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Seasonal patterns of leaf photosynthetic capacity and conductance were determined for deciduous hardwood tree species in natural habitats in northern lower Michigan. Leaves of bigtooth aspen and red oak at the top of the canopy had higher maximum CO2 Exchange Rate (CER) (10–15 μmol m 2 s 1) than leaves of sugar maple, red maple, red oak, and beech growing in the understory (4–5 μmol m 2 s 1). In all leaves, CER measured at light-saturation increased to a maximum near the completion of leaf expansion in early June, was constant until mid-September, and then rapidly declined until leaf death. A similar pattern was seen for CER measured in low light (1.5% full sun). Respiration rate in the dark was highest in young leaves and decreased during leaf expansion; a relatively constant rate was then maintained for the rest of leaf lifespan. The seasonal pattern of the initial slope of the light response of CER paralleled the pattern of light-saturated CER. The initial slope in midsummer ranged from values of 37 to 44 μmol/mol for species in the understory to 51 and 56 μmol/mol for red oak and bigtooth aspen, respectively, at the top of the canopy. Leaf conductance was constant throughout most of leaf lifespan, with some decline occurring in autumn. Leaves at the top of the canopy had higher conductances for water vapor (2–5 mm/s) than leaves in the understory (1–2 mm/s). All species maintained leaf intercellular CO, mole fractions (c,) near 200 uML/L until autumn, when c, increased during leaf senescence.  相似文献   

Seasonal trends in five traits of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) and yellow birch (Betula allegheniensis Britt.) leaves thought to influence feeding by herbivores were measured from 17 May through 19 September, 1979. Total nitrogen and water contents declined and toughness increased through the growth season. These seasonal changes were more pronounced in sugar maple than in yellow birch. Total polyphenol contents and tanning coefficients of leaf extracts from both species reached a season high by the end of May and changed very little after that date; these patterns differ from those reported by several other investigators. Sugar maple leaf extracts exhibited much higher tanning coefficients than did those of yellow birch, a finding which is consistent with current plant defense theory. Significant differences in total polyphenol content and tanning coefficients were found between individual trees in yellow birch, but not sugar maple. The relationship between successional status, leaf quality traits, and variability in these traits in forest trees is discussed.  相似文献   

I describe patterns of sex allocation and gamete packaging in the andromonoecious lily Zigadenus paniculatus. In this species, pistil length was continuously, but bimodally, distributed within plants, and smaller pistils contained fewer mature ovules. In hermaphrodite flowers, ovule number per flower increased with blooming rank in small plants but decreased with blooming rank in large plants. Flowers with pistils less than three-fourths stamen length almost never produced fruits and were classified as males. The pedicel, tepals, stamens, and pistil of hermaphrodite flowers were all heavier than those of males. Hermaphrodite flowers were concentrated on the terminal raceme, males on the lower racemes. In combination with acropetal blooming, this spatial separation of flower types resulted in a seasonal decline in the proportion of open flowers that were hermaphrodite. However, individual flowers were protandrous, so that the population sex ratio, initially strongly male-biased, declined as the season progressed. Hand pollinations showed that plants were self-incompatible. Inflorescence size was positively correlated with bulb size, and plants with large inflorescences had a higher proportion of male flowers. Nutrient supplementation had no effect on inflorescence size, but increased the proportion of hermaphrodite flowers. Nutrient-supplemented plants also began blooming earlier than controls. I discuss these patterns in relation to the adaptive significance of andromonoecious breeding systems.  相似文献   

典型养殖湖泊大通湖软体动物的时空分布格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究于 2008 年 12 月至 2009 年 10 月按季度对大通湖水质及软体动物资源监测, 并通过纵向比较, 探讨了集约化养殖对大通湖水域环境及软体动物群落的影响, 以期为其渔业可持续发展提供理论依据。结果显示, 大通湖水质全年呈碱性 (8.62 0.07), 具有较高的还原性 (-88.40 9.10) mv, 属富营养水体。软体动物共计 5 科 15 种, 梨形环棱螺(Bellamya purificata)、河蚬(Corbicula fluminea)和圆顶珠蚌(Unio doug lasiae)是主要优势种。软体动物平均密度和生物量具有明显的时空差异, 时间上呈现由春夏季到秋冬季逐渐升高的趋势, 空间上整体呈现由东北向西南逐渐递减的趋势。典范对应分析表明氧化还原电位、pH、溶氧、水深、电导率和水温与大通湖软体动物时空变化的关系最显著。与 1960 年相比, 大通湖水体碱性显著增强 (7.0-7.5 vs 8.4-8.8), 电导率增加了 9 倍 (0.25-0.27 vs 2.17-2.56 mS/cm), 环境类型由氧化型转变为还原型。湖区喜好水草 (白旋螺、光亮隔扁螺、萝卜螺) 与流水生境 (德氏狭口螺、湖沼股蛤、橄榄蛏蚌) 的物种消失, 软体动物优势种群呈现由双壳类向腹足类演替的特征。生境破坏和过度捕捞是大通湖软体动物资源面临的最大威胁, 也是湖区渔业可持续发展所面临的核心问题。    相似文献   

淮北相山恢复演替群落优势树种叶片的生态解剖   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
对淮北相山混交林5个优势种叶片的生态解剖学观察表明,其叶片结构具有一定的旱生特征:表皮具发达的表皮毛或角质层,全栅等面叶或具发达的栅栏组织,维管组织发达。牡荆(Vitex negundo var. cannabifolia)和酸枣(Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa)作为两个广布优势树种,叶片结构表现出很大的可塑性:1)同一群落环境(混交林)中,叶片结构随着季节的变化表现出发育可塑性(5月初的叶片比9月中旬更具有阳生叶的特点);2)不同恢复演替阶段的群落中,叶片结构随着群落环境的变化表现出环境可塑性,其变化趋势为:灌草丛(旱生/阳生)-灌丛(旱生/阳生)-落叶疏林(中生/阳生)-人工侧柏(Platycladus orientalis)林(中生/阴生)。这种可塑性既是植物适应其异质生境的一种重要机制,同时又是不同群落环境的反映。非参数相关分析表明,牡荆和酸枣的叶片结构受多个生态因子综合影响,其中水分和风速是影响叶片结构的主导因子。叶片的上表皮角质层厚度、气孔器密度、栅栏组织厚度、叶片厚度、木质部厚度、韧皮部厚度、维管束厚度等性状均与土壤含水量和空气相对湿度呈显著负相关,与风速呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

Boshoff, A.F., Palmer, N.G. & Piper, S.E. 1991. Spatial and temporal abundance patterns of water-birds in the southern Cape Province. Part 2: Waterfowl. Ostrich 62:178-196.

Waterfowl (ducks, geese, moorhens, gallinules, coot) were counted, and water-level and water transparency measured, on a monthly basis from 1980 to 1983 or 1984, at the six waterbodies comprising the Wilderness-Sedgefield Lakes Complex, southern Cape Province. The fluctuating status of the submerged aquatic macrophytes, and the trophic status of the waterbodies, was documented. The counts reflect the monthly status o the birds, and allow the calculation of densities (birds/ha). Linear and logarithmic models aided the interpretation of the count data. Spatial and temporal patterns and trends are described, and discussed in relation to changes in water-level, water transparency and aquatic macrophyte biomass regimes in the study area. Cyclical fluctuation in Potamogeton pectinatus biomass, and Its effect on Red-knobbed Coot numbers, is emphasised. The monthly abundance peaks of some species occurred at water-bodies in a regular sequence each year.  相似文献   

三个马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum L.)品种在500、1000、1500、2000μmol·mol~(-1)CO_2浓度与16、20℃空气温度下生长35d,测定了植株叶片的比叶重(g·m~(-2))、淀粉浓度及主要养分N、P、K、Ca、Mg的浓度。在16℃和20℃下,叶片淀粉浓度随CO_2浓度的增加而增加,且16℃下的测定值高于20℃下的测定值。比叶重与以叶面积或干重为基础的叶片淀粉浓度成正相关。叶片N、P、Ca、Mg浓度与14%范围内的淀粉浓度成负相关,但与高于14%的淀粉浓度无明显关系。去除淀粉效应后的比叶重及叶片养分浓度呈现类似的变化趋势。然而,不同CO_2浓度下的叶片K浓度相对稳定,因此受淀粉浓度影响较小。研究结果表明,不同CO_2浓度与温度条件下马铃薯叶片的比叶重及N、P、Ca、Mg浓度的变化不完全是叶片淀粉浓度的变化所致。  相似文献   

南亚热带常绿阔叶林几个树种的种子萌发和幼苗发育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
南亚热带常绿阔叶林树种光叶红豆(Orm osia glaberrim a Wu)、扁斗青冈(Quercus huiChun)、罗浮柿(Diospyros morrisiana Hance)和阳性速生树种木蝴蝶(Oroxylum indicum (L.)Vent.)、香椿(Toona sinensis (A. Tuss.) Roem .)和泡桐(Paulow nia fortunei(Seem .) Hem -sl.)的种子中,除光叶红豆外都为迅速萌发,处理2—3 d 便开始萌发,2—4周萌发完全。光叶红豆因种皮特性而延迟萌发,切破种皮即能迅速萌发。速生树种的萌发较快。森林树种和阳性速生树种木蝴蝶、香椿在光、暗下均能萌发,种子微小的速生树种泡桐则几乎只在光下萌发。种子萌发过程中吸水显示出3个阶段,不同种有所不同。幼苗的形态可能和耐阴性和生长速度有关。在暗中,光叶红豆能形成正常的叶,植株不徒长,其它种不能形成正常的幼苗,植株徒长,不形成叶子(或仅有黄色的子叶)。森林树种的幼苗生长较慢。  相似文献   

The distribution of genetic variance within and among socially interacting groups, often quantified as the average relatedness or r?, is an important determinant of the evolution of social behaviors. Models of social evolution often treat this average as a constant characteristic of a species. In this paper, we present data documenting the degree of temporal and spatial variation in the average relatedness of larval groups of imported willow leaf beetles, a species whose immatures display several primitive social behaviors. Collections of groups were made over three generations at three localities in Virginia and three localities in Illinois. Average relatedness was estimated from the distribution of electrophoretically determined genotypic frequencies within and among groups for each collection. Average relatedness ranged from 0.20 at one locality in Illinois to 0.65 at one locality in Virginia. Individual cases of pairwise differences between samples indicated that there were both temporal and locality effects. Further, statistical analysis showed the set of relatedness values to be heterogeneous with significant locality effects. Geographic genetic variance was also partitioned among trees sampled within localities in Illinois, among localities within each state, and between states. Notably, significant gene-frequency variation among groups of beetles occupying closely spaced trees was detected at several localities.  相似文献   

Boshoff, A.F., Palmer, N.G. & Piper, S.E. 1991. Spatial and temporal abundance patterns of water-birds in the southern Cape Province. Part 3: Wading birds. Ostrich 62:197-214.

Wading birds (herons, egrets, spoonbills, flamingoes and waders) were counted, and water-level and water transparency measured, on a monthly basis from 1980 to 1983 or 1984, at the six waterbodies comprising the Wilderness-Sedgefield Lakes Complex, southern Cape Province. The fluctuating status of the submerged aquatic macrophytes, and the trophic status of the waterbodies, was documented. The counts reflect the monthly status of the birds, and allow the calculation of densities (birds/ha). Linear and logarithmic models aided the interpretation of the count data. Spatial and temporal patterns and trends are described, and discussed in relation to changes in water-level, water transparency and aquatic macrophyte biomass regimes in the study area. Water-level was an important environmental parameter and was generally negatively correlated with abundance.  相似文献   

Boshoff, A.F., Palmer, N.G. & Piper, S.E. 1991. Spatial and temporal abundance patterns of water-birds in the southern Cape Province. Part 1: Diving and surface predators. Ostrich 62:156-177.

Diving and surface feeding waterbirds (grebes, cormorants, gulls, terns, kingfishers) were counted, and water-level and water transparency measured, on a monthly basis from 1980 to 1983 or 1984, at the six waterbodies comprising the Wilderness-Sedgefield Lakes Complex, southern Cape Province. The fluctuating status of the submerged aquatic macrophytes, and the trophic status of the waterbodies was documented. The counts were considered to be reasonably accurate, allowing the calculation of densities (birds/ha). Spatial and temporal patterns and trends are described and discussed; linear and logarithmic models aided the interpretation of the data. Some species exhibited significant correlations with water-level and/or water transparency, and some exhibited abundance peaks at the waterbodies in a regular monthly sequence. Possible reasons for these phenomena are discussed.  相似文献   

The spatial patterning of and competition between established large-toothed aspen (Populus grandidentata) and invading white pine (Pinus strobus) were examined in a 65-yr-old forest system at the AuSable Trails Institute of Environmental Studies, Kalkaska County, Michigan. Density, diameter, and distance measures were recorded for tree species on two 40 × 40 m grids containing 64 quadrats each 5 × 5 m. Several indices of dispersion were used to assess pattern and regression analysis of nearest neighbor distance to tree diameter provided an index of competition. The results indicate strong aggregation for both aspen and pine on a large scale, but regularity of pattern for pines in relation to their nearest neighbor. This regularity appears to be due to competition with established aspens and suggests that the spatial patterning of the aspens acts to control the spacing and subsequent development of the invading white pines.  相似文献   

千烟洲针叶林的比叶面积及叶面积指数   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
根据实测数据计算了湿地松(Pinus elliotii)、马尾松(P. massoniana) 和杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)不同年龄、不同类型叶片的生物量和比叶面积,并结合样地调查数据和相对生长方程计算了中国科学院千烟洲试验站20年生湿地松林、马尾松林、杉木林和针叶混交林的叶面积指数。根据拟合结果,选择如下方程计算3个树种的叶生物量:湿地松W=12.074 1D2.151 5、马尾松W=6.972 7D2.197 3和杉木W=5.261 9D2.302 7。湿地松林的叶生物量(0.822 kg·m-2)最大,其次为针叶混交林(0.679 kg·m-2),马尾松林和杉木林相差不大(分别为林0.528和0.572 kg·m-2)。不同树种、不同年龄、不同类型叶片的比叶面积比较发现,新叶的比叶面积大于老叶,三针一束叶的比叶面积略大于两针一束叶,马尾松的平均半比表面积(8.62 m2·kg-1)大于湿地松(6.04 m2·kg-1)和杉木(7.91 m2·kg-1)。胸径与单木叶片半表面积之间的经验方程为:湿地松LA=0.073D2.151 5、马尾松LA=0.060D2.197 3和杉木LA=0.042D2.302 7。据此计算湿地松林的叶面积指数为5.03,马尾松林和杉木林为4.31,针叶混交林为4.77,该结果比利用CI-110植被冠层数字图像仪测得的结果偏大。  相似文献   

R. B. Payne  N. J. Skinner 《Ibis》1970,112(2):173-183
Four species of African barbets ( Lybius torquatus, L. vieilloti, Trachyphonus darnaudii , and T. erythrocephalus ) regularly sing in duet. Duets consist of phrases repeated at very regular intervals; in L. torquatus and L. vieilloti the standard deviation is less than a tenth of the mean interval between duet motifs. Sound spectrographic analysis of the songs indicates that an internal rhythmic behaviour pattern determines in large part the temporal features of the duet in these barbets:(1) one member of a pair of L. torquatus continues to call in rhythm even though its mate may call irregularly, (2) in the other three species the calling rhythm of each of the two mates is different, especially in L. vieilloti where the ratio of the periodicity of calling of the two birds averages 1:1.52 and where one bird continues to call at the same rate when its mate ceases to call, and (3) several non-duetting African barbets have regular calling periodicities, some with greater precision than in the duetting barbets and some with less. In the barbets the temporal pattern of duets appears to be in greater degree determined by individual calling rhythms (as in some non-duetting barbets) than by the auditory reaction time involved in a bird responding to its mate. Duetting in barbets probably functions both in maintenance of a pair bond and in territorial advertisement.  相似文献   

森林降水酸度及电导率的时空变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在离大气污染源距离不同的两片杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)人工林中建立监测场,对降水化学进行了为期3年(1994~1996)的定位监测。降水通过林冠截留后,其酸度和电导率均明显增加,尤以树干径流为显著。在 FFC监测场,降雨、穿透雨和树干径流雨量加权平均pH值分别为6.13、6.06和4.18,在XQF监测场,其相应的数值分别为5.86、5.67和3.37;降雨和穿透雨的酸度表现出一定的季节变化动态,其最低月均pH值出现在夏委,最高值在冬季。在FFC监测场,降雨、穿透雨和树干径流雨量加权平均EC值分别为28.51μs·cm-1、63.71μs·cm-1、240.85μs·cm-1,在XQF监测场,其相应的数值分别为36.99μs·cm-1、66.41μs·cm-1、501.85μs·cm-1:降水电导率表现出显著一致的季节变化格局,其月均值均以夏季最低,冬季最高,春秋季居中,这种格局强烈受降雨量的影响。离污染源较近的XQF监测场,降水酸度和电导率明显高于相对未受污染的FFC监测场。  相似文献   

天然次生林中水曲柳种子库的空间格局与过程   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
 研究土壤种子库的空间格局与过程是认识林木更新的基础。应用地统计学方法定量分析了东北林业大学帽儿山实验林场天然次生林中土壤种子库水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshurica)种子的统计特征、空间格局、尺度和格局的变化过程。结果表明,落种后水曲柳种子库的平均密度有很大变幅(5.8~105个·m-2),平均年削减率为91.6%~92.7%,5~8月的削减率高达98%以上。变异函数分析及理论模型拟合显示,一年之内种子库的空间格局强度及尺度变化非常明显。种子雨可形成较强的异质性格局,空间自相关尺度较大,为36.  相似文献   

为探明浙北近岸典型岛礁瓦氏马尾藻(Sargassum vachellianum)的空间分布格局, 于2016年5月底至6月初, 分别采用走航观察和水下样方法, 对按离岸距离远近的3条岛礁带上12个岛礁瓦氏马尾藻成藻时期的分布特征进行了调查, 并从不同空间尺度比较分析了3条岛礁带上瓦氏马尾藻在水平和垂直分布上的差异。结果表明: (1)在地区尺度上, 高浊度和高波浪能的水域环境限制了瓦氏马尾藻的分布与生长, 导致浙北近岸的瓦氏马尾藻仅分布在第二条岛礁带这一狭窄的分布带上。依据瓦氏马尾藻最低适宜生长水温要高于10 ℃的特性, 我们可以推断出舟山群岛的绿华岛可能是我国特有种瓦氏马尾藻分布的最北部端线。(2)在站点尺度上, 岛礁东南向瓦氏马尾藻定生密度明显低于西北向, 这与调查站位所受风浪影响的方位和强度相一致。在第二岛礁带上的4个岛礁北向瓦氏马尾藻的平均株高仅为26.3 cm, 说明瓦氏马尾藻不适宜在高波浪能生境中生存。(3)在站点尺度内, 第二岛礁带上浊度最低的北渔山岛瓦氏马尾藻有较大的垂直分布范围, 且定生深度达到了6.4 m, 而浊度高的近岸岛礁瓦氏马尾藻垂直分布范围较小。瓦氏马尾藻株高随着水深的增加而逐渐降低, 由此推测, 瓦氏马尾藻虽不能耐受强光, 但光照对瓦氏马尾藻的分布生长起重要作用。与同海区铜藻的垂直分布格局相比, 瓦氏马尾藻具有一定适应高浊度、高沉积物环境的能力。因此, 在浙北近岸海域瓦氏马尾藻是较适合进行生态移植修复的种类。  相似文献   

Sugar maple seeds were collected from populations spaced along two altitudinal gradients in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. When grown in a uniform environment, progeny of stands less than 0.8 km apart differed significantly in photosynthesis, respiration, and leaf characteristics, despite a lack of physical barriers to gene migration. Sugar maple is a long-lived (200–300 yr) species with continuous distribution, but adaptive adjustment along the altitudinal gradient has occurred in only 8,000 yr, the time since colonization of the White Mountains in the wake of glacial melting. Photosynthesis was highest in progeny from high-altitude populations, representing the species' ecological margin. High-altitude populations also had the lowest specific leaf weight (SWL), the ratio of leaf weight to leaf area, providing a highly cost-effective photosynthetic system, probably the result of natural selection in a short growing season. Respiration rates were also highest in populations native to high altitudes and constitute the cost of maintaining the photosynthetic machinery at high capacity. Photosynthesis tended toward a minimum and SLW to a maximum at mid-elevations. There were parallel patterns on both gradients, suggesting parallel evolution. There were no differences among sugar maple populations in photosynthetic response to temperature, in contrast to observations on balsam fir in the same locality.  相似文献   

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