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Learning from the past: palaeohydrology and palaeoecology   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Attempts to increase European biodiversity by restoring rivers and floodplains are based on inadequate data on natural systems. This is particularly the case for NW European rivers because all catchments have been impacted by agriculture and river engineering. If river restoration is to have an ecological, as opposed to `cosmetic' design basis then baseline models are required. However, this poses three questions; (a) what is the natural river‐floodplain state, (b) how can it be defined and modelled and (c) can this state be recreated today? The first two questions can only be addressed by using palaeohydrological and palaeoecological data. A second and equally vital consideration is the stability/instability of any restored system to change in external forcing factors (e.g. climate) and in this context it may not be realistic to expect baseline models to provide equilibrium solutions but instead to define process‐form domains. Over the last two decades evidence has accumulated that the natural state of lowland rivers in much of NW Europe was multi rather than single thread‐braided, anastomosing or anabranching. Until recently our knowledge of floodplain palaeoecology was generally derived from pollen diagrams, which have source‐area of problems and lack of taxonomic specificity. The precision and breadth of palaeoecological reconstruction (including richness and structure) has been greatly increased by the use of multiple palaeo‐indicators including macrofossils, diatoms and beetles. The dynamics of small to medium sized, low‐energy, predeforestation floodplains were dominated by disturbance (windthrow, beavers, etc.) and large woody debris. In order to compare the hydrogeomorphological basis of floodplain ecology, both temporally and spatially, a simple index of fluvial complexity is presented. Palaeoecological and geomorphological investigations have the potential to provide in‐depth models of the natural range of channel conditions and sensitivity to external change that can be used to provide a scientific basis for floodplain restoration. There is also the possibility that floodplain‐channel restoration may be a valuable tool in the mitigation of future geomorphological change forced by climatic instability.  相似文献   

Studies have demonstrated the importance of the synergistic relationship between large rivers and adjacent floodplain connectivity. The majority of large rivers and their associated floodplain have been isolated through a series of expansive levee systems. Thus, evaluations of the relative importance of floodplain connectivity are limited due to the aforementioned anthropogenic perturbations. However, persistent elevated river levels during spring 2011 at the confluence of the Mississippi River and Ohio River prompted the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to create large gaps in the levee system producing an expansive floodplain (i.e. the New Madrid Floodway). Specifically, the New Madrid Floodway (approximately 475 km2) in southeast Missouri was created to divert part of the Mississippi River flow during catastrophic floods and thus alleviate flood risk on nearby population centers. Given the historic flooding of 2011, the floodway was opened and provided an unprecedented opportunity to evaluate the influence of floodplain inundation on fish species diversity, relative abundance, and growth. We sampled the floodplain and the adjacent river at three stratified random locations with replication biweekly from the commencement of inundation (late May) through early October. Overall, we found that species diversity, relative abundance, and growth were higher in the floodplain than the main river. Our data support previous examinations, including those outside North America, that suggest floodplain inundation may be important for riverine fishes. Given these apparent advantages of floodplain inundation, restoration efforts should balance benefits of floodplain inundation while safeguarding priority needs of humans.  相似文献   

Floodplain restoration has been advocated as a means to restore several ecological services associated with floodplains: water quality improvement, fish rearing habitat, wildlife habitat, flood control, and groundwater recharge. A history of agricultural encroachment on the lower Cosumnes River has resulted in extensive channelization and levee construction. In fall 1998, an experimental floodplain was established by breaching a levee in order to restore the connection between the main channel and its historic floodplain. In this study, we examined how effective this newly restored floodplain was at processing nitrate (NO 3 ) before reentering the main channel downstream. Two methods were used to examine nitrate loss. In December 2001, we determined denitrification potentials of the floodplain soils before seasonal flooding inundated the floodplain. Next, we conducted a series of field soil column (mesocosm) experiments from March to June 2002 to study NO 3 -N loss from the overlying water in both sandy and clayey soils and at three levels of NO 3 -N (ambient, +1 mg N l−1, +5 mg N l−1). In addition, we examined NO 3 -N loss from mesocosms with water only to determine if loss was related primarily to soil or water column processes. Denitrification potentials were highly variable ranging from 1.6 to 769 ng N2O–N cm−3 h−1. In addition, the denitrification potential was highly correlated with the amount of bioavailable carbon indicating that carbon was a limiting factor for denitrification. Nitrate-N loss rates from mesocosms ranged from 2.9 to 21.0 μg N l−1 h−1 over all treatments and all 3 months examined. Significant loss of NO 3 -N (60–93%) from the water only treatment only occurred in June when warmer temperatures and solar radiation most likely increased NO 3 -N uptake by phytoplankton. When scaled up, potential NO 3 -N loss from the restored floodplain represented 0.6–4.4% of the annual N load from the Lower Cosumnes River during a typical wet year and ~24% during a dry year. During dry water years, the effectiveness of the floodplain for reducing nitrate is limited by the amount of N supplied to the floodplain. Results from this study suggest that restored floodplains can be an effective NO 3 sink.  相似文献   

废弃汞矿山苔藓植物群落生态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
潘莎  张朝晖 《植物研究》2011,31(2):241-248
对贵州省铜仁市云场坪镇废弃汞矿山的苔藓植物群落进行了研究,通过野外全面调查和实验室仔细鉴定,发现废弃汞矿山苔藓植物群落的种类组成有13科52属62种(苔类植物2科2属2种,藓类植物11科50属60种)。应用双向指示种分析法(TWlNSPAN)和除趋势对应分析(DCA)分析其分布格局表明,该区12个样点分为2个类型组,组1为废石、废渣样地,组2为废洞样地,说明废洞与废石、废渣生境差异性较大,废石、废渣生境较相似;北地扭口藓群落(Barbula fallax Com.)、阔叶小石藓群落(Weisia planifolia Com.)、尖叶扭口藓群落(Barbula constricta Com.)、拟丛净口藓群落(Gymnostomum anoectangioides Com.)、硬叶净口藓群落(Gymnostomum subrigidulum Com.)为该矿区废石、废渣上的优势群落,其生物量为55.20~448.20 g·m-2,饱和吸水量为260.80~3 599.40 g·m-2,说明在矿区这种干旱且保水能力弱的环境区域,苔藓植物群落以其特有的生态功能在矿区生态环境治理中具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

B. K. Sharma 《Hydrobiologia》2005,533(1-3):209-221
The rotifer communities of 15 acidic – alkaline and soft – marginally hard water floodplain lakes of the lower Assam valley of the Brahmaputra river basin, characterized by low ionic concentrations, reveal 164 species (178 taxa) belonging to 39 genera and 20 families and represent the richest biodiversity known to date in these ecotones of the Indian subcontinent. Nine species are new to the Indian Rotifera. Cosmopolitan (59.7%) > pantropical (15.2%) > cosmotropical (12.2%) species dominate the taxocoenosis. Biogeographically interesting elements constitute a notable component (13.4%); important members of this category include six Oriental, two Australasian and seven Palaeotropical species. The examined fauna depicts a tropical character with predominance of Lecanespp. (28.0%). Littoral or periphytic rotifers (76.2%) dominate the planktonic species. Rotifers comprise a dominant qualitative (67–103, 79.1±11.0 species) and an important quantitative (mean: 41.1–65.9%) component of zooplankton in all floodplain lakes, register a moderate diversity (mean: 2.036–2.642), low dominance (mean: 0.019–0.216) and high evenness (mean: 0.840–0.893). The examined material indicates several interesting acidophilous elements. Richness depicts significant inverse correlation with pH. Water temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and alkalinity record significant direct relationships with the rotifer abundance. Diversity is influenced by abundance and is also directly correlated with water temperature and conductivity. Canonical analysis shows a notable cumulative impact of six abiotic factors on richness, density and diversity.  相似文献   

Abstract Aim and location Alluvial flood plains support higher levels of vascular plant species richness than other terrestrial ecosystems. Whereas the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of these ecosystems has been considered the local determinant of high plant richness, regional influences, such as regional species pools have received little attention. In this study we surveyed plant species richness across the entire Nyack catchment (c. 21,000 ha), in Glacier National Park, USA, to determine the relation of upland ecosystem community structure to biodiversity patterns on montane floodplains that are relatively extensive and flood‐scoured ecosystems. Method We surveyed floodplain and other terrestrial ecosystems within the Nyack catchment using 50 × 2 m plots to record species present and visual estimates of percentage cover. Species pools from flood plains and three other terrestrial ecosystems (low elevation forests, sub‐Alpine forests and alpine) were analysed with nested subset analysis, detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), and an index of beta diversity to identify dissimilarity in species composition and richness, and the separate contributions of generalists (species occurring in more than one ecosystem) and specialists to richness in each ecosystem. Analysis of variance and post hoc Tukey–Kramer tests were used to identify where in the Nyack catchment each species was most abundant. Species life form and dispersal strategies were analysed to better understand influences on beta diversity. Results Our data show that in this pristine system, floodplain ecosystems host 202 (63%) of the 320 vascular plants identified within Nyack catchment. Of these species, the nested subset analysis showed that 146 (72%) are found in at least one adjacent upland ecosystem. While the DCA ordination scatter plots show statistically significant separations of ecosystems on the first two axes, values of beta diversity showed that substantial similarity exists between floodplain and all upland species pools. Further, of the 146 floodplain species shared with upland ecosystems, 61% were more frequent in upland ecosystems, whereas 55% were more abundant in uplands than flood plains (Tukey–Kramer P ≤ 0.05). Significant numbers of specialists were found on flood plains (24% of floodplain species), but also within upland ecosystems, where 23% and 40% of low elevation forest and alpine species were found to be specialists, respectively. Whereas 83% of herb generalists were wind dispersed, <70% of specialists were animal dispersed, indicating that similarity in species pools may be driven by wind dispersal. Main conclusions These results suggest a re‐evaluation of the contribution of floodplain ecosystems to regional plant species richness. While flood plains host specialists, other ecosystems had equal or higher levels of regional ‘endemism’. Furthermore, these data suggest that conservation of high levels of biodiversity on floodplain ecosystems may require consideration of upland ecosystems throughout the catchment as the majority of species were relatively rare on flood plains, indicating they may be sink habitats for some species.  相似文献   

Quantifying population connectivity is important for visualizing the spatial and temporal scales that conservation measures act upon. Traditionally, migration based on genetic data has been reported in migrants per generation. However, the temporal scales over which this migration may occur do not necessarily accommodate the scales over which human perturbations occur, leaving the potential for a disconnect between population genetic data and conservation action based on those data. Here, we present a new metric called the “Rule of Memory”, which helps conservation practitioners to interpret “migrants per generation” in the context both of human modified ecosystems and the cultural memory of those doing the modification. Our rule states that clades should be considered functionally endemic regardless of their actual taxonomic designation if the migration between locations is insufficient to maintain a viable population over the timescales of one human generation (20 years). Since larger animals are more likely to be remembered, we quantify the relationship between migrants per human (N) and body mass of the organism in question (M) with the formula N = 10M−1. We then use the coral reef fish Pomacentrus moluccensis to demonstrate the taxonomic and spatial scales over which this rule can be applied. Going beyond minimum viable population literature, this metric assesses the probability that a clade''s existence will be forgotten by people throughout its range during a period of extirpation. Because conservation plans are predicated on having well-established baselines, a loss of a species over the range of one human generation evokes the likelihood of that species no longer being recognized as a member of an ecosystem, and thus being excluded in restoration or conservation prioritization. [Correction added on 26 December 2012, after first online publication: this formula has been corrected to N=10M−1].  相似文献   

Abstract The goal of this research is to evaluate how the assemblages of aquatic macrophytes in marginal floodplain habitats, with different degrees of connectivity to the main river, respond to water level fluctuations. Samples were carried out quarterly (May 2000 to March 2002) in seven lagoons of the Upper Paraná River floodplain (22°30′ and 22°45′‐S and 53°15′ and 53°30′‐W) with different degrees of connectivity (connected and disconnected to the main river). In each lagoon, a shore‐pelagic zone transect was marked and at every 2 m the depth and the cover of each aquatic macrophyte species were recorded (Domin‐Krajina scale) in a quadrat of 0.25 m2. A total of 29 aquatic macrophyte species and an unusual decrease in water level were recorded in August 2001. Drawdown had a negative impact on species richness, only in connected lagoons, which was shown by a positive relationship between depth and species number (r‐Spearman = 0.86; P < 0.01). Depth affected Beta diversity positively (r‐Spearman = 0.79; P < 0.05). Drawdown affected the connected and disconnected lagoons differently, which can be attributed to their different morphometry. In this period, ‘habitat contraction’ was higher on connected lagoons. Positive correlation between mean species number and depth, and between beta diversity and depth, are factors that support this affirmation. Indicator species analysis showed that for disconnected lagoons, Oxycaryum cubense (Cyperaceae), Polygonum meissnerianum (Polygonaceae) and P. ferrugineum, with indicator values (IndVal) of 53, 30 and 25%, respectively, were indicator species. Salvinia spp. (Salvinaceae) (62%), P. acuminatum (44%) and the Ricciaceae Ricciocarpus natans (0%) were the indicator species of the connected lagoons.  相似文献   

Synopsis The feeding ecology of three characids (A. fasciatus, A. bimaculatus and A. schubarti) was studied monthly during 1988 in Lake Inferñao, a major floodplain lake of the Mogi-Guaçú River in the State of São Paulo. River flooding directly influenced the diet of the omnivorous A. bimaculatus and A. fasciatus which responded to maximum inundation (March) by consuming predominantly allochthonous insects. In contrast, A. schubarti was less influenced by the river flood cycle on qualitative changes in diet and relied basically on aquatic macrophytes and periphytic algae. The importance of zooplankton in the diet of the three species was low, and may be attributed to its low density in the water column (< 1 ind l–1). Ontogenetic diet changes were evident for the three species. For A. fasciatus and A. bimaculatus the importance of zooplankton was high at the early stages, decreasing with size. A. schubarti at younger stages consumed diversified items which gradually decreased quantitatively up to the size class of 65 mm; from this size onwards, the diet became restricted to the consumption of periphytic algae and macrophytes.  相似文献   

This investigation adopts an historical approach to pollen recruitment in a lowland English lake. The history of woodland and land-use has been reconstructed for the past 200 years from documentary sources and from the lake sediment pollen record. Comparison of these data sets are used to establish the effective pollen catchment of the lake and to investigate how well these support predictive models of pollen input to lakes.  相似文献   

Sun ZY  Ren H 《应用生态学报》2011,22(3):549-555
生态记忆指群落过去的状态或经验影响其目前或未来生态响应的能力.作为研究生态系统结构和功能的一个新视角,生态记忆在群落演替、生态恢复、生物入侵和自然资源管理等多个领域中受到重视.本文在综述生态记忆的概念、组成、类别的基础上,进一步探讨了生态记忆的可能机制和影响因素,并指出了其潜在应用,以期为理解演替机理和指导生态恢复提供参考.  相似文献   

The relationships of 42 species of ground moss with six environmental factors in 41 sites on Changbai Mountain Biosphere Reserve were analyzed. Four site groups and four groups of ground moss ecological species were identified using the method of Two-way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN). The results of Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis (DCCA) showed that altitude, soil sand content, soil acidity, forest canopy coverage and soil water content are the five major environmental factors influencing the distributional patterns of the moss species. The four groups of ecological species, which correspond well with the four site groups, are projected on the species-environment biplot of DCCA. Group 1 dominated in the bogs of Larix olgensis forest, group 2 in the alpine tundra, group 3 in the dense conifer forest, and group 4 mainly in the Betula ermanii community and the Betula ermanii-Larix olgensis forest in sub-alpine respectively.  相似文献   

李爽  田野  唐明方  严岩 《生态学报》2021,41(14):5849-5856
生态系统保护与修复已成为我国生态文明建设的一项核心内容,自2016年以来,在全国24个省(自治区、直辖市)已开展了25个山水林田湖草生态保护修复工程试点工程。以大凌河流域北票段为研究区,探讨了景感生态学理论在山水林田湖草生态系统保护与修复实践中的应用。基于景感生态学理论,构建大凌河流域北票段生态系统保护与修复综合治理框架,以保持、改善和提升生态系统服务,实现可持续发展为目标,构建了"一中心、二重点、五要素、六工程"的生态系统保护与修复景感空间体系,并基于此将大凌河流域北票段生态系统保护与修复分为5个重要治理区域,形成"一带四区"的生态安全格局,提出了应用景感生态学理论,构建区域居民的共同行为规范,引导并实现人类对自然生态系统的有利影响,进一步提升生态系统保护与修复效果的对策建议。通过大凌河流域北票段的分析案例,以景感营造的理念开展区域生态系统保护与修复顶层设计,为促进区域可持续发展提供思路和途径。  相似文献   

Condition factors and growth rates of postlarval (young-of-year) fishes in a Central California river were compared in order to determine the relative importance of floodplain and riverine habitats for rearing. Sampling took place between April and June of 2001 and 2002 in the lower Cosumnes River and its floodplain. Sacramento splittail showed higher condition and length increment in floodplain habitats of than in riverine habitats. Sacramento suckers showed differences in condition between sites, but suckers from the floodplain had lower weight increments than those from the river. The weight increment in Sacramento splittail was not significantly different between habitats. In addition, two alien species, common carp and golden shiner, had similar condition factors and growth rates. This study shows the usefulness of condition factor and growth rate in evaluating the importance of different habitats for early life history stages of fishes.  相似文献   

张轶群  吴迪  付晓  吴钢 《生态学报》2020,40(22):8063-8074
煤电基地的开发对中国能源利用格局具有深远的影响,是煤炭行业发展的重要方向,但也对生态环境提出了严峻的挑战。在我国煤电基地的生态建设中,基于景观生态学的应用研究较多,缺乏对居民感知、愿景和福祉等方面的联系和研究。以内蒙古锡林郭勒煤电基地为例,在分析因煤电基地的开发建设而导致的生态环境问题基础上,运用景感生态学的理论和方法,从煤电基地的景感营造、景感修复、景感保护监测管理、生态文明的建设共4个方面进行了分析,为煤电基地的生态建设、保护与管理提出了具有建设性的措施和建议。结合生态环境物联网对所选景感指标的监测、谜码数据平台的评价分析及预警系统,对实现煤电基地的生态健康保障、生态服务提升、以及居民愿景和福祉的提高有着重要意义,为实现区域可持续发展的目标提供了有效措施。本研究为煤电基地相关区域的生态建设、保护与管理提供科学依据和有效对策,为后续相关研究打下基础。  相似文献   

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