1-/- MyD88-/- cells. Lipopolysaccharide failed to stimulate NF-kappaB activation in rip1-/-MyD88-/- cells, revealing that Rip1 is also required for the Trif-dependent TLR4-induced NF-kappaB pathway. In addition to activating NF-kappaB, TLR3/4 pathways also stimulate interferon regulatory factor 3 activation. However, we find that Rip1 expression stimulates NF-kappaB but not interferon regulatory factor 3 activity. In the TNF-alpha pathway, Rip1 interacts with the E3 ubiquitin ligase Traf2 and is modified by polyubiquitin chains. Upon TLR3 activation, Rip1 is also modified by polyubiquitin chains and is recruited to TLR3 along with Traf6 and the ubiquitin-activated kinase Tak1. These studies suggest that Rip1 uses a similar, ubiquitin-dependent mechanism to activate IkappaB kinase-beta in response to TNF-alpha and TLR3 ligands.  相似文献   

Variation in behavioral traits among individuals within a population can have implications for food webs and ecosystems. Temperature change also alters food web structure and function, but potential interactions between warming and intraspecific behavioral variation are largely unexplored. We aimed to test how increased temperature, individual activity level of a predatory backswimmer (Anisops assimilis), and their interaction influenced the strength of top‐down control of zooplankton and phytoplankton. We used stable isotopes to support our assumption that the study population of A. assimilis is zooplanktivorous, and behavioral trials to confirm that activity level is a repeatable trait. We established freshwater microcosms to test for effects of warming, backswimmer presence, and backswimmer behavioral type on zooplankton density, zooplankton composition, and phytoplankton chlorophyll a. Top‐down control was present and was generally stronger at increased temperature. There was no indication that predator behavioral type influenced the strength of top‐down control either on its own or interactively with temperature. Predator behavioral type may not be associated with ecologically important function in this species at the temporal and spatial scales addressed in this study, but the links between behavior, temperature, and food web processes are worthy of broader exploration.  相似文献   

Activation of NF-kappaB by the pro-inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin-1 (IL-1) requires the IkappaB kinase (IKK) complex, which contains two kinases named IKKalpha and IKKbeta and a critical regulatory subunit named NEMO. Although we have previously demonstrated that NEMO associates with both IKKs, genetic studies reveal that only its interaction with IKKbeta is required for TNF-induced NF-kappaB activation. To determine whether NEMO and IKKalpha can form a functional IKK complex capable of activating the classical NF-kappaB pathway in the absence of IKKbeta, we utilized a panel of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) lacking each of the IKK complex subunits. This confirmed that TNF-induced IkappaBalpha degradation absolutely requires NEMO and IKKbeta. In contrast, we consistently observed intact IkappaBalpha degradation and NF-kappaB activation in response to IL-1 in two separate cell lines lacking IKKbeta. Furthermore, exogenously expressed, catalytically inactive IKKbeta blocked TNF- but not IL-1-induced IkappaBalpha degradation in wild-type MEFs, and reconstitution of IKKalpha/beta double knockout cells with IKKalpha rescued IL-1- but not TNF-induced NF-kappaB activation. Finally, we have shown that incubation of IKKbeta-deficient MEFs with a cell-permeable peptide that blocks the interaction of NEMO with the IKKs inhibits IL-1-induced NF-kappaB activation. Our results therefore demonstrate that NEMO and IKKalpha can form a functional IKK complex that activates the classical NF-kappaB pathway in response to IL-1 but not TNF. These findings further suggest NEMO differentially regulates the fidelity of the IKK subunits activated by distinct upstream signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Type I (α and β) interferons (IFNs) elicit antiproliferative and antiviral activities via the surface receptor IFNAR. Serendipitous observations in transgenic mice in 1988 strongly suggested that IFNα/β overexpression in the testis disrupts spermatogenesis. Here, we compare a new mouse strain transgenic for IFNβ (Tg10) and a sister strain lacking the IFNAR1 subunit of IFNAR (Tg10-Ifnar1(-/-)), both strains expressing the transgene in the testis. The main source of IFNβ RNA was the spermatid population. Importantly, the Tg10 mice, but not the double mutant Tg10-Ifnar1(-/-), showed altered spermatogenesis. The first IFNAR-dependent histological alteration was a higher apoptosis index in all germ cell categories apart from non-dividing spermatogonia. This occurred 3 weeks after the onset of IFNβ production at postnatal day 20 and in the absence of somatic cell defects in terms of cell number, expression of specific cell markers, and hormonal activities. Several known interferon-stimulated genes were up-regulated in Tg10 Sertoli cells and prepachytene germ cells but not in pachytene spermatocytes and spermatids. In concordance with this, pachytene spermatocytes and spermatids isolated from wild-type testes did not display measurable amounts of IFNAR1 and phosphorylated STAT1 upon IFNβ challenge in vitro, suggesting hyporesponsiveness of these cell types to IFN. At day 60, Tg10 males were sterile, and Sertoli cells showed increased amounts of anti-Mullerian hormone and decreased production of inhibin B, both probably attributable to the massive germ cell loss. Type I interferon signaling may lead to idiopathic infertilities by affecting the interplay between germ cells and Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

Long days stimulate and short days (SDs) inhibit the reproductive axis of photoperiodic rodents. In long-day Turkish hamsters, unlike most other rodents, elimination of pineal melatonin secretion by constant light or pinealectomy initiates a cycle of gonadal involution and recrudescence outwardly similar to that induced by short days. The present study assessed whether short days and constant light induce the seasonal reproductive cycle via common or different interval timing mechanisms. Male hamsters that had undergone gonadal involution in SDs for 8 or 14 weeks were treated with LL for 14 and 8 weeks, respectively. If SDs and LL act via independent mechanisms, then gonadal quiescence of SD-regressed males, which normally lasts 10 weeks, might be extended by LL treatment; alternatively, if SDs and LL act on the same timer, or the timer cannot be retriggered, then LL will not extend the duration of reproductive quiescence. Neither of these outcomes materialized. Instead, male hamsters exposed to LL while reproductively quiescent exhibited accelerated gonadal recrudescence. Extended LL treatment did not restore responsiveness to SDs in photorefractory hamsters. In Turkish hamsters, photoperiodic history determines whether constant light inhibits or stimulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis.  相似文献   

The 7-transmembrane or G protein-coupled receptors relay signals from hormones and sensory stimuli to multiple signaling systems at the intracellular face of the plasma membrane including heterotrimeric G proteins, ERK1/2, and arrestins. It is an emerging concept that 7-transmembrane receptors form oligomers; however, it is not well understood which roles oligomerization plays in receptor activation of different signaling systems. To begin to address this question, we used the angiotensin II type 1 (AT(1)) receptor, a key regulator of blood pressure and fluid homeostasis that in specific context has been described to activate ERKs without activating G proteins. By using bioluminescence resonance energy transfer, we demonstrate that AT(1) receptors exist as oligomers in transfected COS-7 cells. AT(1) oligomerization was both constitutive and receptor-specific as neither agonist, antagonist, nor co-expression with three other receptors affected the bioluminescence resonance energy transfer 2 signal. Furthermore, the oligomerization occurs early in biosynthesis before surface expression, because we could control AT(1) receptor export from the endoplasmic reticulum or Golgi by using regulated secretion/aggregation technology (RPD trade mark ). Co-expression studies of wild type AT(1) and AT(1) receptor mutants, defective in either ligand binding or G protein and ERK activation, yielded an interesting result. The mutant receptors specifically exerted a dominant negative effect on Galpha(q) activation, whereas ERK activation was preserved. These data suggest that distinctly active conformations of AT(1) oligomers can couple to each of these signaling systems and imply that oligomerization plays an active role in supporting these distinctly active conformations of AT(1) receptors.  相似文献   

The hallmark of fibrosis is an accumulation of fibrillar collagens, especially of collagen type I. There is considerable debate whether in vivo type II epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is involved in organ fibrosis. Lineage tracing experiments by various groups show opposing data concerning the relative contribution of epithelial cells to the pool of myofibroblasts. We hypothesized that EMT-derived cells might directly contribute to collagen deposition. To study this, EMT was induced in human epithelial lung and renal cell lines in vitro by means of TGF-β1 stimulation, and we compared the collagen type I (COL1A1) expression levels of transdifferentiated cells with that of myofibroblasts obtained by TGF-β1 stimulation of human dermal and lung fibroblasts. COL1A1 expression levels of transdifferentiated epithelial cells appeared to be at least one to two orders of magnitude lower than that of myofibroblasts. This was confirmed at immunohistochemical level: in contrast to myofibroblasts, collagen type I deposition by EMT-derived cells was not or hardly detectable. We postulate that, even when type II EMT occurs in vivo, the direct contribution of EMT-derived cells to collagen accumulation is rather limited.  相似文献   

The Werner syndrome helicase/3′-exonuclease (WRN) is a major component of the DNA repair and replication machinery. To analyze whether WRN is involved in the repair of topoisomerase-induced DNA damage we utilized U2-OS cells, in which WRN is stably down-regulated (wrn-kd), and the corresponding wild-type cells (wrn-wt). We show that cells not expressing WRN are hypersensitive to the toxic effect of the topoisomerase I inhibitor topotecan, but not to the topoisomerase II inhibitor etoposide. This was shown by mass survival assays, colony formation and induction of apoptosis. Upon topotecan treatment WRN deficient cells showed enhanced DNA replication inhibition and S-phase arrest, whereas after treatment with etoposide they showed the same cell cycle response as the wild-type. A considerable difference between WRN and wild-type cells was observed for DNA single- and double-strand break formation in response to topotecan. Topotecan induced DNA single-strand breaks 6 h after treatment. In both wrn-wt and wrn-kd cells these breaks were repaired at similar kinetics. However, in wrn-kd but not wrn-wt cells they were converted into DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) at high frequency, as shown by neutral comet assay and phosphorylation of H2AX. Our data provide evidence that WRN is involved in the repair of topoisomerase I, but not topoisomerase II-induced DNA damage, most likely via preventing the conversion of DNA single-strand breaks into DSBs during the resolution of stalled replication forks at topo I–DNA complexes. We suggest that the WRN status of tumor cells impacts anticancer therapy with topoisomerase I, but not topoisomerase II inhibitors.  相似文献   

We have previously reported the cloning and characterization of CARD6, a caspase recruitment domain (CARD)-containing protein that is structurally related to the interferon (IFN)-inducible GTPases. CARD6 associates with microtubules and with receptor-interacting protein 2 (RIP2). RIP2 mediates NF-κB activation induced by the intracellular nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD) receptors that sense bacterial peptidoglycan. Here we report that the expression of CARD6 and RIP2 in bone marrow-derived macrophages is rapidly induced by beta IFN and gamma IFN. This IFN-induced upregulation of CARD6 is suppressed by lipopolysaccharide (LPS), in contrast to LPS's enhancement of IFN-induced RIP2 upregulation. We generated CARD6-deficient (CARD6−/−) mice and carried out extensive analyses of signaling pathways mediating innate and adaptive immune responses, including the NOD pathways, but did not detect any abnormalities. Moreover, CARD6−/− mice were just as susceptible as wild-type mice to infection by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, Listeria monocytogenes, Candida albicans, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, or mouse adenovirus type 1. Thus, although structural and in vitro analyses strongly suggest an important role for CARD6 in immune defense, the physiological function of CARD6 remains obscure.  相似文献   

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