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Particulate membrane preparations have been isolated from cambial cells, and from differentiating and differentiated xylem cells of the main stem of pine trees. These preparations synthesise a 14 glucomannan from guanosine 5-diphosphate-mannose. The polysaccharide and the synthase have been characterized and the Km and Vmax for the synthase determined as 85 M and 52.9 M·min-1, respectively. The enzymic activity was inhibited by the addition of guanosine 5-diphosphate-D-glucose so that the presence of an epimerase on the particulate fraction in conjunction with the synthase probably allowed the heteropolymer to be formed with the optimal ratio of the concentrations of the nucleoside-diphosphate sugar donors. No evidence for a polyprenyl-phosphate derivative as an intermediate during the polymer synthesis was obtained. Part of the control mechanism for the deposition of the large amounts of the glucomannan during the secondary thickening of the tracheids of the vascular system is by an increase in the amount of synthase activity at the endomembrane system of the cells. This probably occurs by an increase in the amount of enzyme which is modulated by gene regulation during differentiation.Abbreviations GDP guanosine 5-diphosphate - GLC gasliquid chromatography  相似文献   

Membrane fractions and digitonin-solubilized enzymes prepared from stem segments isolated from the third internode of etiolated pea seedlings (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) catalyzed the synthesis of a -1,4-[su14C]mannan from GDP-d-[U-14C]-mannose, a mixed -1,3- and -1,4-[14C]glucan from GDP-d-[U-14C]-glucose and a -1,4-[14C]-glucomannan from both GDP-d-[U-14C]mannose and GDP-d-[U-14C]glucose. The kinetics of the membrane-bound and soluble mannan and glucan synthases were determined. The effects of ions, chelators, inhibitors of lipid-linked saccharides, polyamines, polyols, nucleotides, nucleoside-diphosphate sugars, acetyl-CoA, group-specific chemical probes, phospholipases and detergents on the membrane-bound mannan and glucan synthases were investigated. The -glucan synthase had different properties from other preparations which bring about the synthesis of -1,3-glucans (callose) and mixed -1,3- and -1,4-glucans and which use UDP-d-glucose as substrate. It also differed from xyloglucan synthase because in the presence of several concentrations of UDP-d-xylose in addition to GDP-d-glucose no xyloglucan was formed. Using either the membrane-bound or the soluble mannan synthase, GDP-d-glucose acted competitively in the presence of GDP-d-mannose to inhibit the incorporation of mannose into the polymer. This was not due to an inhibition of the transferase activity but was a result of the incorporation of glucose residues from GDP-d-glucose into a glucomannan. The kinetics and the composition of the synthesized glucomannan depended on the ratio of the concentrations of GDP-d-glucose and GDP-d-mannose that were available. Our data indicated that a single enzyme has an active centre that can use both GDP-d-mannose and GDP-d-glucose to bring about the synthesis of the heteropolysaccharide.Abbreviations CHAPS 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)-dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate - CHAPSO 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)-dimethylammonio]-2-hydroxy-1-propanesulfonate - CHD 1,2-cyclohexanedione - CDP cytidine 5-diphosphate - EGTA ethylene glycol-bis(-aminoethyl ether) N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - GDP guanosine 5-diphosphate - NAI N-acetyl-imidazole - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - PGO phenylglyoxal This work has been made possible by grants of M.A.F. and M.U.R.S.T. 40% of Italy. Dr. A. Zuppa wishes to thank the C.N.R. of Italy for his research scolarship.  相似文献   

R. A. Savidge  P. F. Wareing 《Planta》1981,153(5):395-404
Exogenous indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA), alone and together with several cytokinins, was ineffective in promoting the complete differentiation into tracheids of cambial derivatives of Pinus contorta Dougl.; IAA alone promoted cambial cell division and primary-wall growth in cambial derivatives throughout the stem's length. In contrast, a single pair of needles on a stem cutting in light promoted neither cambial cell division nor primary-wall growth in cambial derivatives but did promote complete differentiation of cambial cells into tracheids; tracheids differentiated only near the junction of the foliated short shoot with the stem. Clear inter-and intracellular differences in the extent of tracheid differentiation occurred in response to a single needle pair and have suggested the hypothesis that a specific tracheid-differentiation factor regulates the differentiation of cells into proto-, meta-, or secondary-xylem tracheary elements through an interaction with IAA.Abbreviations IAA indol-3yl acetic acid - K kinetin - BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - Z zeatin - ZR zeatin riboside - FAA formalin: acetic acid: ethanol: water (10:5:50:35, by vol.)  相似文献   

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings grown in nutrient solution in controlled-environment chambers were used. The effects of a shortday (SD, early autumn) treatment on growth and the content of free and alkaline hydrolysable abscisic acid (ABA) in shoots and roots were investigated. The weekly relative growth rates of seedlings grown continuously under long-day (LD, summer) conditions were stable at approx. 0.08 g g–1 d–1 between weeks four and eight from germination. Weekly relative growth rates of seedlings transferred to SD conditions decreased rapidly to a then stable level of approx. 0.04 g g–1 d01. Shoot elongation ceased within two weeks of SD treatment. The content of both free and alkaline hydrolysable ABA was approx. 40–50% higher in shoots of seedlings grown for five weeks in LD plus one week in SD than in shoots of seedlings grown for five or six weeks in LD. Two additional weeks of SD did not change the free ABA content. Three weeks in simulated late autumn (SD but decreased temperatures) and three weeks in simulated winter (lower light intensity and temperature) further increased the content of free ABA in the shoots. A transfer back to LD conditions reduced the ABA content to a level equal to the level found during the first LD period. The recovery of radioactive ABA at certain times after application ofr[3H] ABA was the same in shoots and roots of LD-grown and SD-treated seedlings.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - LD long day(s) - RGR7 weekly relative growth rates - SD short day(s)  相似文献   

Two co-purifying phloem polypeptides of 24 and 25 kilodaltons (kDa) were isolated from homogenates of Pinus sabiniana Dougl. phloem by differential centrifugation, selective solubilization and electrophoresis, and rabbit antibodies raised against them. The antisera were found to be specific for doublet bands between 23 and 25 kDa in Western blots of whole phloem extracts of Pinus species; no xylem polypeptides were labelled, nor did labelling occur in blots of phloem extracts from other genera in the Pinaceae. Solubilized phloem polypeptides bind strongly to chitin (oligomeric N-acetylglucosamine) columns and are sensitive to thiol reagents, both characteristics which relate them to phloemspecific lectins isolated from angiosperm species (C. Allen, 1979, Biochem. J. 183, 133–137; A.K. Gietl et al., 1979, Planta 144, 367–371). Fluorescence microscopy and immuno-gold electron microscopic cytochemistry demonstrated antigenic sites specifically associated with protein crystals peculiar to the sieve-element plastids of the Pinaceae.Abbreviations DAB diamino benzidine tetrachloride - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - kDa kilodalton - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - PP phloem polypeptide(s) - SDS-PAGE Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - Tris 2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol  相似文献   

Inhibitors from (Pinus pinea L.) seed coats were separated using paper chromatography, thin layer chromatography, and a Sephadex G-10 column. The inhibitory activity was resolved into several fractions. One of these behaved similarly to abscisic acid. It has exhibed the same properties as ABA in thin-layer chromatography, paper chromatography, and Sephadex G-10 chromatography and in UV absorption and fluorescence spectra. These germination inhibitors, present in the seed coats, are involved in the regulation of P. pinea seed germination.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   

Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) are abundant plant proteoglycans implicated in plant growth and development. Here, we report the genetic characterization, partial purification and immunolocalization of a classical AGP (PtaAGP6, accession number AF101785) in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). A PtaAGP6 full-length cDNA clone was expressed in bacteria. PtaAGP6 resembles tomato LeAGP-1 and Arabidopsis AtAGP17-19 in that they all possess a subdomain composed of basic amino acids. The accessibility of this domain in the glycoprotein makes it possible to label the PtaAGP6 epitopes on the cell surface or in the cell wall with polyclonal antibodies raised against this subdomain. The antibodies recognize the peptide of the basic subdomain and bind to the intact protein molecule. A soluble protein-containing fraction was purified from the differentiating xylem of pine trees by using -glucosyl Yariv reagent (-glcY) and was recognized by antibodies against the basic subdomain. Immunolocalization studies showed that the PtaAGP6 epitopes are restricted to a file of cells that just precede secondary cell wall thickening, suggesting roles in xylem differentiation and wood formation. The location of apparent labeling of the PtaAGP6 epitopes is separated from the location of lignin deposition. Multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were detected in EST variants. Denaturing HPLC analysis of PCR products suggests that PtaAGP6 is encoded by a single gene. Mobility variation in denaturing gel electrophoresis was used to map PtaAGP6 SNPs to a site on linkage group 5.  相似文献   

A bundle of optical fibres and a photometer were used to measure light transmission through bud scales of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] and Scots pine (Pinus silvestris L.). Percentage transmission increases with wavelength from none below 480 nm to 3% the far-red. Transmission of all wavebands measured was lowest in late summer and winter and highest in the autumn and spring. For most of the year in pine, and only from July to September in spruce, there is a depression of red light (660–670 nm) transmission. This affects the ratio of 660/730 nm light penetrating the apical domes. This ratio is lowest in July and August, at the time of initiation of female strobili. The seasonal variation in transmission of light by bud scales is discussed in relation to the possible consequences for the control of flowering.  相似文献   

We describe a method for perfusing the xylem in the stele of excised onion roots with solutions of known composition under a pressure gradient. Tracer studies using [14C] polyethylene glycol 4000 and the fluorescent dye, Tinopal CBSX, indicated that perfusing solutions passed exclusively through the xylem vessels. The conductance of the xylem was small over the apical 100 mm of the root axis but increased markedly between 100 and 200 mm. Unbuffered perfusion solutions supplied in the range pH 3.7–7.8 emerged after passage through the xylem adjusted to pH 5.2–6.0, indicating the presence of mechanisms for absorbing or releasing protons. This adjustment continued over many hours with net proton fluxes apparently determined by the disparity between the pH of the perfusion solution and the usual xylem sap pH of about 5.5. Mild acidification of the xylem sap by buffered perfusion solutions increased the release of 86Rb (K+) and 35SO4 2- from the stelar tissue into the xylem stream. The ion-transporting properties of onion roots seemed little changed by excision from the bulbs, or by removal of the apical zones of the root axis. The pH of sap produced by root pressure resembles that found in the outflow solutions of perfused root segments.  相似文献   

Terminal buds of Pinus silvestris L. containing microsporangiate strobilus primordia were collected once a month throughout the winter. The electron microscopic studies indicated that in October and December, the cells of the strobili contained a large number of vacuoles, a portion of which was supposedly autophagic, and stacked rough endoplasmic reticulum. By February, the amount of these had decreased, and instead, a large population of dense bodies was visible. Additional phenomena, characteristic at this state, were the occurrences of highly uneven contours of the plasmalemma and of inclusions of various kinds between the plasmalemma and the cell wall. In March, autolysis was visible in a portion of cells outside the sporangia. In the sporangia the ground cytoplasm was thin but the number of organelles was increasing. In the April collections, cell divisions were visible. The amount of protein per dry weight increased during the winter reaching a peak in February. The activity of RNases, having optima of pH 5.0 and pH 7.5, was measured in two successive years. Both series showed a period of high activity during the middle of the winter. The exact timing of this period depended on the year in question. On the basis of these observations, the dormant period of the microsporangiate strobili of the Seotch pine is divided into three sub-periods. It is also suggested that the definition of dormancy of these structures should include a mentioning of alterations in the metabolical machinery of the cells.Abbreviations CH chromosome - CW cell wall - D dictyosome - ER endoplasmic reticulum - L lipid spherule - M mitochondrion - N nucleus - NE nuclear envelope - P plasma membrane - Pp proplastid - RER rough ER - V vacuole  相似文献   

Fungal elicitor-mediated responses in pine cell cultures   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A tissue culture system has been developed to examine phenylpropanoid metabolism induced in pine tissues by an ectomycorrhizal symbiont. An elicitor preparation from the ectomycorrhizal fungus Thelephora terrestris Fr. induced enhanced phenolic metabolism in suspension cultured cells of Pinus banksiana Lamb., as indicated by tissue lignification and accumulation of specific methanol-extractable compounds in the cells. Induction of lignification was observed as early as 12 h after elicitation. The activity of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL, EC, the entry-point enzyme into phenylpropanoid metabolism, also increased within the same time-frame in elicited cells. Significant increases in PAL activity were evident by 6 h after elicitation, and, by 12 h after elicitation, PAL activity in elicited cells was ten times greater than that in the corresponding controls. Lignification of the elicited tissue was also accompanied by an increase in the activity of other enzymes associated with lignin synthesis, including caffeic acid O-methyl transferase (EC, hydroxycinnamate:CoA ligase (EC, cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (EC 1.1.1.-), coniferin glucosidase (EC and peroxidase (EC The increase in total peroxidase activity was associated with a change in the pattern of soluble peroxidase isoforms. The pine cell culture-ectomycorrhizal elicitor system provides a good model for molecular analysis of the process of lignification in an economically important softwood species.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - 4CL hydroxycinnamate:Coenzyme A ligase (EC - CAD cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (EC 1.1.1.-) - COMT S-adenosyl-l-methionine:caffeate O-methyl transferase (EC - HPLC high-pressure liquid chromatography - PAL phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (EC - TGA thioglycolic acid To whom correspondence should be addressedFinancial assistance for this work was provided by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Endogenous, free indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA) levels were measured in the main stem in the 10-year-old cambial zone, in the adjoining differentiating xylem, and in the adjoining mature xylem of 15–20-year-old Pinus contorta Dougl. by single-ion-current monitoring, combined gas chromatography — mass spectrometry, on several dates from early spring to early winter. Microscopy was used to determine the state of cambial activity on each harvest date. The IAA levels were found to be nearly constant at 1 g g-1 DW in the cambial zone from March to July, then to increase to near 2 g g-1 DW during the remainder of the growth season. No clear correlation was evident between number of fusiform cells per radial file and IAA content in the cambial zone. By contrast, the IAA content in differentiating xylem was higher than that in the adjoining meristematic zone on all harvest dates and also exhibited marked seasonal variation, peaking near 16 g g-1 DW in mid summer, and declining to 1 g g-1 DW in autumn. In mature xylem, IAA levels were very low and showed negligible variation. The fresh weight to dry weight ratio of differentiating xylem was greater than that of the cambial zone, and greater in the cambial zone than in mature xylem.  相似文献   

M. W. Elmlinger  H. Mohr 《Planta》1991,183(3):374-380
The appearance of NADH- and ferredoxin (Fd)-dependent glutamate synthases (GOGATs) was investigated in the major organs (roots, hypocotyl and cotyledonary whorl) of the Scots pine seedling. It was found that cytosolic NADH-GOGAT (EC dropped to a low level during the experimental period (from 4 to 12 d after sowing) and was not significantly affected by light. On the other hand, plastidic Fd-GOGAT (EC increased strongly in response to light. Whereas similar amounts of NADH-GOGAT were found in the different organs, Fd-GOGAT was mainly found in the cotyledons even in the presence of nitrate. Protein chromatography revealed only a single Fd-GOGAT peak. No isoforms were detected. Experiments to investigate regulation of the appearance of Fd-GOGAT in the cotyledonary whorl yielded the following results: (i) In darkness, neither nitrate (15 mM KNO3) nor ammonium (15 mM NH4Cl) had an effect on the appearance of Fd-GOGAT. In the light, nitrate stimulated Fd-GOGAT activity by 30% whereas ammonium had no effect. The major controlling factor is light. (ii) The action of long-term white light (100 W · m–2) could be replaced quantitatively by blue light (B, 10 W · m–2). Since the action of long-term far-red light was very weak, operation of the High Irradiance Reaction of phytochrome is excluded. On the other hand, light-pulse experiments with dark-grown seedlings showed the involvement of phytochrome. (iii) Red light, operating via phytochrome, could fully replace B, but only up to 10 d after sowing. Thereafter, there was an absolute requirement for B for a further increase in the enzyme level. It appears that the operation of phytochrome was replaced by the operation of cryptochrome (B/UV-A photoreceptor). (iv) However, dichromatic experiments (simultaneous treatment of the seedlings with two light beams to vary the level of the far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr) in blue light) showed that B does not affect enzyme appearance if the Pfr level is low. It is concluded that B is required to maintain responsiveness of Fd-GOGAT synthesis to phytochrome (Pfr) beyond 10 d after sowing.Abbreviations and Symbols B blue light - c continuous - D darkness - Fd-GOGAT ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase (EC - FR far-red light - HIR high-irradiance reaction of phytochrome - NADH-GOGAT nicotinamide-dinucleotide-dependent glutamate synthase (EC - R red light - RG9 long-wavelength far-red light defined by the properties of the Schott glass filter (RG9<0.01) - Pfr/Ptot far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome/total phytochrome, wavelength-dependent photoequilibrium of the phytochrome system Research supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 46 und Schwerpunkt Physiologie der Bäume). We thank E. Fernbach for his help with the dichromatic experiments.  相似文献   

Vincent Girard  Michel Fèvre 《Planta》1984,160(5):400-406
Cytoplasmic membranes from mycelium or protoplasts of Saprolegnia monoica (a cellulosic cell-wall fungus) were separated by continuous sucrose-density-gradient centrifugation. Glucan synthases assayed at low (micromolar uridine 5-diphosphate (UDP) glucose for -1-4-glucan synthase) and high (millimolar UDP glucose for -1-3-glucan synthase) substrate concentrations were associated with membranes exhibiting vanadate-sensitive, oligomycin-insensitive ATPase and equilibrating at density 1.16 g cm-3. Synthase activities were also bound to membranes of lower density (1.10 and 1.145 g cm-3). Plasma membranes were stabilized by coating protoplasts with concanavalin A. After lysis of the protoplasts, plasma membranes recovered by low centrifugal forces were isolated in continuous isopycinic gradients. Both synthase activities peaked with [3H]concanavalin A and Na-vanadate ATPase indicating that the synthetases are located at the plasma membrane. Treatments of intact protoplasts with cold glutaraldehyde or proteases before disruption lead to a diminution of glucan-synthase activities indicating that at least part of the enzymes of plasma membrane face the outside of the cell.Abbreviations ConA concanavalin A - ER endoplasmic reticulum - GSI -1,4-glucan synthase - GSH -1,3-glucan synthase - UDP uridine 5-diphosphate  相似文献   

Michael Tacke  Yi Yang  Martin Steup 《Planta》1991,185(2):220-226
Buffer-extractable proteins from leaves of Spinacia oleracea L. were separated by non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Gels were stained for adenosine diphosphoglucose (ADPglucose)-dependent glucan-synthase (GS) activity (EC Three major forms of activity were observed. No staining was detectable when ADPglucose was replaced by an equimolar concentration of either uridine, guanosine or cytosine diphosphoglucose. Two of the three GS forms exhibited both primed and citrate-stimulated unprimed activity whereas one enzyme form was strictly dependent upon the presence of an exogenous glucan. For intracellular localization, mesophyll protoplasts and intact chloroplasts were isolated and their enzyme pattern was compared with that of the leaf extract. Intactness and purity of the chloroplast preparations were ascertained by polarographic measurement of the ferricyanide- or CO2-dependent oxygen evolution, by determination of marker-enzyme activities, and by electrophoretic evaluation of the content of chloroplast- and cytosol-specific glucanphosphorylase forms (EC The three GS forms were present in mesophyll protoplasts. Intact chloroplasts possessed both primer-independent enzyme forms but lacked the primer-dependent one. The latter form was enriched in supernatant fractions of leaf homogenates when the intact chloroplasts had been pelleted by centrifugation. Thus, in spinach-leaf mesophyll cells soluble ADPglucose-dependent GS is located both inside and outside the chloroplast.Abbreviations GS glucan synthase - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis This work has been made possible by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and from the Minister für Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. The authors gratefully acknowledge the generous permission to use the laser densitometer of Professor Dr. W. Barz (Biochemie der Pflanzen, Universität Münster, FRG). They are indebted to Dr. H.-J. Witt (Pflanzenphysiologie, Universität Kassel, FRG) for helpful discussions and to Mr. W. Lamkemeyer for skilfull technical assistance.  相似文献   

Pine seedlings are able to accumulate chlorophylls and develop green plastids in a light-independent manner. In this work, we have characterized ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase (EC; Fd-GOGAT), a key enzyme in nitrogen interconversion during this process. Fd-GOGAT has been purified about 170-fold from cotyledons of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster). As occurs in angiosperms, the native enzyme is a single polypeptide with an apparent molecular mass of 163–168 kDa that is confined to the chloroplast stroma. Polyclonal antibodies generated against the purified enzyme were used to immunoscreen a gt11 expression library from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedlings and partial cDNA clones were isolated and characterized. The clone with the longest cDNA insert (pGOP44) contained the codification for the C-terminal (550 amino acids) of the pine Fd-GOGAT polypeptide. Immunological cross-reactivity and comparative amino sequence analysis revealed that Fd-GOGAT is a well conserved protein in higher plants. Western blot analyses showed that protein was expressed in chloroplast-containing pine tissues and this expression pattern was not affected by exogenously supplied nitrogen. Fd-GOGAT mRNA, polypeptide and enzyme activity accumulated in substantial amounts in dark-grown pine seedlings. The presence of a functional Fd-GOGAT may be important to provide the required glutamate for the biosynthesis of nitrogen compounds during chloroplast biogenesis in the dark.  相似文献   

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