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Observations of the habitats and relative flowering of a Clarkia species with hairy flower buds and several with hairless flower buds led to the hypothesis that long hairs on flower buds regulate bud temperature. This hypothesis predicts that hairless buds would be warmer and develop faster than hairy buds, which would be cooler, develop more slowly, and avoid high temperature stress. The hypothesis was tested by comparing flower bud growth rates and temperatures in three genetically similar biotypes of Clarkia unguiculata and in all six species of section Phaeostoma. Flower buds of the three biotypes included hairy (HY) and hairless (HN) from the same coastal population and densely hairy (HD) from an interior locality. The six species included C. unguiculata with densely hairy buds (HD) and five related species with hairless buds. Contrary to expectations, HY buds grew more rapidly than HN buds. HD buds grew more rapidly than either and also more rapidly than the hairless buds of five related species. Again contrary to expectations, the three biotypes of C. unguiculata had equivalent temperature relations, with bud temperatures mostly somewhat below air temperatures. In a comparative experiment, bud temperatures in C. unguiculata approximated air temperatures while bud temperatures in five related species mostly fell well below air temperatures. Thus, predictions of the hypothesis were not borne out. Long bud hairs apparently have minimal effect on bud growth rates and temperatures, and we conclude that physiological adaptations are more important. Bud cooling mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

Snow , Richard . (U. California, Davis.) Cytogenetic studies in Clarkia, section Primigenia. I. A cytological survey of Clarkia amoena. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(4): 337–348. Illus. 1963.—Clarkia amoena (2n = 14) shows great cytological diversity based on reciprocal translocations. About ½ the plants sampled were heterozygotes; in 2 of the subspecies the frequency was as high as ⅔. The metaphase configurations were varied, including rings of 4, 6, 8, 4 + 4, 6 + 4, and more unusual types forming a chain of 3 + a univalent or a chain of 4 + a univalent. The latter have only 13 chromosomes but are not true monosomies. Some plants with supernumerary chromosomes were found, in addition to a plant with only 12 chromosomes which was derived from a “monosomic” type. From crosses of various homozygous lines to a standard strain, it was found that the standard end arrangement of chromosomes occurs widely and commonly throughout the species. A minimum of 7 different end arrangements, giving a ring of 4 with the standard strain, and 1 giving a ring of 6, account for the chromosome pairing found in interstrain crosses. No doubt more would be found with further testing. Some of the translocations may be components of adaptive polymorphic systems, though there is no proof of this yet. No balanced lethal systems similar to those in the closely related genus Oenothera were found.  相似文献   

This article studies evolutionary game dynamics in Wright's infinite island model. I study a general n×n matrix game and derive a basic equation that describes the change in frequency of strategies. A close observation of this equation reveals that three distinct effects are at work: direct benefit to a focal individual, kin‐selected indirect benefit to the focal individual via its relatives, and the cost caused by increased kin competition in the focal individual's natal deme. Crucial parameters are the coefficient of relatedness between two individuals and its analogue for three individuals. I provide a number of examples and show when the traditional inclusive fitness measure is recovered and when not. Results demonstrate how evolutionary game theory fits into the framework of kin selection.  相似文献   

It has been assumed that herbivores constitute a selective agent for the evolution of plant resistance. However, few studies have tested this hypothesis. In this study, we look at the annual weed Datura stramonium for evidence of current natural selection for resistance to herbivorous insects. Paternal half-sib families obtained through controlled crosses were exposed to herbivores under natural conditions. The plants were damaged by two folivorous insects: the tobacco flea beetle Epitrix parvula and the grasshopper Sphenarium purpurascens. Selection was estimated using a multiple-regression analysis of plant size and of damage by the two herbivores on plant fitness measured as fruit production for both individual phenotypes and family breeding values (genetic analysis). Directional phenotypic selection was detected for both larger plant size and lower resistance to the flea beetles, whereas stabilizing phenotypic selection was revealed for resistance to S. purpurascens. However, performing the same analyses on the breeding values of the characters revealed directional and stabilizing selection only for plant size. Thus, no agreement existed between the results of the two types of analyses, nor was there any detectable potential for genetic change in the studied population because of selection on herbivore resistance. The narrow-sense heritability of every trait studied was small (all <0.1) and not different from zero. The potential for evolutionary response to natural selection for higher resistance to herbivores in the studied population of D. stramonium is probably limited by lack of genetic variation. Natural selection acts on phenotypes, and the detection of phenotypic selection on resistance to herbivores confirms their ecological importance in determining plant fitness. However, evolutionary inferences based solely on phenotypic selection analyses must be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   

This study investigated fertility selection on a flower petal pigmentation polymorphism in Clarkia gracilis ssp. sonomensis. Natural populations are typically composed of nearly 100% spotted-petal plants, although rare populations contain a majority of unspotted plants. I compared fitness values for the two morphs using a simple fertility model to estimate selection for experimental arrays of plants placed into existing populations of different phenotypic frequencies. Both male and female reproductive success were estimated as well as the pattern of mating among phenotypes. Although the separate fitness components varied from no differences to a strong advantage for spotted plants, for every situation the selection calculations predicted an increase in the frequency of the spotted allele. Pollinator behavior and postpollination mechanisms may be responsible for the fitness differences. The apparent inability of the unspotted allele to spread though most natural populations is consistent with its selective disadvantage in this study.  相似文献   

Clarkia arcuata and C. lassenensis are the 2 members of the subsection Flexicaules. Although closely related morphologically, they show very different patterns of chromosomal variability in nature. About 25% of the plants grown from wild seed of C. arcuata, a predominantly cross-pollinating species, were heterozygous for 1 or 2 translocations; such heterozygotes were found in 5 of the 9 populations sampled. An analysis of the chromosome pairing in intraspecific crosses indicated that at least 5 different translocations giving a ring of 4 with the “standard” strain, 2 giving a ring of 6, and 2 giving a ring of 8 are present in nature. No arrangement was found with widespread distribution, and it is impossible to say at present what might be the primitive arrangement of this species. One population was found to contain an inversion, a rearrangement which is very rare in Clarkia at the intraspecific level. In C. lassenensis, a predominantly self-pollinating species, only 6% (3 plants) of a sample of 53 were translocation heterozygotes, and these heterozygotes were found in only 2 of 13 populations. Intraspecific crosses indicated that one chromosome arrangement, the “standard,” was present throughout the species range.  相似文献   

The pattern of selection acting in nature on the chromosomal polymorphism of the cactophilic species Drosophila buzzatii was investigated by comparing inversion and karyotypic frequencies through four different life-cycle stages: adult males, eggs, third-instar larvae, and immature adults. All population samples were obtained in June 1981 at an old Opuntia ficus-indica plantation near Carboneras, Spain. The analysis rests on several assumptions which are explicitly set forth and discussed. The results, if these assumptions prove true, indicate strong directional selection for larval viability acting on the second-chromosome karyotypes and also suggest selective differences in fecundity and longevity. Heterotic selection, however, cannot be ruled out for other fitness components such as male mating success. This kind of selection could be operating on the fourth-chromosome polymorphism as well. Some gene arrangements showed significant and opposite changes in frequency at different parts of the life cycle, thus demonstrating endocyclic selection.  相似文献   

The magnitude and direction of phenotypic selection on emergence date and seedling size in Erigeron annuus was measured to determine the heterogeneity of selection among sites and the proportion of fitness variance explained by seedling size and emergence date. Three disturbance treatments (open, annual vegetation, perennial vegetation) were imposed to test the hypothesis of stronger selection on seedlings in competitive environments. Selection was most heterogeneous early in the life cycle, with significant spatial heterogeneity in the magnitude of selection on a local scale. The disturbance treatments affected only fecundity selection gradients and selection was strongest in open plots. Significant variation in the sign of selection differentials on emergence date was observed for establishment and fall viability selection episodes; at later stages selection varied in magnitude but not direction. Seedlings in the earliest cohort experienced high mortality during establishment, but increased size and fecundity later in the life cycle. Both stabilizing and disruptive selection on emergence date were observed during establishment, but in general selection was purely directional. At Stony Brook most selection on emergence date operated indirectly through seedling size, whereas at the Weld Preserve direct selection was stronger. There were persistent effects of both seedling emergence date and rosette diameter on adult fitness components, and October rosette diameter explained 18% of the total phenotypic variance in fecundity. Overall, viability fitness components were much more important than fecundity selection. Winter survivorship was the single most important episode of selection.  相似文献   

Under habitat selection, mobile foragers may not only possess behavioral flexibility that allows them to utilize habitats selectively or opportunistically, but they may also possess heritable traits that influence their performance within each habitat. A game theoretic model is developed that investigates this evolutionary dimension of habitat selection. The model follows that of Rosenzweig (1987b) and considers a patchy environment containing two distinct habitat types. Behaviorally, foragers may be selective or opportunistic; morphologically, foragers possess traits that represent a trade-off between performance in the two habitat types. Depending on the environment's structure, one of three types of communities emerges as the ESS: (1) a single generalist species that behaves opportunistically, (2) two species that are extreme specialists on habitat 1 and 2, respectively; behaviorally, these species are selective on their respective habitat types, and (3) one generalist species that behaves opportunistically and one specialist species that behaves selectively on its preferred habitat. Community (1) emerges when habitat selection is costly, community (2) emerges when habitat selection is cost-free, and community (3) emerges when the relative abundances or productivities of the two habitat types are lopsided.  相似文献   

Clarkia gracilis (2n = 28) is an allotetraploid which combines genomes from two subsections of section Primigenia. Natural populations consist of plants homozygous for a single chromosome arrangement, which may differ from the arrangements in other populations by one or more reciprocal translocations. One arrangement, the “standard,” was widespread. Cytological observations on plants derived from crosses between populations of C. gracilis, and on triploid plants derived from crosses with C. amoena subsp. huntiana, one of the parents of the tetraploid, were used to determine the end arrangements present. Ten arrangements were identified, and it was found that the standard amoena subgenome of C. gracilis is identical in end arrangement to the previously defined standard arrangement of the diploid C. amoena. Hence a race of C. amoena with this arrangement was involved in the hybridization which gave rise to C. gracilis. Evidence was found that other arrangements of C. amoena have probably been introduced into C. gracilis by subsequent introgressive hybridization. Cytological differences, coupled with differences in morphology, ecology, and distribution indicate that C. gracilis should be subdivided into four subspecies instead of the three presently recognized.  相似文献   

Self-fertilization is a common form of reproduction in plants and it has important implications for quantitative trait evolution. Here, I present a model of selection on quantitative traits that can accommodate any level of self-fertilization. The “structured linear model” (SLM) predicts the evolution of the mean phenotype as a function of three distinct quantities: the mean additive genetic value, the directional dominance, and the mean inbreeding coefficient. Stochastic simulations of truncation selection demonstrate the accuracy of the SLM in predicting changes in the mean and variance of a quantitative trait over the full range of selfing rates. They also illustrate how complex interactions between selection and mating system determine the population distribution of inbreeding coefficients and also the amount of linkage disequilibrium. Changes in the genetic variance due to linkage disequilibria, which are commonly referred to as the “Bulmer effect,” are greatly magnified by selfing. This complicates the relationship between selfing rate and response to selection. Like the random mating theory, the parameters of the SLM can be estimated from phenotypic data.  相似文献   

Abstract The reasons that sex and recombination are so widespread remain elusive. One popular hypothesis is that sex and recombination promote adaptation to a changing environment. The strongest evidence that increased recombination may evolve because recombination promotes adaptation comes from artificially selected populations. Recombination rates have been found to increase as a correlated response to selection on traits unrelated to recombination in several artificial selection experiments and in a comparison of domesticated and nondomesticated mammals. There are, however, several alternative explanations for the increase in recombination in such populations, including two different evolutionary explanations. The first is that the form of selection is epistatic, generating linkage disequilibria among selected loci, which can indirectly favor modifier alleles that increase recombination. The second is that random genetic drift in selected populations tends to generate disequilibria such that beneficial alleles are often found in different individuals; modifier alleles that increase recombination can bring together such favorable alleles and thus may be found in individuals with greater fitness. In this paper, we compare the evolutionary forces acting on recombination in finite populations subject to strong selection. To our surprise, we found that drift accounted for the majority of selection for increased recombination observed in simulations of small to moderately large populations, suggesting that, unless selected populations are large, epistasis plays a secondary role in the evolution of recombination.  相似文献   

Snow , Richard . (U. California, Davis.) Chromosomal differentiation in Clarkia dudleyana. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47 (4) : 302—309. Illus. 1960.—Clarkia dudleyana (n=9) is a common, colonial annual of the early-summer California flora. Of 275 individuals, derived from 9 natural populations and their garden-grown representatives, 17.1% were heterozygous for reciprocal translocations. Supernumerary chromosomes were also found in about 2% of the plants examined. The translocation heterozygotes are not distributed regularly over the species range but are concentrated near the geographical center of distribution. Most of the populations contained none or only a few heterozygotes, but in one colony 69% of 42 plants sampled were heterozygous. Judging from the meiotic metaphase associations observed, at least 5 different chromosome arrangements are present at this locality. Hybrids between colonies have invariably been translocation heterozygotes, the largest association found in such hybrids being a chain of all 18 chromosomes (a potential ring of 18). No correlation is evident between geographical separation and degree of cytological differentiation. Heterozygotes with smaller rings of 4 or 6 chromosomes, whether from natural populations or resulting from interpopulation hybridization, are highly fertile owing to the regular alternate disjunction of the chromosomes of the rings. In the larger rings of 12 to 18 chromosomes, derived from interpopulation crosses, segregation is much more irregular and leads to high sterility. It is possible that at least in some localities the heterozygotes enjoy a selective advantage over their homozygous sibs. It is also postulated that homozygosity for a particular chromosome arrangement may be selectively favored in a certain habitat, as a result of a position effect attendant upon placing formerly non-linked genes in the same linkage group through reciprocal translocation. The high degree of chromosomal differentiation between some populations of this species suggests that the complex heterozygotes of Oenothera have arisen as a result of hybridization of cytologically differentiated races.  相似文献   

The patterns of genetic correlations between a series of eye and antenna characters were compared among two sets of spring-dwelling and cave-dwelling populations of Gammarus minus. The two sets of populations originate from different drainages and represent two separate invasions of cave habitats from surface-dwelling populations. Matrix correlations, using permutation tests, indicated significant correlations both between populations in the same basin and from the same habitat. The technique of biplot, which allows for the simultaneous consideration of relationships between different genetic correlations and different populations, was used to further analyze the correlation structure. A rank-3 biplot indicated that spring and cave populations were largely differentiated by eye-antennal correlations, whereas basins were differentiated by both eye-antennal and antennal-antennal correlations. Eye-antennal correlations, which are likely to be subject to selection, were most similar within habitats, which are likely to have similar selective regimes.  相似文献   

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