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Gareth  Jones 《Journal of Zoology》1995,237(2):303-312
The noctule Nyctulus noctula (Schreber, 1774) is a relatively large (c. 25 g) insectivorous bat which catches insects on the wing (by aerial hawking). Emergence at a maternity roost was earliest relative to sunset when females were lactating, and bats may then have risked predation by flying at higher light levels during a period of high energy demand. Flight performance was quantified by using stereophotogrammetry. At feeding sites bats flew at 6.0 ± 2.1 m/s. This was faster than predicted minimum power speed (V mp), and either between V mp and maximum range speed (V mr), or close to their predicted V mr, depending on which aerodynamic model of flight power requirements was used. The echolocation behaviour of noctules is flexible. Long duration, low frequency calls (c. 20 kHz) with little frequency modulation were emitted while cruising, but at foraging sites the calls became more frequency-modulated. As the noctule is traditionally thought of as using low frequency echolocation, it was expected to receive weak echoes from small targets and therefore to specialize in eating large insect prey. Although the bats ate mainly beetles, large numbers of small dipterans were also eaten. The noctule is probably able to detect such small items because, when foraging, its calls become broadband and sweep from high frequencies. Higher harmonics are also present, and these may assist in the detection of small prey. In noctules, as in many bats, there appears to be a 1:1 link between wingbeat and call production during the search phase of foraging.  相似文献   

We describe the development of six microsatellite loci for big brown bats, Eptesicus fuscus. Microsatellite markers were isolated from a small insert genomic library, and tested on a population of 44 animals from the Pend d’Oreille Valley, in southeastern British Columbia, Canada. These six loci were highly variable, with 12–23 alleles per locus, and observed and expected heterozygosities of greater than 79.5%. The six primer sets, and three others that were not variable in E. fuscus, were tested on 11 other species in the families Vespertilionidae and Antrozoidae. All the tested loci amplified highly variable products in at least several other species.  相似文献   

In this study we measure and classify frequency modulation patterns in echolocation signals of two species of bats. By using the derivative of an exponential model fitted to pulses emitted by Pipistrellus pipistrellus and Myotis myotis, we show that the modulation functions differ fundamentally between the two species and also vary within each species. This variation makes it unlikely that pulse design and the concomitant modulation pattern can be explained by a single common principle as previously suggested.  相似文献   

The capability of bats to have heart rates fewer than 10 beats/min during hibernation and greater than 700 beats/min during flight surprises biologists and cardiologists. Cardioacceleration of hibernating bats is considered to be a function of their intracardiac nervous system. In the present study we investigated the morphology of the heart innervation of ten M. daubentoni and four E. serotinus bats during their natural hibernation in order to determine which intracardiac structures may be involved in cardioacceleration during their short-term (in av. 15-30 min) arousal from hibernation. The primary conclusions were as follows: (1) The innervation pattern of bats differs from many mammals in that bats have: (a) a subepicardiac nerve plexus which is vastly developed and contains a large number of intrinsic ganglia on both atria and ventricles, and (b) very small diameter axons within the unmyelinated nerve fibres, from 0.15 to 0.7 microm. (2) During hibernation an intercellular space of the sinoatrial node of M. daubentoni bats was in part filled with a cottony substance which can presumably be considered to be a temporary barrier between the conductive cardiomyocytes and nerve fibres. (3) In the hibernating bats, the acetylcholine vesicles were aggregated in the synaptic bulbs away from the presynaptic membrane. Possibly, the aggregation of the acetylcholine vesicles is capable of modifying cholinergic influences on the heart activity of hibernating bats. (4) The dense cores of catecholamine synaptic vesicles within, adrenergic axon terminals were seldomly observed in hibernating bats. Therefore, catecholamines probably do not play a crucial role in the cardioacceleration of hibernating bats.  相似文献   

Serotine nursery roosts with less than 20 bats were found to have home ranges of at least 24 to 77 km2 and core areas of activity from 13 to 33 km2. The size of the range may have increased further if more individuals had been tracked, as three of the four colonies studied had not reached their asymptotes. The total home-range area covered by four serotine colonies was 127.36 km2. Excluding non-breeding bats, a density of one bat per 120 ha was estimated. However, actual density was likely to be higher if there were additional non-breeding females and immatures that were not in nursery roosts. Colonial home ranges and core areas overlapped, with individuals from different colonies feeding at the same sites. Individual home ranges ( n = 32) varied from 0.16 to 47.58 km2, but these were not used exclusively by one individual. Around the colonial core area and breeding roosts, home ranges were used by all individuals from a single colony. It is only further from the core area that ranges appeared to be used by individuals. The distance from roost to feeding areas varied by up to 7.4 km, but the bat usually commuted along lines of trees and hedges and over pastures. This resulted in greater distances being travelled than if they had flown by a direct route. On average, individuals commuted distances of 8 km each night between feeding areas, with a maximum distance of over 41 km. They visited between 0 and 10 feeding sites each night (mean = 2.89).  相似文献   

Wallacean island populations of two Vespertilioninae bats, Myotis muricola and Scotophilus kuhlii , which have similar geographical ranges, showed marked contrast in the amount and pattern of genetic variation. Within islands, genetic variation was on average much higher in M. muricola but declined from west to east, whereas all populations of S. kuhlii had uniformly low levels of genetic variation by mammalian standards. S. kuhlii showed little genetic differentiation between islands and estimates of gene flow were substantial whereas island populations of M. muricola differed markedly and there was a strong isolation-by-distance effect associated with the extent of the sea crossing between islands. Furthermore, the lower mean heterozygosity and small genetic distances between eastern island populations of M. muricola is evidence that there has been a bottleneck associated with the colonization of this area. The attenuation of genetic diversity to the east is also seen in some other mammalian species and may indicate limits to dispersal and have implications for species management. The patterns of variability in S. kuhlii may be a consequence of its strong dispersal capacity and close association with human activity, which, together with other factors, suggest a panmictic population.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 83 , 421–431.  相似文献   

Colonies of Plecotus auritus (L.) and Myotis daubentoni (Kuhl) occupying the same roost showed no interspecific interaction. They utilized separate areas of the roost, departed from and returned to it at different times and foraged in different habitats on different groups of insects. P. auritus emerged from the roost before dusk, foraged singly in woodland areas with slow, hovering flight and fed on insects commonly found flying in woodland, on insects and spiders gleaned from foliage and on insects caught inside the roost. M. daubentoni emerged from the roost after dusk, flew fast and low over water and around riparian vegetation and foraged on long, straight beats. They frequently foraged in groups, and fed opportunistically on insects which fly in swarms in riparian habitats. The diets of the two species occupying the same roost did not differ from those established in areas where each species was found alone.  相似文献   

Social organization of a captive group of noctule bats, N. noctula, was studied by frequent censuses of bats at roost sites during one summer season. Numerous nonrandom associations as measured by information indices of similarity (Kullback 1959; Semkin 1972; Zakharov et al. 1987) were found between related and unrelated individuals. The social group structure revealed by multidimensional scaling analysis was affected first of all by the history of group formation, and also by bat age and sex. Spatial bonds were in general stronger between related than unrelated bats. However, nearly all closest associations observed were formed by at best distantly related bats; family membership influenced the socio-spatial positions of noctules far less than the above-mentioned variables did. It is suggested that emergence and persistence of nonrandom associations is mainly due to individual attainment of a certain level of comfort in company of familiar conspecifics whose behaviour is predictable, and thus reduction of aggression within a group. Other benefits of stable associations would be derived from this primary function.  相似文献   

Understanding of the movements of species at multiple scales is essential to appreciate patterns of population connectivity and in some cases, the potential for pathogen transmission. The serotine bat (Eptesicus serotinus) is a common and widely distributed species in Europe where it frequently harbours European bat lyssavirus type 1 (EBLV-1), a virus causing rabies and transmissible to humans. In the United Kingdom, it is rare, with a distribution restricted to south of the country and so far the virus has never been found there. We investigated the genetic structure and gene flow of E. serotinus across the England and continental Europe. Greater genetic structuring was found in England compared with continental Europe. Nuclear data suggest a single population on the continent, although further work with more intensive sampling is required to confirm this, while mitochondrial sequences indicate an east–west substructure. In contrast, three distinct populations were found in England using microsatellite markers, and mitochondrial diversity was very low. Evidence of nuclear admixture indicated strong male-mediated gene flow among populations. Differences in connectivity could contribute to the high viral prevalence on the continent in contrast with the United Kingdom. Although the English Channel was previously thought to restrict gene flow, our data indicate relatively frequent movement from the continent to England highlighting the potential for movement of EBLV-1 into the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

Radio-tracking was useed to dertermine the foraging behaviour and habitat use of the serotine bat, Eptesicus serotinus , at two roosts in southren England. The basts communted an average of 6.5 km to and from distinct foraging sites and used up ot five sites per night. Serotine foraged in a wide range of habitats and were able to locate and exploit temporary feeding site such as recently mown grass. They foraged regulary arround white streelamps and in alte summer over cattle pasture on which fresh dung was present. Reproductively active females were strongly philopatric to their day-roost. In contrast, reproductively inactive females, from the same roosts. moved to new day-roosts up to 10 km from the site of capture. Serotines used thre distinct foraging strategies, short filight, ground feeding, and, predominantly, aerial hawking. Foraging bouts were interpresed with resting phases, with individuals roosting alone on walls of houses or in trees close to foraging sites. It is concluded that serotines are well adapted to an anthropogenic envioronment. They are strongly philopartric to roosts in human habitations, in close proximity to a range of feeding sites wehre they can take advantage of favourarble land amangement practices.  相似文献   

In many bat species, the opportunity for sperm competition or other mechanisms of post-copulatory paternity biasing is thought to be great, due to the long delay between copulation and fertilization, demonstrated sperm storage capabilities, and observed promiscuity. We present the results of the first study to assess whether litters of big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) containing dizygotic twins share the same father. We sampled 26 mother-offspring triads from three colonies in Indiana and Illinois, as well as 299 additional adults (237 females and 62 males) from these colonies and six other maternity colonies in the same area in 1997-1998. All individuals were genotyped at nine highly variable autosomal microsatellite loci and one X-linked locus. We assessed multiple paternity using autosomal and X-linked locus exclusions, and using maximum-likelihood methods. All methods confirmed multiple paternity within litters, and the maximum-likelihood analyses indicated that almost half of the sampled litters were composed of maternal half-siblings rather than full-siblings. Our results highlight the potential importance of post-copulatory mechanisms of paternity determination in the mating system of big brown bats, and have important implications for gene flow and population structuring in this species.  相似文献   

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