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西双版纳原始热带湿性季节雨林生物量及净初级生产   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
应用生物量回归模型和生产力方程,研究了西双版纳原始热带湿性季节雨林生物量及净初级生产量(NPP)。雨林总生物量为692.590t·hm-2,总生物量分配为:乔木层占98.66%、灌木层占0.76%、木质藤本层占0.50%、草本层占0.09%,生物量主要集中于乔木层。雨林年平均NPP为25.764t·hm-2·a-1,其中各层次的NPP分别为(t·hm-2·a-1):乔木层23.972(占总NPP的93.04%)、灌木层0.749(占2.91%)、木质藤本层0.431(占1.67%)和草本层0.612(占2.38%)。乔木层NPP分配为(t·hm-2·a-1):凋落量11.566、叶虫食量0.694和生物量增量11.712。结果表明:西双版纳虽地处热带北缘,当地原始热带湿性季节雨林同样具有典型热带雨林一样高的生物量和NPP。  相似文献   

Two years of water and nitrogen augmentation experiments on Larrea tridentata (creosote bush) were carried out in a southern Californian warm desert wash plant community. Treatments consisted of control (C), water (W), water and soil nitrogen (W + SN), and soil nitrogen (SN). Quantitative phenological data and microclimatic measurements were collected prior to the onset of and during the growth period and treatments. Predawn and midday water potentials were lower in nonirrigated than irrigated individuals. Leaf conductance was higher in irrigated than in nonirrigated shrubs, with a maximum difference of 1 cm s-1 observed in July 1984 under relatively low vapor pressure deficit conditions. Leaf production rates were significantly higher in the irrigated (W and W + SN) treatments than in the nonirrigated (C and SN) treatments in 1984. Addition of soil nitrogen caused no increased in vegetative growth rates in 1984. In 1985, a drier year, there was only minimal growth during the spring and summer growth periods in the nonirrigated treatments, while the W and W + SN treatments resulted in significantly higher leafand shoot growth rates. Growth rates in 1985 were significantly higher in the W + SN treatment than in the W treatment. Reproductive growth was higher in the nonirrigated than the irrigated treatments, with the lowest reproductive activity noted in the W treatment.  相似文献   

我国森林植被的生物量和净生产量   总被引:351,自引:21,他引:351  
利用森林蓄积量推算森林生物量和净生产量的方法,系统研究了我国森林植被的生物生产力。结果表明,我国森林生物生产力的地理分布规律与世界总趋势一致,但量上有差异,具体表现在:我国森林生物量的平均值小于世界平均水平,而净生产量却显得较高;我国森林的总生物量是9102.87×106t,其中,林分为8592.13×106t,经济林325.72×106t;竹林185.02×106t,疏林、灌木林790.54×106t;森林和疏林(含灌木林)的总生产力分别是1177.31×106t/a和458.16×106t/a。研究结果还显示,用材积推算的生物量(材积源生物量)比用平均生物量计算的结果更符合实际。分析中国森林在中国及全球陆地碳库中的作用发现,与其他区域和世界平均水平相比较,中国森林在中国陆地植被中所起的主导作用较弱,它的生物量不足全球森林总生物量的1%,然而,它在保护中国土壤碳库功能方面起着其他植被类型所无法替代的作用。  相似文献   

During years with good winter rainfall, ephemeral plants can contribute considerably to primary production in the upper Sonoran Desert. This study was designed to compare ephemeral community productivity and production efficiency within the different microhabitats created by trees, shrubs and open spaces in a Sonoran Desert ecosystem. Ephemerals were periodically harvested in the different habitats and dried for biomass and caloric determinations. The caloric data were compared to total solar input into the different microhabitats in order to determine production efficiencies of each stand. Productivity rates were also determined for the total community for the sample period, winters of 1972-74. Both productivity and production efficiency were highest under the shade of Cercidium. The highest production efficiency occurring in the shaded sites was 5.03% which approaches the theoretical maximum photosynthetic efficiency level. The production efficiency of the entire ephemeral community for the whole growing season was only 0.17% during an optimal year, demonstrating the influence of the environment in the interspaces on productivity and solar conversion in the desert.  相似文献   

A 22-year-old stand of coastal sage scrub in the coastal mountains of southern California had a peak standing aboveground biomass of 1,417 g/m2, determined by dimension analysis. Annual aboveground net primary production was 255 g/m2/yr, determined by monthly twig harvests of dominant species and the clipping production of subordinate species. The stand was codominated by two drought-deciduous species, Salvia leucophylla and Artemisia californica, which together comprised 81% of the biomass. Annual litterfall was measured at 194 g/m2/yr. These biomass, production, and litterfall values are less than those measured in most evergreen chaparral communities in California. Seasonally, the two dominant shrubs began aboveground production in the winter soon after the first rains and continued growth for six months until early summer. A massive leaf fall occurred in May–June as the summer drought began, but twig and inflorescence production for both species continued at a high rate into the summer months. Salvia leucophylla had two shoot types: 1) an early spring canopy shoot that elongated rapidly, produced the inflorescence, and died in mid-summer; and 2) a short side shoot produced in late spring with small dense leaves that were retained during the summer drought and early winter. Artemisia californica produced a single cohort of twigs in the early spring, most of which carried inflorescences by late summer.  相似文献   

Survival of seedlings of the common desert succulent, Agave deserti, required unusually wet years and the protection afforded by nurse plants or other shelters. The characteristics of seed germination and of seedlings showed that water stress in the seedling stage may be the most important factor affecting establishment. Leaves wilted irreversibly at an osmotic potential of −1.6 MPa (–16 bars). Survival of seedlings required the generation of enough biomass during the first wet season to survive drought periods when the water potential of the soil was below −1.6 MPa. Lengths of individual growing seasons and subsequent droughts were obtained from rainfall records for 1961 through 1978 for a site in the western Colorado desert. The length of the first major drought following germination apparently limited establishment of Agave deserti to only one year in the last 17. The favorable year, 1967, was consistent with the estimated year of germination of the six smallest Agave deserti observed in 1,500 m2 at the field site.  相似文献   

Histochemical and morphometric analyses were used to identify and define an early stage of procambial differentiation in 1.5–2.0-cm-long (48 hr after germination) primary roots of Trifolium pratense L. Esterase activity was used as a histochemical marker for early differentiation of procambium. Morphometric analysis of cell length and width as a function of distance from the root cap junction was performed on the same tissue using brightfield and Nomarski DIC optics. This combination of techniques allowed the identification of esterase activity in both the cell wall and cytoplasm and permitted the determination of the exact location, size, and shape of the histochemically stained cells within the apex. Esterase activity identified the proendodermis and procambial cylinder (six to seven cells in diameter) two to three cells proximal to the root cap junction. In this system, esterase activity proved to be an earlier marker for procambial differentiation than morphometric or cytological changes. It is suggested that these techniques will be useful in characterizing procambial pattern development in more complex shoot systems.  相似文献   

 线叶菊草地总地上生物量的增长规律符合Logistic增长,最大值出现在8月中旬,为198.15g/m2。返青后,线叶菊较同群落内的禾草和杂类草提前达到其生物量最大值。线叶菊、禾草和杂类草的地上生物量的增长与降水量和≥5℃积温呈显著或极显著正相关。地下生物量的季节变化曲线大致为“U”字形,最低值出现在8月中旬,而在早春和秋末时期地下生物量基本相等。地下生物量最大值出现在10月中旬,为1608.5g/m2(干物质)。该草地地上部分净第一性生产力为256.74gm2·a,地下部分为599.51g/m2·a(干物重计)。将生长季内以凋落物形式损失的生物量计算在内,得到的地上净第一性生产力比用极大现存量法估测的结果高出29.57%。  相似文献   

In an investigation of the causes of the invasion of woody plants into grasslands, competition between seedlings of Prosopis glandulosa Torr. and Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr. was examined. Introduction of P. glandulosa into a B. curtipendula neighborhood significantly reduced P. glandulosa dry mass when compared to P. glandulosa growth alone. The greater the time interval from P. glandulosa germination to addition of B. curtipendula, the less interference the grass had on woody plant growth. Reciprocally, the greater the time interval from B. curtipendula germination to addition of P. glandulosa, the more interference the grass had on woody plant growth. Prosopis glandulosa belowground dry mass was <0.02 g (all in the upper 30 cm of soil) when planted after B. curtipendula at any soil depth, but if planted alone its root dry mass ranged from 2 to 8 g depending on depth. Prosopis glandulosa seedling dry mass increased linearly with soil depth, while B. curtipendula dry mass reached a plateau. In general, belowground dry mass of P. glandulosa was distributed throughout the soil depth examined (decreasing with depth), while 80% of B. curtipendula dry mass was found in the upper 30 cm of soil, suggesting a partitioning of soil resources. Data suggest that P. glandulosa and perhaps other shade-intolerant woody species that establish in grasslands do so in disturbances or vegetation gaps. Gaps may close, but by this time woody plant roots are below grass roots, thus partitioning soil resources and reducing interspecific competition.  相似文献   

准噶尔荒漠分布的早春短命植物不仅具有十分独特的生物学特点,而且在荒漠植物群落演替、物种多样性维持及土壤改良与防治水土流失等方面具有重要的生态学价值。该文运用Li-6400开放式气体交换光合作用测定系统,对分布于准噶尔荒漠的16种早春短命植物生长盛期的净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、水分利用效率(WUE)等特征进行了测定,并对其中7种植物与生长相关的生物量分配特征进行了分析。结果表明:1)16种植物的最大Pn、 最大TrWUE分别为8.07~35.96 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1、3.16~29.64 mmol H2O·m-2·s-1、0.54~4.26 μmol CO2·mmol-1H2O;种间最大Pn与最大气孔导度(Stomatal conductance, Gs)之间存在正相关关系,其相关系数为0.77(p<0.05),线性回归斜率为26.36 μmol·mmol-1;从光合速率对胞间CO2浓度及光量子通量密度的响应曲线来看,这类植物的表观CO2补偿点均在4~5 Pa之间(28~30 ℃),表观羧化效率为0.64~1.86 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1·Pa-1,表观量子效率为0.05~0.06。2)从生物量分配来看,所测植物的个体生物量为0.05~0.39 g;单株总叶面积为 3.24~51.40 cm2;单位叶面积干重为0.40~0.77 g·m-2,根在总生物量中所占比例为5.72%~19.43%,单株叶面积比在2.92~9.00 m2·kg-1之间。种间根所占生物量的比与对应的WUE之间的比较分析结果表明,二者之间存在显著的正相关关系,其相关系数r为0.93(p<0.01)。这些结果表明,所观测的早春短命植物具有典型的C3植物特征,相比其它类型的荒漠植物具有较高的单位叶面积Pn、高Tr及低WUE,并且在生长发育过程中表现出很低的根/地上生物量比、较高的叶面积比和单位叶面积干重,说明它们具有相对高的生长速率,这与其生长发育节律相一致,反映了它们与准噶尔荒漠环境相适应的特点。  相似文献   

Recent studies of Prosopis glandulosa have demonstrated a unique system of a deeply rooted species with significant water stress tolerance. Several growth and developmental characteristics have been correlated with water stress and nitrogen availability during field studies. Here we present a lab experiment in which a phreatophytic regime is simulated and the availability of nitrogen and water are varied. Increased ground water salinity caused lower plant water potentials and greater osmotic adjustment without significant increases in leaf Na+ concentrations. Leaf conductance was higher in the higher salinity treatments. Low water potential was also associated with reduced leaf size, reduced leaf area per plant and increased root to shoot ratio. Specific leaf weight and the transpiration ratio were unaffected by the low water potentials induced by increased salinity. Increasing nitrogen availability caused increased growth rates but did not influence water use efficiency. Net assimilation rates increased with increasing nitrogen availability but relative growth rates were more dependent on overall plant size than treatment conditions. The responses of P. glandulosa to the simulated phreatophytic environment were similar to those predicted by field measurements.  相似文献   

 该文应用气象数据、土壤物理属性实测数据、土壤水分分布式动态模型和植被表面净辐射模型的模拟结果,利用多元线性回归分析方法,建立 了植被净第一性生产力模型,实现了鄂尔多斯高原东部砂质荒漠化地区考考赖沟流域尺度上30 m×30 m空间分辨率的植被生产力精确模拟,并 且用植被生产力的野外实测数据对模拟结果进行了验证表明: 实测值与模拟值在固定沙丘、半固定沙丘和样线2上都达到0.05显著性相关水平; 不同位置的实测植被生 产力数据多分布在1∶1直线附近,模拟值与实测值吻合较好;植被生产力实测值与模拟值的相对误差范围为3.22%~ 6.27%,偏斜度范围在-12.84%~4.43%。该文的研究方法可以为流域尺度上植被生产力的精确模拟提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

 采用径级标准木和维量分析方法研究了西双版纳热带次生林4块不同年龄林分的净初级生产量,结果表明:林分净初级生产量随林龄而增长,5年生林分为1 154.3 g·m-2·a-1,其分配为:净生长量占93.82%,花果量占1.20%,叶被采食量4.97%;10年生林分为1 348.5 g·m-2·a-1,净生长  相似文献   

云南松林的净第一性生产量研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文研究了云南省易门县海拔1600—1700m的云南松中幼龄林分的净第一性生产量。3个林分的净生产量总量依次为:11年生林分是1201.0g/(m~2·a),23年生林分是1060.3g/(m~2·a),4年生林分是530.4g/(m~2·a)。各林分乔木层器官净生产量的分配比例均以针叶为最高,其次是干材。针叶净生产量的比例随林龄的增加而下降,干材、树枝和根的比例则随林龄的增加而上升。  相似文献   

Graviresponding primary roots of Phaseolus vulgaris were characterized by more acid efflux on the upper (i.e., rapidly growing) side of the root than on the lower side of the root. Acid efflux patterns of the upper and lower sides of horizontally-oriented lateral roots were symmetrical. Addition of sodium orthovanadate (an inhibitor of auxin-induced H+ efflux) to the growth medium abolished gravicurvature and development of acid efflux asymmetry in horizontally-oriented roots. These results 1) support the suggestion that auxin redistribution may cause the asymmetry of acid efflux that mediates gravitropism, and 2) indicate that the lack of an auxin-induced asymmetry of acid efflux may be involved in explaining the minimal graviresponsiveness of lateral roots.  相似文献   

互花米草的初级生产与类黄酮的生成   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
钦佩  谢民  周爱堂 《生态学报》1991,11(4):293-298

Chamaecrista fasciculata has a rigid upper petal that curves over nine of the ten anthers. The single anther is deflexed, as is the style. An experimental pollination study was designed to test the hypotheses that: 1) the rigid petal acts as flight guide to ensure pollination; and 2) the nine grouped anthers serve as fodder anthers, whereas the single deflexed anther functions in pollination. The rigid petal was removed from 97 flowers. Only 5% of the manipulated flowers set fruit in comparison to a fruit set of 47% for the control group. The results of the study support the flight guide hypothesis. Pollen from both sets of anthers is viable and germinates on receptive stigmas. A pollen flow experiment using powdered metals, backscatter scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray microanalysis revealed that there is no difference in the frequency of pollen distribution from either set of anthers. Therefore, this study refutes the fodder/pollinating anther hypothesis.  相似文献   

 本文根据样方上测定糙花箭竹的地径、茎高、密度、茎重、枝条重、叶重和鞭系重资料,研究竹林生物量和生产力,并建立回归数学模型为:茎重Ws=160.942+0.227(D2NH) p<0.001 枝条重WB=76.008+0.039(D2NH) p<0.001 叶重WL=80.643+0.051(D2NH) p<0.001 鞭系重WR=285.554+0.074(D2NH) p<0.001由方程估测出天然糙花箭竹林的各器官干重分别为茎7.558,枝条1.782,叶2.143,鞭系4.795t/ha。总生物量为16.278t/ha,平均净生产量为3.256t/ha。  相似文献   

植物的资源分配模式反映了对环境的生态适应对策。2007年整个生长季, 采用生物量法对腾格里沙漠东南缘固沙植被区半灌木油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)地上部分各器官的生长及资源分配格局动态进行了研究。结果表明: 不同时期各器官的生长速率不同, 光合产物在各器官中的分配也不是等量的, 而是按一定的顺序在不同时期有不同的分配中心; 2007年油蒿的营养生长、繁殖输出、生殖枝大小都显著大于年降水量不足其一半的年份, 而繁殖分配和头状花序大小没有差异; 营养器官生物量大的油蒿总的繁殖输出也大, 但生殖期内营养生长和生殖生长既不同时也不等速, 表明资源分配的权衡(Trade-off)是存在的; 固沙植被建立以后, 随着时间延长, 油蒿的当年总生物量、繁殖输出、繁殖器官生物量分配有减小的趋势, 但不显著。  相似文献   

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