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The public availability of over 180,000 bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequences has facilitated microbial identification and classification using hybridization and other molecular approaches. In their usual format, such assays are based on the presence of unique subsequences in the target RNA and require a prior knowledge of what organisms are likely to be in a sample. They are thus limited in generality when analyzing an unknown sample.  相似文献   

Microbial identification   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A new approach, termed whole-community RNA amplification (WCRA), was developed to provide sufficient amounts of mRNAs from environmental samples for microarray analysis. This method employs fusion primers (six to nine random nucleotides with an attached T7 promoter) for the first-strand synthesis. The shortest primer (T7N6S) gave the best results in terms of the yield and representativeness of amplification. About 1,200- to 1,800-fold amplification was obtained with amounts of the RNA templates ranging from 10 to 100 ng, and very representative detection was obtained with 50 to 100 ng total RNA. Evaluation with a Shewanella oneidensis Δfur strain revealed that the amplification method which we developed could preserve the original abundance relationships of mRNAs. In addition, to determine whether representative detection of RNAs can be achieved with mixed community samples, amplification biases were evaluated with a mixture containing equal quantities of RNAs (100 ng each) from four bacterial species, and representative amplification was also obtained. Finally, the method which we developed was applied to the active microbial populations in a denitrifying fluidized bed reactor used for denitrification of contaminated groundwater and ethanol-stimulated groundwater samples for uranium reduction. The genes expressed were consistent with the expected functions of the bioreactor and groundwater system, suggesting that this approach is useful for analyzing the functional activities of microbial communities. This is one of the first demonstrations that microarray-based technology can be used to successfully detect the activities of microbial communities from real environmental samples in a high-throughput fashion.  相似文献   

We describe the use of fluorophore-doped nanoparticles as reporters in a recently developed ArcDia TPX bioaffinity assay technique. The ArcDia TPX technique is based on the use of polymer microspheres as solid-phase reaction carrier, fluorescent bioaffinity reagents, and detection of two-photon excited fluorescence. This new assay technique enables multiplexed, separation-free bioaffinity assays from microvolumes with high sensitivity. As a model analyte we chose C-reactive protein (CRP). The assay of CRP was optimized for assessment of CRP baseline levels using a nanoparticulate fluorescent reporter, 75 nm in diameter, and the assay performance was compared to that of CRP assay based on a molecular reporter of the same fluorophore core. The results show that using fluorescent nanoparticles as the reporter provides two orders of magnitude better sensitivity (87 fM) than using the molecular label, while no difference between precision profiles of the different assay types was found. The new assay method was applied for assessment of baseline levels of CRP in sera of apparently healthy individuals.  相似文献   

Trypanosomes possess a unique mitochondrial genome called the kinetoplast DNA (kDNA). Many kDNA genes encode pre-mRNAs that must undergo guide RNA-directed editing. In addition, alternative mRNA editing gives rise to diverse mRNAs and several kDNA genes encode open reading frames of unknown function. To better understand the mechanism of RNA editing and the function of mitochondrial RNAs in trypanosomes, we have developed a reverse genetic approach using artificial site-specific RNA endonucleases (ASREs) to directly silence kDNA-encoded genes. The RNA-binding domain of an ASRE can be programmed to recognize unique 8-nucleotide sequences, allowing the design of ASREs to cleave any target RNA. Utilizing an ASRE containing a mitochondrial localization signal, we targeted the extensively edited mitochondrial mRNA for the subunit A6 of the F0F1 ATP synthase (A6) in the procyclic stage of Trypanosoma brucei. This developmental stage, found in the midgut of the insect vector, relies on mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation for ATP production with A6 forming the critical proton half channel across the inner mitochondrial membrane. Expression of an A6-targeted ASRE in procyclic trypanosomes resulted in a 50% reduction in A6 mRNA levels after 24 h, a time-dependent decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm), and growth arrest. Expression of the A6-ASRE, lacking the mitochondrial localization signal, showed no significant growth defect. The development of the A6-ASRE allowed the first in vivo functional analysis of an edited mitochondrial mRNA in T. brucei and provides a critical new tool to study mitochondrial RNA biology in trypanosomes.  相似文献   

Cleavage of phosphodiester bonds by small ribonuclease mimics within different bulge-loops of RNA was investigated. Bulge-loops of different size (1–7 nt) and sequence composition were formed in a 3′ terminal fragment of influenza virus M2 RNA (96 nt) by hybridization of complementary oligodeoxynucleotides. Small bulges (up to 4 nt) were readily formed upon oligonucleotide hybridization, whereas hybridization of the RNA to the oligonucleotides designed to produce larger bulges resulted in formation of several alternative structures. A synthetic ribonuclease mimic displaying Pyr–Pu cleavage specificity cleaved CpA motifs located within bulges faster than similar motifs within the rest of the RNA. In the presence of 10 mM MgCl2, 75% of the cleavage products resulted from the attack of this motif. Thus, selective RNA cleavage at a single target phosphodiester bond was achieved by using bulge forming oligonucleotides and a small ribonuclease A mimic.  相似文献   

Molecular studies of human noroviruses (NoV) have been hampered by the lack of a permissive cell culture system. We have developed a sensitive and reliable mammalian cell-based assay for the human NoV GII.4 strain RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). The assay is based on the finding that RNAs synthesized by transiently expressed RdRp can stimulate retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I)-dependent reporter luciferase production via the beta interferon promoter. Comparable activities were observed for the murine norovirus (MNV) RdRp. RdRps with mutations at divalent metal ion binding residues did not activate RIG-I signaling. Furthermore, both NoV and MNV RdRp activities were stimulated by the coexpression of their respective VPg proteins, while mutations in the putative site of nucleotide linkage on VPg abolished most of their stimulatory effects. Sequencing of the RNAs linked to VPg revealed that the cellular trans-Golgi network protein 2 (TGOLN2) mRNA was the template for VPg-primed RNA synthesis. Small interfering RNA knockdown of RNase L abolished the enhancement of signaling that occurred in the presence of VPg. Finally, the coexpression of each of the other NoV proteins revealed that p48 (also known as NS1-2) and VP1 enhanced and that VP2 reduced the RdRp activity. The assay should be useful for the dissection of the requirements for NoV RNA synthesis as well as the identification of inhibitors of the NoV RdRp.  相似文献   

The flaviviral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) is an attractive drug target. To discover new inhibitors of dengue virus RdRp, the authors have developed a fluorescence-based alkaline phosphatase-coupled polymerase assay (FAPA) for high-throughput screening (HTS). A modified nucleotide analogue (2'-[2-benzothiazoyl]-6'-hydroxybenzothiazole) conjugated adenosine triphosphate (BBT-ATP) and 3'UTR-U(30) RNA were used as substrates. After the polymerase reaction, treatment with alkaline phosphatase liberates the BBT fluorophore from the polymerase reaction by-product, BBT(PPi), which can be detected at excitation and emission wavelengths of 422 and 566 nm, respectively. The assay was evaluated by examining the time dependency, assay reagent effects, reaction kinetics, and signal stability and was validated with 3'dATP and an adenosine-nucleotide triphosphate inhibitor, giving IC(50) values of 0.13 μM and 0.01 μM, respectively. A pilot screen of a diverse compound library of 40,572 compounds at 20 μM demonstrated good performance with an average Z factor of 0.81. The versatility and robustness of FAPA were evaluated with another substrate system, BBT-GTP paired with 3'UTR-C(30) RNA. The FAPA method presented here can be readily adapted for other nucleotide-dependent enzymes that generate PPi.  相似文献   

DNA-directed RNA polymerase from Escherichia coli can break down RNA by catalysing the reverse of the reaction: NTP + (RNA)n = (RNA)n+1 + PPi where n indicates the number of nucleotide residues in the RNA molecule, to yield nucleoside triphosphates. This reaction requires the ternary complex of the polymerase with template DNA and the RNA that it has synthesized. It is now shown that methylenebis(arsonic acid) [CH2(AsO3H2)2], arsonomethylphosphonic acid (H2O3As-CH2-PO3H2) and arsonoacetic acid (H2O3As-CH2-CO2H) can replace pyrophosphate in this reaction. When they do so, the low-Mr products of the reaction prove to be nucleoside 5'-phosphates, so that the arsenical compounds endow the polymerase with an artificial exonuclease activity, an effect previously found by Rozovskaya, Chenchik, Tarusova, Bibilashvili & Khomutov [(1981) Mol. Biol. (Moscow) 15, 636-652] for phosphonoacetic acid (H2O3P-CH2-CO2H). This is explained by instability of the analogues of nucleoside triphosphates believed to be the initial products. Specificity of recognition of pyrophosphate is discussed in terms of the sites, beta and gamma, for the -PO3H2 groups of pyrophosphate that will yield P-beta and P-gamma of the nascent nucleoside triphosphate. Site gamma can accept -AsO3H2 in place of -PO3H2, but less well; site beta can accept both, and also -CO2H. We suggest that partial transfer of an Mg2+ ion from the attacking pyrophosphate to the phosphate of the internucleotide bond of the RNA may increase the nucleophilic reactivity of the pyrophosphate and the electrophilicity of the diester, so that the reaction is assisted.  相似文献   

F-specific RNA phages can be used as model organisms for enteric viruses to monitor the effectiveness of sewage treatment, and to assess the potential contamination of surface water with these viruses. In this paper a method is described which identifies RNA phages quantitatively by a plaque hybridization assay. Oligonucleotide probes were developed that can assign phages to their phylogenetic subgroups. Such a distinction is important, since some subgroups preferentially occur in sewage of human origin, while others tend to be associated with animal wastewater. The method has been tested on a large number of isolates and represents an improvement in time and reliability over the previously used serological classification.  相似文献   

High-throughput screening (HTS) has grown rapidly in the past decade, with many advances in new assay formats, detection technologies, and laboratory automation. Recently, several studies have shown that the choice of assay technology used for the screening process is particularly important and can yield quite different primary screening outcomes. However, because the screening assays in these previous studies were performed in a single-point determination, it is not clear to what extent the difference observed in the screening results between different assay technologies is attributable to inherent assay variability and day-to-day measurement variation. To address this question, a nuclear receptor coactivator recruitment assay was carried out in 2 different assay formats, namely, AlphaScreen and time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer, which probed the same biochemical binding events but with different detection technologies. For each assay format, 4 independent screening runs in a typical HTS setting were completed to evaluate the run-to-run screening variability. These multiple tests with 2 assay formats allow an unambiguous comparison between the discrepancies of different assay formats and the effects of the variability of assay and screening measurements on the screening outcomes. The results provide further support that the choice of assay format or technology is a critical factor in HTS assay development.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown the use of non-radioactive labelled DNA probes for in situ hybridisation, mainly to identify cellular DNA. In this study mRNA in situ hybridisation was performed on rat pituitary with biotinylated complementary (c) RNA probes for rat prolactin and growth hormone (GH), and compared with radioactive 35S-radiolabelled probes. Biotinylated cRNA probes were labelled with either biotin-11-UTP or with allylamine-UTP, the latter method being able to produce a higher yield of labelled RNA. Different detection systems were tested, and hybridisation signal was seen in cells of anterior pituitary with both types of biotinylated probes. The signals were detected using either avidin-biotin-complex with peroxidase (ABC), peroxidase-anti-peroxidase (PAP) or gold-silver methods. ABC peroxidase detected using glucose oxidase-diaminobenzidine (DAB)-nickel solution appeared to be the best method for detecting labelled RNA probes, with very strong signal and low background. The biotinylated probes were comparable in sensitivity to the radiolabelled probes in detecting prolactin and GH mRNAs in the anterior lobe of the rat pituitary. These results indicate an alternative methods of labelling and detection of biotinylated probes which could have a potential role in research and diagnostic techniques.  相似文献   

The need to monitor microorganisms in the environment has increased interest in assays based on hybridization probes that target nucleic acids (e.g., rRNA). We report the development of liquid-phase assays for specific bacterial 5S rRNA sequences or similarly sized artificial RNAs (aRNAs) using molecular beacon technology. These beacons fluoresce only in the presence of specific target sequences, rendering as much as a 27-fold fluorescence enhancement. The assays can be used with both crude cell lysates and purified total RNA preparations. Minimal sample preparation (e.g., heating to promote leakage from cells) is sufficient to detect many Gram-negative bacteria. Using this approach it was possible to detect an aRNA-labeled Escherichia coli strain in the presence of a large background of an otherwise identical E. coli strain. Finally, by using a longer wavelength carboxytetramethylrhodamine beacon it was possible to reduce the fraction of the signal due to cellular autofluorescence to below 0.5%. Received: 13 March 2001 / Accepted: 3 May 2001  相似文献   

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