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Fifteen Eurasian and Australian species of Viscum L. were examined by light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy. Pollen characters divide the species into two groups, each correlated with differences in habit and inflorescence structure: Group I (12 spp.) characterized by psilate or slightly sculptured exines and a non-uniform ektexine pattern and Group II (3 spp.) possessing highly sculptured (echinate, rodlet) surfaces and uniform ektexine patterns. Within each of the groups, pollen characters divide the species into several subgroups. Among Group I, species V. nepalense, V. heyneanum and V. ovalifolium are particularly close. The Group I species, V. trilobatum, is placed in its own subgroup primarily because of its uniform ektexine pattern—a unique feature among Asian and Australian Viscum. Of the three Group II species, V. album and V. alniformosanae are palynologically almost indistinguishable. Pollen of the Group II V. cruciatum, though exomorphologically similar to V. album, is closest ultrastructurally to the Indian V. trilobatum. Overall, the most common and probably basic pollen characters among the Eurasian and Australian species include: subprolate, rounded convex almost spherical shapes; tricolporate apertures, and non-uniform sculpturing and ektexine patterns. Oblate-spheroidal or prolate-spheroidal shapes, prominent sculpturing, and a uniform ektexine pattern are derived characters largely restricted to the Eurasian and Asian Group II species (V. album, V. alniformosanae, V. cruciatum).  相似文献   

Pollen of all large-flowered neotropical loranthaceous genera and related Australian taxa (Nuytsia, Atkinsonia) were examined in the light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopes. Trilobate, deeply concave, peroblate or oblate pollen shapes are basic within the complex; triangular, slight convex, suboblate shapes are more derived features. The non-fixiform pollen of Atkinsonia is unique within the family. Most of the large-flowered genera possess exclusively syncolpate aperture types. However, among Psittacanthus species tricolpate, diplosynrugate and diplorugate apertures are also present, representing derived types for the complex. The inaperturate pollen of Atkinsonia appears to have developed independently within the family. Pollen sculpturing is typically non-uniform, i.e., there are pronounced sculpturing differences in polar and equatorial regions. Uniformly sculptured pollen is restricted to Atkinsonia, Ligaria and some species of Psittacanthus. Ultrastructurally, most exine modifications have occurred in the equatoral ektexine. Here the basic organization ranges from essentially columellaless to columellate, the latter the more derived condition. Endexine is typically thick and stratified in polar areas, thin and lamellate in peripheral and apertural regions. Similar pollen morphologies of Nuytsia and Gaiadendron support the idea of a transoceanic evolutionary connection between the Old and New Worlds. Pollen characters show Gaiadendron to be the most primitive and Psittacanthus the most advanced among the large-flowered neotropical genera.  相似文献   

The absence of phloem in some Viscaceae may be a direct result of morphological reduction. Viscum minimum is a highly reduced, South African mistletoe that parasitizes Euphorbia. The aerial portions of this species are 2–3 mm long and consist of only 1–2 intemodes with a terminal triad of flowers. The collateral vascular bundles are composed of tracheary elements, parenchyma, and sieve tubes with associated companion cells. The sieve-tube members are similar to those described from other angiosperms, exhibiting simple sieve plates, P-protein, stacks of ER, plastids, and mitochondria. The morphological reduction of V. minimum thus is not associated with a loss of phloic elements in contrast to other reduced viscaceous mistletoes.  相似文献   

Pollen of the subtribe Petrobinae (Compositae-Heliantheae) was examined by light and electron microscopy. Surface morphology and fine structure of all species examined were identical; these characters also were similar to pollen of other Heliantheae subtribes examined in previous studies.  相似文献   

Growth of the Lilium longiflorum pollen tube in vitro is restricted to a zone extending back 3–5 μ from the tip. Electron micrographs of cross and longitudinal thin sections of L. longiflorum and L. regale pollen tubes reveal that the cytoplasm of the nongrowing region of the tube contains an abundance of mitochondria, amyloplasts, Golgi bodies, endoplasmic reticulum, lipid bodies, and vesicles. In contrast, the growing tip is characterized by an abundance of vesicles and an absence of other cytoplasmic elements. The vesicles appear to be of 2 types. One is spherical, about 0.1 μ in diameter, stains strongly with phosphotungstic acid, apparently arises from the Golgi apparatus and appears to contribute to tube wall and plasmalemma formation. The other type is irregular in shape, 0.01-0.05 μ in diameter, stains strongly with lead hydroxide, and is of unknown origin and function. Cytochemical analysis indicates that the tips of L. longiflorum pollen tubes are singularly rich in ribonucleic acid, protein, and carbohydrate. These findings are discussed in relation to tube growth.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that many parasitic and hemiparasitic plant species such as mistletoes are dioecious and occur in both the new and the old world, few data exist on variation in the sex ratio and allocation to reproduction in these taxa. We investigated 1) the sex-ratio of the xylem-tapping mistletoe Phoradendron juniperinum in relation to its age and position within the canopy of its host tree Juniperus osteosperma, and 2) reproductive effort in relation to the gender and age of mistletoe plants. Our surveys showed that P. juniperinum has a male-biased sex ratio. Despite this predominance of male individuals, females lived longer and had a greater reproductive effort than did males. A statistical analysis of the age distribution data indicated that the peak in the frequency of reproductively mature individuals was later in females than in males. These gender-specific distributions may have resulted 1) from sequential hermaphroditism (age-specific sex switching), or 2) because the average age of peak reproduction is later in female individuals. Because sex is genetically determined in a closely related genus of mistletoe and because we have no data to indicate sex switching in this species, we feel that our data support the interpretation that female individuals, on average, show a peak in reproductive vigor at an older age relative to males. While delayed reproduction in females may be favored because reproductive effort and success appear to be age-dependent in females of this species, both sexes can become reproductively mature relatively early in life. Further, because 1) allocation to reproduction as a function of age increases more rapidly for females of this species relative to males, and 2) because there may be a higher resource cost associated with reproduction in females, we hypothesized that female individuals would be more abundant in the best quality locations within the host tree so as to maximize the opportunity to meet those costs. In spite of the association between gender and some host characteristics, there was no indication that female plants were located in sites most favorable to either their carbon or water balance. We discuss reasons why this may be the case.  相似文献   

Larson , Donald A., and C. Willard Lewis , Jr . (U. Texas, Austin.) Fine structure of Parki nsonia aculeata pollen. I. The pollen wa ll. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(10): 934–943. Illus. 1961.—Fresh pollen samples and chemically fossilized pollen samples were fixed in either potassium permanganate or osmium tetroxide and some sectioned material was poststained in an effort to demonstrate the various wall components existing in pollen of P. aculeata. The exine was observed to be consistently 2-layered with the layers corresponding to the endexine and ektexine demonstrated with basic fuchsin staining by optical microscopy. The exine also contained an extensive system of internal channels. Aperture membranes contained laminate-globulate fine structure, and this has been interpreted as a modification for the maintenance of membrane continuity through changes in pollen grain volume.  相似文献   

The anatomy and fine structure of the young primary haustorium of Phthirusa pyrifolia (H.B.K.) Eichl. were studied before penetration into the host. The simple internal organization (epidermis, hypodermis, and core parenchyma) which characterizes the radicular disc at germination becomes extremely complex, especially at the distal end of the disc during haustorial development. The epidermis in the area of contact with the host surface develops into an intricate cell zone consisting of lobed and tubular portions. The tubular portions consist of finger-like projections that entwine and form bulbous tips at the contact surface. The tubular portions have unusual wall thickenings while the bulbous tips have exceedingly thin distal walls which possibly break, releasing their contents onto the host's surface. The collapsed layers characteristic of Santalalean haustoria seem to be a result of internal pressures caused by division and expansion of epidermal cells and core parenchyma. Various unusual ultrastructural features are described from the hypodermis, core parenchyma, and contact zone. Particularly striking, but yet unidentified, is a fibrillar material which often completely fills the cells of the core parenchyma in later stages of development.  相似文献   

We investigated the age-structure of the xylem-tapping mistletoe Phoradendron juniperinum in relation to characteristics of its host tree, Juniperus osteosperma. We first correlated branch structure in the mistletoe with age of the mistletoe infection as determined anatomically; this correlation provided a nondestructive, field method of obtaining age structure information. We then surveyed the mistletoe plants, applying our aging index, within a population of their host trees in southwestern Utah; the majority of mistletoe plants were 2–12 years old. This peak in abundance of mistletoe infections showed no correlation to total annual precipitation within or 1 year previous to the peaks, minimum winter temperature, or to warmer than average winter temperatures. However, there was a positive correlation (r = 0.51, P < 0.06) with the amount of summer precipitation. A log-linear analysis indicated that a greater than expected number of mistletoe infections occurred at 5–7 years of age and at approximately 3 m in height among all host trees. We suggest that this pattern resulted because this canopy position had greater leaf and branch areas and was visited most frequently by seed-dispersing birds. The log-linear analysis also revealed that fewer than expected mistletoe infections occurred at ages older than 10 years, yet our data indicate that plants can reach 20 years of age. The lack of infections > 10 years of age was correlated to a period of below average precipitation, especially during the growing season, but not with cold winter temperatures, which in other studies had been suggested as a factor influencing mortality. We feel that drought may play an important role in influencing mistletoe mortality through its direct affect on host tree water status, but in addition we offer two alternative hypotheses to explain mistletoe longevity; the first is concerned with the relationship between carbon and nitrogen costs and maintaining large leaf areas in older plants, and the second addresses how increased hydraulic resistance in older and larger plants may be too costly for the plant, and stems are abscised.  相似文献   

The general arrangement of cytoplasmic organelles in Amphipleura pellucida Kutz. is similar to that in other naviculoid diatoms. The chromatophores are parietal with a single, non-membrane-limited, pyrenoid. The pyrenoid is crossed by several double-disc lamellar bands which are occasionally interrupted by less dense areas containing convoluted tubules. Similar areas also interrupt the three-disc bands of the chromatophores. The nucleus is irregular in shape. The outer membrane of the porous nuclear envelope outfolds around the chromatophore. A perinuclear dictyosome complex is present. Amorphous dense bodies are formed in elaborations of the dictyosomes. Vesicles, both with and without dense inclusions, are formed by the dictyosomes during cell division and a role is suggested for these vesicles in both cytokinesis and frustule development. The first evidence of frustule formation is the deposition of the siliceous median rib within a membranous sac. This sac expands laterally to form the silica deposition vesicle which appears to serve as a mold for the formation of the valve. After the valve is formed, the membranes and the small amount of cytoplasm external to it are sloughed off.  相似文献   

Some aspects of thecal morphology in Ceratium hirundinella are redescribed by means of scanning electron microscopy. The internal anatomy of the cell has been clearly revealed for the first time in serial sections examined by transmission electron microscopy. An unusual sulcus, termed the sulcul aperture, has been found to open into a large ventral chamber which extends toward the center of the cell. The 2 flagella are inserted at one side of the ventral chamber. The ultrastructure of the flagellar canals and root systems arc described in detail. A microtubular strand has been found to run from near the nucleus to near the flagellar bases but not to conned with either. The fine structure of the theca, trichocysts, nucleus, and chloroplasts is basically similar to that of other dinoflagellates. Food vacuoles are reported. These contain material thought to be undergoing digestion. It is suggested that the food particles enter the cell by way of the ventral chamber, which is lined only by membranes, unlike the rest of the cell, which is covered by thick plates. The new findings are discussed in relation to the earlier work on the species and to the fine structure of oilier dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

The structure of the motile pennate diatom Caloneis amphisbaena Cleve is described, with emphasis on the lateral, lobed pyrenoid with neither a limiting membrane nor penetration by thylakoids, an interphase nucleus with centers of condensed chromatin, paired dictyosomes, and mitochondria cradled within the chambers of the valve. Microfilaments forming two bundles which lie beneath each raphe slit are of the same size and appearance as actin microfilaments associated with other motile systems.  相似文献   

The ontogeny and ultrastructure of Tragia ramosa and T. saxicola are described. The stinging emergence of T. ramosa and T. saxicola consists of a central stinging cell and three lateral cells. The stinging cell possesses a compound crystal in the apical region which is held in place by cell wall extensions. The stinging cell cytoplasm is characterized by a large central vacuole which contains a proteinaceous substance as determined histochemically. Upon contact, the stinging cell wall is pushed back over the crystal, exposing it to penetrate an individual. This stinging mechanism is unique among stinging emergences. The stinging cell is subepidermal in origin whereas the three lateral cells are epidermal in origin. The morphology, ultrastructure and ontogeny of the stinging emergence of T. ramosa and T. saxicola appear to be identical.  相似文献   

棉铃虫蛾复眼的微细结构及其区域性差异   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
郭炳群 《昆虫学报》1988,(2):165-170
用电子显微镜观察棉铃虫蛾复眼的微细结构及其区域性差异。此复眼具有小网膜细胞柱的透明带。每个小眼包括一个外凸内平的角膜,一个晶锥,四个形成晶锥、晶束的晶锥细胞和两个围绕着晶锥的主虹膜细胞,六至八个小网膜细胞和一个基细胞。晶锥末端有一短小固定的晶束。小网膜细胞柱远侧中央有似微绒毛结构的视杆束。每个小眼被六个附色素细胞围绕。 微细结构的区域性差异:1.背方小眼视杆中段横切面近似矩形,主要由六个微绒毛平行排列的三角形视小杯组成,整个视杆包含两个互相垂直的微绒毛轴;腹方、前方、后方和侧方区域的小眼视杆中段横切面为风扇形,“V”字形视小杆内微绒毛排列不平行;2.前方区域小眼视杆中段的横切面要比后方大;3.前方、腹方区域内,有的相邻小眼的小网膜细胞柱互相连结,背方、后方区域未观察到这一现象。  相似文献   

The amoeba-cyst cycle of Paramoebidium (Amoebidiales) is described as it develops in the rectum of its larval insect hosts and in the external aquatic environment. Numerous wall channels with associated vesicles aggregated at the apical end of the cystopores may allow rapid extrusion of holdfast material through the wall, in a manner resembling holdfast formation by sporangiospores of Amoebidium parasiticum. It is suggested that the cysts, in addition to their possible resistance to adverse environmental conditions, may function as timing devices to insure establishment of thalli in the proper location in the rectum. A new species is described, P. curvum Lichtwardt, which was found to contain polyhedral viruslike particles scattered in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

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