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DNA-Replikation und Chromosomenstruktur von Mesostoma (Turbellaria)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During meiosis in M. ehrenbergi (2n=10) and M. lingua (2n=8) male certain chromosomes never pair completely. In these bivalents only terminal pairing appears, crossing over could not be proved by 3H-thymidine autoradiography. DNA amounts of the M. ehrenbergi and M. lingua genomes are in a proportion of 10∶1. The mitotic S-phase of spermatogonia in M. ehrenbergi is twice as long as in M. lingua. In metaphase of spermatogonia a differentiated DNA replication pattern can be identified in M. ehrenbergi as late-pulse-replicating segments. After incorporation of 3H-thymidine X2-metaphase chromosomes can be found, which show single chromatid labeling, terminal and intercalary isolabeling as well as kinds of chromosome labeling, which can only result from sister strand exchange. After treating the chromosomes with low temperature, colchicine or by hydrolysis (60° C) substructures of the chromatin become visible in both spezies which however are evaluated as artefacts. — Formation of the different isolabeling types is discussed on the basis of a two-strand model of the chromosome fibril. A hypothesis is formulated that the surplusage of DNA in M. ehrenbergi is distributed over all the length of the chromatids as small parts of heterochromatin. This hypothesis is supported by investigations of the DNA replication and the contractility of the chromosomes. Furthermore, a pattern of small DNA particles can be demonstrated after partial destruction of the DNA in metaphase chromosomes of M. ehrenbergi, which could represent this intercalary heterochromatin.  相似文献   

At metaphase I during spermatogenesis in Mesostoma ehrenbergii ehrenbergii (2 × = 10), 3 bivalents and 4 univalents form. The bivalents each have a single distally localised chiasma. Electron microscope serial section reconstructions have shown that 3 short pieces of synaptonemal complex (SC) are present in pachytene nuclei in the testis. All the SC is contained in a lobe which is separated by an invagination from the main body of the nucleus. The SC pieces vary in length from approximately 2 m to 5 m, and the greatest amount found in one nucleus was approximately 13 m. It is proposed that the pieces of SC correspond to the paired regions of the 3 bivalents present at metaphase I. This system is therefore an example of localised pairing leading to localised chiasmata. Later prophase stage nuclei have also been reconstructed, in which stacks of polycomplex are present but no SC has been found. The polycomplex is thought to be an association of discarded SC sub-units.  相似文献   

Female meiosis in Mesostoma ehrenbergii ehrenbergii is achiasmate. Electron microscope serial section reconstructions of nuclei from the germarium region of the ovary have shown that synaptonemal complex (SC) is present during the early prophase stages. The greatest amounts present were in two nuclei containing 389 and 401 respectively. The reconstructions showed that discontinuities in the SC existed along the lengths of the bivalents in these two nuclei which were taken to represent the maximally paired stage, i.e., pachytene. — Reconstructions of post pachytene nuclei showed that SC was absent from the bivalents and therefore retention of SC until metaphase I is not the mechanism used by this achiasmate species to ensure homologous chromosome segregation. An alternative mechanism for this function is proposed based on observations made on the later stages of meiosis in maturing oocytes.  相似文献   

At metaphase I of meiosis in spermatocytes of Mesostoma ehrenbergii ehrenbergii [2n=10] three bivalents and four univalents form. The same two chromosome pairs always form the univalents. Analysis of metaphase I, anaphase I and metaphase II configurations in fixed testis material suggested that the distribution of the four univalents is not a random process but the correct segregation of one member of each pair to each pole is actively achieved before the end of metaphase I. In live preparations of testis material univalents were observed to move between the poles of metaphase I cells, eventually reaching the correct segregation. All cells observed to enter anaphase I had the correct segregation of univalents. It is proposed that the univalent movement during metaphase I is directed towards obtaining the correct segregation of univalents before the cells enter anaphase.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Mesostoma Ehrenberg 1935, M. zariae n.sp. is described and its relationship discussed. The new species belongs to the M. lingua species-group and is characterised by the presence of two kinds of prostate secretions and a pear-shaped penis papilla. It occurs in small standing or slowly running waters at Zaria, Nigeria. It has previously been proven (Mead 1978) that this species is predatory on the aquatic stages of mosquitoes.  相似文献   

We conducted a field survey for flatworms to select species as potential biological control agents against Aedes aegypti and Culex pipiens (Diptera, Culicidae) breeding in artificial containers. Laboratory experiments were performed to determine the daily predation rate, differential predation on each mosquito larval instar, selective predation on either A. aegypti or C. pipiens, and predator tolerance to water from artificial containers. Girardia anceps (Tricladida, Paludicola, Dugesiidae), Mesostoma ehrenbergii and Bothromesostoma cf. evelinae (Rhabdocoela, Typhloplanoida, Typhloplanidae) were found in temporary puddles and permanent pools. In the laboratory, they killed between 52% and 100% of immature mosquitoes coexisting in the same habitat. No preference of flatworms for mosquito preys was detected. Predation rate was related to predator size and instar of preys. Girardia anceps and B. evelinae survived after a dry period and when re-flooding occurred, they laid eggs. Tolerance to water from artificial containers was highest in G. anceps and this species could be a suitable predator to reduce mosquito populations from artificial containers using an inoculative approach.  相似文献   

Four populations of Mesostoma lingua from various geographical areas react in different ways according to certain environmental factors. The determination of the two eggtypes is particularly influenced by temperature changes and a crowding effect. The influence of other factors is of little consequence.  相似文献   

D. S. Yao  D. A. Chant 《Oecologia》1989,80(4):443-455
Summary Populations of two species of phytoseiid mite predators, Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot and Amblyseius degenerans (Berlese), feeding on a tetranychid prey, Tetranychus pacificus McGregor, were allowed to grow separately as well as together on bush lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus Var.) arenas in the laboratory. The population plateau attained by P. persimilis was nearly 5 times higher than that for A. degenerans when each species was on separate leaf arenas. When they were on the same arena, P. persimilis was outcompeted by A. degenerans after about 70 days of population growth. When dispersal to other arenas was necessary for the predators to find prey in another experiment, P. persimilis survived well but not A. degenerans. The mechanisms underlying species displacement were explored further. The differential mortality of immature predators at different developmental stages due to interspecific predation was concluded to be responsible for the population decline of P. persimilis, and the decline of A. degenerans in another experiment was attributed to its sedentary tendency regardless of prey distribution and to the lack of alternative food sources in the system. The implications to biological control of mutual predation between predator species is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

The rhabdocoel Mesostoma lingua is a common inhabitant of rock bluff ponds in the area of Churchill, Manitoba. Unlike most flatworms it has the ability to prey actively on zooplankton. Among the zooplankton, Mesostoma prefers Daphnia pulex, Simocephalus vetulus, and Diaptomus tyrrelli. Larger calanoid copepods are difficult to capture and take much longer to consume. Growth in Mesostoma is maintained when individuals consume 0.5 Daphnia day–1 and is maximal at 4 Daphnia day–1. In comparison, Mesostoma maintained growth only when offered the copepod Diaptomus victoriaensis at the rate of 8–10 individuals-day–1. Mesostoma may be an important agent in structuring pond zooplankton communities in the arctic, producing a shift in dominance away from cladocerans such as Daphnia toward larger calanoid copepods.  相似文献   

Mesostoma lingua eats 0.8 Daphnia magna at 15 °C, and 2.04 at 30 °C. Below 0.5 Daphnia per day (D d–1) hunger occurs, at any temperature, and mortality increases sharply. The functional response curve appears to be linear, but saturation was not fully reached at 5 D d–1, the highest food level applied in the present study. All food regimes (above hunger level) and temperature regimes differed significantly from each other; factor interactions were of increasing importance at higher temperatures.Longevity, above hunger level, decreased with temperature. Peak longevity at low temperature may be weakly associated with relatively low food levels.  相似文献   

Some species of Planarians, new to Spain, are recorded. Dugesia polychroa, D. sicula, D. iberica and D. gonocephala s. 1. have been investigated karyologically. The former possesses a diploid complement characteristic of the biotype A (2n = 8); the second is diploid with 2n = 18; diploidy and triploidy were found in sexual populations of D. iberica with n = 8. Triploidy occurred in all the asexual strains of the D. gonocephala group with a basic number of either 8 or 9. In this latter case B-chromosomes were occasionally found.  相似文献   

The accumulated data indicate that mesostomid flatworms are efficient predators of mosquito larvae. This paper presents the 1st published records for 3Mesostoma Ehrenberg, including 2 predators of mosquitoes.Mesostoma californicum Hyman,Mesostoma vernale Hyman, andMesostoma sp. cf.lingua Abildgaard were discovered in a temporary pool in Massachusetts.M. californicum andM. sp. cf.lingua were found to be efficient predators on mosquitoe larvae.
Résumé Les observations accumulées indiquent que les larves des Plathelminthes mesostomides sont des prédateurs efficaces des larves de moustiques. Cette note présente les premières mentions de 3Mesostoma Ehrenberg incluant 2 prédateurs de moustiques.Mesostoma californicum Hyman,Mesostoma vernale Hyman, etMesostoma sp. cf.lingua Abildgaard furent découverts dans une mare temporaire du Massachusetts.M. californicum etM. sp. cf.lingua ont été reconnus comme des prédateurs efficaces des larves de moustiques.

SUMMARY. 1. The diet of Phagocata vitta, Crenobia alpina and Polycelis felina in a Welsh stream was examined, using a serologicat technique, at monthly intervals over 18 months.
2. For each triclad species, dietary composition changed little with time or increasing body size, and overall feeding intensity was greatest in summer and least in winter.
3. Alt species fed most heavily on oligochaetes, chironomids and Gammarus. Phagocata vitta fed lightly on Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera whilst the other two triclad species fed substantially on the first two of these prey categories.
4. Food niche breadth indices indicated a wide diet for all species with some specialization in some months. Electivity indices showed positive electivity for oligochaetes and chironomids by all species and for Plecoptera by C. alpina and P. felina .
5. Diets overlapped and none had a food refuge: therefore the potential for interspecific competition for food exists.  相似文献   

L. Fiore 《Oecologia》1971,7(4):356-360
Summary By producing subitaneous eggs the rhabdocoel Mesostoma ehrenbergii may quickly increase the population size. The production of this kind of eggs by young worms is inhibited by the presence of adults in the culture medium. The inhibition is specific, and it is observed also if young and adult worms are not in direct contact, or if young worms are added to the water where adults had been previously kept: there is therefore evidence for a chemical mediator. The sensitivity to the inhibition occurs during the first five days after birth, with a maximum on the 2nd to 3rd day.  相似文献   

When introduced to new ecosystems, species'' populations often grow immediately postrelease. Some introduced species, however, maintain a low population size for years or decades before sudden, rapid population growth is observed. Because exponential population growth always starts slowly, it can be difficult to distinguish species experiencing the early phases of slow exponential population growth (inherent lags) from those with actively delayed growth rates (prolonged lags). Introduced ungulates provide an excellent system in which to examine lags, because some introduced ungulate populations have demonstrated rapid population growth immediately postintroduction, while others have not. Using studies from the literature, we investigated which exotic ungulate species and populations (n = 36) showed prolonged population growth lags by comparing the doubling time of real ungulate populations to those predicted from exponential growth models for theoretical populations. Having identified the specific populations that displayed prolonged lags, we examined the impacts of several environmental and biological variables likely to influence the length of lag period. We found that seventeen populations (47%) showed significant prolonged population growth lags. We could not, however, determine the specific factors that contributed to the length of these lag phases, suggesting that these ungulate populations'' growth is idiosyncratic and difficult to predict. Introduced species that exhibit delayed growth should be closely monitored by managers, who must be proactive in controlling their growth to minimize the impact such populations may have on their environment.  相似文献   

Eggshell formation in polyclads (Turbellaria)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Eggshell formation in polyclads was studied by means of transmission electron microscopy and histochemistry. Shell-forming granules (SFG) in the egg, as well as secretions of shell glands (SGS), play roles in eggshell formation. As the oocytes pass through the portion of the female tract where the shell glands open, they are surronded by a two-layered envelope of SGS. This envelope prevents the dispersion of SFGs discharged after oviposition, and its inner layer participates in eggshell formation with the SFGs. In Pseudostylochus sp., most SFGs consist of five parts. Similarities in staining between the parts of the SFGs and the parts of the eggshell indicate that discrete parts of the shell are derived from specific SFG components. Hardening of the eggshell and egg-plate matrix takes place through primary tanning of a sclerotin-like protein.  相似文献   

The prey detection methods of 12 species of Carabidae and one species of Staphylinidae were investigated using video and orientation techniques. The species examined were Cicindela campestris, Cychrus caraboides, Carabus problematicus, C. violaceus, Calosoma maderae, Nebria complanata, Scarites abbreviates, Broscus cephaloles, Pterostichus madidus, P. melanarius, P. niger, Abax parallelepipedus and Staphylinus olens .
All the species examined were seen to respond to prey upon contact (either by tactile or gustatory reception) during locomotor activity. Tests using orientation chambers showed that some of the species would orientate towards prey in the absence of contact. Some species orientated using vision (C. campestris, C. maderae, S. abbreviates, A. parallelepipedus ). This was most frequent when tested with fast-moving prey. In others, orientation towards prey occurred when olfactory cues were available (P. madidus, P. melanarius, P. niger and A.parallelepipedus ). All of the species employing this method of prey detection belonged to the Pterostichini and it appears that the receptors involved are situated on the antennae. Although some species did not orientate towards prey in the absence of contact cues, some of these species were found to respond to slug mucus ( C. caraboides, C. problematicus, C. violaceus and S. abbreviates ). The receptors for this are probably situated on the terminal ends of the palps. The method of prey detection used is discussed in relation to the ecology of the species.  相似文献   

Neoseiulus womersleyi (Acari: Phytoseiidae) used to be the dominant species in fruit-tree orchards throughout Japan, but starting in the 1990s, N. womersleyi began to be displaced by Neoseiulus californicus in central and southwestern Japan. The present study was conducted to examine factors explaining the displacement of N. womersleyi by N. californicus. First, we confirmed under laboratory conditions that N. californicus could exclude N. womersleyi if they initially coexisted in a 1:1 ratio. During a 2-h continuous observation period, none of the heterospecific pairs had copulated and after 5 days together with heterospecific males, none of the females had laid eggs. When these females were placed with conspecific males, normal numbers of offspring were produced. Moreover, conspecific matings were not substantially disturbed in the presence of heterospecific males or females. Total fecundity was significantly lower in N. womersleyi than in N. californicus, but their r m values did not differ from each other. On the other hand, the frequency of intraguild predation by N. californicus on N. womersleyi was significantly higher than vice versa. From these results, we concluded that not reproductive interference nor differential female fecundity but asymmetrical intraguild predation seemed to explain the competitive exclusion of N. womersleyi by N. californicus.  相似文献   

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