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Juglans nigra and Juglans regia are phylogenetically divergent species. Despite the economic interest in Juglans?×?intermedia (J. nigra?×? J. regia), walnut hybridization is rare under natural conditions and still difficult using controlled pollination. Here, we evaluated some reproductive mechanisms that may prevent successful natural hybridization. The study of flowering phenology of 11 J. nigra and 50 J. regia trees growing in a plantation provided information regarding the opportunity for interspecific crosses. Variation in flower size, pollen quality of putative donors, and variation in seed yield and rate of hybrid production among putative maternal trees were examined. DNA fingerprinting and parentage analyses based on nine microsatellites permitted the identification of hybrids and hybridogenic parent. Our data indicated that overlap occurred between the staminate flowering of protogynous J. regia and the beginning of pistillate flowering of protogynous J. nigra. Differences in floral size were computed between walnut species. Only three hybrids among 422 offspring of eleven J. nigra progenies were identified. Interspecific hybridization involving pollination of one early-flowering-protogynous J. nigra by three protogynous J. regia trees was detected. The correct development of J. regia male gametophytes, high pollen viability (86.5 %), and germination (57.6 %) ruled out the possibility that low pollen quality contributed to depressed hybrid production. Our findings indicated that these two species tended to remain reproductively isolated. The substantial disjunction in flowering time and additional prezygotic barriers such as differences in floral size and conspecific pollen advance may affect interspecific gene flow between J. regia and J. nigra.  相似文献   

Abstract Moisture content and germination percentages on agar-solidified medium were determined for pollen of Juglans regia and J. nigra at the time of release from anther and at 24-h intervals until germination fell to zero. Moisture content of fresh J. regia pollen ranged from 4.6 to 12.1%, and from 3.9 to 4.0% for J. nigra pollen; in vitro germination percentages were uniformly high throughout these ranges. Germination declined as pollen moisture fell below 5% in J. regia with regression analyses predicting 50% germination at 3.9–4.4% moisture. After 4 d at ambient laboratory conditions, all pollen had lost the ability to germinate when incubated directly on medium. This pollen was incubated in chambers where humidity was maintained at saturation and 33% saturation, and retested. Pollen up to 22 d old and having moisture contents as low as 2.6% regained the ability to germinate in vitro when it was incubated in a water-saturated environment before being placed on the agar-solidified medium.  相似文献   

 We investigated the degree of organogenesis completed at the end of the growing season in pistillate flowers of heterodichogamous Juglans regia, English or Persian walnut. Terminal buds from paired cultivars, one each protandrous and protogynous, chosen to represent early, midseason and late leafing walnuts, were examined by scanning electron microscopy. Results indicate that pistillate floral primordia in protandrous individuals had not progressed beyond involucre initiation during the season prior to bloom. In protogynous individuals, floral differentiation had progressed to the initiation of perianth primordia. These observations are compared with an earlier report on staminate flower differentiation in the same cultivars where a comparable, but opposite, relationship exists. We conclude that the degree of differentiation in both staminate and pistillate flowers that must be completed between the time growth resumes in the spring and anthesis is a developmental determinant of the mode of heterodichogamy in walnut. Received: 15 June 1996 / Revision accepted: 25 October 1996  相似文献   

Erigeron glabellus and Aster sibiricus have similar flowers, share pollinators, but bloom sequentially in interior Alaska. Both species depend on insect pollination for seed set: the Erigeron is self-incompatible, and the Aster is apparently self-compatible but allogamous. To test the hypothesis that sequential blooming is maintained by natural selection generated by reproductive interference, we manipulated the flowering time of Erigeron, forcing it to bloom simultaneously with Aster, and measured female fecundity in both species. We found no evidence of reduced female fecundity in either species caused by the presence of the sympatric “competitor” or by artificial pollination with the heterospecific pollen prior to conspecific pollination. Two-species mixtures of simultaneously blooming Aster and Erigeron experienced significant interspecific visitation, which may, under natural conditions, cause loss of pollen to alien stigmas and depressed male fecundity, at least in Erigeron. We found no evidence that sequential blooming in Erigeron and Aster is maintained by depressed female fecundity through pollinator sharing. If sequential blooming is maintained by natural selection, it seems more likely to be the result of selection generated by depressed male fitness through pollen loss to alien stigmas.  相似文献   

A population of 54 Ricinocarpos pinifolius (Euphorbiaceae) plants contained male plants, which produced only staminate flowers, and hermaphrodites, which produced staminate and pistillate flowers. The fraction of pistillate flowers ranged continuously from 0 to 0.68. Insect pollination was effective and fruit set virtually complete except for losses to herbivores. Self pollen, outcross pollen from male plants, and outcross pollen from hermaphrodites were all equivalent in viability, germination, tube growth, ovule penetration, and fruit setting ability. Inbreeding depression was manifested as late abortion of some selfed seeds. Geitonogamous selfing is largely prevented by temporal separation of male and female functions within plants. This temporal separation, combined with population-wide synchrony of flowering, may create unusual conditions allowing male plants at low frequency to match hermaphrodites in reproductive success.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that UV-B could affect pollen germination and tube growth. However, the mechanism of response of pollen to UV-B has not been clear. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in the UV-B-induced reduction of in vitro pollen germination and tube growth of Paeonia suffruticosa Andr. and Paulownia tomentosa Steud. Exposure of pollen of the two species to 0.4 and 0.8 W m−2 UV-B radiation for 3 h resulted in not only the reduction of pollen germination and tube growth, but also the H2O2 production in pollen grain and tube. Also, exogenous H2O2 inhibited pollen germination and tube growth of the two species in a dose-dependence manner. Two scavengers of H2O2, ascorbic acid and catalase, largely prevented not only the H2O2 generation, but also the reduction of pollen germination and tube growth induced by UV-B radiation in the two species. These results indicate that H2O2 is involved in the UV-B-inhibited pollen germination and tube growth.  相似文献   

Pollen germination and pollen tube growth was quantified among various native Iranian wild almonds (P. dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb, P. eleaegnifolia Mill., P. orientalis Mill., P. lycioides Spach, P. reuteri Bioss. et Bushe, P. arabica Olivier, P. glauca Browick and P. scoparia Spach in order to identify differences in the tolerance of pollen to temperature variations. Pollen germination and pollen tube growth were observed after incubation in darkness in a germination medium for 24?h at 10?C50°C at 5°C intervals. Maximum pollen germination of the wild almond species and specify that 60% was obtained for P. orientalis pollen and 98% for P. scoparia. Pollen tube length ranged from 860???m was obtained in P. lycioides and 1490???m in P. scoparia. A modified bilinear model best described the response to temperature of pollen germination and pollen tube length. Almond species variation was found for cardinal temperatures (T min, T opt and T max) of pollen germination percentage and pollen tube growth. Mean cardinal temperatures averaged over eight almond species were 14.7, 24.2, and 43.7°C for maximum percentage pollen germination and 14.48, 25.3, and 44.4 °C for maximum pollen tube length. The principal component analysis (PCA) identified maximum percentage pollen germination and pollen tube length of the species, and T max for the two processes as the most important pollen parameters in describing a species tolerance to high temperature. PCA also classified Prunus L. spp. into four groups according to the tolerance of pollen to temperature variations. The T min and T opt for pollen germination and tube growth, rate of pollen tube growth were less predictive in discriminating species for high temperature tolerance.  相似文献   

杂交育种是最为传统的选育新品种的方式之一,花粉生活力能够影响其中遗传物质的传递。胀果甘草是3种药典收录的甘草之一,具有许多特殊活性成分。通过TTC法和离体萌发法对2个胀果甘草(Glycyrrhiza inflata)种质资源GJJ-7和GJJ-9花朵开放5个时期(a~e)的花粉生活力进行测定。结果表明,GJJ-7花粉生活力趋势在5个时期呈现波浪型,在a、d时期达到最高;GJJ-9花粉生活力会随着花瓣展开度的变大而升高,在e时期达到最高。离体萌发结果表明GJJ-7和GJJ-9花粉生活力随花朵开放程度增大呈先升高后降低的趋势,萌发力均在c时期最高。杂交结荚率则与离体萌发结果一致,说明离体萌发法测定花粉生活力比TTC法更可靠。以光果甘草(G.glabra) S-7和S-12为母本的杂交组合结荚率低,但能够获得发芽率高的种子;以乌拉尔甘草(G.uralensis) GDN-16为母本的杂交组合结荚率高,但种子发芽率低,说明在甘草杂交中父母本的选择对结荚率有重要影响。  相似文献   

The impact of meteorological conditions on in vitro pollen germination and pollen tube growth during the initial phases of the development of male flowers in the Pedunculate Oak, Quercus robur, is studied. Phenological observations of male flowers and pollen sampling were performed on the field trial established with grafted Pedunculate Oak clones. During the investigation, weather conditions (absolute minimum and maximum daily air temperature, minimum absolute relative humidity of air and amount of precipitation) were recorded by an automatic meteorological station installed at the field trial. Influence of meteorological conditions on pollen germination and pollen tube growth was studied in the following stages of male flower: (I) during the last ten days of flower bud dormancy, (II) during swelling of the buds, (III) during bud burst and beginning of male catkins elongation, (IV) during the final stage of male flower catkins elongation. High temperatures and low relative air humidity during the bud burst and beginning of the male catkins elongation reduced pollen germination and pollen tube growth. Weather conditions did not significantly affect pollen germination and pollen tube growth during the swelling of flower buds, or in the final stage of male catkins elongation.  相似文献   

Pollen germination, division of the generative nucleus and position of the generative nucleus in the pollen tube during in vitro germination were examined for six bromeliad cultivars. The influence of mixed amino acids (casein hydrolysate) and individual amino acids (Arg, Asn, Asp, Glu, Gly, Met, Phe, Orn, Tyr) were tested. Aechmea fasciata and A. chantinii pollen tubes showed more generative nuclear division in cultured pollen tubes than the other four cultivars tested. Casein hydrolysate did not stimulate generative nuclear division. In general arginine (1 mM) improved division of the Aechmea generative nucleus and to a lesser extent this of Vriesea `Christiane', Guzmania lingulata and Tillandsia cyanea. A concentration of 2 mM arginine reduced pollen tube growth of Aechmea. The vegetative nucleus was ahead of the generative nucleus in approximately 50% of the pollen tubes of all cultivars studied. In about 25% of the pollen tubes, the generative nucleus was ahead and in ±25% pollen tubes the vegetative and generative nuclei were joined together. The distance between the two generative nuclei and the distance from the generative nuclei to the pollen tube tip differed significantly for Aechmea fasciata and A. chantinii. The influence of different amino acids for Aechmea fasciata and A. chantinii varied with respect to pollen germination and generative nuclear division. Arg and Met improved nuclear division of both Aechmea cultivars. Pollen germination and sperm cell production were not linked. This information is important to ameliorate in vitro pollination methods used to overcome fertilization barriers in Bromeliaceae and other higher plants.  相似文献   

Although hybridization plays a large role in speciation, some unknown fraction of hybrid individuals never reproduces, instead remaining as genetic dead-ends. We investigated a morphologically distinct and culturally important Chinese walnut, Juglans hopeiensis, suspected to have arisen from hybridization of Persian walnut (J. regia) with Asian butternuts (J. cathayensis, J. mandshurica, and hybrids between J. cathayensis and J. mandshurica). Based on 151 whole-genome sequences of the relevant taxa, we discovered that all J. hopeiensis individuals are first-generation hybrids, with the time for the onset of gene flow estimated as 370,000 years, implying both strong postzygotic barriers and the presence of J. regia in China by that time. Six inversion regions enriched for genes associated with pollen germination and pollen tube growth may be involved in the postzygotic barriers that prevent sexual reproduction in the hybrids. Despite its long-recurrent origination and distinct traits, J. hopeiensis does not appear on the way to speciation.  相似文献   

* BACKGROUND AND AIMS: High-temperature environments with >30 degrees C during flowering reduce boll retention and yield in cotton. Therefore, identification of cotton cultivars with high-temperature tolerance would be beneficial in both current and future climates. * METHODS: Response to temperature (10-45 degrees C at 5 degrees C intervals) of pollen germination and pollen tube growth was quantified, and their relationship to cell membrane thermostability was studied in 12 cultivars. A principal component analysis was carried out to classify the genotypes for temperature tolerance. * KEY RESULTS: Pollen germination and pollen tube length of the cultivars ranged from 20 to 60 % and 411 to 903 microm, respectively. A modified bilinear model best described the response to temperature of pollen germination and pollen tube length. Cultivar variation existed for cardinal temperatures (T(min), T(opt) and T(max)) of pollen germination percentage and pollen tube growth. Mean cardinal temperatures calculated from the bilinear model for the 12 cultivars were 15.0, 31.8 and 43.3 degrees C for pollen germination and 11.9, 28.6 and 42.9 degrees C for pollen tube length. No significant correlations were found between pollen parameters and leaf membrane thermostability. Cultivars were classified into four groups based on principal component analysis. * CONCLUSIONS: Based on principal component analysis, it is concluded that higher pollen germination percentages and longer pollen tubes under optimum conditions and with optimum temperatures above 32 degrees C for pollen germination would indicate tolerance to high temperature.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory studies of 19 diclinous species endemic to Australia help to clarify the nature and evolution of andromonoecy, androdioecy, and dioecy in the genus Solanum. Ten species are andromonoecious; typically these species bear inflorescences with a single, large basal hermaphroditic flower and 12–60 distal, smaller staminate flowers. We suggest that the andromonoecious condition was derived from hermaphroditic-flowered ancestors in part by hemisterilization of flowers but largely by addition of staminate flowers. The resultant larger inflorescences are hypothesized to serve both to attract and to entrain pollinators, yielding more or higher-quality seed set in hermaphroditic flowers and/or greater dispersion of pollen from staminate flowers. We suggest that andromonoecy may also serve to reduce selling. Nine other species are morphologically androdioecious but functionally dioecious. In these species, staminate flowers, like those of the andromonoecious species, bear anthers with copious tricolporate pollen and a highly reduced gynoecium. The morphologically hermaphroditic flowers are functionally pistillate and borne singly in inflorescences, and they bear anthers with inaperturate pollen. The inaperturate pollen, although viable, never germinates and is hypothesized to be retained in pistillate flowers as a reward to pollinators in the nectarless Solanum flowers. All other species of Solanum studied with pollen dimorphism in which one pollen morph is inaperturate are also best treated as functionally dioecious. We conclude that there is no evidence for androdioecy in Solanum. A review of other families suggests that there is little support for this unusual breeding system in any other angiosperm group either. Preliminary analyses suggest that andromonoecy and dioecy are polyphyletic in Solanum. Furthermore, dioecy is as likely to have arisen from hermaphroditic as from andromonoecious ancestors.  相似文献   

Pollination mechanisms and floral features affecting reproduction were examined in two closely-related species, Acer pensylvanicum and A. spicatum. Intra-specific crossing experiments, studies of pollen stainability and ovule number, and observations of the flowers in the field revealed that neither species bears functionally hermaphroditic flowers. Three flower-types were found in each species: staminate, pistillate, and a third type that is morphologically hermaphroditic. The latter form sheds viable pollen, but the pistil does not contain ovules. Pollen-ovule ratios of both species are in the range of expectation for a facultatively xenogamous reproductive system. Outcrossing is accomplished by entomophily in both species. A variety of insects from several orders visit the flowers; however bees in the genus Andrena (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae), especially A. milwaukeensis, are considered the most important pollinators of both maple species because of their fidelity to Acer, their intrafloral behavior, and their ability to carry pollen. However, flies are the most abundant visitors to A. pensylvanicum. Apomixis is an important means of reproduction in A. spicatum. Although floral phenology of these maple species overlaps within a geographical region they were never found blooming simultaneously when growing together.  相似文献   

Summary Attempts were made to obtain intergeneric hybrids between Diplotaxis siifolia, a wild species, and cultivars of Brassica (B. campestris, B. juncea, and B. napus). The crosses showed unilateral incompatibility. When the wild species was used as female parent, pollen germination and pollen tube growth were normal, but hybrid seeds aborted due to post-fertilization barriers. Reciprocal crosses (cultivars as female parent) showed strong pre-fertilization barriers; although pollen grains showed germination, pollen tubes failed to enter the stigma. Hybrids were realized in two of the crosses, D. siifolia x B. juncea and D. siifolia x B. napus, through ovary culture. The hybrids were multiplied in vitro by multiplication of axillary shoots, or somatic embryogenesis. Detailed studies were carried out on the hybrid D. siifolia x B. juncea. F1 hybrids had shrivelled anthers and were pollen sterile. Amphiploids of this hybrid showed 60% pollen fertility and produced seeds upon self-pollination as well as backcross pollination with the pollen of B. juncea.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of soil nitrogen on pollen production, pollen size, and pollen performance, two cultivars of zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) were grown under two nitrogen regimes in an experimental garden. The two cultivars were true breeding for alternative alleles for a one gene trait, ovary color. The soil nitrogen treatment had a significant effect on most measures of reproductive output through the female function. The nitrogen treatment did not affect the number of staminate flowers per plant but did have an effect on the number of pollen grains per staminate flower and the mean pollen grain size. A pollen mixture experiment revealed that pollen produced by plants in the high nitrogen treatment sired significantly more seeds than pollen from low nitrogen plants. Moreover, we found that the high nitrogen pollen sired even a greater percentage of seeds in the region of the fruit (ovary) previously shown to be fertilized by the fastest growing pollen tubes. Thus, the difference in the number of seeds sired by pollen from the two nitrogen treatments is due to differences in pollen performance. We conclude that spatial heterogeneity in soil nitrogen can influence the paternity of seeds in a plant population.  相似文献   

Summary All possible crosses among 5 strains of Gossypium hirsutum were made, and the pollen tubes were grown in vivo for 4 h before being fixed, stained and measured. Temperatures ranging from 18.5 to 40.0 °C were tested for pollen germination and pollen tube growth. The optimal temperature for pollen tube growth was 30.0 °C. Relative humidity levels of 0 to 100% were used as a pre-pollination treatment of the pollen. Significant differences among the mean pollen tube length of the strains occurred due to pollenXstyle interactions. The strains also differed in the number of styles which did not support pollen tube growth. These differences were also due to pollenXstyle interactions. Pollen and style strains could be ranked according to their relative contribution to pollen tube length.College of Agricultural Sciences Publication Number T-4-189  相似文献   

Air temperatures of greater than 35 °C are frequently encountered in groundnut‐growing regions, especially in the semi‐arid tropics. Such extreme temperatures are likely to increase in frequency under future predicted climates. High air temperatures result in failure of peg and pod set due to lower pollen viability. The response of pollen germination and pollen tube growth to temperature was quantified in order to identify differences in pollen tolerance to temperature among 21 groundnut genotypes. Plants were grown from sowing to harvest in a poly‐tunnel under an optimum temperature of 28/22 °C (day/night). Pollen was collected at anther dehiscence and was exposed to temperatures from 10° to 47·5 °C at 2·5 °C intervals. The results showed that a modified bilinear model most accurately described the response to temperature of percentage pollen germination and maximum pollen tube length. Genotypes were found to range from most tolerant to most susceptible based on both pollen characters and membrane thermostability. Mean cardinal temperatures (Tmin, Topt and Tmax) averaged over 21 genotypes were 14·1, 30·1 and 43·0 °C for percentage pollen germination and 14·6, 34·4 and 43·4 °C for maximum pollen tube length. The genotypes 55‐437, ICG 1236, TMV 2 and ICGS 11 can be grouped as tolerant to high temperature and genotypes Kadiri 3, ICGV 92116 and ICGV 92118 as susceptible genotypes, based on the cardinal temperatures. The principal component analysis identified maximum percentage pollen germination and pollen tube length of the genotypes, and Tmax for the two processes as the most important pollen parameters in describing a genotypic tolerance to high temperature. The Tmin and Topt for pollen germination and tube growth, rate of pollen tube growth were less predictive in discriminating genotypes for high temperature tolerance. Genotypic differences in heat tolerance‐based on pollen response were poorly related (R2 = 0·334, P = 0·006) to relative injury as determined by membrane thermostability.  相似文献   

The effects of mycorrhizal infection, soil P availability and fruit production on the male function of reproduction were examined in two cultivars of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Tomato plants were grown in a greenhouse under three treatment combinations: non‐mycorrhizal, low P (NMPO); non‐mycorrhizal, high P (NMP3); and mycorrhizal, low P (MPO). In addition, all treatment combinations were grown both with and without fruit. Fruit production decreased final leaf biomass, flower production and in vitro pollen tube growth rates, often reducing the beneficial effects of increased P uptake. Thus, fruit production diverted resources from subsequent vegetative growth, flower production and pollen development. As the growing season progressed, mean pollen production per flower and in vitro germination and tube growth decreased. Mycorrhizal infection and high soil P conditions increased final leaf biomass, flower production, mean pollen production per flower (in one cultivar) and in vitro pollen tube growth rates. Thus, mycorrhizal infection and high soil P conditions increased pollen quantity and quality, thereby enhancing fitness through the male function. Similar trends in these treatments suggested that mycorrhizal effects on the male function were largely the result of improved P acquisition.  相似文献   

From a pollen tube cDNA library ofPetunia inflata, we isolated cDNA clones encoding a protein, PPE1, which exhibits sequence similarity with plant, bacterial, and fungal pectin esterases. Genomic clones containing thePPE1 gene were isolated using cDNA for PPE1 as a probe, and comparison of the cDNA and genomic sequences revealed the presence of a single intron in thePPE1 gene. During pollen development,PPE1 mRNA was first detected in anthers containing uninucleate microspores; it reached the highest level in mature pollen and persisted at a high level inin vitro germinated pollen tubes. The observed expression pattern of thePPE1 gene suggests that its product may play a role in pollen germination and/or tube growth.  相似文献   

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