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This study explores the effects of emergence time and reproductive phenology on seed number, seed size, and seedling survival in a population of the alpine buttercup, Ranunculus adoneus. Phenology in this snow bowl population is structured by snow depth. Plants in late melting interior portions of the bowl emerged and flowered 3 to 4 wk after those in early melting zones at the bowl perimeter during the summers of 1988 and 1989. Flowering time differences of buttercups across the bowl were consistent from one year to the next. In 1988, late flowering plants tended to set fewer seeds than early flowering ones; in 1989 no decrease in seed number accompanied flowering date. Path analysis showed that equal fecundity in early and late emerging portions of the bowl population during 1989 resulted from balancing spatial and temporal constraints on seed production. Spatial aspects of habitat quality improved toward the interior of the bowl, but temporal regimes deteriorated in these late melting sites. In both 1988 and 1989 seed size declined with delays in flowering. Path analysis of 1989 data showed that because of reduced time for seed growth, plants in late melting portions of the bowl set smaller seeds than those in earlier melting zones. Differences in seed size due to parental phenology are likely to influence fitness in snow buttercups. Under natural conditions, seedlings from large seeds (>;0.65 mg) have sixfold higher survival than do those from smaller seeds (<;0.65 mg). We conclude that seedling recruitment may be infrequent in late-melting portions of the snow bowl due to delayed parental phenology.  相似文献   

We compared breeding systems, inbreeding depression, and pollination limitation between two populations of Kalmia latifolia in Virginia and Rhode Island. Plants were autogamous in Virginia but not Rhode Island. Although autogamy with selling is hypothesized to reduce levels of inbreeding depression, both populations showed similarly high inbreeding depression manifested as reduced fruit set. Autogamy may be uncorrelated with selling rate because autogamy is not obligate and because geitonogamy is likely. Autogamy in the Virginia population seems most likely to have evolved for reproductive assurance under competition for pollinator service. Fruit set was pollination limited in the Virginia population apparently because bumblebee pollinators were more attracted to a coflowering species, Vaccinium erythrocarpum.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to test whether metal tolerance expressed in pollen would provide a competitive advantage during pollen tube growth and fertilization. Copper or zinc was introduced into the pistil by growing metal tolerant plants of Silene dioica or Mimulus guttatus in a nutrient solution to which metals were added. Flowers from treated and control plants were pollinated with either metal tolerant or metal sensitive pollen. The rate of pollen tube growth, the number of seeds set, and the number of viable seeds produced were measured. In general, no effects were found on the rates of pollen tube growth. However, the number of fertilizations and viable seeds were affected. When toxic metals were present, the relative success of pollen from the nontolerant parent was reduced.  相似文献   

Delphinium nelsonii is an early-blooming herbaceous perennial of montane western North America, which we studied in dry subalpine meadows in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. We examined the effects of variation in annual snowfall between 1973 and 1989 on the timing and abundance of flowering. During years of lower snow accumulation, D. nelsonii plants experienced colder temperatures between the period of snowmelt and flowering. Also, flowering was delayed, floral production was lower, and flowering curves were more negatively skewed; damage during floral development probably occurred in years of low snowfall. If climate change results in decreased mean annual snowfall for the Rocky Mountains, then the seed production of D. nelsonii will probably be adversely affected. Decreased snowfall may also indirectly lower the seed production of later-blooming species by decreasing populations of bumblebees and hummingbirds that forage on D. nelsonii flowers. Decreased snowfall has the potential to reduce the number and relative proportions of species in the herbaceous flora in our study area.  相似文献   

There have been few field tests of the hypothesis that homozygous populations are prone to high levels of disease. I tested for a negative correlation between genetic diversity and parasitism by estimating the allozyme heterozygosity, population density, and proportion of individuals infected by Capillaria hepatica (Nematoda) in nine Michigan populations of deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus). Parasite prevalence was correlated negatively with heterozygosity when the effects of density were held constant, but was not correlated with population density after controlling for the effects of genetic diversity. These data support the prediction that inbred populations will be more susceptible to parasite infestations.  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of eight species of Nigella (Ranunculaceae) was examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The exomorphology of all species was identical: 3-colpate, spinulose, and punctate, but thin sections revealed two structural patterns. The ektexine structure of Nigella integrifolia, consisting of thickened foot layer, columellae, and thin tectum, is typical for the family as well as the order Ranunculales in general. In contrast, the remaining seven species, N. arvensis, N. damascena, N. elata, N. hispanica, N. sativa, N. segetalis, and N. stellaris, have an ektexine with an additional unit, a horizontal layer with shorter columellae, placed between the foot layer and tectum. Of all genera examined in the Ranunculaceae, only Nigella had this unusual stratification. This difference in the exine structure would add support to the treatment of N. integrifolia as a monotypic genus, Komaroffia integrifolia (Regel) Lemos Pereira.  相似文献   

I studied the sex-limited red spots on the wings of male rubyspot damselflies (Hetaerina americana) in relation to territoriality and fitness in the wild. Both observational and experimental (wing spot manipulation) studies indicated that wing spots were selected through competition among males for mating territories, not through female choice or direct competition for females. Males with naturally or artificially large wing spots were more successful at holding territories and consequently mated at higher rates than males with relatively small wing spots. In contrast, sexual selection on male body size appeared to operate among nonterritorial males at the clasping stage of the mating sequence, perhaps because larger males were better at clasping females forcibly. Of four models proposed to explain the evolution of ornaments through territory competition, only the agonistic handicap model makes predictions consistent with the results of this study.  相似文献   

Intraseasonal variation in ovule and seed production per flower and per plant of the perennial herb Thalictrum thalictroides (L.) Eames and Boivin was documented at three sites during three spring flowering seasons. Shading and pollen-addition experiments were used to assess the impact of variation in pollination and light availability on seed production. Mean seed number and percent seed set were lower in flowers open late in the season than in those open earlier. The lower percent seed set occurs primarily in flowers that are positioned laterally on the inflorescence and which open later than center flowers. Plants flowering early in the season produce more flowers, ovules and seeds than those flowering later. Mean percent seed set per plant did not change, however, indicating that temporal differences in total seed output can be traced largely to variation in total ovule number. Seed production may be limited by lack of pollination during periods of inclement weather. At least late in the season, seed output may also be resource-limited: the decline in percent seed set among flowers coincided with the decline in light availability, and hand-pollination of late-opening flowers did not increase percent seed set to earlier levels. Artificial shading led to a significant reduction in percent seed set of lateral flowers, and decreased the probability of flowering again the following year. Thus, the relative selective roles of resource and pollination limitations may vary during the flowering season.  相似文献   

Aquilegia elegantula Greene and A. caerulea James occur in montane and subalpine habitats in the southern Rocky Mountains of western North America. The red and yellow flowers of A. elegantula are nodding, odorless, protogynous, and secrete a concentrated (44%) sucrose nectar in the floral spurs. Seed set in flowers under pollinator exclosures was 12% while seed set in open-pollinated flowers was 65%. The flowers of A. elegantula are pollinated primarily by the Broad-tailed Hummingbird (Selasphorus platycercus [Swainson]) and by at least three species of pollen-foraging bumblebees, of which Bombus occidentalis Greene is the most common. The blue and white flowers of A. caerulea are erect, mildly fragrant, protandrous, and secrete a 26% sucrose nectar. Seed set in caged flowers in the field averaged 39%. in uncaged flowers 54%. The most important pollinators of A. caerulea are the crepuscular hawkmoth, Hyles (=Celerio) lineata (Fabricius) and ten species of pollen-foraging Bombus. The most abundant bumblebee species, B. occidentalis, is also a frequent nectar thief. Differences in pollination systems alone probably do not constitute an effective anti-hydridization mechanism between A. elegantula and A. caerulea, but do serve to reinforce differences in habitat and flowering time that distinguish the two species.  相似文献   

Cytophotometric studies of both mature and embryonic tissues of white ash (Fraxinus americana L.) revealed considerable variability of nuclear DNA content in this dioecious polyploid species (2n = 46, 92, 138). Triploid and pentaploid embryos may be produced, and mature individuals of these odd ploidy levels, in turn, may occur in natural populations. Polyploidy may have originated in this species through the union of unreduced gametes.  相似文献   

Pistillate Vallisneria americana produces upright vegetative axes and prostrate stolons and develops in a manner fundamentally similar to that of Limnobium spongia (Hydrocharitaceae) and certain other taxa of Alismatidae. The cauline portions of pistillate V. americana branch solely by the bifurcation of apical meristems, and their mode of branching offers clues concerning the nature of the plant body. The upright axes are interpreted to have sympodial growth, whereas at least certain stolons appear to be entirely monopodial. The upright axes are either typical vegetative axes or turions; and of these, only turions appear to survive the winter in at least one locality. Pistillate V. americana produces intravaginal squamules (multi-seriate trichomes) although they appear reduced in number relative to those in certain other hydrocharitaceous and alismatid taxa. Vallisneria americana exhibits a notable degree of mirror image symmetry which differs somewhat from that of Limnobium spongia.  相似文献   

刘建国 《植物研究》1992,12(3):235-240
本文发表了中国西北部毛莨科新资料, 即巴里坤毛莨Ranunculus balikunensis J.G.Liou, sp.nov.;髯毛蒙古白头翁Pulsatilla ambigua Turcz.ex pritz.var.barbata J.G.Liou, var.nov.。  相似文献   

对青藏高原高山冰缘地区毛茛科3种特有植物的核型进行了分析。它们的核型公式(K)、染色体相对长度组成(C.R.L.)和核型不对称系数(As.K%)分别为:青藏金莲花Troliuspumilusvar.tanguticus:K(2n)=6m+8sm(2SAT)+2st,C.R.L.=4L+4M2+4M1+4S,As.K%=63.57,核型属2B型;甘青乌头Aconitumtanguticum为K(2n)=6m+10sm,C.R.L.=4L+8M1+4S,As.K%=62.54,2B型;单花翠雀花Delphiniumcandelabrumvar.monanthum为K(2n)=6m+8sm+2st,C.R.L.=4L+4M2+4M1+6S,As.K%=64.34,属3B型。经同相关近缘种核型资料比较,青藏金莲花核型不对称性和进化程度比金莲花T.chinensis低;甘青乌头的核型不对称性和进化程度在其近缘类群(乌头组Sect.Aconitum)已报道的种之内最低;单花翠雀花核型不对称性和进化水平比翠雀组(Sect.Delphinastrum)已报道的展毛翠雀花D.kamaoensevar.glabrescens、  相似文献   

A chromosome count of 2n =48 is reported for Oreithales integrifolia from Peru. This represents the first chromosome report for this genus. This chromosome report is discussed in relation to other genera in the Ranunculaceae.  相似文献   

云南乌头属牛扁亚属的核形态研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对云南乌头属牛扁亚属3种、1变种共9个居群的核形态进行了研究。其中弯短距乌头、粗花乌头和滇川乌头的染色体数目和核型为首次报道。所有种类的静止核和前期染色体形态基本相似,分别属于复杂中央染色微粒型和中国型;分裂中期染色体数目为2n=4x=32,染色体类型通常为sm或m,st染色体少见,染色体从大到小逐渐过渡,核型的二型性不明显。结合有关资料,重点指出了乌头属不但在亚属之间,而且在牛扁亚属内也存在着较  相似文献   

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