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The contraction reponse ot hydra to intermittent light stimulationmay be inhibited by exposing the animal to reduced glutathione(GSH). Such inhibitory acthity is dependent on: (1) the concentrationof GSH; (2) the pH of the medium; (3) previous exposure to GSH;and (4) the nutritional state of the animal. Hydra adapt tolO–5 M GSH so that after approximately an hour the frequenciesof lightinduced contractions are restored to control levels.Such adaptation to GSH is due to changes occurring within theanimal rather than to the degradation of the glutathione molecule.S-methyl glutathione blocks contractions in response to light,showing that the sulfhydryl group is not essential for inhibition.Analogs with sterically large groups substituted for the sulfhydrylgroup, such as oxidized glutathione and S-acetyl glutathione,have no inhibitory activity. These compounds, however, reducethe inhibitory effect of GSH, indicating competition for theGSH receptor. Contractions of hydra in response to intermittent mechanicalagitation are also inhibited by GSH. The duration of inhibitionis dependent on the GSH concentration. Both oxidized glutathioneand S-acetyl glutathione reduce the inhibitory effect of GSH. Hydra adapted to the dark for 24 hours show a marked suppressionof contractions in response to mechanical agitation when exposedto light. On exposure to light, such animals elongate to approximatelyone and a half times their dark adapted length, and are relativelyinsensitive to agitation. The mechanisms by which such stimuliinhibit the contraction responses of hydra remain to be determined.  相似文献   

高等植物防卫反应的信号传导   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
高等植物对病原微生物的防卫反应包括植物细胞对病原菌的识别,胞内信号的转换与传导,防卫反应的开启与SAR抗性的形成等。本文对高等植物防卫反应信号传导的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

The influence of light quality on positive phototopotaxis by the gliding, unicellular red alga Porphyridium purpureum was obtained using interference filters. Cells exposed to 3 × 10?7 mol · m2· s?1 of various wavelengths for 72 h showed maximum topotaxis at 420 and 440 nm. The lower threshold for positive, movement was approximately 5 × 10?8 mol · m?2· s?1. Random movement occurred at nonactinic wavelengths, and no movement occurred in the dark. Cell motility appeared to be unaffected by light polarity, suggesting that the photoreceptor(s) for topotaxis and photokinesis are randomly oriented.  相似文献   

Continuous measurement of degree of liking for chocolate milk varying in milkfat (0–36%) showed significant fluctuations over the 80 s test period. For 17 judges, samples with intermediate fat levels received maximum liking 20–30 s after placement in the mouth then declined to neutral (neither like nor dislike). The nonfat sample gave a flat, neutral response across time while the 36% fat sample was initially neutral, reached maximum dislike at approximately 20 s then gradually returned to neutral. For 5 judges, increasing degree of liking was expressed for increasing fat levels. For both groups, maximum and minimum time-intensity (T-I) measurements correlated significantly with results from conventional hedonic scaling on a 20-cm line. Degree of liking was unaffected by swallowing or expectorating samples by either T-I or scaling. Thus, similar to perceived intensity, hedonic responses are not static, but show systematic changes during tasting, i.e., from the time the sample is placed into the mouth, through expectoration (or swallowing) until a steady (usually neutral) state is reached.  相似文献   

蜻蜒腹神经束上存在着自运动检测神经元和目标运动检测神经元.我们采用了两种视觉刺激条件来测试自运动检测神经元的光谱反应.当采用控制强度和波长的闪光进行测试时、它们的光谱反应曲线与绿色光感受器的光谱灵敏度曲线极其相似,峰值位于500nm处.然而采用运动的条纹进行测试时,它们的峰值却位于560nm处.当用一种颜色的运动图案作为目标放置在另一种颜色背景的前方测试时,发现存在某个目标的照明强度值能使反应下降到自发放电的水平,这表明自运动检测器无法检测这二种颜色的差别,即它们是色盲的、它主要接受来自绿色光感受器的信号.目标运动检测神经元的光谱反应特性与自运动检测神经元的不同,目标运动检测神经元在以380nm至580nm的范围中有着平坦的光谱反应曲线,有时在紫外频段出现峰有(?)前景与背景颜色不同且固定背景光的颜色与强度而改变前景的光强时,神经元的反应不会下降到自发放电水平,当背景为绿色而目标为另一个颜色.特别是兰色时,神经元反应强烈,但当背景为兰色而目标为绿色时,它们的反应相对较弱.这些结果表明目标运动检测神经元是对颜色敏感的.  相似文献   

张义声  陈宜张 《生理学报》1993,45(4):330-337
用锋电位触发叠加(STA)技术对大鼠前庭内侧核(NVM)、下段脑干网状结构(RF)和前庭小脑进行了探查,观察了这些结构中对摆动旋转起反应的单位(PPU)与内脏大神经(SN)记录的交感反应之间的关系。发现用NVM的PPU进行STA,在SN可得一阳性反应,其潜伏期为33.28±3.1ms;用下段脑干RF的PPU进行STA,SN的峰反应潜伏期为11.3±0.91ms;用前庭小脑的PPU进行STA,SN的峰反应潜伏期为21.86±1.73ms。本结果提示前庭交感反应的最近的脊髓上中继站是下段脑干RF旁正中区核团,其下行冲动可能是由网状脊髓束中慢速传导的纤维传导的。根据三个脑区PPU引起的SN-STA潜伏期的不同,在前庭交感反应中前庭小脑所处的地位可能在NVM和下段脑干RF核团之间。  相似文献   

豆科树种回接根瘤菌的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
 作者对八种豆科树种的根瘤菌回接进行了研究,不回接根瘤菌的对照植株不结瘤或有少且小的根瘤,而接菌植株的根瘤数量多且个体大;接菌植株的株高、干重及总氮量分别比不接菌的对照植株高出0.7~3.2、1.3~15.8和11.3~14.8倍。根瘤固定的氮量占幼苗生长所需氮的一半以上,固定的氮绝大部分运输到植株其它部位,分配到地上部分的氮素多于根部。固氮量与幼苗生物量显著相关。固氮作用增加了植物对磷、钾元素的吸收和积累。速生树种南洋楹(Albizia falcata)和非速生树种格木(Erythrophloeum fordii)幼苗的结瘤、固氮及生长状况较好,表现出较高的结瘤固氮潜能。  相似文献   

植物的臭氧污染胁迫效应研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
近地面空气中的臭氧(O3)属于二次污染物,是由氮氧化物(NOx)和挥发性有机物(VOCs)等前体物在一定的环境条件下形成的。近年来,全球受O3污染的区域增加,污染程度也日趋严重。O3污染对植物的危害引起了国内外研究人员的广泛关注。众多研究发现,不同植物对O3的敏感性不同,其大小主要取决于植物自身的特性及环境因素;O3污染降低植物的净同化作用,减缓植物生长,改变同化物的分配,可对物种间的相互关系以及生态系统结构产生深远影响。该文在综述了国内外研究进展的基础上,提出我国在O3污染研究领域应深入研究以下几个方面:1)选育具有对O3污染抗性较强的植物尤其是作物品种;2)深入研究减轻O3污染对植物危害的栽培管理措施;3)加强研究O3污染对我国自然生态系统的影响;4)研究植被在治理O3污染中的积极作用。  相似文献   

植物个体对全球变化响应的敏感度分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
喻梅  郭建平 《Acta Botanica Sinica》1998,40(12):1143-1151
建立了基于生理学机制的植物个体生长发育系统动力学模型。建模中考虑了CO2增加有 引起的气候变化的综合作用对植物的重要生理过程,如光合、呼吸等,及生物量季节动态的影响。  相似文献   

1. The effect of extirpation of the optic ganglion on the ERG and on electrical oscillations recorded from the compound eye was determined. 2. Extirpation of the optic ganglion prevents the occurrence of oscillations, and it is concluded that they originate in the ganglion. 3. Extirpation of the optic ganglion changes the wave form of the ERG. The sharpness of the b-wave is decreased, the relative magnitude of the c-wave is increased, and the d-wave is obliterated. These changes can be explained by assuming that the ERG is the algebraic sum of two potential changes, one in the compound eye, and another, of opposite sign in the ganglion. This assumption is supported by data from a number of experiments in which the electrode positions were varied. 4. The explanation of the present data (which indicates two sites of origin of the ERG) is similar to the three-component theory which accounts for the complex wave form of the vertebrate ERG.  相似文献   

啤酒酵母对高浓麦汁的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了啤科高浓酿造中酵母对麦汁浓度、糖的种类、金属离子、应力、氧等因素的响应。  相似文献   

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