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The relationship between inbreeding depression and inbreeding coefficient (F) for several important traits was investigated in an 11-year trial of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster). Five levels of inbreeding (F=0; 0.125; 0.25; 0.5; 0.75) were obtained in a mating design involving ten plus-trees, or their progenies, as parents (total of 51 families). For F=0.75, the mean inbreeding depressions were 27% for height, 37% for circumference at breast height (63% for bole volume), 23% for basal straightness (better straightness of the inbred trees), and 89% for female fertility (number of cones). Large differences were observed among inbred families for the same level of inbreeding. The evolution of depression with F was more or less linear, depending on the traits. Significant differences among F-levels appeared very early for height (from 5-years of age). Inbreeding depression was much more expressed during unfavorable years than during favorable years for yearly height growth. When compared with other Pinus species, maritime pine appears to be less affected by inbreeding, especially for the percentage of filled seeds and general vigor. A reduced genetic load in maritime pine may result from the evolutionary history of the species and its scattered distribution.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis is affected by highly variable maturation yields in Pinus pinaster. Origins of this variability were investigated by testing effects of spatial and temporal division of initial embryogenic tissue into independently cultivated pieces. One embryogenic cell-line was proliferated to obtain six embryonal-suspensor masses (ESM) treated as six sub-lines within a single dish. After proliferation to reach 2, 4 and 8 dishes (12, 24, 48 ESM), the 48 ESM (six sub-lines) were maintained by weekly subculture (34 weeks). ESM observations and maturation tests were regularly performed during the amplification and maintenance periods. Relations between maturation yields as well as cotylfedonary embryo length and immature embryo morphology were analyzed. ESM yielded variable results, independently from culture spatial (dish) and temporal (sub-line) subdivision. Maturation yields and length of regenerated embryos globally decreased as a function of subculture number. Concomitantly, morphological degradation of immature embryos occurred, indicating a global loss of embryogenic ability. Maturation variability probably results from immature embryos heterogeneity, which could be increased by manipulations during subculture. This is the first time that this evolution along time in culture is precisely described in conifers somatic embryos.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorised users in the online version of this article at .  相似文献   

Summary The effect of wounds on the volatile terpene composition of the living bark of Pinus pinaster Ait. (maritime pine) twigs was investigated with respect to the processes of mono- and sesquiterpene hydrocarbon biosynthesis. The large increase in the amounts of - and -pinene is a characteristic feature after a mechanical injury, whereas the quantities of the other terpenes are only slightly increased. This is due to the reactivation of the resin duct secretory cells of primary origin located in cortical tissues. The effect of wounding is observed over a long period and the terpene profiles are very different at the end of the experiments as compared with the initial profiles of the same tissues. The traumatic essential oil (obtained after mechanical traumatism) resembles an oleoresin extracted from tissues of secondary origin. Statistical analysis underlines the effects of the between-tree variations and of the dates of application of the wound.  相似文献   

Five microsatellite loci (QpZAG1/5, QpZAG9, QpZAG36, MSQ4, MSQ13) were used to test for genetic stability of three somatic embryogenic culture lines of Quercus robur L. and plantlets derived therefrom. DNA variation was detected among somatic embryos within all embryogenic lines, whereas no genetic instability was found among the regenerated plants. Two microsatellite loci revealed variation, and a locus-dependent instability was observed. The most polymorphic and useful microsatellite locus for detecting genetic variation was QpZAG9, with 28.5% of the investigated loci being variable.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis was induced in expanding leaf explants excised from epicormic shoots forced from branch segments taken at four different times of year from a mature oak (Quercus robur L.). Branch segments 2–4 cm in diameter produced most shoots when collected in March. Somatic embryos were induced on explants derived from branches of all collection dates, although collection in November seemed to afford the best results. Germination and conversion ability of embryos of embryogenic lines derived from six oak trees depended heavily on genotype, conversion rates ranging from 0 to 70%. RAPD analyses found no evidence of genetic variation either within or between the embryogenic lines established from three of these trees, or between these lines and the trees of origin, or between somatic embryo derived plantlets and the trees of origin. The embryogenic system used in this study appears to be suitable for true-to-type clonal propagation of mature oak genotypes.  相似文献   

J. Jasik  T. Salajova  J. Salaj 《Protoplasma》1995,185(3-4):205-211
Summary Embryogenic callus cultures of European black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) were established on megagametophytes containing zygotic embryos in early developmental stage. In addition to many elongated cells and disorganized growing clumps they contained early somatic embryos at various stages of development. At all stages of embryogenesis the embryos were organized as bipolar structures. Cell pairs composed of one isodiametric cell with dense cytoplasm and a second large vacuolated cell were the simplest bipolar system. The vacuolated cell underwent senescence. The cytoplasm-rich cell and its derivates divided transversally, resulting in several cytoplasmic cells arranged in row. An early embryonal cylindrical mass was formed by longitudinal division of the cells in a filament. Proximally localized cells in the early embryonal mass became vacuolized and elongated gradually giving rise to the secondary suspensor. Distal cells remained cytoplasmic in character and formed an embryonal mass along the axis of long early somatic embryos. Differences in the proportion of organelles and heterochromatin clumps, thickness of cell walls and number of plasmodesmata between cells at various stages of early somatic embryogenesis were described.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of carbon sources and polyethylene glycol combined with 0.45 and 0.9% (w/v) of gellan gum on the maturation of maritime pine somatic embryos was tested. The effect of the carbon source and polyethylene glycol varied widely between lines. One out of the five lines tested showed a striking response to polyethylene glycol (PEG) treatment; the addition of this osmoticum limited the embryonal-suspensor mass (ESM) proliferation while it enhanced the maturation rate. Conversely, the ESM proliferation was stimulated by PEG in the other lines without subsequent improvement of the maturation rate. The use of a high concentration of gellan gum (0.9%) improved the maturation of the five ESM lines. It was concluded that the most efficient culture medium to recover cotyledonary embryos from all lines is one supplemented with sucrose at 6% (w/v) and gellan gum at 0.9% (w/v) without PEG. The determining factor in the maturation of maritime pine somatic embryos is the genotype and/or the quality of ESM. The possible relationship between maturation performances and ESM morphology, particularly the suspensor organization, is discussed.  相似文献   

The crop species Olea europaea L. (olive tree) is of great economic importance in the Mediterranean region. Hence, many efforts have been done in the last decades to propagate this commercially valuable species by in vitro methods. On the other hand, the lesser known Olea maderensis (Lowe) Rivas Mart. & Del Arco which is a native species of the Madeira Archipelago has only been the subject of micropropagation from nodal stem cuttings. Therefore, in this work we analysed the stability of ten nuclear simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers at successive stages of the somatic embryogenesis process in two adult trees belonging to these two species from the Madeira Archipelago. For the induction of somatic embryogenesis, petiole and leaf explants were cultivated on solid Murashige and Skoog medium (MS) with 12.25 μM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and 4.56 μM of zeatin, in the dark. After 3 months, different callus tissues (non-embryogenic, pre-embryogenic and embryogenic) developed from leaf explants and petioles were later transferred to MS medium without growth regulators in the dark. All ten SSR markers were able to distinguish between species. However, no mutations were found at the SSR loci at any of the successive developmental stages from PEMs (pre-embryogenic masses) to somatic embryos. This genetic uniformity was observed within material derived from each genotype/species and its respective donor plant. Therefore, we conclude that the genomic integrities of both O. europaea and O. maderensis were maintained throughout the stages of the embryogenic processes in study suggesting the absence of somaclonal variation.  相似文献   

Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) is the main tree cropping species in the Landes of Gascogne forest range in south western France. Soils are nutrient poor, sandy podzosols and site fertility is determined essentially by organic matter content and depth of water table, which is known to limit root growth. We hypothesised, with an ultimate goal of constructing a nutrient uptake model applicable to this region, that the organic top horizons together with the depth of the water table should be the most important parameters related to fine root distribution and presence of associated mycorrhiza. To test this hypothesis, we compared two adult Pinus pinaster stands, contrasting in depth of water table and soil fertility and evaluated fine roots (diameter ≤2 mm) of understory species and fine roots and ectomycorrhizal morphotypes of Pinus pinaster down to 1.2 m, using a soil corer approach. Total fine root biomass of Pinus pinaster was not significantly different between both sites (3.6 and 4.5 t ha−1 for the humid, respectively, dry site), but root distribution was significantly shallower and root diameter increased more with depth at the humid site, presumably due to more adverse soil conditions as related to the presence of a hardpan, higher amount of aluminium oxides and / or anoxia. Fine roots of Pinus pinaster represented only about 30% of total fine root biomass and 15% of total fine root length, suggesting that the understory species cannot be ignored with regards to competition for mineral nutrients and water. A comparison of the ectomycorrhizal morphotypes showed that the humid site could be characterised by a very large proportion of contact exploration types, thought to be more relevant in accessing organic nutrient sources, whereas the dry site had a significantly higher proportion of both long-distance and short-distance exploration types, the latter of which was thought to be more resistant to short-term drought periods. These results partly confirm our hypothesis on root distribution as related to the presence of soil mineral nutrients (i.e. in organic matter), point out the potential role of understory plant species and ectomycorrhizal symbiosis and are a valuable step in building a site-specific nutrient uptake model.  相似文献   

The effects of antibiotics commonly used in Agrobacterium-mediated transformation were studied on Pinus pinaster tissues. Embryogenic tissue growth from three embryogenic lines and adventitious bud induction from cotyledons from three open-pollinated seed families were analysed. Cefotaxizme, carbenicillin and timentin commonly used for Agrobacterium elimination, at concentrations of 200–400 mg l −1 did not inhibit the embryogenic tissue growth on filter paper nor as clumps. Adventitious bud induction and bud number were significantly reduced for one of the tested families when using 400 mg l−1 cefotaxime or timentin. The selection agent kanamycin significantly inhibited growth of embryogenic tissue on filter paper in all the embryogenic lines␣and concentrations tested (20–50 mg l−1). Kanamycin also inhibited growth of embryogenic clumps after two subcultures at 5–50 mg l−1. In␣cotyledons, kanamycin inhibited adventitious bud␣formation in the three seed families used, regardless of the concentrations tested (5–25 mg l−1). There was a significant effect of the seed family on the bud induction and the number of adventitious buds produced. From the results obtained, we propose the use of timentin to eliminate Agrobacterium in transformation experiments, at concentrations of 400 mg l−1 for embryogenic tissues and of 300 mg l−1 for cotyledons. For selection of transformed tissues carrying the kanamycin resistance gene, kanamycin should be used at 20 mg l−1 for embryogenic tissues on filter paper, at 5 mg l−1 when clumps are in direct contact with the selection medium, and bellow 5 mg l−1 for adventitious bud induction.  相似文献   

An approach combining morphological profiling and flow cytometric analysis was used to assess genetic stability during the several steps of somatic embryogenesis in Pinus pinaster. Embryogenic cell lines of P. pinaster were established from immature zygotic embryos excised from seeds obtained from open-pollinated trees. During the maturation stage, phenotype of somatic embryos was characterized as being either normal or abnormal. Based upon the prevalent morphological traits, different types of abnormal embryos underwent further classification and quantification. Nuclear DNA content of maritime pine using the zygotic embryos was estimated to be 57.04 pg/2C, using propidium iodide flow cytometry. According to the same methodology, no significant differences (P ≤ 0.01) in DNA ploidy were detected among the most frequently observed abnormal phenotypes, embryogenic cell lines, zygotic and normal somatic embryos, and somatic embryogenesis-derived plantlets. Although the differences in DNA ploidy level do not exclude the occurrence of a low level of aneuploidy, the results obtained point to the absence of major changes in ploidy level during the somatic embryogenesis process of this economically important species. Therefore, our primary goal of true-to-typeness was assured at this level.  相似文献   

Heartwood and sapwood development in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) is reported based on 35 trees randomly sampled in four sites in Portugal. It was possible to model the number of heartwood rings with cambial age. The heartwood initiation age was estimated to be 13 years and the rate of sapwood transformation into heartwood was 0.5 and 0.7 rings year–1 for ages below and above 55 years, respectively. Reconstruction of heartwood volume inside the tree stem was made by visual identification by image analysis in longitudinal boards along the sawn surfaces. This volume was integrated into the 3D models of logs and stems developed for this species representing the external shape and internal knots. Heartwood either follows the stem profile or shows a maximum value at 3.8 m in height, on average, while sapwood width is greater at the stem base and after 3 m remains almost constant up the stem. Up to 50% of tree height heartwood represents 17% of stem volume, in 83-year-old trees and 12–13% in 42 to 55-year-old trees. Tree variables such as stem diameter, DBH and tree total height were found to correlate significantly with the heartwood content.  相似文献   

Summary Several factors that may affect induction of somatic embryogenesis in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) were investigated in 1994 and 1995. Megagametophytes containing immature zygotic embryos were excised from seeds as explants. Potassium chloride, silver nitrate, myo-inositol, coconut water, or polyamine was added to the control media (U.S. patent no. 5,036,007) to determine the effects of each single ingredient or their combinations on the initiation of embryogenic tissue. Supplements of myo-inositol at 22.2 mM resulted in increases in frequencies of cell mass extrusion and proliferation compared with the control media in consecutive years. Addition of silver nitrate showed the potential to promote initiation of embryogenic culture. The combination of 10 mM potassium with 29.4 μM silver nitrate achieved the highest frequencies in both extrusion and proliferation of embryogenic tissue. The combination of silver nitrate at 29.4 μM with addition of myo-inositol at 11.1 or 22.2 mM achieved a higher conversion rate from extrusion to proliferation. Polyamine did not significantly affect the induction of somatic embryogenesis, but coconut water was inhibitory. Published with approval of the Director of Arkansas Agricultural Experimental Station.  相似文献   

Embryogenic calli were initiated from embryonic explants of Pinus roxburghii using female gametophytes containing immature pre-cotyledonary embryos. Zygotic embryos were collected at different developmental stages and cultured on various media. Initiation of embryogenic calli was achieved in pre-cotyledonary zygotic embryos of a 0.1-mm to 1.2-mm embryonal head on Douglus fir cotyledon revised medium (DCR) medium supplemented with 2,4-D or NAA and BA. Embryogenic callus development was initiated from the suspensor region of immature embryos. The method of immature embryo culture was significant as rapid embryogenic callus development occurred in megagametophytes where the suspensor was stretched onto the medium from the cut micropylar end. Sixty embryogenic lines were established from 2500 explants cultured during one season. A pro-embryo with six to eight meristematic cells and suspensor of six to ten long, vacuolated cells dominated the early phase of the callus development. Cleavage polyembryony occurred in proliferating callus, constituting a method of multiplication of these somatic embryos. Somatic embryos developed to stage-I and stage-II embryos on DCR medium supplemented with 5 μM 2,4-D or 10 μM NAA. Received: 30 June 1999 / Revision received: 15 November 1999 / Accepted: 3 December 1999  相似文献   

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