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白蚁是危险性社会昆虫,建立安全有效的白蚁防治方法有赖多学科的参与,分子生物学已经成为白蚁研究的重要工具。目前,DNA序列分析方法已应用于白蚁鉴定和分类,其中线粒体基因是最通用的分子标记;基因工程技术成功构建了可用于白蚁防治的白蚁肠道工程菌;Hexamerin、COX Ⅲ、纤维素酶等白蚁功能基因以及白蚁品级分化相关的若干蛋白相继得到了分离和鉴定。文章从白蚁分类、防治、功能基因、品级分化4个方面综述白蚁分子生物学的研究进展,为白蚁的防治提供新的方法和思路。  相似文献   

白蚁诱食信息素研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄求应  薛东  雷朝亮 《昆虫学报》2005,48(4):616-621
白蚁为社会性昆虫,其组织结构和联系方式主要由白蚁外分泌腺产生的起诱导和调节白蚁行为反应作用的信息素来获得。由白蚁下唇腺产生的诱食信息素,能够在白蚁巢体的群体性食物采集中诱使取食白蚁形成聚集,并且取食食物的相同位置,从而提高白蚁巢体采集食物的效率。目前,已确定对苯二酚为白蚁诱食信息素,且认为整个等翅目昆虫都产生和使用对苯二酚作为诱食信息素,与分类地位和生物学特性无关。该文概述了白蚁诱食信息素的分泌器官、种特异性、生物学意义、生物合成途径及其在白蚁防治中的应用等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

谈谈白蚁与人类的密切关系   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
白蚁对人类的危害众所周知 ,白蚁对人类的有益方面 ,人们知之甚少。该文重点论述白蚁对人类有益的方面。白蚁在自然界中 ,是一个名符其实的“清道夫” ,它将林地中的枯枝、落叶等转化为有益的肥料 ,回归自然 ,再被植物吸收 ;白蚁本身可加工成营养丰富的美味佳肴食品 ,也可精制成防病治病的良药和效果明显的保健补品 ;白蚁的附生物 ,如鸡菌更是美味佳肴 ,菌圃和炭棒菌也能精制成治疗多种疾病的良药。  相似文献   

白蚁唾腺及其水分管理是白蚁社会行为及生态功能的基础。白蚁唾腺包括上唇腺、上颚腺和下唇腺。上唇腺仅在少数白蚁中有报道,是否普遍存在尚存疑问。上颚腺为1对小型腺体,分别位于两侧上颚基部的头腔内,在不同种类白蚁中广泛存在。其分泌物可能与防卫、品级分化及保护上颚免于磨损有关。下唇腺在不同种类白蚁的各品级个体中广泛存在,是白蚁中功能最复杂的外分泌腺体;由腺泡群、下唇腺囊及相关的导管组成;其分泌物复杂多样,行使营养、防卫及水分管理等功能。本文介绍白蚁唾腺的解剖形态、超微结构、分泌物种类与功能、水分管理等方面的研究进展,提出了白蚁水分管理机制的可能途径。  相似文献   

不同温度对黑翅土白蚁初建群体的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus(Shiraki)是经济害虫之一,它常筑巢于水库和河堤的土质内危害堤坝,引起渗漏,甚至酿成塌堤垮坝,造成人民生命则产的严重损失。 外界环境温度对巢位深、巢体结构复杂、调节温湿度能力强的黑翅土白蚁成年巢群影响较小,但对入土筑巢位置浅、巢体结构简单的黑翅土白蚁初建巢群的生长、发育、繁殖、巢内白蚁个体数量变动等则影响较大。到目前止,国内外这方面的研究不多。本试验研究不同温度条件对黑翅土白蚁初建群体生长、发育、繁殖等方面的影响,这对深入了解其初建群体的生长发育规律及其初建巢群的控制方面有一定意义。  相似文献   

本文介绍了保幼激素类似物对白蚁的影响,包括诱导前兵蚁、兵蚁和一些中间品级(形态畸形)的产生、抑制白蚁的取食、减少或消除白蚁的共生原生动物群、对白蚁产生不同水平的急性和慢性毒性、抑制工蚁蜕皮以及繁殖蚁建立新群体等方面的影响,其中最主要影响是诱导前兵、兵蚁和一些中间品级的产生破坏了白蚁群体品级比例的平衡性或完整性.因此,保幼激素类似物可用于白蚁的防治,并在田问防治散白蚁和乳白蚁均取得了较好的防治效果,并探讨了应用保幼激素类似物防治白蚁的潜力与前景.  相似文献   

白蚁防治技术   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
白蚁是破坏性很强的社会性昆虫。文章从白蚁的探测和监测、物理防治、化学防治、生物源物质防治和白蚁信息素的利用技术5个方面综述白蚁防治技术的最新研究进展。同时展望白蚁未来的研究领域。  相似文献   

白蚁品级划分涉及个体发育、解剖构造、外部形态、行为以及群体功能等诸多方面,这些因素相互交织以及不同作者思考的角度不同,都会造成品级定义和内涵的差异。本文介绍了白蚁蜕皮类型、综述了白蚁品级的定义和内涵以及胚后发育途径的研究进展,并对相关问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

三明地区林木白蚁种类、分布及危害的调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在三明全区范围内设点普查,得知共有林木白蚁2科9属22种,其中中华葫白蚁、海南大白蚁、普见家白蚁、大头家白蚁、高山散白蚁为福建省首次发现危害林木。黄翅大白蚁、闽华歪白蚁、大近歪白蚁、歪白蚁、中华葫白蚁、小象白蚁、海南大白蚁、普见家白蚁、大头象白蚁、蛋头蔡白蚁、黄肢散白蚁、高额散白蚁、高山散白仪、细颏散白蚁、武宫散白蚁、尖唇异白蚁为本地区首次发现危害林木。三明地区白蚁优势种有黑翅土白蚁、黄翅大白蚁和家白蚁。黑翅土白蚁等白蚁对林木造成严重危害,已成为当前林业生产中的一大难题。三明地区林木白蚁区系分布有以下特点:1)林木白蚁种类多,分布广泛,危害较为普遍;2)土白蚁、大白蚁是危害林木的主要类别;3)全区范围白蚁发生情况是由北向南蚁种延增,危害趋重。  相似文献   

唐觉  李参 《昆虫学报》1960,(3):302-306
家白蚁及黄胸白蚁同属于等翅目(Isoptera)犀白蚁科(Rhinotermitidae),是生活在木材及土下的种类,危害十分严重,国内的分布区域很广,南起海南岛,北至长江流域一带,向西可达四川、云南诸省,东部沿海及台湾等省均有其足迹。因而尤其伟、平正明、曹沄、吴代忠等(1958)将长头白蚁 Reticulitermes、泌乳白蚁 Coptotermes、黑翅白蚁Odon-totermes 及大白蚁 Macrotermes 列为四个优势属,而且基本上可以代表我国白蚁的面貌。  相似文献   

The distributions of 50 species of termites across five habitat types in Kakadu National Park are described. Open forests are richest in species and monsoon forests are species-poor. The greatest diversity of termites is associated with infertile soils and is probably related to the enhanced role of termites in these nutrientimpoverished sites. Only the richness of livewood feeders is associated with disturbance in the form of water buffalo impact. Few relationships with physical characteristics of the soil were apparent. Comparisons between continents suggest that lower termites are richer in Australia than on other continents. There are fewer species of soil-feeding termites, but only two of the four subfamilies of the higher termites (Termitidae) are present in Australia. There appears to be a complementary distribution of areas of high diversity of termites and native herbivorous mammals. This may be due to the ability of termites and other invertebrate groups to exploit low fertility systems and has profound implications for the size structure of the vertebrate community.  相似文献   

【背景】培菌白蚁是属于白蚁科的一类与鸡枞菌属真菌共生的高等白蚁,其与体内肠道微生物和体外菌圃微生物形成三维共生体系。【目的】分析培菌白蚁菌圃和粪便的微生物多样性,并与肠道微生物进行比较。【方法】通过Illumina MiSeq高通量测序方法对培菌白蚁菌圃和粪便样品进行细菌16S rRNA基因和真菌ITS测序分析。【结果】高通量测序获得培菌白蚁菌圃和粪便样品细菌和真菌的有效序列和OTU数目。5个样品细菌OTU数目在90-199之间,而真菌OTU在10-58之间,细菌的种类多样性明显大于真菌。不论是细菌还是真菌,粪便样品的OTU数目多于菌圃样品。经物种分类分析,菌圃样品主要优势细菌是变形菌门(Proteobacteria),其相对含量超过82.4%;其次是拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)和厚壁菌门(Firmicutes);粪便样品中优势细菌为拟杆菌门,其次是变形菌门,粪便优势菌属为别样杆菌属和营发酵单胞菌属,这与培菌白蚁肠道菌多样性组成一致。培菌白蚁菌圃和粪便样品共生真菌主要为担子菌门(Basidiomycota)和子囊菌门(Ascomycota)。菌圃优势真菌为鸡枞菌属(Termi...  相似文献   

Antagonistic or mutualistic interactions between insects and fungi are well-known, and the mutualistic interactions of fungus-growing ants, fungus-growing termites, and fungus-gardening beetles with their respective fungal mutualists are model examples of coevolution. However, our understanding of coevolutionary interactions between insects and fungi has been based on a few model systems. Fungal mimicry of termite eggs is one of the most striking evolutionary consequences of insect–fungus associations. This novel termite–fungus interaction is a good model system to compare with the relatively well-studied systems of fungus-growing ants and termites because termite egg-mimicking fungi are protected in the nests of social insects, as are fungi cultivated by fungus-growing ants and termites. Recently, among systems of fungus-growing ants and termites, much attention has been focused on common factors including monoculture system for the ultimate evolutionary stability of mutualism. We examined the genetic diversity of termite egg-mimicking fungi within host termite nests. RFLP analysis demonstrated that termite nests were often infected by multiple strains of termite egg-mimicking fungi, in contrast to single-strain monocultures in fungus combs of fungus-growing ants and termites. Additionally, phylogenetic analyses indicated the existence of a free-living stage of the termite egg-mimicking fungus as well as frequent long-distance gene flow by spores and subsequent horizontal transmission. Comparisons of these results with previous studies of fungus-growing ants and termites suggest that the level of genetic diversity of fungal symbionts within social insect nests may be important in shaping the outcome of the coevolutionary interaction, despite the fact that the mechanism for achieving genetic diversity varies with the evolutionary histories of the component species.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are endosymbiotic bacteria that may alter the reproductive mechanisms of arthropod hosts. Eusocial termites provide considerable scope for Wolbachia studies owing to their ancient origin, their great diversity and their considerable ecological, biological and behavioral plasticity. This article describes the phylogenetic distribution of Wolbachia infecting termites of the Cubitermes genus, which are particularly abundant soil-feeders in equatorial Africa. Fourteen colonies of the Cubitermes sp. affinis subarquatus complex of species were screened using five bacterial genes (wsp, ftsZ, coxA, fbpA and 16S rRNA genes) and a striking diversity of Wolbachia strains was identified within these closely related species. In the host complex, three Wolbachia variants were found that were not in the super groups usually reported for termites (F and H), each infecting one or two Cubitermes species.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine gene diversity for formyl-tetrahydrofolate synthetase (FTHFS), a key enzyme in homoacetogenesis, recovered from the gut microbiota of six species of higher termites. The "higher" termites (family Termitidae), which represent the majority of extant termite species and genera, engage in a broader diversity of feeding and nesting styles than the "lower" termites. Previous studies of termite gut homoacetogenesis have focused on wood-feeding lower termites, from which the preponderance of FTHFS sequences recovered were related to those from acetogenic treponemes. While sequences belonging to this group were present in the guts of all six higher termites examined, treponeme-like FTHFS sequences represented the majority of recovered sequences in only two species (a wood-feeding Nasutitermes sp. and a palm-feeding Microcerotermes sp.). The remaining four termite species analyzed (a Gnathamitermes sp. and two Amitermes spp. that were recovered from subterranean nests with indeterminate feeding strategies and a litter-feeding Rhynchotermes sp.) yielded novel FTHFS clades not observed in lower termites. These termites yielded two distinct clusters of probable purinolytic Firmicutes and a large group of potential homoacetogens related to sequences previously recovered from the guts of omnivorous cockroaches. These findings suggest that the gut environments of different higher termite species may select for different groups of homoacetogens, with some species hosting treponeme-dominated homoacetogen populations similar to those of wood-feeding, lower termites while others host Firmicutes-dominated communities more similar to those of omnivorous cockroaches.  相似文献   

低等白蚁肠道共生微生物的多样性及其功能   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
低等白蚁肠道里存在着复杂的微生物区系,包括真核微生物鞭毛虫和原核生物,细菌及古细菌。低等白蚁的后肠以特别膨大的囊形胃及其氢氧浓度的明显梯度分布和丰富的微生物区系为特征,是白蚁进行木质纤维素消化的主要器官。后肠内的鞭毛虫能将纤维素水解并发酵为乙酸,二氧化碳和氢,为白蚁提供营养和能源。系统发育研究表明,低等白蚁肠道共生细菌的主要类群为白蚁菌群1、螺旋体、拟杆菌,低G C mol%含量的革兰氏阳性菌和紫细菌等。而古细菌主要为甲烷短杆菌属的产甲烷菌。共生原核生物与二氧化碳的还原和氮的循环等代谢有关。但肠道共生微生物的具体功能和作用机制还有待进一步的揭示。  相似文献   

Both large herbivores and termites are key functional groups in savanna ecosystems, and in many savanna areas, large termite mounds (termitaria) are associated with distinct woody clusters. Studies on the effect of large mammals on tree regeneration are few, and the results are conflicting. Large herbivores have been found to be important seedling predators in some areas, but facilitate tree regeneration by outcompeting small mammals and reducing grass cover in other areas. Through the use of the experimental fencing of termite mounds and adjacent savanna areas in this study, we investigated how termites and large herbivores influence tree regeneration. Termite mounds had a higher number of seedlings, more species richness, more alpha diversity (OD) and lower evenness (E) than savanna plots. Large herbivores did not significantly affect overall seedling density, species richness, OD or E. Beta diversity was higher in savanna areas than on termitaria, and beta diversity decreased in savanna areas when herbivores were excluded. Herbivore exclusion increased the density of the 12 (40 %) most common seedling species, representing 79 % of all seedlings, and fenced plots had relatively taller seedlings than open plots. Thus, termites were the main determinants of tree regeneration in our study area, but large mammals regulated the most common species. Although our study confirms previous work suggesting that large herbivores affect tree regeneration, we found that termites were an even more important determinant. Termite impacts on tree regeneration deserve increased attention by savanna ecologists.  相似文献   

Cooperative brood care is assumed to be the common driving factor leading to sociality. While this seems to be true for social Hymenoptera and many cooperatively breeding vertebrates, the importance of brood care for the evolution of eusociality in termites is unclear. A first step in elucidating this problem is an assessment of the ancestral condition in termites. We investigated this by determining the overall level of brood care behaviour across four termite species that cover the phylogenetic diversity of the lower termites. Brood care was low in the three species (all from different families) that had an ancestral wood-dwelling lifestyle of living in a single piece of wood that serves as food and shelter. In the fourth species, a lower termite that evolved outside foraging, brood care was more common. Together with data for higher termites, this suggests that brood care in termites only becomes important when switching from a wood-dwelling to a foraging lifestyle. These results imply that early social evolution in termites was driven by benefits of increased defence, while eusociality in Hymenoptera and cooperative breeding in birds and mammals are primarily based on brood care.  相似文献   

Sex‐determination systems often show remarkable diversity in upstream signals, although downstream genes are broadly conserved. Therefore, the downstream genes have been investigated in various taxa, but the most upstream signals determining sex in insects have been well‐described mainly in model organisms, including fruit flies and honey bees, and not in hemimetabolous insects such as termites. Identification of sex‐linked genetic markers in termites is important to the survey of primary sex‐determination signals. Here, we report male‐specific alleles at the microsatellite locus NK12‐1 in the Ryukyu drywood termite Neotermes sugioi (Kalotermitidae). This study provides the third example of a genetic marker linked with sexual phenotype in termites, which is a small but important step to elucidate the evolutionary process of the sex‐determination system in termites.  相似文献   

Animal-microbe co-evolution and symbiosis are broadly distributed across the animal kingdom. Insects form a myriad of associations with microbes ranging from vectoring of pathogens to intracellular, mutualistic relationships. Lower termites are key models for insect-microbe symbiosis because of the diversity, complexity and functionality of their unique tripartite symbiosis. This collaboration allows termites to live on a diet of nitrogen-poor lignocellulose. Recent functional investigations of lignocellulose digestion in lower termites have primarily focused on the contributions of the eukaryotic members of the termite holobiont (termite and protist). Here, using multiple antimicrobial treatments, we induced differing degrees of dysbiosis in the termite gut, leading to variably altered symbiont abundance and diversity, and lignocellulolytic capacity. Although protists are clearly affected by antimicrobial treatments, our findings provide novel evidence that the removal of distinct groups of bacteria partially reduces, but does not abolish, the saccharolytic potential of the termite gut holobiont. This is specifically manifested by reductions of 23–47% and 30–52% in glucose and xylose yields respectively from complex lignocellulose. Thus, all members of the lower termite holobiont (termite, protist and prokaryotes) are involved in the process of efficient, sustained lignocellulase activity. This unprecedented quantification of the relative importance of prokaryotes in this system emphasizes the collaborative nature of the termite holobiont, and the relevance of lower termites as models for inter-domain symbioses.  相似文献   

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