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不同产地中华鳖的线粒体控制区序列分析及结构比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用PCR特异引物,扩增了两产地中华鳖(Pelodiscus sinensis)个体的mtDNA控制区(CR)及其邻近片段,测序获得了长度分别为1830bp和1630bp的序列。结合GenBank中已发表的韩国产中华鳖mtDNA的CR区序列,比较了3个产地中华鳖的CR区结构。分析显示:中华鳖不同产地mtDNA CR区DNA中的A+T含量分别为60.5%、63.6%和64.8%,它们的5′、3′末端以及CSB1-CSB2之间均存在丰富的可变数目串联重复序列(variable numbers oftandem repeats,VNTR)。基于mtDNA CR区序列和结构分析,显示中华鳖不同产地的野生个体中存在丰富的遗传多样性。  相似文献   

Complete DNA sequences of the control region revealed a more fine-scale genetic structuring within and among Austrian brown trout Salmo trutta populations providing the opportunity for gene frequency analyses in the phylogeographic context. Ninety-two individuals (75%) were assigned to nine Danubian haplotypes and 31 individuals (25%) comprised seven Atlantic haplotypes of northern European origin. Three of the Atlantic haplotypes were also found in an Austrian hatchery breeding stock.  相似文献   

Animal mitochondrial DNA is normally inherited clonally from a mother to all her offspring. Mitochondrial heteroplasmy, the occurrence of more than one mitochondrial haplotype within an individual, can be generated by relatively common somatic mutations within an individual, by heteroplasmy of the oocytes, or by paternal leakage of mitochondria during fertilization of an egg. This biparental inheritance has so far been reported only in mice, mussels, Drosophila, and humans. Here we present evidence that paternal leakage occurs in a bird, the great tit Parus major. The major and minor subspecies groups of the great tit mix in the middle Amur Valley in far-eastern Siberia, where we found a bird that possessed the very distinct haplotypes of the two groups. To our knowledge this is the first report of paternal leakage in birds.  相似文献   

We present the first comprehensive analysis of the crocodilian control region. We have analyzed sequences from all three families of Crocodylia (Crocodylidae, Gavialidae, Alligatoridae), incorporating all genera except Paleosuchus and Melanosuchus. Within the control region of other vertebrates, several sequence motifs and their order appear to be conserved. Herein, we compare aligned crocodilian D-loop sequences to homologous sequences from other vertebrates ranging from fish to birds. Among other findings, we have discovered that while domain I tends to be shorter than the same region in mammals and birds, it contains sequences similar in structure to both the goose-hairpin and termination associated sequences (TAS). Domain II is highly conservative with regard to size among the taxa examined and contains several of the conserved sequence boxes characterized in other vertebrates. Domain III contains several interesting sequence motifs including tandemly repeated sequences, a long poly-A region in the Crocodylidae, and possible bidirection promoter sequences.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial DNA of the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) contains a tandem array of 153-bp repeats in the vicinity of the replication origin of the H-stand. Variation among molecules in the number of these repeats results in inter- and intraindividual length polymorphism (heteroplasmy). Generally, in an individual, one predominant molecular type is observed, the others representing a low percentage of the mtDNA content. At the tissue level, we observe a particular distribution of this polymorphism in the gonads compared with liver, kidneys, or brain, implying a relationship between the differentiation status of the cells and the types of new mtDNA molecules which appear and accumulate during lifetime. Similar tandem repeats were also found in the mtDNA noncoding region of European hares (Lepus europaeus), a cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus), and a pika (Ochotona rufescens). The lengths and the sequences of these units evolve rapidly and in a concerted way, but the number of repeats is maintained in a narrow range, and an internal 20-bp segment is highly conserved. Constraints restrict the evolution of the primary sequence of these repeated units, the number of which is probably controlled by a stabilizing selection.   相似文献   

A tandemly repetitive sequence family (AbS1) and a repetitive sequence (Hd) forming part of a larger dispersed element (dorf-1) ofAnemone blanda were characterised. TheAbS1 satellite sequence family is located in all 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) positive intercalary heterochromatic bands and in the DAPI positive heterochromatic terminal region of chromosome 3, while the dispersedHd homologous sequences are preferentially associated with euchromatic chromosome regions. The major component of theAbS1 satellite isAbS1-H1 with a basic repeat unit of 1640 bp; a minor fraction (AbS1-H5) consists of 320 bp units. A subsection of theAbS1-H1 repeat unit exhibits homologies to the 25S rRNA gene of flowering plants suggesting that the 1.64 kb satellite was generated by amplification of a precursor satellite and/or single copy sequence together with an rDNA fragment. The rDNA homologous region is considered to evolve at a rate similar to pseudogenes and thus the age of this satellite DNA fraction can be roughly estimated as about 27 million years.The dispersed repeated sequenceHd (about 1300 bp) is associated with the 8 kb elementdorf-1. A. blanda dorf-1 constitutes about 0.2% of the genome (3×104 copies), is bounded by identical long terminal repeats, and exhibits partial homology to theLilium gypsy-type elementdell, but has yet to be confirmed as a retrotransposon. In contrast to theAbS1 satellite sequence family,Hd homologous sequences were found not only inA. apennina, the closest relative ofA. blanda, but also inA. nemorosa andA. ranunculoides indicating that a progenitor sequence ofdorf-1 was present in a common ancestor before speciation ocurred.  相似文献   

The issue of mitochondrial heteroplasmy has been cited as a theoretical problem for DNA barcoding but is only beginning to be examined in natural systems. We sequenced multiple DNA extractions from 20 individuals of four Hawaiian Hylaeus bee species known to be heteroplasmic. All species showed strong differences at polymorphic sites between abdominal and muscle tissue in most individuals, and only two individuals had no obvious segregation. Two specimens produced completely clean sequences from abdominal DNA. The fact that these differences are clearly visible by direct sequencing indicates that substantial intra-individual mtDNA diversity may be overlooked when DNA is taken from small tissue fragments. At the same time, differences in haplotype distribution among individuals may result in incorrect recognition of cryptic species. Because DNA barcoding studies typically use only a small fragment of an organism, they are particularly vulnerable to sequencing bias where heteroplasmy and haplotype segregation are present. It is important to anticipate this possibility prior to undertaking large-scale barcoding projects to reduce the likelihood of haplotype segregation confounding the results.  相似文献   

This study reports the molecular characterization of the mtDNA control region (called the A+T-rich region in insects) of five dipteran species which cause myiasis: Cochliomyia hominivorax Coquerel, Cochliomyia macellaria Fabricius, Chrysomya megacephala Fabricius, Lucilia eximia Wiedemann (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and Dermatobia hominis Linnaeus Jr (Diptera: Oestridae). The control region in these species varies in length from 1000 to 1600 bp. Two structural domains with specific evolutionary patterns were identified. These were (1) conserved sequence blocks containing primary sequence motifs, including dinucleotide pyrimidine-purine series and long T-stretches, located at the 5' end adjacent to the tRNA(Ile) gene and (2) a hypervariable domain at the 3' end characterized by increased nucleotide divergence and size variation. A high frequency of A<-->T transversions at nucleotide substitution level indicated directional mutation pressure. The phylogenetic usefulness of the insect control region is discussed.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region (CR) of numerous species is known to include up to five different repetitive sequences (RS1-RS5) that are found at various locations, involving motifs of different length and extensive length heteroplasmy. Two repetitive sequences (RS2 and RS3) on opposite sides of mtDNA central conserved region have been described in domestic cat (Felis catus) and some other felid species. However, the presence of repetitive sequence RS3 has not been detected in Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) yet. We analyzed mtDNA CR of 35 Eurasian lynx (L. lynx L.) samples to characterize repetitive sequences and to compare them with those found in other felid species. We confirmed the presence of 80 base pairs (bp) repetitive sequence (RS2) at the 5' end of the Eurasian lynx mtDNA CR L strand and for the first time we described RS3 repetitive sequence at its 3' end, consisting of an array of tandem repeats five to ten bp long. We found that felid species share similar RS3 repetitive pattern and fundamental repeat motif TACAC.  相似文献   

Length variation due to tandem repeats is now recognized as a common feature of animal mitochondrial DNA; however, the evolutionary dynamics of repeated sequences are not well understood. Using phylogenetic analysis, predictions of three models of repeat evolution were tested for arrays of 260-bp repeats in the cyprinid fish Cyprinella spiloptera. Variation at different nucleotide positions in individual repeats supported different models of repeat evolution. One set of characters included several nucleotide variants found in all copies from a limited number of individuals, while the other set included an 8- bp deletion found in a limited number of copies in all individuals. The deletion and an associated nucleotide change appear to be the result of a deterministic, rather than stochastic, mutation process. Parallel origins of repeat arrays in different mitochondrial lineages, possibly coupled with a homogenization mechanism, best explain the distribution of nucleotide variation.   相似文献   

Length variation and heteroplasmy were observed in PCR products of the first half of mtDNA control region of both Hong Kong grouper (Epinephelus akaara) and yellow grouper (Epinephelus awoara). DNA sequencing unveiled the phenomena were caused by the presence of species-specific long variable number tandem repeats (VNTRs). This is the first report on the mtDNA VNTRs and their heteroplasmy in groupers. Moreover, these VNTRs are also the longest such structure found in teleost fish. Thereafter, we designed two species-specific PCR reverse primers according to the 3' end sequences of the VNTRs and successfully established assays for the identification of these two sympatric grouper species.  相似文献   

The snow leopard (Uncia uncia) is a rare carnivore living above the snow line in central Asia. Using universal primers for the mitochondrial genome control region hypervariable region 1 (HVR1), we isolated a 411‐bp fragment of HVR1 and then designed specific primers near each end of this sequence in the conserved regions. These primers were shown to yield good polymerase chain reaction products and to be species specific. Of the 12 snow leopards studied, there were 11 segregating sites and six haplotypes. An identification case of snow leopard carcass (confiscated by the police) proved the primers to be a useful tool for forensic diagnosis in field and population genetics studies.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial control region was sequenced for 60 individuals representing different populations for each of the four species of the subterranean mole rat Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel: Spalax galili (2n = 52), S. golani (2n = 54), S. carmeli (2n = 58), and S. judaei (2n = 60). The control region of all species and populations is very similar both in length (979 to 983 bp) and in base composition. As in agreement with previous surveys on mitochondrial control regions on mammals, the mole rat control region can be divided into a central domain and two flanking domains, ETAS (extended termination associated sequences) and CSB (conserved sequence blocks). Along with the common conserved blocks found in these domains (ETAS1, ETAS2, CSB1, CSB2, and CSB3), we have also detected in all individuals an ETAS1-like and a CSB1-like element, both in the ETAS domain. The most conserved region was the central domain, followed by the CSB and ETAS domains, showing important differences in the four species analyzed. Phylogenetic analysis supported the existence of two clades. One clade contained individuals belonging to Spalax galili (2n = 52) and S. golani (2n = 54), separated in two different branches depending on the species. The other clade contained individuals belonging to S. carmeli (2n = 58) and S. judaei (2n = 60) mixed together, suggesting a more recent event of speciation. Within species we have observed a southward trend of increasing variability. These results have been explained as a consequence of the adaptation of the species to ecological factors such as aridity and temperature stresses.  相似文献   

Forest musk deer ( Moschus berezovskii ) were once distributed widely in China. However, wild populations have declined dramatically because of poaching and habitat loss. Captive breeding populations have been established for several decades, but the genetic backgrounds of most captive populations were unclear and the population sizes increased very slowly. To provide useful information for conservation and management of this species, we investigated the genetic diversity and population structure of forest musk deer by analysing a 582-bp fragment of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region (CR) in three captive breeding populations in Sichuan Province, China. Ninety-four variable sites and 27 haplotypes were observed in 109 individuals, and the nucleotide and haplotype diversities were relatively high compared with those of other endangered mammals. Of the three investigated populations, the Maerkang population had the highest nucleotide diversity ( π  = 0.0568), haplotype diversity ( h  =   0.836) and average intra-population genetic distance (0.062). The analysis of molecular variance demonstrated that most variation occurred within samples and that there was significant differentiation of the three populations. Estimates of gene flow indicated that there were few genetic exchanges among the three populations. Building pedigree records and increasing gene flow between populations will be helpful for conserving these populations and this species.  相似文献   

Sequence variation in the control region (D-loop) of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was examined to assess the genetic distinctiveness of the shortjaw cisco ( Coregonus zenithicus ). Individuals from within the Great Lakes Basin as well as inland lakes outside the basin were sampled. DNA fragments containing the entire D-loop were amplified by PCR from specimens of C. zenithicus and the related species C. artedi , C. hoyi , C. kiyi , and C. clupeaformis . DNA sequence analysis revealed high similarity within and among species and shared polymorphism for length variants. Based on this analysis, the shortjaw cisco is not genetically distinct from other cisco species.  相似文献   

Analysis of mitochondrial (mt)DNA size polymorphism in the form of variable number tandem repeats (mtVNTRs) has become an increasingly popular methodology for addressing questions in molecular ecology. When detected by PCR, mtVNTR analysis can provide a sensitive, rapid, and cost-effective measure of genetic variability that may be exploited in studies of population differentiation and biogeography. Despite the emergence of this approach, there has been little critical evaluation of its success or utility as a practical tool. In this review, we identify problematic methodological, theoretical and interpretive factors that can influence the utility of mtVNTR analysis. The reliability of the procedure is considered in terms of both detection of alleles and scoring of intra-individual allele frequencies. While many of the potential technical problems of the technique do not raise serious practical concerns, this rapid and sensitive methodology is seriously compromised by the difficulty of reliably assessing allele frequencies, of assaying only germline tissue, and in our ignorance of the mechanisms generating mtVNTR diversity. Thus, although there is a considerable potential for mtVNTR pilot studies to assess genetic diversity, the utility of the technique to resolve broader questions in molecular ecology should be treated cautiously until such a time as the system is better understood.  相似文献   

The black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) is an ecologically and economically important penaeid species and is widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific region. Here we investigated the genetic diversity of P. monodon (n = 355) from eight geographical regions by genotyping at 10 microsatellite loci. The average observed heterozygosity at various loci ranged from 0.638 to 0.743, indicating a high level of genetic variability in this region. Significant departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium caused by heterozygote deficiency were recorded for most loci and populations. Pairwise F(ST) and R(ST) values revealed genetic differentiation among the populations. Evidence from the assignment test showed that the populations in the West Indian Ocean were unique, whereas other populations examined were partially admixed. In addition, the non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis indicated the presence of three geographic groups in the Indo-Pacific region, i.e. the African populations, a population from western Thailand and the remaining populations as a whole. We also sequenced and analysed the mitochondrial control region (mtCR) in these shrimp stocks to determine whether the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes show a similar pattern of genetic differentiation. A total of 262 haplotypes were identified, and nucleotide divergence among haplotypes ranged from 0.2% to 16.3%. Haplotype diversity was high in all populations, with a range from 0.969 to 1. Phylogenetic analysis using the mtCR data revealed that the West Indian Ocean populations were genetically differentiated from the West Pacific populations, consistent with the microsatellite data. These results should have implications for aquaculture management and conservation of aquatic diversity.  相似文献   

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