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R. A. Ennos 《Genetica》1981,57(2):93-98
The rates of outcrossing in sympatric populations of Ipomoea purpurea and I, hederacea were estimated (using electrophoretic markers) to be 70% and 7% respectively. The difference in outcrossing rate is not apparently due to differences in pollinator service received by the species, but is associated with differences in anther-stigma distance. In I. purpurea stigmas are generally exserted and there is much genetic variation for anther-stigma distance. Variation in this character has a significant effect on the ease with which selfpollination occurs. In contrast there is no variation for the character in the I. hederacea population, the anthers being invariably held at the same level as the stigma, an arrangement promoting self-pollination.  相似文献   

Flowers of Ipomoea purpurea are larger, more colorful, more numerous per plant, and more conspicuous than those of I. hederacea. Because the nectar supply per flower is less variable i: I. purpurea and because the flowers of this species are visually more attractive, Bombus pennsylvanicus demonstrated a foraging preference and greater constancy for I. purpurea than for I. hederacea in experimental and natural sympatric populations in accordance with expectations derived from optimal foraging theory.  相似文献   

Experimental populations of the annual plant, Ipomoea purpurea, composed of individuals belonging to two flower color morphs were studied to determine the effect of flower color on outcrossing rate and reproductive success as a male parent. Analyses of parent and offspring genotypes show that the pigmented and white morphs outcross at similar rates, but that the white morph is favored as a pollen donor. The result suggests that the dynamics of selection occurring at the locus coding for white versus pigmented flowers are more complex than previously believed. Factors such as frequency-dependent outcrossing rates and epistatic effects of the white allele may be operating. The results also suggest that pollinator observations are unreliable indicators of the actual mating system.  相似文献   

Pollinators that forage indiscriminately can transfer pollen from one species to another, reducing the amount that reaches conspecific flowers. I present evidence that the presence of another plant species visited by the same pollinators can also reduce pollen dispersal distances and outcrossing. This has the potential to influence gene flow and reproductive success. Pollen carryover and movement patterns were measured for the shared insect pollinators of Stellaria pubera and Claytonia virginica in North Carolina. Bee flies deposited similar amounts of Stellaria pollen on a series of pistillate Claytonia flowers as on a series of pistillate Stellaria flowers. In arrays of potted plants, flies and solitary bees visited most flowers on a plant before leaving and then flew to a nearby plant chosen independently of species; 95% of moves were to one of 12 nearest neighbors. These measures of pollen carryover and movement patterns were used in a set of computer simulations to predict pollen dispersal distances. The simulations suggested that C. virginica substantially reduces outcrossing and pollen flow in S. pubera. These predictions were tested by tracking dye movement from anthers in populations of potted plants. Addition of C. virginica reduced the mean squared distance moved by dye to receptive S. pubera flowers by 23% and reduced the amount of dye moved by 51%. The estimated pollen component of gene flow was also much lower in a natural population of 5. pubera mixed with C. virginica than in the synthetic single-species populations.  相似文献   

The population genetics and mating system of the understory tropical rain forest tree Psychotria faxlucens were studied at two plots in Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, México, on the Gulf of México coast. This species is distylous and is pollinated by moths, mainly small hawkmoths. The seeds are dispersed by gravity and by frugivorous birds. Controlled pollinations indicate that the trees are self-incompatible and that intramorph pollinations have lower compatibilities than intermorph pollinations. The pollen: ovule ratio is high, suggesting obligate xenogamy. Using electrophoretic allozyme methods we found that eight out of 20 loci were polymorphic (P = 0.400), the observed heterozygosity (H) was 0.198, and the mean expected heterozygosity (H) was 0.495, both relatively high values compared with that reported for tropical trees. The genetic differentiation between the two plots is low, as shown by the heterogeneity in allele frequencies and the Fst (mean Fst seedlings = 0.031, mean Fst adults = 0.026), although for some loci the plot differentiation is statistically significant. The studied populations are near Hardy-Weinberg proportions, both for seedlings (mean F = 0.128) and adults (mean F = 0.075). From the fixation rate, an indirect estimate of the outcrossing rate at equilibrium gave a mean of t = 0.898 for plot 1 and 0.685 for plot 2. Direct single loci and multiloci outcrossing rate estimates were generally not statistically different from 1.0.  相似文献   

Only orchids affect pollination by the deceptive sexual attraction of male insects, a syndrome particularly well developed in Australia. We examined the ecological and genetic consequences of exclusive pollination by sexually attracted male thynnine wasps in the orchid Caladenia tentaculata. Male wasps respond rapidly to flowers artificially presented in 1 × 1 m2 experimental patches. Sixty of 287 wasps approached within centimeters of the flower, but did not land. Of the remaining 79% who made floral contact, only 7.5% attempted copulation, the step critical for pollination. Wasps only rarely moved among patches (19% of flights) and none attempted copulation a second time, resembling observations in natural populations. We confirmed outcrossing and long distance pollen flow by monitoring how colored pollen moved in natural populations. Pollen movements approximated a linear rather than a leptokurtic distribution (mean distance: 17 m; maximum: 58 m). Pollinator visits varied independently of flower density in three of four populations with most solitary flowers being visited. Allozyme analysis revealed within-population fixation indices (F) close to zero and low levels of differentiation (FST) among populations. Despite behavioral evidence for long distance pollen flow, significant local genetic structure exists, perhaps reflecting restricted seed dispersal. Long distance pollen flow in C. tentaculata may therefore promote outbreeding by minimizing pollen transfers among related neighbors. Although this species is self-compatible, outcrossed progeny develop significantly faster than selfed progeny. Effective pollination at low flower densities could accentuate this advantage. The data are consistent with the predictions that deceptive pollination will result in long distance pollen flow, which may be of selective advantage at low density. Comparative studies of how food reward, food deceptive, and sexual deceptive pollination systems vary within a phylogenetic framework could further illuminate the evolution of sexual deception.  相似文献   

Multilocus outcrossing rates were estimated in natural and experimental populations of Salvia pratensis, an entomophilous, gynodioecious, protandrous perennial. Male steriles were used to check the estimation procedure of outcrossing rates in hermaphrodites. Estimates of outcrossing rates in hermaphroditic plants ranged from 38.2% to 81.8% in natural populations and from 71.5% to 95.5% in experimental populations. No correlations were found between outcrossing rates and population size. However, outcrossing in hermaphrodites was promoted by high plant densities and low frequencies of male steriles. It is argued that effective management to preserve genetic variation in populations of S. pratensis should provide for the maintenance of high plant densities.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that homoploid hybrid speciation will be facilitated by selfing, yet most well-documented hybrid species are outcrossers. One possible explanation for this puzzle is that conditions in hybrid populations may favor selfing, even in otherwise outcrossing species. For example, in self-incompatible plants, mixtures of self and interspecific pollen often induce selfing. Here, we examine patterns of mating in three hybrid zones and four “pure” populations of Helianthus annuus and H. petiolaris, wild, self-incompatible sunflower species that are thought to have parented three homoploid hybrid species. Fourteen to 16 maternal families from each pure population and 44–46 maternal families from each hybrid zone were analyzed for seven polymorphic isozyme loci. Maximum-likelihood (ML) methods were used to estimate multilocus outcrossing rates (Tm) and hybridization frequencies for each maternal family, each phenotypic group within each hybrid zone (annuus-like, hybrid, and petiolaris-like), and each population. As predicted for self-incompatible species, all four parental populations have outcrossing rate ML estimates of 1.0. Within the hybrid zones, outcrossing rates were lowest in the H. annuus–like fraction of the population (0.73, 0.72, and 0.74 in the three hybrid zones, respectively), largely intermediate in the H. petiolaris–like group (0.94, 0.90, and 0.94), and highest in the hybrid group (0.97, 0.93, and 0.97). Although outcrossing rates are lower in hybrid zones than in pure populations, it is unlikely that the observed decrease facilitates hybrid speciation because outcrossing rates in the critical hybrid fraction of the population do not differ significantly from 1.0. Dividing the outcrossed pollen pool into intraspecific and interspecific components revealed that maternal plants are largely fertilized by conspecific pollen, confirming an important role for pollen competition as a reproductive barrier. Highly sterile hybrid plants do not appear to discriminate between parental species pollen, but hybrids with higher fertility tend to be fertilized by pollen from the parental group they resemble genetically. Thus, gametic selection leads to substantial assortative mating in these hybrid zones.  相似文献   

Understanding how genetic variation is organized over geography has long been of interest to evolutionary biologists given that traits can vary within and among populations, across regions, and at continental or global scales. The pattern of regional variation can have an important impact on trait evolution at the local or population level. Using a common garden, we asked whether a geographically variable mosaic of tolerance to the widely applied herbicide RoundUp® existed in two closely related co-occurring species of morning glory, Ipomoea purpurea and I. hederacea. We assayed RoundUp tolerance in over 1,700 plants representing 290 families from 29 populations in the southeastern United States. Our findings suggest that the two species of morning glory partition their respective levels of genetic variation for tolerance to glyphosate differently. Variation for tolerance in I. purpurea appears to exist among maternal lines and regions, whereas in I. hederacea, variation in tolerance existed only among populations. In addition, we find a significant hotspot of tolerance or positive spatial aggregation of this trait on a local scale in I. purpurea populations from the Coastal Plain. This suggests that either similar regimes of selection or gene flow between populations can produce a geographic mosaic of tolerance. These results highlight the fact that the genetic variation underlying an adaptive trait can exist at many different scales, whether it be within- or among-populations, among geographical ‘hotspots,’ or among distinct ecological regions. Given these results, the partitioning of genetic variation should be considered before making predictions about an adaptive trait’s evolutionary trajectory.  相似文献   

Widén B  Widén M 《Oecologia》1990,83(2):191-196
Summary Pollen movement is often restricted in natural populations, and insufficient pollination is a potential constraint on sexual reproduction in outcrossing species. Seed-set should decrease with increased distance from the pollen source in outcrossing plants. This prediction was tested using females of the clonal, gynodioecious herb Glechoma hederacea in three natural populations. In controlled pollinations, both hermaphrodites and females had similar high percentages of fruit-set and seed-set. In a natural population where a female clone was isolated from the nearest hermaphroditic clone by c. 100 m, fruit-set was low (1%). In another population where hemaphroditic clones were rare and female clones had a patchy distribution, fruit-and seed-set in females were pollen-limited and decreased with increased distance from the nearest pollen source. The estimated mean pollen dispersal distance was 5.9 m when calculated on fruit-set and 5.3 m when calculated on seed-set. The most frequent pollinators were bumblebees. The mean and median distances moved by pollinators between ramets were 0.13 m and 0.05 m. In a third population where female clones were isolated from the nearest hermaphrodites by more than 200 m, fruit-set was 0%. After introduction of 16 hermaphroditic ramets in the center of the female clone, fruit-set varied between 0% and 100% in individual female ramets. Fruit-set decreased with increased distance from the pollen source. The mean and median pollen movement distances were 1.06 m and 0.54 m.  相似文献   

In a series of previous studies, it has been shown that populations of the common morning glory Ipomoea purpurea are typically polymorphic for flower-color genes that bias pollinator service and, hence, the rate of outcrossing. In this study, we show that the rate of outcrossing for the white flower-color morph depends on its frequency in experimental populations of the morning glory. White flowers are visited less often by the primary pollinator, bumblebees, and have lower outcrossing rates than colored flowers when they are in the minority. In contrast, blue or pink flower morphs are not undervisited and do not have lowered outcrossing rates when they are rare. In plant populations where genes that increase selling are selectively favored due to their transmission bias, undervisitation of rare morphs may act to stabilize genetic variation for outcrossing rates.  相似文献   

A multilocus procedure was used to estimate outcrossing rates from allozyme data in nine populations of Eichhornia paniculata from NE Brazil and Jamaica. The populations were chosen to represent stages in a proposed model of the evolutionary breakdown of tristyly to semi-homostyly; they differed in morph structure (trimorphic, dimorphic, or monomorphic) and floral traits likely to influence the mating system. The interpopulation range in outcrossing rate, t, was 0.96–0.29. Two additional populations from Jamaica, composed exclusively of self-pollinating, semi-homostylous, mid-styled plants, were invariant at 21 isozyme loci, precluding estimates of outcrossing frequency. Trimorphic populations from Brazil had uniformly high outcrossing rates of 0.96–0.88. Values for the floral morphs within populations were not significantly different. A controlled pollination experiment, comparing the competitive ability of self and cross pollen using the Got-3 marker locus, provided evidence that the maintenance of high outcrossing rates in trimorphic populations results from the prepotency of cross pollen and/or the selective abortion of selfed zygotes. Morph-dependent variation in t was detected within a dimorphic population with the L morph outcrossing with a frequency of 0.76 in comparison with 0.36 in the M morph. The difference in the mating system of floral morphs results from modifications in position of short-level stamens in flowers of the M morph resulting in automatic self-pollination. The occurrence of E. paniculata populations composed exclusively of self-pollinating, mid-styled variants is thought to be associated with the spread of genes modifying stamen position. The high level of self-fertilization demonstrated in the M morph would allow automatic selection of these genes, augmented by fertility assurance in the absence of specialized pollinators.  相似文献   

The self-compatible orchid Microtis parviflora is pollinated by the flightless worker caste of the ant Iridomyrmex gracilis. The orchid is clonal and forms small patches, usually less than 1 m2, of disconnected individual ramets. Ant pollinators visited and revisited a limited proportion of available inflorescences, and 40% of all flower visits occurred within plants promoting self-pollination. Pollen labels indicated that self-pollination accounted for 51% of the pollen transfers, although pollen carryover extended beyond 16 flowers on 2 or 3 inflorescences. The distribution of ant movements between plants was leptokurtic with a mean of 12.4 ± 14.9 cm and a maximum of 89 cm, but a high proportion of movements were within clones accentuating the level of self-pollination. However, some pollen transfers between inflorescences of unlike genotypes contributed to a low incidence (max = 8%) of outcrossing. In 12 patches examined by electrophoresis, the density varied from 11 to 61 inflorescences per m2 and a maximum of only 4 genotypes were detected. Electrophoretic analysis revealed populations were highly inbred: only 23% (N = 17) of the loci were polymorphic and the mean gene diversity h, was 2.7%. Heterozygotes were observed in only one population given a mean fixation index F, of 0.982. These results reflect the combined effects of restricted ant foraging and clonality. Nevertheless, while ant foraging was restricted, some outcrossing occurred and in the absence of clonality it is likely that ant foraging would have yielded a mixed mating system similar to those reported for a wide array of insect pollinators. Given the ability of ants to generate pollen flow, the reasons for the rarity of ant pollination appear to lie elsewhere.  相似文献   

Inheritance of chloroplast DNA haplotypes was determined for progeny from interspecific crosses involving Iris fulva and Iris hexagona. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of chloroplast DNA followed by restriction fragment length analysis of the amplification products was used to identify the haplotypes of 213 experimental hybrids. This analysis allowed a test for maternal, paternal, and biparental inheritance in the hybrid offspring. Two of the hybrid progeny possessed haplotypes that were combinations of those present in the pollen and seed parents. One of the offspring possessed only the paternal haplotype. The remaining 210 plants had the haplotypes characteristic of the maternal plant. Chloroplast DNA variation in iris populations has previously been used to infer not only introgressive hybridization between I. fulva and I. hexagona, but also the greater role of direct pollen transfer relative to seed dispersal as the avenue for interspecific gene flow. We reexamined the previous conclusions concerning the mode of introgressive hybridization between I. fulva and I. hexagona in light of the results from the chloroplast DNA inheritance analysis. The low level of paternal and biparental inheritance detected in this analysis suggests that previous analyses using the chloroplast DNA as a seed-specific marker were robust. Furthermore, data concerning barriers to hybridization between I. fulva and I. hexagona suggest that the probability of chloroplast DNA introgression via pollen is low.  相似文献   

Predictions of sex-allocation theory were tested by comparisons among hermaphroditic bromegrass (Bromus) species that differed in outcrossing rate. Relative maternal and paternal investment were calculated using both the ratio of pollen to seed production, and absolute allocations in units of energy, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Outcrossing rate had a large effect on sex allocation; species having greater outcrossing rates had relatively more paternal reproductive effort. Bromus inermis was obligately outcrossing, and nearly half of its reproductive effort was devoted to pollen production. Three partially outcrossed species, B. kalmii, B. ciliatus, and B. latiglumis, invested between 5% and 11% of reproductive effort in pollen production. Paternal investment was less than 2% in the selling species B. tectorum. Estimates of sex allocation were relatively unaffected by the resource currency used in calculation. The differences among species in sex allocation were mostly due to differences in anther size and seed set.>  相似文献   

Outcrossing rates varied from 0% to 69% among Jamaican populations of Turnera ulmifolia. A correlation between increasing herkogamy and outcrossing rate occurred among populations. Predictions from sex-allocation theory were tested by estimating allocation to reproductive functions. Significant differences in allocation patterns occurred among populations, but they were not correlated with outcrossing rates. The fitness consequences of inbreeding were assessed in high- and low-density greenhouse experiments for nine populations with variable outcrossing rates. No evidence for inbreeding depression occurred in early portions of the life history, but multiplicative fitness functions provide evidence for inbreeding depression. We tested the prediction that selfing populations have lower levels of inbreeding depression than outcrossing populations but found no significant correlation.  相似文献   

Flowers frequently receive both self (S) and outcross (OC) pollen, but S pollen often sires proportionally fewer seeds. Failure of S pollen can reflect evolved mechanisms that promote outcrossing and/or inbreeding depression expressed during seed development. The relative importance of these two processes was investigated in Aquilegia caerulea, a self-compatible perennial herb. In the field I performed single-donor (S or OC) and mixed-donor (S plus OC) pollinations to compare the relative success of both pollen types at various stages from pollen germination to seed maturity. Single-donor S pollinations produced significantly fewer and lighter seeds (x decrease = 12% and 3%, respectively) than OC pollinations. Abortion rates differed by an average of 38% whereas fertilization rates differed by only 5%, indicating that most differences in seed number arose postzygotically. This suggests that inbreeding depression was responsible for most failure of S pollen. One prezygotic effect measured was that 10% fewer S than OC pollen tubes reached ovaries after 42 hr, suggesting S pollen might fertilize proportionately fewer ovules after mixed pollination. Using allozyme markers, I found mixed-donor pollinations produced significantly more and heavier outcrossed than selfed seeds. However, the proportion of selfed seed, fertilized ovules, and aborted seeds for mixed-donor fruits were each predictable from pollen performance in single-donor fruits, suggesting that differential paternity is best explained by inbreeding depression during seed development. Even given these similarities between mixed- and single-donor fruits in the relative performance of S and OC pollen, both individual seed weight and seed set were significantly higher in multiply-sired fruits.  相似文献   

Summary Pollen pool heterogeneity, which violates an assumption of the mixed-mating model, is a major potential problem in measuring plant mating systems. In this study, isozyme markers were used to examine pollen pool heterogeneity in two natural populations of jack pine, Pinus banksiana Lamb., in northwestern Ontario, Canada. Population multilocus estimates of outcrossing rate ranged from 0.83 to 0.95 and differed significantly between populations. Single-tree multilocus outcrossing rates were found to be homogeneous among trees in both populations. Computer simulation studies indicated that a consanguineous pollen pool (pollen gametes related to the mother tree) was capable of biasing population outcrossing estimates downward. Random pollen pool heterogeneity (uncorrelated with maternal genotypes) did not appear to affect population outcrossing estimates in the simulations. Heterogeneity G-tests and Spearman rank tests showed that pollen pool heterogeneity existed in the two natural populations examined; however, it did not have a major effect on population outcrossing estimates, since the consanguineous pollen pool detected was probably a relatively minor component of the outcross pollen pool in both populations. In addition, heterogeneity G-tests were found to be not sensitive in detecting pollen pool heterogeneity caused by consanguineous pollen pool.  相似文献   

Heterostyly has been viewed as both an antiselfing device and a mechanism that increases the proficiency of pollen transfer between plants. We used experimental manipulation of the morph structure of garden populations of self-compatible, tristylous Eichhornia paniculata to investigate the function of floral polymorphism. Outcrossing rates (t), levels of intermorph mating (d), and morph-specific male and female reproductive success were compared in replicate trimorphic and monomorphic populations. In trimorphic populations, t and d averaged 0.81 (2 SE = 0.03) and 0.77 (2 SE = 0.03) respectively, with no difference in either parameter among morphs. Ninety-five percent of outcrossed seeds were therefore the result of intermorph fertilizations. Male reproductive success of the long-styled morph was low, especially in comparison with plants of the short-styled morph. Outcrossing rates for each morph were higher in trimorphic than monomorphic populations where t averaged 0.71 (2 SE = 0.01), 0.30 (2 SE = 0.04) and 0.43 (2 SE = 0.1) for the long-, mid-, and short-styled morphs, respectively. Seed set was lower in monomorphic populations, particularly those composed of the L morph, reflecting reduced pollen deposition. Floral polymorphism therefore increased both outcrossing rate and fecundity but the magnitude of the differences varied among morphs. If the ancestral condition in heterostylous groups resembled the L morph, as has been suggested, data from this study suggests that the selective basis for the establishment of floral polymorphism could have been increased pollen transfer rather than higher levels of outcrossing.  相似文献   

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